Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Jun 1887, p. 5

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 '*Wl*i^-- ^^^i^ll^yilli^f _!H; tly attended to^ J P^roprietorl h, Door and Plain Fa machinery, everythin .nuer second to noneii^ 1 every department,! Lironaiife. 3rs Promptly! i Undressed 1 Fancy Turning done. Oistance. urer s, and Torontc^' given that any r â€" i espaasing or fi""" *L^ signed will be proaeoo*" ithout farther noti*- I [EN at onoe, *f jp hill NorserieB 0^^^ ires) steady ""f"'^, erai commission «f«^ plended outfit ftBj^ lan can saoceed^PW â-  Jl'i â-  i â- Â»i.i; TV â- â- â€¢i vii â- : I a.' )lSa?BlCT DOINGS- of COUNTY AND DI8TBICT DOXKOS " OCR EXCHANCES PBBFABE0 *FOB STASDABD BBADBB8. Reserving persons seldomxeceiye ^\ tokens of recognition. BE OX YOUK GUAED â- a cold in the head to ^^ • t run iuw Catarrh, when you °"i Kc. b V using Dr, Chase'd Catarrh ' few applications cure insipient I 2 loses cures ordinary catarrh _p, is guaranteed to cure chronic ' " In- It. Only 25c. and Bare cure by all arui^gists. 333 83 ofiEiriure motives are sure to "others by their own "half-bashel.' ' rrppE" Giix.â€" Around each bottle of 1^ f^'J'es Liver Cure is a Medicine CLIPPINGS. slowly can lb; 1'°.' Keceipe Book contaming nse- over 200 Recipes, and bide ani I inforaiatioQ., .nrnc-tl by doctors and druggists as C ten tiiaes the cost of the me^c- Jlecliciue and book 81. Sold by [druggists- there nothing like leather? ^cause it is the sole support of man. inon't use any more nauseous pur- kves such as WUs Salts c., when you 1 oet in Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters Imeditine that moves the Bowels gent- cleansiE" all impurities from the -tem and rendering the Blood pure jidcool. Sold by all Druggists, tf [a Novelty Situation.â€" "Yes, sir," he with emphasis, I want excitement. I tired of this humdrum life on a loitliern railway." •'Young man," observed anoldgentle- .j ill the back seat. "I was in Charles- n S. C, the other day, and they are okingtor just such a man as you." "What for â- ?" asked the young man Iho yearned for excitement. "To break on an earthquake." replied 3 old gentleman as he put on a travell- g cap,â€" Tid-Bits. ICaoLEK.^ Infastum. -That terrible scourage ' cliildien may be speedil cured by Dr. Ifler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. All Irms of bowls complaints, nausea, and Jaiting. and an ordinary diarrhoea to the )st severe attack of Canadian remedy 1 for children or adults sufiering from mmer comphiints. I Dundalk has a new driving park which Lvwill formally open on Dominion AIPeofessiosal opinion. â€" Eev. F. Gunner D., of Liblowel Ont., says regarding B. B., "I have used your excellent Burdock Eompouud m practice .-mdinmy family since 1684, and hold ii No. 1 on my Uslis of sana- E remedies.- Your three busy B's never |ting, weaken or worry," The Meaford Monitor is 19 years old- f:e wish Mr. Suuter, the proprietor, luccess. I ALivKG MiKiCLE.â€" "ily infant dangUter taken ill with cholera infantum, the loctor said bne could not live. The Keyerend Vm. McWiilianib would not allow her head be lifted wkeu he babtised her, she was so Lr. howler's Wild Strawberry gave mediate iciief. She is a living muracle, |iale and heany. Since tnat time (7 years) house has never been without that re- dy. " « • ♦ ifrom statement of George aton, Harwood. Unt. The Thombury News comments avorably oi the renderiugs|of ^Markdale [talent, Messrs Anderson, Benson and Chambers, at a Concert held at Thom- ^Mv on the evening of the 2l8t also J. Richards of Rocklyn formerly of is town. KiiTiBE MAKE3 SO MiSTAKK. â€" Nature'sown |ieoedy forbowel complaints, cholera mor- ^i.cholic, cramps, vomiting, sea sickness, Mlerainiantum, diarrhoea, dysentry and all leasesofa like nature belonging to the Tjaomer Beason, is Dr. Fowler's Extract of iVild Strawberry, which can "" obtained of ' 13 in medicine. NiTiosiL Pills will not gripe or sicken |J5t are a thorough cathartic Dakgek. â€" There are some who pay I ^* little or any attention to a cough or I Mid, and say let nature take its course. I "us is just the time nature should have The lungs are threatened. [•^sat them -^rith Tamarac Elixir. I hi^ ' ^° °"^*^ " try Freeman's Worm L!