Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Jan 1883, p. 7

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 (,p INTBREST. r^ f â- **â-  .lergyman was broaghtlBto (•ch ha3 ^^' ^° la\r suit, Chief- he â-  Loiii! • t, iiaa iKu luo »•»" oi^.., -vu.... Id bought a set of false teeth u„ «-as be!iev3d to admire. 1 be was one occa- in sudden of the Koyal Library at 'â- ^ 1 rtricity has not been success- r'K k.AD" oi the lamps was found jfjSs ^^'" ^-^^ "" " nf the sale of rarnell's Wick- '^!!° Lcriven rise to much conje-- r'i^^Kk Mr Parnell thinks that he Pr" J2, turn his money to much r L iffparlv meeting '^^'â- ftSpred that the Duke of was a great breeder of eoats, ,\„ choice animals were called PZuc and Billy Doux. The con- l^tiJ^. had given rise to their French a consideration for of the Goat â- tiltatuni ai*cl other ^«^ •lightest ornia u utacks' of- lay ci» h^- !oas failed toT, Tt-y^'^GUm (2 e,) AirytSriS Sexier. %â-  A man's â- ?^w» curiosity never reaches the fe- stitch in time saves J?£^ff««»ettts.but alsonnu â„¢y be committed by a man of perfect hon- i-ton r,«,f mst iasueJ by the raffords a fresh illustration Min of which the tre- Ir'rt'ar- ,r inconvenience to nee 0- goverumeut in France gave Tlw gloves of the troopers, the oi which was ordered by General lite Minister, are to be reinstated J, appears that the order for the not even had time to be cir- ti;i! t:e 3t the extreme vs;C3 fcas ba effect. ,vrte.l .(uestion ot i'tjcpan lite, as proved by authentic ' ,,|v'e3 an iiitcre^t to the view taken â- '.abject not h)- ;. ri;:by mere ourious spec- crave actuaries. Dr. Farr, in i^the expectation of human life at tu I'.s uot only accepted 100 as a re- "but estimates the average dura- •e hcyon! that limit, as in the case L^ei about one year nine months, and :ia halt days and "sliov.t one month the case of than that â- ^' I .:Mi,inisli court in Mo'liid, the other ij Deputies, Count Xiquena, the Goy •the capital, and Senior Komero â-  uho was the Mmistor of the In- ;;t.;ela3t Conservative Cabinet, got â- jic'.it alte cation, After some high ^aJ passed between them each from I'notnly challenged the other. There- "resident and the Premier inter- ijil, jhc Chamber having ordtred to withdraw, s reconciliation was, ;rt time etfected between the two l::;, ar,u the debate was resumed. rale -muggier named Bronar met itrio'js accident at Lyons the other ;i in the ei^ercise of her illegal call- I 'x had concealed several bladdei's of â- ;aJer her petticoats in order to pass ;Tii;'h the octroi free of duty, Being catujpicion of smuggling, she pierc- .iaJders with a pin, and the liquor ::[t:ore she reached the police station, â- WK there, however, she incautiously Y:ii ;o dry her clothes before a red- Being saturated with alcohol, they took tire. .Mine, iiromar received mcs that iier life is in danger. jhMr. Fawcett, the rostmaster- :,o: England. IS close upon 50 years â- ;â-  parents are still alive, and 'ccle- itir golden wed.ding at his place a ::KaL;u. At dinner on that occasion i:-; ::ivc consisted of a tine salmon i'l- their blind son. The old lady and 22 sat dov.u to whist afterward the aid of spectacles and when '-ecoa-ipauy produced a reprint of an r.uroithf Time^ containing an ac- tae battle of Waterloo, old Mr. f" related how lie vras in the market Lioarywhen the Loudon coacU arrived f-;t!ie glorious news, and how- he was oa top of the coach to read aloud nivj the famjus despatch of Wel- ;;:'!n,' ilctaili i)f his trreat achieve- ia the market. aresser. Jsmce the recent improvement nn preparation erer had such a sale or »ve ' ch all druggists. There Sold by than th« were Sacred Mcnkeys. â- '.icriuemont estimates that the Miuency alone contains 1,U00 inon- I'V-^ms, sjpporteii chiefly by the very -iisscs of the population. In the 'icts of Nepiul the hanumans have »el groves, and keep together in Mhfty or sixty adults, and, in spite F tunes, these a^^sociations multiply l-fEonastic order of mediieval Europe; ^Mstall be provided for, though sifes shoul.l have to eke out their Jt'iewiM iii/erif the .luinna swamp J^'^-oagest part ot I'.ic superstition i^ â- 'â- â- 'nty results by no means from a '•• wiievoleuce toward animals in »'it from the exclnsive venera- i-^»?eciil sub division of the monkey â- .