Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 18 Jan 1883, p. 1

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 uj.-No. 19. MARKDALE, ONT., JAN. 18, 1883. No. 123. |itljilal» ^iMhti 13 publisheh LtHORSDAY EVENING* At^irkdab Ontari.) It per Anumn .i,ree moncbs. 52 if not paid till fni.P ve»r No papor discontinued I'/hTpubUshtr, au-l parties refasing Irt un: P^vin- np will be heH reapon- ,!,e' s^nljscriptions until they J, ih the rules- ItkSMS of advertising r „„^„.r 5"" f^o t,.onee»r... _^^ ^^ Li, Jo 1" "' lines, first iii'^er' iou per line 8 I'mea' i'l-^ertion 3 I,3b1im of lines to be reckoned b;^ Oie â- (tij) el measured by a scale of solid iirerti-iemen's without specific »ill be published ti'l forbid and Ij'irtmdiBsly- AH tran-itory adyer fcti must be in the office oi bublica- lllo'floek on the Wednesday proceed 'i.uiiMtirtn. JOB PRINTING |«rT i^picnption executed with Ls nriii despatch al the Offlce of KifDARn. Markilnlp. C. W. RUTLEDGE. Editor Propri»tor. hlll'EL. WAKDELL., ILDKIGUR ANB DRILLER. ALL lorJers promptly attended to, Markdale Hotel. Good Accommodation for Travellera. 'Bus to and from all trains. Charges moderate. Markdale. A. Eutlbbgk, Prop. nidtr'.sEiil.Owen .Sound. Resi- 122-35 M. M,D., M.R.CP. S., O. iviician and Snreeon, Prioeville, Bjeof Uairersity. Vict. College. ,, New York, and Ijodaate. of the same, Avleth Medical Institute. Opthftlmio Hospital, N.Y. irCoU. Phyaiciansit Surgeors.O. J 04 COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRIOBVUjLiB. Ont. Large aud commodious Sample Booms Go»d Bed Itooms, Ac. The Bar and larde weti supplied witL the best the market af fords good Stabling and attentiTe Hostler's THOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor CH ATSWORTH HOUSE (late morbuw house,) €HAT8%rORTH, Ont. THE undersigned having purchased the above property has had it thoroughly renovated and refurnished throughout beside making other ne • improvement.s, which will greatly add to the comfort and convenience of his guents, would respectfully sohcit the patronage of the pubhc uenerally. The beet brands of hqiiors and cigars always in stocK. Cjood meal and comfortable rooms guaran- teed. Good stabUns and attentive hostler. â€" C. H. Mathews, Prop. 114. John McDonald, CHATSWORTti, DIVISION Court Clerk, Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses, Commissioner in B.B., Conveyancer, c. Deed*, Mortgages, Wills, (fee. attended to promptly, accurately, neat- ly, and cheaply. Private funds to lend in small sums ou easy terms. Notes discounted Dental Ctird.. ^meron Sl Knight, DENTAL SUROrEONS, povet D. A, Cameron and Go's Drug pi)aleUSt.,OWEN SOUND. riitsntion given to the preservation of iral teeth. Artificial Dentures mount- id, Celluloid, and Rubber bases. iliejt Markdale the last Tuesday in lnontli, leroa, M D., A C. F. Knight, L.D.S. Vl i .\ Glasgow, Medalist Eoyal Col- "I'S.,Om;. I«geDen.8ur.,0nt Frost Frost, I^ISTERS, AND ATTORNT?TS-AT lUw, Solcitors in Chancery, Convey "it, Owen Sound, have resumed at *â- â€¢Â«. Office open every Thursday, as 'lore. »?8osT, J. w. Fbost, LL. B. hvnii Crown Attorney. 1 MISS LAMB, DRESS-mAHJBB. UPSTAIRS IN Douglas' Block. Satisf^tion guaran- teed, enlarges moderate. Markdale, Nov. x5th. 1882. 114-3m. B. in. Oalbraith AUCTIONEER AND GENERAL LAND .. ». Agent. WiUiam'tford Station. Auction Sales attended in all parts of the County Goods sold on commission. Rates moderate. Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines; also Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Vines, Agricul- tural Implemennts, and Machinery of all kinds on sale. WUiiamsford, Jan. 27. 