Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Oct 1882, p. 6

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 'â- â- * 7l;S^'.igr ^\r.f fuel. A carpet abont 16 feet ^y Hi [purchased in Karman tor 40 to so •jay f SO to I OC. Some carpets IS I oax to make, aad. a.jdec^'^* ^^ w%l not be fiuisht U â- nth^i thus, aithqugn^j^hel^ Bndrea factories in and about Karm^" Htturn of carpets is in no way ' He .^'ersians themselves prefer H;s, hideous thint^a bearing the K of a cnniel or a Hon, BaV of- Hailing Tower of Pi a and the likef I PERSONAL NO^s! â- An Eng'ish explorer named tVood H interested an assemblage of Britm? Bndon by telling them how he di«o^ He famous temple at Eph*8ug. nI©^^' Histed to afford him the 8ligh4e»4 cl H whereabouts. But he hit upon an ii Hn from the wall of that theatre to H. Paul would hav' entered, but " th«j!j H)les suffered him not." This deacrihJl Hrtain procession in which certain ii Hre carried from the temples throoiL Ity gates. After much search he foi«a' Htes, and tlicu at leneth hit upon thei â-  way, worn into groves by the wheel Harlots. Little by little he made proirr B the city of Ephesus, until he reached' â- mple of the great goddess Diana. Bagments of friezes and column druiof bb, â-  glimmering idea of what the whole m" Hve been. They are now in the Brit â-  useum. I gueca Victoria was exceedingly anneyi m the beginning ot her reign by the at â- one of gentlemen cranks who the Biemselves in love with her, and in Hses pretended that she gave them _„ l;iug glances. One used to assist the*^ Ken at Kens ngton in order to see the Que- â- iid his phaeton was kept in readiness to M Bw her when she went out. On one I: on when tlie Queen alighted to take a' â- e sprang out and came forward. The „ I.SS of Kent sent a page ^to request thtT lould drive off anil not* annoy the Qm â- le retused. They had to re-enter the â- iage, and he followed in his. I Sir John A. !Macdonald is the sole â- cntative in the present House of Commo mi the Tarliament of Canada of 1844. M« fcourassa, Daoust, and D Saulniers wa Inonibers of the Parliament in 1854 of i â- 'arliament of 1857, the representatives â-º ir Hector Langevin, and Hon. John ling and S. H. I'ope. The other memL mi the House of Commons who sat in Putm Inent previous to Confederation are Me liykert, lSiO Hon. Blanchet and Mt Icnzie, 18(51 AIomzo Wright, 1862; Bo licoffrin. rinsonncault, and Thompson.lJ I .Jtaune Bernhardt, a sister of Sarah, I cctntric, too. Slie appeared at Borde tu Sanlou's "Ior;i," antl during the i â- ict pleased the audience fairly, thoujfhi Is no great actress. When the curtain lio be raised for tlje second act she M'as liiig. An attack of nervousness had can liicr to ijuit the thtatre. She rode about l â- city tlircc hours i;; a cab, and then joij II eralarn^c I Iri^jiuis at tiie hotel. Meantii â-  the audience had received its money land a bill WIS posted at the door, "CL I a account of a ircak of Mile Bernhardt'" I T;;c riiiicc of V'alca has taken th Iwccks of miner::! water and rest at Ho I'lurg, drinking from the nauseous 8 I vv itii Kcrupiiluus regularity, keeping [iiours, and eut:i:.'])lu:a food, in order toi lover tiic clVtcts of b.on.lor. high living. I is now in Scctlund for a month of HigL air, ani it is aopcd tha: he will be satii tory condition tor tlic hunting season. A... that willcoinsj sucli arduous public dutieii president on