Baron found insane as trial ends After minutes an Ontario Supreme Court jury Inst Wednesday found Moral not guilty by of insanity in the Oct shooting of his wife two other persons In his remarks to the jury Justice linens thit the temporary ins verdict is open to them in Hughes informed the tut is a result of 1 iron would be held until the pleasure of govt people eh Tuesday DISC 111 It Mr In i pointed Jim Mr old the jury prior to it dial hew is mi to prove ti behalf of the 1 ron had eon to his Wife 111- Progressive Conservative held their annual meeting list Friday night in Milton Highlight of the melting as the election of the in s new executive includes front row from lift Milton director second tin president Fran Barnes reelected president Irene dm n Georgetown director Lric Mel first and i lor Ihllon liurlington Missing from is i represent itlvc Km Murray to is that iron is insane at the lime and should hi found nut guilty by re ison of inbtinity hi said His actions can only be ex pinned as a disease of lie mind Then ion be no doubt it Ik did the shooting Mr 11 iron testimony loncerning the occurences in iron kitchen While hud chimed having been struck our head by thrown by Mr he slid Mr M had reported throwing the chair from a lying posilion on the floor and recalled hitting on Ihe He is so obsessed with his own safety that he keeps a loaded gun with him Mr Treleaven said He had guns ill over the place and shotgun shells under a table Mr Silvers statements to the jury wire in igreemcnt with those of Mr Annual PC meeting told Election this year was a sure thing It ralhcr obvious at low with the mini points of meeting of the evening tin election of the Burlington Progressive new si of officers md alive Association dance tint followed Friday night in hat his Jim Snow former Hilton MPP ind now reprcsenfitive of the riding the The mood of the wis it Hit met ting Hi Town treasurer off to San Francisco Town Ireiiurer King felt lint the liasrecuted il to 1Mlll lrns attend of the helping si iff nit ruber Association of much with itw infrrmiii Officers to beheld in funnies early in Sin ii Funds for the trip ire included which led psychiatrist Mr Cooper and psychologist Junes Long diagnose his condition Tuesday as a personally subject to with Ins il inn be in intent this found lo find tins rnl question dicidc ii the linding not or or With nil Ihe ml open lo you in guilty The at though we re to Gnv PC mother election in the it Hiked like a sun thing Hi w them however kit should be rndy in of eorgetown wns elected president of Ihe Gtorgt PI riding IT Mel Phelps horl spcteh silted that the vice president Gill of second tut president hi issue of govern M the kid Mr Treliaten said No one could pic im- him Tied His wife held umber of jobs workid on i firm but he v is thi classic kg of insanity He jury lo ditirmlnc whether Mr noted lhat iron laughed in places during hid sumed indilfirent il irters following altered stiti of con sciousncvs at the time of shooting resulted from Minnie blows to the hid illcgidlv received sum day or of mild re fore a the plan for Silver Creek proposed Councillor oh I jetted to iting I don thai he could s going to cost this to send him to Sin Hi s j Lit going lo helluva paid for ere s Highway7 when rugged tit ion form nil inhabits rimbling through open iknng the perleet Hon Irish tin eroding monsters the luni into whin iiuri mil thi Iwith lontmut ise rn bung Willi in lies to lh densely forested an is ind if such i project would lute on wildlife is the lint Ihe only Place your bets fellow ember if tow service club Night held la the treated to a ineludtng lh Ton Nolan of the glils of bus left was vr on at he Jack kept careful the the bottom the 1 Hod In a Stole f lumbna the ti Hint Stone District rui J nu ibus and Karl Levys last stand to no avail new policy sticks ill r Km nth jri liantim Hockey the and iting irninls other established spi ei events held it tin town having to rily 5 from tin fits Hie to Church il Hyde joined general id ting that ST JOHNS UNITED CHURCH GEORGETOWN AND GLEN WILLIAMS Minuter Rev A Mr DM Wood Mis Shirley Ingls Glen W Mums JON Ann George tow Sunday School or all ago at Doth of Clergy Comments Overcharged hearts Region briefs- w is responsibility in department or tin coming 12 should also he dielr ihtv to cover the I -4- HILLS PENTECOSTAL 1 ASSEMBLY 1 NO Hon y Pi tor J en 10 AM imply Lutheran Church Windsor it Circle St AM Rev Harold R m School Worship Service Service Praise 1 study Church the Lulhornn Hour GEORGETOWN CHURCH Main St S ST GEORGES CHURCH Anglican R A T D Palter Ralph Mi2 a m Sunday School Morning Worship Worihlp Holy Everyone Welcome 9 15 11 Conio moke our church your church mil ilton Hills In our multitudes in in the grip of ind lj A prommet neurologist has one form or mother fronting the physician Many have passed through some form of terror privation suffering and loss The seems uncertain threatening lirui from long hours work wrought also tindlomiki Kopli in cas for worries ivi us i sped warning for lln I itter d which Hi likened to the days of take lucd jiursclvcs lest it my tmii your he irts be overcharged with surfciliiig drunkenm ss md of life Bigger and better supports on policy Pioneer Days 76 111 f my spoken ind returned tin i ikuitolhcf high llttu first ice in our and minds will put up with gnnl many things in the human heart but dure is one llung Hi will put with in it second PI ins for making This thin will i I iriniu which this will he for Mil our IiIcmsioii lis ins id indownlowti sit Mr ruins said Georgetown are whuh the die it d low Charlie rimes hid for linohid tin ihiirmin of the this ir would hi tin ap rimes slid to m mi It peir of tdit ncc Plus a lomtmlt re illy lovetomiki firm sped in lln SI real old fishionul ilk slrisels Mr rimes sud in rums s interview shortly iflir the ill llu I locn works committee had pinns Hint in the nil St lo lie closed to did year hive Hi Slid In traffic from J SI to Hit downtown SI for the three day including the event tiorgilown In liokid Iini vears of irding of farml d mil Planning Ihe will be requesting tin ommisMon to notify farmers within feel farm ownirs within feet of the new use or the Industrial Commission planned Let there be light get owners Itiiant No rest for the Ilg ill for vc live in the ige of Ihe tern il It is inn to mi a with eulin composure these days I it lie us out very iniphatically thai restli spirit of is going no place fast Whin we so busy that hurt just loo busy J Phillips modem I Ir Hit rtstnmtnt relates Human 12 in this Don let Ihe world around you squeeze you Into s mold hut lit God remold your minds from so i y prove in practice Ilia the plan of God for good meets ill his demands and moves towards the goal iturilj I it me remind you who hi arts arc in tins world of words of High I mills m he irt were who in Gull md tin lorgilown he t ik lurk stmt icilloi rn in wis i light willun he it ml holidays inllnrs for Ihe breaking schedule of lint only two meetings of regional council be hi Id during July and August as regional ehnirmnn Allan had earlier suggested lasl Wednesday that idea voted down lulling night hive to lie in its to do Lions Lottery Halton budget nearly done final igi Optimists Bicycle Safety Clinic lln ill If we as and life tin mosl id with Jimcs Christ living In lo ml im J I Hill lieinK it tlostr last milling rtgiimn of the Hilton tin Manor in tit ill giv si I ip remained the inor was Increased WW to conservation budget despite severe criticism two weeks ago by liurlington Mayor George was also passed untouched as a result of a report from the region clerk administrator the region could only appeal portion of budget but not Hems In eluded in It