Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Jan 1883, p. 4

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 ^f I li TO OUR SUBSCBIBERS. We beg to rttiu'ii thanks to the many who have renewed their sub Bcriptions bo promptly, aud for ex- pressiuDS of good will and words of encouragemeijt w Juch we are receiving daily. Maby ot our patious have done â- nobly in encouraging their neighbors to subscribt f -r the bTAKDARD, thereby locreatiing its circulation on all sides. Whilfc ijf-arlyall of our ylJ subscrib- ers haye either renewed or signified their intention of doing so, we have had a large addition of new nai"es, and are adding to our list almost daily. We would say to those who have not yet renewed tbat they will do us a favor by doing so a-* souu as convenient. We pay cash for all our muterial and are depending on the odd dollars to meet the demands. We uted over a ton and a baif ot paper last year, aud a greater quantity will be required for this. The Standard is still growing in popularity, a'ld our beet efforts will be made to make it indispensible in every family within 15 miles around. assessor, and by-lairs were paasad confirming above appoiutmetits. Council adjourned to meet on tiie first Monday in Februaiy, 1888. \V. J. BeVIMCI, CUiKK. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. The following are the results of the recent examination for entrance to the High School. There were 73 candi- datt-s â€" 20 from Owen Sound and 53 from other parts. Oftkis number 28 liaye been provisionally admitted â€" 8 ot whom are from Owen Sound. 1. McLoughrey, Eobort 825 2. Brown, Ljman 317 3. Bae. Janet Graham 310 4. Walker, Edward .309 5. beU, Kate 307 6. Grecnless, Maggie 307 7. Coulaon, Kate 306 8. Douglass, Janet .304 9. Rutherford, George 304 10. Ford, Ettie 303 11. Davis, Susan 301 lU. Kfogh, Alice B 299 13. Kennedy, DayidJoim 297 14. Robertson, William 2'J5 15- Evans, Jenme 2y3 16. Badriifie, Ann Jane 2H7 17. Ireton. Martha Jane 280 18. Middlcbrough, William Sora 2Sl 19. Murray, Alexander 28 J 20. Noble,' Henrietta 2"i 9 21 Ktdlv, Maggie 279 22. Telford, John 279 23. Farley, James 276 24. Kelbourn, John Macready 2"5 2o. Keogh, Lucius Richard 274 26. Neelands, Margarat Jaue 273 27. Anderson, Geo. A 271 28. Moran, James 263 The first 9 have cwmplied with the requirement of taking cue third in each subject and onehalf of the whole marks. The last Kine have not ob- tained one half of the whole â€" but their ]iaper3 being generally of a fair character their admission is recom mended. â€" They may hov/ever, bn disallowed. â€" Times. GLEwELG COUNCIL The newly elected council met at the town hall on 15ih inst. pursuant to statute. J All the m«rmbers present. Each member made and subscribwd the de- claration oi qualification and offite. The Reeve appointed John Moffat an auditor, and the Council appointed C. Firth. John S. Black was appointed as- sessor. A by-law was passed confirming these appointments. Davis, Mullarkyâ€" That Deputy Re- turning Ofticers at the municipal election be raid $4 each and door- keepers $1.50 each, and that $4 be paid for each polling place â€" can-ied. Dunsmoor, Mullarky â€"That Mrs. Tuohy be refunded taxes which she paid in error for the year 1879, amounting to $9.25, and that Mrs. Piiel be refunded her taxes for 1882, amounting to $6.05 â€" cariied. MulUrky. AlcMilknâ€" That the Reeve, Mr. Davis and Mr. Dunsmoor oe appointed a committee to report on the Treasurer's suretiesâ€" carrud. McMillan, Dunsraocr â€" That the Clerk be instructed to furnish a list of road