York Commonwealth, 11 Mar 1859, p. 3

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ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMSHIP JURA. New York, March 7. The steamship Jura, from Liverpool, Friday 18th ult., arrived this morning. The affairs of the Ionian Islands claim- ed attention in the House of Lords on Thursday night. In the Commons Mr. Lever took In* seat for Galway and Mr. Solomons for Greenwich ; the latter taking the oaths according to Jewish custom. Mr.Gilpen gave notice of a resolution prohibiting the manufacture of opium by the government of India. Mr. D'Israeli stated that the prelimmares between the British and Aus- trian governments for the constructionof a telegraph to Alexandria had been agreed upon. The terms involved a guarantee, but not an unconditional one. Leave was granted Mr. Ayrton to bring in a b<ll to sweep away all legal distinctions between newspapers and other publications. FRANCE. £a Presse had received a warning lor an article of the same tenor as those it had been publishing for weeks. The gen- eral supposition was that ihe measure was taken on the representations of the Aus- trian Ambassador. The warning had a good effect on the Bourse. Rentes ad- vanced half per cent, but the rise was not fully sustained. The closing quotations, were 68 for money, and 67. 70 for ac- count. The late disastrous failures at Orleans are said to extend to 12 millions ot francs. M. de Lesseps left Paris on the 15th, for Alexandria, for the express purpose of commencing the Suez canal. SARDINIA. The Faris correspondent of the Times asserts on trustworthy ground that the King of Sardinia is determined on making an attempt to drive out the Austrian*, with the object of constituting for himself a kingdom strong enough to resist Austria on the one hand and France on the other, if need be., and that it will comprise Venice and at least twelve millions of subjects. An absolute certainty is felt at the Court of Turin that France will help Piedmont against Austria, and that Russia will be with her passively il Austria is left to fight alone, but actively and openly if any other power assists Austria. Eng- land and Prussia are expected to be neu- tral. The above is asserted to be the delib- erate plan of the King of Sardinia and his cabinet, and nothing but the withdrawal of France wi'l divert them from it. ADDITION A L--FOREIGN. England proposes to reduce her home and Colonial loices, but to raise the In- dian. This is considered an indication of the Government faith in the maintenance of Peace. There are rumored Ministerial changes, including the retirement of the Lord Chancellor, Sir E. B. Lytton and Gener- al Peel. Paris and Vienna correspondence abounds in warlike rumors, and military movements continue active. Napoleon's intentions are said lo be certainly for war. Victoria, in Vancouver* Island, 1ms been declared a temporary port of entry for British Columbia. The Daily News says that French en voys at Munich, Wurtemburg and Casal have been called to confer with the Em- peror, it is presumed n the state of 0111)110 opinion in Germany. The French Minister of the Interior had addressed a confidential circular ta the prefect's department, conveying the official interpretation to be given to the Emperor's speech at the opening n1 Use session, as it had become the subject oi contradictory commentaries. Tbe Minis- ter says the Emperor's policy is, while de- nouncing war without legitimate motives, as impossible, not to recoil from it if honor commands it, or if ih^re arise one of those causes lor which, in all times, France has been enthusiastic, because war then is a necessity. The movements of troops continue very active at Marseilles. A reported Council ol War was formed consisting of five of the most distinguished gentlemen in the Austrian army. The Vier.na correspondent of the Lon- don Times says that information has been received from France, removing ail doubt ps to the intention of Napoleon, and would pot be surprised to see the Austrian army put suddenly on a war footing. 