THE HERALD Wednesday May IB 1B7B I Limehouse disturbed by vandals Congratulations to the students who took part in the North Music Festival held in the MZ Bennett School Acton on May their Instructors primary and Junior choirs each won second place and the triple duet though not a winner got BO marks All songs were con ducted by Mrs Ben I on Congratulations also to Miss Stephanie Lister who graduated In Recreation Mohawk College on Saturday She Is working at he In Cambridge Mr and Mrs A Snlppe have returned from a holiday in H and where they attended the fifty fifth wedding an of his parents at Gelecn The I met In Limehouse Memorial Hall on Thursday evening Ten members and rone visitors were present Roll call was answered by giving a tribute to a good neighbour most responding with kindly deeds and President Mrs Booth opened the meeting by rending Lilacs for spring and the Collect and I d like to teach the world to sing The the property due for renewal deemed inadequate and It was unanimously decided to double it Everyone is perturbed by the vandalism in our neigh since a number of windows at the hall have been broken at different times as well as damage and theft at the Scout Hut heavy damage at the school and the latest in where someone took a large number of blooming tulips roots and all which had been donated by the Canadian Legion from Presbyterian Reports were heard from District Director Mrs Frank Brown on the spring meeting from Mrs T N Anderson the quilt raffle and the lornoon tea from Mrs Han nah for the crafts sale held by the mothers of youth and the success of local choirs at the recent festival where trophy was presented on behalf of Limehouse I Homes were offered for the winter meetings for the coming year Mrs Booth explained the motto Other lands have sunlight and clover and skies are sometimes blue as mine corresponding with our In meeting Mrs Beeney a World War bride from France told of interesting customs there Mrs A a Canadian citizen born in Holland displayed Dutch skates wooden shoes dolls china etc Mrs Loveless bom of missionary parents in India wore a tunic pants banded at the ankle and a scarf partly covering her face to represent a native of an Indian province She dressed Mrs in a beautiful silk sari representing a Hindu woman She explained how different garments or their colours distinguished districts or financial status All were thanked by the president At the close of the meeting Mrs Anderson social con served cheese and cucumber hot curried balls relishes Black Forest cake and tea It was lenghy but In meeting Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Randy Banish on the arrival of their second child a son on May We extend sympathy to Mrs Noble and family In the passing of Mr Noble on May Congratulations to Miss Heather Lindsay who is representing Acton High School In Ottawa this week Several from the Limehouse Presbyterian congregation attended a service at Knox Acton on Sunday when Miss Donna was or a Presbyterian minister Limehouse postponed their May meeting one week in respect for Mr Noble Best wishes to Mr and Mrs Garry Deforest Wilson who married in the Church on Three Cubs have earned badges Greg Reader Rod Deforest and Mark llsie Tawny Star Lost weekend was a busy one for the Cubs and Scouts One Scout Doug Hannah and his dad took part the annual North District Explorer Hike which covered miles of the Bruce Trail from the baseball diamond to the Forks of the Credit The first night they camped in Cam nclair field and the second night about two miles north of the Terra Cotta Conservation Area There was a bit of rain Sunday morning This year the hike stressed lightweight no trace cam ping The ra ns on Thursday made some of the trail a bit rough especially between the Eighth and Ninth Lines where nobody got through without mud up to at least the ankles The Cubs had their hike Saturday on the Bruce Trail as well as starting on the Terra road and walking back towards Sixteen boys two leaders and five took part The trail got difficult at the Tenth Line and here the stories differ The pack claims that got lost but claims the John and his dad took a different route and by using her map Joined up with the about an hour later It helped having the Scouts on the trail too because the Cubs were warned abut the mud on the next section so hiked around it They finally ailed it quits between the Seventh Eighth Lines and hiked up to the Walton place for lea They had hiked a good six miles In the five hours they were out by Mrs Hannah Graduate of ANTHONY ZAMOJC Mr and Mrs A Zamojt McGllvary Crescent Georgetown graduated May as a Doctor of Pod la trie Medicine from the Ohio College of Podiatry In Cleveland Ohio Anthony will be interning at Vancouver General Hospital Podiatry deals with speclollied care of the feet and specially the treatment of foot disorders NOTICE On June 3 the Town is providing a special pick up to the urban areas This special pick up is to remove articles not normally picked up during regular collections We would request residents to have the articles placed at the roadside by 7 30 a m Wednesday June 3 Thank You HALTON HILLS WORKS DEPI Shovel A sturdy easy to use shovel Has long handle ftQ Beaver a DO Reg Spading Fork Lawn Rake D Handle Spade Wheelbarrow Utility Poly Pipe 10 long steel t ru Sturdily bull CCA Beaver Re 7 ritxiut T 9 I indie kQA Beaver Rubt rts ml dots llie Ob Beavers I cu cipicity sled 12 I AC Beaver Reg cu ft 49 Coil 99 75 7 11 99 13 99 STORE HOURS Wed 6pm Sat 9am 6pm 316 Street E Georgetown Tues 9am 6pm Thurs Fn a m