Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Oct 1887, p. 1

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 \^? â- -*â- -' "i^xSfiS'irr/itv- "i â- i'k J!^;pi3" â-  -T-rrr»s a^AJ-:U»^iUA...^^ U i«d IB lilt I 'Hie Cb# Dal case hvU^t Z wing geatlt^ Jury: "»^i. Parker, 'iK;;^^^ Stewart, Joh^J ordon, George ft aslip, Hiram J Donald, WilW*" epbarn, 8»mnel Uhji tter, Wm. H. T«eiMr*^, as, Ephraim C. 0^,1 .iiompiion. ^^" and Jary maae thil }nt *=: 'asc Tour Lordtki^. tand Jury visited Ifae h shown over the orstBiJ ien, Mr. MiUer, auT impressed with th* cIm good condition of the mi d were glad to find bo 1 therein confined, other hand we deplore :ircu instances have ugj nixiug up of thejunfortu id indigent with the jersons, and would am [bounty CooDcil provide i mitigate this evil. rand Jury are pleased! Hamilton and UriUiaf revision for accommodJ mmber of lunatics Md^ respective asylnms, vj me measure relieve the] iJ. commend that the Coa oe better provision for] indigent, in the erectinj building in or nsing pa sent gaol for that rand Jurors atLudon hX cibl^ called to the pn jctiye way of ligbtbgl 3om would strongly recj e adoption of electridt; ler equally safe and effeei f lighting. information retained re of opinion that the ptei heating the entire pres d Court' Hou$e, is noa b capacity to ecouomicaUyj work, or in very cold we b degree of heat reqaired,| m the rooms situated from it, and would ea ouEty Council either the I at of the present one w| aon of a large boiler. ctfuly submitted. H. J:*ABK»B, Foren Jrand Jury brought in 5 Bill â€" Queen vs. Ca" ' 3ly wounding â€" a True Bil â- â- â-  â-  DON'T â-  jld of yours run on. Tou I aing. But it may run irtoflatt ueumonia. Or consumption, j 1 is disgusting. Pnenmo 3. (Consumption is death iti reathing aparatus must to lud clear of aU ob8tniftio»| matter. Otherwise there is t diseases of these parta, hwj •ouchial tubes and lungs, eanr and entirely cured bf *^^ German Syrup. H JO" 3 already, thousand* and thou i can tell you. They haw it, and 'know bow it »-*l»^ ily 75 cents. AdtMT' Sale Be»i«ter. oaday. 10th O***" ",« I by public anction onto«i^ lelelhisstock, iinpten«»*J' â- niture, hay c See ars. Geo. NoUe, i ednesday the 16th OrtoJ^ S'eely, lot 19,000-10./ I all his stock and w teno'clocK. Terms » oble, auc^neer, j riday the tth Oc*«**jES.I Glenelg. wai sen lus J*g^ tsc. He iH going W^. have a genuine â- al»a^ ticuhucs. Geo.NoW^^^ ' â- â- ^^;i;ii«E5('"..,---^-*va -* -•*• »«alr eh HEW TO THK LIKE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.f. iM^^« YEAlt.â€" Ko. 370. MAEKDAJIE, ONT., OCTOBEB 13, 1887. {»!â-  C. W. ItXJ*rtil5I€Hi, Proporietor. fOTED jEVrELEEY StORE, urao.ithe most complete stock ttci.PS CiccK3. Jewelery, r spey, ^:c., in t^'is part ir« cent*. BIRTH SamMfH»»eri •* • S^ !t.3rd,thewa«*^ ^~" DEA^ -In ABietP ft^ leBenua^, ^^S^^a0fir% J.J. Inrfn»^ •«Hi"/W*'2?2 SBâ€" to- -__ Silver of the 7?".---i Fee those watches they are .512.00 bearing warrants i.„,,„J rt half years, while other Le "asking' §15.00 for the jiticle. P. y- Bartlett, 3 OB. jlver ease for SIO.OO while they IjjUiot; elsewhere for $17.60. â-  iiim cannot compete with au they know it. We cannot tiiera "being annoyed at our jjie iow pi-ices we must give ipailis the benefit of our close Just Mote a few prices. Uc.N'icUe Alarm Clock for actually IjJifiO beP.viDg a warrant for two Your choice of over 20 fine ickins for only $1.60; Just I of it. Fine walnut clocks from ^upraid. â-  Brooches, Ear Kings, fej'chaia.-;, Cuff-Buttons, Scarf- ^, at equally low prices. meaber it you want your Watch Hiiocl; ic-paircd properly by a work- i,Eiiaeli's is the only place. lorderG by mail promptly at- tended to at Wil'S fhted Jewelry Store, FLESHERTON. liilaM Other Iteis. ncE5 in thee columns intended to benefit liwirif;;;-,' nr Societij will be charged ten h ha jur ihe first insertion and five f the each iub sequent insertion. wKE.