COMING EVENTS The Ann truck Mill lie in lcwMln over tor sen Iw Cill if Vacuum cleaners carpet sweepers floor polisher and ripilrs or most makes Held Hockey dub now forminj Ladies phone men pi Wedding flowers our spec ialty let us help you make the blR day perfect Webb Green houses Sown line south of Drill to inform his patients will be ij from June until June Incluslv I in Sacred Heart Hull St div June 13 Booths of kinds fun for the whole Hike bile Git lice June i Sponsored by Industries Work Shop Bug Hooking Guild annual rug show Presbyterian Church June 1 to p Admission Refresh present itiou for Mr and Mrs White Community Lei Sjturday June pin wilcomc Please aeccpt this as your invitation please supplv lunch OPEN HOUSE Mountain St Tile of the School 7th Line one mile north of Homo store unite In the and lei June from to tin I tour to Jut St Anne and tap tine inform it on 4 1st clim Cubs Scouts Venturers Chicken at Park day June 1070 to children adults SI 50 lake out orders available Bike Sale Holy 1 me 14 roceeds Hospital ctfiivn Drum ind cites welcome Womens Church Sunday May at am Conic hear Worn hi loin and fellowship Wednesday Jon 17 Thursday Port June IB from to Children welcome Registrations accepted FARM Sum Horses Boarded Line mi lei wait of Georgetown 8773598 18 FARMS Riding Instruction Englnh Western INSTRUCTORS I- Lin Southwestern On now Check Port Elfcins various of Write tort Association Box Port CI ml que da Sang Lund Id 1 to 45 a I auditorium Itglln Holy Crosi Avenue Mi StCW Bonnie arc happy lo announce tin arrival of their third son Derek Richard lbs born May at Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital titer for Craig Special thanks to and the OBS staff CLIPSHAM Bob and Linda arc pleased lo announce birth or their daughter Jane May 1070 at Georgetown District Mem hospital An 8 lb sister for Jan j Bruce would like announce the birth of his baby broth Alexander on Sun May 17 in getown District Memorial Hospital Proud parents arc Francis and Virginia Special to and the nurses of the maternity ward I DEATHS Urge DONALDSON In loving of my dear wife Donaldson who passed away June 1967 The depths of sorrow I cannot tell Of the loss of one I loved a well And while she sleeps a sleep cr memory I shall always keep Lovingly remembered husband Percy DONALDSON In loving mory of a dear mother and grandmother aids on who passed away June 1967 We still with love sincere Beautiful memories of one so Halton Farmers To Refuse School Taxes tanners In are urged lo support a province wide strike Deiuil Lawrence head of the branch of the On lario rat on f ture d ll is week that is tie tax rikc are no parent Taltphonoi End cheque donation Mm Walsh Frederick Suddenly on Saturday at Georgetown and Dislict Memorial Ernest An thony of Durham beloved hand or Ethel dear fa llier of Eleanor Mire Cunningham of dar Paul and Julie Ann brother I Anthony Margaret Ken Win red ln a i lis J Vox fclnM Irid and ranrf Billy and Joi- service too on at rm l I old are Fun ml S In in Green cry GALLOWAY In loving mem of a dear husband and father Reginald John way Sr who passed away June 1960 Oh how patient in thy suffering When no hand could thee the helper of the helpless Saw thy pain and give thee peace Fondly remembered ant sadly missed by wife Joseph ine and children Iris Ret Jr Sherry daughtcrinlaw Gay son in law and grandchildren Laura Lenny and Kevin HANCOCK In memory of my dad Ambrose Hancock who passed away June 4 aLso my Florence who passed away Quietly remembered through years it St Johns Church Si Tuesday it tactfully offers help lo any ho needs learn how to all the many Inch ilcoholi late tf 67 TEDS DRIVING SCHOOL Si Georgetown Day or Even DOT Licensed Instructors Fully Insured Dual Controls periled by Tad Scott DIAL It USED TV SETS rttondltlonad atarting it TV APPLIANCES 33 Mam SI Walter Neil son On Tuesday June at Georgetown Dis trict Memorial Hospital in his year Beloved husband Sajcrs and dear brother of Thomas Ethel and Pearl Mrs i Brown and the late Oliver service will be held For Thursday afternoon Interment in cemetery Daughter May and family A Dinner will he held on June A iiif Com munity Hall On Sal May Toronto General Ho Paul 11 St