c;nncr-st(»ne occasions and ners. The w.duw CuIIuhan may, if she so ch cs, put IK- r arms akimbo ;uid say, "I the largest individual sheep-owner in Te I uy lilu-cp, n ;rc t'lanhfty thousand in m j Ucr, wundcri ig over tiie ranges of Uvi ami liiuilcra cjunties, in ihe southw( parti»t tlic State. ' These peaceful ure divided into il) ksof two thousand each, with a '•buescro' and two " tors "' ill charge oi eajh ilock. Hap NVid..w Cillahau 1 His Kxjellency the (lovcnior-Genendi tlh- I'rit.cesi Louis op^-ucd the Agricu.M Show at Victo.ii, B. C, on Wedne In reply to lu address theGovernor-G advised tlie ^^ eople to accept any labor wh ctlered in order to secure the early comp tiun of the railwav. He also aunounced ' tlie Tresideut ot tiie Comjany had infor_ lum ot the aiioption of the Kicking Ha I'ass and the intention to complete the ly Jan. 1, 1887. Knglantl does substantial pecuniary rei tj those who render lier distinguish sel in battle. After the Ashantee war Sir ' net Wols^dey had a Parliamentary grant I SI •-'"' 000, and if he comes well out of Kgyiitiau biisin cos, he will receive anot grunt, u peerage, and a pension, f-r (,|ueeii is averse to creating a poor e peer. Atter Waterloo ihc grants to VVt ton amounted to $:?,.00.0UO Nelson, D« 5=1,000,000. Tlie la«* member of the British royal I mily regularly embalmed was tue Pr' Chariot ce. T'le operation took phice tie direction ot Sergeant Sjiijeou isir ard Home, l^he process disgusted G« 1\ ., and hence was not repeated in thefl of other members of the family. Jn coa auce with Ceorge Ills express wishes,! and Vaeen Cliari-tte were simply in one cotli. in tie i;iman nilitary manteuvref ' year, the t rown 'rincess roile at the ' ot the regiment ot Hussars of which honorary Colonel. She wore the regul unitorm, except that a skirt took the or trousers, auil insteail of a sword shei ricd a lidmg whip swordwise. Tue K. v. J. x:. Sullivan was the eM and respected pastor o' die MethodistCl at Salem, O., but he had to resign wi came out that he wrote to young Mrff. Mie, one of his converts: "1 bungtfj p:es3 }oi.r pouting, pretty, and mondike lips to mine." Coronets were lirst granted to Mt-^, by Richard II., to Earls by Henry H \iscounts »)y James I. Barons ifj Lharks 11. had only a crimson cap mi with fur. It is rumoured in Vienna that on the cent visit to Moscow, the Emperor andJ press of lliiisia m ere secretly crownedJ The Emperor of Austria has sub**. 100,000 tlorins for sufferers by the flo«*l ta: Tyrol. 1 •" "^i^iisciJi •jTacea ohiirion-B blankless claims ^vMsIrwidbcttdr names. weU my own may P«»» t •iJffroni the strand jM-gC* Wash on. O waves of time J[cUD^nsthefrgJyi«^! Welcome the 8h^# vMa. The silence that shaU laat %VbenIandaIlwtoknow[. A nd love ill* Tanwn W7. What harm to them or me A!TO n i i! g to aniaf~iiatare, as ^nfin5«ent~iind aooner or later, to power*. Th(n it ia tbat native leqaiies a stiinalaiit auch as Bn^gs' Botanic or Sfiynae^ Bitters. I^ t»i0feJ(irHAii4,«#t0teome« lufiittess JhA^fobeft the whole system. It is brought within the as it TCll^a|tj25 cents a package, _ieachl|Ml â- te^Hng tea or coffee. WiUtheiostmemorybeJ,^, w,^:^;.^i^ fy^ V' ' iJLlJ^j nany words of mine. J .