deviations at next iug titles if any â€" carried. McMillan. Mullarkyâ€" That the fol- lowing accounts be paid â€" J. Towns-end, printing, $6.50 RowSwell k Hutchison, election blanks $6.50 â€" carried. Rotid 'ommissioners were appoint- «d as follows â€" Ward No. 1, T. Davis: Ward No. 2. J. A. McMiHan; Ward No, 3, r. MuUarky; Ward No. 4, N. Dunsmoor. Dunsmoor, Davis â€" That $3,-tepaid T. J Brown fer repairing road scrapers, per order of John Mclunis, pathmaster â€" ca* ried. Dunsmoor, Davis â€" That John S Blnck be authorized to repair the windows of the town hall aud punt the sash, thfe cost not to exceed $2 50 and the work to be comjileted before the 12th of February next â€" c:!riitd Council adjou; .:ed to meet at the same place on Titli Feb. next. Jas. BK^Wf Clerk. HOLLAND COU.NCIL. meetint: of 1 nf V. C'juncil was ARTEMESIA COUNCIL. The newly-elected council for the year 1883 met in the town liaQ.Flpsh- ortoa, on 15th Jan., 1883 Present â€" W. S. Ciirisroe, M. D., Reeve; John McArthur. (Ward No. 1;) A. Elliott. (Ward Nr. 2;) T. Wright, (Ward No. 8;) W. T. McKee, (Ward Z\o. 4.) Councillors. After each member had taken the necessary declaration of qualification and office they took their seats. The next business (vas reading the miiiULes of December session, which were read and confirmed. Then the election of a Deputj'-Reeve. Wright, McArthur-^That Mr. A. Elliott be Deputy-Leeve for the cur rent year, which motion was carried unanimously. A letter from Mr. Webster, Pri'^e- ville, re contract let to tluas. Ryan, was presented and read. A petition from John McAlear re boara aud burial of James Lyons, an indigent, was presented and read, vliich could not be entertained. Report aud award of mbifrators on tlie drains from Melinclho.i, present- ed aud read. Accounts as follgws pre.^ented, read and orderf'd to be paid â€" H. Hooper, cD£in fur D. bmith, an indigent, $5 50: S. Kingoton, digging grave fn- same. $1.50; A. R. Fawcett, printmi?, $4; Jiobt. Carruthers, holding poll W^rJ No. 4, $5; W. J. Uellamy, quarter salary, c., $42 Thos. Quijjg, kindl- ing for hall. §2.20; T. Huiciiinson. repaii-ing bridge, $1.50 T. Wiigii% .Httending arbitration re Meluuetimn drains, $8; Jerry Thompson, error iu .school assessment, $1.6 J; Akx. Mc Intyre, f^r aiTears of tix« puid iu error, S2. Mr. Wm. Brown, of Markdale. was selected by the Reeve as his choice for anditw, and Mr. 0. C. James, of PriceTille, aA th* choice of the Coon il. Mr. John Whitby was appointed The first held on Jan The Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and Councillors took their declaration of office aud qualification and took their seats. Minutes of former meeting read and confirmed. Doavitt, McKinnet â€" That James Page get an order for $4.40, for road work performed by him. Deputy-Reeve. Galbraithâ€" That G. Little get an order for $10, beiujr bal- ance of school taxes coming to S. S. No. 2. Deputy-Reeve, Deavitt â€" That the requiilioQ of Andrew Pryle regarding chai'giug pathinaster be laid ovt,r for further eousideiation. Deputy-Reeve, McKirnett â€" That Aiark Abby be appointed poundkeeper iu place of James VVrigbt. Deavitt, Galbraitli â€" That the acct. of C. W. Rutledge be paid. Deputy Reeve, Deavitt â€" That Ed. Haniiiih get an order lor 90c., being taxes overpaid. The Rcev** appointed John ISuther- Und and the Cciincil appointed Jahn Murphy as auditors. The petition of Gilbert Cooliidge and i)*her8 asking this council to break up section No. 2, Holland aud Eu- phrasia, and attach it to other sec- tions. Deavitt, McKinnet- That theCleri