Time to Sell those Old Things to You New to someone else BIRTHS DRYER Stewart and Jean nee are happy tb announce the birth of son Mark Stewart on ember at Memorial Hospital A brother for Steven KNIGHT Wayne and Tracy nee VHtostra No Acton ore pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Michelle Ada Louise Worn at the Guclph General Hospital on Wednesday January weighing 7 lbs PRICE John and Mary Price Taylor are happy o announce the birth of a daugh ter Shelly Ann lbs cos January 5 at Ge neral Hospital DEATHS ELUIS Pleasant Clara At London on Friday January Pleasant Clara Parker Joved wife of the late John El lis and dear mother of Mrs French of El of William of Oshtawa and Ray of Rockwood Funeral service held at the Shoemaker Fun eral Home Acton on Monday at Interment Rockwood cemetery STAJUCMAN Sarah On Mon day January at the Hospital Sort beloved wife of the late Abraham Louis Snuhnan formerly of Acton loving mo ther of Mrs Ida Sweignxui Mrs Rose of De troit Mrs Rachhn Ethel Mrs I Freeman Esther Maunce Stark and R Maxwell Stark of Mono Mills also survived by grandchildren great grand children and one great great grandchild Service at the Park Memorial Cttapel Ave Tor onto Wednesday January 1230 pm Interment Holy Blossom Memorial Park COMING EVENTS St Albans Spring Tea Bake Sale Saturday April Centre Saturday January Musk Admis sion per person St Aroanls ACW Fall and Tea Saturday Nov ember 1971 Acton euchre every Sat at pm the Lodge Hall Crewsons Comers Lunch provided Admission Every one welcome Euchre Bake Sale and sale of miscellaneous articles at Lux ton Memorial Hali March Doors open at 7 euchre at Admission Sponsored by Acton Bake Sale under auspices of Activity Group of Acton Can cer Society Fnday January at 11 am at Watsons Music Store Baking and candy don ations will be appreciated Annual meeting of the Acton Agricultural Society will be held in the Acton Council Chambers on Saturday at lJO pm AH members and anyone interested in Ac ton Fall Fair work an welcome to attend CARDS OF THANKS I would lite to thank my neighbors friends and relatives for the Season Greetings they me and wish them all the best for 1971 Sincerely Mrs J M Steele IN MEMORIAMS DILLS In loving memory of a dear husband and father George Arkjf Dills who passed away January 13 1966 His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed sway Ever remembered by his wife and HARRIS In memory of a dear husband Albert Arthur Hams who passed away January 1962 When evening shadows fall And all have gone to rest Thats when sad memories lin ger Of the one I loved the best Always loving remembered by wife Vera HARRIS In loving memory of a dear brother Albert A Hams who passed away Jan 1961 I you much in every way miss greatly the rtnngs you used to say Though absent you are very near Every day of the year Remembered by sister Melis sa In memory a dear mother and grand mother Anne who passed away January 1970 Dear mother you ore not for gotten Though on earth you arc no more in memory you are with A you always were before The Otterbcin Families TURKOSZ In loving mem of a dear husband fath er and grandfather Andrew Turkosi who passed away Jan uary 1 70 We often think of days gone by When we were ail together A shadow out lives has cast Our loved gone forever Always remembered by his wife Kate and family VEUDHUIS In loving mem ory of a dear husband fath er and grandfather Veldhuis who passed away Jan uary Always remembered by wife and family 2953 At last somewhere snowmobiles only Opening Saturday January Style Acres Snowmobile Trails Op en every Saturday and Sunday 10 am to JO Located at the junction of the Line and Sideroad just 10 minutes from Acton Ideal for the wide open spaces and easy trails A for the experienced bush trails and high speed runs separate circuits for trying out your machine All at 1 location from traffic and people Enjoy safety along with other snowmobiles Bring the family Have fun Daily parking charge Si only Ride all day ANIMALS FOR SALE NEEDING MILK fresh grade heifers with or without calves Others due in HARRY BURT 8554579 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE V TYPE snow blowers by Hagedorn Sons now available Only Phone 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE FORD Fairlanc miles excellent condition Phone 1962 PLYMOUTH station wo excellent condition Will sacrifice Best offer CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES births DEATHS No SAL FOR RENT ETC 11 IS for IS 100 minimum far IB word ltrIUr comma cards or thanks tar in lln IN IDe of vim CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ESTATE col Inch BOX NUMBERS to thin of lie CO DIB 1 for Si Product Far Salt Animal Otitic I tip or II Foil Btrvlct to Auction flalii DEADLINES tiiltd m PHONE or The Acton Free Press Wednesday