Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Jan 1883, p. 5

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 ^IVt ^^7r^ r^ V^"^: (ver of Sale( here will be Crowa Hotel, i»j H loll $t Brown ^^i'^:r^' ' ~J^ .â- â- â-  â- ..,K.. ^; .,^A,---;-^.-rf^Sfe: " \/r. /)o// i's leaving Mark- into the Wholesale iQ (fO lUrv Business m Toronto, "lioi^^^^shing to leave Mark- " "^aTtiicrshi'p with Mr. W. ^^u.^._^ ,^ ^^Ijg GONSIiiPnVES. Mr vv aUo^ethtr,) he //a5 ^w/^r^i ;, har^tncrship wi BRO U'A' /^^^ 0/ l^lesherton, U s ' pradical watchmaker â- Loui'Mcndattonsfrom satne of \,u.iding watchmakers in the oniinion. ]lr. Brown will carry on the suifss in Markdale. {II :.-ork eniriisted to him will \lr.:c '.n a wDrkmanlike man- // -ji'ork will he guaranteed, \nd all goods sold will be found Is represented, or money refund- at IDoU Brown's, The l'cople' Watchmakers Jewellers, lliirti l^locli, MAIlKJJAiE ONLY. Lacal itame. the place te get youT photos A ahotk of tartliqBalM ma Mt aX Bdk. â-¼flle on Fridaj last. The GartiiTal on Fridftj nigh t kst mu g»nd Booeesa (fal fulim'.) Mr. and Mis. Arch. Dpeen to(^ tbair de partnre for Alexandria, Minn., on MmdaT last. Another wanderer has retnmed. SamT Merrow arriTed home from Michigan last week. McAUister, of Dnrham, treated his friends on New Year's eve out of a silver pitcher 220 years old. We onderstand it is the intention of some of our young men to form a siring band. We wish them success. The social at Stinsoin's on Friday evening was well attended.andagood time was spent. Proceeds about |13. The nature of a dog is very far removed from that of a. man, because a dog is counted mad when he refuses to d'ink. Hotel to Bent. â€" Mansion House, Mark- dale. Apply C. M. Reynolds, Markdale P. O. Possession given 10th February. Not a single bushel of grain was shipped from New York to Em ope in a vessel bear- ing the American flag during 1882. East Grey Con icrvative Association met in the Town Hall, Flesherton, ou Wednesday the 3rd. All the old ofiUce-bearers were re- elected. The traffic return of the Toronto, Grey, Bruce Railway for the week ending Dec. 30, 1882, were }9,807. an increase of ?1,187 39 over last year. In Watertown, Wis., John, Annie and Lou- sia Kodisch murdered their mother on the 1 3:h ult. It is Supposed they desired to ob- tain her pri'perty. ?^ advertiser. liavm{{ ue«n pvmuueuUjr •«*•♦ thjitdraMl disease, Gonsmnptiaii, by maple remedy, is uixioa» to m«ke knows to his feUow sqfferern the means of eure To â- UwfaodesiMit. hewiUsend a ecqiy of the presenption osed, (free of charge,) with He directions fw piepairing and using the mim whi«di they will find a subb Cube for Co»- suiipnoM, .\sTBXA. Bbokchitib, ftc. Parties wiahmg the I'reseription, will please address, Kev. E. A. Wiioon. 149 Penn St., Williamsbnrgh.N. T. 75-127 AaEMTb WA.NTBD.â€" Big paj.- liight Work. Steady EmploymeBt Samples free- Address, M. L. BYRN, 46 Naussaustree New York. 20 3 k:;tn. iPr. T. 1' Bi-o\vn, L. D Land for Sale. inn ^^*^S; »*x"»t 30 o* which is l-V/Vf cleared, being comnoead of the E. I half of liot l!i, in the Rth conceiision of the Township of Euphrasia. Apply at this office, or to Bobebt Ddnlop, Township Clerk of Eaphratda, Griersville P 0. 