Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Oct 1883, p. 4

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 'I r i ' â-  S' K k t ^1 ' I, â-  i i '1 I'SsBwrr?:- An Uftsuccesstull Atteaipt t* Marder. On Friday evening last, after dark, Mr. J. B. McMillan, a puaceful citizen of this plbce, was on his way home afoot and alone, and when abont half a mile west of Barrhead Mills, which is one mile from this village, suddenly the report of a revolver was heard close to him, quickly followed by several others. Owing to the darkness, to- gether with the fright, Mr.McM. could see no person, but the flash with each shot, the smell of powder, and the whizzing of bullets around his ears, he made all possible speed home and did not receive even a wound, though ther« was the mark of three bullets having passed through the nm of his bat. Mr. McMillan has not the slight- est suspicion of wh^ the would-be assassin is. South Orey Teacbers' Associa. tion. Following is a programme of the semi annual meeting of the Soath Grey Teachers' Association, whieh will be held in Durham, on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 18th and 19th,l8«:â€" 1. President's address. 2. Rev.Mr. Forrent â€" "Duties and encouragement of teachers." 8.H. Dunbar â€" "Minis- ter of Educatimi v.s. Superintendenc." 4. Librarian's Report, suggestions, etc. 5. C. Treadgoldâ€" "Temperance." 6. Delegate's Report. 7. Mr. Reid â€" "flow a develope Voice in Children," 8. Gilbert McEachern â€" "Co-opera- tion," 9. John B. MeGillivray â€" "Mental Arithmetic" 10. A. H. N. Jenkins â€" "The Teaching Profession." n. Mrs. Reidâ€" "How toReadDiffi- cjlt Papers." 12 Question Drawer. 13. Jos. Reid. R A., â€" "Background of Burk's ReflecMous." 14. H. V. Thompson â€" "Desire." 15 Mrs. Reid â€" "Gesture," its Uses^ Abuses, and Principles." 16. R. J. Hillâ€" "How to Teach Writing. " 17. Elemeotary Drawingâ€" General Discussion. A musical and literary enteriain- raem will be given on the evening ol the first day's meeting. Wm. GoESLiNE, Chairman. Aiteine«ia Fall Show. The above society held their show this year at Priceville, the accommo datious are much improved aud things much more convenient than hereto- fore. The weather was all that co^uld be desired which added very much to the success of the fair. The exhibit in the hall was not very extensive, yet there were some fiue specimens in some lines, the grain and roots were good, Mr. A. Hislop had a very tine collection of fruit. The show of hor- ses was very good on the whole, cattle was also well represented, Mr. Robert Oliver shows a fiue heard of Devon s, this is a hardy aud easily kept breed. The exhibit of sheep was iudeed a creditable one, the best we have yet â-  witnessed at any of the local fairs, Mr. R Oliver had two pens of LeicPs- • ter and Cotswoold, Mr. Geo. Swauton had a very fine pen of Cotswoolds aud was successful in taking many prizes in that class. Mr. James Stewart had a pen of good sheep be- ing b«t a few from his flock while his nephew, Jas. H. Steward had the finest animal we have yet seen, ui shearling Leicester xecently purchas- ed from Earnest Parkmsor, of Era- mosa Tp. This ram owing to the owner being absent when his class was called for at the County show was overlooked, but the judges award him an extra Is prize. Mr. D. Stin- sou had some fine boar pigs ia the Berkshire and Suffolk breeds. Mr. R. Cook ot Fleshertou Station showed a seed harrow at this as well as at the County fair wbich is well worthy the attention of Farmers, it has stood the teat and will donbcless be much sought after. The show parsed off orderly aud we would judge satisfactorily. The prize list will be giyea next week. Nones.â€" We wish it distinctly understood t^t we do n»t hold oonelTes reeponsiWe for the opiBions exjHresaed by on reorrespowden^ To Editor Stahpabd. Sib â€" Would yoa permit me to cor- rect statements made by your Pnce- ville corresponilent, r^ardii^ the new bridge in thai j^ee. The bridge ma tendered for, and ten tenders received, it was let to the lowest Ux $418, no extras, and not $dOO as stated. The' fillmg was ol same loaterial bb last one, and difficult to obtain, costing something like $900. The new bridge was erecteii two feet hiahet khan the old one, which ne- cessitated morft material, the old em- bankments remaining pretty much as they were. The abutments of the new bridge beii^ better, of good cedar and well anchored with store. The specifiication* were carnally drawn axwt faithfully carried out. They provided for packing of the material until the road should be level with the road way of the bridge, but it did not provide for a eoa*. of gravel. This was to have been put in, as I understood it, by the statute labor, as the by-law provides that at least 50 per cent of (he statute tabor most