Big Brothers on a twoway street lit lit BALD April group young thinking men at least that Is one of the things the held in common met last week try to put ficah and bone to on being called a Big Brother They were meeting the rustic elegance or a room at Terr Inn Some had come from one from Guelph and a number from Nerval Acton and Georgetown few were Big Brothers alreadv and the rest potential Big Brothers had to come to find out more about the Big Brother agency which vears old in Canada was actually founded 1KH in New York Chairman of the meeting was Mike Big Brother in Georgetown In an informal and relaxed manner much like the relationship between two friendly close boys of one family he outlined how simple honest pleasure could be achieved between boy OtolGyeirsold Brother from labourer to company president from to years old All It lakes he said is a committment of three hours i week of a man time Tint how long the men who make up the Big Brother association in Canada where growth has risen in the past seven years to 115 from branches nets a chance to be a Big Brother each week with a lad who is the only lie in the household big brother does not have lo be perfect or said Keith Wl elects by Mrs Tom The Relations and annual meeting of the Ashgrove Women Institute was held on the afternoon of Tuesday April in the home of Mrs Picket President Mrs John McNabb presided the meeting which was well attended wis answered with payment of fees and the ladies present answered the question If you were i shut in how would you like to be remem An Invitation was received from Hal ton Manor bake for their sale on May Achievement Day for the was announced for May Mrs John Bird gave a report of the Anniversary Golden Ball held in March and Mrs Hunter gave a report on the district director meeting Mrs Clayton Wilson was voted to be the model from our Institute for the annual to be held In Camp on May and other delegates from f appointed to attend A donation of is to be sent to the Children Aid for camping purposes Mrs Francis Thompson who wis In charge of the program had everyone stand up and Join in a sing The speaker Mrs Sandy McKenzie supervisor with the service in Georgetown Milton and Ac ton described the type of the 13 members of her provide for the elderly and those who are unable to care for themselves A humourous dialogue based on questions and an a doctor offices wis presented by Mrs John and Mrs Bellboddy Mrs Bob Alexander gave lovely In Memonum for Mrs George Nurse and Mrs Hepburn two life members who passed away The minutes of the annual meeting last year the secretory report and the reports from the standing committees were read by Mrs John Bird This showed an encouraging and successful year The president then vacaied the chair ond asked Mrs John Bird to install the new officers for 1976 They are president Mrs John Hunter first vice president Mrs it agency in where thin are matches He was n the meeting to help questions and share the ex of that In Georgetown where the Big Brothers arc sponsorid the Optimists Club then ire said Mr Each is autonomous but must follow certain guidelines The guidelines of tin Big Brother Agcney focuses on the other half of the relationship the Little Brother in his best interests The strives for i very natural evolution of friendship between the man and the boy the Big Brother ind the 1 Brother Joy comes to the Big Brother said Mr ind who provided i brief slide of group of Big and Brothers in sense of pride accomplishment the two aro After making an ap plication includes three inform 1 references some talks with Big Brothers i man is imkhed with hoi The new Big Br thir meets toy tin in mi it i ind iftir Tinted period dticlnp their relationship period who it seven tot a Big Brother TIil Big Brother recently died the boy learned to cope with sense of loss for son or he did nol with lis deported or any other in the The is almost equnlly divided up without children and with children Mr ltie need in the Hill inn rs or just tin house htrc why they are or want lo whatever things an ideal Big Brothers their a older brother does with The nam difference between Hie Big Brother Ageney and other org millions the sound very formal as they put into a few words the essence of a rehtlonship Brian Carlo a prospective Big Brother 10 years old It gives you a ehancetodo something you did six years ago can get kid Mr who Is one of five eluldren and himself has an older brother said he was the agency after he was involved with a boy in Toronto Just a kid who t get enough attention Jack Greenwood also prospective Big Brother said what appeals to me it I remember the time I helping else He goes on to say how much self in honest pleasure he got from the work he did Bobby Hull and Frank are involved in Big Brothers in Canada Peter who became a Big Brother this year He said that a World Hockey Absocotion game this yeir was aid of the Big Brother Agency He added You live in a eommunlty you do something lor the they need all the kinds of things they can get Klaus Vandemeer a Georgetown bachelor has Ken a Big Brother for a Huh more than a year he said like to know if I could help somebody to help the boy He s got somebody to look lo Its a lot of Baker a resident of Georgetown for years he had been a Big Brother for about a year and a half get satisfaction There truly is a lot of self satisfaction to be gained from respect received from someone other than a relative Mike announced that a Big Brother Camping Jamboree was to be held the May week at Rock wood Conservation where to Big Utile Brothers were expected He said any men who are interested in the agency should telephone Ray Martin at his home phone number ffT7837i or off Ice number ques ef the per of Ihe populnl to Big Brothers he was iwnre sptcificnllj of IB Single men mnv be i bit in Mr I it do is much for lb Big as the Little lliotler Hut it plus liuiirg your own son ho said In eises vberi the Bit Brothers son wns burn during a the Lillle Blather tinned the loving at nation baby is that ihlell he in from his Big Hit of the Big encouriged Mr Being a Big Brother is not selfish thing Its need for com Low priced fencing a Beaver specialty