117-tf. Just Arrived A LABGE STOCK OP NEW IND FASHIONABTE xiieTZ- o-ooiDS, Boots and Shoes, NEW 8R0CERIES, At prices which will astonish you. Call aud see. Rejgresb-ing In tiie eaol uiwrtion of some fteople tiiat thegrflia mU b^w eoet. e it may not be aaiBS to tetthepnblie of Markdale and nir hmidiag eoontij kuow diat "'llson I3eii8oii, .if the "BELFAST HOUSE." MA R 1C TAT,F. ean sdl " cheaper than the cheapest," and "better than the bett," all kinds of Groceries, Liquors, c. Consisting of TEAS, TOBACCOS, SPICES. CANNED FISH, ETC., And for those wishing pare Wine for sac- ramental purposes, will find a brand that will eqnal im3^hiig on this side the Atlantic. Other Liquors equally pure. fipxciAi. Pure Holland Gin. Cheese from the best manufactories. Our Whiskies are from the firm of Good- ariiam Worts, Toronto, aad the public may 1^7 on receiving them as they are sent. FLOUB. POTATOES, and everything in the household line kept constantly on hand. Henceforth my Store will be supphed with Fruits of all kinds, such as APPLES. PEABS, PCUMS, Ac. FBUIT CAKES of all kinds always kept on hand. Essences, Hair OUs, and Perfumery of the choicest nectars. TOILET FANCY SOAPS, better than the best. CANADIAN WESTEBN POBK, of first quality. Everything in the Grocery Line kept on a fuller nnd more complete scale than at any other place in Markdal WILSON BENSON. MAKEDAIiB Meat Market. A OftnstDt sapply of Fresh Meats! on hand, at the Lowej.t Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deiiv- ered free lo all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale March 23. 1882. 80-1t Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs or any kind of E'owl at the Cheap Stoke. S., of Woodstock, ilr i:i Maikilale ou the 15th inst., and riruiaii: at least two weel.s. Tuo niamior ;n wViich snbsci-iptions have iio.-uiiiii,' in tilt" past two weeks is very \cii-A-,; alii satisfactory. Keep it up I A cini'lim^-ntcTT supper w« given Mr. Ml J. McAlear, of the Railroad Hotel, feskcvioii Sta'.iou. last Friday evening, the he proceetlings were highly sat- lisctcry, iiud an enjoyable evrning spent. i'iio -lai'.liin!,' is excellent and an immense u-:n:-s i^ It-in' done in marketing prain, la 0- 1, tiri~. telegraph poles, cedar posts, |jvo brlis tan bark, etc., making our .c with teams, and business men As-oi::/.:i Shot. â€" The week be- last Mr. Townseiid, of Glenelg, shot a iJcat tuat ha) previously killed two of his fisep- It i: a matter of surprise that so psnv of ;litse ferocious animals exist in such I well .settle! part as South Grey.â€" C/iron- I llAEKPiLE L. 0. L. No. 104.5.â€" At the lecembfr meeticg the following officers |ere elected fur the ensuing year â€" "W. M., BPsElhcu; D. M., Wm. Brady; Chap., |.W. For,l; Sec, A. McDougall Treas., T- liiiott-, Master of Ceremouies, Jos. Dormer: ktCom llssi., Jolm Shea. Tek D.\K0Ti Potato Beaten â€" Mr. Wm. lirili. of dknel.!;, raised last season an "early f!e" potat/o which weighed 6J lbs. this, loTevLi. was not an exceptional one as seven I the same kiiul weighed 42 lbs. Nothing ietoir.t priiductinn yet in the way of pota- «!i, jj;,i iaolateJ specimens from the States p UMiC'.Ys^ary iii South Grey. â€" Chronicle. Uas. u^J.i about seven o'clock, a fire f'-iiiw^ in the building occupied by Mr. Me; Urvan, on the south side of Main «'â-  It feared at first that the whole l"'li".ouMl.e destroyed, but owing tc the pwtious of a niiinber of our citizens, whose r"-^luei-tril itTorts nerit the highest praise, fie ire wu.- ii.biiued in a short time, aithcugh !!€ '-iim;v," ^Yas -dune ta the bijilding. â€" â- â- â- "'in.' I n',: i';c.- ihp.K..w.u- Gi;.\Nr,E.â€" The eighth annual Wmo -.vuj hfld when the followiug offioers •^ tlectoa for the ensuing year :â€" Mister, "'r SmitL Overseer, Henry Hamilton '"'•w. P. Lyons Steward. W, Carhet "â-  St?^vard, David Squire Chaplain, G. "my; Treasurer, Ilobt. ElUott; Secre- â- ^•E- W. Miore; Gatekeeper, J. Thomp- " ttf s, Mrs. P. Smith Pomona, Mrs. ^V Moore; Flora, Mrs. H. HamUton; •' As£t. Stei^ard, Miss A. Smith. l-ncRcH OpExiN-a.