Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 19 Nov 1885, p. 5

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 â- â- â- pp* â- I Ot' Kloore's story. SieamerAlsomaWms cast Atvav. r-ii'iii if* ^£ AKD SXOW STOEM AS8AIL- gpp jiov. 10.â€" On board ^•.â- ^' k»' '^ere Capt. James i'^Jiander of tl.e Algoma. â- â- â-  Irs and 11 of lier crew. '"Si tbat ^as left of the "that sailed for this port ^l Sound on the Algoma Lkv Following are the •;'S'Wiv«r,-W. J. Hull V p Jlc Arthur, of Meaford, Z James Moore, first-mate ' gecond-mate, Richard ffheelmaii, Henry Lewis John C.McNabb; fireman, deck-liands, R. Bteveus, Bolton. Daniel Laughlin r;= Jobn McLane. George Alc- â- ' jin McKenzi**. The captain L:;; injured. The ships papers .;.. foUowiugis a list of the to Dudgeon and her son aged â-  V. Paul, Jlr. and Mrs. Frost [•-'.tri veiativesof R. P. Batchart, "Z Sound George Pettigrew, "-.rneer; Alex. McDermott, second engineer Mr. ic, purser, iiepLew of Alex. ^a:e' of i^arnia Alex. Taylor, • "\.ward, of either Buffalo or iaJ: Mr. Jones, steerage steward t;..ami. Tlie names of the deck 'â- .ai-eman, v»aiter? and others of J-;.?.- Ciiuuot be obtained. The •V :: diiiister, as related by Capt. 1'-^, 15 that the Algoma passed yi, ::t. -Marie caual bound for j'r; last Friday at noon. Soon â- Kadiiiig Lake Superior the .i,Giu to. freshen up from the .,Tcn AvA a great bank of leaden i along the northern horizon bii lue approach of heavy weather. ::j;l' however, that the Algoma ;:;.i,"of the strongeft and most steamers atloat, and well tii'.cope with even a severe gale, fiin iloore kept her on. her course. I i3 rigiit approached the wind liucd to increase iu violence and liirli liad developed into one of the and most destructive gates .['erieucad on the upper lakes. |dc gale increased tlie sea rose and Lake ibuperior was k il;o a mass of seething foam. ;::!C tempest roarod and great v.ip! completely over the struggl- iMiiicr. I'he situation was made pe more terrible by a blinding storm that set in before b;ii,-. It TTas impossible to see jieugth of the steamer.. The |cLgers and crew were terrified measure, and momentarily mi tu see the steamer plunge to liitcEi. By the instructions of I. ii-ure the ofiiceri went among pisens,'ers tried to allay their Tliej were panio-stricken, liTff, and huddled together in the "T^aere the screams and prayers 'Ken and children could be heard ic thundering of the gale. pay morning Isle Royal was p, and Captain Moore headed .â- â- Â«â„¢erfor Kock harbor, where pa to gam shelter. The island pa natural harbor of refuge, but I ie entrance there is a dangerous â- /"^^jast as the steamer was the entrance she struck the .were was a terrific shock., and F"'"=steam6rcame toa full stop. iFiisengerE rushed out of the --:i besought the oflicers to tell '^*aat had happened. "We .»re P';^ replied Capt. Moore, "but vn. only Iieep as calm as t;,'8 -l trust all will be safely V\ 7^" tl^en one of tbe crew [:'" tuat the steamer's bottom "a punctured and she was ^^;f^- water. The boato were ;;' " " readiness, and all start- â- ;ave tke steamer, but just as [;"t aoout to lower them the "J;"l?Peiofi'the reef and dis- ^awith an angry roar. The [;:?"=°"«ed with the struggling r 'ffitnand women, and then Ev â-  ^°^-^ foiirteeD lives to Lt f /^esegot into one of \\l: "^^^ Uowerless to save C " '^ey were without oars. J?' ""^ever, wrenched a ,-«a boai.thg bottom of the ' 'fith that w«e swept mto fh. gea like a f^tt^; A few hong on toltiie ropes or to the masts, but the majority seemed to abandon themselves in wild alarm and despair. Eren the crew seemed powerless so stricken were they with the awful Ruddenness of the disaster. Meanwhile, the boat rapidly went to pieces, dashed against the rooks. The criw aU of whom except the waiters, hadcmng to the rigging, managed during the lull m the storm to pkce themselves in a lifeboat. They cut the fastenings, aud in an instant a wave swept them from the ill-fated wreck. Amid the roar of the wind and the dashing of the waves the boat was borne onward. Two of the passengers had managed to place themselves in