Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 Mar 1884, p. 8

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 r^i LOR, SYDENHAM STE!EET, J^^.^rx. YV" M. HOGG, FLESHERTON STATION, Eespectful]y aunounces tliat be lius recei'sed a large supply of I N Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots and Shoes, c o As these Guuds 'TCTO bought to the beat advantage they will be sold very low in mice, and will be found well worthy of au inspection by the general pnbhc, aLso on hand ;i full stock of Fresh Groceries, i'rovisioDH, Crockery, Ac, all of which will be sold cheap for cash or farm produce. I offer for sale or to le!, my water power Paw Mill at Little Falls witli about 400 acres of timber land. A good man liberally dealt with on either purchasing or leasing the place. 'A\' TVI I-I O (t^Ci- Flesliei'ton Station. Nov. 1st, 1883. Good Work Guaranteed AT ^5 ERTON. 03i-12. 3,"t CUTXC© ^-^^^^ see samples of work â- which we area not ashamed to show. All kinds of Framing done cheap at T.j£^^. EXTX-.1\^^-:EB'S, FLE8HERT9N. "WHO SS UNACQUAINTED WITh THE WEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WIUL SEE BY EXAMINING THIS MAP, THAT THE Chig^cso^ Rock Isla^^d Pacifbc R'y, Being the Great Central Line, affordc to travelers, Dy reason of Its unrivaled geo- graphical position, fie siTOrtcst and bes*- route between the East, Northeast and Southeast, and ths West, Northwest and Southwest. it is literally nd s.rictly true, that its connections are all of the principal lines Of road botween the- Atlantic and the Piicific. By its main line nr.C, branches it reaches Chicago, Joliet, Peoria, Ottawa, Ln Salle. Ceneseo, Moline and Rock Island, In Illinois; Davenport, Muscatine, Wr.shlnaton, Keokuk, Xnoxvllla, OskaSoosa, Fairfield, De« Moines, West Liberty, Iowa City, Atlantic, Avoca, Aud. bon, Harlan, Guthrio Center and Council Bluffs, in Iowa Cailatin, Tror.ton, Can^eron and Xansas City, In Missouri, and Leaven- worth and Atchisc n In Kansas, and the hiindredt of cities, villages and towns â-  nterw-.ecJiate. The ROOK iSLAIMD ROUTE," As It is lar.illiarly called, offers to travelers all the advantages and comforts Incident to a smooth track, safe bridses. Union Depots at all connecting points. Fast Express Trains, cDmposed of COPnWGDiOUS, WELL VENTILATED, WELL HEATED, FINELY Ul?KOLSTERED and ELEGANT DAY COACHES; a line Of the MOST MAGN!FICEN'm40RT0M RECLINING CHAIR CARS ever built; PULLMAN'S iatest designed and hancJsomest PALACE SLEEPING CARS, and DINING CARS that are acknowledged by press and people to be the FINEST RUN UPON ANY ROAD IN THE COUNTRY, and in which superior meals are served to travelers at the low rate of SEVEfiTY-FIVE CENTS EACH. THREE TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and the MISSOURI RIVER. TWO TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL* 6i CilEAT BUCKLEN'S AENICA SALVE. IT SHOULD EE INVESTIGATED The besi S^lve in the world forcuts,bruises If any of our readers are suffering f, on. ine oesioiiivc .„♦*„- i chronic disease of the stomach, hver, kidnevs, .thev sl.i.'iild investiKftte tlic merit ' k Blood Bitters. It i.^ mâ- akin^sume renii rkable cures on recoivl. refunded f, '11 111 wauis to a had uineii. rpidei- was merely Col'MDllS perfect satisfaction, or nionev Price -Zo cents per bos. For Sale by A Turner A' Co. If yon want to be bappy wbeii old, be temperate wbcu yuung. OBSTRrcTioNs of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, are pron^ptly removed by Nati.nal Pills. To be content with littl6 is difticnlt; to be content with much, imposi-ible. KUAM-S FLUID LIGHTNING Cures Toothache and Neuralgia quick as flash, reheves any pain instantly, the cheap- est and quickest application known. V. by sufier with toutliaehe, Neuralgia, Headache, Kheumatism. Lnmbagt Sciatica, Sore thioat ar acute pains of any kind -^hen you can g. to Hill Bios, general store find get a perfect ,V„//, or and instantaneous cure for twentyfive reut.s. I [;•,,,./,./„ ,sY,j,. A Wi8E SpiD?:n.