Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Dec 1882, p. 8

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 1 (i •rl ' i ;, r 1 â- ^ ,^^^r^ ^Ife" i ;h^ • i X I; if t INTERESTING ITEMS G^THERKD FROM OOK EXCHANGES AND OTtlERWISE f6B THE BEADEKS OF THE "STANTARD." Fleslicrton. A coffee au.l lunch room opened here. The village p ilice tnistees have ac quitted tiieuis-lves cr^-ditablv, and given a sati^factorv account through the preos of tiieir btewurdsliip. Prefibyrenan xliiuiversary Strmon will be prri;i.;li-d at 2 80 \\ m. next, Siibba-th and a tea-m(;etiug v^lil be held the fid wiuj (Chriotina.-' eveu- iug; a imisfi u 25cts. The Meth'dist S. S. AnuiV'-rsary wiii take piac as'il on New Year's day. Humors have betn going that scar let f^ver has bepn lagiug m this vil- lage no such thing Business brisk. Good sleighing. John Buliivan's wife of a daughter. Mr. Brooks' wife of a daughter, Nomination on Friday. Skating rink opens on Thursday night. Mr. Eobt. Morrow had his feet bruised while loading a stick of timber on Saturday last at Fleshertoa station. TAILOR, SYDENHAM STREET, The Peoples Photoi V ^x-.ss23:::Bi5'xo3sr. Continues to take Pictures, Do Copying and Enlarging in go* O â€" ' FRAMES and FRAME Fi: in great variety and latest decigns at desperate low prj THE REASON HE WROTE IT. "I write this." says Mr. Nelson de Pew, of Napie'.-^vilie, Quebec, Ca lada "to say that, -after sufieiicg a.x years with rheriatism â€" accunipanied with the most hit^iise pain with which any oue could be aiHicted â€" I have been completely ^-ured by the use of St. Jacobs Oil. I thus write because I consider it my duty to so lo, and because I wish tc publish to suffering hu'jiaiiity the wonder- ful eflScacy of the Great German Remedy, â- when I remember that during the nix years in which 1 was bedridden with this awful disease, I tried all kinds of 'remedies, and expended a very large amount of mone.y â- with doctors of all schools, and underwent all kinds cf treatment, the feehng of grati tude at my Marvelous recovery impie-oses me to give the widest publicity to my case," Durham. The late storm block.i the roads for t'wo days, The Finiew is enlarged by four col- umns. Mr. John Hasting is here renova- ting feather beas. He does them first class. Considerable cross firing is indulg- ed in between our ne'wspaper men. HOW IT WORSE P AT THE MURRAY HOUSE Among the cosiest hotels in Ontario, is â- the Murray House of St. Catherines, kept by Mr. Thomas ScuUey, where the â- writer always stops when in that city. Upon a re- eent trip, the writer was speaking with Mr. Bculley concerning his old ailment, weak back, whpn Mr. S. observed "I take sm- â-  cere pleasure in recommending St! Jacobs J Oil to all sufferers. I have found a most â- excellent remedy myself, and I know of others who *. â- â€¢' used it with great succesr" I â- would not be without St. Jacobs Oil, noi do I believe any sensible m-iin ought. I caught a Cold about three years ago, which settled in my Lack and sorely afflicted me between my shoulders. The pain was almost nnen durable at times, especially at impending â- changes of the weather and at such times, I used to be incapaciatcd for attending to mj business. I tried electric baths, salt baths, various strengthening plasters and other such means without success. Finally I tried St. Jacobs Oil, the Great German Remedy, ard was cured at once and per maaeutly, St. Jacobs Oil is a most excellent remedy and 1 would not be â- without it at any pice." «-»^ ITiUiainsford. About three feci of snow here. Tea-meeting in tiie Methodist church to-night, (Thursday.) A Hop and Supper at Vegan's Ho- tel GO Christmas evening. Our population is on the increase, two of our reo^iected citizens were the recipients of a Christmas presout each a short time since. Mr. 8. Watson a daughter and Mr. J. L. Patterson likewise. Nomination to-morrow (Friday)and 41 stirring time is exnected. Mr. Cameron is a candidate for the Eeeve- f-hip. and Mr. Shute for Deputy Ileeve Mr. Norton wdl be a candi- date for either Reeve of Deputy, it is not yet known ^hich, but it is said liis chances are good for election in cither ca«ie. The following are in the field for councillors. â€" Messrs. R. Clark, Thos. Neeley. J. Deavitt, and others. LiUburn Bros, are paying cash for any quantity of logs for their mill. Mr. Smith expects his Millwright shortly to overhaul his flour mill. BOOTS SHOES JUST ARRIVED AT THE BEST QUALITY AND LOWEST PRICE. STOCK COMPLETE IN Dry Goods and Groceries! PRICKS ALWAYS RIGHT. OUR