Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Oct 1887, p. 8

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 IM Mim "' i" H li I J as. S. Freeborn, â€" ^M. D.. Ch. M.; L. K. A Q. C. P. L â€" Doctor of Hedicine and master of Bargery Victoria. Univ. Licentiate of King's and Queen's College of Physicians in Irland. Member of the Ckllege of Physicians and SurgaoBs, Ont. -Formerly acting Soigeoo of B. Battery, B.C. A. Qnebee. Iiate reaidant ot the Botunda Hoqital8, (Lying-in Ofneecological) DnbUn. OKiriCB; STEPHEN'S DRUG STORE. i9l«i«ii!ii m brs Sproule Brodle PHYSICIANS ASD SUKGEONS, 3* ^%^ R, k: r -A. 1^ E. Db. Spbodle's office Turner's Drug Store Db. Bbodie's office Mathew s block. P». IcCiillorig^li, BARBISTER, SOLICITOR, c OFFICEâ€" OVER MoFARLANDS STORE. MABKDALEf l£oney to Loan. HIASSON MASSON, BAEEISTEBS, SOLICITOKS, c. Officesâ€" Owen Sound, in Vic.ker's Block, Poulett St.; Blanch office inMarkda^a, j over McFarland's Store, on Friday and Saturday j every week. J. Massos, Q. C. S. Mabson. W.; Masson. N. B. â€" Private and Company's funds to invest at from to 8 ner cent Wm. Brown, J' SSUEK OF MaIiRIAGE LICENSES, fec Commissioner in B. K. c. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj at tended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Keal Estate se uritv. Jo all whom it mayeoiicern, IB. L. Stephen the Drnggiat of Ifarkdale have been appointed agMitfor Johhson's celebrated Tonie and nervine. JomrsoN^ little Uver Pillt, and Johnmii*8 all heating Whtte Ointment. The norin* is tba very best in tbe market, in all diseaaeB oanaed by poverty of blood, for NerronsneaB, HyBteria, and the Palenksb of ^omplexinn so often noticed in female's, 1ose of appetite and Reneral debility. In conjunction wth the Liver Pills, it is he very best for all diseases an-ising from Topid liver or bad stomach The White Oinment is the very best ia the market for Salt Bheume, Barbers Itch, Pimples, Chafs, Bums, Scalds, and all Skin diseases of a scrofulous nature. Try these fine remedies and you will not be disappointed. For sale at E. L. STEPHEN'S the drugRist Markdale, Ont. WM. G. GUTHRIE, P/q//} Ornamental Plasterer TVI A. il li: X A. L E Arches, Cornices, Centre Flowers, and all kinds of plain and ornamental plastering ex Spectator MOBNINO. KYJCKIMO. WSEELT. [The lieading Iiiberal Con- aeirvative xTewspaper of Canada. GET THE Weekly SpBElator ONE DGLLER A YEAB. ' ., Bright, Incisive, Able Editorials. The Complete News of the Day. The Choicest Miscellaneous Beading. Seriel Stories by the Best Authors. Dr. Talmage's Great Sermons. The Fullest Market Reports. The Choicest Humor. EYERHHINa FOR EVERYBODY. The Spectator never misses news, is neVer dull, and never shirks a public question. It is always clean and strong. ^l.OO STRAYED. PtOM the prandaM of the nadtUntguai, in May ]aat, two yearliiig heif«m, one red with star in face, one red with whllto on feet. Any person girinit tndi informtinn as will lead to their rennvery will be tnJtsbl y rewarded. Any p ison found hurboring them without BdTortiainK same will b« prosaeutad tfBS.ABNOTT, Markdale. T7"a*l"u.aTDle Timber Farms for Sale. ^.57i^««'»?Ihaye"^l«i Bnrdook'Brood Bltter/^'TS" WiioaB attack; I coulduot^« days, and was unable t„'^*«i bottle cured me." John V°*. Sr., Tara, Ont. For aU k?' tt(^l Tamaracâ€" Is the discevo,^ ingphyricUn, and BfW?'^»Wi perimenting it is now offer?' « O nerfected Bfato »„ » "'^d y^ ^»i â- . .•..^.«»»"-»- perfected state as a "n^Z\^ for conghs, colds and thlf complaints "** eeuted atcheapest rates. Calsomining Lime Washing and Repairs promptly attended to. .S65 WILLIAM STUART, KlMJtJERLEY, Issue.- of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Real Estate at low rates. A few Jbarms for sale. Terms easy. j.^Tmarshall, l.d.s TO SCHOOL TRUSTEES. The undersigned is manufacturing an ex- cellent assortment of School T^'urniture, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESKS, TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of the latest design and most approved pattern.' Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness, wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand, bend for catalogue to Chats worth P. Will purcJiuse for you for a yea^ the Weekly Spectator, tht best Conservative journal and the best weekly newspaper in Canada. Unusually liberal commissions to agents. Address The SpecIatob, Hamilton, Out. Being lots 29 and 30 in the 8th con. of the township of Holland, containing about 340 a«res the above hihd is situated within 2 miles of Be keley, litaaieion the C. P- E. the land is a good loamy soil; almost free from btones and is timbered with :â€" pine, rock elm. wat- er elm. cedar, hemlock, spruce, maple, beech, birch: baswood. butternut and tamarac, the land la well watered, and from its location wiJi make a first class farm. The property will be sold either in one parcel or separately to suit purchaser and will be sold very cheap and on terms to suit purchaser. Foi further T«irticulars apply to *^2r ^^"' NOBLE. Markdale, Oct, Ist 1887. Orakd results. For go dyspepsia,' he sayl^heZt'^^i physicians and.a host of reS *^ out relief. His drugoSt l"*^^ B. B. B. which he %ec arp?'^S "grand results,' for .Jin/^^S his highest reconiineyda'ion ""i «Ienel{f Council. Town Hall GlenelK.Snp, 26ft 1 J The Council met this dav r ' I to adjomnmeBt. AH fk' " '^N ?SfcHTH rEAR.- A.T DOUBLC THEATMCNT IM EACH PnCKACZ Southern ASTHMA CURE IHBTANT RCUEr TOR ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF PRICE SAMPLES, 25o.; REGULAR SIZE, $1.00 «ODii.â€" FULFORD A CO.,iBROCKVl.LE.owT. 181 ANDREW McGILL. -DENTIST,- OP TORONTO SCHOOL GEADUATE OP TORONTO HCHUUIj of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wednesday of oach month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Plesher- tou, the day following the third Wednesday iu each month for the practice of his profession. Commencing on the 7th September. MARKMLEHOUSE, MARKDALE. ONT. J. £ Marsh, Prop. ISAAC~STlSsOW. Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Brick and Stone work. Estimates given. All work gnaranteed. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 329 Residence, MARKDALE. W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDER, CONTRACTOR, ARCHI- TECT. Markdale. MONEY TO^ WAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission charged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S, BLACK, " 190 Pomona, P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. Neww Store LOT No. 24, con. 4, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres, will be sold cheap and on easy terms of jiayment, for further particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S, BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona P.O. R. J. SPROULE, FLESHEBTON. 'Conveyancer, Appraiser, Valuator and Money Lender. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills drawn np andValuations made on shortest notice,^ Charges very low. Apiily to R. J. SPROULE, Money Lender Postmaster. Fleslierton. Markdale Woolen Mill Custom Carding, WeaviDg, Full- ing. Dyeing and cloth dressing, done in -a workmanlike manner 'aod ou very short notice. Having opened in the boot and shoe business in Markdale I would here- by respectfully solicit a share of pub- lic patronage. I have had thirty years experience in the business in England and Can- ada, and with good stock and care- ful workmanship have no fear but my customers will find our dealings both satisfactory and mutually jjro- fitable Sewed, Eivited and pegged work done in a workmanlike manner. Ready made Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Oyershoes kept m stock. All work done under my personal sup- ervision. Call and get acquainted. Remember the stand, Hill's block opposite the Markdale House. ic V M. MARTINDALE. lFDWIiR5 First Class Cotton Warp supplied at tbe lowest possible rates. A call solicited. Terms strictly cash or wool* Sept. 28, 1886 F. J. RITCHIE. iXTRACM I r^'^- CURES^- ^,^j,'-^" â- â-  .