Oakville Beaver, 17 Nov 2010, p. 30

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DI CLEMENTE, Deanna It is with great sadness that we announce the loss of our sweet angel Dee, on November 12th, 2010, at the age of 21. Beloved daughter of John and Karen and adoring sister to Kristina and Heather. She will always be remembered by her late Nana Helen Grant, Grandpa and Grandma Bob and Emily Grant, Nonno and Nonna Vit tor io and Amal ia Di Clemente. Also missed by her aunts and uncles Betty-Anne (Rod) Heikkila, Theresa (Scott) Ginther, Jim (Jennifer) Grant, Lino Di Clemente, Anna (Nick) DeFil ippis, Lora (Chris) Cirkon and godparents Jan and Dominic Di Clemente. She wi l l a lways be a loving cousin to El ise, He l en , Andrew, Rache l , G ran t , Ca l l um, Che l sea , Joseph , V i c to r i a , A l i z a , Danielle, Nicholas, Noah, Julia, Alana , Olivia, Paola and Daniel. She will always be cherished by her soulmate, Mike McMurrich. Dee was an inspiration to all those who knew her, including her large group of fr iends who never stopped supporting her. Her determination, commitment to helping others, incredible kindness, positivity and passion for life were not only the driving forces in her dance achievements, extra curricular act ivit ies and academics at Laurier, but also helped her in battling her il lness. Her most recent achievement, with the help of her friends, was leading a successful fundraiser in support of Light the Night, a charity supporting those with leukemia. Dee touched the hearts of all those who knew and loved her and she wi l l be rememberedalways with a smile. Visitation will take place on Monday November 15th from 3:00 9:00pm at Kopriva Taylor Funeral Home (64 Lakeshore Rd. W., Oakville). Funeral Mass at St. Matthews Church at 11:00am on Tuesday, November 16th (1150 Monks Passage, Oakvi l le) . In l ieu of f lowers, Dee has requested that donat ions be made to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Soc ie ty o f Canada fo r AML. Ema i l condolences may be made through www.koprivataylor.com. THOMAS, Eileen Mary Died peaceful ly at Erin Mil ls Long Term Care Home on Sunday, November 7, 2010, five days after her 82nd birthday. Loving wife of 43 years to the late Eric Thomas who retired from Cara Operations. Devoted mother to Carol Bridge, her son-in-law John Bridge and five year old granddaughter Charlotte Bridge; son Gary, daughter-in-law Michelle and fifteen year old grandson Sumner. Sister of Joan, Gladys and the late Kathleen and Evelyn. Eileen was born in Birmingham, England in 1928 and immigrated to Toronto, ON in 1958. She lived in Winnipeg, Richmond, B.C. and Mississauga, where she worked for nine happy years in the front office of Erindale Secondary School before retiring to Winnipeg with her husband and daughter in 1989. She moved to Oakville, ON following the passing of her be loved husband Er ic where she l ived wi th her daughter Caro l and son-in-law John before moving to Erin Mills Lodge. Those who knew and loved her will desperately miss Eileen's beauty, kindness, intell igence and wonderful sense of humour. "My heart is connected to your heart and it will be forever and ever" A Funeral Service wil l be held at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Erindale, 1745 Dundas St. W., Mississauga, ON (905-828-2095) on Saturday, November 20, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall. In lieu of flowers, a dona t i on t o t he A l zhe imer ' s Soc i e t y wou ld be g ra t e fu l l y app rec i a t ed . Arrangements entrusted to Turner and Porter "Neweduk - Er in Mil ls" Chapel , 1981 Dundas St. W. Mississauga, ON (905-828-8000). NASH, Frank I t i s w i t h g r e a t s a d n e s s t h a t w e announce the passing of Frank T.W. N a s h , M B A / C A , p e a c e f u l l y a t t h e f ami l y home on Sunday, November 14, 2010 at the age of 91, surrounded by h is f ami ly. F rank w i l l be sad ly missed by his sons Robert, David and his wife Sonia, Graham and his wife Luc i e , and F rank `s c lose and dea r f r i e n d P a t M i t c h e l l . F r a n k w a s predeceased by his wife Patricia (n Wright) and his brother Sub. Lt. Robert A . N a s h , w h o d i e d a b o a r d H M C S Athabaskan during WWII. Frank also s e r v e d h i s c o u n t r y i n W W I I a s a L ieu tenant aboard HMCS Waskes iu . Born in Wales, Frank came to Canada a s a c h i l d a n d a t t e n d e d Q u e e n s Univers i ty (B. Comm), Univers i ty of Wash ing ton (MBA) then jo ined the Toronto of f ice of Pr ice Waterhouse. F r a n k r e t i r e d i n 1 9 8 4 a s t h e Vice-President