Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 29, 1971, p. 10

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Little Want Ads Do Big Jobs Try One and See For Yourself BIRTHS MARKS Peter and Joanne arc hippy to announce birth of their son Lis on September it St Josephs Hospital A brother for Gregory Le ah ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs J T Wallers of Weber Drive Georgetown wish announce the engine of their ore to Mr Gordon McDomld son of Mrs I McDonald the late Mr J McDonald of Acton COMING MARRIAGES PAKRTSH VANDER KOOY Mr ind Mrs J Vmdcr koov forthcoming of their diughter Nellie to Mr Ken son of Mr and Mrs 1 iss The wedding will tike place October I at the New Apostolic Church Acton IN In loving mem of a fither anil grand George Muvscllc Mho passed September 1970 You cm put it into words tins feeling of remcmoering It comes up like a Utile mist between and your world So lint suddenly Flurry of limes or the of a melody Cm mike you till this iche pisses over Sidly missed daughter son in I Alhn and Rob Sharon Janice and Andrew al41210 MCDOWELL Mr Mrs Telford McDowell Ravliwn Cres Georgetown wish to the forthcom of their Bonnie to Mr Gor don Winfield son of Mr Mrs Wilson infield chill Cres Georgetown Mar will in Church George town on November at DEATHS ANDERSON Robert J At To ronto Genml Hospital on Thursdiv September Robert J Anderson of Cim St Acton In his beloved of Biat rice dear fither of Don of Acton and Ron ild Of five Private funenl held at the Funeral Home Siturday it survived Shoemik Interment number Last div for Y MCA registration for slim trim art 4111 ijrls Siturdav Oitober between lOim and noon it the il4 1765 BROWN Sidii On iv September 12 1971 it the Innisvvood Nursing Home Stroud Sidie beloved wife of the lite Mortimer Brown sister of Eva Blikc of Nashville Cole Toronto Rita Mrs J King the late Berlin Mrs Moir Miude Mrs W John Cole Mis Gregg He services were held at the Funeral Chipel 1141 St Ave Toronto Sept ember 1971 Cremation WALKER Petei Pissed iwiv in ifter a short illness on Thursday Septemb er Piter for- mirlv of beloved bind of Annie Melcilfi Oak Shipley Yorks inddiirfnh of Pete Requiem miss wis in St Church Bui don September 21 with in Killingbeek leed CARDS OF THANKS I think ill our kind friends ind neighbors for the m in and phone ills re- the pissing of Wiles Your thought fulness Ins so 1 mi Wiles Wi wish to tlnnk our ind foi kin in it of his tin run mi ind Anderson ind funds v4P41 The Sport nuns Mi is giiuful fir the this moved from trims in from ind disti el who helped tin imilhir Wi are pirn eriuful to Tnnsport Tid Titer Sr likivicw Don Rldkv port Geoiv s Town of Aeton John nek ind his willing Bin Ron McNiht who made 11 Don St Minor Soecer Acton Hi ind the Meadows Golf Club We ire also gnteful for tro phies donated Cirolmc Centre Force Eke trie A Supermirkct Bank of Montreal Bros H Eds Benson Shoes Symon Hard ware Manning Electric Blue Flower Shop Wright Insurance Shoemaker Funeral Home and s Breweries JOHN SHADBOLT Vice Chairman ROBINSON In loving mem of our son ind bro ther Guild who left us so 4 1969 We often sit think of him When we ire ill alone For is only thing Tint grief call its own Sidlv missed Mum ind Did sister Janet FOR SALE oik dining room suite round iblc buffet with mirror and ill Mrs Shulbolt lil41757 WOODrN windows doors nil sizes also used doors and win Reasonable Phone SOD No 1 Nursery Ken tuiky Blue and Minon deliver id or laid Prompt Lowest prices Phone John Hunter town 7451 la4J electric clothes dryers guaranteed A like new condition 5 heat selections in eluding wish ind weir Otlur clothes dryers This week it Good lets COMING EVENTS Bike Site in lid or the Men October 10 m it Wilsons