â€" An exohanpe ha^ it ii !-npfrsti;ioMs s;ibscril)cu w The other day an h\^\^ into coniiti-y stvre r-, |,| ,. " w spjvle^- ill ri copy "f h:s paj-cr Liinw if it can be cnnsidfr-Mi or cui;rso net. The looking over the .v,...„..o of tlie I'S^per to se.3 what merchant was Tiot advt rtisinj,' ^o ibat it could spin its wid) across the st:ire door iind not he disturbed. wanted to dai.'^v Mike tv.-o';rs.-' "Shiire in. it's MiHti'r ii:'];.'!-." • down the froht. " '•W":i. Mik(^ buttoi: ),, front •." I'liy a Hli;r| yaid til,' cl-rl; ^i:at ^â- .â- ;;l: i-iiai d- OuR P.\TK0NS who to Rubscrio" or their siiimcaipti'm fr any of tl'e fidlowin;^' jinidicatiiiiis will do ns u favor by banding 'Jic am mnt in to lis at the bTAND.\UD office, viz. Ii 'â- i-k!ii (iUilr, Fainilij II maid and ,T., fiu,ii .-iLi- monthly Farmrr.s -id Ask for Kram's i hud Lightning. " ,.â- 'â- ,„,.;,., .,,,,, ,f ' ruratr, Anienrau .li/i inntin ist, an\ 'i The Scott Act was adopted in tlie iibove w,th the Stanuaku f ir $2.00 Oxford County Monday by BOO or sin^'ly for cue SI. except the A(jn- • I cultiirist wbicli is ^l.oO. The i'litnma County (N, Y Statid- ard Bi'.ys â€" "An enonnnns htvy^.huuylit bv'Wa:eitiwu ba'cher a few days since, measured ei;ht feet in lei'g'h, seven feet round the b'ldv. stands l\l\: majority. Fo?. rough conditions of the skin, sham- pooing the head, jiimples, eruption and skin diseases, use Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap. How times change In Franklin's time electricity was a winder and a "No iii].ter, i "Jt don't, ^di say i! huttoiis dov.]i under tlis; sleeve (.vji,, '"On, be:iad, ;ii:i' at nil, at jiil I v,,!i,; "huftoli;- ;)[, wid a •,[ Mr. ?;Iii laiky T. the boys in ti.;; il: :_â-  tleman hnrioiis a string." â€" 'I'oro!:' â-  A A 'Ai,r\;,: i; -Arfizaii^. ncfoi-s, po: ,~,, laboring,' ni" i, i)i nin :i!, niii'-c'l./" i:c!i til. ;â- -,.â-  (•imtvarti(.ii i •â- ( i !:i ;v,; lauit.-iics â- : to ;iii s;i;-j I !,â- â-  ;s a pioiiipi â- â- â- .â- iii'l â- ,[],, I Ml '3 Trii! 11-e 1 i.'hlio .,.1. II' t 'i.'j OL. 4.- liNT. Phascijsy fe-'iu;. (â-º:;!â- ;«;)!{« terror. Now we make light of it. THESE ABE SOLID FACTS. The best blood purifier and system regul- ator ever placed witliin tnc reach of suffering humanity, truly the Electric Bitters. Inac- tivity of the Liver, Biliousness, Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever reqairei an app(rtiz( r, tonic or milk stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely ami quickly, every bottle guaranteed to n'wc. entire satisfaction or money refunded. Sold at fiftv cents a bottle by A. Turner Co, Markdale. 4 ^ome people sesm born witn a head in which the thin partition that divides great wit fronc folly is wanting. A STARTLING DISCOVERY. Physicians are often startled by remarkable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discoverv for Consum))tion and all Tliront and Lung di^eases is daily curiiiK patients that tliey have given up to die. is startlin;,' them to reali/.i! their sense of duty, and exam- ine into tlu' merits of this wonderful discov- ery resulting in hundreds of our best I'liy- sicians using it in their practice Tii.'il bottles free at A. Turner, Co's. Drug Store, IteKiilar tSize §l.liO. -1 I wonder why my head cunes out of the water first instod of mj' feet?" said .Jones to Thomas while both were bathing. "Well the lightest always comes up first," said Thomas. LARDINE MACHINE OIL Is Manufactured Solely byMctlall Bro's. A Co. Toronto, and is the only ]iopularMacliine Oil to-day in use by all mill men and farmers. Try Lardino. When I have a cold in my head," said a gentleman apologetically; "I am always stupid." 