Jonuory 13 8 HELP WANTED PART TIME experienced typ ists required on an Irregular basrs to train on photo typeset Night work involved Must be accurate Apply in person to Chrk lace Acton Tree Press office V8 4door Asking or best offer Will wince If Phone 5b28369 FOR SALE jacket china mini ex condition Phone GIRLS coat size mohair also other articles of clothing in good condition Phone ALUMINUM storms win dows doors shutters grilles canopies also custom made railings Reasonable 264 PIANOS We buy and sell new and reconditioned pianos See our large selection now for some real bargains We also will take your old piano in on trade for any new appliance Kelly St Son Ltd comer and Sti 8226041 TV TOWER SALE iff tower installed with all chan nel head tower installed with nil chn head 50 tower installed with allchan head Extra heads or second TV Installed 20 stereo head Installed clement color head Installed 64 Automatic rotor Installed 6995 Repair of all types RICHARDSONS Radio TV 201 Main Street East MILTON Phone PRODUCE FOR SALE MIXED Apply Walter Newman Esq Town Line Acton TRIUMPH GT6 1969 excel lent condition snows under coat and extras Must sell Acton after MODEL 500 Ski Whiz twin excellent condition 695 January clearance 1971 model 300s Mil ton Equipment Co Ltd Base Line Milton 5b371607 per hour RENT A SKI DO minutes DRIVE ESKIMO FREE for 10 minutes Honey Locust Farm 1165 GALLINGER MOTORS LTD DISCOUNT Is certainly a magic word promoting an increase in sales and employment 1967 GALAXIE hardtop VS automatic power power brakes radio Lie Only 1966 PARJSIENNE door hard top V8 automa tic power steering power brakes radio and vinyl top Lie Only GALLINGER MOTORS MILTON PLAZA Milton 878 2883 Toronto 92S0887 WANTED ACTON art looking for books games and puzzle If you have any please call or 7a30842 8 HELP WANTED PART TIME office assist Must be able to type Ap ply Box Acton Free Press DENTAL receptionist inquir ed Know ledge and bookkeeping necessary Apply in writing stating qualifies ions and experience to Box 154 Acton Ont 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE CALL to place an In The Free For Sale LEYLAND Diesel TRACTORS Buy as low as 75 per WITH THE FOLLOWING FEATURES Power steering Independent O with foot and hand control Complete hydraulics Buy Now Pay May 1971 No Interest Charge SWANSTON Farm Equipment RR 3 8569512 Selling British for Yean Sales Opportunity Preference given to Acton district resident Age or over Phone Sales Manager 877 5286 MOTORS 199 Guclph Street Georgetown 11 LOST OR STRAYED puppy in Glen- lea area Please call 853677 11b2W29 BLACK and white male Answers to Stripes in Glen lea area Reward Phone ROOM and board available far or lady Phone LARGE bedroom apartment in contained Phone 13b29t6 WANTED TO RENT REFINED young man room and board or self con tawed bachelor apartment ra or ntar Acton Reasonable Re ply Box Acton Free Press PERSONAL GOOD NEWS Are you now living under the burden of popular teaching con cerning the immortality of the soul Do you have enough courage to learn the Bible TRUTH this false doct rme If so you arc invited to write Moment of Truth Box Acton Ontario Experienced Carpenter Cupboards Interior Alterations Houves First Repairs Phone 853 2964 Dead Stock Removal Of dead or disabled Cattle and Horses Phone 416 Binbrook Lie No MODERN TV SALES AND SERVICE OF RADIO AND TV SETS Also Antenna Installations and repair HENRY KUIPERY PAINTING CARPENTRY GENERAL REPAIRS Call DAN POTHIER 8531705 or 8532615 SERVICES DAVIS JEWELLERS 3 ELGIN STREET ACTON ONI Watch Repairs Done on the Premises Tucs to 6 Wed to Thurs to to Saturday to LAYING BLOCK WORK REPLACES CHIMNEYS Repair Work i Specialty HERMAN KAPPERT GIL VANSOELEN PAINTING Contractor INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR EXTERIOR Call now for Free Estimates 878 6137 Box Milton For ALL Types of PHOTOGRAPHY Jim Jennings 251 MAIN ST Weddings portraits passport sas industrial family team pictures 16a tf RURAL MAINTENANCE SERVICE Your Dealer Power Equipment for Poultry Hog Beef Dairy Excellent Ventilating Systems For complete electrical mechanical installations and repairs CALL between St Side- road on Esq town line Gibson Construction Sheet Metal Ltd Temporary address 120 Mill St West Anon 1526 General contracting Home renovations and cupboards Sheet metal work furnaces Wrought iron railings Air conditioners Serving Acton and District 16a9tf Jennings Excavating R 1 8773197 Farm Ponds Loading Bulldozing Trenching Septic Beds Fill Gravel Top Soli Estimate Given CLASS SERVICE Portable Welding Service Free Commercial Industrial W No 1 ACTON Phone 16a2tf BAYNE S FARM ANIMAL SERVICE Up to for fresh dead disabled cows or horses Top prices for old horses Call GUELPH Collect License 49R47 Hour Service SERVICES TREE removal or trimming Fully