65,000 men could be fully prepared for action in six weeks. Another Vienna letter says Russia is calling her furloughed soldiers from Taga- jnog to the Moldavian frontier. PUBLIC FEELING AND THE TARIFF. ARRIVAL OF THE EUPvOPA. Saniiy Hook, 1,30 p. m, The Royal Mail steamship Europa from Liverpool of the 19th ult., has passed this point on her way to New Y°rk. The screw steamship iEtna arrived out on the 18th. The latest Continental rumors are more warlike. Military preparations continue. It is represented that a camp of 100,- 000 men will soon form at 'Toulon. The House of Commons had passed a resolution in favor of a loan of £7,000,- 000 sterling. The Infant Prussian Prince,--A letter from Berlin says that the infant Prince is,most febost and well-made. A letter in the Nord, from Berlin, dated tho 28th, says :--Early this morning Prince Frederick William assembled the servants of his household, and showed them his infant son, whom he held in his arms. I have seen workmen and poor women hurry- ing from the most distant quarters of the city, and, even peasants from the neighboring vil- Iftges,to learn how the Princess is progressing In fact, the Berlinese,so cold by nature, are giving way to the most ardent enthusiasm. A Committee, it is said, will be formed to secure for all poor children born yesterday in Prussia, ^he sum of 250 thalers on reaching their 24th year. There will be another grand illuminin- ption and serenade, with torches, when the church ing of the august Princess takes place. From the Globe. If the eurrent of public feeling in Western Canada may be judged by the feeling in Toronto, Mr. Galt's tariff is destined to encounter a pretty hot oppo- sition. Amongst all classes, the tone in which it is referred to is one of condemna- tion. Never was there a measure which succeeded more completely in disgusting everybody. The want of any intelligible principle in the classification of duties challenges the attention of the most cursory observer. A closer scrutiny detects nothing to sup- ply its place. The whole thing has been framed with no other object than the main- tenance of a corrupt and extravagant sys- tem, and with no other rule than the ca- price of the Inspector General. The protectionist disapproves of the tariff, because, whilst extorting heavy taxes, it withholds encouragement from every industrial interest. The free trader, whilst applauding ad valorem duties, sees in Mr. Galt's mode of applying them only a blow levelled at industry, already stagnant, and commerce, already all but ruined. The consumer, caring little for theories, regards the increase of taxation as enough to frighten away those who can get, and to deter emigrants from touching our shores. He looks upon the augmented load as sufficient to break the back of the patient public ; and views the future with mistrust accordingly. Let good cause be shown, and the peo- ple of Canada, depressed though they be, would strain every nerve to meet the wants of the public expenditure. But this frightful increase of Mr. Galt's tariff takes place without a shadow of necessity, be- cause unaccompanied with the slightest effort to reduce an expenditure that is no- toriously extravagant. Reduce the ex- penses of the departments, cut down the outlay of Parliament, stop needier pay- ments, lessen the staff ot employes', and then, if necessary, let us hear oi more tax- ation. But the Cartier-Macdonald Min- istry have not moved an inch iu this di- rection. Keeping all outlays at the old point, upholding every waste as it comes under notice, they go further and throw away nearly two millions of dollars m Seat of Government expenses, without settling the question itself. To carry oat this wanton expenditure, Mr. Galt con- cocts his tariff; which is regarded here as the effect of the system with which lv: has chosen to identify his party fortunes. The tariff has finished Mr. Galt's repu- ai'o.i. Once upon a time, and that not long ago, business people were wont to express confidence in h's sagacity. Their estimate is now widely different. His wo- ful break-down as a financial missionary to England opened men's eyes rather wide; and now this tariff finishes the work. Mr. Galt, they now see, is not a statesman, but a chnnsey sort of conjuror; not a genius grappling with urgent diffi- culties, but an unskilled mechanician, fol- lowing the Cayley track, and exacting the