-wthodox Hindo must not willing- .:ejiie of the humblest fellow- -Out he would not move a finger to 'irvmg ,log, and has no hesitation -^-'Dg a beast of burden with a ^â- "i^ goad and other contrivances that 'â- â- !;?," !J^^' avenu;ing powers of the Y;"-^ I'reveutioa ot Cruelty to Ani- â- Jruoiild ho shrink from extreme ' m defeudino lo^^-cast "oe saw his ticlds from the monkeys. Dr, Allen fj a swarm of excited ^iDg toward an orchard where ""g ot branches betrayed the arboreal marauders. Some of hngs, other, clubs and cane soon they came back crest- ^^l^ats the matter?- lid n, of [irried s Bats is only one thing worse cold grave, and that is cola gravy. A Run ,or LiFJs-Sixteen miles we covered in two hours and ten minutes b^ a lad sent for a bottle of Briggs' Electric Oil a Tr?,i^°' ^°* Pf°" policy to be so far from a drag store without it. There has been quite a commotion amone that the young Count A., belonging to one ofthe best families in Russia^ has been swindlmg a number of Paris jewellers for some time past. The Count is now in cus- tody. W. T Bray, Pharmacist, Wingham, Ont writes that the sale of Burdock Blood Bit- ters has very largely increased in that loc- ality, and adds that he bears very favorable opinions expressed regarding it, and, if time pemuted, could send many names of benefit- ed parties, 32. A s( mnambulistic girl got out of bed at Prescott, Alinn., and walked across half a mile of ice and snow to the railroad station, clad in her night clothes only, and was wait- ing for a train when awakened. A Cure for Croup. There is no better remedy for Croup than Hagyard's Yellow Oil taken internally and applied according to the special directions, this is the great household* panacea for Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Pain Inflammation c. 23. Man destroys with horns like a bull, or with paws like a bear woman by nibbling like a mouse, or embracing like a serpent. A Sure Tlilns In the Ireatment of Chronic diseasa with that great system renovator and restorative. Burdock Blood Bitters, there is no uncer- tainty as t" its action, its curative powers are speedily manifest by its marked eflfect upon the Liver, the Bowel.s and the Kidneys. Every *dose performing its work in a per- ceptible manner. 24. Ttiere should always be some foundation of fact for the most airy faltric, and pure in- vention is but the talent of a deceiver. Keep it in your family. The bcjt remedy for a-cidenta and emergencies, for Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Soreness, Sore Throat, Croup, Rheumatism, Chilblains, and Pain or Soreness of all kinds, is that marvellous healing remedy, Hagyard's Yellow Oil. 19. A woman emits sometimes a daring opini- iou; but she retires -ohocked if she is taken at her word. Testimonial from Mr. W. S. AV'isner, of J. O. ArVisner Son, Manufacturers ot' Agricultural Implements: â€" Brantford, OnR. July 2Sth, 1880. J. N. Sutherland, Esq.: Dear Sir,â€" I take pleasure in bearing testimony to the efficacy of your Ilheumatine. Last spring I was com- pletely disabled with Rheumatism, and tried various remedies, baths. «tc., and tinally heard of your cure. I purchased .and used three bottles of it. and it etfected a complete cure, for I have not had a return of the disease since. Yours truly, W S.WISXER. In matters of science women are so much accustomed to be treated as of no account that they mistrust savans who treat them seriously. Important. When you visit or leave New York City, save Baggage ilxpressage and Carriage Hire, and stop at Grand Uxiox Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. 