1881. T. E. OAVlSt, BUILDER CONTRACTOR, (Stone and Brick). After completing 13 buildings his season is still on the track and is still prepared to do all kinds of stone and brick work, plastering and tuck pointing. Those who contemplate building will find it tc their advantage to give him a call. Residence comer of Brown and Sproale Stetes, Markdale. 16-v •I. nASSON, aSTER, MASTER AND DEP. REG 'Chancery, Notary Pubhc, Conveyan *£^ro LEND AT SIX PER CENT. *^wen Sound, in Vicker's Block li w' "^^ '° Markdale, over MeFar I *»e, on Friday and Saturday every 57.1} Cwasor* Mn rrison, o,SOLICITORS. CONVEY- *, ifcc. Ac, »inOwen Sound, DuSerin Block, 'â-  "olf 's Store and in ^J.Mci-arland's Store thit y of each week. on Thursday ^ndato Ifcii,lon reasonable terms. ^U«oB Q. Q DUKCAS MoBMOIC ««- March 15, 1882. 79-ly _â„¢*'*«an«er Brown. 1^ »of Marriage Licenses, Fire and ta.^'^n' â- '^gent. Commissioner «c- Conveyancer and Licensed lor the County of Grey. Farmers, totod I. *^ Sales. Punctually at- fll« a *â„¢"8e8 made verv moderate. ^li^^t-17.1880. â-  l.y 5VERE S«t«U. ' HOTEL, "JAUKDALE. J, O^LE, Proprietor. l^^^i^^"**^ ^« »^ L*" iS^h" *l»orougnly rditted, â- J^aCv^ "one in the eoantr. L Satod?« »««°tiTe ostler. Pirrt- "Perd^ B " commercial trtvel '• awber'i shop in Munee MISS WELSH, Dress 4c MaaUemaker. Charges moderate. Satiafaction guaranteed. HiU's Block, Sydenham street. Maikdale, Nov. 6th, 1882. 113-116 Wm. Bro'nm, ISSUER OF MABRIAGE LICENSES, Ao Commissioner in B. K. ftc. Conveyancing in all its branches promptlj attended to and carefully executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate •« eturity. LOriL URKDILE L09aE Of C 0. 0. F. No. 78, will meet m their haii on Monday evening. Jan. 22nd, at eight o'clock B. m, „ 108 W. L. YOUNG, Sec'y. EUGENIA GrisUawandLathMills Having made eqtensive improvements in my Gnst Mill I feel confident I can give good satisfaction. GOno FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND. Chopping Done Every Day. Custom Sawing «id Bills Filled on the shortest notice. ... «t tra LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry. Bat:^«t, White i^.Bla«kA«h Basswood, Rue and Hemlock Logi wantea 691y. M. A^Â¥r, Eugenia. a week in your o«i town; 16 outfit feee. No â„¢*- «^^^^^£veij«bmgnew. C^ntBl »Treqai«d. ^e wffl to-j^J**^^* Saemodi Mmen. w***^^^ new •»*«* y««5S T?i£S^ *^ Hm«T Co.. P^t flen i i â-  â- â- â€" $661 ii\hi Mt'MM^yti^ EOBT. ASKIL., Has opened oat a First-Class Furniture I ANU â€" UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT, And thereiure has supphed a want long felt, especially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, C4SZETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNEMl FURNISHIiias, supphed on the shortes notice. .A. STlendicl Hea^r^e tur hire at moderate rates. PUBNITUKE! From the Common to the Best and Latest Styles, in everything in the line. Call and see for yourselves. ROBT. ASKIN. Union Carriage lori[s. All work manoiiaetnred from FfflST Cuss Materm In the latest atd Best Improved Style, aud ficishcd with Cng-lisli T^arnisli. Painting Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Bepaire executed in the shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Bemember the Shop, opposite the Oheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, Markdale. Dec. 2nd, 1881. Proprietor. 64. V H. nu* HAIR CUniNG AND SHAVING Bazors, Straps, and Shaving Bnwhei for sale. Bazors^ sharpened. tS" Orde.