Musie Stou iM129 Lets reillv En roll in i Night Course Rifeis is still possible for i mited time i4I232 Thriftv Swip Shop and drop- in reopening in MCA in Oct 130 Free Good used clothing Dince every Siturdiv it Mirv Helms Hideiwiv miles north of Tern Coin a Country ind West Bind Phone 4l8y2166 1 1 ind M vile to their Anntnl Op- i House it Elm Trei R R Moffit October Ex of punting textiles stulpluri Wool bl41127 i Duke Devonshire Chmter will hold their tcl acquainted meeting Tu siln October 5 at the home of Mrs Holmes 16 Ave on the join us 1141131 Apples com tomitois pick your own jt Ctiudleighs firm Milton miles north of on Hwy rides i hay mow Corn to roast lure Tomatoes now Ap ples Sept Weekends I to dirk Swap Shop and drop- centre in A Oitober 19 I JO Free coffee clothing Cloth ing don being iceiplid to noon nil or Tor ind urgently needed il4238 DOMINION i 1 iv Floor mo- li mi 1 spin hi 1 il a Fur II e SV01s2 17s8 CANOES Cdt Whito- ifter 1 HOUSE tniler with permit 12 bedrooms complete with blinds light fixtures frit Move new into oil ear port tool shed TV tibk After all day Sit mil Sundiy Milton loeal 177 lb224197 MOrrAT 30 range like new condition fully guar complete with lutomat timer infinite heat switches and window in door Now it downtown George town FURNITURE months old living room dining room two bedrooms also Pinosonic tape ind hi model RS820s 4 Zenith new rifle model picnic tool shed TV After ill dav Saturdty ind Sunday Mil ton local 177 lb224198 TV TOWER SALE tower instilled with ill VHF held 50 tower installed with ill channel head for second TV set Instilled M stereo held Instilled UHr head installed Combinition color held ind installed An torn tic rotor Instilled Repairs of ill tvpes RICHARDSONS Radio TV Phone 878 PRODUCE FOR SALE while in 1ilritiritor W lbs Plum TIMIXuitihis iff j Mink Ihe selection of ill is ton muv lil4 1 MOTO Ski 2 lip 1969 20 hp Under ind ippks ind rlnt lontumrs nd 9 to pm Sli 2b224219 WINE MAKERS PICK OWN GRAPrS S 7126 GUELPH LINE Burlington tiring lit 5 milis of iCunpbcllvilli CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES DEATHS Ho TOR SALT BENT ETC minimum charge lor IS THANKS I Tor 101 I Pro 14 To lUnl id I 1 Directory DEADLINES ClniUIrd DUploy and Eltfl p In paid at PHONE or 200 SQ FT shop For rent in Acton BEDROOM in silFcont lined 141242 The Free Press Wednesday September 1971 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE FEUALL Irish Setter pups weeks old each Phone 3il4 1756 STOCKERS Angus crossbred calve I crossbred 878- dogs mile ind vir Friendly and clean 15198339149 ADORABLE Pups Irish setter children pets week after 3a 1764 VEHICLES FOR SALE 1964 Windsor top condition power steering rad 10 No rust Call 5a 143479 1969 CHEVROLET door Inrdtop power brakes power steering 18 mi ks immaculate condition Phone 5al41763 1961 itic wheel discs with black interior Lie Cill TRIUMPH Spitfire well looked after bought new in speed tuned Sivv no snow list win lir Phone after TOW TRUCK 1969 CHEV C30 ton equip ped with Woods custom built body hoist ind winch Very good condition Milton 5b22 CONTINUOUS of orse minure 7b224085 USED oil stove tor orkshop Phone 9 1141241 HELP WANTED LOCAL GM Dealership re quires licensed mechanic pre with tnns mission experience Flat rite slop including guarantied sal iry excellent working ins benefits Ap ply Servile im to or hours WAITRESS PART TIME WEEKENDS Younger woman preferred Apply EDS RESTAURANT 14 Mun St S 853 2990 8al4 TRUCK DRIVERS Required for 3 ton van for delivery of food products day week ind ye round em Top Apply to Maple Lodge Farms LTD Norval Line West Winston Chin chill Blvd ind mile North of Sleeks Avenue 8b22 WE VACANCIES I OR PRODUCTION PERSONNEL Fictor in Ehny press or equip