The Free Press Wednesday Feb 10 1382 11 FORD half BE ioiVtcii ALOUETTE low mileage after m HONDA THE CLASS OF THE CLASS Sugg Cycle Main St Acton 8532370 SUZUKI STEST TESTED 1 Mag Bahamian Delight BRAMPTON CYCLE J SSSsiwKumifia MINI MOTOR HOMES HALTON TRAILER SALES AND RENTALS AM Si ltoh Aucf i Sal HILLS holding an Estate sale or Clarence John ana Ida May Thorns on Wednesday ID lOT3ate In the Agricultural Kail Robert St M lyj plus strictly for field range Call Burlington Milton 7B til ACTON CURLING CLUB MALL FOR FURTHER IfVFOHMATION CALL 8531318 ACTON Four Deo room i baths In law accommodation Available March monthly GENTLEMAN wishes to hare HOUSE Near 7 roams S3 0601 March 1st NO pets Call SPACIOUS one bedroom apartment furnished all utilities ground floor of far Octtn front condominium on luxury reioM Free golf tennis pools many extra Ft Pierce Hutchinson island Reasonable rates COO par week Canadian 1 Dec ROTARY CLUB of ACTON AUCTION SALE Tha Acton Band Hall Thursday Fo bruary 1882 Admission Tickets are limited Call Don McDonald Jug City 8530590 or any Rotary member Preview 630 Auction 8pm Construction Duff Sand Gravel Delivery by Jack Campbell Lady n a DP3kB Map a Lool supply of Owl Sot LP Records Crochet Work arrangement Pi ni no Vouchor jSOOO Clean no I Cooke Deep Fry Broom To 20 La dry Hamper Towel Sot Beauty Convert bio Sofa Man s Mold crofl Co TV Convenor Wators Tha H House n ty Church Qui tors The Golden Age Club i Thompson r CI Toth Shall Servce Or Flout M I Lakov Centra Ala Mar bar Glass i son Cloth i Lz Chalmers Marion i John Auto Davidson Mrs Oscar Joan McDonald i Tyler Travel Everlast Bray Manus Country Store Horr ngtonPr Joan Han son Mac Acton Homo Hard 2 trays rom Anonymous Anonymous dnng room Joan Nolls Soles Sot Tabid lamps rom Grundy Auction Centra Da Stodmans of Salon Ha Ion Fumt Ford Salos Systems Bank of Nova Scot a Spoysido Auto Body Ed a In Out Holland Shop Mag Em Health Food Pot Foods Joiwik Watch this space for more items of crafts antiques of any unusual terns ao Call Doug cad 0239 Or Don McDonald Auctioneer Ken Clopperton All proceeds to community service DOOR PRIZES LUCKY DRAWS Of ATTENTIONI Smart Young Investorsl For fust down and a listed price of US TOO gets you an excellent opportunity get homeownenhlp for this you have all solid with new wiring plumbing Insulation and furnace It has a potential of per than Vi hour drive from Milton Agents Welcome call Larry Bates at or rent at a month or for sal bedroom home bank barn it box stalls Implement barn paddock prima ear Til rural land J Kati Guardian Real Estate41 NEAR EDEN MILLS large bedroom house panelled rec room potential other when you are a RED CROSS Blood Donor Lower grants ceiling Hilton Region will be He says la effect the giving out about committee saying no leu in grants this year new grants and there Councillor Dave be less money for Whiting report Health groups which received and Social Services grants last year If new Committee decided agencies or groups want Tuesday to lower the grants this year they grants ceiling to just have to convince the over from the region to cut groups given out which received rapport year who does it CAMERA REPAIRS II CUSTOM FRAMING Repair Free Estimates Estimate or Hsvn You Camera Checked Today ACTON PHOTO CAMERA Loath Villa ga p SCHMUKI CARPENTRY For free est mates phone 853 3655 We offer custom bu Id and framng home A K CARPENTRY Workmanship Guaranteed for free est mat una Shea Mobile Cleaning Service NO STEAM NO SHRINKAGE work guaranteed 8224712 fflira mm Chfm nay Sweeping OHandtJaa Furnace Cleaning Enorgy efficiency test John Lives ACTON CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Hours Wed 9 am loSOOpm Tuei Thure am lo mom ngs by RICHARD TELFORD D C CHIROPRACTOR MM Street Acton 8532483 TOM THOMPSON CHIROPRACTOR Mam St S Acton Monday thru Friday Sam 7pm 8533460 mmm HGC CONTRACTORS Residential Commercial Sendees Home Improvement Painting Carpentry For free estimate call Ron at mm GUTHRIE CONSTRUCTION For an your home nc farm t 8530918 Quality Workmanship Dead or Disabled Animals Removed Old Healthy Horses 3 a lb FERGUS or Lie S FARM SERVICE Dead or on mala Phono Lie R STEEN A ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS KARL S ELECTRICAL SERVICE Hondo Commercial Industrial R Ontario L7J2L7 Phone HALTON HILLS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LIMITED Hour Service Industrial Commercial Residential Rural Prop Prualnr 8532572 HAIRS END KathyGoy R Prop Wo Permanent Ha r Removal by EVENING SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE For Free Consultation Cell 853 3273 John a Custom Farming Plonks THOMPSON FUELS GULF AGENT