Provincial President is Womens Council Visitor Georgetown Local Council of Women were delighted to have as their guest speaker the pro vincial prcsidont Mrs G at the Hay meet log held at the Mrs F on the With the of God the Queen In honour of Victoria Day Mrs Sutherland opened the meeting and welco med visitors KEY WORD The business period included the Canadian of Consumers Report aires pollution as being the key word for the 70s presented by Mrs Dick Economics eon Mrs J Nieuwhot men Farm Safety Week in her report on safety Mrs Ann Gray gave the Red Cross rep ort regarding the next donor clinic June 8 and Mrs Jones read the annual report Mrs G B Armstrong was and introduced Mrs Sutherland FIRM STAND The president based her re marks on her report to the pro vincial convention in Hamilton Such topics as the recent study poverty the of the legalizing of marijuana abuse of drugs the appointment of Ombudsman at the level and the tragedy of the battered baby complex were a low of the matters which Mrs Armstrong brought to the attention of the She also mentioned council intends lo take a firm stand on the issue of Sunday observance Her knowledge of the work of council and in presentation greatly endeared her to the George town mem ben FLOWER PIN Mrs Sutherland thanked he and presented lith a Georgetown handcrafted leather flower pin CLINIC HERE MONDAY POINTS URGENT NEED FOR BLOOD DONORS Local Council of Women president Mrs Dora Sutherland left end immediate past dent Mrs Anne tchard chat with LCW pres dent Mrs B Armstrong during her vis t Two Already Teacher Now Aiming for Third Degree To most people one degree represents the ultimate challenge in But Richard Perrott at St years of age has begun working on his third one A graduate of Brock and former the University of British Columbia Mr li now looking forward to completing his masters in education from the Ontario Institute for Studiea in Education Attaining bachelor of degree at Brock didn come easily for the George town elementary school For three successive he travelled about miles weekly in order to obtain his DA Mr mida the mile trip to St Cith two evenings a week I wanted to do it be cause it represented a lenge he calmly explain Mr Perrott began his at Brock four years ago while teaching there at St Peters School A year later he accepted the post of principal at Holy Cross School In George town but continued his ucation at Brock supple menting it with few sub jects from University His BA degree includes a major in geography He at so holds a bachelor of cation degree which he ob tained from UBC in began In at the London How ever he was unable to com plete his initial challenge due to a alight year In tcrruptlon in the British Armed Forces In yean of teaching the Georgetown principal has served in various schools from the Canadian prairies to an unseeded Indian res ervation Wikwemikong in Northern Ontario He des cribes the Indians as being a delightful people even though they are much ma Besides having already accepted two challenges Mr Perrott and his wife Marguerite have also raised three bright children between 14 and 24 years of age which in Itself is quite a challenge blood donors really needed as urgently as the claim We often hear that question these days especially hen there a a blood drive own neighbourhoods The nsuer to it is an emphatic YES Lets find out why First of all a donor can give only one unit three months for medical reasons A t consists of ab out one pint On the other hand most patients needing transfusions receive more than one unit In an exceptional as many as units of blood light be administered One Ontario hospital reports the average operation in which trail fused requires units Another thing is that for sin pie reasons of age no one or over may blood And many of those the rltht age are prevented from doing so by one health problem or another The point here is it whereas is in a posit blood by no me can it LIMITED TIME A third factor is that whole blood can be kept a lied time after collection the end of three weeks the red cells become too use and the plasma has 1 separated from the blood After this the plasma is do mi into some of which can be stored away safel for months Tie fractions hi special in the and treatment of dh hail wc Unfortunately it Is the Red Cells not the plasma fractions which arc of vital importance in the one field In which blood transfusions are most common used As a result donors are in heavy de mand all ycir round Nevertheless blood dots have many therapeutic uses be sides the treatment of and advances in the world of science are increasing this number every year Here is jet another reason for the never ending demand for don The Canadian Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service one of the most progressive in the world and is employing some of the latest