â€" Last Sabbath the op- "^8 «ervices were held m Knox Church. '« Rev. Dr. JleLaren, Profesior of Divinity .°^ College, conducted the morning and *^iDg services, and ia the afternoon Mr. -Mm.d, of Latcna, preached. The con- tions were very large and especially bo j^ ' s^eaing, the capacity cf the cfanrch ' '" to the utmost. Dr. Md^aren'n '*«^ being masterpieces of do«pien». ^^Jngli^h and Methodist churches were 10 the morning and the fljiptist Im*^ ^y- The coUactions amqnpted imghl ^^^^^ " propitioui inaofiQrst^ is °aen and should stunulata tlw «»- '" to rengwBd effort in weU 4^- The traffic return of the Toronto, Grey 4 Bruce fo .j week ending Dec. 26, was $6,- 'â-  275, an increase of $2,3C9 over the corres- ponding week of last year. Farmers and others desiring a genteel, lu- crative agency business, by which $5 to $30 a day can be earned, send address at once, on postal, to H. C. Wilkinson Co., 19o and 197 Fulton Street, New York. 121-6m What has happened our defunct fire bri- gade Has all their enthusiasm oozed out at theu- fiuger ends, or will it need another great destruction of property to resurrect that fonritiable organization known as the "Markdale Fire Brigade." Auction Sale. â€" Geo. Noble, Auctioneer, has received instructions from Mr, Jos. Galbraith to sell at the Revere House, on Saturday, the 13th inst., his farm stock im- plaments, housiehold furniture, c. Sale commences at 10 a. m.; 10 months credit. A sle.ghing party,comprising 44 of our vil- lage people drove, out a dintance of 9 miles to Mr. James Erskine's m Euphrasia on Fri- day evening last and had a splendid time. Mr. and Mrs. Erskine treated them with the greatest hosFitaUty making all feel perfectly at home. The Comnurcial, printed and published in Winnipeg, in magazine form, printed on good paper, givmg the various departments, is issued weekly at »?. per annum. Parties having interests hi the Noith-West ought to have it. Steen Boyce pubUshers. 16 James St. E., Winnipeg. J P. Marshall, dentist, who has been practising *ith Dr. Frank, oJ OrangeviJ^e, for some years, and who is also a Ktaduate of Toronto School of Dentistry, intends vis- iting Markdale on the third Wednesday m each month, and wiU be at RuUedge's hotel on Wednesday, the 17th Jan., 1883, for the practice of dentistry in aU its branches. The liberaJ-Conservative Association for North Grey held its annual meeting at Owen Soimd on Monday. The foUowmg officers were elected :-Jame8 Mason, Owen Sound president J. J. Johnston, St. Vincent.first Vice president Wm.Toppen. Keppel, secoiid vice-president; G. P- Creighton, Owen Sound, recording secretary H. W. Jenkins, Owen Sound, correspondmg secretary U. Robinson, Owen Sound, treasurer. A very successful tea-meeting was held in the Mclntyre Presbyterian churchlaat Thurs- day evening. The church wasIite«Uy crowd- ed An entert«nment was held m the inter- est, of the Sabbath school "^ildren^- Intyre on New Years evening. A Chnatma. tJ was the featmre of the ^y"r' ^^'^^ there was a large Bumher ef TatoW. p^^ ents. Excellent mmuc was provjdeby^M«. gers. Annie MoKinnon. Lizzie McGur, a»a Temy Grey, and Mr. WilUam Inkster. -««- At » n«^ in-ti«« o* M»*^" ®""f! No. 3S6 the feUowingoflBoers were dret^ for tbs yew 1883 :â€" Thps. Hann, W. M.; O. BidHirfBon. Oy«««; The. Elliott^-; a; Elliott, Leetwer B. Cotenun. ^Jw^"' 8 J Coleman, TreMorer S- Io=C^"« Stewud: Edward JjUinMB, O***^ i ^f ter B. Drew. 0«m; ^ter J-» "J^ BOD.: »*« Alto. Dww. Fl«: af»« May Walker, LudyAwt. Steiwidw^ G«»- The -bore M«oF»nf»»»' .opjp^ 9k^ wfiiI(iMI*«»t»n«-. JOHN DOUPE, Fleshertou station. Nov. 15th, 1882. 