Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Dec 1883, p. 1

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 â- â- -â-  H^'iJip- VOL. 4. --No. 15 liie larMale Standard li -.srUt'-l L-VLy Tlmrsda y. at the olSuc, Mill Street, MurKliiu-. TEi;M--rl pLf VLMi- ui iulvauoe; ?il.25 if to; I'ii'l "^itli-:! tlii'ee nioatlis. I'lx.f. --i^'iial and Lusiuens cards one inch â- ""â- .'.cv ui..i U!i;lei' uer vi'ar, jjl. ' Vlt. G M»i. 3 MO. W' â- ,,:,-,â-  â- himn..-.. ..-.-(; â- .)() jjv; ,-j ^j- qq- ila'.f i.i: :i "1 1'7 (K» l.j 00 10 00 yi'lxAri iuura .. !â- - Oii K) 6 00 I'woil: ' -1-iL-t 7 UU 4 00 Ilii,,' ;;(•:. :-iiaci: Id ihj 5 00 .1-U..1 li ivciticm^ Hi.' s t.-nt. per line first .n-iui'!;, 'â-  (L-iiLs [i; 1 iinu t;iicii bub.iequent ;:;~,-t;i;:i. iaini':ux-il hjiaiLii-;' EJiii'i'.rl i.otires, 01- iioticua in local col- -.;:.a Ir Liiits rcr \lii" liisi iustrtioa, o cents â- â€¢acli ^v,.i-' â- iii'.-nt msei'tioii. Si!.-!-' mauals t'cC. a ivL'tistd wocks for -l.thr alviiti.-cmiiit i.oi to exofed twelve MARKDALE, ONT., DEC. 20, 1883. No. m JOB PRiNTINi Tiii; SiANi'Aiii. (jtlice lia^ a lijileudid cquip- lat'Ul I'i i'"-t" ,LS v.'cl' as ^iue job type. Spe- cial flii. nt.nii to uiduit; by jiiail. Orders a.:itl V. ,i, J;-,iiatcli. CAW iii"TT.i^::i:GMi: 1.: ii'i; AX] I riiuPiUKTijii. TT:^!;:,i i'I(.iThliAXl) DltlLLKU. ALL V "ii'r- iir-.!U|itly attended to. Kesi- ictk'c- uM'.i'.^ Ui'l, Uv.'eu Sound 122-0.5 B. Ghent, M.D., M.R.C P. S., O. I'1j}-i itm and Suri_'iV)n, I'ricr-ville, jrailaa;' â- â- ;' L'liiwi'sity. Met. Cidiri'i' Now York, and iiriii. iJr:' l;ati\ of the â- -:iir;p, ,,» .. Avloth Modir-al Institute. Opiiialiiiic Hosiiitiil, N,Y. '[iinl.! riivsir:a;:siV Sarf;(_ur s,(). 104 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. " i;aii';aT[-: of T()iti)N;To school {jr (if i I. uiistiy, Mill be at Kutlcdge's ilutd, M iiLdali' on the 1st and tlin'd Wed- ::e:'ilavef laiii nmncb and also at Munsliaw's Kotrl. i- b -liv-rtiiii tlip day following the -iiad \\"i i?i. -.ilay m "acij month for the prac â- ..(•(â-  (if 111- jirofrssion. •laau:i;-v '.nil, l.S-;:',. 122-74. SS!St iat«l«. REVERE HOTEL, JHARKDAL,E. PKOPlilETOE. THIS popular Hotel has changed hands and tli« above men cater to the -wants of the public. Good vtabling and attentive hostlers. The liest brands of liquor and cigars, good meals and comfortable roems, large ommercial room. Baiber shop in con- nection. 130-ly. CHATSWORTH HOUSE (late morrow nOUSE,) CHATSWORTH, Out. C. H. MATTHEWS, Proprietor. The best brand of liquors and cigars al- ways in stock. Good meals and c.imfortable rooms guaranteed. Good stabling and at- tentive hostler. 114 District Dasiie». COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRIGEVILLiE. Ont. Large aud commodious Sample Eooms Good Bed ilooms, etc. The Bar and larde well supplied with the best the market af fords good btabling and attentive Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor i I 4 7 :Cc0aK B Tiost Fro*it, Ai;i;is':!-:]is, and attornfys-at T.a'v, S ihcitors in Chancery, Convey sri.'crs. A -.. Owtii Sound, have resumed at Fiesuen.Mi, Olllce open every Thursday, as I hei-ftof.i,.. I kunr.]' l!i'sT. .J. \y. Frost, LL. B. Cuantv Crown Attonit-y. 1 GIBSON McMillan, CONTRACTORS. Contracts taken for all kin Is of gSIIGK km STONE WORK, Plain Ornamental Plastering. Calsomiraiitj in all Shades and Colors. Cliarge-s^ moderate and .satisfaction guar- antecl. Orders left at ahe Staxd.^rd office will receive promjjt attention. Markdale, Feb. 0th, 1883. 