preferred Above ienge riles ind com pud benefits Applv in person or phone for ippointmcnl UNITED LTD 100 Frederick St 853 DOLL house ind old pirts of dolls mide Yvonne Sun Row I Wiston Ont or I HELP WANTED NOTICE The Women s Equal Employment Opportunity Act 1970 prohibits with certain ex discnminition of sex or status Smee some occupations arc more to persons of one six or the other in this column for sueh positions will continue to whether for or women Such listings arc not intended to exclude persons of either sex Sal tf MECHANICS and APPRENTICE EXPERIENCED Class A Mechanics AND 1 Third Year Apprentice Required immedntely Applv SERVICE MANAGER Sports Cars Unlimited Likcshore Clarkson 274 2321 pi id with one- 31 ANIMALS BOARDED in spire In small imped sill trim to ill iltir s3JJ399 ie Box 1094 Mil EVERGREENS up BIRCH WW Nursery Garden Ctre I north of on 3 7th Line 8774915 Open 7 days a week lalJ LARGE GLOSSY PRINTS of ACTON FREE PRESS STAFF PHOTOS sixe 8 10 size Plus Tax CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE VEHICLES FOR SALE SAFE BUY USED CARS drum 7 miles Li IV69 Pansunni door hardtop Lie ONLY 2299 Custom 4 door Lie N3031 dtor Lie N4780 ONLY 787 GALLINGER MOTORS MILTON PLAZA Milton 8782883 Toronto 5b22 EMPLOYMENT WANTED will pre her own home PI 9il412ll MOTHER will sit 1 it olds Iv mil Spiv Phone BEDROOM apartment includes hydro wal ipis bilcony idults Phone 13il41237 If LOST OR STRAYED I LOST white hand knit Sintimentil Rowird Phone llal412W DOG lost and looking for his master tan Collie Shepherd lbs Call after LIGHT Point Siamese cat wearing red collar with bell 15 Sideroad Line area Cill I AND bedroom apartments ill utilities including colored stove frig and drapes per month 1 AND bedroom apart ments including heit hydro iter dnpes bilcony ind par king and Acton 13bI195tf WANTED TO RENT GARAGE or spice location 14al41130 SERVICES We n hue i modem ind edger We will rcfinish floors or rent you the equip ment to do the job yourself J phone St S Acton FINANCE MORTGAGE funds 1st 2nd and 3rd residential also mortgages purclnscd Cill Glenn Oakawi Realty Investments Oakvillc anytime 17 REAL ESTATE CAN YOU HELP WE NEED HOUSE LIST INGS ACREAGES LOTS AND FARMS FOR EN QUIRING BUYERS PLEASE CONTACT a JACK HOLMES REAL ESTATE ACTON 1650 17al0tf WE CAN HELP YOU Whether BUYING or RENTING NUMEROUS LISTINGS TO CHOOSE FROM See Us First SYDNEY K LAMB LIMITED Realtor I Mill Street 853 Evenings and Wecltnds PHONE or Land for Sale The Township of IS OPTFRING FOR SALE Two Parcels of Land PARCEL NO AND Lots 30 and Everts Sur Villigc of con tuning twofifths of an more or less There are no buildings on the property PARCEL NO 703 Lot 72 Block PI Village of Rocfrwood containing one fifth of an acre less There arc no buildings on the property All offers to purchase to be delivered to the undersigned not later than pm Monday October 1971 A certified cheque in the amount of 10 of the tender price to be sub mitted with each tender and so terms expected for payment Highest or my offer not accepted T Hmdley Clerk surer 1 Ont Tel County of Halton ROADS DEPARTMENT TENDERS For 72 Winter Equipment Rentals SEALED TENDERS clearly as to contents will be received by the undersigned up until on Wednesday October 1971 for the following equipment Trucks ind equip ped plows wings for in sections of the County Trucks for sanding in sec of the County Sander bodies will be supplied and mounted by the County for standby will ap ply Information to Bidder- Tender forma may be obtained from the office of the under signed The lowest or any tender not necessarily D J County Engineer County Administration Building Ave Milton Ont 18W4 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE ROCKERY Station