Georgetown wife of fie hie Paul dear mother of Marj of and Be j William Kl of by grandchildren and one great grandchild dear siscr of Mr Heller of St funeral service took on Monday at tie Harold Me u and progrim be perused unci Lid a id follow in the door prices warded SI ticket from r of Halt Pride 1 ril res irv tions by or In loving mem of dear husband and father Wilfred I Webster who passed awaj June 3 1907 He walks with us down quiet paths And speaks in wind and rain magic power of mem back to again CARDS OF THANKS tour Sunday June 14 adults SO i children 14 and under In admission to fncan Safari Monkey lunglc in lei in Service Mai 1 I Milton 6780211 SPRINGHILL STABLE TRAIL RIDING HORSES TRAINED BOARDED 877 ft Ontario the 34 in time to town Interment about Milton travel Tickets on Social and Personal Mr and Mrs Waller Bergs ma Charles Street have just returned from a four week holiday In Holland and France While in Holland rented a car and toured they ah Mrs They five in Paris FRAMING OIL PAINTING GORDON PRICE GALLERIES 12 Uplands Moore Park Blood Donor Clinic Mo day Jurti I 30 to Holy Church Map I Avenue East George town Healthy agei 18 I 17 with pa rant a I consent aach lima dot art urgently needed to blood Avoid evening wo periods by attending Street spent In the Commulari end in could right after work I and her 102 Transportation and at clinic available to doi ween 1 and to 45 ride Ii needed Jonei 3435 or Mrs Thompson On clinic day 396 or Make a of clinic day June 8 on your calendar as NO ram Inder cards will be sent out Forthcoming Marriage ounce the of r of Mr inn mo Scho le 8 juin 1 Auditorium Itglli Holy Map urgent Age Entre avee I parent pour Mr Mrs sired in Marie the Tost in Mr er held son of Mr James 10 The will take place in St Albans Anglican Church Williams July four clock in the afternoon he Robert band Mr irtt While there she ded the graduation ceremonies ii University where Mr received his A decree He expects to go or and lake Ins Masters decree University Miss Uremia res and Miss Joi Noto Cry Beach spent several recently visiting In St Johns Newfoundland with their friend Wendy it the home her parents and Mrs While in St Johns they a of parliament All three girls arc students al the of Western Ontario London DID YOU KNOW The SI Lawrence River has an average flow of 400 feet per second lit GEORGETOWN CUBS SCOUTS VENTURERS Chicken Barbecue at CEDARVALE PARK SUNDAY JUNE 7th 1970 3 lo 7 CHILDREN 75c ADULTS TAKE OUT ORDERS AVAILABLE I would like to thank all my friends who vis me when I was in getown and District Hospital and since coming home for cards gifts and flower also Duff Kennedy Rev Cairns the nursing staff and Many thanks to ill Alice Hayes RAYNER We would like to thank our friends and neigh for their thoughts and acts of kindness to us at the loss of our beloved fa thcr Also to Pastor Lohnes and friends Maple Ave Baptist Church Thank you and God Bless you and Mararet We would like to express our sincere lo wonderful fnends relatives for their help and kindness at the time of row in the loss of a beloved husband and father to Royal Canadian Branch special thanks for all you have done ladles for their kindness In catering and to those who sent cards and for the visits phone calls A special thank you to Rev Johnston and Rev for their very comforting words and prayer and to Thompson for his kindness and Mr Jim Jones and Mr Wallace of the C Funeral Home and to all who offered cars and helped In so manv Alice and Leonard Thomas Rob ert Lawrence and Linda STAtlRFT Our thanks Georgetown Volunteer department for their service In fighting an implement shed fire at our farm Wednesday and helping other buildings on our pro perty Mr and Mrs Doug STONE My family an wish to thank all those who lent cards and flowers our recent bereavement husband and father would also like to thank those who visited him during long Illness A special thanks to Doctors Richard Macintosh and Kennedy and nurses on Ward of George town District Memorial Hospital We sincerely thank fathers Dcvcnt and Crnlg for their many visits Stone and family be slid tl oldl of pajments This ti strike has been approved by the Ontario red oration of Agriculture and