Finds Chemicals On Bruce Trail North Kalian and ton County Unit are Ihe type and danger of a quantity chem found dumped along the Bruce Trail near side Hwy reported the incident to the and the health unit and also to pollution fighter Mrs Joyce Burton of Opera Survival acquaintance of Mr was out walking on the weekend when he found the quantity of compounds strewn the Bruce Trail He Ira mediately alerted Mr Fort fearing with all the rain on the weekend that the chemicals would seep into the wells of area homos When we found the con they had a tag on them with a company name attached The police arc in vcstlgoting as to who would buy a chemical of ijpc investigation should mure or less pinpoint the culprit said Mr- Neil Health representative wis called to the scene and took samples the compounds Tho compounds in lor and consistency some were powdery others said Mr Some of the labels slid Dm nonius if Taken Internally Mr intends take action against of fender when his identic known IN THE MAIL BAG Editor Wrong Public is For Recreation Director AVOID THIS RISK Never let children with inflated toys in open water A light can soon carry both child and toy out reach Come to Church Crescent Dear Mr Biehn I with the reader who criticized your editorial which said that council was split on recreation director You inferred in thai editorial tint Georgetown is divid ed as lo whether this man he hired You continue tint inference in jour editorial of May Just the opposite is true The people arc very much behind this move and never was it more apparent it council meeting which him into existence It was an exciting meeting did their homework well and each member voted with conviction Two members Cr Hyde and Reeve Hunter op cd the hiring and they gave good reisons They pointed out that a rcci cation director costs that right now there good deal of recreation in town such as soccer hock baseball that Stevenson K1II0LR recommended a director mini not it immediate BIBLE DIGEST H B DEAN Boatt not thyMlf of tomorrow for thou not what a day bring forth Many tomorrows can never fake the place of today never relive today it a good one with Gods help I ST PAULS BAPTIST CHURCH Eait Minister Rev Cairns am School am Wot hip Service pat Churchmen EVERYONE WELCOME MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday and Christian Reformed CHURCH J Minister Services every Sunday am and Visitor welcome Listen every Sunday to Back To God Hour Radio Minister Dr Joel CKEY 830 CFGM 1310 am Meg CHIN pm FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Main and Morning Worship 11 Church School Organist Mrs V Townend Choir Director ST JOHNS UNITED CHURCH St Be O Organist Mrs Sctuldt a Church School Grade and up am Morning Worship Church School Nursery to Grade Junior Congregation EVERYONE IS WELCOME GEORGETOWN ALLIANCE CHURCH Evany Ileal Carttannlal Public School Minister J Phillips Telephone am Sunday School all classes The other six council mem considered these lions did not find Ihem to change their pointed out that the actual cost to Geo inn Id he small as the will the salary lo the lui of Morrow said that I arc burdening our children with enormous debentures for rodds etc that they be pay for the rest of their lives surely we cant fc i per nines lo provide them with sane privilege is from other areas Smith agreed that there were organised games for age groups already in but recreation children playing Recreation Is art lecn programs adult cation Its councils duty off THE GEORGETOWN HERALD THURSDAY JUNE 1970 Deputy Reeve Speight drew cheers from the gallery when he described how he had his mind from nay yeah after going into the streets of Georgetown and talking to the citizens he spoke with profes sional people working peoph housewives and students and he found were very much In favour of hiring a director Very pertinent however were the yes votes of Cr Don na and Harry Levy the true heavies in this issue Mrs has dona a tre mendous amount of research into recreation generally recreation specifically in Geor getown Both she and Cr Levy sit on the Georgetown tlon Committee which council formed to carry out the re ere a lion In thla town This commit lee is made up of very excellent and dedicated people all vol who have one falling They have only twenty four houra in their day There Is a tremendous am of organizing coordinal planning involved in any recreation program Wo at the would collapse morrow without our program director to keep eon tinuuua control of the details I known how the has lasted this Ion tig a load thrice Ihe size of the