^^-â- â€¢^r lllliaB^MTTn iiLLSUMMEROJMPLAINTS :â-  Solo b y/jll De^ilers. I IT IS A ^WELLi KNOWN FACT THAT MgCOLL/S "LARDENE," is the best known, and most reliable Machine Oil in the Dominion Farm- er's, Thresher's andMilI Owner's, will find it decideilly to their advantage to iusiRt upon getting the "Gennine Lardiue" when they apk for it, owing to so much inferior oil being sold un- der the same name by nnBcrupulous dealers. We are tbe sold mannfactur. ers of the "Gennine Lardine" every barrel branded. McCOLL BRO'B. CO. For L'sle in Markdale at Haskett Bro's Hardware Store. 847-78 WE WANT inn ^^"^^ ^^N ** o°' to Bell for ^yjyy the Fonthill Nurseries (largest in Canada over 465 acres) steady employment and no lost time, Uberal commission or salary, best advantages splended outfit furnished free any pushingjman can succeed.Apply for terms to, STONE WELLINGTON, ' Toronto, Ont Pbof. Low's SULPHUR SOAP IB a delightful toilet luxury a8 well as a good curative for akin disease, CASUAL CKUMBS. National Pills are a mild purgative actmgon the stomach. L.iver and Bowels removinjg all obstructions. ' ft-of. Low's Magic Sulphur Soap is lughly recommended for all humors and skin diseases. Won't have spkinkung.â€" It is said a Babtist iu a neighboring town discharg- ed his laundress because she sprinkled his shirt collars. Bettke than GOL1..-T0 those troubled vith Kidney and Urmary Troubles Buch as a constant desire to urinate, shooting, scald, ing, pains, pain in the back, sediment o Ac, Dr. Chase's Liver CJure will he found more valuable than gold. It positively cures. See "Prophet" for testimonals. .^^f'^^% Thompson, of Toronto, was afflicted with Tape Worm, 8 feet of which was removed by one bottle of Dr. Low's Woim Syrup, Why is a dogs lunga the most peculiar part of him Give it np. Because that is the seat of his pants. ManyPkesons STFrESâ€" From impure breath and suppose it comes from a dis- ordered stomach. In many cases the actual cause is catarrh. Nasal Balm will remove the cause and cure. Freeman's Worm Powders are agree- ble to take, and expel all kinds of worms irom children or adults. The opportunities for individual im- proyement are numerous, and if eyery circumstance iu life is made a stepping stone, how useful and happy we may be. An old time favorite.â€" The season of green fruits and summer drinks is the time when the worst form of cholera morbus and bowel complaints generally prevail. Asa safeguard Dr. Fowler's JiiXtract of Wild Strawberry should be kept at hand. For 30 years it has been the most reliable remedy. WEAVING. Having returned to Markdale. in order to be more convenient for my customers, I heg to announce that I am now nreoared to do all kinds of Custom Weaving. Residence old stand, opposite Presbjtcrian Church. 31» ABCH. BOYD. ED can ?_OANDELI0H LIVER CURE HAVE YOU Liver Complaiiic. Dytpnda. Indi Janndice, Headache, liu^iDeis, Costiveues*, or any dUeaaa tin in the Back, ,. .fr-zi r-' 'â-  ' •"«•« from a daanscd hver, Dk. Ckasb's Livui CukB «^1 be foood a wan and certain remrdy. NATURE'S REMEDY The unqualified snccen of Dr. Chase's Uw Oart in l-«ver Complaint retta solely with the fact that it is •compounded from nature's well-known liverTCeolaton, Mandkaee a.nd Dakukuom. combined with nwv other invaluable roocs harks and berfa^ \mAim a powerful effect on the Kidney*. StoraachTBawcb awl Blood. 600,000 aOLD Over onfkaif miUim Dr. CkmMt't Kttit* Bmikt noma» and ckiU nJi, it tmMed tnlk Uz'i-Cmih tl»tntUtrytkU€Jcuacntrtwudy. SMKTMMNnr. OnnAmYFm «a va^aM^BfcmaelioM Medical Gnide .id £«« Book (84 la«ei). rnnliiiMa ow aoo nsefiil i«m â- PWoomwedTy .Bdi^ mi and drngnt* w^T^ tabwiaiul wotth tea liMBtlw price onSa aad "T Cigrj Caiaw CM., a wA mA SOLV^V AU. OtALMt « FOR^ALE Six Pure Shorthorn Boll calTes from four to fifteen months old registered in the D. B. H. H. Book. Good individnally, will sell on time, and at prieefl to soft tne times. BUBHAM. FARM FOR SALE. BE ON TOUK GUARD. Don't allow a cold in the head to alowlv and surely run into Catarrh, when you can be curedfor 2ac. byusingDr, Chase'/catarrh oure. A few apphcdtions cure insipent catan-h: 1 to 2 boxes cures ordinary catarrh J to 5 boxes IS guaranteed to cure chionic Zfrt ,77 " 0"ly25c.and sure ci^e Sold by all druggists. 