notify the Trustees of sections con- cerned in the above petition to appear at the next sitting on Feb. 14th. Deputy-Reeve, GnlOraithâ€" Thi»t G. Little be assessor at a silary of $60. Deputy-Reeve. Galbraithâ€" That the Roeve and Clerk up a ire- niori^d of condolence to Mrs. McGreg- or and accompany the same with $25. Shnte, Deavitt: â€" That the following willows be exempted lorn taxcH â€" Widows Caesar. Graham, McDivmid, Chambers. Matthews, McGregor,Jack- soa, and .Tames Robinson. Coiincii idjourued until Fob. 14th, then to iQetit at Yo^'au's hall. Cabson ParcE, Clerk. HepcTille. A new Orange Lodxe h«s been organized at Hjperilie, with the following list of ot fiMTs :â€" Joa^ McAidlt:, W. M. J. Hairey, D. M. J. A.. tikbeeii, Ch»p N. A. McDon- ald, Treas. D. K. UcArthor, Sec. Waa, Ho-rey. D. of C, Gcp. Wdr, Ist Com. THE COUNTY COUNCIL. • The Coanty Coanc' met on Ttiesd*y. the 23rd inst. The follow'ng are the BeevM and Deputies :â€" ' Artemesia, Dr. Christoe, Beeve; A. EUw... Depnty-Beeve. Bcntuftk, D. MoNichol. Ee«ye; J. Messenger, Iflt Dep. Reeve; J. Mc- CaHum, 2nd Den. Beeve. Collingwood, Neil McCohnan. Beeve; Campbell, 1st Deputy- Reeve; Hewgill, tod Dep. B^eve. Derby. It. A. Stark, Beeve; Wm. BriMi, Pep. Beeve. Euphrasia, R. Mjles, Beeve; James Erskine. Dep. Beeve. Egremont, J. Murdoch, Beeve; Ja8. Paul, Dep. Beeve. Glcnelg. F. MacBae, Rjeve; T. Mullarky. Dep. Beeve. Holland, John Cameron, Reeve; A. Shute. Deputy. Beev«. Ke{.pel, Wm. Totten, Beeve; John Clark, Dep. Reeve., Normanby, J. Reeve; G. B. Schenk, Tst Dep. Beeve; C. Fscher, Sad Dep. Reeve. Ospey, A. Mc- Gi .. Bt?vrr A. MciJtyro. Dep. Beeve. Pro- ton, J. Agiew, Dep. F^eve. Bailvan, Jos. Dunnlng^p i, Beeve; Jas. Vassey, Dep. Beeve. St. Vincenl., Jas. Bowe s Jr., Esev Nicholas Beed, Dt-p. Beeve. SydDoham, Wm. Lang. Reeve. Sarawak, B. McNaught. Beeve. Town of Durham, G. McKeclmie, Beeve. Town of Meaford, Chas. Watt, Iteeve. Town of Owen Sound. J. Chisholm, Beeve; J W. Frost, Ist Dep. Beeve; J. C. Miller, 2nd Dep. Reeve. D. Nichol. Esq.. Beeve of Bentinck, was elected Warden. â€" « « » « ' Osprey. Times are ratner auU m Osprey just now. Sto- my wfiather aud bad roads are Xhf order of the day. Mr. J, T. Galloway has sold his farm, lot 3,con. 9,OHprcy. for Jl.'lOO, and is moving to Nottawasaga. Business dull in Maxwell. the maitoba elections which ewi* «ffoi^ Tuesd:iy We -ic'crowleJfie r ceipt of $1 f--om E. H. Wbilbv, Orangeville A. Melton, Long Rap- ids, ^ob Thos. G.ev, Kingston, Micu. Wm. Crrtv ' -d.MLlibank, and Shelton Knight, New We'tnini'^ter, B. C, being subsc: ption to the SSTA^ M ' i ior :18s3. The Quarterly M«et'ng in theC.lif. Church. Maikdale, is postponed until the second Sab- bath in Feb! uar^. The voting on tlie uuiou of the different Metbodist bodies wjU take place by the membeis of the Quarterly Offi- cial Boiird on Monday, the 12th Feb. IN MEMORY OF HATTIE E., BELOVED DAUGBTER OF JOHN AMD MARY ANN BOL.iNL. She came to bind aSectioiis tics, To liRht our load of care, To Tin us hy lier soft blue eyes, Swt-et pearl surpassing fair But 8«oD the earthly bond was riven She went to lead our hearts to heaven. The lily bands ujwn her breast Are folded still and whit-? No song to hush her babe to rest The motlier sings to-nijiht. But there'.s no sorrow on His heart Where sheltered now. dear lamb, i;hou art. Summor will come again to touch Its blossom, blade and tree But ah! sweet blossom loved so much It comes Bot back to thet. And yet, oh child, of uany apiayer, iCterual summer awaits thee there. Oh heart.s that ache o'er parted tios, 