be expended on the gravel roads. This was cot done in time I presume, hence perhaps the real cause of damage, and not at all by the vil- lage, but the councillor of the ward it seems, let the work by contract and has paid for it out of his ward appro- priation, and by doing so has done a kindly act for the yillage. The bridge is an excellent one, when for a moment one thinks of the number ot feet of timber of all sizes, nearly 8000 leet running measure of specification sizes wite nearly 600 cubic yards of filling with coxhals, bolts, etc., and the bad season for such work. I have no hes- itation in sayiDgf that if your cocres pondent had smcerely taken the wliole situation he would have found no room for grumbling, but a great deal of room for commendation. W. Chbistoe. [The cost of filling, above, is, we presume, a mystake, it is however per copy, Ed.] peard at the head of his paper I pre^ some it is like his dignity, he bM not had it long. He "J* ^i" J,?S?H wah aB;m6iiii, equal ngnw flrwi, l he Buottld add speeial lights to Flesberion jonrualist. Irenaam Yoors BeqMetfidiy, W.O.Pieixix. Fers*mal. I'he Bev. Mr. G. F. Lee, •"1^"' of Lsord, formerly pasfcorof Primi- tive Methodist Church m this place, are visiting friends here. BIRTHS. AsAXS.â€" In Flesberton, an the 89th nlt. the wife of J. C. ^flrwM.. U a 4saghter. Bx^.â€" In Glenelg. otttfce 20th ult,. the wile of llaothy Bjaa. of » amx. Skxsk.â€" In Qlenelg, on the 80th nlt., the wife of J«nee Skene, of a md. BoTCE.â€" In GIene!g, on the 8nd Oct., the wife of B. H. Boyoe. of a â- oi». MARKDALE MABKET8. FaU Vlhaedt, 80.70 to ^1.00; Sptiag f 0.70 to »1 00;: Barley, 60 to70; Pe«8, 60; Oats, 35c Batter, 15c; Eggs, 18c; Potaioes,. «c; Haflr. $6 .00 Pork, 7-«0 ta LIS? Hour, 14.75 to to 00; Wool 17 to 20. 325 325 ACBES ACBSa Personals. Mr. John McEenua and family, re- turned oil Tuesday. Jessie Hanbury returned from Manitoba last week. He looks well. Geo. Littlcjoiins went this week, to Owen Sound Business College, where Le will spend a term. We had a call from Mr. Smith, of DeLioit, who is the guest of Mr. Arm- strong, this week. Mr. Peter McArthur removed to Owen Sound, last veeV, with his 4amily. Mb. Editor. â€" The Advance readora have had another intellectual treat from tlie pea of A. R. Fawcett "Mr. Pickell once more." It is a difficult matter to correspond satisfactorily- with a man so unscrupulous and void of common sense. In reply to my letter he has persistently avoided nearly all the points to which I callea his attention and has helped largely to fill a column with a repitition of former exploded statements and Faw- cett twaddle which injures no one but the man who wrote it and passes for what it IS worth. There are a few things that might be worth noticing, his reference to yourself and paper as being ready on any excuse to attack the -idvanet and i^esherton is merely a ruse to give sympathy from his readers. That the Ssandabd aud Flesherton are m harmony is evident from the fact that upwards of sixty of its copies come to Flesherton P. 0. weekly. He should not have forgot- ton this when in reply to my letter he launches out by saying that I called him a "iooi and other nasty names," if he took the benefit of the adage quoted all right but where are the "other nasty names " can any St\n- DAKcreader find the slightest approaoli to such a thing what does Mr. Faw- cett called his assertion here does it come under the head of an unmiti- gated fals^ood 9 I now notice that part of his reply where he says he ,is on his dignity. Something new is it not, never befure knew he had any, it certainly never manifested itself. Now Mr. Fawcett, I say again distinctly that yoa were waited upon by those men in tlie manner in which I stated and do not think for a moment that by assuming an air of daring bravado you can squirm or wriggle out of it as your custom is. 'for I mean to hold you to the point for once. It is not ueces- sary, and I respect those men too much to use their names pabiicly in a correspocidtnce of this kind but I am ready at any time to bring you face to face with them and will thus show who is the truthful man. Now sir it rests with you to call for this proof which you shall have, and if you do not the public will easily see who has told the unmitigated fabehood. It almoit makes me smile when he com- pares the Advanct with the Globe, it remmds one bo forcibly of the dog barkbig at the moon and yet I wonder how he dares thus unnecessarily to basely insult the many readers of this one of the 8tan(»ard papers of the Do- minion those very men from whom he largely draws his daily support. Ini concinaion I notice Mr. Fawcett say IFntilusffiKi THEURGESTINTHEMMINIOf* Salesmen Wanted. steady employment at ftced salaries to a'l willing to work. Mem and "ITomen can have pleasant