4.tO elegant rooms, fitted up at a cost of one million dollars, reduced to $1 and upwards per day. P^uropean plan. Elevator. Restaurant supplied with the best. Horse cars, stages and elevated railroads to all de- pots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other hrst-class hotel in the city. He alone is wise who can accomodate himself to all the contingincies of life; but the fool contends, and is struggling like a swimmer against the stream. '•Twenty-four year's experience," says an eminent Physician," that the only cure for " Nervous Exhaustion" and weakness or the generative organs is to repair the waste by giving Brain and Nerve roods, and or au the remedies I have used Macks Magnetic Medicine is the best. This remedy is now sold by all our Druggists at 50 cts. per box. or fa for «2.50, and on receipt of an order for 12 boxes, accompanied with $5.00, addressed to Mack s Magnetic Medicine Co,. Windsor, Ont., Oier r for ward the goods free by mail, and send their " written guarantee" torefund the^money, if the treatment does not adv't in another column. Danghtei Jwe^ f rom which you suflFer, despair^of a cure, can be remedied » ♦i..**!^^^- health-. The^'Ifj ^.f^^f"' J? ^onx otS?***^*^"" ""**" *-^^ f«o» in ao- TlM Sonree of Kaoli ZU Tamper. or jS-to^'hi^b^i^™«»»'»«e in bad hum- It is impossible to live pleasnrably with- out livmg prndently. honorably and jnstly; or to live prudently, honorably and justly TTithout hving pleasnrably PROFESSIONAL. ajg-s^E-L^Sntno-rS it ^ilfclel LADIES- YOU CAN for §3 at PETLEY" BUY $,-. MANTLES L^?,^li?„7l9U CAN.BU\ 510 MANTLES for?6at PETLEYS' L^?Mi?nT,Fâ„¢^^'^â„¢^ SPECIAL SALE ot Mantles now gomg on at PETLEYS" Ij'^3^n"J?JtLPM^.BUY 815 MANTLES for 810 at PETLEYS' LADIES-YOU CAN for«15at Pf:TLEYS' BUY $25 MANTLES T/T?»i^H?."~^'?-U, ^^^. BL-y FINE LINEN PETLE Y8^ ° ""•' '^®°^^ P^'" "^^^^" ^^ Iji^rlirtV^i^^' ^3-^ MANTLES LADIES' 25 CENT DRESS GOODS FOR la cents per yard at PETLEYS' L-^S^^f TT- '^E OUR STOCK OF~FINE Di."riY°v"L.^^°^""*=*^*" ' wholesale prices at LADIKS SEE THE Counter at PETLE 10c. HOSIERY LADIES, SEE THE Counter at PETLEYS' 25c. HOSIERY LA^J^^'r. '°" '^^^ BUY GREY AND Wh ite ottons at mill prices at PETLE YS\ LA J^^®,'., "'9^' 'AN~'bU Y ^FINE~ ALL- T ^^.lV°°"'»nkctsat $2.50 per pair at PET- 1j III 1 b 530 MANTLES LADIES, YOU CAN BUY for $1S at PETLEYS' LADIES. FOR BEST FRENCH .SILKS GO to PETLEYS' " a^lf^Mar'aifillfty, loss of appetite, paUo^ chilly MDsaticHu, fbUowed by nisht-aweafei "d oong^ maapt meimues of tSef ahooUl vMtiJim. ^i»»WW^pB is acrofnloM dia* ^manfmlmm w. bloM-puifier and stnagth" natorer. Dr. Pierce's "Golden MedicalDis- coTMy." Superior to cod liver oil as ana- tritive, andnnanrpaBaed as a pectoraL For imk hugs, ^ittiog of blood, and kindred aSsctiens, it has no sqaaL Sold by dmg- gista. For Dr. Pierce's treatise on Con- sumption send tAFO stamps. World's Dk- PiNSABY Medical Assoclatiok, fiufblo. N. Y. ' All those things which are now held to be of the greatest antiquity were, at one time, new and what we to-day hold np by ex- ample, will tank hereafter as a precedent. " tugh no Man. IdUUea i " for Dr. Pierce's " Favorite Prescription " is a prompt and certain remedy for the painful disorders peculiar to your cex. By all drag- There is poetry and there i»beauty in real sympathy, but there is more â€" there is Action. The noblest and moet powcrfu form of sympathy is not rat rely the respon- «ve tears, the echoed sigh, the answering look; it is the embodiment of the sentimient in actual help. Woman and Her IMaeaaea is the title ot a large illustrated treatise, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, Bulfalo, N. Y., sent to any address for three stamps. It teaches suc- cessful self-treatmrnt. L'^?