of Finance for Selkirk Holdings, having spent 20 years in the broadcasting/cable TV industry. Frank was an avid golfer since his youth in A l b e r t a . H e w a s a m e m b e r o f t h e Oakvil le Golf Club since 1952, a past Pres ident , as we l l as the Meadows C o u n t y C l u b i n S a r a s o t a , F L . A memoria l serv ice wi l l be held at St . Judes Angl ican Church, 160 Wil l iam S t r e e t , O a k v i l l e o n T h u r s d a y , November 18, 2010 a t 2 :00 pm. A special thank you to Dr. Tony Wu and the pa l l i a t i ve s ta f f a t the Oakv i l l e - Trafalgar Memorial Hospital for their exce l lent care . In l ieu of f lowers , a donat ion to the Ian Anderson House ( a p a l l i a t i v e c a n c e r h o s p i c e www. ianandersonhouse .com) wou ld b e m o s t a p p r e c i a t e d . E m a i l condo lences may be made th rough www.koprivataylor.com RILEY, Mary Anastasia (Stacey) I t is wi th profound sadness that we announce the pass ing o f S tacey on the morning of November 13, 2010 at Oakvi l le Trafalgar Memorial Hospital , at the age of 54, following a short and courageous battle with cancer. She is survived by her husband Michael, her son Mike , and her b ro ther Michae l Taylor. Her v ibrant spir i t and giv ing heart wi l l forever be remembered by everyone blessed with the opportunity to have known her. Friends and family may cal l at Ward Funeral Home, 109 R e y n o l d s S t r e e t , O a k v i l l e , O n t a r i o ( 9 0 5 - 8 4 4 - 3 2 2 1 ) o n W e d n e s d a y November 17 from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p .m. Fune ra l se r v i ce w i l l be he ld Thursday, November 18 at 11 a.m. in the funeral home chapel. Reception to follow. In l ieu of f lowers, the family requests that donat ions be made to t h e O a k v i l l e Tr a f a l g a r M e m o r i a l Hospital Fund or the Canadian Cancer Society. A Book of Memories may be signed at www.wardfuneralhome.com You were the shining light that made our house a home You made our lives so much richer, sometimes at the expense of your own You're now watching over us, an angel in Heaven You'll be forever in our hearts, until we see you again WILDING, Donald Horace B o r n M a y 2 7 , 1 9 3 3 . P a s s e d peaceful ly, surrounded by his family on November 11 , 2010 whi le be ing c a r e d f o r a t I a n A n d e r s o n H o u s e . Beloved husband of 52 years and best f r i e n d o f A n n e ( n e e F i t z p a t r i c k ) . F a the r o f D i anne Vosburg (Ba r r y ) , Karen Morris (John), David and Glenn (Julie). Pa will be greatly missed by his grandchildren Erin, Kelly and Joel Vosburg, Elizabeth Morris and Sophie and Jack W i l d i ng . Son o f t he l a t e H a r r y a n d J a n e t W i l d i n g . P r e - deceased by his twin brother Douglas (Sandra) . Don loved h is fami ly and f r i e n d s d e e p l y. H i s i n t e r e s t s w e r e many (his church community, travel , f ishing and model a irplanes). Family and friends are invited to gather for a ce lebra t ion o f h is l i f e a t 2 :00 p .m. Saturday, November 20, 2010 at St . Pau l s Un i ted Church , 454 Rebecca Street, Oakvi l le with a visi tat ion and reception to follow. The family extends t h e i r t h a n k s t o t h e s t a f f o f I a n Anderson House and Dr. L. Benjamin. The f am i l y encou rages g i f t s t o be d i r e c t e d t o I a n A n d e r s o n H o u s e , P.O . Box 61034 , 511 Map l e G rove D r i v e , O a k v i l l e , O n t a r i o , L 6 J 7 P 5 . www. iananderson house .com. Emai l condo lences may be made th rough www.koprivataylor.com FEATHERSTON, Ralph A t h i s r e s i d e n c e i n M i l t o n o n Monday, November 15, 2010. Ra lph F e a t h e r s t o n , b e l o v e d h u s b a n d o f Dorothy. Predeceased by h is s is ter E rma and Bro thers Car ly l e , Wi l l a rd and Car los. Surv ived by h is many n i e c e s a n d n e p h e w s . F a m i l y a n d f r i e n d s a r e i n v i t e d t o v i s i t a t t h e M c K E R S I E - K O C H E R F U N E R A L H O M E 1 1 4 M a i n S t . M i l t o n 905-878-4452 from 2-4 pm and 7-9 p m o n W e d n e s d a y. T h e f u n e r a l se r v i ce w i l l be he ld i n the fune ra l home chapel on Thursday, November 18, 2010 at 1 :00 pm. Interment to f o l l o w a t B e t h e l U n i t e d C h u r c h Cemeter y. I f des i red , donat ions to B e t h e l U n i t e d C h u r c h i n R a l p h ' s m e m o r y w o u l d b e a p p r e c i a t e d . Letters of condolence may be left for the family at www.mckersie-kocher.ca FARR, Emily Helen Peacefu l ly on Fr iday, November 12, 2 0 1 0 , a t t h e O a k v i