Georgetown Herald A DMiion of Horn Newspapers Company Limited Mam Street South Georgetown Oniarto WALTER Publisher THURSDAY JAN EDITORIAL COMMENT ton c Not Like It Was Town Georgetown are starting los of their anjitly as a com poslte community before gov- gives them the death sting On January 1st two functions wh ch have- been exclusively local for generations were assumed by the government- assessment and welfare Georgetown no Ion has a resident assessment commission er and department Nor does it have a local officer A ago we lost local public separ ate and school boards were replaced by new county boards and emplo yees shifted to a new central office at Mil ton Strangely enough conlral on of one civic function which on paper should have worked was a complete failure when it was tried here some years ago Council decided at that to abandon local police in favour of tie Ontario Provincial Polica system In theory this should have been a good but the reverse proved true There v is bickering between Drinking and Driving council and the force culminating In an upheaval and a return to a municipal force engaged by council and first to them and later to a board of police com ssioners Now barring a radical change In On tar government thinking our local coun will disappear possibly at the end of 1970 if a year later and the bulk of our municipal will be directed by a reg council comprising Peel and Hal but it won t be It won t be all good There is much to be said for who have offices in the community they serve who have a moat personal approach to problems We don t think wa will get quile the service that we do now The argument thai it will be Is one which only time will prove We lean no statistics so far that indicate any sharp on in school costs system which government adopted a Bill Smil Smileys Forecast THE WATTING ROOM OUR ECONOMY The governments new breathalyzer law is long overdue and one with which the melons can have no quarrel Its been our op for years that if one drinks and drives he should be pre pared to pay the consequences The breath test gives the law a sound basis on which to operate and those who don t follow the law can have no legitimate beef It has been a ridiculous where the speed limit has boon a more absolute offence than drinking and driving The new law gives law enforcement a belter basis for seeing that motor uphold the taw and it should lead a sharp on on traffic The incidence of iniury caused by drivers has bean stagger ng in our province In recent years There enough hazards In todays congested traffic without adding alcohol the list We expect the police wll en force the new one hundred percent any more than they do the speed laws Every motorist who has had a drink will be picked up now But the that he can be picked up and be subect a severe penalty will be a delenent Dont Give in on Drugs With more stringent lews against drink drivers and a growing awareness of the bad effects of cigaretles on the human bo it is to be hoped that the government will not pay hoed who would leg the sale of A breakthrough has just been made to cut down supplies Mexico promising the States that it will take more stringent measures to slop growth of the plant wh supplies much of the American and Canad Ian market There are drugs equally or more harmful sold today the penalties for sale and use not as severe as mar uena Our laws should be tightened here rather than loosened there The drug culture a phenomenon of the sixt can only load to disaster in the western world if out politicians and our parents haven the guts to face up to the threat To legal it would be sheer mad a terrible heritage to pass on a new generation We dont have to establish expensive commissions to gat the fads History has ready recorded them in the of oncepowerful eastern countries where drugs got upper hand If North America is plunge into the same abyss we don deserve our place in the sun Today we have the choice What will it be Forecast New Labelling Packaging Laws for Food THE DISTRICT AT A GLANCE BRAMPTON One of loni oldest nullified tries Shoe Corp of Canada Ltd has been sold to Carrier Shoe Co Ltd Toronto a Canadian firm is years after hems sold by Brampton a family the company returns Cans dian hands Council has decided to relocate the township offices in Dram ales Overcrowded conditions lack of water and sewage fe llltles and the high cost of ex telephone equipment by a staff member as ma king Hie move out of the Snel grove offices PLAN FILL LAKE TO CREATE PARKS Oakvilla has decided to create new parkland by filling in Lake On tario at points along the shore line The hoard said it would he too costly for the town lo fcuy lake front for park development Council with the report which recommended the fill project extend feet out Into the Like STREETSVILLE Education Minister William Davis istorcd the oath of office when the now council held its in augural meeting this week The inauguration which was taped by a cable TV for later allowing featured the School bind and a public school choir The was at the arena MILTON HOUSING WAS UP MICTION Wily worth of housing units were built in Milton dins a report of the towns building department per mi Li Mere issued Tor a total of worth of construe lion from was do in fees The permits tthe main were for apartment litcs and single famllj home EIUN An Erin was lo away from hla homo bj Judge ft in provincial court last The old