â€"Ccrrfspnndcnce, commnnica- iKfriiiemrvts, dc,, must he in this h 1; 'H „n Tuesdaii to insure publication ftuk. paper ciiscotinued without all s being first paid. ^cDcxcAN, of Glenelg, is having a ins built on Centre street. sNoBLE is building a dwelling in J*t«n suburbs of the town, which " completion. iCK-Just read R. H. Benson's N this issue. He has something to f*tivill benefit YOU. HiEHisToj?, of Owen Sound, li" sister, Mrs. T. Hall, last '^Isend the Standard from pre- """ • to the end of next year to new •"l^fs for $1 cash. |-^^»- Washington, of Toronto, is '«frieads'in ilarkdale and Flesher- ^â- J-McFabland, returned re- J^a visiting friends m Toronto "leville. J^^ANAEY has been appointed ^r for Euphrasia. Cooldnt "*tter choice. Ihibadeatj left last -week ^ter with her sister Mrs. «e at Fort William. '"•^'^kly Globe to the end of fifteen months, for fl. ^^«3er at this office. i-^a to-day. Thursday. 'Uwon. \t^^^ Mail T "months, for $1 Th» Canadian Horticnltarist, amoDth- ly jonrnal of 24 pages is pnbUshed by the Fruit Growers Association of Ontario and fills a want in that line. It is abTy written, beSratifnUy printed and well illustrated, Price $1 a year. Address, L. Wolverton, Grimsby The Thombnry News speaks in high praise of J. B. Watson's lecture "Pluck, patience and perseverence" recently de- livered in that town. Bemember the same lecture is to be delivered in Haskett's hall this Thursday evening We haye received a copy of the first issue of the Thessalon Gazzette, a four page paper pabUshed as an Exhibition tonic. Wm. McLeod, formerly of this village is manager. Willis doing well up north. ' Owing to family affliction we have been unable to attend neighboring fall fairs as has been our custom in former yewrs. Onr many friends who expected to meet us on those occasions will, we know, cheerfully overlook our absence when they know the canse. The genial showers and freedom from frost during the past two weeks has rfinewed vegetation wonderfully. Pastures are greatly improved while the fall wheat and late root crops are making desirable improvement. Mb. Silas Hill, one of onr most re- spected youny men, took his leave of our village last week to fill a situation in Peterborough. Mr. H, has the best wishes of a large circle of friends, among whom is the Standard. Master Alf. Whitbv, who has been passing through a severe and prolonged illness in Toronto, is so far recovered as to come home last week. He is still gaining, but will not enjoy his former yigor for months yet. Mr. Geobge Lamb, of Glenelg, had a successful credit sale on Friday last and left on Tuesdav for Sault Ste Marie where he expects to make his home. He is an industrious honorable man and has the best wishes of the Standard. St«ated.â€" About the 20th Sept, from ihe premises of E. W. Moore, Holland, a berkshirs sow pig about 16 months old, black with white marks. The finder will be suitably rewarded. E. W. Moore, Markdale, P. 0. The Markdale cattle faur last Satur- day was a good one. A large number of cattle were out and some eighteen buyers present. Prices were very good and a large number of cattle changed hands. The ploughing match under the auspices of Artemesia Agricultural Society will be held on the farm of Robt. Oliver, Esq., on Thursday Oct. 20th, commencing at 10 o'clock. The Beeves of Holland and Glenelg are to let a contract at "Allen's Sink Hole" to-day, Thursday, for bridgmg said "Sink Hole." We understand the opening service of Temple Hill church, 9th line Euphrasia, last Sunday was very suocessfol, con- sidenBg the state of the weather end «»ds. About tiao was the reoeipts from Sunday collectionB with eocial -which followed on Monday evening. GBAiKiscoming to market in mnoh laqter quantitiee than usn»l »ttbi»8»«. on of Uie year. Markdalegjfainf detalors have a capacity of some 150,000 bushels aad yei our buyers talk of bemg obliged e'a kmg4a«hip fa 5^ to irtJce room. W ««1IPotI«^â€" Having opened a ^^"^^^^ door to Miller' [t Headache. Biliousness, Dyspepsia and Indigestion relieved and cored at once by Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters Try it. Samples free ft. The Sabbath School Anniversary in connection with the Methodist Church Markdale, will be held on Wednsday eve- ning, Oct. 26th. The choir and school will render the beautiful Cantata "Under the Palms." The entertainment will be free. A silyer collection will be taken up at the -close for the benefit of the school. Appropriate sennons will be preached on the Sunday previous morning and evening when the singing will be conducted on the platform by the children. Bight now is the time to use a good Blood Purifying Medicine. Loose no time in getting a bottle of Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters. It will do you good Sold by all Druggists 50 cents. tf. The Mail 16 montiuifor fl. atthisofBoe. Subserite The Globe 15 months scribe at this ofBce. for 91. Sub- tBA^ftt BUSINESS LOCALS. Fob sporting goods. Bee Mabee. The best 50c. all wool Twend in the county at Anderson's. See Richardson Co's, Dress- Goods before purchasing your winter dress. The prettiest $1 Lamp jrou ever saw at J. G. Anderson's. Fob cow chains, halters, rope snaps and rings. Call on Mabee. Mantle Cloth in great variety and very cheap at J. G. Anderson's. Wanted. â€" A newly calved cow, apply to T. McNea, Markdale. The finest and cheapest range of Dress Goods in the county at J. G. Anderson's. Lamps, lanterns and globes, we keep the best. Mabee; Call at Anderson's and get some of those 15 GZ all yrool ganzies, the're choice goods. Mabkealk Mabkets.â€" Fall wheat 70 Keep your feet dry by purchasing your foot wear from M, Martindale at the new shoe store. Hill's Mock, opposite the Markdale House. Found. â€" The right place to get good boots and shoes cheap, either home .made or ready, at-M. Martindale's Hill's block. Lost. â€" ^While out driving on a bleak cold day, for want of a warm overcoat. See those splendid ones Mathews has just opened. The Stock of Overcoats at Bichardson Co's, Fleshertou, is well worth inspec- tion by any intending purchaser. It is larger and comprises a wider range of styles and materials and at lower prices than usually found in Clothing Stocks. Men's Overcoats at t5 and up. CONSUMPTION CUBED. -AEE- Fairly good at Present, -AND- An old physician, retired from practice having bad placed in his bands by an EaiEt India missionary the formula of a similar vegetable remedy for the speedy and perman- ent cure f or Consnmption, Bronchitis, Catarrh Asthma and all throat and Lung Afflctions also a positive and radical cure for nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to m ike it known to his suffering fellows^ Actu- ated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to aU who desire it, this receipe, in Grerman, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Send by mail by ad- dressing withstanip namingthis paper W. A. Notes 149 Power's Block Roehetter, 334-86 E. O. W. HAme FAITH IN THE PEOPLES CONTINUED OENEROUS PATRONAGE, I have stocked my 24 feet of metal ca^es WITH EXTRA LINES IN- UuWaliilisSilUis -AND- s paper DISTBICT DOINGS. A Womans Christian Temperance Un- ion was organized in Dundalk last week. A new English church ip being erect- to 75cents;8pringwheat70to75; barley (^d i° Singhampton the end of tlj^tteadeforoneyear thrown Lc.,"er 18 opened for Ofltoiier at this office.. papocB, ^M *onNew8,nowi88oe8in 'I'heir en ^PtAhshed. The redace4$ar}a talelMr flhcp i^A^ai respectfully solicit ^j^^nage. AU kinds iJ ijiifliiifliftW afao^^c^ " *^ ^^ Mwwaie ooatomersin «iy P*rt of the is to ' â- â-  yrrT\ h«dtt^U»ing. i»t«e.*«^^ MiiAeavl f#PhiB m»tter voA iUoRtra- S»g^ 7«^ ,^ whom itfa 45 to 60;"pea3 56 oats 29 butter 16 to J8; eggs 16; potatoes 60 per bag; hay 7.00 plums 60 to 150. A magnificent range of china tea sets and colored ware, veiy cheap at' J. G. AnleiBm'eJ The New Kochester Lamp can be had at M. Bichardson Co's, Flesherton, have you seen it if not a sturprise awaits you. Stacks of j?ood heavy all wool, twilled overcoats at prices never before known. I e sure yoa see them, at Andereons. To facilitate perfect Spex fitting, I have purchased a very fine set of test lenses, for cataract, near-sight and other eye defects will have them by 15th October. I purpose making this branch of my business a special study. W. A. Brown, Markdale. J. G. Anderson wants a quantity of (?ood Home-made Mitts and Socks, in exchange for Dry Goods. tSchool Boots-â€" A new supply of all the authorized textbooks for common fdiools at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. J. Gi Anderson is determined toredmehi» Stook,8ndinorde«todoBobBtgaina in lines will bo given. Thk best selected Btook rf btardwtre goods in the eoantry is to be eeen at the sign of the X Cutt. ETerythrog arranged in order, prices ngbt. Mabee the Hardware. Foxmn.â€" At Mathewsharnesaestablihh- ment, an excellent stock of horM doth- ing and robes selling cheap. To Bkmt.â€" House and rtable on Sydenham St. opposite McNany-a caniaRe shop. Apply to F. J. Bitchie at tJie woollen miU.;f;vH^*^,":«^ « S,cOT^_A rapntatibo fclir ^oed material aiiaihf8t-cIiMi*«ai«^ in an IdndB of hasnese. CM m Tbo^ MatoOTr8;awa*e;oa»ThMaft. â- "a^ 'f'f "-:^ OiavBsl Clival J^nn al • 9^ Han«»aclg|*^«W«*-^5;5g' Ip^ 'i^ iiaw difKka. ,w|w Shel- Walter Booth, barber, late of burne, is moving to Flesherton. Owen Sound business men are put- ting in additional gas light. Hey. T. M. Campbell preached, in Owen Sound on Sundayeveningthe2nd inst., a memorial sermon in the Method- ist church^commemorative of the death of seven persons, who have died during three months previous. The Owen Sound elevator is filled to its utmost capacitv. Mr. McGowan is, we imderstand, going to leave Priceville. and move to Durham, to engage in the roller mill business. Mr. McG. is a thoroughly honorable man, and has the best wishes of the Standard in whatever locality he may pitch his tent. H. McKay of Durham was fined last week for using insulting language. Mr. Mitchell, the new proprietor of the Durham Chronicle, has added a new press to his plant. Under the proprietorship of Mr. Snnter the Meaf ord Mmiitor entered last week upon its fifth year. DnfferinFall Assises conunence the 31st Oct. -^ Counterfeit 25-cent pieces are said to be in caccnlation. â-  i- Mr. B. Fountain Orangeville had two snitB of clothes stolen from his house while attending church. A foBryeaKold boy of W. B. Siapetm's, OhatBWorth,ielldown cellar last week and broke hie collar bone. Albert Merriam UH tcom a bailcUng at Cbatsworth recently, wbile Bhingling, a dietayi f i pj j t q mrtaop feet, ijghiing on his bead among sibiiee and Uodte. afid te^figr..i» bo* wn^: '.^^iwcpie. ENGLISH 15 K SOLD SETS, G-em Rings and Lock- ets, 25 Spring and 'Weight Clocks in stock. Silverware in staple goods and novelties, made by the Meriden Middletown plate Co's, Connecticut. Roger Bro's flatware in Knives, Forks, Spoons, quality of these lines cannot be ques- tioned, they are the best makes. SPECTACLESI^ Laz-^rus Morris makes, fittedpersonally on optical principles. quality of Goods, Fair Prices^ and Reliable Work, have made â- The People's Jeweller." W. A. BROWN, MAllEDALE. JWiiriii ii/iMr« IftWW fyt -mrrr BIflTMd. iU i;!vHn«le' ,.4i^(iii4,^§^M:^ t /^ A r 1, ,«.

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