the boat before it was cut away from the wreck. Any efforts that had been made to launch the beats during the early confusion and horror had failed. Meantime the lifeboat and its occupants had a terrible experience on the lake. All who could bound themselver to the boat, while the remainder held on ;to the sides, expecting every moment 'to meet their death by drowning or from exposure and cold. Once the boat was turned over with the waves, and one of the crew was washed away, but the frail craft righted itself and was swept on incomparative darkness. After half an hour the boat suddenly struck some rocks. The inmates feared all was over with them, when the craft capsized, but to their sur- prise when thrown out the water was only a foot deep, and they discovered that they were on laud. After re- maining there an hour or more ex- posed to the elements the storm abated and the sky clouded. They then discovered that they were on Isle Rnyal, and that the vessel had been vrecked about one mile from shore on great boulders near the channel. It was about ten o'clock in the morning and the crew remained there until late in the evening, when the Athabasca came along and picked them up. tiL,-] ""'" "lai as a paddle N,4!"'°^iiDgtheboatto the iiinw!i,*^® survivors were /P'^y the Athabaska. "*J^°' at the scene of the BSsjiJ °^ *^e rescued pas- NeLn^v^P"" account of the ti. „t"' before and after the "^idle"°.r.K """' '^^ the* • 1° tlieir madness, »ii3mh ^®.l ^ere washing the ^hl ""^^^ themselves into wofr' Otl^e" ^fhen a ii^yZ^TPasa off the deek. »»'""1 from side to side, vcr CMIIiiui^^ "1^ nrazzer'g ahiuMt onuv. fier Ghillan is so bad, Ai^my d»te bid aistiv Daiar oea mate her draSal sad. So the says. "And Dai^ ia a norful dirl; Her nice new frock An' tanse ake Why Bh( she torad, had her hair to tail, why she jast roaied Yesterday. "^en baby cwyed. an' muzzer mU â-  'Go an' wrock yittle Clair,' She pnt trum» in his tradle spread. An' chew-dtun in his hair Tozzarday. "What you sint one time she did Why, runned away from me. She went and ranned an' hid. I didn't know where she be Toaldn't find her. "Dess I'se sometimes norfnl tou^ Of toarse I is, I know But what's a yittle girl to do When she don't wort or sew Tanse she tamt "She dot to try be tross toe. When she's so small as me. That's aU the way she has to ito When she tired â€" don't you see? Tourseyoudo. "When I'se weally dood and nice Through all the drate leng day. Papa tells me a 'pearl of prize,' An' muzzer's Aad to say •She was dood.'" ^ai^asaa BL.. SavE Mm^T B; baying your Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Pipes, Ac. -AT- m, S TRA YED. FKOM the premises of the subscriber, last June, 3 yearUng steers, two red, with little white spots, one havins; its ears partly frozen off the third brindle. Any person giying such infoimation as will lead to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. W. J. BROWN, 271-73* Harkaway. P. O. TENDERS. I take this means of inform- ing the public generally^ that I have opened in MARKDALE An Agency for the sale ot the famous JAS. G. RUSSELL'S FLESHERTON. A Beautiful Stock to Select from. ' OOOOOOOOO ocooooooo "DOHERTY ORGAN 9? And world renowned It u a fact, as every one says, that BUSSELL is the man to repair your Watch or Clock properly. \o o o~o~d~o ooooooeooooo/ •• Y â€" â- - "â€" " â-  GIVE HIM A TRIAL. Every job warranted to give satisfaction. JIS. 6. RUSSELLr 217-269 FARM FOR SALE. APKOFITABLE LIFE. Few men have accomplished, the same amount of work and good in this world as the celebrated Dr. Cbas. Over 500,000 of his works have been sold in Canada alone We want every person troubled with Liver Complaint, Byspepsia. Headacho, Kidney or Urinary Troubles, to call in at A. Turner Co. and buy a bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, it will cure you. Medicme aud Becipe Book $1. Nov. SEALED tenders will be received at this office, lip to noo n the st December for Sexton for the new Methodist Church- Specifications of duties may be seen at this office. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. C. W. BDTLEDGiB, 271-73 Sec.