333 86 If people could be as frank in telling an individual his faults as they are of letting their neighbors know them, there would be greater opportunities for self improvement. LOT 131 con 3 west of T. S. Ed Artemosia. "50 acres, about 20 acres eloarof stumps and stones, balance good hardwood hush Five miles from Ma'kdale and four from Flesherton. For further par- ticulars apply to A. S. Thompson. Flesher- ton P. O. or J. J. Thompson, Orilla. 342 ft MarMale JoUer M FABMEBS HAVING NO. 1 TVHEAT and preferring flour bom thair own wheat, can get it by bringing twaoty bnalifelB or. more. For Sale or to Rent LiL^"-,®'""'*- ^^' HoUand, 221 acres, 100 cleared, good frame bam with stable under; good house, good orchard of 35 trees bearag watered by mnnirg stream. Apply to WM. NORTON, Walter's FaUa J Flour always on Han Flour $3.00 to $4.30 per. bbl. SHOBTS. per too flSi» BBAN. •• SO.00 The highest markrt ri*M |aM kr FaU andSprinf wheaC FOR _SALE. 60 acres, lot 107, 3rd east of T 4 8 Road ^emMia. 44 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, free from stumps and stoneP^ell ftnced and watered with good wen. frame barn 36x64 ft with good comfor- table stable, frame house. This is a verr desirable property two mOes from Markdale mI" "'**• t ^PP*y »» ^^ premisea to Alex Mercer. Jr. ' 363.71 Be PBEPABKD.â€" Many of the worst at- tacks of cholera morbus, cramps, dvs- pepsia, and coUc come suddenly in the mght, and the most speedy and prompt means must be used to combat their I dire effects Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry 18 the remedy. Keep It at hand for emergencies. It never fails to cure or relieve. Um!°" GRATEFUL M0THKB.^"My little child suffered from a severe cold upon S«° before she took Burdock Blood Hearty, and was cured of weak lungs constipation and debiUty or wasting of flesh, from which two doctors had faU- ed to relieve her." Mrs. Samuel Todd, Sturgeon Bay, Ont. "Mr. Seacock, you Me no gentleman." "What makes you think that " "My wife caUed at your house last evening, didn't she?" "Yes, and was yery welcome." "And as she drove away she heard yon say to your wife that she had a mouth bke a horse collar. present. The Reeve in ^^"1 Minutes of last meeting J: The reports of road Commission*. was presented and passed as foil Ward No. 1. c. Wiliiatps L\ ""il"«°«" Expenditure, $150,M Ward No 2, J. A. McMillan. Co. missiouer. Expenditure, Sl7i 41! Ward No. 3 Geo. LambXj siouer. Expenditure, §204 00 Ward No. 4 N. G. DnnEmoâ„¢, CommisPioner, Expenditure, %m^ A petition from A. McCormickS 17 olhers praying the coundltoconiJ certain parties to remove their off the road allowance was read Lamb_McMiIlan,-Tkt U J notify Edward Middleton and W bald McLean to remove tbeir fenca off the road allowance on giderosil between lots 12 18, con. l.E.GJ and James Hall to remove Lis fen«j off the road at lot lOcon.ll.â€" CarriJ Williamsâ€" McMilliaji.â€"Tliat tie I committue re-bridge con.O.bejianteil discretionary powers to proceed Tittf the arrangements for providing ftirfc construction of.some means of coni-l municating for that part of township, petitions for said and report to the. council at its neitl meeting, and that C. Williams be member of the committee iustead of) Mr. Lamb. â€" Carried. f McMillanâ€" Lamb,â€" That tbe repon of committee ou bridge at side-rwjl 50, con. 2, N. D. E, be adopted, aiii| that the ccmmitte be instructed tof proceed with the work as soon asthefj find it convenient. â€" Carried. Lambâ€" McMillan ,â€" That tie to be instructed to meet tbe Eeeve Holland to repair »'Allen's SinkHole'l and that he be authorized to es such sum as he may find necesssryl to put the road in a Bufficieut state repair, provided Holland grant si] equivalent. â€" Carried. WcM Hanâ€" Lamb,â€" That _-^ McCormick's taxes be reduced %hm he Laving produced certificate of having performed Statute Labor, m\ that collector be notified to thateffeot. â€" Carried. Williameâ€" McMillan,â€" That Mi. Lamb be instructed to confer mtij Mrs. Caswell, anent the keeping of ml orphan child now in her possesaoi, and report to this council at its nOt meeting on what teiirs she will k«P the said child.