-s filled for Tomb Stones. TmRTLING DISCOVERY! ton Ttemr. Fetvoos Defaai^. I^^J^J^'E' to Ms fcBow.i^^!». e^toi^ « N. s WARNIiVC There' is great danger of tak- ing c«dd from wet feet If yon want to Guard Against Sickness I Keep jMir feet dry ""d wam^ ;^ ^? by procnring yOjnr ' BOOTS I:^ r KAY AJHOMltS. SatiietioD Onanateed. IbO- ieated Cork Solee, an dMS. kept onhucL Bemember the pIsM oppoaite the new »t*MA» OfliM. â- â- ^ -^ boshMBS now before h ^^E jf^J^V paUie. Yon ean make â- ^^9^9% money faster at work tax ns tnan at anytluug else. Capital not need- ed. We will start you. 913 a day and up- wards made at home by the indnstrioox. Men, women, boys and girls wanted ever y w h e re to wore for OB. Now is the time. Yon can work in spare time oily or give your whole time to the bnainees. Yon can live at home and do the work. No other business will pay you neariy as well. No one can fail to make en- ormous pay by engaging at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily and honorably. Address Tede Co., Augusta, MaiUfl. 71-126 REST AKD COMFORT to thp, SUFFERING Brown's Household Panacea has no equal for relievint? pain, both inter- nal and external. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore Throat, ^theumatism. Toothache, Lumbago and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "It will most surely quicken the Blood and heal, as its actinp; power is won- derful." " Brown's H.iuseholil Panacea," being acknowledtjefi as ihe Rr«at Pain Rehev- er, and of double the slreuRth of any oiher Elizer or Linimnnt in the world, should be m every family handy for use w^-en wanted " as it really is the best remedy in the world for Cramps m Die Stomach, and Pains and Aches of all kinds," and h for sale by all Druggists at 2.' cents a bonle 7.5-i 27 EARS FORI MILLION MOO CH»0'S BALSAM OF StiAtiK'tJ MJ OIL positively ilestcres the Hearing, and is the Only Absolute Cuie for Deafness known This Oil is abstracted from peciihar species of small White Sliark. caught in the Yellow Sea, known as Cabcharoiion Rondk- LBTii. Every Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a restorative of hea ing were discovered by a Buddhist Pr est were ills- covered about the year 1410. Its cures wei e so numerous, aud many so 8eemiD).'ly mir aoulous, that the remeily was officially pro- claimed over the entire Empire. Its usl became so universal, that for ovei 30(1 yearo no Deafness, ha existed among the Chinese people. Sent, charges prepaid, t anv ad- dress Xt 91.00 per bottle. Hear what the Deaf say It has performed a in iracle in my case. I haye no unearthly noises in my head, and hear much better. I have been greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great deal â€" think ano- ther bottle will core me. Its virtues are unquestionable and its cura- tive character absolute, as the writer can per- sonally testify, both from experience and ob- servation. Write at on«e to Haylock and Jenney, 7 Dey Street, New York, inclosing $1 and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable yon to hear like anybody elso.and whose curative effects will be peimanent. Yon will never regret doing so." â€" Editob or MsBCAaTii.z Bxvixw. l3rTo avoid loss in the mails, please send money by Registered Letter. Only uz^orted by HAYLOCK A JENNEY, late Haylock A Co.. Sole Agents for America. 7 Dkt St New Yobk 93-146. We Lucas Co., BANKERS. IN large or â- maUamounts, at all times, .^n good ndoned notes, or on oollataral seenrity. MTEnCtT AT 6 PEn CEHT. Allowed OB Savings Deposits. idk-Drafts issned and Collections mad» on point!, at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS, Manager. SeptfloAer SS, 1880. 