techniques to separate valuable blood com MEDICAL USES Lets have a closer look at some of the uses these components PlaHUra for example arc minute cells Today Ihoy can be isolated and used as an treatment for leukemia Ant Hemophilic a blood product that can now bo separated by a new lech It of vital importance in the treatment of hacmophl a heredity disease which causes uncontrollable bleeding Immune Globulin Is inject for the prevention of disease of the newborn Gamma Globulin is a plasma fraction used as a protectio against measles and Jaundice Mrs Shelbourne Dies at Halton Manor We exknd to daughter aid rel itives if Mr paw a lay Saturday following a long illness The Scouts and Cubs 1 held a sale and afternoon tea on Saturday realizing over hope for a complete re for Mr Bob Lindsaj ho is receiving treatment Ion nj a recent on in Brampton 1 Young held a meeting on Sunday people wishing to join the church for their first com on June 14 A number of us lost a dear old trend who lived here for a number of years when Mrs passed away at Centennial Manor last week in her ninetyseventh year Mrs A Benton BOX PLANTS CANNAS GERANIUMS H Koeslag 592 Mam Street Glan Williams Celif are very THE GEORGETOWN HERALD in the treatment of THURSDAY JUNE 1970 ire anaemia PAGE Serum Albumin is Invaluab le in the treatment of shock resulting from extensive burn And so the list goes on The thing is that all these different uses have blood more valuable than ever before It means also that one unit can be put to several uses So be a blood donor on day June Used Refrigerators from 4995 Ideal for WIGO TV 32 Main Strtt North You Can Plant All Summer THERE S LOTS OF TIME EVERGREENS TREES SHRUBS ROSES VINES ETC All Potted or Balled in Burlap Growing in an Earth Ball Ready to transfer to jour Garden MANY SPECIALS Annual and NURSERY THE HOME OF THE GUI THUMB MlMistauga Road mile north of Phone DRAPER DOBIE CO Ltd MEMBERS THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE STOCK AND BOND BROKERS Your Branch Queen Square Building Brampton Brampton or and Toronto Fast accurate flotations and service on any exchange Visit our modern office if can However you can open an account by telephone SUCCESSFUL INVESTORS AND TRADERS KNOW DRAPER David E titty CLFM new Pt of the trice Church for the Allot tn of lot Mr Church of Honor nee 1961 Truittei under ihe it of pom bio for nx of mil Founder of Science A Science church in including Pint Re Irt and ChnitUn Some for Armed Service Invitations Com Alio In Th Franch Lantjuto Newfoundland Native Was Longtime Dosco Employee A Newfoundland native and Georgetown resident since William J Stone died in Georgetown hospital on May ID Born in Bell Island he was son of William P and Frances ic He iployed for fifty years with iDoico Mines there and after coming to Georgetown was on the stiff Hie inion Seed House He was a member of Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church and the Knights of Columbus He leaves his wife Steele nine children John Harry Bill trie Dan and Margaret of Georgetown Mrs Theresa irifan St John Newfoundland and Jim Labrador City Labrador grandchildren a sister Mrs Elizabeth Gait and brothers George in California Eric of Gait John New York and Fred Montreal Requiem mass was conduct ed by Father Gerald Craig in Holy Cross Church on May His sons Harry Bill Angus Jim Eric and Dan were pall bearers Mrs Elinor Clarke was organist and Mrs Ann Burke soloist Interment Greenwood Cemetery A HOT PRICE FOR A COOL BUY IS ft Deluxe FREEZER Stores of food Adjustable temperature control coated and no- light lid price No hotpots with Safety Signal light Loch and Key SOLVE HARD WATER PROBLEMS WATER SOFTENERS MO VAL HO at 224E RCQVAL114M Sale price BEAVER Smooth running load wheels Reg 1495 High tensile aluminum hooks Spec bar SALE PRICE quality steel links Specially constructed lo lasting strength com IIVIJI mended load 1000 lbs Failure level Jo lbs rope diameter Rope length Lifting distance HOIST WEDDING DREAMS COME TRUE AT 3 GALLON UTILITY COOLER Keens tee up to times longer Light weight and durable Reg Sale Price ca Similar lOOff Model Recommended load 500 lbs failure level lb 1U rope Rope length Ree Sale price REYNOLDS ALDMIKUM EXTENSION UDDER iMtwIMMkxfctnpr STAINLESS STEEL ELECTRIC KETTLE Much Below Normal Price ALUMINUM LAWN CHAIR Ideal for the home or cottage Tough sturdy and comfortable Well con toured with smooth plastic arms 4 sturdy wobbs across and six from top to bottom Made from famous Roy quality aluminum with ticc green webbing chair Also rot and mildew resistant Easy to fold and store This chair is outstanding val at this low price VALUE SALE PRICE Item No NEW COOP SPOT WEED KILLER Ready to a Pull ROSE DUST COMBINATION INSECTICIDE FUNGICIDE Contrail rwcti and tilwaiei In Rota Mid May ad at spray or Mod GEORGETOWN 8772271 MILTON 8782391