plea ded guilty to a charge of Inter ferine with the use of a trie phone in the house Ills mother said the had ordered her son out of the house but he Then when she went to call the the boy ripped the phone wires from the wall He won work he sponges off me and I am afraid of him the mother told court FIR FIRE FINISHES FESTIVE SEASON MILTON Thousands of Christ mas trees Collected from Mil ton homes went up in smoke last Wednesday night at he towns second annual Twelfth Night tree burning ceremony at Milton fair At Mayor Brian Best set the mountain of trees alight and the marked the end of the holiday festivities in Mil ton Doughnuts and hot isle were to warm the of the spectators ELECTED EDUCATION BOARD HEAD led of Brampton is the of the County Board of Education Conover was acclaimed chairman for las week at a special me ling of the board He replaces retiring chairman Glenn a former com manding of the Lome Scots Regiment is sat on the board for seven He is of the supreme court in Peel Counly SUPER HIGHWAY OR NEW HYDRO LINES A proposal b Ontario Hydro to place a hydro line through the corner of his left township councillors both and angry The proposal led In speculation on the pirt of Reeve Gordon Agnew that the plan could or a cover up for a super highway to mined Hamilton to a now jet which could be built north of the lownshlp A recom mendatlon has been sent from Police Chief Kent to the Or council to have of snowmobiles prohibited In the town of The Chief said the anowmobllers drive Loo fast on the wrong side of the road and go through nop They should not be allowed to drive in town except on their own property he sue Rested Ho said many com plaints have been lodged about machines trespassing and making too much noise paretic after midnight The Trudcau government go down in history as most businesstinkering ded government of all time Within its short spin of life to dale it his set up more bo nils commissions mure than other The end Is vet in sight More agencies arc in Ihe works designed observe el in I regulate One of tha promoters of busmen regulation Is Ron whose department of Corporate and Consumer ha collected under its wmi nearly all existing government agencies having lo do business wes a hih public dcrmnrl for services from his dcpirlment In speech week he said Consum are rcslive Pub lic interest In consumer pro blems is widespread This can be seen in the Browing lime and spice devoted to consumers on television and a- in newspaperm an wines All levels of hive been in volml both at the fed an provincial levels there hue been insistent demands fir reform of the the welfare of MORE REGULATIONS Clcnrl Hut mem mire government regulation and more the jirociss which nntcmls ire moved from producers which finished moved into the hands of To the extent thit this of rules out moiled modern tech Ihis can lie good for all concerned To the extent tint it involves more official the of all sons of businesses living down more lions shndiriLs it is apt In be irritating for a lime at least to some Histoids dep artment ionking at pack and labelling lis ri searchers hive come up with the forecast that 10 years now average food mirket will contain ilems night now the average a and ago there were only Most of these are pre pack The pjtkige Ins re placed old time grocery clerk The housewife gels no Information except printed on It This opens Ihe vny for unfair ion between suppliers and a poor deal for consumers Hence you can look for new pukaging labelling laws be designed to put the consumer In a better bugainlng position some what Like what she was In a halfcentury ago when she could taste an packaged food product u at see it before she bought It when she had a goodwill minded storekeeper to talk to Instead of a hurried lm personal cashier running a register EFFICIENCY GAP The theory seems to be that has grown more efficient in letting the and price of the Roods it often for sale and the consumer has become efficient in judging the of the product or Ihe fairness of the price To the extent that ess has abused this new ad vantage the consumer is ting cheated Most of the a buses that exist it con ceded arc not deliberate and arc outside scope of present law So more lavs are to call the abuses to the attention of all levels of and to crick down on those who correct them Consumer goods represent one of manj areas of business inlo which govern men is looking with a view to intervention It mora notice Its the spec responsibility of an en emetic young minister in of a new phases of business are coming under the of other department FDR AND BENNETT The Trudcau government would appear lo be the most business conscious and the most zealous for business re form that has held office since the That was the time when President Roosevelt launched the new deal in the United States and Conservative Prime Mi It Bennett launch his reform program in Canada Roosevelt went on to glory and a long in the White House Bennett was defeated at the 1D3S el and most of his bus incss reform laws were thrown out by the courts Some of the principles he championed have since been applied in her laws but until appeared no prime minister seemed to move In tho direction of regulating bus You probably have some pre dictions for the 1070 as do Lets see how match member this is for the whole decade not just rid of dirty ants Thar la going to mora and mora racial And this mora and