114-3fl:. TO SELL OR RENT. LOT 1.0, CON. 12, HOLL.\ND. 122 acres, 100 cleared, good buildings there- on. Terms easy. Applv to James Logan, Po.stmaster, near the premises, or to M. S. KELLOW, Tara P. 0. November 14th, 1882. 114-tf. Health ia Wealth Dr. E.G. West's Nerve and urain Xueat- MENT, a guaranteed s^pecific for Hysteria, Dizzii'es.s, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu- ralgia, Headachf Nervous Pro.stration caus- ed bv the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wake- fulness! Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain, resulting i/i Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death,Premature Old Age, Barr eunecs, Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary losses and Spermatorrhcea, caused by over-exertion of the brain, self abuse or over-indulgence. One box will cu e recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for five iiollars sent by mail pre- paid OH receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order re- ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will scud the purchaser a written guarantee to refund thu money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar- antees issued only by A. Turner ACo.. sole authorized Ageni for .Markdale Out. Johs C. West dtCo. sole proprietor,Toronto,Ont. PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the recipe for a simple VsoKTABLE Balm that will remove Tan- FRECKLKS, PIMPLES and Blotches, leave ing the skin soft, clear and beautiful also instructions for producing a lux iriant growth of hair on a bald head jt smooth face. Ad- dress, enclosing a 3c. stamp, Ben. Vandelf Co. 5 Beekman st. N. Y. 75-127 ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from NERVOUS DEBILITY, PREMA- TURE DECAY, and all the effects of youth- ful indiscretion will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe end directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing tc profit by the advertiser's experi- ence can do 00 by addressing in perfect confi- dence, JOHN B. OGDEN. 75-127 42 Cedar St.. New York. 1 Great cnance to make money. Those who B always take advantage of ti.e good chances for making money that are offered, generally become wealthy, while those who do not improve such chances re- main in poverty. We want many men, wo men, boys and girls to work for us right in their own localities. Any one can do the work properly from the first start. The bus- iness wUl pav more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfitinrnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly Yon can devote your whole time in the work, or orly your spare moments. Full informa- tion and aU that is needed sent free. Addres. Stikson fc Co., Portland Maine. 71-126 SEEING IS BELIEYM. GENTLEMEN.â€" If you want a first-claas Buggie or Wagon cull t MCKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can supply you with anything fronk*. Lrumber Wagon up to Extension Tod Phaeton,. To buy from them is to They are both practical workmen, end' employ none but PRACTICAL WORKMEN. Theygaaranteetbeir work Second to none for Lightness of Draught and Superiority of Finish. Cold MANHOOD HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED /^^^~~~^ We have recently published a new f SKAIj jedition of Dr. CuLVBnwKCi's Csle- I ^^^^^^"S'^^^BSATED EssAT OU the v-adical and permanent cure (without medicine) of Ner- vous Debility. Mental and Physical