Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1972, p. 4

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The Ado Free e Wednesday February Editorial Page J Taking a turn for the nurse We were mooting of tho new service committee of county that tho Health Unit would Imjrrovc health services in North I In I ton obviously In the north despite tlu ft of some people In Authority Unit all Is tint and dandy I vldenco Indicate strongly tho southern half of enjoys a much better service because of Its population the Health Unit has In servicing the northern part of the county have been further compounded by a shortage of nurses which apparently Is general throughout the province This Is further complicated In North Halton case because nurses to work in Oakville or Burlington rather than In the north where they have their work cut out ill Wo off rial In lint Health Unit some tmtw Morn have not hud a bar until rstonrfing of the win tit llu half of til the publicity wonder win the over will fully rslmiri thi director of nursing him IndlcnM thai the Immediate need for north was of on to north A cent issue of this newspaper there wire 302 births in during 1071 One of the myriad duties of a public health nurse Is to help expectant parents and assist with newborn babies Obviously the one nurse allocated to would have a difficult time looking after the babies without turning their hand to other duties David Coons of the services committee told ActMl reeve McKenzle that Ihero Is question unit medical officer of health girt die message that more nurses are needed in the north We particularly liked tho summation of Die Actfn deputy reeve In a letter us bury the past and work for Improved health services in County I do not expert health services in North to be improved the expense of another urea nor will 1 serve on the board accept the for North as presented are facts and cannot be glossed over by passing the buck about where the blame for the situation lies thing to do now is improve the and bury the past It s the goose step I Join this Key club Canadians It is estimated carry MAN THAT ICE IS COLD almost enough to make a fellow with thanks also the the Bcardmore pressure system which poke his beak back into his feathers and stand on one webbed keeps ice open and allows a fellow to take a wintry dip eery n C foot Canada Geese now making their home at the dam end of now and then Jim Jennings Photo ST- Fair are putting a good winter thank pockets or purses Another e r v unidentified In drawers and cupboards As they become more security conscious Canadians are carrying more keys than ever before As a result they are also losing more keys than ever before The key tag service operated by the War Amputees in this country has proved its worth In 1971 for example more than 16 lost keys were returned to their owners through identification by the War Amps Key Tag service For 25 years now the War Amps Key Tag Service has been mailing rather inte the subject of marriage these for Tamos reasons mock wedding to take place at a bridal shower recestl I used some stock gags is a solemn institution and is only to be entered into if yon wish to spend rest of year Me m an institution And Do von lake this woman to be awful wedded wife And the conclusion from who has his ser conf And may God lane upon roar souls Stuff like that Thought that was the end of it Then daughter home for a weekend with her current fiance It scans the young man had asked bar to marry him The weekend was obvious a where the parents and the are exposed to one another with the potential bride sitting darting wild nervous glances at both parties Lets listen far a moment as panicky thoughts scoot through her mod Oh why did Dan bare to say that Moo he stubborn and stupid just because he agree with her Ob no he made another grammar error Sore enough Dad on that Ob please Mom dent go into that threebow story about bow and Dad lived on a month when were married Oh lord why is Dad asking all hose questions about how much a sculptor makes how many sculptures he sold and how be going to back his student loans as well as mine because George he t going to support usOh dear I wish 1 dnever mentioned it Actual it wartlike that at all In fact 1 took the whole thing lightly as who whose daughter has been engaged three tunes within a The only thing that floored me was that Kim said this fellow wanted to ask permission to her This seemed so old worldly in this da and age that I immediately became suspicious as Wants permission eh Let see Permission means approval Appro a means it going to cost me a lot of mone one way or another And so on However as 1 said I took It all rather off untd 1 went downstairs Sunday morning and found wife and daughter arguing about the wedding how many guests who they were to be what she wear where the reception would be and all that jazz What wedding I roared into the maelstrom At least It stopped them long enough so that they could regroup forces and attack me discovered that I was an old fud a fusspot an obstacle in the course of true love a cynic a materialist and a few other things such as a miser a hypocrite You and Mom didn t have a nickel when you got married and a misanthrope I cheerfully agreed to all charges which took the steam out of their attack bent the kids off with a flea In their ear The flea will buzz unheeded and the roast will be scoffed with gusto That life Would it were as simple for everybody as it is or the chap who ran the following ad In the personal column of the city paper recently PROFESSOR of surgery and head of surgical