believe that hiring a director immediately is for the GRC to survive Im quite sure your critic il reader wis not upset by your it that you agree with two opposing council mem bers and the After all Is stuff of democracy docs disturb however is that by omission you imply in your editorials lhal this was 111 thought out split Best Buys Fresh ONTARIO PORK SALE LEAN BUTT PORTION It Sincerely J Smith Ray Love Lorraine Enman Top School Meet Athletes Pentecostal Church Masonic TampU No 7 Hwy Jack Telephone SUNDAY SERVICES 10 am Sunday School 11 a m and Tuaidiyi Prayer and Ministry Come and enjoy friendly fellowship and helpful ministry Affiliate of the Knox Presbyterian Church Main and Church MINISTER REV F YOUNG 10 am Church School a Morning Worsh Nursery Care ORGANIST Mrs E Ray Love and Lorraine En man in capturing the senior and girls championships more points thin any division champ at the Cen Public School track and field men Thursday They col points rcspec Gar hen and Lorraine Martin won the intermediate and girl titles with and points and Randy St and MtMahon took junior boys an 1 girls top honours with and points Hero arc the results by RESULTS Girl yard dash Bob bins Lorraine Linda Long jump Shirley Mar tin Lorraine Susan Me- jump Bonnie Bryan Lorraino Debbie Cooper Triple jump Vickl Rob- bins Lorraine Errnian McDonald Vickl Rob- bins Cheryl Edmonds Paula Inter Girl The DONT MISS Churchmen Quartet St Pauls Baptist Church JUNE 7th at 7 pm SINGING WITH A RELEVANT MESSAGE To Follow Nerval Presbyterian Church Anniversary Service SUNDAY JUNE at 1 REV G IOCKHART ROYAL A of Guest Speaker Si Paul Anglican and United Church Services withdrawn yd dish Julia Phil lips Lningstonc Lor run Martin L ng jump Cheryl I Barb Curry Jump Sjlvia Schoffclmcer Karen Hurst Jackie Tri pie Jump Julia Phillips Jackie Spicer Shot Pitt Lorraine Martin Dawn Aluers Sujm Gudgeon Junior Girl yard dash Nancy Brooks Long Jump Nancy Brooks Munro MtMahon jump Barbara Wilson Jonl Harris Marilyn McMahon Triple Lynn Anthony Marilyn McMahoo Karen Shot Put Sharon Can Marl Open jd Run Julia Phillips Susan Power Shirley Martin Girls Open yard run Cathy Lorraine Mar Lin 1 Isa 100 yd Ray Philip Noble Sjm and Doug Pern Melon Lon jump Jeff Scolt Ray Alan Mercer High jump Reed Al corn Ray Love Paul Barton Triple jump Bay Love John Villadson Reed Alcorn Shot put John Villadson Ed Gareau Philip Noble yard dash Gary Miller Doug Kim Gibson Long jump Gary dye Doug High jump Gary Ted Arts Andy Morrison Triple jump Gary Mcladjen Doug Colter Rick Becker Shot put Randy Harris Tom Kyle Junior Boys yard dash Randy St An drews Mike Forbes Dale Miec High Jump Grant Bod Dave Warman Mike Forbes Long Jump Randy St Andrews Howard 1 Thomas Triple Jump Howard Gsskin Bobby David Blight Shot put Dale Mlenenlec Mike Forbes Randy St Andrews Boys Open 440 yd run Rick Paul Barton Sam Kyle Harking tied Boys Open yd run Ik Alcorn Derek John Mac yd Relay Teams Tom Unlay need Alcorn Doug John son 2 Roy Love Mark Jell Scott Ian Gordon 3 Sam Waldrum John Rob Patterson Brent Redmond Yd Ralay Taama Porter Cheryl Rev Webster Barb Cur ry in da Ross Sharon Dawn Jackie Smith Peacock BRAND NEW FT FREEZERS medals choow from from 21995 TV 32 Main Straal North County Council Fights Move Childrens Aid Ha I ton County council la out lo slop Ihe Children s Society from moving lis offices lo Burlington Council representatives will with John mm ister of Social and Family vices in an attempt to stop the planned move Last Thursday the hoard of the Children a Aid approved the moving of its offices from the present MUlon location to a building In Bur linglon Board members said the quarters are cramp PORK ROAST MUTISM PORK CHOPS SPARE RIBS I3 I SWIFTS nun chicken a aa BACON is 79 MEAT PIESm399 MfE PRODUCE OF US I CALIFORNIA NEW POTATOES CRISP LETTUCE 2S 39 CALIFORNIA lOlclNTOSH APPLES RADISH or GREEN ONIONS 32tyJ aUHtirMor CHEEZ WHIZ SOLID WHITE TUNA 69 39 HaillhaBcimlylliik 79 vHifAirsPRAYM17 mm RENTAL CREAM THE CHOICE IS YOURS YOUR TAPES BEAUTIFUL jlGADATAlflGtJE A LUCKY SHOPPER Mrs A Georgetown ASSORTED WHITE PECTIN 5 JAMS MILD OR NIPPY CHEESE 3 00 SLICES ROSE BRAND SWEET MIXED MUSTARD OR RELISH AND BUTTER or Jars for PICKLES WHITE PINK or GREEN WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE FANCY GREEN OR WAX FRENCH STYLE 5 BEANS I IN TOMATO SAUCE SPAGHETTI 6 14 or tins for IGA CATSUP I SPAGHETTI or sf 00 MACARONI 1 CAT FOOD FIVE FLAVOURS 100 1 CANADA PACKERS PEA MEAL COTTAGE ROLLS Whola or half 65 Royal Gold BUnER SLICED BREAD 21 CARNATION MILK WINNER OF THE HEINZ BABY FOOD DRAV Mrs Finley