Bros brick bungalow bedroom Smog room In bath Large need lot Vendor wftl consider VICTORIAN IK Moray red bock completely renovated Home overlooks six acre take and stream flow through property Maple tread lane bank 3 3 acre comer property priced at 900 on edge JUSTUSTED 10 years old storey 4 bedroom horns IK bath laundry room room patio double car garage large Excatant Credit and On and a half storey none renovated interior 3 kitchen living room study new hot water heating system fireplace Nicety tat hack from toad Essv commuting Just north of Georgetown BEIF0UKTAIM AREA early Canadian Stone Housa set weft back from road in secluded eras Fdur wWWe ponds lOOacre of treeri land large kitchen room whh fireplace Asking 36 Main Street Erin Metro OF ATKINSON WANT A REAL BARGAIN Here h i we want you SoNd brick bedroom hardwood floors and a vary pleasant fenced yard In central location Hurry Hurry cat us or PS good mortgage GOVERNMENT GRANTS These home quaffy for both the Prow and Fad grant There era stH three Excellent financing Act cokxcrnicaeifl available A WELL PLANNED I 3 bedroom home located In a nice neighbor hood bin with to fenced tot Central eh priced at 882500 DOWN BY THE RIVERSIDE A superb riverside property located on the edge of town Cedar tide spit home boatt wood burning fire place in living room die kitchen 3 bedrooms end smai separata bachelor apartment Hurry fishing season is hem and you can picnic on your own river bank Act fast askngonfy tee oh lot BO mature and futy fenced Situated deadend street this pretty 3 bedroom home sparking clean A good 1st mortgage ttus property smart buy Asking only 900 LOCATION a perfect shining 3 bedroom home on a gorgeous lot with mature trees and stream Minute walk to Cutturel Centre stores bank schools churches Go transit parka hospital and professional services Hurry Hurry and located In the Park area this fine home ia lavished with super feature FabukMis main floor rarnay room large bedroom master quality food centra garburator central air just to mention a few Call tor your appointment and hear about the great financing Asking 128 COUNTRY EXECUTIVE HOME 3badrooma 3baths garages walkouts to 76 cedar deck AH these plus so much more Main floor room and laundry room very large kitchen cedar hot intercom electric garage door control phi phi now for AKERS CLARK fitil Ltd Raaltor Main StS 875211 house NAMES YOU CAN ATTENTION BUYERS RAVWE LOT LARGE 1ST MOfrTOAQE Thi older bedroom bungalow boast of a larga Irv room an alrtkjrrt wood- stove roof onfy 2 yra Modemfasd plumbing heaong and wiring and a 000 mortgage at 11 for mora than year First tana buyers can take advantage of a 00 government grant Cat for a showing Ideal or retirement home Thie 3 Super dean 3 bedroom brick bungalow bedroom home has been protected with on a large poolabed treed lot You must vinyl and aluminum soffits end is see thai home that boasts a oneway to finished roc room wkh a ffc-e- The Vendor take back the piece There a an extra bath air Mortgage conditioner tool freezer and term aluminum eaves Asking Lovely executive horn ravine lot in area of fine homes ThU hold a 2nd mortgage with a Cambridge Special features 4 large payment to go along with the bedrooms hardwood throughout existing fint mortgage of 600 which doubt car garage main floor fsmly hat Then is a good income from room Plenty of room on the TV ISO two apartment lot for spool and a garden Much sought after lovely bedroom backing onto the river Private yard two washrooms fantastic log water softener and low maintenance FJJUNECHATTEN 8774579 MCKFERRAR0 ERNESUMN 793SSB KBiTSCHUPPEHT VIVIAN FOR HIS MARKET ANALYSIS OF HOME 8775211 SUBDIVISION INVESTMENTII YES YOU CAN AFFORD A HOME JtaiAlunBnfcrf77TCri Tom