â€" Carried. McMillanâ€" Dunemoie,â€" That m Clerk's report re return ofnonresi and defaulter's statute labor to-fherfl epectrye road divisions where in defanil be adopted and engrossed on tbe min utes. â€" Carried. Dnnsmore-McMillan.-That wresrs of taxes $1.48 as shown against 1*. 16 and 17 south of mill st. PriwviJ be erased, as the same is shown to an error of assessment fpr ISW.^ Carried. Waiiam8-McMiIlan,-That C»tJ arine McArthur of Priceville be W $2.00 for gravel for the, benefit of tie road, as certified by tl'e pathmsstfl â€"Carried. ,,^, Robert Bell and Samuel HoArlfic^ was paid $8.00 and §6.00 respeebTf'J as charity, up to Oct. 1st 1887. The following accounts were onl«' ed to be paid. „j Rowsell k Hutchison MuniaP Manaal, $7.00; The clerk po*« Bchool rates on Collectors Boll. ' -KorfiJS jBWSBfeRY Store, E S Fi J^ 1^ T _, found the coruplel Itches, Clocks, Jewelery, Jspex, c., in this part |1 dud see those watclies t at $12.00 bearing w; ^•ee and h half years, whil I are asking §15.00 f Iftrtiele. P. S. Bartlett, ilver case for $1G.G0 whil lelling elsewhere for dealers cannot compete id they know it. W^e 1 |tlii3ai being annoyed a iow prices ' we must aWic the benefit of our Just Note a few pr â€" ,^ â€" V. iNickle Alarm Clock for ac S2.00 beanng a warrant fo Your choice of over 2( chains for only $1.60; (of it. Fine wain nl clocks Inpward. Brooches, Earl If Ciiias, Cuff-Buttons, 1 It equally low prices. lember it you want your T !k repaired propeHy iv a Ins-sell's is the only place. iers by mail promptl; tended to at kLL'S Noted Jewelry S FLESHERTON. iianSieriS !S in tliese columns intended to Umdml or Societii uUl he cliari, Me for the first insertion at [«M«ac/i subsequent in^ertioK. fj(!E.~Corregpnndenee, eomr WverttseTiients, etc,, wnsf be ., iMon on Tuesday to insvre publi Oref p»... I tiTv Bcnool rates on Collectors n it?.?!rJ 7i!' """ " I H-i^ 00 C. WiUiams Lettingan TAIWARAC was that she had a colour. horse of a moose Ckbtaihcuee._a Cnr« for Cholera wouscwnplamt, and for aU acntTor S^V*â„¢" o* bowel comphSt ijf Mdent to summer and faU. u.'^SZi :- J. m muf. N'PTL' P F ELIXIR "d?P^u^°S!!L*°^'^- w found in OrjFowler'sExtttMrtofwildStraw^ *o be wocured iKHu any dn^S. â-  '-5'rfj^fc:- *«!^^3f s-moif asl^ij, IinS*L' " '-^°* » «"«. powder "WWly ofne 00I4 in wMkdieadiMcdm. ing.112.16;- J. i. McMilliaiP^^ Inspeoting and committee worif,? 00 Geo. Lamb, letting insf^ $18,00 N. G. Dunsmore, It^^Z inspecting, $16,00; Chae.. J*" oommUtee work. $2,00. ^. Lambâ€" McMiUan-Tbat thw 'J^ cU do not adjourn to DeceffilJer instead of the 12th as previoMiy^r liaheI.^OAiried, CouncO adionrned according'y* .• â-  I.S.Bi^. IGHTFUL weather. »a ConncU meets on the 25th. |8idewalk on Mill Street wi ere Hotel has been repair] 'I^znsPoRFAE,ofScarboro l^ncle, J. R. Anderson, this send the Standard frou »« to aie end of next year] **" f« %l cash. ;Bich«rd«,n,8onofQeokicn| Enphrasia, left last ^eek foj tT'^^Mnarter better 11 ^W Watson's lecture, ReJ r^the28u»mHasLettsI ;»«^e;(}eo, Law«nc I *»-B«niett. Teacher wante iy^r??*° months, fd 'y«» order «t this office.! JJ'«*^. of Iowa, arriv '"'Ejects to more hisl i»y^^*»«8eishear, ^y. ^°*' Sunday as *ttle anc- 5*** tbis pJ with th^ V cat to the I ^«. for $1 ,. t*oneyea Joined for " ^t'lhig office â- n] gRST.^;! sry V^i â-  â- ?,- •*i^V«: gHH, r ..:.

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