CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS HIRE BUY SELL- RENT SWAP HIRE BUY- SELL- RENT SWAPHIRE BUY lNijda CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS words 150 Extra words each CLASSIFIED DISPLAY SI per column inch MEMORIAMS plus 10c for each line of poetrv CARDS OF THANKS 30 words words ENGAGEMENTS BIRTHS MARRIAGES S3 FOR SALE THE GEORGETOWN HERALD THURSDAY JAN PAGE 17 BOATS CARS TRUCKS CAMPERS FOR SALE PHILIPS NEW LIFE hearing aids 3 to choose from Supplied and fitted by Kent tf a delightful small Intelligent pel suitable for whole fam A few puppies available at this time Kennels COFFEE TABLES step tables book Clearing all and discontinued lines Call Delta Craft Factory River Drive open Monday to am to pm tf cutters custom built BABY Thistle real Rood condition metal bo puppies purebred papers available priced at PIANO in condition truck in flood condition lonfi hooks included best APPLES kind price come and choose jour own in the packing Voire Dame CCHPERATORS Insurance A- fire family and farm liability accident and Charles MACHINES from OS up rentals by week or month repair to alt makes at your Sewing Centre 160 Main St S In the Brampton Mall Shoppin pl FURNITURE for sale teak wood imported from Denmark aold from warehouse Dining tables aide board 75 bedroom and living furniture snivel chairs 87 7 mile west airport road Dixon Road just east Line Open daily 1 to Saturdav am to 6 WIG dark brown short hum an hair worn nice asking to S40 DININoltOOM chairs bullet auto malic range 7173 TRAVEL and truck campers for sale and rent 1067 CJirVELLE on the floor excellent 8778360 strip boat I le electric motor and WANTED Tender Call for Truck healed lenders for Truck with duty springs and shocks heavy duty six cylinder motor one extra scat tires with win dov side minor and four flashers to close it January 20 to Mr Faulkner Georgetown Water Commission James Street Georgetown Ontario Accommodation Available FREE TO GOOD home Germ an pointer friendly and loves children 877 RANGE electric with wonder oven or best offer Hood con lltfon 877 CIIESrTrlMELn pair living ro drapis one large one small rug 87 COLOUiTtv for sale no cabinet part trade on I ial saw 8774308 after CAMAUO power steering and brakes good con dit on win- ntj in effect evenings door Hop excellent in power steering and ho or offer door a automatic power and stc ring dm and rear speaker and white walls all new offer after ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman no workers 8774519 to share lard comfortable room in ho ie a ay from home 877 ROOM for jming working girl pm Transportation Available TRANSPORTATION to Douglas Airtr ft shift phnl ho va Custom door steering aulomaflc nnsmi si limited lip defogger white will tires excellent condition for sale BiOROOM it for cars trucks all makes in FOR RENT LOST FOUND LOST Manx or white kitten Main please call 877 LOST Genuine seal skin mans cap during Christ mis week Near Street gold ring with red stone initialled of value reward 877 HELP AVAILABLE available Will any DAY CARE in my cent available for pre IHlnx Mount HELP WANTED EXPERT NCFD war on mens work hosiery LADIES extra money plus two free wardrobes a by showing No investment No delivery If two free I evenings a week and the use of a car call 9138 collect HELP WANTED ATrbNIION housewives If you love clothes have the use of a car two spire evenings a week cm oiler to a week two free wardrobes a For call fashions MAN Raw leigh service to consumers Gel into profitable business of your mi No ex pcriencc or needed Write Rawlcljh Co ltd APC21441G Richelieu St Montreal 207 Quel PRESSROOM FOREMAN Steal Fabricator Iota tad In Central Ontario requires a pr on room foreman cant should have experience with plate and bar rolls mechanical and hydraulic presses and be familiar with production shop loading SEND COMPLETE RESUME TO BOX GEORGETOWN ONTARIO WILI DO TYPING or clerical work al home yens office ex nee to babysit preschool children Gibbons Place BABYSITTING your home school hours Phone for John I t aval able area ine and No DAYCARL home pre schoolers near station in my toddlers Prince area stalled hand Allergenic by using most modern specially blended in the engine rebuilding Kentnersj industry todiy and specially for rcnl USED TV SETS Complttily conditioned starting at 95 TV APPLIANCES 31 Main St SEEDLESS ORANGES 3 Carusos Fruit Market Main If port front ding months old perfect ion Phone I OK Iridic J trnlned mcchinirs Investigate our prices before Writ hop I service brakes DAY or pre Experienced Secretary rcqunel For Gaorgtown Lagal Office Lofil not but APPLY BOX NO HERALD DUE TO A GROWTH AND EXPANSION PROGRAM WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR Experienced Accounts Payable Clerk GOOD SALARY BENEFITS PERMANENT Opportunity for Advancement MILTON BRICK CO LIMITED Milton 8784441 Toronlo 3455 Women Wanted WAREHOUSE PACKAGING Only apply BOYS AND AS CARRIERS ton for ill or roules during Jinuiry pup pies registered with from Championship breeding excellent tempcrment black rich tan markings HAND Knit King with ribbing attach with cabinet and also ne v sewing machine Sinwr used SEWING MACHINE SALE OFF front end ment tune Cats on loan Open 7am p m Monday to Aulomot ive ltd 111 Hwj 7 Georgetown apartment 1 be 1st WANTED UP TO During our with Dead Stock Removal LTD Highest cash prices for dead disabled cows and horses