last farthing, without caring whence it comes or how it goes. Almost all the vices of women belong lo tiie men. while their good qualities are theirs, and tiie ii s alone. The wTise man's silence says more than the much speaking of the fool. When the heart is out of tune, the ton- gue seldom gives good music. Buy no triend with presents, for pre- sents will buy him fiom you. Great minds have wills; small minds have only wishes. The ivy will not cling to a poisonous tree. What a pity that the tendrils of the human heart are not sometimes endow- ed with this instinct ! Never ridicule old age. It is pouring cold water into the bed in the morning where you must sleep at night. Man is related to the beasts by his body, and if he be not related to God by his spirit, then he is an ignoble creature. TORONTO MARKETS. Remember the kindness you receive torget the favor you confer. MARRIED. On tho 1st inst., by the Rev. Jas. Dick, of Richmond Hill, Wilber H. Hall, to Olive Davis, Township of Vaughan. DIED. At Thornhill, on the 7th inst., Chisstabell Darling, wife of John Nisbet. Special Notices. TO FATHERS AND MOTHERS. You know how important it is for your chil- dren that you should keep good health. How frequently do we see feebie parents dressed in mourning on account of the death of their be- loved children. What a pity it is, when, by proper care and remedies, all these trials and troubles can be avoided. When health can be restored to the parent and life and happiness to the child, Restore the health of the mother and you obviate the necessity of Parcgoric, Godfrey's Cordial and other injurious narcotics for crying children. We entreat you, as we desire to improve the condition of our race, to procure Dr. Morse's Almanac and read how diseases are cured in accordance with Nature's laws with innocent Roots and Plants. PREGNANCY. During this critical period Morse's Indian Root Pills will be required, because they cleanse the body from those morbid humors, and tho- roughly drive away nil pains, and give ease and comfort to the mother. From one to three of these Pills, take» two or three times a week during pregnancy, will cause the mother a saef and easy delivery, ard will be sure to give a stout and healthy constitution to the child, Dr, Morse's Indian Root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. THE Injudicious use of Mercury often oc- casions affections of the throat, of tho bones of the nose, and malignant sores. Dr. Moffat's Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters are signally suc- cessful in eradicating all the effects of mercury ■rom the system. They aid nature in casting from the body al! poisonous matters, and by thus purifying the vital fluids, they restore the constitution to sound health. For sale by W. J>. MOFFAT, proprietor, 335 Broadway, Now York, and his Agents. Slt'm TEEFY, R ICHMOND I] I L L, TS Instructed bv tho undersigned to place all BOOK ACCOUNTS and NOTES, PAST DUE, in tho court for collection, if not paid forthwith. Persons indebted to Mr. Tkkky's Estate will plerso call at his office, Richmond Ilill, and sottle the same without further notice, and save court costs ! Debts due tho Estate cannot be permitted to lay over any longer. T. CLARKSON, } . . N. LYNOT, S AssjSnees' Richmond Hill, March 11, 1859. 15-tf Thursday, March 10. Wheat--Fall wheat has come in very slow- ly, and has been eagerly bought up at 7s 6d to 8s for ordinary, and from 8s to 8s 3d. and some- tim es 8s 4d for prime lots. Spring Wheat continues in excellent reques at 6s 6d to 6s 9d per bushel, with an occasional purchase at 7s for prime seed wheat. Flour--I he present quotations are about as follows ;--Superfine $6 25 ; Extra ^6 50 a $6 75 , Faucy 7 a 7 dols. 25 per barrel. t Barley in brisk demaud for local purposes a 5s a 5s 3d per bushel. Rye is scarce and much wanted, with an ad- vance in quotations, now ranging from 4s 3d to 5s per bushel. Oats are less firm, and are now quotable at 2s lOd a 2s lid per bushel. Peas are wanted, and have improved in price to 4s 9d a 5s per bushel. Timothy Seed 2 a 2 25 a 2 do Is 50 per bush. Clover Seed 7 a 7 dols. 50 per bushel. Hay brings from 10 to 12 dols. per ton, the usual rate, good Timothy being 16 a 17 