Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Jun 1887, p. 1

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 '" " 'mmt'mmmm^'fmmmmm^^mim'ill^liffK^^ wmms 'T'fr^^"' â- ^^i^ ing to be done is to »ur citizens and ta directors then drS] nd decide on a memh I is generally one doS )urchase of boold horities at Toronto. very man in Mark iterest in such ai one innearlyeyeryplj intie or size in Onta o necessity of Markd^ t behind in edueatioa ::lphub soa? is a rell as a good caratrro y School, ani school is preemineni school. In it the farmers of to-day receiTi 1, and in it the ise of the next general I whole of their school y school doing what farmer's boy Itisgi' will remain on the education which will •ation for life's work education for 3end so much time in rhe purpose of a boy' fit him for his woi caay be. The educati try school ought then D a successful farmer, f( he profession of m* boys. ion does the farmer8pr( i The ability to iderstand the Engl o make readily eH ical calculations comw mess â€" this is all, aoi aier needs, and this .hat many of the i this enough Shall (1 of education fi» ery lowest notch? 7 say that the Scicnt for ttie faun* not tliink that fi in for which the ifficieut. Give the become acuqainted uu him. Pub the animals, eta, into your school-teach^ of this kind. ey know enough to IS in the right '^^'i i only the bestof te» lildren yon can 1* aught to them; bo*^ to take year by fB*| )oorly prepared ^^ ot and cannot be ^j ,pay roundly ito'JJ^ ^m' FALL WHtBB THEY MAt." l^rEXTH TEAEâ€" I^o. 356 ^-^^KBiAIiB, OKT., Jm^ 30^ 1887. C. W. BXTTIiEDaB, Proprietor. d ani Other Items. na in these columns intended to benefit Individual or Society will be charged ten line for the first insertion and five I line each, subsequent insertion. wnTICE- Correspondence, communica- I Advertisements, d:c„ nimt be in this I'bi/ mn on Tuesday to insure publication \iceek. â€" A^T -Noted Jeweleky Stoee, .E S H K 12. T O ]%â- , [be found the most complete' stock fatcbes, Clocks, Jewelery, 'Siiver- le, Spex, c., in this part of the [ill and see those watches they are fag at §12.00 bearing warrants ftliree aud a half years, whUe other llersare asking $15.00 for the' i article. P. b. Barfclett, 3 oz. â-  silver case for $16.00 while they selling elsewhere for $17.50. ler dealers cannot compete with [and they know it. We cannot tliem being annoyed at our iible low prices we must give public the benefit of our close Just Noie a few prices. IliDeNicklo Alarm Clock for aci nally §2.00 bear) Dg, a warrant for two Your choice of over 20 fine M chains for only $1;60 Just pkofit. Fine walnut clocks from m Dpwai'il. Brooches, ]i^ar-Eiags, ies' Cbains, Cuff-Buttons, Scarf-- [s, at eqnally low prices. fiemember it you want your Watch 'lock repaired properly by a work- nosseU's is the only place. orders by mail pvonipLly at- 'eiided. to at pSfii'S Noted Jewelry Store, FLESHEETON. delightful weaibcr. Ic-nics ave Ibe rage. Speolli: JM. P. returned home 1 OlLawa oa Monday. f.J. EessonIs rusticating in Mau- ilin. â-  fEOTMEK tbe Lawn Tarty at Mr. is on IbesTeniDg of Domiuioa Day. Ji"K,E. CcKiiiE was to Elora, over cday. fEos.TowN^KNr of Glenelgcommenc- [hayiDg last Monday, June 27th. '^HooL closes to-morrow (Friday) for i summer holidays. [oHs E. CuoNE is gone home to Nat- ^a to rusticate for a few weeks. 1^. Waed of Detroit is visiting hei fnil F. Sarjeaat of this village. ^^- Taos. SowBjiBY of Holland and filter are visiting friends at Nelson, ilton Co. N editor of the Advance is taking â- ilioliilaya and he will not issue a ' tbia week. S8B8 RoBEET and Herbert Irwin are 'â„¢R a few days at home and will rota shortly. ^^"^^«-' °^ AUenford and w Lanra spent Sunday Ydih '"'*««» this vicinity, l^uother J?^^"'^^'°**^®^y• ' «er week haymg wiU be tbe I "jba Shears will please accept •w a paper bag of beaulafid "cnanes. iin^J*^"^«on Commercial Un- ,r°«er column on this page. A •'gnnient, a*i«^'..