I ICENCLS IBS C 7950 Hour White Sewing Centre USED TV SETS at 95 TV A APPLIANCES Main St SAVE ON BEAVER STARTER HOMES from on your foundation 38 plans to choose from Split level storey and ranch type homes BEAVER LUMBER FREE BROCHURE WOOL SALE Annual January Cltannci UP TO OFF On and of lint and odd lot White Elna Sewing Centre MEAT PRODUCING BULLS Purebred Polled Hereford Bulls excellent pedigree Heady for service Also monthold purebred Heifers FARM PASSPORTS Advtc and of any nationality Complttt Traval Sarvlea at No Extra Cost to You Barber Henley Ltd 8772214 A Traval Farm Animal Service Up to for fresh dead disabled cowt or Top prlcei for d Hnrsei Call Collact Gibsons Dead Stock Service Up to for cows and hone lb for old hone We can tell you causa of death Call collect or Brampton License Guitars Amplifiers Drums etc Records Sheet Music NEILS MUSIC CENTRE MID St Jusl Off Main ANYTHING TO SrLL TRY A CLASSIFIED TENDERS of Education will receive tenders on Supplies for the Schools Tend will at pm LSI February 2 The follow ing are included in thif lender art supplies supplies and writing supplies and paper supplies tender list and oil particulars for each of the above classifications obtained at lie Central mlnlslration Office South Service Road East Oakvllle Ontario THE HALTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION CHESTERFIELDS FOR SALE SPANISH MODERN SUITES RIGHT AT THE FACTORY Open Monday to Friday 7am to 9 Saturday to H H FURNITURE LTD Armstrong Avanua VISUM ROOM for rcnl near Smith Sione pre fern ROOM for rent for nun loeat MODF mint for rent 04 Water St ment for suit lady or f ROOM gentlemen I s ipplied laindrj dine if desired 853 bedroom for rent illduig Available Mirch 1st after pm tf modern healed air conditioned building J or details phone OFFICE for rent Mod air conditioned private offices or Conveniently located St Georgetown industriil parking 877 cleaning worn like work eve other references required i756aT TYPING SERVICE done in home envelope mail lists etc Fully experienced between I pm and home weekday- hi from 7am to p m Re ferences Qui en and king St GLEN WILLIAMS NURSERY SCHOOL Children to Yiart Full day and half day program School am to Government Incensed 8774746 EXPERIENCED Accounting Clerk with tvping I at Toronto Dominion Bank MAI STREET NORTH GLErTfAxl requires Full and Part time DRIVERS DUE TO A GROWTH AND EXPANSION PROGRAM WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR BOOKKEEPER ACCOUNTANT in Posting to tha Ledger and Monthly Reports GOOD SALARY BENEFITS PERMANENT Opportunity for MILTON BRICK CO LIMITED Milton 3455 i I FORK LIFT MECHANIC al repair on Lewis and Raymond Forlt lift t of SCR Control i alto If you have 3 years or mo to earn top wages r and work steadily a and would excellent benefits average tions call MR OSCAR to arrange an HELP WANTED HANDYMAN WANTED FOR TERRA INN Full Tims WANTED Young Woman Trained or Experienced a RECEPTIONIST and Interfiled In being train as a Veterinary Nurit ply in wr ting to Box Herald PAY OFF SPACE FOR RENT squire cot for on Guelph Slreel near School 838 FOR RENT will duoral tenants of In monthly no children Gill evenings fi774Ir7 Downtown commercial office apace feel ground floor with basement or feet sec floor Your choice rent December Call MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Experienced man required to repair and maintain machinery Mutt have knowledge of building maintenance and electric Must be willing to work permanent afternoons Phone 8776957 WANTED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN FOR OUR 1970 EXPANSION PROGRAM Exclusive now prestige homes residential rural and You free com training managerial assistance liberal etc JOIN A PROGRESSIVE FIRM with For confident interv call MR ANGUS or Avis RENT A CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 8775323 SPECIAL WEEKEND RATES Free Delivery The Corporation of the Town of Georgetown NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Dial The Corporation of the Town of Georgetown will apply to Legislative of the nco OnMrio its present session for fl Private Act authorize the said Corpora to enact a by law to provide for tho repeal of By Law A in year winch is a by law of Tho Corporation of Town of Georgetown provid ing for the adoption of The Public Parks Act as a result of which the general regulation and control of certain assets and undertakings of d Corporation were vested In and by The Board of Park Management The of legislat on Is to empower the said Corporator provide for the carrying on by the Georgetown Recreation Parks and Community Centres of rccroation pro gramme formally carried on by the Board of Park Management at Town of Georgetown this 13th day of January CLARENCE G Clerk FIRST CLASS TOOL AND DIE MAKER REQUIRED BY AUTOMOBILE PARTS MANUFACTURER IN GEORGETOWN be capable of working from blueprints to build automotive parts die Experience in rubber extrusion dies would bo an medical end life Insurance paid by company APPLY PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT Standard Products Canada Ltd 346 Stroot Georgetown Georgetown Community Swimming Pool WANTED Supervisor Instructor Chief Instructor Instructors Leader Patrols TO OPERATE THE POOL FOR THE SEASON Please send full particulars Including qualifications when available to the Secretary GEORGETOWN COMMUNITY SWIMMING POOL O BOX GEORGETOWN ONTARIO