l l e - Tr a f a l g a r Memorial Hospital. Emily Helen Farr in he r 97 th yea r. P redeceased by he r parents Henry and Robina Farr and brother Flying Officer Harry Prior Farr. Sister of Agnes and Betty. Emily was a lifetime member of Knox Presbyterian C h u r c h a n d h a d m a n y i n t e r e s t s t h r o u g h o u t h e r l i f e . A S e r v i c e o f Remembrance to celebrate Emilys life w i l l b e h e l d 1 1 : 0 0 a m o n F r i d a y, N o v e m b e r 1 9 , 2 0 1 0 a t K n o x Presbyterian Church, 89 Dunn Street, O a k v i l l e . I f d e s i r e d m e m o r i a l d o n a t i o n s t o K n o x P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h T r u s t F u n d w o u l d b e a p p r e c i a t e d . E m a i l c o n d o l e n c e s m a y b e m a d e t h r o u g h www.koprivataylor.com l Obituaries l Obituaries l Obituaries l Obituaries l Obituaries ww w .oakvillebeave r.co m ?OAKVILLE BE A VER W ednesda y, November 17, 2010 ?3 0 The Oakville Beaver would like to express sincere and heart-felt condolences to those who have lost their loved ones. MISIAK, Jozef (Joe) Passed away early in the morning of November 11th - Remembrance Day - coincidental t iming for a man whose l i fe was i r revocably changed by the events of WWII . Born in Poland in 1926, Joe eventually found himself in England, where he met and marr ied Franca. With their two young children (Daniela and Robert) they emigrated to Canada in 1960, where a third child was born (Steven) . Despi te l imi ted f o r m a l e d u c a t i o n , J o e b e c a m e a successful entrepreneur in the sales of orthopedic equipment. After Franca's death in 1991, Joe was lucky to f ind love again with Edie, who became his l i fe partner, and who supported him sel f lessly throughout his long batt le with Parkinson's Disease. Joe was a qu i e t , y e t de t e rm ined man , whose unconditional love and support will be sorely missed by his family. He leaves h i s w i f e Ed ie , h i s ch i ld ren Dan ie l a (Richard), Robert (Sandra) and Steven (Er in) , s tep-daughters Kr is ty (Mike) and Jul ie (Chr is) , a long with grand- ch i l d r en A l ex , Josh , Ryan , N i co l e , G r e g o r y , C h e l s e y , J e s s i c a a n d Heather. Vis i tat ion wi l l take place at t h e O a k v i e w F u n e r a l H o m e a t 5 6 L a k e s h o r e R d . W. i n O a k v i l l e o n Fr iday, November 19th star t ing at 2 pm, fo l l owed by a b r i e f se r v i ce a t 3:30pm. In keeping with Joe's wishes, donations to the Parkinson's Society of Canada, or the Oakvi l le Trafa lgar M e m o r i a l H o s p i t a l w o u l d b e appreciated. REA, Peter C. Shortly before 11am on Thursday November 11th in his 95th year after a brief illness. Predeceased by his wife of 58 years, Kathleen Grace (nee Mulligan), his brothers David and Fred and his granddaughter Amanda. He will be deeply missed by his sister Jocelyn, sons Michael ( Barbara) and Tony, his grandsons Matthew, Anthony, Tyler (Becky) and Mike and great grandchildren Boelare and Kalib. As a proud member of the Queens Own Rifles of Canada, he and many of his good friends were part of the first wave of soldiers to come ashore on D-Day, where he was severely wounded. After several months of recuperation, he returned to his regiment, and fought until the end of the war. In his 94 years, he showed all round athletic prowess, winning the first ever squash doubles championship at the Toronto Racquet Club and reaching the finals of the club championship at the Toronto Golf Club in 1962. For many years he was one of the lead batsmen for the Oakville Cricket Club and played a good game of tennis at the Oakville Club. In 1952, he moved to Oakville to manage the first branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia in that town. In the same year he bought the house that he lived in until a few days ago. He and Kay were both active in various charities within the Oakville community. In the final week of his life, he was still living in his own home, entertaining his family, playing a winning game of bridge at the local bridge club, watching a DVD on the fundamentals of music and wondering if the Leafs would ever win another hockey game. A celebration of Peters life will be held at 11:00 am on Thursday, November 18th at St Judes Anglican Church, 160 William St., Oakville, ON., followed by a reception at the Oakville Club, 56 Water St. (near the church). In lieu of flowers please send donations to the Oakville Hospital Foundation. A Book of Memories may be signed at www.wardfuneralhome.com

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