Its pieintheface time at the fair Nothing bold you back from Georgetown a annual all fair to be held thl weekend The fair will bo fun for all with games ride exhibit of all aorta and of course plenty of food The fall fair to be bigger and better than ever before with everything from Old McDonald a Farm to display from the Ballon Hills Library right through to a Little Theatre sponsored piethrowing con teat with the plea aimed at Julian Reed Vince Mountf once again serve as master of ceremonies for the official opening of the fair Mrs George Ironside present treasurer of the Georgetown Agrtcfltural Society and as a way of marking In Women a Year will officially open the As In former years the fair will conduct various animal shows and competitions These Include heavy horses light horses hunters and Jumpers quarter horses cattle dairy cattle and sheep A contest of special Interest to all boys and girls will be held at approximately clock In front of the grandstand following the opening ceremonies The contest is for the best decorated bicycle for Juniors up to eight years old best decorated bicycle in termedlates nine years old to eleven years old and a best decorated doll buggy and a best decorated tricycle The armoury will house the various roots vegetables grain fruit and flower exhibits and displays Also in the hall will be displays by the various Women Institutes town and country exhibits domestic science exhibits ladles work which Include everything from and crafts to quilts to aprons to pyjamas There will also be tides under the school list which will include handpain ted pictures and baking etc A large commercial tent will be up on the fair grounds This tent will Include such exhibitors from North Sports Nell s Music Centre Tack and Toga Hubby Craft Bob Marchand H and Contact Centre Retarded Children Camp Gordon Service Centre Snowmobile Club plus much more In the community service tent there will be displays by the Halton Hills Public Libraries Credit Valley Artisans the Georgetown YWCA and other exhibitors The Artisans will be displaying various crafta made plus a demonstration on pottery and The hopes to be conducting a physical fitness testing and the library will be presenting a number of short films and puppet shows probably which will be staged every half hour The Georgetown Little Theatre will be setting up a booth with such goodies as a fortune teller and as mentioned before a pie throwing contest with Julian Reed as target from 12 Clock noon until A special attraction to any event are the food booths This year the Ladles Ball Club Kinsmen Club Eastern Star Air Cadets Elks Lodge St Paul Church and the University Women club will each be selling their finest homebaking and other foods Happyland Shows will no doubt be tbe highlight of the fair at least to the younger generation Numerous games of chance and rides will entice all ages to spend some time at that particular location of the fair The exhibits in the two tents will be open all day Saturday with the exhibits in the armoury being open to the public on Friday night The midway will also be open on Friday night and Saturday with the remaining displays and competitions held on Saturday A first for Georgetown Fall Fair is the free bus service which will be available on Saturday A bus will leave the starting at at 11 clock and will leave the plaza every hour The bus will make a stop downtown probably at the large downtown parking lot and will then proceed to the fairgrounds A bus will leave fairgrounds to bead back to the plaza at one half hour Intervals Well this Just about sums up the fair for this year However not all has been In cluded Perhaps tbia will encourage even the moststubborntogetout have a good time at the fairgrounds and have a good old time at one of Georgetown oldest best of a See you at the fair Your Morning Smile THE HERALD WEDNESDAY OCTOBER I Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Teacher Don give me a sentence with a direct Don Miss Jones yea re beautiful Teacher Don what the object Don A good report card Highway moped death Sixteen yearold David James Moore of was killed instantly when struck by a car on Highway seven late Thursday night The fatal accident when the moped he was operating In the lane while heading west collided with the car of a yearold Hornby resident travelling east Regional Police secured the scene until O from Milton arrived The youth was pronounced dead on arrival at Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital following transfer from scene by the Georgetown Volunteer Ambulance No charges have been laid following accident that did an estimated damage to tbe car and to the moped Fog at the scene was also attributed to the collision Motor hotel on again controversial on again off again motor hotel project planned for tbe eastern limlta of the old town of Georgetown may finally take shape within the next year The Initial plan for the motor Inn would provide a much needed unit motor Inn Indoor and outdoor restaurants swimming pool and cocktail bar was fully approved eight years ago with aa owner and developer of tbe land Mr appeared before the planning committee to make changes In the agreement that would permit to sell the land for use as a motor bote and apartment site Contention In the issue was not caused by the proposed motor inn which many agree la needed In the area but the apartment com slated for the rear of the Tracy farm bordering at Guclph Street The agreement only permits the project if the motor hotel is built first to guarantee