*'*^«'^e, Albion, fox a farm in this i^m^ •'^^'•^ilMainonth. A Lo^ of Independent Order of Good ^Bamplacs was organioed in Mark- dale this week. J. P. MAE(aAM,, Dentast, will be at the Markdale House Bext Thursday and Friday. Mb. James Vance of Carlisle, ^near Hamilton, visited his son-m-law Hamilton MdGay recently. Shade trees vriU be highly appreciat- ed now^-days by those domg Statute labor, or rather "putthig in the tune ou the road." The Owen Sound Advertiser is now printed on a new (Campbell) power press. We congratulate Mr. Little on this evidence of prosperity. Rev. Mb. Cornish preached his fare- well .sermon last Suody night to a large ttongregation, and ctook his de- parture, with his -family, en Wednesday for Drayton. A Scottish Goncert will be held in Watson's Hall, Priceville on the evenwg of tbe Jst July at which J. R. Andersen our Scottish vocalist and W. J. Benson our Irish Gomie will take part. The Chedey Enterprise says "there is a man in Hanover so stingy that he uses « wart on lus neck for a' collar button." John GooDFELi,«w, son of Mr. Samuel GoodfeUow of Euphrasia, aged 21 years, was accidently kUled near Ileathcote recently while assisting to move a barn. A leaver struck hinj on the head caus- Ljg instant death" Fr.Esn AKr.ivAi-s. â€" T'hree residents added stotour town recently, all female one at Mr. Jose]ili Irwin's, one at Mr. Jas. Miller's, til e feed store mau and ono at Mr. Isaac Stinson's the builder and contractor, At.ex IuYonb horse ran away while returning from the "Irish LaLo" picnic, pitching Lyons and Arch, Mclntyre of Euphrasia oiit, not ^ojurin;^ them ceri- ousl V. The Lu^y as a wreck. The dwelllijg bo'jse of Mrs. TvTcXea of Artcmesia, a^out five miles froin Maii dale, wag dcilvoyed by fire togetlicr with nearly ail tbe contents last Tlim's- dav. If you want a choice farm, or if yon have a friend who does, wo would direct your altculion to John Whitby's adv. in another coimuQ. Mns. Vascy ^urrived from California on Monday la^t and will spend the summer with frieuds in this district, among whom is Mr. A, Fogcrty of this village, bet brother-in-law. Tbos. S. Wrioht has ordered a Saw- yer Steam TItresher, and will be pre- pared to do work in that line as soon as tbe threshing season opens. Toe annual Methodist Sabbath School pic-nic at Walker's appointment will be held in Mr. Wm. E wart's grove near tbe church on July Ist. A collection will be taken up in aid of the S. School. A cordial nivitatiou is extended to all. A Oabdbn Pabtt vrill be held in Mr. Bae's garden on Friday evenuig, July Ist, under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Association of tbe Presbyterian Church. "Jm»6«aht Chimwbij." â€" ^Mr. Jotm T. MiiMtebaore, the foonda of tbe Oipljstt Children's Enjigraiion Cliar- ity. Lo*d6n, Ont, left Liverpool on the lOth insit, m iha «* S. Lake Ontario, With a pitty of 60 gida ad 10» boy« between tbe ages of 8 »od 20 yenra, wbo tee bronjbt oat to tbw Cbuutry for adoptiod or bire, chiefly among farmers. Th?y are expected on or aboaiU«ia®^»aM. nua wiu MARini»T.E Mabkets. â€" ^Fall wheat 82 to 82cents;^xu^wheat89to83; barley 80 to 60 peas 4B; oats 27; butter 12 to 12 6^8 11 potatoes 75 per bag; pork 5.40 hides 5.50 wool 20. The case, Queen vs., Cala^^ban wMoJi we repurtcd last week, was concluded on Friday, County Cmwn Attorney Frost conduoted the case for tlie Qupcn and P. McCiullough for defendcut. Tbe prisoner was committed to Owen Sound jail -to await his trial at the Fall AsBizes. The Directors of East Grey Agricul- tural Society met in Flcshcrton on the 22Qd iufit., to make preparations for the f all»exlubition. Theprize fist was made out, Judges appointed, tlie 22ud and 2ord»f September set apart for tho fall Show, general business cegarding gardine reciprocity between Canada and tbe Uuited States discnssed, "when the following resolutious were carried without oppesltion :â€" That the board of directors deeply regret the action talien by