will be supported by said Lawrence FORCE He said the puipose of with holding pay men is to force provincial government officials to over haul i taxation structure Lawience the present system of places loo much emphasis on property The firmers simply cannot afford lo exist as long as the of is dc pendent upon property tax said Lawrence the problem severe in lies like Hilton where an areas dominate the rural community As an example he noted thu in ihc only to experience a lix increase this year was the rural township of officials re vealed th s week they are seeking a meeting with ministers to for relief from costs They claim the township assessment base is not ideipialr to finance lis slurp of spend ins in Hilton PAY said the counties THE GEORGETOWN HERALD THURSDAY JUNE PAGE in south Ontario including and Peel will be the areas of support for the lax closed meeting last week Gordon Hill dent of the Ontario lion Agriculture said it was decided lo ask in the province not pay their education this Hill said for past 20 the govern has been promising to overhaul its taxation system but not yet carried out complete reform program CARDS OF THANKS FIREFLIES Continued from Page year the club obtaining the most points for their particip in rally events wis presented to the York County Gadabouts FAMILIES At the first provincial mem provincial chairman Bruce lined the work done by provincial board during past year and told the memb ership of the urgent need for more area field officers Two hundred and thirty ram dies representing most clubs attended the rally Includ teenage CFCF members Ihe weatherman true to trad itinn provided the campers with lots of liquid sunshine The Georgetown club represented by presidents Ted Clare an Dons Doyle Mav Vin Horn Dave and Manly Hastings John and Eileen Booth and their families imped for the weekend and Al Rice Dan and Elsie Hewitt Terry and Marlenc and Tony and Mary Rhodes families on the Sunday On behalf or the officers and we wish to extend our heart fell thinks to the merchants and private of the tow of Georgetown for support which ived during our strike We also wish to think the local police force for their cooperation In dlmg the problems caused by the strike IMrry President Local UAW FLOWERS Paulines Main St THEATRES WEEKLY GUIDE DAILY from 7 SATURDAY Matinee at SUNDAY from rotor I HELD OVER EASY RIDER starring Peter Fonda Dennis Hopper Coar Adult Entertainment Sat Spatial Kids Matinee Sat June 456 FIRST SHOWING mm ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Sun Tues June 789 CHE Color by Luis Adult Entertainment Coming Wed to Sat June 1013 EASY RIDER BIG GUNDOWN Adult Entertainment SHOW STARTS AT DUSK DRIVEN THEATRE JUST OFF 7 1 MILE OF CITUIMIIS EARLG BLACK BCom CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT wishes announce his office is now located at 143 Main St Milton Ontario Immediate- west of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Georgetown Chamber of Commerce ANNUAL GOLF DAY I ON MONDAY JUNE 8th CHAMBER TROPHY MINIATURE TROPHY of Golf and Draw Prlioa EVERYONE WELCOME NORTH HALTON GOLF CLUB Come out and enoy a evening and RESORT and Airways Watt of Georgetown No Sideroad Maple Avenue Now Open For Picnic Parties Reiarvallom now available for 1 car to can CAR PARTIES OVER we provide use of Pontes and Hayride Supervised Fishing and Swimming New Private CHANGE HOUSES For the Ladies BALL DIAMOND AND HORSESHOE AREA Saddle Horses Available Also Boat Rides For Information Phone JOE ROSS Lions Club of Georgetown USED EYEGLASS COLLECTION The are collecting vied for shipment to India Your old glasses cart provide light for another Please leave at UNITED GAS OFFICE Main Street South CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE Branch BARRAGERS LAUNDROMAT Street NEW BINGO SACRED HEART HALL 39 STREET GEORGETOWN Tuesday Evenings at 8 pm Early Bird Sixteen Regulars Specials Lata Birds JACKPOT in 52 Numbers Barrel something now Bingo EVERY MONDAY NEW FORMAT JACKPOT PRIZES GIVEN AWAY EVERY WEEK ITS 590 IN PRIZES RIVIERA BINGO THURSDAY NIGHT at 8 pm Holy Cross Parish Hall MAPLE AVENUE GEORGETOWN 15 REG GAMES 20 PER GAME OTHER SPECIALS JACKPOT 53 Numbers PROCEEDS FOR HOLY CROSS CHURCH