126-ly. GEORGE WILSON. Wholesale and Retail Sbelburne has ten establishments lit with gas. Its Btreeta are also supplied with lamps, this does not speak bad for their deed's. Some Dundalk man •writes to the Grey Review giyiog a list of buildings erected this season amounting to the Tiilue of $40,000. They must have an elastic mauufactory, and doubtless this man has been investing in that commodity. Mr. C. J. Leitch, of Flesherton has removed to Titiusviile, Pea. I\Ir. Commings, who was recently disabled by an accident, while work- ing at the new Presbyterian church, Flesherton, is around again. There will be a shooting match at Allisons, Maxwell, on Christmrs, A tea- meeting will be held in Max- well Methodist church, on Christmas day. â€" Three ladies named Mrs. Armi- tage, Mrs. H. Wartman and Mrs. Gorne, were killed near Kingston, on Monday, while crossing the G. T. E. in a stage, the express running into the coach. B ARKISTKl;. MASTJ-'-ll AND1»EP.EEG i -i^. ic- iii C:iL;!ji ly, Notary r'ulilic, C on veyan! {BUTCHER! BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIED. from e single pound to a whole carcass, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON u d t- !S' a- rs A ^-:â-  !!'.i:u cv FAt;:^'s for s.iLE. OrFi: ;; -I !\ven Sound. i:.i Vic'icr's BlocK J' .-,.: l;vai:cli oitiee In Markd;i'e, o\-er Miil-'ariai ;â- - Stoic, on Friday and Satuiday .Terv w. r,. i7-!y C'roasoi' tV Morrison, p.M;!;i^ -...-,, SOLICITORS. CONYEY- -L^.i'ir,-. ,^,^ ,V:e, ')yn\_- :r ')\:^u Sound, Dufierin Block, 'â- ^(T Y.' r. \\',,lf LjiMro and in MARKDALE '"I--' '\^ •' Ml 'avhiud's Store on TLvirsday ^nll"i:;,.v,d iar-l week. '"F-:i,i~ to lend in reasonable terms. "'""""',, i;. n.G^ â-  Duncan Mobijok ^I;v.-^ [,.,.. M.,:-e:; [r., 1882. 79-ly "Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to call. Markdale, Oct. 25tJi. 1881 Union Carriage Works A!i:\aiidfr Krovvu, ISST'El; ef Marriage Licenses, Fire and hi:' In-uranee Agent. Commissioner â- B ii. ];. ,vi-. Conveyancer and Licensed jAnctioni, 1- ;..i;theCounty of Grey. Farmers, |iierdiai!t and Laud Sales, at- â- WJi'i t(. ai)d ehar!,'es made very moderate. Prici'vilie, Sept, 17. 1880. 1-7 Win. BrowTft, rSSrER OF MARRLUtE LICENSES, c •L C(!ini;u~i(iner in B. K.c. ^Conveyrncii!-;' in all its "orf:nches promptlj i'temleJ to and tarefuily executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate se srity. W. C. RICHARDS, BI^ILDER, CONTRACTOB, AECHI- TECT.â€" Residence on Mill Street, Mark- â- lalj.. 1241y ^arkaale.Jan, 21th, 1883. 1 ,p. 3t. at ants, ^on, IHORSE SHOEING oess I SPECIALTY. Staff JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. Union Carriage Works. All work manufactured from FiRST Class Material In the Latest and Best Improved Style, aud finished with Englisli Varnisli. Painfing Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Eepairs executed in the shortest possible tim« consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Remember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHAi!^AHA2Sr, Proprietor Markdale. Dec. tod, 1881. 64. h R'LBLACKSMITH: jM liriiiiaai Mclieod, BOOT AND SHOEMAKEB, MARKDALE- Orders promptly attended to. Sewed work a specialty. All om: -work gnaraateed. Terms strictly carh. Bemembev the stand, opposite Bevere Hotel. 159-3m DRESS AND MANTLE ROOIVIS. DUNLOP'S BUILDiyO MAEKDALE. All kinds of ladies wearing apparel cut and made in the very latest style. Wedding^ Suits a. Specialty. 