dollars. Straw 10 a 11 dols per ton. Potatoes are becoming stiil more scarce, and 6 good varieties havo brought 3s 3d to 3s 6d per bushel, with occasional sale at 3s 9d. Apples continue very scarce at 5s to 7s 6d per bushel, and 4 to 5 dollars per barrel. Pork--For good hogs, of over200 lbs., 6 dols 50 to 7 dols. per 1001b For lighter weight s to 6 dols 25 is the range. Beef--6 dollars for the best, and 5 to 5 dols1 50 for medium per 10 0 lbs. Sheep 5 to 5 dols 25 each. Calves 4 dols 75 to 5 dols 50 each. Poultry--Chickens 2s 3d to 2s 9d per pair. Geese are scarce at 2s 6d each. Turkeys from 3s 9d to 7s 6d each. are coming in more freely, and find ready sale at 9d to lid per dozen. Butter--Fresh butter is Is 2d to Is 3d per lb Lard 6j to 7d per lb. Wood is in good supply at 3^ to 3| dollars per load, and 4 to 4£ dollars per cord delivered. --Globe, IMPORTANT NOTICE, IVERSONS indebted to the undersigned, [ whoso Accounts became due on tho first of January last, are respectfully requested to settle them. J K. FALCON BRIDGE. ' Richmond Hill, March 11, 18:9. 15-tf To Ministers of tiie Gospel AND SaibbatIi-scliool T -acliers OF THE COUNTIES OF YORK & SIMCOE. A SABBATH School Union Convention of Ministers of the Gospel, aud Sabbath School Teachers of tho above named Counties, will be held in Newmarket on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 15th and 16th days of March next. Ministers are earnestly invited to attend, whether Delegates or not, and to take part in the proceedings. Each Sabbath School is requested to send one or two Delegates. The inhabitants of Newmarket have kindly engaged to entertain Delegates during their visit. The Directors of the Northern Railroad have kindly engaged to convey Ministers and Teach- ers to and from the place of Convention, for one fare, upon presentation of their certificates. Schools intending to send Delegates and Ministers who propose attending '.he Conven- tion, are requested to send word without delay to Rev. J. Hooper, Newmarket, that due pre- paration for their comfort be made. (By Order of the Executive Committee,) JOSEPH HOOPER. > „ , . S, A. ARLING, Icarus. P.S.--Any Ministers or Subbath Schools not having received circulars and forms of certifi- cates of Delegation, are requested to apply at once to the Secretaries, who will forward them immediately. Newmarket, March 4, 1859, 14-2t. Letters Remaining in RICHMOND HILL Post Office. MARCH 1st, ; £59. Anderson, Mrs, Atkiuson, John Arnold, J. R. Bilany, Henry Boothby, Thomas Berry, John Brillinger, Goergo Brown, Lucy Colleus, Mary Jane Craik, Peter Coapland, William Cober, Peter Cook, Harriet Durrant, Charles Eiliot, Robert Ever, David Elliot, Mary Anne Foggin, J. Goldor, Ellen Gray, William Grant, Jesse Harrison, William Hunt, William Hamilton, John Horton, William Jenkins. A. Jefferson, Jane Keal, Francis Lawrence, William H. Louis, Ellen Langstaff, John [3J Lee, George Mapes, William Miller, James [2] Morrell, James Malcolm, Alex. McDonald, Lachlan[2] McPhiliips, George McMorran, George Newton, James Nicols, Matilda Play ter, James Penney. Z. A Paton, Isabella Russell, Benjamin Seager, William [2] Stanton. George Sanderson, Henry Tory, Alexander C2J Trench, Robert Wride, Joseph Wiles, John M. TEEFl. Postmaster. QR. C. S. LLOYD IN AURORA. Doctor Lloyd begs one and all, Not to neglect immediate call ; For having made tho firmest stand-- With every choice at his command ; The Dr. feels th» greatest pride. That every want can bo supliod, As far as " Medicine" can do, With art and skill, attending too-- And fears not when his friends shall call But that he can supply them all. When they <^an speak how they enjoyed The benefits, from Dr. Lloyd; His " Tinctures " are the most refined-- in fact his Store has every' kind, Amonia, Aloes, Myrrh, Blood Root, With Soaps, and Indian Hemp to suit, Chloroform, Galls. Ginger too, Egot, Cloves, and Hops quite new ; Cassia, Camphor, and Cayenne-- I soon shall have to stay my pen ; For It would give too long attention, The whole of this largo stock to mention. A few word-j more on the supplies-- Saffron, Fox-glove, Spanish Flies, Hemlock, Rhubarb, Lemon Peel, And choicest Salves, tho wounds to heal, Infusions of tho richest store, Then noed I mention any more. The Dr. once again must say, To hose tiiat wish to give fairplav, To try his " Ointments," and make sure That they have found a certain cure ! Antimonial. and Compound, Sulphur, Pitch, can here bo found ; Tar, Tobacco, best of spice, Essence and Sweets to suit the nice ; Acids of a full supply For those who wish the same to try. 