WORK THE YIAR ROUND- Good agents are eyaftig from N0 to 175 per moatbs. ami expense*^ Terms aad out- fit free. Address STONE ft WELLINQflON, 1^.T5 Toronto, Ont. rnn; ii:.' EJGplTEffENT AT THE CORiill J MILL A ARCYLE STREEtI" "^I STILL PREVAILS. *» TRIMBLE WRIGHT having re-Iteased thepre ' they now occupy^ have just opened the largest ^^^^ iof Fail and winter goods ever showa vicinity. LADIES. ^w^i:i ^\ AUCTION SALE TU Ha^s bofffif -JN TBI- VILUGE OF HOLLAND CENTRE For the ladies we have NEW Costume Clodis alHsiiaH NEW Black Cashmeres, NEW Colored Cashjneres, NEW Dress Goods from locts per yard upwairds, new fall p^ new Wincies, new Wraps^ new Shrwls, new circulars. Underwear, new knitted and quilced Skirts, new M^* Skirts, new Bustles, new Silks, new Satins, new Frinff new Frills, new Ribbons, new Collars, new Boots Sh i Slippers in the half sizes, round and box, toes, c. GENTS. For the Gents we have the- newest pajbterus im 5c0tdi^ English, American) and Cajr^ adian Tweedls made to order on the shortest notice by eith- 15 TBI- COUNTY OF GREY Th««e will be sold on Friday, the Secorni Day of November, 1883, at One o'clock ii« the afternoon, on the premises, in the Village o/ Holland Centre, y virtue of a Power of Sal^,. contained in a certain mortg^e, which witt be produced at the Sale, th» following property â€" Unilcr nutrtgage from Geocge Skene, Til- lage lot Kg. 25, on the we^ side of the To- ronto and Sydenham B»ad, im the Village of Holland Cecitre, containing one fifth oi an acre, more or Ifess. being part of lot 31 in the Ist Bange. south-west of the Toronto, and Sydenham Boad, in the Township of Holland, in the County of Grey^ The following impro-ywoieoteare aaid to be on the premises A frame dweling with out- buildings. Termsâ€" One tenth of the purchase money to be paid down on the day of sale. For bal- ance terms will be made known -it the sale: For further particulars apply to JONES BROS. » MAOKENZIE. Solicitors, Masonic Hall.Toronto. or to John Ltohs. Esq., Markdale. Toronto,Oct.4th,188d. Farm for Sale. I^r\ ACRES, being lot 74. Srd West erf T. 0\J 8. R, Holland, four miles from Markdale. 20 acre- cleared. weU fenced and watered, balance :^ood hardwood bush, witi sufficient cedar I'o; fensing. For terms and o.ner particulars apply to WM. BOWE» T. on, the Premiaesk Berkeley P. 0., July 3rd„ 1883. •u er Tailors. A new and large stock of ready-made clothing, new oil cloth coats,, vKhite shirts, colored; shi#ts, hats, caps, cuS.. c^^Ilars,. ties, hose: braces: boots; and shoes^, ic. BOYS For thie boy^s we have the largest assortment of ready- made clothing in the market as- well as an endless vanety of hats, caps, ties^ collars, base,, boots, shoes, undercloth- ing .C. T. C. GIRLS. For the girk we have anything and everything calculat- ed to make, them comfortable^, pleasajit, happy,, ajid at- tractive. BABIES. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. Ohangre ot Time. On and after Monday, June 18th, 1882. trains will ran as follows eoiNO N iH. Mead Dnnk. 7 30 9 05 U 55 13 20 2 25 11 50 12 06 1 SO P.M, P.M. 4 »5 6 00 6 45 8 44 10 15 U ••() 8 45 9 55 P.K. Toronto 1045 Cabswell Jnxc. Obanoetille mocnt f0bk8t„ Teeswateb.. ... Flsshebtok..... Mamdale OwE» Sound... 9 05 8 27 6 30 5 00 6 43 6 27 6 15 A.M. A Mixed iTain will also lun between onto and Owen Sound D. McNiooLL, Gen. Puu. Agt. amsa south P.M. 9 10 7 3i 6 50 4 30 2 4.' 4 47 4 80 3 10 P.M. Tor- Don't forget the babies„ we have just opened a large as- sortment ot new Wool Hoods, new Bootees, new Leggins new Infantees, nevr Hose, new Bibbs, new Waists, ^^ Wool Scarfs, new «»ts, New53koes. See lltee Table. Edmund Wbaook. General Manager We have added to our immense stock thousand dollars worth of choice Jewellery S2,00!0,t'^^ wcWellerV consistn Watches, Clocks, Gold and Silver Chains, Lo^ckets earnnj; sistinofi MONTHLY FAIRS. ^^^'t:^^^^' Flesherton. i?"*?^2'*V^°°*^y ^foro Durham. Sy°^-T^day before OnuxgeS?;. Shelborne-Wednesday boloreXa,^;iUe sets, wedding rings and in fact n^re than is kept in a well regulated Jewellery store and prices that touch the bottom. Our GROCERIE Departmeat is full t^ the TOP. Our dress goods department is above the usual standard and we would advise all lovers of novelties and, new, t^ingj generally, to reserve their purchases until they have visited "" store. our ,^ ^.. „„vo*» o»y PriceyiUe-Monday before Darh«n. he ha. hae n^y^ ap. S^ZgSl5ttS5i»«»«- We also carry a large and well assorted stock of imported and Canadian staples, linnen goods of every descriptioD^ our stock IS all fresh, and on inspecting it we feel sureyo" will pronounce it all through, VerV Ohoice. g^^^ f ' and judgment having been displayed in selection as to styles^ colaurs and values. TRIIPLE WRIGHT. mm ^mm^ J

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