Nicest Part Of The Holidays Holiday Visitors Here and There A reunion was Christmas day at Andersons Weber Her mnthc Mrs Mary Sanderson sister and husband the and and the Amanda and David all from Willomlalc lister and Mr and J Mates Ron and of and Bister and husband Mr and Mrs Grain m Debbie Jimmy and Peter of Toronto attended Mr and Mrs James Ander son 3 lid and their children Judy and Linda to be with her parents Mr mid Mrs Frank Ward for the Christmas holiday season On Christmas Day Mr ami THE Mrs Jim 12 Margaret THURSDAY Street were is in ton of Mr her ml tcr Mis Hun It was family on fir nil Hi the and Mrs Hyatt had hey land Mr were Mr an Mrs Undo from mil an i Mrs V ford On is Mr on Mrs Hilts HENRYS ONCEAYEAR Custom OR READYMADE Suit Sale ITS GREAT TO GET TOGETHER Adams Photography This Is the kind of scene that was repeated in many Georgetown and district homes during the holiday seasons as famil ies assembled to spend some memorable hours together This particular reunion was at homo of Mr and Mrs Bill Bingham Flanking Mr Bingham centre the back row are sons Bill Jr of Georgetown Ron of Cochrane son in law Bud Gibbs of Georgetown son Bob of Selkirk Manitoba and son In law Bob of Georgetown Seated in front of their husbands are from left Bingham Molly B Anne Bingham Ada Gibb Karen Bing ham and The grandch Idren from left are Joanne and Bobby Bingham Tim Bingham Tina aid Glen Gibbs Billy Bingham David Hillier Mark Bingham and on moms knees Shannon Bingham and Diana Hillier IN THE MAIL BAG Says Dragstrip Dubious Mcnsymake Township 22 Rex way Drive Dear Sir I hope you will allow me space in jour public Hon to present to your read era some of our objections to a drag strip The stringent rules regulat Ions the qualifications requir of the participants and the skills shown in engineering have little if bearing what ever on the objection to the toblishment of a drag strip It is of course In the interests of the operators lo maintain is well organized an operation as possible within their juriidic or control The objections are based much more on those resulting conditions over which the op erators no control and for which they would region These are the and disadvantages to the residents in the area the community and the township as a whole where a drag strip is located For those in doubt I would they the councils of other why they have rcfus permission for a develop ment of this kind in their The promoters of the drag strip on lot in Township are by now well Ware if not before that had they proceeded in the way of laying their plans fore the council and the con they would had little chance of gaining per mission for their project Now Why in the name of any meas of common sense can this be allowed when any develop designed lo normal living accommodation must first present their pirns to the proper authorities My indicates that this drag strip is a commercial operation deigned lo make for the operator and quite without regard for the disadvantages it brings to the community The subject of increased tax revenue has been offered factor In support of the drag atrip A drag strip can be crated with the minimum taxable structures and usually is In reply one of my a councillor of another municipality remarks And what can you tax A garage and a tower Ihe rest Is just land taxed at a slightly higher rate than farm land I would add washroom facilit ies I would like the reader to compare that with possibility of tax loss or expenditures present roads are inadequate for a regular influx of the quo ted regular attendance of BOO to 2000 spectators let alone the suggested for tho larger rice meet Who pays for the road Improvement and the maintenance For the addition a police for traffic control and police patrol The latter a normal need under the I submit that spectator will not a return lo the in Vwtor and that it would who hue nothing at stake Mai be could arrange for the drag strip to be relocated on Weber or Charles Street Yours truly L Taylor quite normal for the operators to promote larger Once allowed to operate it pears that no authority can this operation from draw crouds of or more and every meet should the management decide it is profitable How much do YOU think the municipality is golnj gain from this increase of traffic In the near pro is to be estimated on market value which is nothing less than safe value I further submit that there be sufficient los of sale alue consequently tax rcien from just the immediate vie alone lo compensate for any revenue from the drag strip It has been stated by belter authority than I that tl Inter engine is the greatest offender in air pollu lion Without question these engines are tuned to very high efficiency however any automotive engineer will admit that excessive acceleration doc not burn fuel efficiently and it is the fuel tint caus es pollution Drag strip racing is just that a test of and does that special high test fuel stink not to mention th smell of burning rubber of noise was covered by Mr Snider remarks however 1 lik to add my additional comment maximum power from an internal engine the very principle of it operation requires that would be increased these vehicles that arc referred to as cars di complete exhaust systems