- Ud lio^tkaiii^nZb^, Thr/ughJiKbtoJlig diving W^W^W^ Uemaln. wBat matters n Whose hand the message wnt I Why should the " crowner's quest." ^ii on my worst or beat » â-  Why sheuld the-Bhowman claim The poor ghost of my name Yet as when dies a sound Its spectre lingers round, liapiy luy spent life wiU L^vc some taint echo still. A whisper givinj? breath 2f praibc or blame to death, i^oothingorsaddemngsuch A3 loveu the living much. Therefore with yearnings vain And fond I still would lam iUindlv judgment seek, iScrthougfit bespeak. And while my words are read, fct this at least be said Whatccr his life's deteatures. lie loved his icllow-creatures. â-  If of the Law 8 stone taV.e. ' •.; hold he scarce was able Tae hrst great precept fast. Ho kept tor man the last. •• Through mortal lapse and dullness What lacks the Eternal I'uUness. If still our weakness can l^ve Him in loving man T • ^To brought him no despairing on he world's future faring In human nature still He I'ouud more good thaa Ui. • To all who dumbly sufTered. His tongue and pen he ottered. His lite was not his own, Nor lived tor self alone. • He lo cd the scholar's quiet. Yet, not untcmpted by W, « )r po'jfs dream of beauty. He strove to do his duty, • Ho meant no wrong to any. He sought the good of many. Yet knew both sin and tolly.â€" Mav God forgive him wholly mm jteontl smk human misery that notes the slow decay of time. Anything that positively relieves Il4iaiaik^t8i^|i^:^ga is )i^^4^ ,«f' attention. Pdtxiam's Painless Com Extractor^ does this. It poiitivelv extracts corns, buniQns, cal- lou9es,taiKl lumps, proyiptly, painl»a^y and with certainty. Beware of drangerous sub- stitutes. N. C. Poison Co.. Kingston, proprietors. Sold everywhere. Is your hair falling cat or yoor scalp dia. ised? Carboline, a dHdorized extract o^ petroleum, as now improved and perfected* IS just the article you need. Boy a bottla. and, like thonsanda who are ns ng it itll ever the land..jQil wil) vI^ it as tlli^«faioi«eat of all toilet preparaiioiis. ' " lew DAVID AND GCLI.\TH. ihs iittle Fellow Slew the Glaat Champion of ite Philistines. Some sue bolted into the hut of Saul and liiouncod that a champion had come forth, id Saul said *• Bring h ra in." He expect- some man fourteen feet h'.gh, and hrted IP his eyes at an angle ot 45 degrees. TWhere is he?" (surprise). "He ism." Why, my son, what are you talking about? Lj hoi.'ic to your mamma. You must b^ )kin'" "Will you just '" " " '" 3* listen to me skcif little David. "Yes, you're a nice jy • ',. on." Then said David "Thy ser- lai.t'kcpt his father's sheep, and there was lion ;iu a bear came and took a lamb out the lluck. Thy servant that slew the lion (I the bear will beat the brains out of this oircuimjised Philistine." Saul began to ec the po ut. " My son, it's a fact. \Vhy Int 1 think of it before G© out and win. Jut tome, let's have a little common sense this matter. Bring in my armor." And icy loaded the little fellow down with 200 s 300 pounds of brass. " I can't wear this. i ain't used t ths sort of thins?,"said David 1 he put it off. llrothcr^'.ou't you try any of that devil's URi't let the devil put an ounce of braLs en you. Truat in the Lord sine cera. loiicv, M itliout a particle of wax, our woril Incero. Victory comes not by trustmg in le Lord and common sense, not by trusting the Lord and keeping your powder dry. V:\vA \\\ the Lord sine cera, just as you are. David goes without knowing hovr |c going to fijht. He doubtless expect- to use 1::^ sluTphcrd's stafV, as with the l(.n and tlic bear, but the Lord showel hixn letter wav. lie was comparisonel as a icpherd