'Tis needless here to mention all, W hen eyes can view them if they call ! Give trial ! and prove you have enjoyed True benefit from Dr. Lloyd. Aurora, Feb. 18, 1859. 12-3-m. GREAT BI-ANNUAL GENERAL AUCTIONEERS COMMISSION AGENTS! rp HE SUBSCRIBERS beg most respectfully X to announce to the Public in general, that they have taken out Licenses as Auctioneers for the United Counties of York & Peel, And also for the COUNTY OF ONTARIO ! Said Counties are composed of the townships of Scarboro', Maikham, York, Vaughan, Whitchurch, King, Etobicoke, Toronto, Gore of Toronto, Chingucusha, Caledon, Albion, East Gwillinsbury, Noith Gwillimbury, Geor- giana, Pickering, Whitby, Uxbridge, Reach, Scott, Brock, Thorah, Mara and Rama. Any person requiring our services in the above capacity, in any of the above named Townships, will write to us either at Markham or Stouffville. and we will give it our prompt attention, WILSON & PATTERSON, Markham & Stouffville, February, 1859. Auctioneers. 12-ly NOTICE. rpHE SUBSCRIBER desires to inform hi* Jl friends that he has purchasod the STORE GOODS belonging to Mr. Thomas Cooper, and will be ready at ail times to supply them with DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Liquors? Hardware, &c. &c. &c. Of first quality, and at Reasonable Terms. JOHN BRUNSKILL. Thornhill, Jan. 24, 1859. 9-tf TO LET, rn wo COMMODIOUS TENEMENTS JL adapted for Shops, situated in the most central and commanding part of the Village ; each containing G rooms, good cellar, garden, and other conveniences ; well suited ior Mil- liners, Tailors, Tin Smith, Saddlers, or Shoe Shop3. Rent moderate. Apply to G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill, J&ny. 20, 1859. 8-tf SAP BUCKETS, milE Subscriber wishes to inform Farmers, Storekeepers and Others, that he has now on hand a large quantity of superior SAP BUCKETS, which he is selling remarkably cheap. Lot No. 11, iind Con, Markham, or by letter, pre*paid, to Buttonville P. O, February 18, 1859, 12-4p TO PRINTERS . milE SUBSCRIBER begs to inform j[ the Trade, that his Stock of PRINTING PRESSES, TYPE, INKS, and all other description of materials, has been verv largely increased this Season, bv arrivals from NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and MONTREAL ; and that he is prepared to supply orders for new Offices, in addition to those in operation, at the shortest notice. Printing MACHINES and ENGINES im- ported to order. Best quality of NEWS INK at On© Shilling per lh. Old Type taken in exchange for new. D. K. FEEHAN. Colborno st.. Toronto. Jan. 9, 18 57 g5 To tiie Sick and Dying. R. SNIDER, of the 7th concession of Vaughan, near Klineburgh, guarrantees to cure Cancers, Enlarged JYecks> And many other Diseases. Persons laboring under either of the above mentioned Diseases, will do welUo cali in time, All letters to be paid, and addressed to PETER SNIDER, Klineburgh. N. B. NO CURE NO PAY. August 6, 1858. Gl-tf NOTICE. ON MONDAY, the 4th of April next, ap- plication will be made to the Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan, to pass a By-Lato establishing a certain Road leading from the 2nd Concession across i^ot 43, to connect with a Road heretofore established, from Yonge Street, between Lots No. 42 and 43, GEO. J. F. PEARCE, Township Clerk. Richmond Hill, Feb. 25, 1859. 13-4t, TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE STREET. MONUMENTS, T0MB-TBLES T O M B-S TONES & c. