ww w .oakvillebeave r.co m ?OAKVILLE BE A VER Thursda y, November 11, 2010 ?3 0 Operations Manager Metroland West Distribution Centre Metroland West Media Group requires an Operations Manager for its Harvester Road Distribution Centre. Reporting to the Regional Director of Distribution & Warehouse Operations, this position will directly oversee the manual and automated inserting mailroom operation as well as have involvement in the regional distribution and circulation departments. Metroland West Distribution Centre is a 62,000 square foot 24 hour operation that services the flyer production needs for the Oakville, Burlington, Milton, Flamborough, Niagara and Hamilton markets. As a part of the management team you will be required to participate in the strategic planning process for our markets and should be comfortable in being part of the big picture. Position Responsibilities: ?This position will oversee production and provide direction to fl oor supervisors for the day to day management of the mailroom operation ?You will be responsible for the workfl ow process through monitoring production, maintaining production schedules & setting production goals ?You will maintain consistent workfl ow by troubleshooting and ensuring preventative maintenance, repair and upkeep of equipment and the facility. ?Provide clear, concise communication to employees on operational policies and procedures, taking necessary action as required. ? Responsible for staff recruitment, timesheets submission, completing training and orientation, performance reviews & succession planning. ? Complete budgeting & monitor expenses ? Oversee inventory control & supply ordering ? Ensure a safe working environment in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Company Health and Safety policies ? Produce and analyze production reports, taking action where necessary to meet internal compliance requirements & FDSA audit reporting ? Interact with other distribution centres to promote benchmarking and best practices ? Strong team work skills a necessity ? Other duties as assigned by the Regional Director of Distribution. Competencies, Skills and Experience Competencies: Problem Solving, Time Management, Business Acumen, Process Management, Drive for Results, Delegation, Planning, Managing & Measuring Work, Building Effective Teams ? Minimum 5 years warehouse operations or related experience ? Demonstrated leadership and communication skills a must ? Previous experience working in a production environment. ? Previous newspaper distribution experience an asset. ? Ability to work in a deadline driven environment ? Profi ciency in written and spoken English ? Health and Safety knowledge and experience preferred. IAPA certifi cation an asset Interested and qualifi ed candidates should forward their resume and cover letter to laurelle.maharaj@metroland.com no later than December 1, 2010. Halton Centre for Child Care Requires a dedicated full-time ECE with strong programming and communication skills Please Fax Resume to: 905 825-6105 Looking for AZ/ DZ CLASS DRIVERS for snowplowing in the City of Burlington. Please fax resume to: 416-743-6664 $ Top Cash $ and Bonuses Paid Door to Door newspaper subscription sales Must be committed, enthusiastic, & motivated ?Immediate Start ?Training Provided High School or University and College Students wanted This opportunity is being offered by a Subscription Sales Contractor of The Hamilton Spectator Please leave your name and phone number at 905-526-3267 A division of Metroland Media Group has an immediate opening for an; Advertising Coordinator The qualified candidate will posses excellent communication, customer service, and or- ganizational skills, and will have the ability to adapt to an environment where workload and tasks vary on a continual basis. You will be de- tail oriented and be capable of working within a fast-paced, deadline focused environment. In this role, you will be responsible for the lay- out of assigned pages to ensure pages meet the newspaper design standard, balance page layout to ensure all ad copy is received, calcu- late linage and page revenue, and compile customer prospect lists. If you would like to work for a leader in the me- dia industry this opportunity may be the right one for you. We offer a competitive compen- sation package as well as possibilities for fu- ture career growth. If interested please forward your resume November 20th, 2010 szawadzki@metroland.com fax: (905) 632-0308 We appreciate the interest of all applicants however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls or agencies IS CALLING ALL KIDS! We are currently hiring carriers to deliver on Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays Earn money and win cool prizes, all while delivering North America's #1 community newspaper! Call us to see if your street is available - it just might be! Circulation 905-845-9742 Health & Home Care SENIOR HOMECARE By Angels. Experienced Care- givers will provide up to 24 hour In -home care . 