THIRTY CENT TEA Is the wonder of the day A trial solicited. WM. BROWN. Markdale, Oct. 11th, 1882. â- w II n ft 9 A. M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. MiNTYRE :F^lo"U-r, IF'lo-ULX, E^lovLi. McINTYRE'H McINT"iRE'S LIQUORS I_LIQUORS MEAL I MEAL I MEAL I McINTYRE'S McINTYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. Pork, Pork, Pork. McINTYRE'S Ooliee, Coffee. And ever ythin g kept n in a first-class Gr^ery and Liquor Store, always on hand, chkap roB/CASH. McINTYRE'S Tfeas, Teas m H U III ARTEMISIA WAREHOl jbT-j^Esirt^PiTOiv station] o Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots ail Groceries, Provioions, c. Slock kept fuH and well assorted goods lecoivet^ every week. Cash paid for all kinds of Grain at the o MY BRANCH STORE AT EUGENIA replenished with new goods every week. For sale cheap for cash i o My Saw Mill, Shingle Factoty, and Liiiit| AT LITTLE FALLS, AEE IN .OPERATION. All kinds Saw Lo$;s bought a( the Mill or sawn ci o linmber, Latta, Broom Handles, Shingles xind Limefti November 7th, 1882. « MAEKDALE Sash and Door Factory SASH, DOORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTONS. FRAMES Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Hand. Orders ]Promptly Filled. The Subscriber wishes toreturnthtokbtothe people of Markdkle and Ticinitv. for the ^ery liberal patronage they haVe given him in the past, and hopes by close att£tioi to busineas to merit a continuance of the same. "'"'"' tiiiention »o I ha\:e now extended my business .and will in future keep a fnU Stock of PINE L UMBER. Direct from the North Shore. ALL. SIZES, DRESSED AND UNDRESSED, All Klinds 'f Flain and Fancy Tnywiing TORONTO HOU FLESHEETON. _o Stock Fully Coiplete. Dniisiiallj VERY ATTRACTIVE, AND CHEAPER THAN m CHEAPJ m MTMmTpECM ini Variety and Value Unsurpasst DEY GOODS DEPAEMEI Is this seasoQ very complete with a very large stock ol Dress ft prising in part Cashmeres in all colors. Worsted WoolGa endless variety. Boot and Shoe Department Would call special attention of close buyers as my stock is unM from the best manufacturers and at rock bottom pricei OEDEEED CL0THIN6| Has been exceedingly brisk this season, on account of which I -^ the largest and best stock of Tweeds, Coatings, Trowserings, aaJj ings in this section of country. As I have alwavs led tlie trade «] partment buyers will find it to their advantage to call befortf elsewherfj. Women's Felt Boots 50c. per pair at M. Eichardson's, Flesherton. On oxje Tablu. â€" A fine poose for ChristmaF. Mrs. W. will please ac- cept onr thacks for su approimate a Done in a first-class manner. Markdale May 27th, 1881. THOS. McNEA. '7.f.{ Blacksmith ng Flesherton Station. The subscriber begs to annonuofr to the mhabitants of Fl. shenon, Markdale and i^ceville, and surrounding country, that he has commenced business at Flesherton Sta- tion, where he hopes by satisfactory work and moderate rates to secure a share of pab- lio patronage. H0R8E-8H3EIN6 A SPECIALTY. And guaranteed that in a case of interf erenie horses he will cure the defect in two sho^ ings or no charge wiU be made for the sec ond shoeing. NOTICE TO FARMERS. BUSINESS STILL INCREASING WITH Wu J. ROWE Millinery Department. Under the able managemt^nt of a first-class milliner, with jJeatrj ance, will be fouud unusuallv attractive with the prettiest ^iM able, and cheapest stock to be found in the county. Ladies, ii| you good to call and look at the stock. Hardware and GroSy Departiu Is always fully assorted and complete with the best goods, »t ili«l sible price ^Ji^ t^e only constant and reliaLle buver of Grain M" duce in Flesherton, and for which I will pay the higLest T^» ' any quantity of good dry, sound grain, which I would speciaUj " to clean well. A call eolicited. r Flesherton, Oct. Srd, 1882. A TRIAL SOLICITED. HENKY WHITE. 1882. no Flesherton Station, Oct. â€" ^AT THEâ€" UNDEB THE OLD PBOCESS S^ L^ Chopping done every working i^l' .^^^ ^°™ » oistance can have their stuff home them the sameda?^^ orders for Flour and Feed pr JpUy yf. J. ROWE, "Barrhead Mills." October 28th 1882. 113-126 MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF PUMPS, DBOP VALVE PUMPS, CYUi^DER Ptf^S,,€fBTEBS ' FORCE PUMPS, " ' Also, ALL KINDS OP IRON PUMPS SUPPI^^ fa.?th^°" enarantfted on all my work the nroof of H' S« ptmil?-^" *i^Ser business now than ever wasdoffij' the P«mp buBinesB. 3em«mber the stand, 1 door north oH^^ Sydenham Street, Mar:^^^ 'i-' ' i^S'l ^ik£. '^-tzf^ il«*««. .w,^lB Jt.

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