2-ly JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GENERXBLACKSMITH HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. To an who are jmHeriag from the errors and indiaeretioBS ot yooth, novons weak- ness, euAj deeay, loes of manhood, Ae.,I wiH aend a leeaipe that win enre yon, F^E OFCHABOE. Thfs great Bemedy was dia. oofwredjiy m mfawlonanr in Soodi Amerlea. Send a 'â- df- ad dreee r d anvekipe te Bnv. Joesm T. Imur, AtoKoii D, JTeir Foric OUg. bUlliard room D.M.HOOAH, Ntxt door to TriwMe WH§ket,Mi» Stk. Knt-daae tables. Ciganand dnnka to be had. urruvsTiMo itbxi oanoBBD raoM odk BXCHAMOBS AKD onOUnmiB rOB THK KBADBB8 OF THB "BTAlirABI" PrleewUle. Monday (Fair day) wm an uztra busy day here, qaite a number of cat- tle changed hands at fitir prices. If a large number of cattle were fed for beef, it womd not only improve the farms, but also put money iu the far- mers pockets. Ou Tuesday of last week, a lad naiueU NlcEay, while attending a machine ut T. Fergason's, met with an accident which has not proved to be yiry serious however. In standing be- Bvle the machine, the cylender belt caught his jacket and tore a large por- tion of clothes off nis body being a pretty stout lad he succeeded in get- ting Hway, thus dividing hid garments witii the greedy machine. MiBs Effie McEinnon is improving uicely U'w under Djr. Jamieson's skil- f"l treaimeut. tSiuce Dr. Bennett has removed from tliis place, the coning of a Hober, steady, Bkilful physician is very much dehired, and would be hailed with de- light by a large uumbor of people, in this vicinity. Owen Sound. Capt. Kennedy, one of the oldest aud most experienced navigators on the lakeH, and well known tn our citi- zen h as Captaiu of the CUy of Owen •^ound, aud aferwards of the City of Winnipeg, died at Toronto on Monday luortiing last. â€" O. 8. Timet. Mr. B. iMotter is retiring from busi- ness. A nephew of B. Allen^sq-i g«d 25 year»., died here raddenly last week from inflamatory rheamatism. His ents resids in Sligo, Ireland. He was the only son aud was on a visit to his friends. The film of Kennedy 4 Bona are likely to remove to CollingwcKxI. This will be a serious loss to Owen Sound, as this firm pay out annoaly in wages aiont $12,000. The work of boilding the new light* house is now in active progress. WtlUamsferd. Mr. Price is pushing hu new boild- ing towards completion, and will have it. ready for a tenant in the spring. Mr. Yogan is likely to be tiie man who will cater to the wuits of the public in the new Hotel. Mr. James Ireton retomed last week from Manitoba. Berkeley* Large quantities of wood, telegraph poles, c., are coming io ai ibis sta- tion. Mr. G. S. Brown, having mir- chased the saw null from Mr. Alfred Williams, is fitting it up m first class order and will be sawing before spring. A shingle machine is being fitted np to be run iu oonnecttou, and will b under the management of Mr. Henry West. m llleaf«r4 WLmmA, The annual meeting of the United Sabbath School was held in the Wes- ley Methodist Chnrch for the election of officers and teachers, with the fol- lowing reiiolt: â€" W. Buchanan, jr., Saperiutendeot P. Sparling, Assr. Snpt. J. I. Oiaham, Secretary; J. Brudie, Treasurer Jas. Buchanai: Librarian O. WngUt, Asst. Lib. Mrs. T. Bolteud, teeeber £. elaes. Fe males }. Hansom, Ass. teacher b. Class Miss Bnchanan, teadbf r 2nl B. Olass, Females Miss E. Boland, teacher 1st ehMs, Females Miss I. jimby, teacher 2od class, Femalee Miss Sparling, teacher. Infant class Miss M. Shanosn.Aac. teacher Infant clasK. T. Bolaud. teaeher B. dB^, Uaiei A. Jofanstofi, teadier 1st T. class, Males J. F^eman, tMdier 8rid T. class. Males H. 6f6rUsig, leaciUt^r Inbnti ' 13ie 'Annrrenaij n coaneeftkm with te dwre 8di||riMMol win be held in the W. ifjHjppli^^oii the 14th HAW T^*^ llfi'i if' ' f ?^* ':-l| i\Ul \-fi

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