'Twas hard to give her up. To hide your tears from human eyes, Yet drink the bitter cup 'Twas hard to kiss the cold, -.vbite brow Aud lay her where she's sleeping now. Oh, for the faith that upward springs Through darkness, doubt and gloom. That hears the Pong a- seraph sings And lights the lonely tomb. A little while to watch and weep, There's calm beneath the troubled Jeep. We lay them down with tears to rf st. The temler and the fair. We hush the sorrow in the breast And lift our hands in prayer. He hears our bitter^ mournful cry. The answer cometh â€" bye and bye. The tear in many a lonely hour As memory's couch may start. But time will fall with soothing power And love bind up the heart. A httle while to weep at best. Then home, and heaven, and endless rest. LG. BIRTHS. Irwisâ€" On Monday, 10th inst., the wife of Mr. Josorh Ir-p.;n, ol a daughtar. Patt.':k8ox---0ii Friday. 8th inst., .at r-u"-; 'JL W J. •• tte.on, teacher, Maxvi-f)., oi i â- Ai' •-:us -J i.'.:C!.T, 8ih lust, tus wife of B. S. Kerr, M. D., Maswell, of a daughter. MARRIAGES- Bkstâ€" WiLBTâ€" On the lf»th inst.. at the re- sidence of the brides father, by B«v. J. S Corcoran, Mr. Wm. H. Best to Miss Mar- garet A. Wiley, all of Euphrasia. Samplhâ€" SAjfPLE-By the Rev. T Grandv on the nth inst., at the C. M. Parsonace' Eugenia, Mr Andrew Sample, to Mi^s Eiiz ibeth Sample, all of Artemesia. DIED- MiTCHBiiâ€" On Thursday morning, the llth MitcheU, Flesherton Station. FoCTiE-In Holbind. on the lath inst.. Mr Henry Foster, aged 78 years. "^i°°^^"^^®" 1383. Jam«, L. B«d, aged 76 years. ^^ MK3oBiao-In Glenelg, on Ihe 23th. Mr. John McConmc. aged 56 years. RoBiMTsos-In Osprey,. on the Uth inst '^^^ of Alexander and Ma^ Zi' eollflrtson,^agedl^ear, a months^ frcr^BrRSSpwAY- TIME TABUS. Oj^aml after Monday, ^or. 30th, 18S2, trains will run an folio wn OOIKO H Tn. lioiNG socm A.M. 7 3J 9 05 9 55 la 20 12 06 2 2r !.l 50 1 SO P.M P M. 4 25 6 00 6 45 8 4t 8 45 la 9 55 P.M. Rmif Of. 1.1£. I P M I'l i'A 9 (15! 8 2/1 C iiO ToncNTO caudwkll.j' n 0bangkv11.le MucntFoues' MabkdaijK 2.| Tbeswatbb .... 5 itOi F E8HBBTON.... 6 ^-V OWKN "iOBMD.. 5 15 A.M. I A Mixed Train will also inn hetween Tor onto and Owen Sound. See Tim.. Table. It 10 T 31 6 r.o •1 30 4 30 2 45 4 47 3 10 P.M. D. McNicoLL. Gen. Putt, Agt. Edhuxd Vi'haook. (ifHcral Manager. MARKDALE MARKETb. Fall Wheat. »0.80 to »0.92 Spring ^0.82 to SO 92; Barley. 6/.c; Peas, 68; Oats. Sfte Butter, 17c; Eggs, 20c; Potatoes, iOc; Hay. »0.00; Pork, 7.:.C to 8.1.V, Flour, «4.25 to *4.50; Grass Seed. »1.7o. FLESHERTON MARKETS, Fall Wheat,, C0.P5 to ?0.90; Spiing, SO.ftfi to «0.90; Barley, 56c; Peas, 6.Mc; Oats, 36e; Butter. 17c; Eggs, 20c; PptatoeB.40 o; Hay, $9.00; Pork. «7.50 to $8 00 TORONTO MARKETS. Fall Wheat, t0.93 to $0.97; Spring, tO.94 to »0.98; Barlev, 553 to 73c; Oats, 41c to 43c Peas, 70c to 72c; Hors, »8.00 to «8.37; Pota^ toes, per bag. 75c to S5c; Butter, dairy, i7o to 20c; e !ira 30o to 32c. W. G. RICHARDS, BUILDEB. CONTRACTOR. «k ARCHI- TECT. â€" Residence on jliU Street, Mark- dale. Markdale, Jan. 24th, ISS.?. 1241y THE GREAT MICHIGAN PAPER. THE DETROIT WEEKLlf POST AND TRIBUNE Only $1.00 per Year. Contains all the news of the week from all parts of the «o Id. As a uewspaper it has no superior on the continent, 'u tlus quality aud character of news it furnii-Leti evei-y numlier giving valuable information worth 10 times the subscription price. â- â-  Jill If fl D ft ' W8 is a feature InAfil I UDAc'oae that will make it interesting to all J^oi inicn readeis. We \/ant 10.000 subscribers ;,his yef in