of' the f^uccp, and that' all the .ord wants to kill G oUatiu Daii4 gav«^lie int all the advantage of position, 'ttie' Ltt'.o fought on the ascending slope of l*i:ii;stiucs' hill, Goliath wfts so iitii at tlie sight of ^*lie Uftod his pigmy antaf,v. I'.atlie littoil hid visor ta ourbe reel;,-, and that proved Iiis ruin )avi.' run at full of onist him more Oar little slipped a stone in bis sling and made him. lie didn't stop for a pot [liot, but as he ran he just let fly and let .od take the stone to its mark, (lodgavo lirection to it it sank into the Fhiliatine's Jorchead, and down ho went. God always lirects a smooth stone from the brook when re lean our whole Wf ight upon Him. Goliath iead. all the rest of tlu5 Philistines fied. And |liat is the way to kill Gollatk nivt.9*-^«w»' •moi\ hij Evan'je'ist Darnes^ ^^ A Fair KxcluuiAe. Will you exchange a chronic state of Dys- Xepsia, or agree to break up a Bilious Tem- perament â€" to give your torpid liver activity and thus strengthen your Digestion, regain energy, comfort, health and spirits, all for 75c A single bottle of Zopksa will do this. A few doses eurprise those who try Zopesa. For Biliousness and Dyspepsia in their many forma Zopesa is a Panacea, and is warranted to cure them. It acts speedily and pleasant- ly. Try a 10 cent sample. A Wore of Caution. Beware of Opiates and powerful astringent drugs in the treatment of Bowel Complaints, they may lull the p.iin and check Diarrhoea, etc., but are liable to produce inflamtnition, Dr. Fowler's E\traotof Wild Strawberry 'S guaranteed safe and reliable, even for In- mnts, and us a specilice for Cholera Morbus, ©ysentery. Colic, Acute or Chronic Diar- hcea and Summer Complaints generally. A Saint at ths 2o' Capt. JIarry Piper, Alderman and Snper- itcndent of the Zoological Garden, lAtely jmnumicated the following. f'Cts to j^/e- jrtcr of one -of TorontOjU ' tnpfX ,!»0iiiB«ial ' ipers •' 'ome time aeo we pyrchased torn tl»e collection of animals at CeQtol lark, ew York, a monstrous Rmsafian bear, hich we have named ' P^er the Great,' en jcount of his tremendous size. Not long, fter 'Peter' arrived we foimd thai he vfas iflferins' from the rheumitism, and in a pretty state. Pete was not the only oi e the 'Zoo' which bad a tou^i of that Jelicious torture the lion likewise had it, id in fact I was just beii^ cured, of a bad ise of the rheumatism, myself, by the use ' St. Jacobs Oil, the Great Germany Rem- ly. I found St Jacobs Oil an excellent ?medy, for it qured me in a short while, id my case was a very aggravated one. 1 rgaed that if it cured men it mu t be good 5r animals as well." Is the calm you have gained a proof of cc- ^ired force or of growing weakness Biliousness, Indigestion, Constipationâ€" all rms of Dyspepsia, yield at once to a few of Zopesa, the new componnd from A 10 cent sample proves it. ses razil. The huge, drastic, griping, sickening pills are fast being superseded by Dr. Pierce's 5,* Purgative Pellets." Sold by druggists. Buckingham's Dye for the whiskers is an elagant, tafe and leliable article, c'aeap, and conrenient for use will not rub off. Try it. " Men must work and women weep, So runs the world away " But they need not weep s* much if thay use Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription," which cures all the painful maladies peculiar to women. Sold by druggists. PczzLE. â€" How is it that Brigg's Electric Oil should