^^!*^^en your child is ailing, feyeriBh A BUSINESS LETTER. *l»ami-Co., Tilsonburg, March 15th, 1887 I ^xittT'^B'^^' ship at once three dozen |?ediciHe in the shop. Sold seven Mr. H. Milne, of M«xweD, a sttident «,P»"ent stationed at Thornbury and Healhcote, conducted the prepra- tory Commanion services in Erskine chuTQh, here, on Friday evwing last. He deliyered a very impressive dis- course, which was mncli appreciated by the congregation. If spared, Mr. Milne has a brilliant career before him. â€" [Meaford Mirror. The most severe thunder storm for years, passed directly over the town last Friday afternoon between 7 and 8 o'clock. The roaring of the thunder and flashing of lightning was simply appalling while the rain fell in torrents. The flag staff on the Queen's hotel was struck and the splinters sent flying down the siedwalk by lightning, and hovr the house escaped searions damage is a wonder, but strange to say the lightning went no further than the length of the pole. Several of electric lights went out with a snap, and numerous telephones were render ed useless. â€" fMt, Forest Kep. Golden Weddino. â€" While our citizens geneially were pre- paring to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee, the family of our old towns- man, Mr. John Mills, were celebrating another event of still grater importance to them, and which dated from the same time. Mr. and Mrs. Mills were married on the day of the Queen's accession to the throne and on Monday last celebrated their golden wedding, surrounded by their children and grand children, a numerous pro- geny. The old couple were the re- cipients of many giftn, and of the congratulations of a large number of friends, who wished that they might yet live to see many more returns of the anniversary of their wedding day. â€" [0. B. Tizer. UW lis € IS ^H •S c â- *• 1^ -TO 6S1 OWEN SOUND MARBLE mrORK H. B. ;0 :5 '^1 • o cs -^ 'r* .S S I ^^ S 2 « g a. h .S 5- -V h o « 5? PURE PARIS GREEN -AT- Stephen's Drug Store. HARRISON MANUFACTUl^EB OF MARBLE AND 6RANITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES ISanUea, Furniture Marble, de. 1^ Si 8 e S» 8 " I S « « s» i* 00 00 8 -THE- PLACE TO GET THE BEST GBADE JUST KECEIVBP Carloads Finest Variegate Marble IS" Largest stock in the Domioion select from. Personally selected at the quar ries in Vermont, 'Will be sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. N. B. â€" Beware of Monuments and Head stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to gether, and oiled and Sandblasted to hide the imperlections, and called White Bronze. H. B. HARBISON -OF- Hellobore! Hellobore! HEAD QUARTERS -FOB- Book8 tatlonery Fancy Goods, Toys, Wall Paper, c, Toronio St next Door to the Mansion House. Markdale. -AT- Stephen's Dug Store. -THE- Place to get Stanley's Spectacles which are the best at Stephen's Drug Store. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder nevei varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholeaomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. told only t» tan*, EoYAL BAKINa PoWXKB Co., 106 Wall St.. N. Y. Wm. Sabgent, Berkeley, has a Durham Bull for service at his farm seven-eighth bred. Terms on application. 