The Acton Free Press Wednesday May 1971 Awardwinning Siberian huskies raised in village To most people the word husky conjures a vision of Eskimos snow and dog sleds but when the moved to Rockwood they brought with them an entire new slant on the adaptability of the Siberian husky to domesticity and sportsmanship It was the fall of when Gunner his wife and their four small children took up residence In the village and Included In their move were four gorgeous husky dogs frolic some friendly animals already acclaimed as champions In their own right Best puppy Since that time Kola and have brought further fame to then- owners and to the village of they produced and reared In the dog pen confines an outstanding offspring named Hercules who was recently Judged the beat Canadian Bred puppy in show at a Toronto Sportsmens show when the seven month old Siberian husky topped other dogs from many parts of North America Gunner the young mechanic father who Is employed in the Ontario Steel Company in Milton Is tremendously enthusiastic about the family hobby He believes in breeding for quality not quantity and when his dogs are ready for sale must be first confident that they are going to good homes In parade The originally became Interested in huskies when considering a dog for their children some years ago they saw a husky team in a Milton Santa parade and bought one as a family Christmas present They had been looking for a northern type dog but the behaviour and gentleness of the Milton animals impressed them both Since that time Gunner and have learned a great deal about their favorite and are happily willing ALLERELLIE CHILDREN enjoy a dip in the tub with a mans and childs best friend Huskies are gentle with children to pass on knowledge about the animal which to them is a most unique breed Protector friend As a pet the husky has proven to be marvellous with children both as a protector and as a friend Very bright animals and quick to learn say the and two beautiful large dogs pad across the living room floor to sit near the chesterfield content to be with people Beg says Gunner and both dogs sit up and tilt their head waiting for a morsel of food Domestic animals Theyre the best say the breeders who feel that the huskies are an all man dog who will not attack even on command only by instinct if there is good reason They are extremely independent but can be trained beautifully by experts said Mr and he referred to the latest introduction of the husky Into the U S scene as seeing eye dogs They have proved to be outstanding in this field over the past ten years said Gunner They were originally bred for pulling sleds but now were seeing them as amazing hunters great at retrieving and also as exceptional watch dogs who will bark to alert at the slightest sign of danger Raise pups and were the original foundation stock of the family and since their first purchase in 1962 the have raised several dozen pups Hercules Is one of offspring but is not too Impressed at his own most recent conquest Just sits and makes like a cat licking his face and cleaning himself The dogs coats are all beautifully full and shiny and Gunner puts this down to his special feeding habits Never anything but Purina he says proudly Vitamins arent necessary because Its all there in the food The husky breeder used to test the companys products and feels that he knows its value Since the time the first became with their Siberian favorites the family have appeared on television on numerous occasions both with the news media and on the Uncle Bobby Show Whole programs have been devoted to the study of the husky dog and questions about their pulling ability have been one of the most common points of Interest On dog from Sisters Oregon pulled 1 pounds ana such ability tins been contested by many husky owners the record still stands and pound by pound the pulling record Is fantastic The dog from Sisters only weighed 60 pounds Mistaken lor wolves Gunner and have seen many things happen to their dogs Two prize ones were killed In Ontario some time ago when they were mistaken for wolves one other owned by Mrs Peurl French of Milton Ontario has gained a prized place in the family life of the Siberian husky dog racers participating in events in both Canada and United States The lead dog of the Milton team Champion Allerelllc Is another one of the local breeders offshoots and often Its their huskies which add color and zest to local winter time carnivals pulling chariots and sleds In typical fashion Oakville Oshawn Northern Ontario dons from Nc foundland to Nome Alaska have all been publicized in news papers the local breeders canine arc a photographer delight In 1968 the first Siberian husky to live In Denmark won the International Championship she was Candy beautiful pure white also bred At the March Sportsmen Show Hercules Herk was chosen out of entries In an event in which he was Judged the best Canadian bred entry He hod also chalked up seven first prizes In his own eight ribbons for best Canadian bred In his own breed and six ribbons for best Canadian bred puppy He was further judged as the best Canadian bred puppy among breeds of working logs Where do the go from here Most of their dogs they ore raising for show usually about ten dogs on hand at one time is the maximum for sale purposes and will always slay with us said and the two dons one eight and PIERRE BERTON rioted Canadian broadcaster and author purchased one of the Allerelhe dogs Area presents briefs in Guelph Award trophies prizes at banquet One hundred end thirteen good humored and happy people attended the tenth annual bowling banquet of the Rockwood League last Friday eveing May 14 and sitting at the head table were president Dick and wife and Lois Ivy and Ritchie Fred and Vivian Nightingale and as special guests Mr and Mrs Frank Carney It was a great night Everyone shining and enjoying the festivities Mr and Mrs BUI Ward had come down from to attend the affair and the United Church ladies had gone all out to prepare a marvellous dinner of roast beef with the topped off with a tremendous selection of homemade pies winner President Dick was in great form as he thanked everyone for their cooperation and also the ladies of the church for presenting such a delicious repast Dick then called out the names of the trophy winners who received their laurels from members of the trophy committee including Vlv Nightingale Ivy Ritchie and Irene Trophies trophies and more trophies were handed out with pleasure Captain Bob Van Wyck received the Frank Carney Trophy from Frank Carney in person for his Pacer team and members