several of the Farmers' Institutes of this province in tampering with certain resolutions having for their object tbe establisbment of Commercial Union be- tween -Canada «,nd the United States, said Tesolution lieing misleading, the reabo'f'ject misrepresenting and the pro- bable r-e?nlt a failure. It was likewise reselvcd that tin's beard of directors in- vite oar repxcs-cutatlvo in the Dominion Itegislaturo on his rctiurn from parlia- ment to call a nicctuig ineachtowushiP in the EJdiii;! for the lairjiose of explain- ing the question of reciprocity between Caiir.'a and l-bo United States as lias already l)eeu submitted, and the pro- abdity of good or c .il resulting from tlic di^iC^lysiou tlicve or that are takinS place Ihroujjliout the Province. BUSINESS be Mr. to these from Bii 187$. aeo^apan bavebeen ?9 I6tfaanB«i%ws|t with juvenile e peeled to arri re.b^^ W^g.'^; LOCALS Seed! At '-?, TUKNIP SkED TUENIP 3tex)l)cn'3 Drug .Store. 4 colors ill sun specks at W.A.Brown's Jcvicllcy store. If you want pure Paris Green, go to IlasLctt Bro's. grcou strictly pure, to be had at l\l"al)cc's haidwarc. l^aiMS GSi*eeTipnre at the Meiiical Hall, A. Tnnier Co. ScTinER, Foilcw,Eal.c:; and Snaths very cheap call and seo tliem. S. Hill. FflEsn Fisn. â€" Sarjeant Bros., butch- ers, receive a supply of fre:b. fish twice a week. Tim cheapest scythes the largest stock and tliu best make (Oshawa) is at Hasl;ett Eros. Turnip JSeeds Fresh pure and true to name at tbe Medical Hall. A. Tiu'uer and Co. A new Massey horse rake for sale very cheap for cash or short credit. Dan. Henderson, 7th line, Euphra:iia. LNf cutlery we have some very fine goods to choose from; see them, at tlie sign of the cross cut. ' Lazabus, Moris, Pebble and Cryst^ lens, specks and eyeglfisscs at W. A. Brown's Jewellery store. CiflAEsI CiGAEsI lovers of a good Havana cigar will find that Benson has the finest cigar in town, sold by tbe box. FniB lathes tool^ and best U.aturial used by W. A. Brown, the peopk! watcli- maker and Jewiellery, Markdale. AirtTHiNG youmay want in tiio bard waro lino can be had at prides tiiat giro satisfoction, solid full linesj and prices rifht, Mabee tho hard ware. Nabaii BAOiiâ€"Tbe onty nedloiiw in Um market that will ^unineduitefyeDra CoUm the Head. aa petm»aeBiilji care Catairi^ H^ I'erer, etc. ;- • ' A f ew BplencHd twea 60^ leffrJ-'SriH clear ibem oi»t:aS 10. %e^ att jrool coats ot tSiSOworiih $4.00, 4.60 and m They arc great ralne; "S. liiQ. Thb laigesk etoek ef Rteite'aiuIMdBlding everoj^swdeaiin aisAdalejiift to lwid» and aiabe veqr che«p •* «« *f» **»*f â-  OwAiq»ftonkMaBwa»FWwattitB ana dr88B{(OodsatfediMed I l,riiig.yoar batter aatl^^raBdh ne te Foix lines in scythes, snaths, rake, lurks and general baryest goods. Tbe best make, only kept in stock atMabee's hardware. All needing specks, bear in mind that W. A. Brown has the only complete stock in Markdale, and that bo has a practical knowledge ot optically fitting them. Hat is a heavy crop and Haskett Bros havo enough scythes to cnt it. Prices away down far below what others call rock bolioni. Wo have the goods and must sell them call and be convinc- ed. J. P. Magshall, Dentist, has dianged his arrangements for visiting Markdale aid will in Ittturc bo at the Markdale Jlouseou Thursday and Friday foUow- i"" tbelu-'t Mo]jr;a3- in each mouth, and at Fleshcrton tlic following day, con- ?