research of a North American university widower age 60 financially very comfortable brilliant good looking In excellent health active In sports with broad Interest in the humanities arts and music wishes to meet miniature license plate key tags to motorists In Canada Making these tags has given full time employment to amputees and from January to June when most of the work is done another part time people most of them near relatives of war veterans arc hired The employment situation for war amputees has never been good but it has reached a critical stage now so that public support of the organization key tags is more important than ever There arc three factors working against war amputees and contributing to their high rate of unemployment according to A J Parsons general manager of the key tag service First Canada has not been involved Editorial response an elegant lady of Jewish faith age to read with Interest your editorial You good looking Intelligent and independently J from wealthy Object matrimony The rest of the ad dealt with the mechanics The ladies were to send photograph and all details If they shaped up a meeting would be arranged selectively by telephone If they they would get their Junk back Well I can help but admire the man for laying it on the line even though he is ob viously an arrogant boor He 11 get so many letters he 11 never have time to get married Nor could I help composing in my min J a similar advert extolling my own virtues for leap Year ladles It ran to only twelve words Asapartygame try making up your own marriage advertisement You might be surprised at how much you have to offer to that vale of tears and laughter Marriage a solemn Institution If you are a solemn prig C news As the Association representing the direct mail we are concerned with editorials such as yours and so we an sending vou material The material consists of our revised Code of Ethics printed last spring a list of our current members and a folder explaining the alms and objectives of our Association Wed like In draw w attention to item clearly states ah prizes must be given away Of course there are many direct mall companies In Canada who do not belong to our Association and we do not deny bad direct mail does exist But then so do bat in a war for two decades and the public lends to forget those who were wounded fighting for their country Second age is catching up with the amputees Finally the high level of un employment it is difficult to convince employers that amputees are good risks as workers Consequently when you accept the War Amp keys and send them money in return you are not only helping a war amputee to keep his self respect but insuring yourself against the time when you might lose your keys War amputees want to stand on their own two legs even if they only have one or none The purchase of key tags helps veterans wounded in their country service attain some measure of independence newspaper advertisements And bad tdeylslonandradfoads What we are trying to do amongst other activities is upgrade the level and stop false and misleading mail Yours sincerely Jennifer Thompson Miss Chairman Membership Committee Our last glimpse of Nassau was on a bright Thursday afternoon while the teamed out of the harbor to the accompaniment of whistles and waves from boats and pedestrians Just prior to sailing we witnessed a little incident on dock which restored our faith in human nature It resembled a Keystone Hops comedy but the whole thing was conducted with much gravity It was a police raid Nassau Bobbles in their natty uniforms arrived on the docks in on bicycles and motorcycles accompanied by the biggest paddy wagon ever laid my eyes While we watched they swooped onto the docks and started arresting everyone In sight who were mostly good humored young men treating the whole affair as a joke The police pushed and pulled them Into the paddy wagon with great delight packing them Into the back with the dexterity of pushers who load street cars In Tokyo We never did find out what their offense or offenses were but obviously neither they nor the police thought it was worth getting very upset about And it was a sight worth seeing as we pulled out of that Caribbean fairylandglimpsing Paradise Island on our left and the city to our right It long before we were out In the open sea watching the sun go down and preparing for our final dinner at the groaning ship tables Earlier in the voyage If you could call it that we were treated to a free party at the captain a expense This was a dodge so all the ladies could get to meet the captain a handsome Norwegian with a slight accent who knocked the women out with his suave Welcome aboard To make sure that no one would forget the occasion the ship photographer was on hand to record the event on color He sold the pictures at two bucks a print and needless to say they went like beer at a German picnic My wife wanted to order 10 copies but fortunately there wasnt enough time process them She had to settle for one which has since nearly been worn out from overexposure Almost one of the last things we had to do before the snip docked the next morning was to find out how we should tin all the people who looked after us on the ship This Included the waiter and the coffee boy the cabin steward and anyone else we cared to acknowledge Nearly all these people had been almost throughout the trip All of a sudden they were very much In evidence saying hello to everyone In sight We took the hint and tipped It is also a last right tradition that you spend the last night on the ship at an all night