mora hatred and both physical and etiological go ing to ba and art to fight back most of There is going to be more and more pollution noise air water despite the strenuous efforts of a vocal minority to do something about it mighty buck will continue to dlctalo policy In this field Taxes will go on rising and Inflation will go on inflating The only solution would be lid controls of wafies rent food and no politician will the guts to impose them if he did the public would a of and cry that would send him smart back to his law practice of Well have more things and we I kill faster getting them Them will Just as many poor people In as there In and prohsuly more people talking about it and doing ley People will drink more and think less The drug stone will make the Sixties look like Sunday school picnic where somebody hnd too much lemon The Vietnam war will peter out ignominiously The Com munists of North Vietnam will take over Thert will be vicious purges And then the Vietnam will go about their business of rebuilding and living Millions of todiys hippies will be siik with arthritis and kidnej trouble will be on fare and wondering Ihej did it The Arabs will continue heir efforts to oil the Jews and get some bloody noses in the proccsb Husbands will continue to beat up their wives on Or Vice versa Education will go the lowest awing of the pendulum NEWS ECHOES From Haratd of and Yaari Ago First of the new Georgetown School Board is Fred Ha was chosen Monday for post when tha board held its inaugural in the high school a Judging has boon completed and six prizes awarded In the Chamber of Commerces Christmas outdoor lighting contest winners are Frank Golden Wilfred Hyde Clarence Roger St and Thomas Ferguson The familiar click of stone bumping stone a sound loo long absent from he ears of local curlers was revived here last weekend when th now North Curling Clu opened The new four sheet rink carried a for first time Saturday By Sunday it was a bee hive of act vily as veterans and novices alike tried their eye When completed the building will house the golf facilities now located In the old club house a Provincial Ray has been transferred to the detachment at and his position here has been taken by Constable Georga Cst has been at Brantford for the post year His wife and youngster will be moving to town as soon as is located Goorgntowns new I store opened last Saturday The store is located on Mill Street in part of Tom Hewson building J Earl former town assaj sor who served overseas as a with Canadian army Is vendor of naw store and Jim Ritchie- is employed clerk The store will serve a area Guelph and Toronto being only liquor outlet between two cities The announcement was made this weak of forming of a partnership Elmer C Thompson wall known local Insurance and travel agent and John Barber On Monday Lt Col Barber pined firm which Mr Thompson established here 27 years ago 1940 Tho keenest contest in some years for the of Eictuaslng Township was held on New Yean Day when William A Wilson deputyreeve for defeated son A Robinson the present reeve by a of just votes The vital for the Town of Georgetown or Births 10 Marriages Deaths In years a the of learning is replaced by Ins a ball doing project an talking when you haven any thing to talk with or about Canada become junior partner of Uncle Sam That is If It first become a gaggle of minor re publics with about much ft email a Hon Sounds like a pretty sordid doesn t But it wont be that bad That a big pi cure and big often third rate u witness mo of the movies you seen lately In the Utile world where the individual Uvea t all bloc Babies will eon to be born and chuckle and have their little lies blown on and be and funny and utterly delight ful for a few years And the foul brown mud of March will gradually way to the lush green grass of and Ihe dead twfgs of win will become the green of April and the rich Joy of June And the brutal winds and cold of rcbruary will in- cum into broiling brown of July And the wheat and tfea pat ches will turn to gold And the potatoes will come up plump and firm and And tha fish will be fat and tba beef will be beefy And perhaps you will something good and kind And perhaps someone will say that makes you think vou are worthwhile And per haps will model teen agers hah And perhaps you will grow in understanding and love And perhaps your eat will not Jdltcm I think the will be like most other ages of man black and white gre and orange blue and gold all we can do Is wait and sec chaps But hold your wailing for my predictions to be wrong Just on and lha each day a a gift which will ever come to again Happy Seventies BUSINESS DIRECTORY C Ontario Land Surveyor Duncan Drive Residence REPAIR SERVICE JOHN BOUGHTON JEWELLERS Certified Main St DODD CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC THERAPY 130 St 877 No Appointment Necessary OPTOMETRIST Brown RO Main St Suite For Appoint phono 8773671 OPTOMETRIST RR Hamilton RO South Carretal Building For Appointment A Replitered Massage Heat ElectroTherapy DRIVE CARR Professional Engineer Consulting Enginaar Ontario Land Survey a 8774300 Hema Wallace Thompson 3rd Court 877 Clark A Commissioner MONUMENTS POLLOCK A CAMPBELL DESIGNS ON REQUEST Inspect our work In Greenwood Cemetery PHONE Water Street North A BARRAGERS 18 Main S All work dona en premise For all Your INSURANCE Auto Homeowner Life and Bualnasa consult JOHN R LEWIS