«ojiieiitlv bis next visit vUl be iJio 7th ail' 1 t'lb of July aiid at Flesherton the 9tii. Tahabac et.esik. â€" ^Is not advised to cure consumption, bnt it has made some remarkable cures of persons supposed to be in the first stages of the disease. A great number of self binders are being pnrcba.?cd by farniers in this iiejgblwrliood the iwescnt season. The Watson Decring Binder is said to be tbe leading macliiuo in the market. J. H* CaKion, a^jent, Markdale. Db. Jd«'8 Medicine sbould be used by every one at Ibis season of tbe jear as it js ibe be-stblood xin-ifier in tbe niprkofc r.ijd will reinvii^orate tbe frame atvl piep3ie it to bear the beats of saoimer. Tbe pills are justly called tiie "Liltle Gems" as they operate wi.'liontcansing either griping or pain and are a sure cnie for nervous- ness, biliunsncsB and other afTec'ioDs ot the Liver and Kidueys, Buy ibem fi.ud try tiiem and you won't reijret Yuiui'ivestuieut. Sold by Turner Co., Mavliuii'e. â€" « A Viiiqiic. IToik ou ::iualiaii Mr. Erastiis Wiman, Presiv-lent of llie Canadian Clul), writes to tbe edilor or Ibis papor as fullov.'s "It is the mlenliou of certain membeis of Ihe Caimdinu Club, in New York, to issue, in tlie f.'rm of a beanfcifnl book, tbe papers ^iiich has been delivered before die Club dTiring tbe past winter by pionjjucut parties, t'^iieUier Willi those which are ic be delivered during tbe reamnder of the season. "Tbese papers will incbije a speech on •Commercial Union,' by the Hon. Beajamiu 13 iittei- worth, mernber of Congress, wbo is said to be one of the most eloquent men of tbat body. A remurkable production by Prof, Gvoldwin Smith ou 'Tiie Schism in the Anglo-Kaxoii IJace.' A paper by Dr. Grant of tbe Queen's UniveiSity ou 'Canada First.' One by J. W. Dengougb, Ediior pf Toronto Grip. By Mr. Lo Moiue, ot Quebec, on •The Heroines of New France.' By J. A. Eraser, 'An Ar list's Ex- perience in tbe Canadian Itockies' By Edmond Coll ing, on 'Tbe Future of Canada.' By Professor D. G. Boberis, of Kings College. By Geo. Stewart, jr.^ of Quebec. By tbe Bev. Dr. Eccleston, on 'Tbe Canadian Northwest.' By John McDoagall, on tbe Minerals of Canada.' And by tbe Editor, G. M. 'Faircbild, jr., on 'TheHistory of tbe Canadian CInb.' Tbe work will also iucliide extracts fiom tbe speeches and letters of tbe President. ••The bookis to be issoed in bieaotifdl style, at $1 per copy." "Asgreat many Canadians will dbnbtless desire to posseu themaelYes of tbis rare compilation, and, by -pnrcbasinff copieS) imdifeate tbe in- terest wbicbiaxBftnwMted tbronghottt Canada in the attem];i|^of the Canadan Club to lay before tbe Americans tiie xesoturces, advant^igeet and attractionB )f their niMif0odii»i)7." ' "ftarties d^tnbnl of obta^^mg eo^iMe^.do so by endoaing the prifMiqf-iiift book' to Jamea^^OfS, OanaaiaD Ciab^ IS^East 29th G^bist, wkwm m\ -BETWEEN- Canada and the United States, is now being largely discussed tnronglioiit the Dominion with the preponderence of jpnb- nc opinion in favor of union; whether nnion withonr cute Yankey Bi?others would cure the ills we labor nnder or not, McFarland sayeth not, bnt he does most decidedly say that if yon want to reap the greatest ad- vantage from your, cash or produce you must (if you have not already done so) form a union with McFarland's Im- mense Establishment, where you can get the choice of largest stock of choice goods at close prices, North of To- ronto. This week I have opened out and placed m stock. Ne-w Grey Dress Goods New Cream Dress Goods New Black Dress Goods.;- New^ Olive Green Dress Goods New Brow^ns Fawn; Eclectric Blues Fancy Dress Goods, with Trimmings arid Buttons to match. Pearl Buttons, Hair Nets, Corsets, and Gloves, Josephines best Kid Gloves light shades only 50 cents pair, sold everjrwhere at $1.25. 500 pairs "Womans Cotton Hose dark colors 12a cents a pair. 6075 yds. liight Ground Prints fast colors 1(^ cents. Good Washing Dress Muslins 6 cents, one case white and cream Oriental Laces at 5 8 10, 12J and 15 cents being balance of a â- wholesale stock and without exageration the chepest laces ever offered in Markdale. 7 Cases New Boots and Shoes, Mens Womens and Child- rens at close prices. 47 Boxes New Nobby Ties, Shirts, Braces, and Underware. A second shipment of that 30c. Cashmere 45 inches wide. 12CX) doz. Buttons 5 cents per dcmen, stock well assorted. Prices right. CortdOUs treat- mpnttoall. ITS*lOWI .»taTJL?AAH IrtO'-^O*^ ,*r,; :-.J .â- â- â-  ' •C-" ' â-  r. «. iiV

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