Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Jan 1885, p. 8

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 â- Itppil *PHP PI" mm OFFICE OF* THE All kinds of Marble and MonTamentAl '^Voi-lcs* roofa as Monameots, T6mb Tables, Headstones, Connter and IHible Tops. â€" in American and Italian Ifarble, and made on short noti««.- Also Mantles in Marble and Marbeleized Blate, Ice, e. l5a.tista,ctioii. Craa.i-a,iiteied. in E-ver^ XS«^spect ROBT.S.RAE, TAILOR, â€"Good Work Guaranteedâ€" â€" â€" AT MimPhtoppkO*T FLESHERTON. €lt CIC^C® and see samples of work which we area not ashnmed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at 3, FLESHERTON. FLESHERTON STATION. -0X0- be Full stock of General Goods now on hand, and will Gosntantly renewed, in Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Grocer' ies. Provisions, c. Gooi Tn TaM Boona^'-^Nst' •i^i oiincl paiSKtive for kU aeMons AiatHir oHi'eon of Mr. Jai Bbire; of Amatel. GomtQttteti stndidi on Saturday by takings rat pokiMi. Tbs SieHS or wpain we weU-lEBiwtt. bi^ the remedy is not Always so wmU determiKsd: Worm Poardex will destroy them. ' MeOr^OT A Fuse's OarboUe CeiM* tes ben tested by years of trial and has been found the meet ooaTMiisnt and effeetoa)^ method of applying Carbolie acid. Th^' greatest aatioepue in use for Gats. Bums and Old Sores. Be sore yov get McGregor, 4 Parke's Caibolie Cerate. Sold for 25 oebtf by Hill'Bre's. 1), dfJ. « TlioBd in arrears should call iftid settle, or remit by registered leltey; Ifib is itn»K;iinaMui is bdtaiiM*^ Man has scienee} woman has taste. Msi^ shines atnoad woman at home. Man preveji^ misery woman relieyes it, Man hasji^rotsed heart wvmana ^oft one. ManiiiMindgment; woman ha3 sanJiWlity. Minis'fcr^t in action; woman in sdMeriM^ Manisitbeingofjostioe: woman ' sUjgn of mercy. "â- â-  WELL SPOKEN of: B. N. Wheeler, of ETerton,s{)iBttft8 lu^y of HaRyard'it Pe Jtorisl Balsam" It oures him of inflaoiraatiou of the lungs and an obstinate cough. It loosens the phtogm and heals the longs. liWPoiiir.ABrT. When yon risit «â-  leare New York City, Bare Bafigkge I^cpress anS Carriage hire and stop at the Gnnd Unibil Hotel, opposite the Orand -Central Depot. Elts^ant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollard, re- duced at 91.00 and upwa^s per duy. European plan, jSlevator, Kesttvant supplied with the best. Horse cars, staffs aud elerat ed railroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Qrand Union Hotel than at any other first class hotel in the city. V A SETTLED FACT. It is a siguifieant fact that Haj^ard's Yellow Oil is the best household remedy for internal and external use in case of pain, soroueHS lameness, and inflammatuty com- plaints. A youn? minister said several times, when Kiviiig-tiuuie new exposition of a pa£sai(|[e "The iritice nuiI commen- tatoisdonot agree with me .Lere." Nexc- momiug a poor woman came to fee Lim with sometliinc in bir apron, saying as she enquired for **tbe master." He SHid in his sermon yesterday. 'The common taters did not agree with him here.' "So I have brought, him some of the very best Jersty Bines." m\ 1vtab1j3 ftv. 4»- V? 3'"'-•^ r«|Mf affect ^or,darfjfoMmbcr24i't, 13S4. GOING NOK'T^I. STATIONS, j Mfi.:i. .Lenvei 7 20a»ii y 07 9 2.-. •' 1) 53 '• Ls Tofbnt* Cardu'eii Jniictionl Ciittrlejtou .1 Orange- i Ariive j vijte Lt;» ve. ' 1 " â- â€¢ OrahgeVUe .lii:j..jit) 17 '• iUielbui-uu itiHo" Dnudalk jll lt),.'