Lloyd Mclntyrs 8532174 YOU NO ST ACTON ONT SUPPLYING Petroleum Product for Farm and Home Heating Sale I Fuel OB Budget Plan a in the WANT ADS Dennys Insurance 8530150 OFFICE HOURS AFTER HOURS CALL Thurs Milton Ball Friday Harold Denny 8SJ2665 In tenor Paper Hang QUALITY WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED For Free Estimate Call RUDY 8530679 0 REILLY PAINTING DECORATING Call for your paint and wallpaper re Free written guaranteed workmanship 10 Discount for Senior Citizens Call Guelph 8235619 WATER PUMP PROBLEMS We are equipped to handle all jet and piston pumps We as near as your phone for all your plumbing needs BOVES PLUMBING BARLOW PLUMBMG ANOKUTWQ GAS FITTER MINTING ACTON PRESS mm mil WESTERN GENERAL CONTRACTORS Special Roof ng Hot TnrHoofng Fascia Steal Barns Earns trough ng Alum num Doors Add lions FREE ESTIMATES Call or Erin collect B332075 MILTON RENTALS CALL 375STEELESAVE SIDING ROOFING 853172D FIRST LINE TV SALES and SERVICE MM St East Acton Phane 1057 Foi Store and After Hour Zen Et Motorola Deal or SOFT WATER THE WAY IT SHOULD 8E SALES COMPLETE Troalmffl Equvnwt lot HOmes Flimiand SELF SERVICE SMI Pick up or Mr Daigle is 105 years old by Mrs McLean Belated greetings o Louis Joseph DaSgle who observed his birthday on Daigle makes his home with his son Ell and law Laura and family Although almost blind his hearing is acute and he has a sense of humor regaling the children with in and amusing anecdotes must hold a record for long Ebeneier UCW held their February meeting at the home of Marlon Diamond There were ladles and two children present The president Sadie Moore opened with a verse Don Hurry World Day of Prayer is being held on March Anyone Is welcome to come to the service at 2 clock Joss the convener had an Interesting programme on Love suitable for Valentines Day Discussion of what love is and Is not took place Jean Early read I Cor 13 Share until It a sacrifice have a heart for minority groups We Love is sharing our Gat Love Is doing Utile thoughtful things Laura Wless read from Matthew and Mildred Ward read Deut Love is the complete commitment of ourselves to God The ladies Joined in prayer for their bereaved sister Mabel Frank Jesus loves me os sung for the children Lois Beaton assisted the hostess in serving lunch and Laura acted as courtesy convener Vehicles collide minimal damage resulted to one of two cars involved in a two vehicle collision on Saturday in Eden Mills Guelph report cars by Richie of ford and Kenneth Hur ren of Acton were headed when the collision occurred Police estimated damage to the car and say the ren car was i Town fathers cost 10003207 Hills Town Fathtr Mothirs cost tax payers a total of in 19B1 Mayor Peter was at Oil top the list for monies paid out of Die municipal bunk it count 11- received in remuneration in the town contribution to Canada Pension Plan and in conferences other ex for a total of J28 All the councillors receu In lion and all but 16 lo Ihc pension plan Acton councillor Dive Whiting in conferences for a of SB JO attended worth of tax payers and councillor Kncchltl was glvenJ268 for conferences He however did not pay towards ihe pension plan received over the year Esquesing councillor Miller iv worth of conferences for a total of Other Esquesing representatives and Pam Sheldon were not sent to leaving their total costs at Acton delegate Continued from page 1 roster agrees pundils who believe election as leader puts the parly luck in the same level of strength it in Hie when New Democrats won Officii itmn When the new leader s capabilities in known across the province Poster he in inlet pulls show he viewed by all voters is Out in most competent leider He compares favorably with former leader Stephen Lewis who highly regarded by voters of all pollcltal stripes and far above Michael Cassidy whose election as leader Fosltr always regarded as a mistake He preferred runner up Jan Deani who Is much like Hat lines advantage over Lewis In terms of being able to lead the to power Is he is younger and viewed more moderate lit a bright new star lories are in the senility Another convention w is of his for part president Marion Chambers of who eirned Ihe NlJl I inner in lost provincial Church Services KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA ACTON vice School and I TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA ACTON Sun Feb 14 1982 J Sun Church Acton ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH THE CHURCH OF ST THE MARTYR A bans Or Sun Feb 14 1982 a Hoy Eucharist an Cl School Pastor Joan Sum 1000 a m Sun Feb CHURCHILL COMMUNITY am Sunday ns a m Momma- s n Feb 14 1982 lht Sermon a Wo Ihip