reach and successfully treat so many complaints All nervous diseases yield to its influenca in a few minutes when applied externally, and as an internal reme- dy all are loth astonished. and pleased. '• VEfiETi^E," says a Boston physician, " has no equal as a blood puridcr. iJearing of its many wonderful cures, after all other remedies had failed, 1 visited the laboratory f. rid convinced myself of iti tjenuine meric It is prepared from barks, roots and herb-, each of which is highly effective, and th( y a e compounded in such a mauacr as to pro- duce astonishing results " Robert A. Wilson, Dispensing Chemist, Brockville, says, under date of June oth, '8'2, "1 have not the alighest hesitation in saying that Dr. Fowler' Ejf tract of Wild Straw- berry has given inv cttatumers mora satisfac- tion than any meilieine in my stors tor the cure of Summer ComplaintJ, Diarrhcca, Dysentery, Pain in the Stomich Sea Sick- ness, Piles, etc. You can use my name, cU." J. BEHriLir, M.D., says. It hsis done more good than all medieal treatment. NEWMARKET. Ont.. Feb. 9, 18S0. Mr. H. R. Stevbks, Boston, Mass Sirâ€" I have sold during the past year a con- siderable qAaHQty of jour Yef^ttme, *nd I believe, in aM ^ases it has g^rea satisCaction. Jn one case, a delicatoroung lady of about 17 yeSts was tnnch benentted by Its use. Her parents informed me that it bad done her more good than all tha taaedldal tzeatmeijt to which she had previously been subjected. Youra reepcetfuUy. J. BEST LEV. M.D. Superior to any Family Hedioine. DOCTORS CAVE HEft UP. VEQETINE CURED HER. iiiu iVtSffnamftrous eustom«rs Qnyrashout Canada «;•*•! •»»l'r Montreal. P. Q.. Oct. 22, 1879. Mu. H. R. Stkvk.n'8â€" Dear Sir,- About flftegij, years ago I was troubled with Scrofulous Humor which settled on niy lungs and brouglTt on a severe cough. I consulted five or six of the best physicians in Bostt^ but they gave up treating me, said there wAni»6 hop#o cure.i. and could do nothing mora^r me. ^friend, who had used Yege^ine i|i his famUy tecomr mended me to try it. I prttcurcd three bottleS* and before finishing the third bottle found my- self entirely cured and had not another attack of scrofula for nine years.â€" After that period I had to get some more Ve^^etine, but it quickly restored me to health aaum, audi havo nut iiad a third attack. I am si^Qy-hine^ca^ qld, aud since becoming aware or*the virtues of your medicine, have given it to my children and grandchildren, and have recommended it to my friends. The results have been invariably all that could be desired, i revious to my first trial of the Vegetine, I had a cancer removed, and scrofulous sore.=» broke out on pie, but none have appeared since, and I believe it superior to anv of the Family Medicines in use. MARIA J. KIMBALL. I can voucli for the above statement in every particular, and consider Vegetiue the best Family Medicine now in use. MOSES KIMBALL. Husband of Martha J. Kimball. Gorney Waxe's STANDARD SCALES For Raltama^ RoUftng Mttls, Grist Hils^ ml Efevat«r«^ Scales for •â-¼erythinf^^v. ^al and Stock. Allsizes of Warehqu^ Scales. Counter Scsleq ol %11 kinds. DAIRY FARMERS' SCALES. Fish, Port: and Wool Scales. Butchers' Scales. Scales and Beams f of Pedlars' Wafgons. All sizes of Railroad and Warehouse Trucks, Alarm Money Drawers. Every Scale warranted. All makes prompt- ly i'Di»ntrcd. Send for illustrabod catalogue to GUIINE.Y. WABE, HAMILTON. mmii PURE jiAs ' Tx yOttr owh door without ezcra charge. Send for Price List. P ' U Jf I YegBtine is Sold by all Druggists, T»ne.KT«. â€" Mr. J. H. SfayII^ Campbell, B arrisler, Selleiter, Btc, 9 Yiotoria'S t. ImIiVasiCC Send for fr Klhistra'cd cata- WH a USlCvi logue to KYRIK. tlie Jeweler. 