'I have never seen him when be hadn't just such a cold," whispered a third party in au under- tone. CRUELLY MURDERED. In the Province of Ontario every vear thousands are being slowly murdered bv taknif:; unsuitable, untried nostrums lor sucli complaints .ns Costiveiiess, Indij,'estion Liver Com])laint. Kidney Troubles.. etc., who might easily regain lost strength and energv ^In- using Mc(iret,'or's Speedy (Jure. To convince them that such is the case we will give them a free trial bottle at Hill Bro's Price oOc. andSl. See testimonials from persons in your own town. F. M, The second reading of the Orange bill has been defeated in the House of Commons by a vote of 68 yeas to 105 nays a majority of 87 against the bill. James Brayley, Hamilton, says 'T read the testimonials for McGregor's ,Speedy Cure and found that I had not to go to New' York, 1 hdadelphia, Louisiana or Texas to find ]i\-ing witnesses of its value, we have plenty of persons right here to prove its merits I got a bottle and it helped me right away. I was as bad with Bilious Fever and Indigestion as I think any one could be, I have taken three, bottles and am nearly well and can eat anv kind of food without it hurting me. I may say that I am better than eyer I expected to be. Free trial bottles at Hill Bro's F. M. is wo three feet four inches lii[, years and nine months old, and puiN t'he scales down at the enormous weight of 1,750 ])ouniis. It was raised by My. Joseph bchnell, near llossiere." PIMPLES AND BLOTCHES. Call at Hill Bros, general store aud get a package of MeCiregor Parke's Carbolic Ceiate. It is composed of Vaseline, Car- bolic Acid and Cerate, and has ne^-er failed to remove Pimples, Blotches, Ulcerated Sores Rough akin. It cures when all othei u fail. Try it. Orange Insupance Society. â€" Tlie special committee appointed at the recent session of the Orange Grand Lodge of Ontario West to revise the constitution of the Orai;ge Insurance Society of Ontario West met in the Yonge street hall, Toronto. There wete present â€" Grand Master Wliite, !St. Mary's; Tast Grand Master Major lieunetf K. F. Clarke, Grand Tre;\s- urer 11. Ijinuingham, Grand Secre- tary T. McEvoV, County Master, Ontario .James L. Hu^dies and J. Keyes, St. Catharines. The work was completed at « late hour last Friday night. It was decided to appoint special agents throughout the country. MERIT PROVEN. Dollar upon dollar is frequently sjieut on the faith of recommendations for article s entirelv worthless. Not so with McGregor's S)ice ly Cure you are not askad to purchase it until its merits arc proven. Call at Hill Bio's aud get a free trial bottle, and if not ciiiiviiiced it will cure you of the worst forms of Dyspepsia, Complaint, etc., no matter of how long standing, it costs you nothing;. Sold in oCc. and §1 bottles. See testimonials from persons in your own town. F. M. There was a man in our town and he was wondrous wise, for when he marked bis prices down he then did advertise. And when be saw his trade increase, â- with all his might and main he mark(?d still every price and adver- tised again. And -when be advertised again his rivals loudly swore, to see folks rush with might and mam to patronize bis store. And while they eat in solitude and saw, him custom win, tiie man behind bis counter stood and raked the shekels in. Aud while he raked the shekels in and saw his fortune rising, be took a goodly lot of tin and kept on advertising. Each day a generous sum he'd sink, and demonstrate full plain, the more one pays for printer's ink the greater is his gain. THAT CO Tin; DKCOj;,' AN 1,1 CO- // il.. ^j'li-ial to 11 Pkktii, March 20. â€" gallant knigjit oi â- in lined $200 and coat'i :verJ session of the Perth 'i- â- /,. s tiii-w;. Ii appears tliat Mi il ;ji.r, avoj tailoress, had set •ic m-. s, ivuj when finished, disph 'si'l Lir, a;:dJ refused to pay fur then. Tiie \\\ gra])iier, for revenge, dec/aSuJ soa ot Miss Horner's pictr.rc, \i\\ moustaclie, crgar, and Lve glas and attached to the cards ,-;.