^.??;r^9SJYINTER DRESS GOODS gotoPEILEY.S' LADIES, FOR CRAPES AND MOURNING Ooods go to PETLEYS' LADIES. FOR ORDERED to PETLEYS' MANTLES Go LADIES. ATTEND THE SPECIAL .SALE of Mantles now going on at PETLkV.S' Vegetine WILL CURE. Scrofula, Scrofulous Humor, Cancer, Cancer- ous Humor, Erysipelas, Canker, Salt Rheum, Pimples or Humor in the Face, Coughs and Colds, Ulcers, Bronchit- is, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia. Rheu- matism, Pains in the Side, Constipation, Costive- ness, Piles, Dizziness, Headache, Ner- vousness, Pains in the Back, Faintness at the Stomach, Kidney Complaints, Female Weakness, and General Debility. This preparation is scientifically and chemi- cally combined, and so strongly concentrated from roots, herbs, and barks, that Its good effects are realized immediately after commenc- ing to take it. There is no disease of the human system for which the Vegetine cannot be used with perfect safety, as it does not contain any metallic compound. For eradicating the system of all impurities of the blood it has no equal. It has never failed to effect a cure, giving tone ^d strength to the system debilitated by dis- ease. Its wonderful effects upon the complaints named are surprising to all. Many have been cured by the Vegetine that ihave tried many other remedies, it can well be called ^le Great Blood Purifier. Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint Curecl. Newcastle, Ont., Apr, 26, 1880. This is to certify that I have been afflicted with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint for the last 15 years and have used Vegetine for the last six months with gjreat satisfaction and would recommend it to any who are afllicted with the same. I foimd after using the second bottle that I had gained ten pounds of flesh. Yours truly. 'JHOMAS DOUGLAS. Express Agent. I am personally acquaiivtcd with Mr. Thos, Douglas and know him to be reliable and also that the above is true. Yours truly. R. FATHERGILL I'harmaccutical Chemist, Newcastle. Yegctinc is Sold by all Drnsrsists. LAWYERS WILL SAVE MONEY BY buying their Overcoats at PETLEYS' MANTLES AT TEN TO TWENIY-FIVE per cent, below wholesale prices at PET- LE 5['S MERCHANTS HAVING AN business, will save money by PEi LEYS' EYE buying TO at PUBLISH KRS WILL SAVE MONEY BY attending the great sale ot Overcoats now going on at I'ETLEYS' WHY PAY FIFTEEN DOLLARS FOR AN Overcoat, when you can buy the same for ten dollars at PETLE 'S' WHY PAY S15 FOR A TWEED when you can buy one LEYS" ULSTER for $10 at PET- WHY PAY $12 J OR A HEAVY WINTER Overcoat when you can buy one for $10 at PETLEYS' ' wilf forward the goods 'free by mail, and send "o refund the money effect a cure. See A.P. 107 "'toi- "^ci," was monk be iKeys.' tlicj the Holy get inquir- aMjy from aconic reply, baboons that ^.^interrupted i„ their little pas- "^^•iim.i "P^°'*^^^ to fintla troop ^ii^^7h.T" '"'^^i'^^oos, or other IWt's '"" '"' returned on tiptoe ^eDerm,.^!"^^^"" ^^° "'ent to arrest â-  ' wiord t u â-  'larmed Europeans Qphintnn • 'â- ' *^^^^ prejudices. ior"w««gardiDer nearly lost '5?io-V.-„" V*^^*^^"" hanuman a 'WlL '^^^'1 him from street li«lredh- ' sympathizing The I'here :nm to escape thfongh the ir*ildhaniK u ^^"'^^'of his coun- \^ wompi; " "^^rinte to minute, ^tocnr.r"" in the chase and ""•Ifelex T ' '"^Piety with a turnip WORKINGMEN, WHY PAY $3.50 FOR Working Pants when you can buy them for $2.50 at PE t'LEY"S' J BUY^'OUR WIFE ONE OF OUR $5 MAN- TLES for a Xmas present, and you will save $4 at PETLEYS' BUY YOUR WIFE ONE OF OUR $15 MAN- TLES, and save $10 at PETLEY^*. ffl.r»~ff?7rvVIL^ Bl^'Y A PAIR OF FINE '^/Q'Oi) all-wool Blankets at PETLEYS' l^T^rWlLh BUY A PAIR OF EXTRA ,Oif heavy all-wool Blank«ts at PET- S6.2 FOR 39 CT8 Any person sending mc 39 cts and the ad dresses of 10 acciuaintances will receive by re turn mail eoods (no recipes) that net $6.25 This is an honest offer to introduce staple goods. Ifyouwant a fortune, act now. J. D. HENRY, P. O. Box 127. Bugalo, N. Y. VBBBB STAMPS.