Canada, und as a premium to ell who subscrib 3 we send a copy of H/Fynan »A TreatKe on IVkl^yAlaft. Othe Horse. This book is not a iiumbuR^r worthlosg" affair, but is "worth its weight in gold" to every man who owns a horse. It was first published at 50 cents, and contains nearly 100 engravings. Recollect the book and paper both one year fer $1. Sample copy of paper sent free. Address THE POST TRIBONE. l24-4w. Detboit, Mich. UndertaMng. Coffins, • Caskets, Burial Pobes, Gloves, Crapes, â€" AND- All Furnishings for Funt rals May be had on Shortest Notice, and at All Uonra from GEO. GEANT, MARKDAIjE. Also a well assorted stock of FURNITURE nrZ-^^^ " ^°*"'^- »k moderate prices. jjg^.^ TO SELL ORTrENtT Ti®" ^^'lo^^.^- ^3 HOLLAND. 122 Li acres. 100 cleared, good bniUinga there- on. Terms easy. Apply to linWWn. Postmaster, near the premisen, or to *^' M. S. KELLOW, Tat«P. O. November 14th, 1882. il4^^f FARM FOR SALE. r OT6CON 8E. G. BD.. HOLLAND, ij 100 acres, 70 acres cleared. weU water ed^ood orchard beanng good log house and bam. Bituated 2 half milaa fc^ chats- *il ^- '"8"n ^iU be given hi the above property, for particulars apply to G«o. Noble, Markaale. or to Chas.^ig. Shel- STATE Of EXCITEffi IS IT A CASE mmm Do Us; UU III Or Do They Buy It? Is a question ishich K"'ntl,v f tritfitpnhomi, of the inhabitants of Fk.sli. rtun ii'.iUui,, 8Urrtundinfi coantiy. A, Trimble Wrighj have now opened a braich store opp-atii, Hannah's ho t^ and ai«^ ^lau),'bteiiiig; tt t)eu).endously low i r ce?, and willwii Co slash i:oods right and left for tli* 30^ NEXT-C D.IY Don't be ciece'ved. Sncli chances nf cu-'ing goods are seldom if evf i offered. Drl (ail to go ai)*^ .ee thew liwfore purciiisiEl Oisewhe'e TLoasauds of sararles d tkl iioior Oil-: fC- "'ea given awuy fiee ofcktfl decisionI OF THE â€" .u c ii; s' 'idc-^t juries ibateTtift "-l aise c s af tbe most reEpeQjl»| farmei8i*j.. „ ,,r the townships oft elg. Artemo-....., iMifiii-asia iuid HoUaui.lifl decided unanimoasiv thit T.^iiiBiJ i Wbxght's ^SYcT :(1 V and that ii rich'v deserves to bold first pi»»| which it ^a^ oceupiLu so long. Fresh Arrivals' We have this week received a Isrge '"'*^l ment of new goods which will be s'i'l?^l| great reduction on old prices. W 'f'" ~[\ cCer the balance of oiu Winter stockat pn(»| far below wholesale. OUK STOCK 01' Fuji's Millinery, Mantles and Mantle Cloths, Tweeds, • Overcoats, ,, and Ciotliii'^l Also a lai'ge assoitmcut oi BOOTS AND SHOES, pmchased at Thos. Walls Sons, " sold regardless of cost, as tliey w" u.eared out. TRIMBLE WRIGHT^ He reople" Watchi MABKJ.ALE ndition of Mr. Q I tarioUB alarm. J and oibe'-sde: Iti^ey busiuesB, 1 hi b» earned, sf nd UoH. C. W^l-KINI Llton Street, New 1 byerland expiess t H)i tud ran down i and otlier cars (eut, aud catchin, eu or eigbteen p 111 in the ruins. â- ad ACCIDE.ST. â€" A pi occnt red on Mo: nUtblire, St. V «as broken in pw the knee. H nd a tree as it fe pd struck Mr. Ja ove sad result. D tractures. Mirrai CoTOTiEs.â€" The he following as tl japed into a new c( Y Tiny. Flos, Sun jontoaud Osprey, 1 itownof Ck^llingT it is net so state ntytown! OrU lew county with it J Jl.00 A Ykab.- I of the Unhed St« «, inserts an they offer th- I 'or Jl.oo per yea I valuable book ti f diseases. This I head of the list '" all departi fcialmteUiteuce. Tost axd Tr *u Aoeiccl: [meeting of JUe a rnship ol Enphra [Tbursday. ntb cted officers ai; f '• S. McKuight ^cConnell; Dire* ^- H. Stiusor y^- Eaton, James pilray and James auroi â€" Mr. T. ^1^-^j. ^^.^'

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