GOING UP District High School physical educe low tcacl John Todd and II ngham a a of ihe loh gh school staff for the past ytsrs McLa school ngton Flow Arranging Tips At Meeting of Institute The cultural anil ana a hot of pill- or dian mcctmj of mint i fill Women is held on Tuesday the Mrs Clajlon son ftilP ladies and two vis In the absence of pert who to come the first president Mrs lord lid and open Ihcceting in Hit usual ion department head Lynn is hoisted on the shoulder of a nite in s honour at North Halton country club May A member McLaren has been appointed vce principal of Rob iron Victoria Nurses Get 1000 County Grant Council has agreed lo rant to he Victorian Order of Nurses the curies base been operating in the northern part of ty On area that is not covered by the United Appeal and have suffered a net deficit of as a result or relying only on patient fees APPEAL FOR FUNDS The addition of another nurse and the purchase of a stall car for her to use In the nor thcrn part of the county also contributed the deficit An appeal for funds was finally presented to the tj social and family services committee I9lh and it wis Georgetown Deputy Art Speight who the firant Committee chairman Milton Ron Harris told council last Saturday he the could afford the 1000 grant Cast of caring for gent patients had dropped to allow for the he noted A of cents per pir Bon in the north part of the would the VON Georgetown Hunter as a point of Information He explained the idea of the ten cents per ton levy wis introduced at Gcortt town council meeting Monday night KING CITY PAVING Ltd Asphalt Paving Specialists DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS QUALITY WORK Fully Guaranteed FOR FREE ESTIMATE Georgetown a or Toronto 2484242 Mrs Huttons Perform in Recital Insulted Teachers Reject Wage Offer County separate school teachers and principal rejected the Catholic school boards latest wage offer The teachers said the reas for rejecting the offer were irregular increment patterns no Increase in fringe benefits treatment to teachers with special talent lions and specialized training BY PASSED It was felt the hoard In Hie teachers by lending them the boards final offer in personal letter bj passing the negotiation committee sen by the teachers to rcpres them The teachers passed a motion confidence in the ion committee The teachers say the dispute is not but over fringe and unfair to with talents qualifications and specialized training Wilson Mr i Mrs Hump on Mi Union Wilson Mis John Mc Mrs im and Mr Jjln Mi if tin puns of Mr John Hilton was lull in SI I frit Mil way Secrry Mrs Fred Nurse read li months minutes and called roll was a flotation from a poem trees or flouers Mrs reported for Mrs lb Cunniham a splendid report the distri annual held the le fore had prepared Mrs who be print was in of who call Davison for the No ones heart will ever planting seeds in garden Cunt events gucn by Mrs Ralph Mrs Wicksou speaker John son Hometown I who gave a very in tcrcslln demonstration on flower using lus and mums suit able for mantel and buffet Hard always be cut on a A sharp knife does the made a Ion ly table which must glads lilies of the valley and mums ind a pretty ear or mums white iters and a rib how of tul lilies and background of i greenery lovely The table gement wire ten to sick I members the was won by rfJohn Bird who had a A sale of plants by some members of with Mrs Ford as a witty auctioneer George Wilson gave the and after singing Cab a social hour followed The of the UCW was hi in the ship room Church on Wednesdcvcnlng May with the Mrs Ward with and prayer Mrs Joh plabb had the wor ship A verse of be longing ikt Tell mo Doc tor was by the It opened with two their Mrs Carpnnrt Mri John dell thstm looking nurse Mrs who cad with their and des But after liurinLm supplj work in told our biles go and should to to help ork ilio hip ml we must ill to be a ioad fmi Mi the ind John Mr j s th js b th folk Those who jatcd tin program irol David Barbara itt lorn Hen inn i i an I Unci I tin I Mrs he if It i lhjh In itnoUid Mrs her Iaushtir last iwnin lirjd DID YOU KNOW Jill ho i Mi flow Harold Johnson Was SS Employee I suddenly on at Memorial Hospitul in Brampton his both jeir Hi was the Imshanil of ins and father of 1itr and father in law of Thomas Mr Johns in was an of Smith ind Stone ltd for Johnston toiiduc led it thi Harold Home on Mi it 2 wire Gib on Wilfrid Rib W Danny and Mien loral liibulis from Tom and Ill and Shirley and I etrr iklibnui Mr in I Mrs I Si Mrs J mi fi and It Wilfrid and was presented Interment in Greenwood Ci meter Mrs Hut in the Iornb d hi s nun il in turn leiliif in ixtindel to i rin old Mi mi drs Ink of iho ire ielcbritin their June Hi Trafalgar club their weekly euchre party on Miy JO at thi North TrafilRir Com There were of in phy with llie prizes follow Mrs I 111 us Mrs son Mrs Mil Ihiif I in I Mutln ind Wilt fri It ilm the lucky w Mil win Mr ton Wilson greetings lid lo Mr and Mrs ir let who will celebrate anniversary on June Friends in this district GRADE PRIVATE STUDY CANDIDATES Any person wuhing to write a Grade 13 on as a private study candidate must inform principal of his locil high school of Ins mien by June The school will advise him of the time place and nature of the examination Should tho paper that ho wishes to write not bo written in his local high school he will bo advised such on examination is to bo held A fee of will be charged for each written The County Board of Education Even if something wears out you save money As wo oil know Volkswagens don much from year to year So parts op a VoUswogen therefore much either And wo dont a lot on now parts neither do you Also way wo fix VWs ends up saving you as well Because behind every Volkswagen dealership is a faclorytrainod VW mechanics Each one a of School Horrors wo makothorn VWi opart and put them together and toko thorn opart and put Item together until they almost do It with shut And aaain5lncoVolbwagons dont much our mechanics got plenty of and plonty good at servicing Which keeps labour charges down And If you dont need a brand now part theyll fix you up with a brand now old part Our exchange parts work just as well as now just dont cost as much J And lately wovo up what Iho ultimata moneysaying device Our now Diagnosis System With all its electronic ears It can see and hear things that a mochanic cant And actually spot It a Andyoudont fori that doesnt happen CV Motors