of that group Doug Cross Ann McCormack Doug Hilton Mike Martin and Brian SUpp all stepped up to receive a light post oil lamp for their individual award as top team members Coveted award Dune McPhedran took over for the absentee Dave Gray trophy donor who was unable to attend He presented the Stratums team Captain Sam Nyholt with the coveted award and each individual member received for their team accomplishment as league champs a T V lamp which could be turned on and off more easily than the Howie themselves The Runners Up Champs were then presented with the Sportsman Bowl Trophy and Captain Dune McPhedran received same from president Dick Dupuls and an umbrella with a lighter in the top went to each member of The Neighbours Receiving the prizes for their teams efforts were Dune Mc Ellen Garner Harvey Muriel Buttenham Bill Garner and Sandy McPhedran More lights Lamps became a highlight as the various top ranking scores received lighting devices in varieties of shapes sizes and colours Nellie Stokman was high Average lady with Fred Nightingale high average man with the high triple lady was Irene with and Harvey won out for the High triple Man with 867 was the high triple lady with handicap showing an score and Art Nightingale had a 914 score to win the high triple with handicap man s prize Marina Mulder won the high single ladies prize with 305 and Sam won for the men with a 376 High single with handicap award for the ladies was won by Ivy Ritchie with a score and Mike Martin for the high single with handicap for men had a 369 Most A day and month calendar was presented to the two most improved bowlers JoAnn Gooyers for the ladies and Harold Theaker won that award for the men Draws for each were awarded to several bowlers including Ferguson Muriel Bottenham Ruth Kingsbury Art Nightingale Doug Carney Gloria Alton Doug Cross Dune McPhedran Harvey Ross Tony Stockman Sylvia Jamieson Ward Bruce and Bob VanWyck McCutcheon the locals oldest bowler also won a draw award but was unable to attend Dancing follows After the presentations the town was cleared for dancing and McDermotts four piece orchestra of 2 guitars a violin and guitar took over the festivities as pant suits pretty dresses and happy bowling leaguers congregated on the dance floor hen won the door prize and the next year bowling executive with Harv the newly crowned president Sam Nyholt in the chair as vice weal dent Iw Ritchie as treasurer and secretary Vivian Nightingale in her old stomping grounds hopes to see even more members in next years playoffs with executive contacts for membership to be placed before September of GETTING MARRIED William Stuckeu In effort to compile data regarding potential district progress including population growth industry shopping potential etc the Guelph and Wellington Study Committee held a hearing last Tuesday afternoon in the Guelph City Council Chambers Two representations of the District presented their briefs including the Eden Mills Trustee Board and the Eramosa Township Council The Council had at a previous meeting Indicated that they prefer to keep their present governmental setup in the interests of the township residents General recommendation The compilation of the briefs from all the Wellington County districts will be studied and presented In a general recommendation regarding regional government after which it is expected that several further hearings will be conducted to ascertain how regional government should be applied in this area if necessary The Wellington Study Committee is comprised of several district rqeves and representatives the and old lolly iihaiI enjoying IllKhMtlflurH All tin the dali of ft 71 have bun f material twenty them won Including Mr I laurels which the highest for the canine dim recently one of the dogs won the as the most excellent companion dog since No other Kennel can that distinction In Canada Bald Gunner proudly at last Sundays show in iiarnlit Hercules again won the or Best Canadian bred Usually the Siberian huskies lire Oliver grey and white or black and while not unlike a wolf their maximum height Is approximately inches high and a large male weighs about lbs The wolf however stands about high and weighs lbs ambition Is to raise pure white huskies with blue eyes and It Is her Intention to Introduce them Into the show ring Thl3 could mean another first for the Attention Please ROCKWOOD ERAMOSA FIRE DEPARTMENT INVITES YOU TO THE GRAND OPENING OF THEIR NEW FIRE STATION SATURDAY MAY 29 1971 TO PM OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY MAY 29th 3 TO and P To PM SUNDAY MAY 30 PM To P Everyone Most Welcome Bowling Season Closing Special Fri Sat Hon MAY Children Game Adults or 3 ACTON BOWLING LANES ChoosmH Irom Cauda largest renin and truck TILDEN ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS Road OEOROETOWN Second Annual Georgetown RODEO 3 GREAT PERFORMANCES SATURDAY 29 PM and 730 PM SUNDAY 30 May2 PM Rain or Shine Georgetown Fairgrounds Thrills For The Whole Family Admission Children Under 12 50 Riding Colt Roping Brahma Bull Riding Clowns VACATION IN YOUR OWN BY ACADIAN Haughs Oval Above ground pool 15 U to GO depth Acadian white heavy gouge vinyl liner inch blue frame 1070 US gallons rapid sand filter filter media kit filter cane kit ladder and vacuum kit MODEL COMPLETE Muslim Backyard Oval Above ground pool 12 by deep Heavy gauge vinyl liner top rail with blue frame Jaccuxxi IS rapid sand filler filter media kit fil cane Joccuib kit Tad and vacuum kit COMPLETE Silverline Circular Above ground pool Redwood heavy gauge liner white all Red wood frame to depth S gallons rapid sand filter filter media kit filter cane kit Udder and vacuum kit MODEL COMPLETE Silverline Redwood Oval Haughs above ground IS to deep vinyl whllewafl frame US Jaccuxxi IB rapid und filter filter media kit filter cue kit ladder and vacuum MODEL MB COMPLETE InGround Aluminum Wall Pools with vinyl a So mil liner titration system stainless steel Udder vacuum kit main drain return lines and auto matic skimmer Basic price includes excavation haulage grading plumb ing electrical and building permiL Same pool IB Extra Large Above Ground Pools 18 to depth gauge 6 frame US gallon IB cud rapid sand filter IT filter media kit lifeguard kit ladder and vacuum kit TOTAL PRICE at NEPTUNE GALVANIZED STEEL POOL KITS 14 IB 15 MANY OTHER SIZES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM FINANCING AT BANK RATES We Ml I Accessaries Chemicals replacemeat parts etc ate delivery HOURS Open daily Friday night til Can ANYTIME INSTALLED PRICKS SEX DISPLAY AND SHOWROOM ACADIAN SWIMMING POOL SERVICE Georgetown