insured Half regular price during winter months For free estimate call John Hunter Landscaping George town 16a25442tf FLOOR REFINISHING We now have modem sunder and We will reflnlsh your floors or rent you the equip ment to do the Job yourself J Frank phone Frederick St S Acton 16a tf FARM SERVICES CUSTOM R RP ROCKWOOD ED McMULLEN Contractor Cement floors Sidewalks it Stoop Chimney It Flattering Repairs Stucco Work Fireplace Phone Acton 853 16a- FURNITURE REFURBISHED REPAIRS Specializing piano glass finish Experience All work guaranteed also PAINTING BOB WEIR Phone 853 2746 PAINTING St Fine selection of Wallpapers St colors to suit your need Estimates DAVID COHEN Peel Street Acton Call 8532815 16a34tf MITCHS ROOFING and EAVESTROUGH1NG Specializing in and general repairs FREE ESTIMATES 853 1009- 1 Acton FIRST LINE TELEVISION SERVICE Authorized Admiral Service Department Fleetwood Color Sales and Service R 3 Acton Hwy 7 1 mile West of Acton TREVAIL MASONRY CONTRACTOR Brick it Block Work Fireplaces Chimneys Repairs Free Estimates LES TREVAIL TELEPHONE Acton Ont TREE SERVICE Trimming Si Removal of Trees No Job Too Big No Job Too Small North Tree Service Fully Insured Phone 8531010 Acton Charlton Welding Govt Certified Pressure Welder FULLY EQUIPPED FOR Industrial Agriculture Construction Transportation Pipe Thawing Snow Removal Acton 853 24 HOUR APPROVALS 2nd and 3rd Mortgages Arranged in the convenience of your home Low cost You can call to JI today for helpful courte ous service Prompt Investment Corp Ltd 330 Bay St Toronto Call collect 3669586 2318146 161a36 Hire the county a top person nel finder REAL ESTATE DO YOU Good Rent till Its yours mo No other cash needed New cottage needs finishing also railway station ft river 3 acres also rundown home commuting distance Sc All Metro 50 mm Send self address ed to Shamir Apt To ronto 10 Ont WALK OUT BASEMENT To and a land it rnr of lovely Acton offers comfort and pn home kept Owner will ac cept modest down payment Should be seen to appreciate full value of this lovely home Contact Gord Williams Brampton 519 3110 JohnsonCarney Ltd REALTORS GEORGETOWN 5261 17a28 Listings Wanted Homes Farms Rural We offer you our many years of experience listing and selling properties in Halton and Wellington Counties Christie Woods REAL ESTATE LIMITED BROKERS 189 Main St MILTON 878 2095 ACTON client call Roy W Goodwin or T Ross Ballentine Phone 853 2000 Immaculate 3 bedroom brick bungalow on attnctivcly landscaped lot close to schools and shopping also in eludes family kitchen 4 pc bathroom living room and recreation room with All for only Heights Attractively designed room level with paved drive and extra large garage with carport The features include a family size kitchen spacious living room 3 large bedrooms pc and washrooms finrshed fa room and laundry room on ground level Asking only G Alec Johnson Ltd REALTOR Mill St East Acton Acton 853 2086 TENDERS TENDER All Knox Presbyterian Church are wanted tenders will be re until 12 noon January Apply J C CONTRACTORS LTD Victoria St Kitchener Township of Esquesing Tenders for Fuel Scaled tenders plainly mark will be received by the undersigned until 12 Monday February to install 1000 gal tanks pumps for fudl and gasoline approximate for 10000 gals of and gals of gasoline Lowest or any tender not ne cessarily accepted Tenders will be received at the Township Office Signed Snow Road of Esquesing RS 1 Georgetown Ont USE FREE PRESS Classifieds to dean out your attic DENTAL LEONARD Dental Surgeon Suite No 3 Bldg Mill St E Acton Ont For phone ARCHITECT DONALD SKINNER MRAIC 20 Siavebank Port Credit OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A JOHNSON MILTON 184 Main St Tuesdays and Fridays ACTON 54 Mill St E Wednesdays and Saturdays Residence phone 8789678 FUNERAL DIRECTOR Phone night or day Bruce E Shoemaker APPRAISING AND INSURANCE WRIGHT 20 Wilbur Street Acton Ontario Phone Appraiser and Insurance Over Years in Acton The Mutual Life ROBERT S HART Agent Orville Road Acton Bus Res CHIROPRACTIC RICHARD TELFORD C Wellington St Acton Wed and Evenings By Appointment EVANS CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Street Georgetown 7333 by appointment ACCOUNTING FRANK GRAY Accredited Public Accountant Hillsburgh Ontario Phone HOFFMAN Optometrist 5HSt Telephone TENDERS The County Board of Education Will receive tenders on Supplies for the Elementary Secondary Schools 12th 1971 The following areas are in tenders Science Supplies AV Supplies Copy Mach ine Supplies and Caretakers Supplies Detailed tender lists and oth er particulars for the above classifications may be obtained at the Central Administration Office South Service Rood East Ontario The lowest or tender not necessarily be accept THE HALTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION