Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Jul 1887, p. 4

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 !l^ .i"i M mn I'll iSIS â- Si! «-;^v ii KK :*« VSCTS ai7:AKi' -7"*-: C. "W. Eutl«dge, Proprietop. MAEKDALE, JQLY. 14» 1887. ALLEN'S SINK HOLE. lu reference to the dangerous place In the public highway, known as 'Allen's Sink Hole," Mr. Thos. Camp- bell gives a very wise suggestion and one which might be acted upon with good and economical results, viz â€" to -make a deviation say ten or twelve rods to one side of the present road. it is well known that since the gravel road was built, some 25 years ago, the road has continued to sink from year to year, and the result as- cribed is, that the cutting of the ditches severed what held the road up, and then the hundreds of tons of stone and gravel, which has since been hauled upon that portion of the highway in order to fill up the sinking road has only tended to make matters worse, there being no apparent bottom. Now ' if a deviation was made and no ditches cut, but simply lay the road several feet deep vfith cedar trees full length cros6Wa3's and cover with gravel, the probaDiiit:c-s are that a permanent road would be the Jresult. The idea IS at least worthy of serious considera- tion on the part of officials. â€" The union of tiie Domioian and Industrial ExhibitionB /thii year at Toronto will baye tiieresolts of pro- ducing probably the finest exhibition, with accompaning entertainments, that has yet taken place in Canada. An unusually large number of entries is already assured, and although over $30,000 has been expended in new buildings, every inch of space will be occupied with exhibits. The attend- ance promises to be immense. Bailway rates haye been secured at a lower figure than heretofore. The special attractions are advertised as ahead of anything heretofore. m^-^^^^yi »y^i fr- [OUUEICIIL mioi -BETWBBN- Ospref. Canada anci the United States, is no^w being largely discussed throughout the Dominion ^vlth the preponderence of pub- lic opinion in favor of union; ^^hether union with our cute Yankey Brothers would cure the ills we labor under or not, McFarland sayeth not, but he does most decidedly say that if you want to reap the greatest ad- vantage from your cash or produce you must (if you have not already done so) form a union with McFarland's Im- mense Establishment, ... 1 1, .f tu I wliere you can get the Aionday last our township fathers L-,-u^--,-, "ijy i„,„w*,„? „+^«i^ Jtforcouncilbusinessm the Town ChOlCC Of largfest StOCk oi choice goods at close North From our own Correspondent. The Salvation Army continues to hold forth at Feversham with con- siderable success. Capt. Eowe leaves this week but his place will be supplied. Mrs.iChas. E. Neil is dangerously ill with an abscess on her jaw, also erysipelas. Hay is the great rush and a fine crop it is. Harvest will follow it close, barley and fall wheat being now coloring. Prospects never were better for an abundant harvest. Fleslierton. From our own correspondent. CHOP PEOSPECTS. The business prospects for Canada seems bright, if wc may judge from the woallicr wc may have enjoyed in this neighborhood. There was first the oxceptioually heavy enow, then an exceptionally rapid drying of the ^rouijf.;. The leaves and herbage dpraag "-sucldeulv into healthy and vigorous life, leaving aJl destroyers be- hind tiiera. Plenty of moisture and Xilcntv of i;-at have followed the good begiunii-.g and everthiug suggests a good havvcst. Like conditions have not prevailed in large parts of the me Hall. The improvements lately made on the council chambers make it a more desirable place to spend the day in. Monday was also fair day. There was a large turn out of bovines a good number changed hands.. Some thousands of people assembl- ed in i'lesherton on Tuesday last, the 12th of July, to celebrate that memor- able day. The town was gaily decorat- ed bunting was displayed in abund- ance shop fronts gaily decorated, and flags floating in the breeze from almost every house top. The rather Sickening looking twin arches, erected on the square looked as if they had scarcely come to maturity. If left up theymay grow and present a better appearance next 12th. Nine lodges of Orangemen were present. About 11 a. m. those from the South and East had arrived and assembled on t; •, 1 o, X n i. J 1 ,,„! the square "alter waiting some time united States. Continued droughts ^^^ ^^^^.^ ^^^^.^.^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^.^^ central j very warm, they were dismissed lor the ex- dinner and not until about 12 o'clock in ]I:uisas, Nebraska and the tier of States, have reduced tUe ex pectatioiis of the-;farmer3to ajminimum. Such a set-Lack will be serious for our ueiu'libois as they are at present mduJgiiig in utterly unexampled ex- pen iitures. Thousands oi millions are being spent in buildings and railways, la fact, while the United States seems ti be at th3 very summit of its de- cennial boom and the crest of its wave of prosperity seems in danger of break- ing into foam, Canada has not reach- ed that point of danger toward which business nrosvseritv inevitablv tends. â€" The gross net debt of the Domin- ion on t;i6 SCth June Was §225,025, • 7(52. â€" The Ontario Government have ratified the scheme in connection with Toronto University. â€" It is expected that by the end of the present season there will have been at least one thousand new build- ings erected this year in Montreal. â€" A iand elide Jut Zug, Switzerland, nccuned last week in which a portion of the town sank into the river drown- ing soine seventy persons and leaving six huudred homeless. dinner did the several lodges from the North arrive, being Jed' by the Markdale Brass Band. Ail soon found comfort- able quarters and after dinner and some time to rest, there was a general muster on the square again, and from there marched to the Park where several speakers held forth for some time. We cannot now give a synopsis of what was said, but the speeches of the day were of an exceedingly high order. Special praise has been given ts Mr. Jauoen, the Berkeley Presby- terian student, a younsj man of rare ability. The speakers wera Kev. S. J. Corcoran, D. D. G. M. Thos. Watson (Babtist.) A. Wilson (Presby- terian.) Jansen fPresbyterian,) and J. W. Shilton (Methodist). After hearty and loyal cheers for Queen and Country, the very large assembly marched back to the square in the village, when all • were dismissed and the several lodges started for home after spending in our village a very pleasant and enjoy- able day. Tne Ladies' A id of the Presbyterian church purpose holding a garden party on Mr. S. Damude'a lawn on Friday evening next. All are wel- come. â€"The C. freight and them I' B and Grand Trunk traffic receipts are netting 1 of from §20,000 to $40,000 a week in excess cf correspod- iug per;o-.i last Tear. a sax â€" Th'2 new postofficc division, with ^^oadquarLv3ra at Stratford, will consist of tli(! Counties of PertUkSoulh riding, and Huron, and ihe township of North and South iia3thops,m Oxford County *o ba d.~:tac]ieii from ihe London di- vision North Perth. Wellington and Waterloo, to be taken from the Toron. to division and the Counties of Bruce, South Grey and North Grey, tj be withdrawn from the Barrie division. Mr. Hopkirk, late private secretary to bu-; Alexander Campbell, has been appointed inspector of th^ ision.^ To^Bbo. Johx'Shea â€" We the memberg of L. 0. L. 1045. feel that it would be quite beyond the power of words to express our true sympathy with you in the great affliction you have sustained in the death of your wife. But, dear brother, our hearts go out to you in tJiisyour dark hour of sorrow in truo heoi'tfelt sympathy. The hand that has so long ministered to your wants and removed the thorns that may have fallen around your pathway has been stdled, and the music of her loved voice has been hashed, yet the agony of your bereavement will be somewhat ooftened upon the reflection that it is only a brief seperaiion and soon there will be an ecstatic meeting wilhthe friends we have loved and lost and whom we shall still love atrd -ueveir lose again. Let this be consolatien and God.bleas yon. Fai^otty years, â- Jjio.Ii;4046, yont prices, JN orth of To- ronto. This week I have opened out and placed in ^ock. Ney^ G-rey Dress Goods ISTe-w Cream Dress Goods Hew Black Dress Goods New Olive Green Dress Goods New Browns Fawn E electric Bines Fancy Dress Goods, with Trimmings and Buttons to match. Pearl Buttons, Hair Nets, Corsets, and Gloves, Josephines best Kid Gloves light shades only 50 cents pair, sold everywhere at $1.25. 500 pairs 'Womans Cotton Hose dark colors 121 cents a pair. 607^ yds. Light Ground Prints fast colors 10-1 cents. Good ^Washing Dress Muslins 6 cents, one case w^hite and cream Oriental Laces at 5 8 10, 12^ and 15 cents being balance of a wholesale stock and without exageration the chepest laces ever offered in Markdale. 7 Cases New Boots and Shoes, Mens 'Womens and Child- rens at close prices. 47 Boxes New Nobby Ties, Shirts, Braces, and Underware. A second shipment of that 30c. Cashmere 45 inches wide. ' 1200 doz. Buttons 5 cents per dozen, stock well assorted. Prices right. Corteous treat- mpnt to all. W. J. IcFARLAND, Direct Im;iiorter. MARKDIALE. Every body is interested in the great e-TO^^ r^i. •ATt^ %*- ^^U Our stock being yet very largo and the fall goods will soon be to hand, we have decided to have a great clearing sale to last for 30 days. The goods will positively be sold at slaughtered prices so you can make no mistake by coniinn prepared to take away with you a good large parcel. Remember this Is no Sham the goods must be Sold. Amongst the goods offered will be found special lines in Men's, Women's and Childrens, Boots, Shoes and Shppers. Straw and felt Hats, Greats' Ties Fine White and Eegatta Shu'ts. In the Ladies' Department there will be found a large range of summer and autumn, Dress-Goods, Embroidery. Lacee Gloves, and Hosiery, ^c, these goods are all new and well worth inspection. A special line of teas at a decided Bargain, Come in and see for yoisrseif. '"" " Come early before the Eush, so you can get properly waited on and get the rst choice of the goods. lisy^.j^'^^J^^OTTZ lEZOTT.^: --. 1 â€" MARKDALE CARRIAGE mm. E. McNALLY: â€" Would hereby announce to the people of Markdale and the publio ge/ierally that I have moved into mynewcarriagfi shop opposite therMiu*kdale House, where I will manufacture every article in the wagon and carriage line, and havmg long experience, in the busiiiees. and by using first class material, I can guarantee satisfaction to every one wUo will favor me with their order. Repairing, Hainiing and Trimming promptly atfenc/ed'ld. A 2all respectfully solicited. M/tl^KDALE Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain Fw- tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinery, eyerythiriS bemg new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, BMs, MonMings, Hollow Batioiis, FRAMES, LATH, FENCE PiCKETS, e., And everything needed in the building trade, in a manner second to nonoij; Canada, and haying engaged superior mechanics m every departuieut, I would now respectiully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undressed Direct firom North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Turning done. Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. 803 THOS. IVlcTVKA._ Massey Ageney? HZcllsind- Oenn-tre- TOEONTO II I i HI roodframeSefeetcat TOBONTO MASSET ope A full stock of repairs kept constantly on hand for the above ma*' IMPAIRS STRICTLY CASH. A^fo: agent for Hall's patent reversible HayOarrior, Mannfactured by Cocb Btq's, St. ThHuss, and Fox Pea Harvestor, Oi;;^ Sound. milS, mUfSeilOFT, Ageni 't-t^i(ti t LodOx an ]j jitttura I gladly Jcont l^ and elev' lyjllagea, O' LnJandm jj, will disi at the Uay divide \jst are thos jgn done with Ltlier desii- Ld earned vi Iffbafenoto Lere inorsls a I tlie use of a 'amot ^Jnachinel '^well. ktson the m/g iSiua

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