â-  me i aud hung the attractive card- bis studio door on the ,-tre-t, ly told he was tijruwin^: iiii!i,-if iiJ to a libel suit for da;na;_," \[x. F.raJ took down the cards. Mis; Ho was mucii inconven:, ne^ d b- puJ talk the occurrence gii% ris ti, bvought action for lilnJ a„',r,;:5t Bradley and recvered '^2('u(i;;:i:;i;| The Anieviraij A^'i-wn'tsirht is the fullest nuiulier ;-ssu. â- ! ',;â- .:â- '.:•:â- .;: three yeais' existeiioe, con;.T:iiiij.' •.•• 'x.. loO original articles and l.i-l r.-:i;;il trations and eii^'ra\ iu'js. by Ii:J.iv.' w: and arlisti, on tinielv topics r' Farm, Garden, and Hon-selKild. jectb are treated in a plain, sj;: so as to rcseut a vast ani^:i) practical information in a resd;;! iug style. The grcrtt arr",y ..f embraces such weli-.ivnowii wj D. D. Slade, of Harvard Viiivd R. Thompson, Nebiaska Univ. iitv. On: Judd, Dr. Geo. Tlunl'er. D;, i)Mvn,P,5 sted, J. Bartlett. V»" I). D(.vm..!,'U' Meech. The Icadiiv: fc;uure '.t tLvK: A •â- : v; '.I- KAll .it 11::' â- nnthliE r- a; h :t^, Pre: is a very complete jjiufuselv }\.\\- by G. R. Nfwton, of Dak.jt'.i. j.;r. aud v;ilU!il)le diucticns f...;- Comers for buikiing the!' first ;:. troublesoii'o iiiseccs and "e-i fortiibly seitkd. etc ttc. *E\i;v contem;lali-s iLMvint; wistwii;,' fully read and -tiiiiy ii:i.^ -.; â-  Days," and •â- Ti iiclJng aidn.- Pdver" arc insu •.'(.;. '•-e fui! ]â- ;; .\niong the hvn.lrod ofuiT iil;i-: Group of Lircein Sheep; \\- Cellar Improyeu DweUing 'â- . Poultry House String I'eas ,â-  Stones Rose Cuttings" Sc .; "i:\ Fences Hillside Catcle P.n;: lass; Bitting Colts; Ce:-n M Parsnips Window Buj^s 'r.-i!' etc. etc. Price, ?L50 a year. ^^:â- â€¢ 15 cents. OnA.SG Jcdd'Ci'., J;;: Broadway, Nev,' York. Ciul"v Standard for ?:2.(I0. â- , _• verv â-  We:! • ;iv;i Olv' â-  liVi ,, V. 1, ' â- :;!;;â-  !;â- ;!;;'•â-  -,mL via the famous ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A Mow ancJ Direct Line, via Seneca and Kankakee, has recently been opened* â- between Newport News, Richmond, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and La Fayette, and Council Bluffs, St, Paul, Minneapolis and intermediate points. All Through Passengers carried on Fast Express Trains. For moredetailed information, see Maps and Folders, which may be obtained, as Weil as Tickets, at all principal Ticket Offices in the United States and Canada, or of «i. R, CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, Vice-Pres' it Cen'l Manager, Cen'l T'k't A Pass'r As*k CHICAGO. Disputes between true friends and true lovers are of no consequence. The only dangerous quarrels are these between people who do not quite understand each other, Fbeemak's Worm Powders destroy and re- move worms without injury to adult or infant. A nauglity boy said to bis motber "You see, ma, you're always telbng me to bebave as -well to the family as I do to company, but •wby don't you bebave tbe same to me as you do to company, and ask me to have another piece of pie " â- WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Foretehing the weather is uncertain at the best, but it i6 certain if you catch cold in this changeable climate you can best break its ill effects with Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, the most reliable and pleasant remedy for coughs, colds, colds, bronchial and lung com- plaints. It is so agreeable tha\ even a child will take it. Young Superintendent: "Children what 18 aa angel?" Little Johnny' "My Bister says you told her she was one." Superintendent blubhes like a boiled lobster and everybody snickers WHAT IS LARDINE. Ask any farmer, thresher or saw mill man, â-ºor in fact any man who runs machinery of any kind and he wDl tell yon that it is the only machine Oil which will wear equal to Castor Oil, and won't gum or clog your machinery. For sale at Haskett Bro's. Mark- dale. 176-215 CUEE FOR llHl'rM.rns^f.^ Sufferers from cithi-r ;:• :it.' â-  ;â-  ob rht-umatism ^-ill fmd no n\o\r i, :;,'iv to;-: ^-.fjiixter cure thiin HairyardV Ye' '.vsOii. popular hou.sehold renu-dy f,i.- Mirui^ internal use in all painful "iiTi(.