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMET. THE Undersigned Assignees of the estate of D. C. & W. YALE, will con- tinue the business under the superintendence of our duly authorized agents, Austin Abbey and D. Carlos YaLE, whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. P.S. All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the 1st day of June, 1858, will be put into Court for collection. C. YALE, G, CUMMER. Toronto, 29, April 1858 48-tf CLEARING SALE ! THE Subscriber having determined on disposing of all his fTIJTTER Previous to leaving for the British and other European Markets, has commenced and is now SELLING ©FF ! His Winter Stock of Goods at unprecedentedly low prices, for CASH ONLY. He is enabled to sell lower than usual in Toronto, from tlie fact of having purchased his goods in the bent Markets, on the best terms, and now having A GRAND CLEARING SALE ! All parties in want of Goods, will find it to their advantage to call and examine the Stock and Prices. French Merinoes, French Double Tvrills, Cobourg Cloths, De Laines, German Gala Plaids, Plaid Woollen Shawls and Scarfs, Paisley Shawls, Woollen Mantilla Shawls, Fur Boas and Cuffs, Polkas, Flannels aud Blankets, Grey and White Cottons, Striped and Fancy Shirtings, Prints and Ginghams, Grey and White Cotlon Shirtings, Linen Sheetings, Towellings, Table Damasks, Cassimeres, Satinets, Cloths, Fancy Flannel Shirts. Millinery, Mantles and Ready-made Clothing. N.B.--The Store on the cornor of King and Church Sts. is discontinued. Toronto, January 1859. JOHN CHARLES WORTH, 41 King Street west, next to Beckett's Druggist. 9-3m M. LEISH M A IS, No. 81, King Street East, next door to the "Colonist" office, has opened out a complete asssortment of STAPLE hND FANCY DRY GOODS! MILLINERY AND CLOTHING, Which he will sell at Prices that will favourably compare with any House in the Trade, his determination being to sell Goods of the best qualities and at such Prices as will recommend themselves without the additional aid of PUFFING so universally resorted to by most Parties in the Trade. Comprises all kinds of Goods .suited for Family and Domestic use. THE FANCY STOCK ! Is replete with the Newest Goods of the Season. T II IS MI Ja Ii I TV E 11 Y STOCK I Is choice, and remarkably cheap. Clothing, ready-made and made to order very much below the usual Charges. Sales made for cash only. No Second Price- M. LEISHMAN, No. 81, King St. next door east to the Colonist office. Toronto, Jan. 1859. 9-3m TO ADVERTISERS ! Great Reduction of Advertising Rates ! Taking into consideration the hard times, and being determined to advance the pros- perity of the community in which we live; and believing as we certainly do, that a Village is judged by parties at a distance by tho Ad- vertisements that appear in the columns ef its Newspaper, and being very desirous of offer- ing every inducement in our power to Mer chants and others to Advertise, we have de- termined to Reduce our Advertising rates to as low a Fgure as vve can possibly afford.-- Our great object is, to encourage liberal adver- tising, as this branch of Business is the main stay to all Printing Establishments. Our readers will at once perceive that it is utterly impossible to advertise at lower rates than we give below. If we did, we should not be able to carry on the paper ; for no one (not even printers) can be expected to work for nothing. However, we hope that all those who desire o encourage a Village Newspaper will advertise liberally, and then while we shall be benefited, they themselves will be even more so by an increase of business,--the invariable result of advertising. The following aro our reduced rates :-- £ column, i a year, 95 per cent discount. i " j •• SO i •• 1 " 35 1 *• i " 30 A " I " 35 •• I " 1 40 •• 1 •• i 35 1 " A 40 1 " 1 45 All advertisements to be measured by a scale of 200 solid Brevier lines to a column.-- Four pence a line will be charged for the first insertion, and one penny a line for each sub- sequent insertion. Advertisers to have the privilege of chang - ing their advertisement feur times a year. Advertisements under a quarter of a co- umn, continued for three months, will be subject to 20 per cent; for six months, 25 per cent ; and for 12 months, 30 per cent discount. Proprietors *' Commonwealth.*' Richmond Hill, Dec. 1, 1858. THE "COLONIST.35 rnHE "COLONIST" HAS A I " bona fide v jirculation of Twelve Thousand ! ANDl? HKRl:}' RE THE Best Advertising Medium in Canada TERMS: Daily,--4d a line for first insertion, and Id a line for each subsequent insertion. Weekly.--Gd a line for first insertion, and 2d a line for each subsequent insertion N.B.