â€" ADDRESS K. H. COX, 4 K ing St. Eas t Toro nto. A gents wanted Trade work a special- Ballab ey. 8 King St. E.. Toronto IHRIS. SHEPPARD. Manuf rof Masonic and other Society Jewels, 15t King E. T oront o. A C PER DA^Y can be made by agents, male P0 or female. C. W. DENNIS. Toron to. PRICE TICKETS, SHOW CARDS, WIN DOW SHADES. Newest designs. Send for pri ce list F. Will iams, 4 King E. Toronto. Christmas, New Year. Birthday and other Cacfis, at H. J. Mat- FHEWS Bros, art d epot, Toronto. Ill /1 7*P U r C^endTf or free illustrated cata- Tf H I UnCOa loguetoRTRIE.theJeweler. 113 Yonge Street, 1 oronto. ILLUSTRATED RELIGIOUS WEEKLT story paperâ€" eontaining Spui^eon's and Tal- mage's sermonsâ€" $1.50 per year specimens free. B os 383 Por t Hop e. R. S.WOOD AiCO., OAKVILLE-MANIT â-  FACTURERS of outside and inside Blinds, Sash, Doors, and Mouldings. Send for X;yATCHi;9 repaired CARDS TAGS. LEYS' BUY A HANDSOME WAX THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. Believes and cures RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, HSiDlOHE, TOOTHACHE, oerc. WILL 550 Doll at PETLE Y.S tTkC. WILL BUY AN EXTRA LARGE WAX OU Doll at PETLEYS' ^^^ WHY PAY NINETY CENTS FOR A DOLL when you can buy the same for 30 cts. at PETLEYS' WORKINGMEN, SEE OUR HEAVl ALL- WOOL Pants weU made, heavily lined, and with strong pockets, only f2.50 at PET- LEYS' SORE THNAT, GS, QtferSY, Soreness, Cuts, Bruises, ' FROSTBITES, BIJB3IS, SCAUS, And ail other homf aches and pains. nrrr CEMTS n Bonn. languages. Tii«CkaMtJI.«»tMreo. M«»A.Toaspaao^ 5UJ-I- g^C. WILL BUY^ A SPLENDID FINE fiO wool cloud atPElLEYS' 5^ r/\ WILL -BtJY AN ELBOANT S1.50 lar^e cloud, scHd at 150 elsewhere ^iTeLSOatraTLEYS' GREY COTTONS RETAIL AT LESS THAN wholesale pric es at PE fLE Y p P^e'iS'ost sSubie^X.^ p^iit "forran old ^SLEY SHAWLS AT COST PRICES lady. CARPETS :^iiT QUAUTYBRU^ELS CARPEl j5 only one dollar per yard at PiTfLE Xb -r:«NE ^VILTON CARPETS^ONLY 11 50 A XMINSTER C^ETS-ONLYtl 50 PER j^ yard at PETLEYS-. prices, Oakyille, Ont. Patent evelct. smooth surface, heavy and very tousrh. Send for new price list. J. G. WOODLAND CO.; St eam Printsrs. Toronto. ONTARIO VETERINARY COLLEGE, TO- ONTO. Students can enter from October untU January. PROF. SMITH, S.,V. Edin., PrincipaL Fees, fifty dollars. OWNERS OF FARM LANDS, Cll'i AND Town Properties, desiring to realize, will find purchasers by sending me full descriptions, lowest prices, and -terms of payment. .T. W. G. WHITNEY, Estate Agent, 25 Toronto street, Toronto. FOITSALE OR EXCHANGE FOR FARM property in the villdge of Port Sydney, ex- cellent business stand, with lots; also con- venient, improved farm of three hnndred acres, with frame buildings. Address Box iO, Port Sydney. THE BELL TELEPHONTilCO. OF CANADA having purchased patents of Telephones; which can oe rented at reduced rates *or private line purpoaeti, parties deslHng to o{||ain some win be furnishea oa anplicatlon to the Company at its Head Ufllce. MontreaL or to agents, or Manager of Ontario Department Bell Tele phone Co.. Hamilto n. _^_ CAWASIAN MOTOAL AID AMVVIATIWN. Co-operative Life Assurance. Provide for families in case of death. W. Pemberton Page, Sec, 8 7 KlnySt. West. Toronto. Agents wantei i. XTTTANTED PAKXlKSOWwiNW A. ru«7 T Y ABLE Saw JtflU .to tender for sawing the IaitUer off 200 acres of bush land. For parti- cnlatil^^ress, AUTHORS COX, Mantifact- oreesOT Artificial Limbs, 91 Church street, Tor- ODt^^j â-  â-  THOSE WISHING TO DISPOSE Olf OK purchase a business of any description in the cuy or elsewhere shonTd call or send jiarti- culara to C. J. PALIN, 5% and 55 King-street East. Business Agent and V a iner. OITAPPELLE liANirCOMPANY OFFEk Free HomesteaSs and Pre-emptions (Oot- emment terms) on east side of lamg Ijake, near Regina: loam soil, rolluuc prairiie good open- ing for merchants, c. For particulars address W. H. GIBBS. PMa.