905-634-2400. Massage Services 110 -808 BR ITANN IA Road . Wes t o f Mav i s . Grand Opening. Asian Mas- sage $39.95. Reflexology $35.95 905-817-1500. Dogs DACHSHUND, MINI, 2 black & tan left, shiny and healthy, home raised with love, 905-684-0909 LAB SHEPARD c ro ss p u p p i e s f o r s a l e . $ 7 5 e a c h . P l e a s e call 289-256-6008, leave message. Pet Supplies/ Boarding/Service F1B LABRADOODLES p u p s . F i r s t v a c c i n e / m i c ro c h i p p e d . F a m i l y raised. 905-692-5925. www.macleoddoodles.com Boats/Motors 16 FOOT fi ber glass boat Free, Heavy duty 22 foot t r a i l e r $ 9 9 9 . 905-338-8929 Cars 2000 CHEVY Cavalier, Ex- cellent Condition. 166,000 km. A/C, cruise, power locks, 4-speed automatic, A M / F M , $ 4 2 9 5 . o b o 905-639-5463 2010 FORD Escape XLT, 4WD, 6-Cylinder. All option included. 29,900km. Like new. $24,900 negotiable. 905-580-2268 '94 BENZ E320, driven everyday, good running condit ion, mechanical ly sound, $1300, as is, obo, 905-634-2689. MERCEDES SUV ML320 model 2002 available for immediate sales in Oakville. B lack on B lack leather immaculate condition, fully loaded certifi ed and e-test- ed. Priced at $12,000. For immediate delivery contact 905-257-1355 or 416-574- 5144 for appointment. Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking ***ALWAYS CASH*** $200. (Average) Paid for usable and scrap ve- hicles. Free pickup. 905-320-3287 pedder@ rogers.blackberry.net CASH PAID- $250.00+ for any Complete vehi- cles driven in/ $200+ for vehicles picked up. Scrap Cars & Trucks wanted. 702 Bronte Rd, Oakville (just South of QEW). MOT legal trans- fers. 905-827-8015. CASH PAID fo r Scrap Cars and Trucks. Same D a y P i c k U p . 905-693-5355 Auto Parts & Accessories 4-WINTER TIRES 195/ 60R14. Asking $250.00. Ford F-150 Truck Tool Box. A s k i ng $250 .00 . Ca l l 905-336-3685 after 5 p.m Careers Careers Careers FACILITY ADMINISTRA- TOR- Primacy in Burlington requires a Facility Admin. Must be fl exible, organized, resourcefu l , have good time-management skills, be able to read legal docu- ments/building blueprints & have a winning attitude. Must have 1-2 yrs exp. Re- s u m e t o : melanie_holek@primacy.ca WAREHOUSE SUPERVIS- OR Crane Supply in Hamil- ton seeks a warehouse supervisor for Day Shift [6AM - 3PM]. We of fer: Competitive Compensation, Company Pa id Pens ion Plan, Family Health/Dental Coverage & Career Ad- vancement. Must have 3 years superv isory exp. Email:paul.bourque@ cranesupply.com Drivers General Help Thinking of a Career in Real Estate? Are you currently enrolled in the OREA pre-registration courses, are you recently licensed, are you considering a brokerage change or are you just curious about a career in real estate? Learn about who should or shouldn't consider a real estate profession, provincial licensing requirements, training and technology requirements and what makes a successful Realtor! Lower Level, 251 North Service Rd. W., Oakville Seating is limited, call 905-257-3633 to reserve your seat! Tuesday, November 16, 2010 at 7:00pm Royal LePage Executive Training Centre General Help General Help Career Development Dental EXPERIENCED CERTI- F IED Den ta l Ass i s tan t needed for general prac- t i c e i n O a k v i l l e . F a x 905-844-1444 or oakvilledentist2@ gmail.com FULL-TIME HYGIENIST required for a busy dental practice. Hours include 2 evenings and every other Saturday. Fluent English, well spoken and confi dent. F a x r e s u m e t o : 905-842-0128. General Help P-T EVEN ING O f f i ce C l e a n e r s 6 - 9 p m MonFri. Must have own t ranspor tat ion. Burlington, Oakville, & F l amborough a reas . 