--Postmasters who send advertisements on these terms, will have a commission of 15 per cent allowed them. The terms of Subscription for the DAILX " COLONIST," are six dollars a year, payable in advance. For the WEEKLY, the price is a dollar and a half, also payable in advance. To Clubs of ten, the Weekly will be sup- plied at one dollar a year. 6G-4 Stale Fire Insurance Company OF LONDON, CHARTERED *y act 07 IMPERIAL parliament. CAPITAL. £500,000 STERLING. Canada Branch, Head Office: Toronte. trustees :-- Hon. John Ross, | John Crawford, Esx. Boare of Directors.--Willinm ttfeMaster, Esq. Chairman; W. P. Ilowland, Esq. M.P.P., Vice-Chairman; William Ross, Esq. ; William Henderson, Esq. ; F. W. Jarvis, Esq. Sheriff U. C. of York aud Peel. Bankers --The Bank of Montreal. Solicitors.---Ross, Crawford and Crombie Tho engagements of the State Fire In- surance Company are guaranteed by a responsi- ble I'roprietai)7. All losses will be settled promptly without reference to the Board in England. ALEX. STEWART, A. LAW, Manager, B. N, America. Agent, Richmond Hill. February 18, 1850. 1.2-1# A I* 0 TIIE C A R! E S ' HALL KING Street, Toronto, 2nd door oa.-.t of Church Street, opposite the Cathedral. W. T. Atkinson, & Co., Late of King street West, now offer at their new establishment, Genuine English Drugs, Patent Medicines, French and English Perfumery, Oils, Paintsr Colours, Dye- Woods, Combs Brushes Sfc,, At such moderate prices as cannot fail to se- cure custom. W. T. A. & Co. having consiiWqble ex- perience in tho Drug business in various parts of England, have no hesitation in saying, that a great many of their Manufactured Articles will be found very superior. Medicines used in compounding Prescriptions, Family Re- ceipts, Horse and Cattle Medecines, &c., are of the very best quality, direct from the prin- cipal English Drug Houses. W. T. A. & Co. beg to call attention to their Celebrated Prepa- ration for the Teeth, Atkinson's Parisian Tooth Paste. Also their much admired Perfume THE ENGLISH NOSEGAY. Soda Water bottled and from the fountain; St. Catherines Mineral Water, and the Plantagenet Water, celebrated for their healthy properties. \pril 22.1858. t46 LOYAL ORANGE LODGE, Meets at wm. durose'S hotel Victoria Square, the last Fr'day even- ing in each month. OFFICERS ELECT : JOHN BUTTON, Master. JAMES CAXAGIIAN, Deputy. THOMAS BOWMAN, Secretary. JOHN GAWLEY, Treasurer. Victoria Square, May 7, 1858. 48-1 Richmoiid Victoria, T OYAL ORANGE LODGE. No. 778, J j meets at Brother Robert Wiseman's, Masonic Hall, the second Saturday evening iu each month. Officers Elbc r--Colonel D. Bridgford, Master , J. B. DoeGier, Deputy Master; John Munholland, Secretary; W. Pogue, Treasurer January 21, 1858. t33 NEW TREATMENT. WHOLESALE Paper L Stationery Warehouse, rpHE Subscribers have always on hand, JL a large and general stock of the best British and Provincial manufactured Writing, Colored, Brown, and Wrapping Papers, Wax, Wafers, Siate<% Ink, Steel Pens, Envelopes, Metallic Memorandum Books, Twines, Copy Books, School Books and General Stationery, &.C., &c. The facilities which the subscribers have for manufacturing, having two of the largest Paper Mills in Canada, they are prepared to manufacture all kinds of paper to crder. BUNTIN, BRO. & Co., Yonge street, Toronto. Jauuary 6, 1858 13 AGENTS WANTED. \\jTANTED, two smart intelligent men as VV Agents for the York Commonwealth of Richmond Hill. For particulars, apply a the Office. December 10, 1858. Buffalo Medical Dispensary, ESTABLISHED FOR THE CURE OF DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, FEVER A^D AGUE, SCROFULA, OLD ULCERS, GREAT IMPU- RITY OF THE BLOOD, SALT RHEUM, PIMPLES, FISTULA, PILES, KIDNEYS. DEBILITY, IN- FIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND OLD AGE, &C. 03r No Mercury tJsed. DR. AMOS & SON, Corner of Main and Quay Streets, Buffalo, Now York, are the only Physicians in the State who are mem- bers of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o'clock in the morn- ing until 9 o'clock at night, on every state and symptom of disease. The treatment they ndopt is the result of up- wards of 30 years' extensive and successful practice in London. The most inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated in eight or nine days, and cases of a slight nature in two or three days at a very moderate expense.