113 Yonge ?ttreei. 1 oronto. OIIISC "ilcs. .\mmimiti9n. Fishin.^ Tackle. UURO and all kinds of Sporting Goods. W McDUvV^ALL. cor. King Sc George sts., l\)ronto| FOR SALE'OK RENT-MILL3ANK AGRI- CULi'UlcAL WORKS; brick; 120x10; ma- chinery, patterns, blacksmith shop. c.. com- plelo; best locality satisfactory reasons for giviug up business. Jacob Kollman, Millbank. Unt. SPAVINED U0R.SR'S SAFkLY AND POSI- TIVELY cured by Bellamy'd Absorbent: post free, $1 hundreds cured without firing send for testimonials. t?t;TOr, TUOMP^ON CO.. 116 Bay iitreet. TorontcL COIiSffil'S unequarfUedftfr l»ea\th, eomlort sji'l drahilftv. MandSct»Yed J»y the CHOMKrtM COKSETCO.. Toronto. ' A. 1' 93. TONY PA STOR IM T ROUBLE. Tony Pastor, of New York who is now with his inimitable variety combina- tion making a tour of tlie Union, Is re- cognized as the leading character vocalist and variety p?rformer of United States. The writer ol .tills article met Mr. Pastor re- cently, and found him as ge- nial lu private as he is aniiis- y ing beforethe public. Dvf: ing our con- ivcrsationlin- he renlied. that it was cacelllnt. He had oc- casionally severe pains, either the result of rheu- matic attacks or colds, but any comclaintsof that character never trouble him long, as he hadfoundout a remedy for all such annoying I nsked what the remedv Avas and he rchliod." St. Jacobs Oil. ' K^Mr. Pastor said that boconsidered the ' ^GicAt German Remedy au excellent prcnaraUon lor the cure or relief ot «-hehiB«tlsm, and that it was the only 1 iVimith^ nrT"""' of ninmrr^'" attofi own com- " ilnnv The fto-agpiug Jrora the Brooklyn (N. ^IL r«Mill3ltrp30|iud «iritri^. wherci- ??ib^ to theTn^^ of the St. Louis i^«?-l|^ SSJSAS cXprcE^ig hfc f)rrow at the loss by Srewfiicfi the latter pftplr^talned, says: "The SsiS *mn?rkf hUhnZca^d the following incident are a true index of the uncxa.nx)lea Slarity the Great .German llemedy enjop cvSwherc- ' =* ^â€" '^^-^^^ recently T5IE CIN VDIiN MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION. I'C0RP0R-\TED AtTGCST 20, 1881. HEAD OFFICE TORONTO. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Wm. Rennie. Esq., Toronto. President. A. Giftord. Esq., .vieaford. Vice President. E. H, Hilbom, Esq.. Uxbridge. Treasurer. w. r â-  Louis theatre, reecntly ibtionwas an unmistakable proor I ,. â€" ,^,.i.fc« hecn thefjft^hv. ndcxj^rii^ccdtlic Leu- ion was an unmtsiaKaoio i"iri."' T,.;." Sh^dience "hM teen tbejg^hcmselYCVN cssioai ThP thundering applause throughout me euuro ti/^nnrna nn UUmtStakablC prOOI OI 11.C i"-i nxa OI xniswondcrfonarticlc. Mr. Charles A. \Tiitney, advertlBlTig agent or p^FkteeaqO, Providence, R. I., yf^^^\,"I\' three-years I had Inflammatory rheumatism in inyrig^ hip and knee. I e^iployed many noted ohvSclans, and tried numeiwa remedies fbr the fflSetSbutfound nothing to help me unUlI med tBS Great German Remedy, St. J ac obs Oi'j wWchcuredmeatonce. lamuowenUrely well. OHIAPIST IHSIMM THB WUHUJ. Full size sheet, best print and good paofer. fcjcnd 5 cents for sample copy aadt catalogue or 600 piece J of latest Inatmmentaland v^cal mnalc 8. C. mWWMD, Pkalcr in piictnte traniefe an^ tmiej ^aods. 1. Grea^UHlaoeHicn* to Twvvide for fajnilies in case of death, at small cost 2. Kqual-benefitB to both sexe^. 