« Flebherton 11 i 3^6 '• Markdale jll 51 " Wilii'uugfbril f)^°a't8\vdrtL ' Oweu iSonud 1*2 (13pm '1-2 28" 1 OM *• (;ti7 •• ii '• 7 (W ' 7 22- 7 :ii H 04 • .8 ;;â- ( • 8 5" • 9 10 ' '2 i ' 9 4»^ 10 20 ' li' a. i I 4am 12 Tm •• Hi" 3 lit •• :-; «»' '• 4 t« •' 4 3S •• 4 4.5 ' rt 37 " 6 30pm JOHN K ^.'lARKDft..,.. GENiiR'LByCK iif.t;.. r .. ale J I Dr TH GOINC SOUTH. STATIONS. Exp. Mail. Owen Sound 620am 2 45pm Chatsworih 6 6(1 " 3 1" •• Williain8f/.id. .. (i ,t5 " 3 30 " Markdal^.. ...... K 27 " 3 .52 " Fieshiettou 42 " 1(16 •' Duridaft 7 (l " 4 31 'â-  Sht^lbiiriie 7 31 " 4 57" 3-ani*eviUe Jim... 8 00" 5 '23 " Oirmjie i Arrive... 8 12 '• 5 3.5 " 1 vilK J LHave... 8 35" 5 5-"l Charleston 8 .55 " 6 13 •• Cardwell Juuction. !» 07 ' 6 27 " Torouto. ....Arrive 10 4.5-* 1 8 35 " j Mixed, 63:am 7 25 •' 7 54 " 8 35" 9 00" 9 45 " I'i 45 • 1 1 50 " 12 15pm 12 40- 1 2fi • 2 0»' HORSE SHGEII^O SPECIALTY. Also agent for the celeia-ati^d CHATHAM WAGONS. HACYARPfS pFECTORAt: BALSAM. I' All carefully selected and well bought. n Wfil be Sold Low for Cash or Farm Produce. â€" Oash. Pa,id. toi- all kinds ot Gri*a,in. WILLIAM HOGCw FLESHEBTON STATION. P. S.- â€" My Saw-Mill at Little Falls is in full operation. Prompt attention given to custom work, so that owners of logs can get their lumber for return locids. 226-29 'Biitduik Bitters Cures DuRSuiess, Ikjss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, JawiuUce. Affections of the Lieer and Kidneys, Pimples, Blotches, hoils. Humors, Salt lUuwn, Scrcfula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. PUMPS PUiiPS Well Pumps, Cistern Pumps, Long Pumps, Short Pumps, All kinds of Pum ps, The best Pump, Manufactured by J.T.QUINN, Successor to J G. Irving, Markdaltt. Orders respNBCtfuUy solicited aad satisfaction guaranteed. .ait r tf^VSCtt V The ondersigned begs to ioform the public that he han his SIW MD SIIMLE HILL In ftdl operation now, and is prepared lo iaw all kinds ot Lumber aud Shingle (toff, and giye yon yoor Lumber A ShuglcB liome with you dur- ing the winter seaaon. Wni saw on sharet or for cash. Cash for Good Loss^ Toora. truly. Bum Hsa* Mou. A WIDE SPREAD EVIL. The great source of eonsamption and of ugly sores is scrofula in the blood. Burdock Blood Bitters purify the whole system and cure scrofula, as well as the more eoinmon blood humors. Editing a paper now a days is a nice busiuoss. If we publish jokes people say we are rattlehead, if we omit jokes they say we are an old fossil, if we publish origiijal matter they blame us for-not giving «electionR, if we {publish selections they say we are lazy for not writing somethiug they have not seen in some ther paper, if we give a complimentary notice lolks say we are prejudiced, if we do not cater to the wishes of the ladies the paper is not fit to tie up a parcel or make into a bustle, if we stay in our office and attend to our business we are too proud to mingle with our fellows, if we go out they say we never attend to our business, if we wear poor clothes folks say business is bad, if we wear good clothes they say we never paid for them, and the poor editor does not know what to do. There are about 9,999,999 people in Canada and the states, all knowing more about running a paper than the editor does himself. â€" Exchange. A TOTAL WRECK. Many • stoong frame has been totally wreeked by rheumatism. 