its completion Mr noted area developer plana to sell land to a Toronto based group who plan to build a similar inn as origin My proposed Mr If they do not build the project within one year from the date of purchase the land will be returned to Mr Pilutti at which time he will take the option and build the hotel complex himself The agreement which will be outlined council will permit any previous conditions to be accepted as condition of sale by the developer and will always to land regardless of the owner whether It be new company or Mr New treasurer Following recent resignation of treasurer Harry Henderson Raymond King regional accountant of Peel has ac position for the Town of Mr King a 33 yearold Caledon East resident will begin his duties next week The announcement regarding the decision to hire Mr King was not accepted without disfavour by Councillor Rick Morrow Used his own shirt Prisoner dead A 23yearold Milton resident apparently took his own life while In police custody following an arrest by Halton Regional Police and detention In the District One Georgetown holding cell Friday morning At the morning of the during a routine check by station personnel Ronald Roger was found banging by In tbe cell Milton man had been arrested and I faced charges of threatening his wife possession of a restricted weapon and being intoxicated which resulted in him being held In Georgetown for tbe night According to investigating officer Tom Nicholson tbe man was handled In a routine manner with shoe laces belt end other personal effects being removed and held by police before Incarceration in the small temporary holding cell in the rear of the headquarters building on Mill Street Lariviore was pronounced dead on arrival at Georgetown and District Hospital shortly after being discovered hanging in the cell with his shirt tied around the outside bars of tba cell and around his neck An inquest Into the death has been set for October at which time a verdict on the death will be set and perhaps further recommendations regarding the processing of prisoners may bo made According to Councillor Morrow there were many other applicants with higher that the candidate accepted by finance and personnel committee who conducted interviews and made recom mendatlons regarding position I am not prepared to support his stated Councillor Morrow One thing that caught our attention when we Interviewed Mr Henderson for the Jib was tbe fact be was a graduate At the present Mr King is not a certified general accountant There were too many qualified ap plicants not interviewed furthered Morrow A total of applicants showed Interest to tbe Job offered by the town Each applicant was carefully screened given an hour Interview and were asked 0 complete form to gain Insight tbau Individual municipal experience according to Councillor Harry Levy Degrees don matter a damn Its tbe man that counts stated Councillor Em Hyde With Councillors Howltt Levy Maltby Hyde along with Mayor Hill In favour of toe Councillor Morrow waa tbe only la tbe discussion Taking all and all he Is the best to us at that salary concluded Councillor Levy with no figure being mentioned WORK HAS BEGUN on the clock and when its completed the old clock installed in 1937 will be running A timely task of Chart Centre If completed as planned will have all four faces of clock running as they did up until they suddenly stopped a few years ago Owner of the building Morris has also taken an Interest in restoration of the familiar downtown land marks and along with Mr Crimes will aid In project The master clock which regulates the system and was hung In the lobby of what waa the post office that provided box customer pickup for the town Is now In storage Each clock has a separate movement which Is triggered by ibe master clock to move at one minute intervals and to trigger chimes and regulate lights that Illuminate the clock at According to local historians chimes were not added to the of the clock because the builder Sam Mackenzie who lived opposite the building did not want the sound to disturb him the first of the four movements of the delicate mechanism it was necessary to divide face along a natural free the hands that are attached to the drive system The clock built and Installed In 1935 is an IBM clock and was modified when the power system in Georgetown was changed from 25 low cycles per second The power data plate on both the clock and triggering device still bear the 23 cycles per second stamp IBM does not produce end service clocks but have given Mr Crimes the name of a representative that may be able to aid in the project to restore the clocks Leslie top Canadian plowman Area plowman Keith Leslie was the top Canadian finisher In Saturday s conclusion of tbe world plowing match held in Mr possible placing him eight In the event out Of the S3 entrants estimated at 160 were on hand of Norway with nis The to observe the plowing match making up the Netherlands and Denmark tied for second largest audience in plow match history place in the five day event during the International Canadian and world Mr Leslie who is weed inspector for the championships town of Hilts won at both the provincial and national levels before vying The world title went to for the world title A LITTLE BIT OF NOSTALGIA Tbe Bon dom Club sponsored a Graffiti dance last Saturday evening in hopes funds since their clubhouse destroyed by fire Dressed to create the specific mood for tbe evening are left to right Marc Dam pbousse Marilyn Armstrong Wayne Gusak and Donna and Ken