-Treas. TEACHER WANTED. Tennyson JVot Well Up fn tbe Scriptures. "I think Tennyson must be guirg crazy," said Ebenezer Jones to Zebedee Smith. "Or else he does not read his Bible." "What in the world do you mean " •'Why, he has just written a poem entitled 'The Close of Another Eve." "Well, what of that?" "Why, Eve had no clothes." IfllFORTANT. When you visit or leave New York City, save Baggage Express and Carriage hire and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite the Grand Central Depot. Elegant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars, re dnced at Sl.OO and upwards per day. European plan, Elevator, Kesturant supplied with the best. Horse cars, stages and elevat ed railroad to all depots. Families can live better for leas money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first class hotel in the city. WHY EMPLOY DOCTORS. Consult a doctor, for a 6 or 8 o%. bottle of medicine $1 â€" consult A. Turner Co. and he will give yoq a 12 oz. bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure for $1, and a valuable Eeoipe Book free. Nov. Tbe Oirl Knew H'bat About. Sbe was Mamie â€" "How can Lucille marry that old fossil, Closefist What if he is BO rich?" gadje â€" "Did you hnow that he has heart disease so badly that the slightest shock is liable to prove fatal " Mamieâ€" "Ah, that's it." Sadieâ€" "Yes, and Lucille thinks that she will be able to shock him." FOE S. S. No. 16, Eui^iirasia township, duties to commence 1st Jaunary. Ap- plicatiens received up to noou 5th December. State certificate held and salary wanted. D. K. ELLIS, Kimberley P. O. 271-73 Sec.-Treas. Store to Rent in Makaale. THE Store in Reynold's Block to rent. Application as to terms can be obtained from Johv Lyons, Markdale, or JOHN WHITE, St. Vineent, lU-tf. Strathnaim. P. 0., Owner RERKSHIRE ROAR KEPT for service at lot 18, con. 14, Artemesia. Terms â€" 75 cents at time of service. Sows returned free of charge. 270-77 J. HANSON. TEACHER WVNTED. Female, boLling 3rd class certificate; duties to commence 1st January, 1886, for 8. S. No. 7, Holland. State salary â- my|ALE or Williamsford Station P. 0. The Doherty stands at the top of the list as either a Par- lor or Chapel Organ, For strength and variety of tone, as well as beauty of finish and durability, it stands without a peer. The Singer Sewing Machine is known all over the continent as the most perfect and dur- able machine in the market. Those who anticipate purch- asing anything in the above line will consult their own best interests by giving me a call before closing a bargain else- where. Office in Dunlop's old stand, Markdale. HUGH WILLIAMS. t^yjyj liamsford Station, being composed of lots 88, 39, 43 .44, first con. East Toron- to Sydenham Boad, township Holland, Co. Grey. On lots 38 39 there is 90 acres cleared well fenced, and under good cultivation a frame house 22 x 32 ft.; kitchen 18 x 24 ft., well finished good frame barn, driving house, straw house; ^concrete stable, cattle stable, open sheds, aud all necessary build- ings two good wells orchard of 3 acres of healthy young trees all bearing. On lots 43 44 there is 20 acres cleared, well fenced, with good stream running through it balahce well timbered, with maple, beech, hemlock and cedar. Good title aud possession given at once. For particulars apply on premises if by letter JOSEPH FANNING Williamsford Station, Co. Grey, Ont. FARM FOR SALL LOT 20, con, 10, Euphrasia, nine miles from the flourishing village of Markdale, aud one lot from Post Otfioe. This farm is ' well watered, solid clay loam, contains 10.0 acres 45 of whicli is cleared and under cultiva- tion and the balance fine hardwood timber, a] so a frame bfirn 36x56 thereon. Terms easy, for part'culars apply to TH0S.1dUXL0W,v Goring P.O. 2B3-72 Adjoining the premises. AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST. lOO Colnmns aad lOO Engray- f BKS in eacb issue. 44tli TEAR. *1.50 A YEAR, Send three S-eent stamps for Sample Copy (English or German) aiid Premium List of THOS. J. SPEABS, nJ the Oldest and Best Agrricultural SeG.-Trea8.)