3. Uniform assessment of one dollar only. j, 4. Careful medic^ examination require^.. 5. No andaal dues or ^Ktra chMires. e. K* Jwffeaaiaries or e,xnense8. 7. T#« nnndred dollars advanced tor ftmeral expenses whM necessary. 9. \i.- ts'sectired at actual oosib tV 'K' irs becMfUBff^ totally diHtMe#, iiHijr draw half of their clwms. the balance beioff pay^ttktf^^ d«ath. lOJ^adiea aoceptad ift Ua», 4«eciation •â-  w«ll ^Forpai'^culSi?* apply io8.W.i«ll. kembisr- ahip Superintendent, HiageTiUe. or to W. PeiQ: berton Pm% fi«oretarf ti«i IB Kttg Norman's EfectticBeUJnstUution ( b 1S74 4 |IIREX STKEET EAST, TOKONTO. O^TT NERVOUS DEBILITY, Rheumatism. Lame Back, NeuralgifK Paralysis and all Liver and Chest Complaints immediately relieved and permanentlv cured bv using these BELTS, BANDS aKD INSOLES. Circu'ars and Consul ration FREE. ^monds OWK CIRCUIiAB SAW, manufactured by the »)IN«XDS PATEMTEft PROCESS, having given such general satisfaction, owing attheir VNIFORMITI' OF TEMPER, we have to a greatexpense applied the PRIXCIPIiE to the TEMPERL^G of ;R08S-CUT SAWS, hav- ing frequently been asked to do so and here- after our Cross-Cut Saws will be ETCnED and K.XOWN as such. Those who like a nicely tem- pered Saw will do well to give them a trial. Ask yonr Kardware .Werrhants Ijor ffce Slmonds Saw, and see that it is etched as such R. H. SMITH CO., '"•'.rK'" Manifarlii,"'r3 forDi^n.'n.lo'i of Canada Cures Cholera, Cholera Morbus^Dy- sentenj, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sick' ness and Summer Complaint also Cholera Infantum, qiid all Com- \ilaints pto'iiliar-k) o^'iifdrcn teeth' ing. and iuifl be found equally bcncfJc'd for adults or childreh, FC.^ r.;L" 3Y .All CHUCC2STS. n-rN^-^^fr^t-^, Toronto. Pare Bark T^mncd. StarlClvct LEATHER BELTING H14/'olbornft Ktrcell. Toronf WILL CURE OR REUEVF BJLldUSNESa, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, WD/GESriOlf, jaundice, brysipelas, salt rheum, heartbOrn, headache, DROPSY, FLUTTERINQ OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE^KIH, T. flUDBH ft eO, VICTORIA TEA WAREHOUSE, tS Kins Street East, Toranto. JUST RECEIVED. JAMES LAUT Hasjost received a eonsi^ment of Sam- EXTRA CHOTOE Y. HYSON v.- .AND JAPAS teas, „ direct from places of growth. (joalitie the fame as used by the natives of Chi na and Japan. This TEA has never b« fore been Iraported into Canada; and in order to give our friends and customers, livinK at a distance, a chance to procure a Caddy oi this Delighted Beverage, we will send to anv ad- drew in Canada, express paid, a 51b Caddy of this TEA 13.55, just one -half the coat of Impor- tation, JAMES LAUT, 123 YONQE ST., TQRONl O Mack's Magnetic seFOR£ i TflAOE MAf«K Is a sure, prompt and effectual Remedy for Nervousness in ALL its stages. Weak Mem- ory, Loss of Brain Power. Prostration, Night Svoeats, Weakness and Oeneral Loss of Power. Ifrepairs JV«rw3ua Waste, R^uvenatcs ihc Jaded intellect, Strerigthens the Enfeebled Brain, and Restores surprising Tonf and Vigor to the Exhausted Organs. fV With each order for twklvr packages, accompanied with Ave dollars, we will send our GuARANTEB to rcfund the money if the treat- ment does not effect a cure. It is the Theapest aad Best Medicine in the market. Full par- ticulars in