149.62 Holland Council. Fasjliionable Tailor, OVER MACFARLANd's STORE. A PERFECT FIT GUAEANTEED. LIGHT LIGHT REFINED COAL OIL I Sets a gallon in two barrel lots and upwards. HEAD LIGHT OIL 25cts. a gallon by the barrel. A.t "Wholesale li^atres. H. PARKER, Druggist, DURHAM. EUCENIA Grist, Saw andLath Mills Ha-sring made eqtensive improvements in my Grist Mill I feel confident I can give good satisf action. GOOD FLOUR. ALWAYS ON HAND Chopping Done Every Day. Holland Centre Dec. 10th, 1883. Council met at Vogan's Hall. Eeeve in the chair, members all pre- sent. Aresolution passed by the Euphra- sia Council was read with regard to breaking up union S. S. No. 2. McKinnett, Deavitt, that Richard Lyons be paid three dollars for re- moving stones off road, on 12tb con. A communication was read from Dr. McClelland with regard to James Campbell removmg his fence off the street in beat, No. 3 side road. The Council is of the opirion tbat the township By-Law is sufficient in the case a,nd that the power rept in tlie pathmaster. Deavitt, Shute, that the west part of lot 2, in the 2ud con., be put on the assessment roll and be extended en the collectors roll. Shute, Galbraith, that an order be issued to Wm. Telfour for the amount ol $4.86, being back taxes charged against lot 21, con 2, in error. Shute, McKinnet, that the sum of $1.55 be refunded to Edward Fagan, as taxes charged in error. Galbraith, Deavitt, that the agree- ment between Holland Township and James Farley with regard to gravel pit on Farly's property be signed and sealed by the Eeeve. Galbraith, McKinnet, that Harry Baker get an order for §5, to buy necessaries for his family. McILiuaet, Deputy Eeeve, that $20 be expended on 3rd con. East be- tween 50 and 60 side road. Deavitt, Galbraith, that George Hughes be notified to cause Andrew McQuaker to take his fence from off the road on No. 6. Galbraith, Deavitt, that the acct. of A. B. Simpson, for attending court of revision at Chats worth, be paid. The Reeves orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay as follows, viz James Falls, $10, service as janitor of Town Hall John Jobe, $1.25^ labour on 18 and 19 side line John McArthur $8, labour on 12 and 13 side Ime, con. 8 William Irwin $1.50 repairing culvers S. Wiley, $1.70, plank for culvert William Kerr, $5, labour on 9 and 10 side road John McCallum, 50cts, removing fence on deviation side line, con. 1 Chris- topher Knott, $42, building bridge Henry King $8, said amount being chiirged in error for statute labour. The council adjourned until the last Friday in December. EoBERT DuNLOP, Clerk. » Oieuelg €ouncil. This council met at the Town Hall on the 10th inst. All members present. Orders were issued on the Treasur- er in payment of work on roads and bridges to the amount of $1,884,73, as follows: Ward No. 1. $152.13; No. 2, $716.G0 No. 3, $214 No. 4 $252. Accounts paid â€" W. E. Eombougb, conveyancing and diagrams, $10 T, Lauder, registrar fees, $5.40 I. El- der, mending scrapers, $2 The ClCTk postage and stationary' $1.69 The Clerk, service under the school act $15 A. Cochrane, road scraper, $8 Provision and attendance to S. Cone, as charity, $21.84 the taxes aganist the first and second divisions of lot 23, con. 1, E. G. E. reduced to $15.75, and the taxes against lots 11, 12, 18, aud 14, con. 8, S. D. E. re- duced to $5.98. Arrears of taxes against lot 4, con. 9, struck off the roll, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Wilkie, and Thomas McGrade, were exempt from taxes for 1883. McKinnet, shute, that $5. be grant- T^^, "J\p^" ^,^^ ^^T"" ed to repair road «; 2nd con., west, jj^^^^f^^^*^ ^^ "^^^ ^°' "'"*^"S The members of the council remu- between 50 and 55 Galbraith, Deayitt, that the Eeeve look after repairing brifige at Chats- worth and put in bill in accordance. Galbraith, McKinnet, that the fol- lowing widows be exempted from pay- ing taxes for the year 1883 Widow's Matthews, McGregor, Deavitt, Cham- bers, Graham andDcDiermid. Galbraith, Shute, that the follow- ing persons be refunded the following amounts John Malow, $1.60 Pat Burman, $3.00 M. Omara $3 Owen