but what has not been admitted how many of them also hive that allow the system to be passed It is given as an estimate that these cars lake up about half of the competition The other half then must be il noisy ones My qualiii cations arc immaterial I would like to be credited with enough plain common sense to reject the suggestion that this drag strip operation is not a noisy one and I venture to express my opinion that many who now believe they arc beyond the range of this nuisance will find otherwise if this drag strip is allowed to continue Something constructive to do in reference to juvcnil was mentioned In the same paragraph that describes drag strip racing as a highly skilled professional sport grant all the credits anyone wishes give to the qualified participant it Is Immaterial to the main objections I doubt very much that tho operators or the participants would care to have the delinquents among them With very good reason the objectors arc of the ion lhat this development will Incite more unqualified drag racing in the area as well a larger number from well beyond our 1 I have red a of supporters of the strip GLEN WILLIAMS REAL SLEIGH RIDE IS WINTER DAY FEATURE Sunday was an vuntei day for congregation of the Glen United Church with and Home churches to spend the Cedar den at Bolton ship service in the lodje at JO am started the day buffet lunch Then or jusl hiking the In grounds thin look red sleigh ride on of three sleighs drawn by lo teams of horses In the of Rev i Carey of the Home Mission Toronto touk the or hip service and Mrs Ridley had flown to New Brunswick at lend the funeral of his uncle who had died suddenly on New Years day We extend sincere to them Mr and Mrs Gerry Anderson of spent Die hoi Idays with her Mr and Mrs Prince St Mr ami Mrs Hon McGowan the weekend snowmobil g at Sound MeGoii in spent the holiday week there at their and Kl of Quebec spent Ihe holiday lie with Mr and Mrs J Hunter extend congratulations mil best wishes lo Mr and Mrs Confederation St their thirty fourth Saturday January send get weir wishes to Mrs Dive Stamp Prince St who has been in bed about weeks daughter Mrs No rah ilill Toronto with her over the holidays and her granddaughter Mrs Don per of Toronto also visited her Mr and Mrs id family of visited with her parents Mr and Mrs He mil amlly at Christ Dan WakitatTc flew to Saskatoon last after spending two weeks will his parents Mr and Mrs John WagstafTc I Mrs J attended the wedding of her grand daughter Judith Clark of and ilfrert McDumld at Boston I Her many fricna ire ghd know Mrs Mabel Clin able to be out of hospital is Willi her daughter Mr and Mis of Beaver Street Mrs C 20 OFF These suits an carefully made by Canadas bolt manufacturers and you a choice of newest- and pattern SPORT SHIRTS BUY ONE AT REGULAR PRICE Another For Only with perfect fit and satisfaction YOUR EXCLUSIVE DEALER Henrys Clothing The Place Everyone Knows is main street north THANKS FOR YOUR PATRONAGE A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL CONCRETE GRAVEL BUILDING SAND ROAD GRAVEL FILL and TOP SOIL GARNET BUD HAINES Clin SHIPPING MOVING BY LAND AIR SEA AND RAIL OVtltSEAS PACKING AND CUVTING WLLKIY 1H11S US WORLD WIDE SHIPPING The Government makes the tax rules Start using them and save some money Discount Centre 126 Main Acton Paint Wallpaper Panols Carpot 853 1190 Open Sat to FREE KULFAM AUTOMOTIVE Limited SI GEORGETOWN HOME OF THE FINEST ENGINES 12000 Mils or 12 Month for Car Trucks INDUSTRIAL ENGINES REBUILT CUSTOM HIGH PERFORMANCE ENGINES CRANK SHAFT EXCHANGE CYLINDER HEADS MACHINE SHOP PARTS SERVICE You can save to a year of earned income watch your money and still have control of it The government says in effect plan now for your retirement and well allow you to pay as much as into a regis tered retirement savings plan And wc wont tax you on it So you merely lower your taxable in come by investing up to in our registered retirement savings plans You save on tax You can get your money out too And its not dead It grows For instance suppose you had invested in our Equity Plan just seven years ago By now your money would have more than doubled If youre already in a plan and its growth rate cant compare with ours come on over We also offer you an alternative plan which guarantees a rate of interest estab lished at the first of March each year Thats definitely not dead money When you withdraw it of course you hove to pay taxes on it at that time But this is exactly whaf most important Yon pay tax on the money when you choose to pay This has led some to call the plan a tax shelter One fellow We paid into it for five years watched it grow then took the bundle out and used it to replace normal income while he lazed in Majorca for six months If you care to you can leave it in till you retire for good Either way its an excellent plan for you Its especially valuable because dont have a lot of salesmen out making calls therefore you dont have to pay high sales commissions All you have to do is call us But dont put it off The deadline is the end of February You cant declare any contributions for after this date Do it now Fight fire with fire Use the rules HALT ON PEEL TRUST A BAVINOS associated with CANADA TRUST HURON ERIC St N