«.98haw8. er W. a. GIBBS, JR., ManaBiiicDireQtiBC'Itogilia, N. W. t. fSHruta ymas dwnM vm naByo«rlaii^aa»be qnib RSRiaBlk ItRMwIi ahan* Baw 1 ./Ud your Teeth ahall paaila Bbace cp â€" Your system for work. 25o- PKSA, the new Dyspepsia and liver remedy Atenda strictly to business in correcting the Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys. Sample bottles, 10 cents larsce bottles, 75 cents. DYSPEPSIA] And the severer forms of INDIGESTION. A small pamphlet on the above most distressing maladies and their complete cures, post free, S cents in stamps. By R. KING, Esq., Staff Sur- geon, Royal Navy, England. Apply to KICBAKB KOTCi, Box 34«. Wind sor, On General Financial Agency. Sums ot from $200 to $50,000 to invest in Pa- tent Rights, Business Chances, Manufactures. Hotels, Saloons, and any kind of merchantable or exchangeable property. J. I ETANS A CO., Leader Lane, Toronto. Valuable. New Grape Vines By IVtail. The undersigned will send by mail to any part of Ontario or Quebec, and guarantee them to come in good order, good, strong, well-rooted Vines of the following new and valuable varie- ties of Grapes at the annexed prices Brighton. Burnett. Laily. Hloor' Early, or ITordcn, 50 cts. each, or 5 for $S. Belind.i, Dnchess, .lelTcrson, Pockfilinaten Preutls, or Vergencs, $1 each, c for $5. Also, a large assortment of other varieties of GRAPES, GOOSEBERRIES, CURRANTS. RASPBERRIES, BLACKBERRIES, STRAW- BERRIES, ETC., cheap by mail or express. Also, Fruit Ornamental Trees. Send for catalogue. Address A. M. SMITH. Box 071, St, Catharines, Ont P. S.â€" The proprietor of any paper sending a special notice of this advertisement in his pa- per to the undersigned will receive |1 worth of vines. A. M. SMITH, THE GRET CURS FOR And ::1I complaints of a Rheumatic nature, RMcUMATSNE is not a ?.cvereign remedy fat " ali the ills that fle?h iz heir to," but for NEU- i;Ar.;:iA, sciatica, RHHUilAXISM. and coittpIc:nt5 of R!:cumatic nature. IT fS A S'JRE CURE Sold by all druggists. The Rheu.natine Man- ufacturing Co.. St. Catharines, Ont. Messrs. Northrop 4: Lyman, Wholesale Agts,, Toronto. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For Diseases of the Throat and Langs. snch as Coughs, Celds, Whooping Cough, Bronchltli*. Asthma, and Consumption. Thef e w comi)osition3 which haVe won the confidence of mankind and become household words, among "not only one but many nations must have extraordin- ary virtues. Perhaps no one ever sectu*ed so wide a reputation, or maintained it so long as Atkb's Chhirry Pectoral. It has been known to the pnbUc about forty years, by a long continued series of marvelous cures, that have won for it a con- fidence in its virtues, never equaled by any other medicine. It stUl makes the most effectual cures of Coughs, Colds. Consumption, that can be made by medical skill. Indeed, the Chkrky Pectoral has really robbed these dangerous diseases of the terrors to a great extent, and given a feeling of immunity from their painful effects, that is well foundad, if the remedy be taken m season. Every famUy should have it in their closet for the ready and prompt relief of its members. Sickness, suffering, and even life is saved by this timely protection. The prudent should not n^lect it, and the wise will not Keep it by you for the protection it affords by its early use in sudden attacks. PREPARED BY i DR. J. C- ATEK CO.,LoÂ¥eIl, Mass.-, Practical aad Aajdytleal ChemUta. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISI« AND DEAL EBS IN MEDICINE. a jH iiWiia^n '.} A.-.'i^^-' f â- !| ' i y^ fn â-  I 'â-  1 V \- ilk iujp-,;ii»i 'i'i ij: ",1 IH sM •â- â- * -Mki' 't.rf:;;f,,;

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