McGowan, $3 John McCart- ney, $1.90 Mrs. B $1.40 T. McCarty, 55ct3. Shute, Galbraith, that an order be issued in favor of Donald elder on ac- count of error in assessment. Shute, Galbraith, that five dollars be granted to make culvert oppobite Eichard Clark's. Galbraith, McKinnet, that Martin McLean receive the sum of three dol- lars for road work performed in 1882. Deavitt, Galbraith, that By-Jaw No. 8 appointing poling places and returning officers, be road 1, 2, aud 3 times and engrossed on the minutes. Deavitt, Galbraith, that this council adjourn sine die. Caeson Pbice, Clerk. nerated themselves for services on committees, to the following extent The Eeeve, $10 the D. Eeeve $4 Davis, $16 McMillan, $8 Duns- moor $6. Charles Moffat, Wm. Smellie, H.. McKee, Kenneth McKenzie and John S. Black were appointed deputy re- turning officors for next municipal election. The commissioners were allowed eight per cent on road expenditure as follows: Davis $11.02 .McMillan, $34.92 Mullarky $17.12 Duns- moore §21.24. After the usual 'vote complimen- tary' to the Eeeve, the council adjourn- ed sine die. To tbe Public. Custom Sa-wing and Bills Filled on the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Buttaraut, White Ash, Black Ash Basswood, Pine and Uemlocl: Logs wanted 691y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. Wm. Lflcas Co., BANKERS, ]M[oney I^oaned IN large or Email amounts, at all times, On good Bndorsed notes, or on collateral security. Euphrasia Council. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. AUo-wed on Sa-vings Deposits. ^^Drafts issned and CoUeetions ms^a on points, at loxvest rates. W.IC. LUCAS, Ifaatctr. S«pteBb«r 28, 1880. 2-I7 The Council met pursuant to ad- journment on the 7tb day of Decem- ber 1883. Members all present. Minutes of session of council read and conf medi The collector was authorized to receceive W. McNalley'g taxes, less $2, charged for statute labor, and Dan Millar's taxes less $8, charged for statute labour, as these parties have performed said labour. The collector wag authorized to re- ceive the taxes charged against the N. i of lot 7, con. 12, less $6 charg- ed for statute labour, said labour having been performed by permis- sion. The time for the collectors to return their rolls was extended The treasurer was instructed to re- mit as follows, viz. G, Cruikshanks, $4, repairing road scraper and work on bridge Messrs. Andrews, Thorn- bury, f 1.60, for spikes used on bridge; A. McGDl. Chatsworth, $36, payment for road scnpers. I hereby return thanks to my num- erous customers for their liberal pat- ronage during the year in which I have been in the saw mill business, and would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Having now my mill fitted up in first class condition, I am in a position to give my customers the best satisfaction in lumber and shingle sawing. Special attention to bill stuff. The highest market price paid for 50,000 Hemlock, Basswood, Pine and all kinds of hard wood logs. Hoping by strict attention to business and fair dealing to merit a continuance of your patronage. I am, your respectfully, Jas. a. Duncan. BeU Brook Mill, Dec. 10,' 83. moHthly Fairs. Markdale â€" Saturday before Flesh- erton. Chatsworth â€" Monday before Dur- ham. Dundalk â€" Tuesday before Orange- ville. Flesherton â€" Monday before Orange ville., Orangeville â€" The second Thurjday in each month. MountForest â€" Third Wednesday in each month. Durham â€" Third Tuesday in each month. Hanover â€" Monday before Durham. Walkerton â€" Last Wednesday ia. ev3ry month. â- ^k:.:;.sis.Eiaa,.^aeA.., â-  â- â- '•- fTjfiiiii i

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