«q lonrnai in tbe World. Address, PUBLISHERS AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST. 751 Broadway, New^ Fork. We will «lub the Agriculturist with the SiAKDABD giving tbe two for S2. â€" ^En, Stand- HIGH SCHOOL ENTBJHCE EMHIHflTIOH. NOTICE is hereby given that the next Entrance Examination to High Schools^ for the County of Grey, will be held on nionday/Tucsday and Wednes- day, the 31st, 29nd and 33rd days ot Dercmber, 1885, at the Town of Owen Sonnd, the Village of Maricdale and the Village of Tbornbnry respectively. It is requebted that the probable number of Candidates from each locaUty shall be notified to me one month antecedent to the first of the above dates. THOMAS GORDON, Inspector W, Greg. Markdale, 27tli October, 1885. 16-402 I' NOTICE. THE High School Entrance Examinatiim " will be hejd at Durham, jn the Pub.ic School building on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the 21st, 22nd SSrd of Dec- ember, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. each day. Candidates are requested to send their names to the undersigned on or before Uie 1st Decejnber, James Wihtebbobhb, Head Master, Durham Public School. PecksSun MILWAUKEE. WIS. CEORGEW. PECK Editor aod Proprietor. HA.MILTON HAPPENINGS. There is now being manutactnred here an article for instantly removing pain of »ny acute external nature, and it w cwteinly ttie most perfect cure for Neuralgia. Headadw. TootlwchTand the like that haa eror bejm tried. It is called Fluid L i g htning firem the rapid manner in whioh it aeto, «nd is rauor factored by McGregor fc Pwke. Sold m Markdale by HiU Bro's. McGregor parke. Of Hamilton, Ont., are the inannf iiati w tt of thegreatest healing Mid PW^-SST pound known for Sores, Bums, Cate, o«m^ Salt Bheum. Frost Bit**. Jrte.. » " McGregor Parke's ^^^^^^^^L^. sure and get the Rsmiine MpGiyr* BgtTs Carbqlic Cerate sold by ^Bw^fc a* «?•* box. ' 9 Shropshire Ram THE und rsigned having porohased from Mr. Thos. KlUs, Qaeen's Valley, one of his thorough bred Shropshire Bams aged, wiO have him for service on lot No. 4, eon. 7» Euphrasia. Terms, 75 cants cash. This ram is an excellent stock getter. Also for sale one first-cBws Kam Lamb from above sheep, and a thorough bred Leicester Bwe. Will sell reasonable. JOHN BUBKIN, Proprietor. Vandeleor P. O. Not. 1st. 1SS5. 268 "70 Enpluasia. The Funniest Paper in America What Yaecinatioo is to Bmall-pox Peck's SuK is to the blues, PECK'S SUN is.ene of the most widely read and popular papers in the country to-day, and stands without a peer in its specialty. The Originator of the celebrated BAD BOY PAPEBS. Specimen Copiee Free To Any Addrese, Bear in mind tiiat' by sendinR a Postal Card to this o£Sce a Sample copy of Peek's Snn will be mailed yoa ]^ee. Dont nefl^eet to. twd at onoe. and tell yoor neighbors to, $1 Worth of Fun for ic. AMnm QKOBOB L. LOBD. Business Ifaaager, Mflwankee, Wis. STEAYED FEOM the premises of Mr. D. J. LwwSi... lot i9, con. 10, Euphrasia, about the last of June, two ewes, one ram lamb -and a ewe Iamb. Any person giving information as to their whereabouts «ill be liberally re- warded. 2G7-3in. TEACHER lAHTED. FEMALE, holding 3d class certificate, diitii s to commence 1st January, '86, for S. S. Ko. 15, Euphrasia, State salary. Applicatic ns received up to noon the 14th November. JAMBS ELLIOTT, Sec.-Treas., 268.70 Markdale P. 0. THE KEY TO HEALTH^ WILLIAM STUART, KlMUEBIiEY, iBBMret Marriafe l i es a ssa IConqr to Unlodcs all the do^ed aveneesof the Bopsls, KUbifijrs and Liver, carryiag- off g^oally withoot weakening the system, »I1 the impurities and fool hnmois of the •.eeretions at the same tisae CSociacUUC Addi^ qf the S tomaeh^cniiiig |^ shMOi AMrtDun. Oonstipation. XtcyneM of flie Sldn. Dropsy, IMm- BaHorViiifln.JiMnidice, Smmitym, StMsi, SooAiIar^ Tutoring ai fhB AnrFflrroasBMi ^oAfittand Selntttar; all these snd matgr-i^ilKf «ni- hr Complaints yi^ to the T ^~ •rBDBDOOK blood: '^M Ilik .Mil i If |fc::Si ^i^' ii â- Uli^f " MM I u m â- li ij :» Hin h in " y J- mW\ -1;--- ' â- â€¢â- .â- ?;-v^M' •^' t "4, ,i .,*,

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