1). McCrimmon, of Laneaster. was cured of chronic rtenmatism by Burdock Blood Bitters. It cures idl blood impurities. DRIVJfi IT AWAY. Drive away all poisonous humor from the blood before it develops iu scrofula or some chronic form of du-ease. Burdock Blood Bitters will do it. NOTICE A Fleeting of the Libe^ al Constervatives of South Ijrey will he held in Durham ou Saturday, the 24th January, at one o'clock Pi m. for o'-gauiication uurposes. A full attendance is requested from the yo^rinus mnnicipaiitiiis ot the riding, iuclading Artemesia. TH03. BROWN, Durliatn. lfOLEII__HORSE. $25 Reward. STOLEN from Wiarton. on the 15th Dec. 'Hi, a dark bay mare anl cutter, the beast has black leus, black uiane and tail, small star in forehead, small in body, and thin in tieuh. utter square box, old, with- out paint. The man is six feet high, slim, lourf face, thin long nose, slightly crooked, dark mountache, wares silk cap. Any person giving such information as will lead to the recovery of the horse and futter aud arrest of the thief (his name is George Buck) will be rewarded as above, KENRY MOON, Wiarton. no equal lor iiic p-. aiuif ill ci.ic »,. C«nsi«, Coiilst, 8«ri* Tliutat, Ah Mtisn. 't»itm. Whoapinic 4'*nyh, Bruuchltis, aua ait Luus DUraiic*. S^ Every kottle gu;u'antced to give sbatisfactiTi. T. MILBUKN CO.. Frourieion Toiom«c. MARKDALE HARNESS mmm ESTABLISHED 19 YEARS. Tlios.itnHEWS,PropriBtor Nothing but good R*^ock used and the best mechanics employed. A stock of Double and Single, Heavy and Light Harness always on hand. Also Whips, Trunks. Yaiiscs.BlaitiBetSr Bobes. c., always in stock. Burdock Blood PRINTING! TENDERS. SEALED TENDERS for hanling 150.000 brielr from Bowler's brick yard to the Methodist ehnreh, Markdaie, in sepeimte tenders for 50.000 brick each. Also for delivering of from la to 20 cords good boilding stone. The whole to be delivetcd not later than the 15th March. Teiiden received op to noon on Wednesday the iS^ia inst«, at this oflSce. Posters, Streamers, Dodgers, Circulars, Letter-Heads, Envelopes, Business Cards, Calling Cards, Bill Heads, Statements, Funeral Cards, Shipping Tags School Reports, And all kinds of Municipal Stationery done with neatness and dispatch at this office. fm MSI The undersigned is mannfaotming an oellent assortment of School- "F'lir'iilture, Consisting of SCHOOL SEATS and DESK3 TEACHERS' DESKS, etc., of tne latest design and most approved pattertf. -Highly recommended by School Trustees and Teach- ers, for cheapness, comfort and compactness wherever tried. An assortment of Farm and School Bells kept always on hand. Bend for catalogne to Chatsworth P. 0. 181 ANDREW McGILL. WILL CURE OR REUEVC UU0U8NES8, DIZZINE88, OraPEPSlA, IHDIQESTIOM, JAUNDICE. ERYSiPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, disordered ilea of DROPSY, FLUTTERINQ OFTHEHEARfJ, ACIDTTY OF THE RTOMAGHf DRYNESS OF THE SKilt, arWitK fttwi KIONEVa. 8TOIIA0% lUlHlJtcjrip I R. R. LANDS I l ii M i lU fM i ll i i a ii M M spw Isr mnisliiiC 75.PERCENT OF ALL HOMES «VEIRntPORTKO TO AMERICA. ISO iBraHnik 8ffO And every apecli dtJVER. BOiMTELSon BLOOO. T. IttMRH i go. '"â- -ISSSin* U M c. B^ B3 i las. EUGENIA Grist, SafandLathMills Having made eqtensive imprc vements in myOrutlCill I feel omfident 1 can give sood Mttufaetimi. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HANO i^; ::!iT Miih HI Thishoii ied on Mil 8 may de ition. U m IRS. Rl •VEI Ckepping Done Every Day. _^j Castom Baiiinff aad â- hertfMitirtiae. BUla Filled on the LUMBER AHD LATH ALWAYS^ OK HAND. BoltMpvt, White Aak. Black A«l» lia* aa4 Hemlock Logs wastc^^ H AKlTTi EoffNiia. KY$ ^u. I i I â-  .â- Â»-^- i,,ltiJi Hiiiiiittifib .â- ^'n-. â- ?£! iiliiiiaiiiMiitfiiii Mi •ei;«.^:.

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