pamphlet, which we mail free to smy address. Sold by all druggists, one package 60o. 6 for $2.50. or sent by maii on receipt of price, by addressing .MACK'S ICAG^TETIC UTEDICI.VE CO.. Windsor. Ont.. Caaada SOLD BY ALL DRUCCISTS- WHAT IS CATARRH Catarrh is a muco-purulent discharge caused by the presence and development of the vege- table parasite amceba in the internal lining membrane of the nose. This patasite is only de- veloped under favorable circriLmstances. and these are morbid state of the blood, as the blighted corpuscle of tubercle, the germ poison of syphilis, mercury, toxoemea, from retention of tbe etfeted matter of the skin, suppressed perspiration, badly ventilated sleeping apart- ments, and other poisons that are germinated in the blood. These poisons keep the internal lin- ing membrane of the nose in a constant state of irritation, ever ready for the deposit of the seeds of these germs. which spread up the nostrils and down the fauces or bacicpart of the mouth causing ulceration of the throat; up the eu- stachian tubes, causing deafness; burrowing in the vocal cords, causing hoarseness, usurping the proper structure oil the bronchial tubes ending in pulmonary consumption and death. To effect a cure the parasite must be removed or destroyed, hence iuhalanti and snut are worthless. Some time since a well known physician of 40 years standing, after much experimenting, suc- ceeded in discovering the necessary combina- tion of ingredients, which never fails in abso- lutely and permanently eradicating this horri- ble disease whether standing for one year or forty years. Sufferers should, without delay, communicate wi*h the ouaincss manager. Mr. A. H. Dixon, 307 King St. West, Toronto, and get treatise free by eiiciosing st^amp. f^sl* your di'ii;s'«i«t for ij; AYlR'S HAIR "VIGOR, For Restoring Gray Hair To its Matural Vitality and Color. Advancing years, «licitne88. care.diaap- pointment, and her- ditary predisposit- ion, all turn the hair gray, and either of them incline it to shed permaturely. ATKB'B UA.IR VIG- OR, by long end ex- tend ve use. has firovfn that it sto]M he tailing of the hair immediately often reilbWa the giowth andalwa: ilVVip (ntfely?Sloe8 Its color, whp^i faded or grM. It â- timnlatea the natritrvo cwans to nealthy activity, aiMl_pra8erves both tlie hair ana it* beauty. Thus braahy, weak pr stokly hair becemesglosey. pliable ap4,str«ngthenM; lost hair regrows with lively expreeelon, falling hair ia ohecked and Blabli8hea;thia hair thick- ens: and Taded or graj- hairt rewime their orig- inal calor. Its operation is sure and harmless. It cturee dandruff, heals all'humOts, and keep* the scalp cool, clean ajldsoft â€" tmder which con- ditions, diseases of the scalp are impoBsible. Aaadrewing for ladies' hair, the ViooR is praised for its grateful and agreeable perfume, and vakiedfbr tb» soft liMtre anQ richness ot tone it imiiarts. 'j( .1 PREPARED BY 3 DE. J. C Am GOm Lowell, Mass., rractfcaTaad Aaalytlcal CUemlsts. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AXD DEAL- ERS IN MEDIGIKE. Lyon Alexander. PHOTOBAPfflO GOODS JUST TO HAND: S. ft M. ALBVMBJT PAPER. MARION'S ALBUMENPAPER. DRY PLATES. SWAN'S DRY PLATES. FERROTYPE PLATES at reduced rices a ebozt tima only. SCOVILL'8 PHOTO DRY PLATE OUTFITS foramatenra tUT Bead tor Qpotatlom. nWPBSHlBCSs tu B»T Itreet, Vara ij

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