party which prepares you mentally and physically for the arduous of disembarking chores Probably the hardest tat Is discovering means of circumventing customs officers with toot you can buy at the dutyfree shop on board Cigarettes were available at a carton booze sold for almost the same price for a and there were numerous other thingstoemptyyourpocketbook if you had the means We had no trouble getting past the good humored customs man at Miami even though I had lost the list we prepared was tripping over everyone In sight and trying to watch the drama in the other queues where fellow passengers were producing articles they had thought were Immune to tax Some paid Others got through scot free and Our guy told us he didnt care whether we bad all the cigarettes on board in our pack but anything else watch out But as they say on Dragnet or some such other play we were clean and got through 20 years ago Taken from he Issue the Free Press Thursday February 1951 One of the best Booster Nights ever seen in Acton was unfolded last Thursday night at the arena as a near capacity house watched and thrilled to a unique program Highlight of the evening was a game between the old tune hockey stars and the 1939 O A Intermediate champions The Champions won but were hard pressed as the old tuners put on a 12man power play Old Tuners Jack Greer goal Dude linusay Harold Sonny FredKentner Bob Anderson Joe Joe Woods Cord Huffman Clarence Fred Nell Bud McDonald manager Bunk Holmes stick boy 1939 ChampsHerb Woods goal Twit Holmes Itch Marzo Minute Walters John Brush Ben Bayliss Dang Norm Morton Vic manager John Itobson stick boy Near 150 young players in the Minor Sports Club league played during the evening The 10 minor hockey teams played with referees Vic Masters Wllf Duval and iieorge In the junior division Ijeno Marzo steam and Ernie Marks teams battled to a scoreless draw while Ray Mason a team edged out Gord Cunningham team 14 on a neatly executed goal by Emmerson Baxter In the senior section Kerwin McPhall Buzzers and BUI Slow Pokes belted each other around to a 1 draw Bob Anderson team was whitewashed 30 by Doug team Joan Coles and Barry McKeon were married in St Joseph church the bride wearing white brocaded satin Miss Denis Coles was maid of honor and the bridesmaids were Miss June Watkins and Miss Patricia Coles At the carnival in the I presented Master Kenneth Petty with a flashlight in connection with his recent rescue of his chum Bobby Lawrence 50 years ago Taken Irom the tune the Free Press February Mr Ramshaw is harvesting ice on Fairy Lake by a new method Instead of the usual ice plow he cuts the Ice with a circular saw mounted on a travelling frame There is more ice being housed n Acton this winter than ever before Mr Peter A Smith of has res the office of major of and is coming to Acton to the tanneries here He has been manager of the Beardmore tannery there for years and already the esteem of this One of Georgetown oldest citizens Henry Sherman was laid to rest on Saturday in his year He settled Georgetown years ago when ft was but a hamlet At that time man stumps decorated Its principal streets and numerous wild animals wolves bear and deer roamed the hills and valleys nearby No railway connected Georgetown with the outer world in the early days All travelling had to be done on foot horseback or stage and was the nearest shipping point Do you know of any four cents you have spent this week you have derived more benefit or pleasure from than the paper you bold in your hand The of St Joseph a church ceased ringing a few days ago out of THE ACTON FREE PRESS PHONE 853 Bus ness and Editorial Office for the illness of Mrs David til pit next door The quality of water supplied by Actor waterworks from the Big Spring excellent The ice was too soft for the big hockey match with Guelph Saturday night The were all assembled but playing oul of the question First thunderstorm of the season last Thursday Thunder In February is said an early spring 75 years ago Taken from the of the Free Pith Tbnrsday February IS 187 At Homes evening parties and receptions are of daily occurrence this last week or so before Ixnt La Grippe is holding sway most audaciously at present Hardly a home in town but has one more members under the rare of a physician The years since organization and the second anniversary of the opening of the new edifice were observed by the congregation of Knox church with very successful services last Sunday and Monday On Monday the inevitable anniversary tea was a prelude to the recital The ladies of the congregation are however beginning to long for the day when an anniversary may be successfully conducted without this adjunct to the program At least that is the conclusion reached by the Free Press scribe as a result of sundry remarks dropped in his hearing at the tea tables Mr J J clerk of session especially welcomed the minister bride Mrs Macpherson and referred to the fact that practical tokens of then love bad bean left at the manse in the shape of a suite of beautiful parlor furniture and a h marbelized clock with decorated dial Rev Macpherson said I know you will not expect unreasonable things from her Remember she married roe and not the congregation of Kbox Church BalUnafad Methodists were to a magic lantern ex Name given was arrested at limebouse on Saturday by a Georgetown constable for stealing an alarm dock from Mr Crawford He was sent down for trial Considerable damage to was done to the buildings in a Ore The hydrants Parliament Hill were all up

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