GeorgetownActon Wednesday Nov 3 1982 RE3 Realty Limited 8775296 8460800 home erinm rpmti wall Go j a J I enough Mens Or wjMruunoa w on bedroom largo room icfctn on ran or tome IJ7 I Urn ate I louctci la new add on Call Arc MB kg w en 1 acre gin it long ruon ore ttitee I to deck bath Oil ling Soar TKEi3 ANNO Of HUSH wound vet tram bedroom lepra iMxij ruof I mill bam taught Barbara Jtwgi a me ardrfsa lam garage it lor sale rreji lundr and Jural 0n Hogg r9UCD Jack GRANTS Want la buiW7 New 1300 MOO lor Jib occupancy teals April lots and LOTED- J moil dining loom Dabble garage Wing ire Irial Ira beautiful homo it M home Superb Itntn home tormrj Spatiota Qiuliir uipci la ami I can with a id Call Hi a in I J We heme Icatu I mam toot room plus rflorp insjitclmn plena Ml EM 7J44 wort ran A HOUSE THE ih a Ira ma Bin one lew icfirn mui Meal or ftediDom at VT l at TERRA COTTAtltUM InwV eJJfcl yrl 3rd m iw la je room tpia GteifMfig bedroom room Bfjuttjl lot at If top die Forks lng roam litrhen J lotto mm tu but not Can near Beavii ume work Stung OUR STRENGTH IS OUR PEOPLE