-i :i;. Looking into Heaven. READiNG.March 24.â€" Sallie Himmel- reich.aged 13, was thrown into a trance at a revival on Friday eyeuing, and remains m that condition of religious exaltation, during which she describes tbe beauties of heaven. The girl heretofore possessed, httle knowledge of the bible.but now conTerses intelli- gently on any chapter in the book. ' «ei « A QUESTION TO THE POINT. Reader, tjave you a languid, weak and tired feeling, with nervous exhaustion, especially in the early spring? Then your liver is in- active and circulation poor. Arouse the tor- pid hver, cleanse the sluggish blood and regulate the secretions with that purifvintr tonic, Burdock Blood Bitters. " J » issued evesy Umrs^ ,ot^aid«ithmthre.m space and .niJer, uer ye •^yiinle c ilffiinn *^ iHalf colnuiu I^uarte'-.cohunu .... Three infh s^ikc; •- CaWid ailveit;-elii(':r linspitr-on, a ctals r [iasertion. iiiini.'a]i il lut- Editi.iiid IK. I -• o lumo 1" cents levlin.' leachfiub-rquei-t- m tl Strav annua!- .vc. I Jl, tl:e advelti-iiuent I lines. H» iviiT^r cliscoiitini |.arep?id escci'iui ihr a â€"JOB PR Tke ST.\N'i.\r-f o'fL- meat of \w~tc^ a? ts-j' aal attention i.- " Med with ais;wtA-li. :. AV. l^l^ £ I) ID ,11 AN 1 1 Ni:v;S:'.V] '1. Anv ]ii'i-(_.'i wli. â-  larly fro'ii th" '^r :: to his iviine (ir :iii: ' â-  .=nbscrii).-'i "i :• â- ' lu'jnl. 2, If a ?HM..-: â- :" ued he ii^-.s; ]• â-  â-  ' Usher iii::y (.•â- jui. â-  â-  â- â-  ii made, :iu.l !!.â-  ;, r.-.. whether v.-a- \-.\-. or not. 3 If Sul.-cr:i.. I,- ;. I periO'iieLi! m- i.t--v :â-  whie^ th'^y av â- ]!: spODiible until till ;i 4 The C nrt:, 1, â-  to take ne\\ ^jia]".: !i postoffit-e. cr !â-  i!;.'-, lUncfcUed for. i- 'i;r: • tentional fra',iit. iei that " NAMES, FACTS AND FIGUBES nf p cheerfully given by the proprietors of Burdock Blood Bitters. regardSig the many certificates of wonderful cures m^e br that medicine in chronic diseases of the blood, hver and fadneys, reveaJing proof that I ^^ commenced the better M "' IS beyond the possibihty of dispute by the for the actual burden bearera "1 moBtmoredalous. ation -JrytA/ Is there any lees than three miUiuub tax paying population in Cai: should have possibly a tLor.^,";! " local Couucils, hundred of Coc Councils, seveu Proviuci..! U laturea everyone â- wiili a .Lieutci; Governor, a Cabinet and all paraphernalia of a rarliiinuiit, all 'Splaying at Pariiument. iMtli the torn- foolery, unuects.e.-uy ^sstt time, and expense, basuit- I'f^ two other Lieut. -Governor,- thi- ^^u and a Domiuiou Parliameut vvitu ' expensive luxuries of a Cioveriii General and full sets f ^^^" Ministers aJl decked of: in ^Viu^' uniform, aud waiLed on "dv awi' impressive ushers, and all s;:cb' ' draws a long breath as iio thinks the whole thing, and possibly cousoi himself with the thought that, at ' rate, we ought to her tbe best goven people in the world, cousidering ' large number of persons bayini' hand somewhere ai the Governn" crank. Surely the time must f for some pruninaout of the ofiK^' we have, and tie sooner the ' is commenced jthe better it ^^ Frost 6 BAEmsiT.i;-- A Law. S..l.r;; ancers, iVc, e»',v S Flesherton, O'.ilfr heretofore. Alfred rR(^;-, Cou-,itv Ci .^v,-i' B.VRRISTKii. V in Ciiaiu^rv, •Ber, ic. A NU?;;;:,;; OlTiCE^â€" (iv,. n Poulelt Si.; '.;.i' ;: MeFarlsnd s Sh.u, tvery weLk. BARRl ..,-. ances. Ac, .vi Office,' in \v ;i S over W. F. W.ilf- S: M A R OverW. J. AI. .-ir and Friday of raii v, ^=^Funas t(p 1. 11 i ^OHN-,CBE,is..;;. i,),G. Markdale. M.ii\-1, i ISSUER of M ini. Life In^^uraiKT "» B. R. A,. C-i. Auctioneer for tlu- 1,' Merchants, and L-., tended to and cuai Pnceville, S( i.t, i; ISSUER OF MAi; Commissoner i Conveyancing in a «tend«d to und care N. B. â€" Mon-v to 1 curity. REVERJ TRor T^HIS popular Hi «f the public, (fo-. ^°«tlers. The be.i ^^ars, good meal. ^^ commercial re (LiXl. MO TUCK McL The best brand" â-  X^l WUmnteed. ^*ly«to8aer.

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