--- The cure effected without confinement or hin- drance from business. Young Men--Take Particular Notice. There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood, and which, if not reformed by them in duo time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but give* rise to a series of protracted, insidious, and devastating affections. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware ot the consequences, until they find the nervous system shattered, feel strange and unaccounta- ble feeling?, and vague fears in the mind* A Most Scientific Invention, An instrument for the cure of Genital De- bility, or more properly known as Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debility, &c., which are permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days by the use of this instrument, when used conjointly with medicines. New Remedies and Quick Cures. Dr AMOS &.SON take pleasurei n announ- cing that they have invented a most Important instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test by the most eminent physicians in London, Paris, Philadel- phia and New York. It has been declared the only useful instrument ever yet invented for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. Dr. Amos & Son, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to tho merits of theso instru- ments, plodge themselves, that in any instance' wheie they may prove unsatisfactory after a fair trial, tho money will be refunded by re- turning the instrument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful instrument will observe, that the price, with the accom* panying directions, securely packed and s$nt by mail or express, is ten dollars. *Beware of Imposition. Beware of empirics and itinerant self-styled professors, who attempt cures, but never succeed Dr Amos & Son have fora long series of yeais been engaged in an extensive practice in the treatment of these delicate complaints, and are the only legally qualified Physicians who now advertise to cure certain complaints, or from whom genuine European remedies can be. obtained. Persons in any Part of the World may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, with a remittance for Medicines, &c , which will be returned with the utmost dispatch, and secure from observation. Address Dr. Amos &, Son, corner Main and Quay streots. Buffalo. N. Y. t46-ly Terms of the Montreal Witness,, FOR 1850. Semi-Weekly Edition,. TWO DOLLARS PEIl ANNUM. JMeekly Edition> 2 dollars per single copy, per annum. C " for clubs of 4 addressed separately, 20 " for 20 copies to one address. When a club has been formed, additions may be made at the same rate- Any one remitting ten subscribers for either or both editions, will receive a copy of the se- mi-weekly, giatis, except in tho case of 20 copies to one address. The terms for both editions are strictly cafch in advance, and the paper invariably stops when the time subscribed ior expires The Witness has from the beginning been much indebted for whatever success it has at- tained, to tho kind efforts of friends all over the country in its behalf, and it is now as much as ever de endent on this voluntary agency. Advertisements, not at variance with the character of the psper, will be inserted in the semi-weekly at 7 cents per lino for first inser- tion, and 3 cents for each subsequent insertion ; in the weekly, the charge will be 2U cents per line for each insertion. Every family should take a city paper in ad- dition to tho local newspaper. The latter is ne- cessary, on account of the local intelligence it gives, whilst tbe former is valuable for its gene- ral information. All letters, orders, and remittances to be ad' dressed, post paid, to JOHN DOUGALL, Proprietor "Montreal Witneess," Montreal. NOTICE. ' THEREBY FORBID any person or persons frorn nejrociating for, or purchasing TWO NOTES OF HAND granted by me in favor of JACOI5 H1SEY, Sen., one for £6 5s. aud the other for £1^3 10s. as I have received no, valuo for the same. JOHN ROBINSON. Markham, Dec. 16,. 1858. 3.[3\. I;.

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