Trying to give a hand up to those in needWith a successful inaugural fundraising gala,Continued from page 14dubbed Hard Hats and Halos, just recently under Walls of Hope transformed four treatment the Walls of Hope belt, Mansueto said the mediarooms and the main reception area of the exposure has brought her organization a recog-Lakeshore Road centre into a space that will not nition factor in the community.only bring comfort to those in pain, but one in People usually are quick to help as wit-which clients and their families should feel safe nessed by the many willing Walls of Hope volun-and more open to help.teers but becoming known is a major hurdle,Halls office along with others will sport their said Mansueto.usual look as all work went into rooms where As fundraising pays off more for Walls of youths are consulted.Hope, Mansueto said she hopes to tackle moreIn typical Walls of Hope fashion, the project one-room projects for young people confined tobegan Thursday and then as everyone worked their rooms through illness.feverishly, they were able to reveal their master-Mansueto herself was once separated and fac-piece Sunday a bleak future with her two daughters. SheWere optimizing the space for treatment, turned to painting murals for work and estab-said Mansueto upon sobre consideration.lished her own company.The fact that certain colours, designs, even Sera MansuetoDarryl HallNow, Mansueto works through Walls of Hopefabrics were off limits after being deemed inap-to bring hope to others struggling through hardsuperhero costume on his own wall.propriate to the nature ofSpeck and Carla Leyer. the centres work, times. Walls of Hope provides a hand up ratherA late summer/fall project, Walls of HopesMansueto and her team were not dissuaded.Mansueto said a special thanks goes to Studiothan a hand big makeover, is fast approaching.TheyH in Oakville, a downtown design firm that even postponed the project by severalHer own heart swells when she sees proof According to Allison Lane of Walls of Hope,months in order to do more than originallydonated a designer to take the lead on the proj-that Walls of Hope has made a positive impact onthe project planning begins long before the teamintendedect. Signature Homes and long-time Walls of .a young persons life.and volunteers descend to roll up their sleeves.And theyHope volunteer Mike Leyer was also on the lead- called in favours to get the job doneIts not about adding pretty things and thenAnd, as always, the volunteers just cant helpright like the custom-manufacturedership team and acts as Walls of Hopes contrac- carpet-walking away. We try to equip people with whatbut feel good as they work for a good cause.ingtor. Sherwin Williams donated all the paint, done by Interface Flooring.they need so they take what we give them andIm here for the ladies, joked volunteer RickThe centre now has all new furnishings, wallsome painting volunteers and even a sales repmake something of it, said Mansueto.Vernon, who was not dissuaded when Lanetreatmentswho became a painter for a day., window treatments, custom book-Her most recent project saw the room of anoted they were covered in paint, but in fact saidcases and a coffee table that boasts an underwa-This is one of our smaller projects, saidyoung boy who was expressing himself throughhed seen them dressed up. I can get beyond theter seaMansueto who usually does a tear down and world more than language transformed into apaint and stuff, he said.Its one ofrebuild of a persons home a hobby that saw numerous peaceful scenes depictedGotham City scene, complete with a painting of To learn more, visit www.wallsofhopecanada.beyond the newly-painted walls, thanks to theher organizations efforts featured on the newthe youth dressed in his own custom-madeorg or paintbrushes of mural artists WendyDebbie Travis show, All for One, last year.What would your perfect home in Oakville look like?If you are interested in purchasing a new home or participating in a Research Survey designed to find new ideasfor living in Oakville, we would like to hear from you.Please phone (416) 937-4589 to submit your contact information and a researcher will be in touch with a short 5 minute survey.Information provided is for the proprietary use of Mattamy Homes Research and will not be disclosed to any third party. You will not be contacted by sales OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, May 6, 2011 18