354-57 6 FEB CENT. Money loaned on Farm or Town Property at lowest ratea of interest. Applyto E. J. SPBOUIiE, Conveyancer Postmaster, PlesUerton. A. Dinsmore returns b"S s'locere thanks for the very Uberal support ac- corded him siace commencing as above, and hopes by strict attention to business and moi/erate prices to merit a continu- ance of public aupreciaiiion and patron- age. Those requiriag would consult their own interest by ex- amining his stock, consisting of over Three 'Thousand pieces at from 5 to 75c. per Roll."" Sunday Schools requiring Liberary Books will find Hundreds to select from and at such FAVORABLE TERMS as are sure to satisfy. IS'IVote the tact-â€" That until I commenced business there was no such thing as a special discount allovk'ed to Sunday Schools, or if you wanted Books could not get them unless by sending to Toronto or elsewhere, now your wants can be snppUed at your Door and at lower prices than Toronto. I therefore with confidence appeal for pubUc support. A full Une of School Books, Stationery, ;c., always on hand, also agent for the DOMESTIC PAPER PATTERNS. Agent also for The Har- den Star Hand Grenade for Extinguish'^, ingFures., tS'NOTE THE ADDRESS, A.» 13iiisinore. Iw Tailor. EOBT. ASKIN. UNDERTMKL FUNERAL FURNISlllIGS supplied on the shortes no'^ee. A. Sileiidid SCei^rse lor hire at moderate rateif Pure Cream of Tarter, Tested Baking Soda, and Pure Spices of all kinds. R.L.Stephen. â€" AU kinds ofâ€" F XJ R.]V I T XJ R. E In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. EOBT. ASKIN. WM. BREADNER. fl arpender and B uJIder GEORGE St., MARKDALE. ALL kinds of building and house car- penter work done in the village country. Call early before comes. or the rush 839-52 Coirmfi:wood and Georgin Bay lines Royal Iffailf In connection with the Northern aiad North- western R'ys, and the Grand Tn mk R'y. Bitters. Beat selling bottr't*^ *° '^® shop. Sold seven » esto-aay. Yourstmly C. Thompson. '" above i " ' ' " Is of sim popularity of B. B. B The tie above sample as of kIt "â-  hfithe is but one of ^s of siniilar expressions regard- W. J. and ^om!l^^ '-^ °°-'^^ ' '^- I-ow's Pleasan I ^onns. P' "" â- -"^^ ^° destroy and expe JottlipT "'*^^- Advertising Agent o sayb â€" I was in- Baliu for a severe Cold in the head. 'WdT.\" ^^^-"^aUv washing out the ^^bell °"' "^^ ^«^* â„¢y '^ead clear I Oiicp'r.""-esome 'â- '"snigitlite L.^-^ ^tl^-' '^° Markdale. in order to a?*ODnce tl!!!^ " "^y customers. I beg *inds ' ^^ now nTOT^roA in An i"«itote „.â€" a 0' r ^^^ now Dreoared lo do J««»d,op^!?!^'S Weaving. M,.^^^ „- Besidenj -w^sito Presbjtcrian Church. ARCH BOYa. Str. PACIFIC, Captain P. M. Campbell Str. ATLANTIC. Captain B. D. Poote, Str. NORTHERN BELLE, Capt. Bassett. The fine new Steamers "PAdFICA "AT- LANTIC" will run as follows during the season (weather permitting.) Leaving Collingwood at 1 p. m. Meaford at 3 p.m.; Owen Sound at 8 p. I Wiarton at 11:46 p. m. every irednesdar nn* Satwrday. For Killamey Manitowaning, Little Caixent, Kagawong, Gore Bay, Spanish Riye^ Serpent Kver, Algoma Mills. Blind River, Th^salon. Br«« Btoes. HUton, St. Joseph's Island. Garden River, and Sault St. Mane., The Saturday Steamer only wili caU at Cockbom Island. Mackisaw. -During the summer ssason the above steamers will continue the taip on to the Island of Mackinaw ^^^J^^ days of around trip at a cost of $12.00 only including meals and berth. For information as to freight and fares Appply to »°y ^^\ of the above Railways, the PWsers on board the steameis, or ^o the Great Northern Transit Co.. CcdUnifWOod. THOS.LONG, CHAS. CAMERON. gecretaiy. Manager. "Will Stoddart, late of England and Jersy City, U. S. begs to inform the citizens of Mabkdai.