Rotherglen extends their REACH!Three years ago Rotherglenthe past year. Committee will enjoy a special visitSchool began an initiative calledNominated by the Town offrom Free the Children on FebruaryREACH (Rotherglen Educating forOakville, we were recently notified22, 2011 where they will presentAdvocacy and Creating Hope). It is athat the Chairman of the Ontariotheir H2O 4U speaking and work-student-based social growth andHeritage Trust, Dr. Thomasshop tour. Speakers will teach stu-development initiative in which stu-Symonds, had selected this group ofdents about global water issues,dents are empowered to make a dif-energetic and committed team lead-helping to increase the level ofference within their school, local anders from Rotherglen Schoolsunderstanding about the role andglobal communities.Environmental Program for thevalue water plays in our daily lives,Our students are encouraged andaward. internationally and at home.inspired to take action on mattersOur leaders will be recognizedThemes such as the importancesuch as food shortages and environ-and will celebrate their achieve-of access to clean water, preservationmental issues, lead campaigns toments in an upcoming ceremonyof water sources, reducing waterpromote healthy social relationshipshosted by the Town of Oakville dur-waste at home and making water ain the school, support local anding Heritage Week. Their list of envi-priority in our daily lives are some ofinternational charitable organiza-ronmental accomplishments is longthe issues our students are explor-tions, and to advocate for childrenand ranges from tree planting, in poverty. These initiativesmustard pulls, wild flower advocacy,Students will also be involved inare all led by our grade eight REALgreen Christmas, the creation of asessions on how to become H20A group of Grade 8 Rotherglen School students in the Environmental Programleaders. butterfly garden and a used batteryambassadors, creating action planshave been working together to build on the legacy of last years award-winningIt was a proud moment for ourcollection program. on conserving and protecting water. to learn that the teamIn keeping with our commitmentThey will also learn how to createleaders from Rotherglen Schoolsto the environment, Rotherglensyouth-friendly water campaigns towide-ranging program that helpsRotherglens REACH programEnvironmental Program had beengrade eight leaders are focusing theirsupport the Adopt a Village cam-foster a culture of water stewardship,aims to empower, inspire and uniteawarded the Lieutenant Governorsefforts on water issues this year. paign they are currently working onso that people will have clean freshstudents within their communityOntario Heritage Award for YouthThrough the generosity of Thefor their adopted community inwater today and tomorrow. We areand we are pleased with the sense ofAchievement in Natural Heritage, forRBC Blue Water Project,Chismaute, Ecuador. fortunate to be a part of this impor-purpose and social development thistheir work in the community overRotherglens EnvironmentalThe RBC Blue Water Project is atant and valuable initiative.initiative affords our students.Seeing is Believing!UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIESPlease join us for an Open House at our Oakville Campuses Imagine what Fern Hill can do for your childFERNHILLA SCHOOL LIKE NO OTHERFern Hill School, an independent,co-educational school for students inPreschool to Grade 8, is regardedas one of the pre-eminent elementaryschools in Canada.Saturday, January 22, 2011 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.Visit our Open House to learn how ourenriched and personalized curriculum,highly skilled teachers and resourceOPEN HOUSErich learning environment can give yourchild the tools to excel as a competent,SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 201110 a.m. 2 p.m.confident student.Give your child the gift of an educationalAdmissions Assessment Dayfoundation that will last a lifetime!SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 2011Please call to register your childOakville Primary Campus Oakville Elementary Campus Oakville Campus | 3300 Ninth Line, Oakville, ON | 905.257.00222045 Sixth Line 2050 Neyagawa Boulevard admissions@fernhillschool.comwww.fernhillschool.comRotherglen Schoolwhatschool should be17 Wednesday, January 19, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER