Organ hit by US surcharge A Free Press survey of Acton Industries conducted this week revealed that most have not yet experienced any adverse effects of President Nixon levy of a per cent surtax on imports to the United States Of five industries contacted only one Organ related any serious loss of business It definitely is affecting us Keates plant manager Ken Clarke told the Free Press The surtax has had the effect of making our prices less competitive in the US where about 60 per cent of our markets are we definitely slowed down since it was Imposed he said No effect Building Products executive imposition of the surtax has had no effect on the Acton since very few exports from the plant go to the US We re primarily geared to the domestic imrket lie said Porter spokesman V I cited re isons why his plant has been unaffected Hit plant exports In the foreign market but not to the An official in inuhcturcrs- of cooling lowers said tin plant does not export to the US I tin Were importer not an exporter he id A Bcardmore spokesman said surtax has not yet affected Iht plant appreciably Year ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY OCTOBER Acton time Clocks go back an hour Sunday with the annual autumn return to Standard Time There was confusion In the district when the Erin Advocate announced last week that the change would occur Sunday October Turns out It was one of those mis takes that make editors tremble and grow pate Sure enough our neighboring weekly had printed and distributed the wrong date in the clerk ad vertlscmcnt and a front page story The Advocate hastily phoned schools and stores to set them straight So Erin joins Acton and the rest of the province In to Standard Time his weekend Overnight visitors Residents of Lake view sub division were delighted to view a large flock of Canada Geese obnousl acted by the tame birds land on the lake Just before dark Monday night John estimated the geese numbered about birds A tremendous sight ob served Hie flock spent the night on Fairy I and continued their way south early Tuesday mornuu while tht regular lake tried vainl to follow Three accidents in past week Hint accidents were investigated Alton police during the week driven by Keith Hiompson At ton left Agnes St was estimated at SI at II a car driven Forbes hit a ttlephme pole and tree on and damage was at polite Keith scar in the Legion parking lot was struckwilhdanuite setatWIX A choree is pending COUNCILLOR PETER Marks presented a cheque for to Rim president Howard on behalf of Acton Council Photo Mayor promises no delay on work Acton supporters toast victor George Kerr MR CLEAN WHO made a clean sweep of Hilton West is surrounded by jubilant supporters at the Estaminet Burlington after the election Thursday Minister of the Environment George Kerr is the centre of a happy group which includes Mr and Mrs Iain Gilbraith Mrs Don Mrs John Shadbolt Mrs George Pat Kerrivan Mr Mrs Staley and Brian Cirgill of Acton Mr Kerr outpaced candidate Walter ind Liberil Bob Mc- Nutt Staff Photo At ton Council will proceed with to Drive at jiktvicw subdivision whether or not an exchange of land with Ted a resident of the street be arranged Mayor stated night mayor made his statement after Deputy retvt Pat informed council on engineer survey of I Drive completed and stakes reestablished in their proper locations If road is put in its proper location it will come right up to the deputyreeve explained in reference to the house adjacent to Mr Hrankiewiu Attempt foiled A 15yearold girl reported missing to police his been located A report wis rtttivtd of shooting lights ntar Mason Co Suspects ire bung Another window was in town by a rock Attempt foiled Watson restaurant reported attempt made by two short change irtists to bilk them out of They successful and polite wert notified Kerr clobbers opponents Probablj the most surprised person in Halton West riding mi packed house with night was Minister of the Environment George Kerr The whopping plurality he chalked up in defeating Liberal Bob McNutt and New Democrat Walter Mulkewich votes was totally unexpected Mr Kerr said ht expected plurality of about votes Smashing victory He ittributed his smashing vie to fact he never had a organization or involved in preelection mechanics whole riding worked thin the ever have before and it produced more votts than ever before pluralitv was the second biggest of an candidate the election and the largest in the his ton of the riding George Kerr lost six of the 214 polls two I them in Aeton where the in Poll ind had a more comfortable margin in which is In and Fsquesing was the unanimous of rural voters while Burlington tame out so strong for theu White Knight other candidates shook heads in Set Saturday as Halloween Following a suggestion by Councillor Bill Coats Acton Council is recommending that celebrate Hallow en on Saturday night this weekend even though Sunday is really the final day of October Councillor Coats pointed out tht police chief of the city of Toronto had already made a declaration that Halloween be celebrated on Saturday night this year The recommendation was agreed upon unanimously by all councillors Councillor Jack Greer didnt let the opportunity pass without bringing up one of his pet peeves Toronto has already said Saturday They set our