£ and surrounding community, that he has opened a TAILORING SHOP over Mr. W. J. McFarland's Store, where he is prepared to do all work entrusted to him in the Latest and Nobbiest Styles as I will inspect all work before leaving the Shop, cus- tomers may rely on having work turned out first-class in every par- ticultur; trusting thac Fmay receive a fair share ot the public patronage I remain, Faithfully vonr's, WILL STODDABT. Markdale, March 14tb, 1887. In returning thanks to my num- erous customers for liberal patron- age during the paet 14 years in which I have done business in Markdale, and soliciting a con- tinuance of the same, I would also intimate that I have removed to my premises on Mill Street, next door to Stephen's Drug Store, and opposite to the Post Office; where I shall be happy to meet all my costomers. EespectfuJly Yours, R. S. T^ATPi, Markdale â€" ni TORONTO HODSE.E kSnenlFignSlne THE undersigned would hereby respectfully intimate to the inhabi- tants of Markdale and surrounding country that I've opened up a general Provision store where I intend to keep on hand a general buppiy of all kinds of provisions such as â€" FLOUR. OATMEAL, CORNMEAL INDIAN CORN, GRASS SEED, OATS. BRAN, SHORTS, CHOPP, SCREENINGS, also a quantity of SEED GRAIN, HAMS, BACON, LARD, c., in fact everything people want in thisline^ Shop one door wetii of JKoe Lamb's Blacksmith shop. Soliciting a share of public patronage I am respectfully yours, I .Tas. l^Sillex* MARE^PALE. 1 am offering this week Beady-Made Clothing, and BOOTS HOE 'â-  AT â€" astonishingly low prices. Persons requiring a sununer outfit would do well to see my stock. CARDpFfTHAMS. In thanking my customers for their liberal patronage in the past. I have mnch pleasure in being still able to supply them with the following cele- brated machines, viz. The Watson all-steel two-horse twine Binder. The Watson Deering Binder. The Watson Improved Lion Reaper. The New Humming Mower. The Humming-bird Jfower. The Watson Daisy Rake. The Mann Champion Rake. The To] ten Pea Harvester. The Mann Broad-cast Seeder and Harrows Combined, i The Champion Combined Drill, Colter Scott, Oshawa. The best Plow's and Harrows in the market. Root Cutters, Grain Crushers, Fanning mills. Land Rollers. Agent for the Watersou's Co's Machinery and Steam Threshers. Horse Powers, Wagon's Buggies. Democrats, and everv implement a farmer requires. Parties reqiring anythmg in above lines will find it to their advantage to call at my new implement house opposite R. McNally's Carriage works, where Mr. R. Robert- son will be pleased to wait on customers in my absence. J.H. CARSON, Agent 148-61 Markdale. QAMMIIB P ACIFIC B, B. TIME TABLE. â€" IMCarkdale Station-^ For Sale or to Rent. o NK of the best farms in Artemesia township, being lots 115 and 116 third range west of T. fe S. Boad. three miles from M a rk dale. comprising 100 aoreH, over 80 of whiehis cleued and in good state ot eoltivatioa. well fenced, young and old orchard, watered with never failing spring and good well, brick house, good csniage hoase and stable and two log bams. Possession will be given after hai^est. Fcr further pwticiilars iq^ply on the premises to, JOHN WHITBY, â-  â-  tarkda le, P. 0. MnuonLOua.â€" '*My Mii«cnlon.s Cnre was that I had suffered from kidney dJHwae for about two years, was ofF work afl that timo. A fiqeni UM me of B. B. B., I tried it, and am bappy to say th«t I was cozed by two bottl^.' Wm. Tiear^ai-MarysvOnt^ GkiRa South. GOIHO NOETH. 6.47 a. m. 12.02 p. m. 3.52 p. 9.10 p. m m B uf clQCk Blood WILL CURE OR REUEVE atU0USNB88, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, fLUTTERm OPTHEH£Mr,\ AOIDITY OF THE STO0Aai DRYNESS, OrSKPSIA, nUUOESTION, JAUMOWE. arstPELAS, SAW RHEUU. MEMTBIfRN, HMDAOHE, T. wmm h m. â- ' 'fl 111 m m •III ft 1 1 1 ffi :. â-  V ' i V 'i';i «:v^ •; i. 1 â-  «!. '-â-  I. 1^ 1 i; i i It â- â€¢â€¢'.i: â- â€¢^' {â-  *»s • â-  :/i â-  -t 'W ' i ^-. i i â-  ,«• 1*-; 1. r ^LhiiAi^.i.-,-

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