The Hazards of Horsing Around Years Open New Fields Mature Women lwo new member Mrs ami Mrs held were initialed at the ri ular lunting of Ihc Women I in the eiemns the lion and music Her Hilton Golf Club Wonuns Mrs Audre In the thoughts more calf scampers across the corral chased by ft herd of kids dun of the rodeo in the Georgetown Park Saturday and Sunday Kids then tugged them to a finish line mole which wound up each perform nimals with ropes and bare hands Weed Spraying Seems Destined To Disappear business portionl modi of the meeting here resolu littler opportunities than her to be presented at the or mother Convention in Halifax had Modern medicine has gli in were dlsuiid Miss en her a longer and healthier Jean Mackenzie will be the tie life modern working for mill merit nude her housework Mist Olive Login will attend as ind junker her Mm Buck led the officers for the 10071 with the impressive tin Members- world to mike use of she hid before she She the of heing retrained In diffcinii Held She slated that worn in between years of age has everything that the for her and that It is up In her to put forth an effort to better herself THB THURSDAY JUNE PAGE receucd from the Cans in wherein it lint the subjeil of Ihe fed brief of frtedlM herself This Anal meeting of the on ended with a Wig party where Mrs Daisy Harris dis played many wig of colours and which the i members had the opportunity of Irvine on and purchasing it so desired Calf Clubs Pay Visit to r Scotsdale Farms till After Judging of mi Hire bulls the member listen ed to a lecture given by Cathy about judging and a brief history of Farms by Karen Pierce i of s to the dependents or resolution asking I lie for work ng win m the 4 Calf lulu mm It It owned by Mr fa II ere then to senior members were served after and Mrs Bennett CENTRE WE FEATURE CARPET ARMSTRONG VINYL PAINTS SHEPHERD CASTERS Free Estimates on Flooring Installations I of In the lions the BUY MOWERS Bud ml if hi nun to pet held tint would or can up in a ii or i iMudi Air Conditioners AT BOON YEARS WIGO TV 32 Mam North St nit proiinu Kingston he wis the In St start at 17995 12 modal to choose from The DATSUN fourMoney Car THE DATSUN ONLY 4 on the floor or 1600 Over he inline lip Independent rear I Ml luxirj included BP DATSUN NORTH END Bail Lin fiBJl Open Weekday Sal Sun ti A keeps horse race Graram wl Saturday ar Sunday rear ng Huqh am td show i and von the Picnic Lunch Follows Outdoor Church Service a lion gal GLEN WILLIAMS ATTEND RELATIVES HAMILTON FUNERAL It ll pi III oil the- unit in Home I lunch huh leu ml iinch joined the mil II Ret mid ellin im hut the furiii si run Mr ind Mrs from with Mrs Id for tin Wit 11 rrienls ind rrhhvis met in tin loun hill l Mis Hi hi nut em on the tup I when she her son hi s Mr wis in the III on It Midilnck or llilli wjs tin mlnisier if will In the CORRECTION n Ml lo 111 of girls who have moved up from should have staled In it junior made a good by Owen Kemp hit Hit oil Members of the of Glen mi In Iutriri I nut il In Mi I line will I mil Stewardship is II- jiii si in will be no sir iishiirrlm in ih hall of Hip liny of Music lor onto on Tuesday relative MURRAY UMiTED GUELPH ST CARD CANADIAN TIRE APPLY FOR A il n Mini day and Mis Jolinjijin Iph Mum I Mis BOTH STORE SERVICE DEPT OPEN THURSDAY NIGHTS TIL PM