Daylight Saving Time for us they might as well set this too he cracked Councillor Greer has long favored retention of Eastern Standard Time throughout the entire year disbelief took five Burlington polls Polls closed it p JO itwasobvioas Mr Kerr is posting one of the bluest election victories in the of the riding liber il Bob Mi Null shouldered his into crowded campaign ht at Burlington to person ilh ite tht winner hi ur liltr Wilier to concede his deft it Off form Unlike predictions the unassuming McNutt mure votts in the whom George Kerr thought would be his opposition He pointed out Mr to excited supporters ind said The bid i re gent It man running He r in dean fight is credit to his part community and province Kerr said crowd who mm liter a pohtt dip Mrs results Flection it Burlington a bus well run operation tabulated first results at i polls and the showed had BobMcNult90J Walter trailed with fi The were a indication of final results 45 results showed George Kerr with and Kerr 13 and with six polls unreported- Kerr 4 Toast victor this timt hilarious Conservatives were it the Estaminet Inn Burlington toasting their in more appropriate form It was full In the spotlight of course wert rct Kerr his attractive wife Mini i Hums from citizens of background Supporters tched the Conservative in it hint roll up their tremendous victor on colored TV set at the Kick if the inn marvelling at the hi e tbcv wert Ir m tin liberals and D It is held brew for the lint the stor was Ixiij rtx itcd ill over the In Burlington Mil shirt tht itives took ill but four of 1 polls Bob nlv poll of 14 wore on Tor in voters started to in fr the north i the top lialf f bit grins on Hi ir ices outstretched I n is f r l eori Kerr 000 pluralit in 1J6 id to be a triumph thin but 1 t s out inutuvcred the New plant for Acton of ntw industry lot ittrif in at the industrial icntre Frederick St is Interviews have conducted at the ilion Hotel for in which plans to make different articles of wearing apparel from cloth manufactured in Toronto former of the now defunct Mason Knitting have been approached to sec if the would be in a job with in Hit Free was told the has several govern contracts to suppl of clothing to the armed forces and the skills of Mason Knit employes would be utilized opposition Ktrr told hushed rttrs in bis speech Support young He said the sujport of the lit believed most of the 121 vote of the future Hut theme George kept it wis the t of the pain He hugged part president Cargill as he in in the north with i irjt number of supporters and is in the end of the ill tourinj jxjilin st ind encouraging w rktrs predicting i bit margin of victor Figures which in the pipe smoke he generated in his own mind mil results of the voting showed George Ktrr with til per of tht vote whilt ibtraLs had ptr tent and NDP per cent Only Premier Bill Davis whopping IB plurality was bigger ONTARIO scholars graced the ranks of graduates at high school commencement Attuning over per cent in grade were fackie Lemon Bonnie Girvin and Chris Stephen Yu nght qualify since he was accepted Into the spring semester at the University of Guelph Staff Photo Mayor felt the most re son a hie plan would be to offer Mr an exchange of 1 end whereby he would receive town land on the north side of the present ro id in exchange for a pi rtion of land he owns on the south side of the road No one wants to put a road In front of somebody doorstep We should try to have a conveyance of land Die mayor suggested However the mayor warned if a land transfer is not forthcoming We 11 not be held up my longer we put the road through where the original survey He the town already his a by law pcrmittinj them to put the road through Councillors differ Councillors Jack reer and Peter M irks wondered if a transfer of land is necessarily the safest way of improving the road Should we not try to the turn out of if Marks asked You in sec around that corner its to iround curve he said said lit didn t think it was going to kill ptoplt to slow down bit It won be any more hazardous than It Is now Mayor said It be a square corner Greer shot back Censure officers rhe president and of Hit Club un censured at the zone meeting in Burlington on Oct 19 for refusing continued membership to Mrs Agnes i long standing member of the and one of the original founders lilt rt isons given by Mrs Cot president and Mrs secretary that Mrs did not attend meetings reason not considered a Itgitunitt ont by zone president Mrs was offered membership in many other clubs but declined to accept and tendered her resignation us isurcr She was a hearty vote of th inks for her excellent service to stnior titlzens club m since its inception in Clubs represented at tht lone were Burlington Br it Georgetown Milton and Golden Fall Hall will held this in Burlington on Nov Pop 5033 First results of the Canadian Census show that Acton has a population of ptoplt from the 1966 figure of 4 Also in the bulletin sent out Statistics Canada were figures for and Nassagawca townships which show the formtr with up from and with J a hike of from the 19Wj of Population counts in the bulletin are subject to revision usually higher since figures do not in elude persons enumerated at temporary address but they are believed to be a close approximation to final population counts