905-331-2270 ext.203 Retail Opportunities ADDED TOUCH re t a i l store (Downtown Oakville) is hiring exceptional F/T - P/T sales staff for the holi- day season. Must be peo- ple oriented, mature & able to work weekends. Flex hours. Please send resume to: hr3oakville@gmail.com Technical/Skilled Trades A U T O A P P R E N T I C E - 1 s t o r 2 n d y e a r . E m a i l r e s u m e t o : rmaccallum@ dewildtchrysler.com LICENSED TECHNICIAN. Previous Chrysler experi- ence, min imum leve l 2 Chrysler training. Email resume to: rmaccallum@ dewildtchrysler.com General Help Metroland Media Group Ltd. is currently seeking an experienced; Temporary Full-time Accounting Clerk(6-month contract) The qualifi ed candidate will posses excellent communicat ion, customer serv ice, and organizational skills and will be proficient in Microsoft Offi ce, primarily excel. You will be detail oriented and be capable of working within a fast-paced, deadline focused environment. This position is located with The Hamilton Spectator (44 Frid Street, Hamilton, ON) In this role, the successful candidate will be responsible for balancing revenue reports, verifying invoices, calculating commission, and other duties, as assigned. A minimum of 1-2 years accounting experience is required. An accounting diploma/degree would be an as- set. If you would like to work for a leader in the media industry this opportunity may be the right one for you. If interested, please forward your resume by November 14th, 2010 to: szawadzki@metroland.com Fax: (905) 632-0308 We appreciate the interest of all applicants however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls or agencies please. ESTABLISHED CARDIOLOGIST Seeking full-time medical secretary due to retirement of person holding current position Please send Applications to: PO Box 2345, 5040 Mainway, Unit 1, Burlington ON, L7L 7G5 Career Development Technical/Skilled Trades OPERATIONS MANAGER - for Guelph Humane So- ciety. Organize & direct activities of Shelter Opera- tions, Animal Service/Inves- t i g a t i o n s a n d S h e l t e r programs. Direct mgmt of Animal Shelter and enforce- ment of animal by-laws and provincial/federal legisla- tion to meet governance stds. Apply at: http:// snipurl.com/guelphopsmgr P I P I N G E S T I M AT O R - Westlake Industries is cur- rently seeking a Piping and Structural Steel Estimator for their fabrication facility in Burlington, Ontario. Ex- perience in preparing bid packages, reading draw- ings and specif ications. Send resume to: hr@westlakeind.com Office/ Administration ASSISTANT TO Invest - ment Advisor 3 years expe- r ience wi th CSC, Emai l resume to s imon . j ack - son@manulifesecurities.ca BOOKKEEPER/ MANAG- ER/ for Oakville base High End Automotive Repair Fa- cility. Full-Time position, Mature individual with expe- rience in automotive indus- try preferred. Proficiency w i t h M ic roso f t O f f i ce/ Qu i c kBooks Requ i red . Knowledge of Protractor Software an asset. E-mail r e s u m e s t o : autoevolution@bellnet.ca or Fax to: 905-842-8205 Office/ Administration CALL CENTRE Debt Collectors F/T, Perm. No exp. Req. Must have good phone manner. QEW & Erin Mills Competitive Wages T: 905-855-0856 F: 905-855-0603 Ref#99. LAW CLERK- Experienced, F / T - P / T. F a m i l y , R e a l Estate, Wills and Estates. Knowledgeable in Divorce- mate, WP, W, Terav iew, Conveyancer & PCLaw. Must be capable of working independently. Salary com- mensurate with experience. Excellent benefit package. Please reply in confidence t o S a l l y C h i a r e l l i : dycor@on.aibn.com P/T RECEPTIONIST for R e a l E s t a t e o f f i c e . Weekends only, Saturdays 9 a m - 5 p m , S u n d a y s 10am - 3pm. Real Estate and/ or Reception experi- ence preferred, will train. Please email: diane.gale@century21.ca CLASSIFIED E-MAIL classified@haltonsearch.com INTERNET: www.burlingtonpost.com www.oakvillebeaver.com REQUIRED BOOKKEEP- ER: Permanent par t- time for small Burling- ton law fi rm. Must be experienced in all as- pects of Bookkeeping in a legal fi rm. PCLaw a must. Please E-mail R e s u m e t o : carol@hclawyers.ca *MONEY* *EXERCISE* *INDEPENDENCE* Paper routes are no longer just kids stuff! Excellent daytime opportunity in Oakville for service- minded, conscientious adults. Part-time- Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays. You pick your hours and must have your own vehicle. If interested, contact Bob @ (905) 637-8795. WORK 905.632.4440 CLASSIFIED E-MAIL INTERNET! Get Results