St FRIDAY OCTOBER 1st Commencing Dishes Tools Antiques There are Always Wiys to find articles it the best buys Look through Free Press Ads for reil economy CENTRAL ACTON ONLY 21900 Low limn bedroom home in excellent condition lot with mature trees near shopping and schools carpet ltd living room be pinclling over A re it this low price GARAGE IN NASSAGAWEYA 7000 DOWN HI Molding car inly garage gas pumps plus men store and 7 room apartment Excellent im ss ROCKWOOD BUNGALOW 23700 1 colored fixtures liv inn dining room full divided basimcnt extra large seeded lot N Pin 8245054 or 853 0108 Evenings Acton Free Press Classifieds are a weekly Meeting Place for Buyers and Sellers HALTON CtUHtlf CctlHCil HIGHLIGHTS At the Halton County meeting held last week In Milton council Learned members of the Board of Health were Becking a meeting with from West and East and the minister of health to discuss giving consideration to a regional health unit and the additional per cent grant due to regional units Authorized Stewart Cramp and one staff member along with Dr J Chamberlain to attend the Ontario Health Units Association in North Bay Sept Authorized the to engage the services of an assistant to the director of nursing effective Sept 27 Learned staff of Halton Centennial Manor wished to hold a Christmas party and en party this year for the residents Council endorsed the request Concurred with a request from Milton Council to replace the Martin St Bridge subject to negotiations with the Conservation Authority The work Is planned or 1973 or 1974 Learned a tender for the Glen Williams bridge has had been rejected and that work would be done another year Learned the Warden office which has been moved to a former committee room will be panelled at a cost of 144 Resolved that the Department of Public Records and Archives be notified of the county desire to have a plaque describing the county history and to have a representative of that department contact Thompson of Milton for assistance- with the history of the county Discusses uses Conservation area A D of the Field Services Section Conservation Branch attended the September meeting of the Credit Valley Conservation Authority to discuss his ideas for the future uses of the Conservation Area He showed slides of other outdoor education projects across Ontario and discussed how these ideas could be used at HUlsburg A committee of the Authority is to bring recommendations back to a meeting in the near future 300 crash An Acton man was not injured but his car sustained In a single cor smash on Highway south of 15 this week Henry of Mill St was the driver of the auto North Halton OPP investigated the accident AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE for ALLAN MALTBY To be held it premises of BRAIDrN one mile Suitli of Villigi on FRIDAY OCTOBER lit At 1 ME No SP combine hi scour clean pick up for like new Cock Omit 423 combine with in ind pickup and screen Hess ton SP cut David Brown W0 tractor iwid Brown plow 14 bottoms Triple Vihra ink iiator Mil ind train drill 15dlsc good one Now nd spreader PS bus M No baler good Bale ilor single chain a hp HI motor New mower 7 cut w iv m with good aik side Cue and bale elev tor fertilizer nd drill 13disc on rub ier double land packer motor spray weed on tractor 140 gal boom with gas motor Little Rhino grader blade like now ruck 164 with flat platform hoist as is grain like new electric grass seeder runs from tractor 2 Clinton gas engine 3 hip cattle steel stone boat cedar poles light trailer pig crate cedar rails Do Laval milker pump and motor TERMS CASH No reserves Owner has other interests Not responsible for accidents MAX STOREY Auctioneer

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