incapaci- ty. Impediments to Marriage, d;c., resulting from excesses. tsr Price, in sealed envelope, only cents, or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' successful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicines or the use of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself che^ly, privately and radically. E^This Lecture should be in the hands oi every youth and every man in the land. Address The Oulverwell Medical Co,. P.O. box 450 41 Ann St., N«v fork S500 Reward We will piiy the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyt-pcpsia, Sick Head- ache, Indigestion. Constipation or Costive- nesB we cannot cure with West's Vegetabler Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly compUed with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satiHlaction. Siwar Coated, liarge Boxes, contaiiting 30 Pills, 35 ets. For sale by aU Drnggigts. Beware of eonnterfeits and immitations. The genn:- ina mtmofactured only by JOHN C. W£S% A CO., "The Pm Makers," 81 83 King SW* Sast, Toronto, Ont. Free trial package aait hy maSL prepaid, on reMipt of a 3 cent stamj^ for sale At Turner Co. Drag Store. They use nothing but First-class ^^^lite Oak for Wagons, and thiice Extra Second Growth Hickory for Ught work. The immense amount etwork turned out of McKenna Mason'.s shop is sufBciea. proof of the wide reputation they enjoy for doing good work. The BEST is thr CHEAPEST in the EJfD Poor cheap work we positively will not take. Special attention given to lie-Trimming and Repainting all classes of Carriage Work. Satisfaction guaranteed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEI NG SHOPâ€" Un Mill Street opposite by Sproule's llotel. McKEN N A MAS ON THOS. MATHEWS, EanssS EslaUosiII MARKDALE. K EVERYTHING IN OUR LINEC KEPT ON HAND OR JUDE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERYI IN CONNECTION. FAIM FOUaALE. LOT 6 CON. » B. O.. *»*. BOUimO, 1:0 aerce, 70-*«aH'»-A»«d, wed, ^rtw^ ed, €o«»d orehaid her»Bntt«»*»i^ ho«W^ worth, X b^««iii «* »•• ««^,'^Jâ„¢ bai^t^ ...;•,* -â- :: .•^â- ' â- ' 3.-/; yoar rest by a siA ehiU aaffoing and erj^ intll tbe axvMiatmir pain of catting tee^! If ML go stM^ and get a bottle of MQfti WmBLOWS SOOTHUfQ SYBT7F. 'ItiqK rtlMVCtfa* f^at little miArer iininedi»tety GEORGE WtLSON, Wholesale and Retail. IBUTCHEE!! BEEF, P0R2 OE MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to awholeoaicass, at the lowest market prices. ;tlSH FOWL IW THEIR SEASON Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of wUl do well to call at No. S Bums' Block, opposite the new Union Block. Markdale, Oct. Sotti, 1881 Holbiiig Like Leather.. Nt. Nk M'bEOD,, KABKDALE. MothersI Mother^ Motheral iM yoa diatarbed « mghi and broken «fiMAT .YA BE BEATEN L HwrestbyasiAehiWaaffeing and ciy^ 'â- *' 9 i 9 %^ Wfc b»m â-  mwm *«. ' AU thoMTirtie any have had th^r misfor- â-  tane to have been.- bom barefopted f»illb«»c.- ^». ,»c ««« »â€" ™« «...««^~,â€" »• â„¢^ ** 'J'^* rjoei^ ^.-Wr- I 09M^: thiswia aMpiatake »b«rt«.f ** " bM^«toA..ol lcat*«, •^'J^^^' LS?*mSuMnSSSrwlio iM^bllwigbtintpM^kd^.ocn^^ ttiakitidHnga]M*«b»^jraU,raKtgiT»iw« ^f^r°J. to dl»aH«lMr. Mi ttUBt mA bmltkm Urn fSJTSLi^a and «nana. mt^iouMt in^ mim. aa* yWiMit to, ' Sewie4. Wark ft Speoialty. Kip mmiCaitgmtd «re now «i». nfirt»TMAa. ffiMta. Jm» Mlahoea, (nntf tiw «lQga. â- \--^ S .i- ?*-" rf^f-fefr- j5«-* i' il t I. m^' â- â- ?*#• M » â-  Is. â- if.' 1 ' SI â- â- ! I "1,1 It '(â-  â- ! I ii' '^:" h â- in m t 1i H i â-  â-  "lU;;; ^H. â-  f '• *-â- * 'â- :' « 1.^ £t^'

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