Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 May 1882, p. 2

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 [Je'^staiard/ OTHER fiOTICES nJ' tea will car. you. tea will rcviva you. N S, v^ HAMS, /^uidsUawillstreiisllieiiyou. gtock of fAua at Misa ne* riil b« closad in Uiiikdale rers. â- J' jjore! Lf H Priiicefi Louis* will arriTe "' tea. fi-'"" ^Octi, to $1 per .J irce. iJuiter iS: Rue. ,;i,«ur;Q'rs are objectiug fi-ihmfe' on llitir lands. ^)^)^^ i;:n ' i^" t'le Prince ol ii, r nreseiit to his brother. Ufli .i^t L .\.S. intend to j.ive 'â- â- .:'.. l)itrtii:i Uail on the 24lh. itr.'" ' «tr«w b»t« nearly given ^3« aui kc-e them at Butter fc i i)t house â€" Leare a ;iB(i;clie». ' 'â- â-  There bas b«eu good fiabing in tb* Mr v la*"' ' .•,i,Kl:aii'iv for tbo baby to NTRE. bat was b«k«rfca a pbo-)l and a wu: What an nnmviable poaitioD are th« poor fisb I We h-ard ol one 150 puno- der being banled ujt d. ipuing. The official board of the M^tbodiat chrrch, Mark.lale, met in the Tastry on Monday aflemoon. when gaaarai bnsiuess was transacted. The meet- ing adjourned till the 16th inat. ia or dtr to wake up the deficieoey in the pastor's salary. Boots and ihoea. Cooper k Smith's make, from a child's slipper to » No. 12 lrogan. Bee them and compare in ' (tyle and finish with other makers and if rhey do not suit yeu iu quality and price we will give a pair for iiotbiog and ieud them home. Batter ft Rae. I The faraoers adjoining the village are being troubled very mueh with I village hens. Those who keep fowls would be doing nothing more than I right if they would keep them in their own yardb during the summer months, I otherwise they may find some of them misting. McKenna Mason are turning out soiue vf the finest work ever built in the county of Grey. Eor wurKman- ship and finish they cannot be excel- led. Tb^y have just received orders lor two democrat wavgons, one to be Bent down near Barrie, the other near Toronto. Farmers, study your inter- est by giving them a call. THl QUE EM'S BIR-ffiDAY Sangeen and tribatariee UiiOe tlie -«• 6£LABB£tI0K AT MARKI^ AT.g s}n opened. Not a pole in M irkdal«| A OMting of tlio»a4nter«st«d in ttie sportn for the 24lh May wa« eaUed fer las! Fri lay .Tening at Bevve Hoaee. but owing to tfce ecKliueM of tLe at- tendaueii, the meaUng adiouriMd till Taeadaj. At the adjourned merting, Hr Hen- ry having b«en voted to the chair, tlia officers ier the year wkra elected as follows Dr bproule, president Mr. A. Turner, eeoretary Mr Locas trea- •arer Messrs W. HaskeUand Young, eoll«ctors. The eommiitee to consias Meaio^ Mollarky. Large. Noble, W. HaakeU, Saijeant,aad ex-oflieio.Mr A. Turner. Dundalk. Tba beaatifai days af qgcing have wrt anived, and all aaam to eojay Thacsdvrof tbea^r: gardaniag. Whyeaa't the Doaialk koya bar* a holiday aa tbay do in other plaaaa. Bevaraloi the stetea, and oAoae is Dundalk, are having lar^e ayndieate platfcnns put m froat of their aatab- liahm e n ta, there are better timea eem- iog. Sai^nel MeCollinpih ia building an A little diaenaaiou took plaae aa to' addition to his residence whither he \. I,, (l.e A.O.U.W. lu- (\jnvr-azi JUS ou or uel. Iiiitter pans, jam Icsii than cost at • ], ]i ir- si» 1 by orlering your .Jsii at Mcl'ailHiid's, a p»;rfect .;irar.ti.*-l- 10 p'/r «•. ut. f;;»*'K ' f smullpox at 'i^j s,vcut-*-ii perBon« tiie Q**"*- Pi'ii'r.ii: is to he married l,,[l- i!k. ii handsome, cltvei- Wind down iODS. 5IIERT0N. •irj. Denims, ..i'f.jM.v'iri'ii: 8 of Maikla'e are ,111 witii ;lie builjin^' of their fj M:iftii« wi, late of Wiiodtord ... ].:i i;i!r' the .Monow 1 i,-ilswtrlii. ;,ii' 1. 1 1ft iiiiis' fill )uin1i»iI three i,wu a biiby's throat. She is I' sliaint. ii„c 111 \cli:ii'j oil will not gum ji». nil 1 wfMi-s l)?ttor that any ,,.1 11, till- niaiket. .. f ,--i-t that llutter .^- l^ae are II 1 wi'l '„'ivi b;irf;;iin» fur t'.ie the day on which the sports are to be held, but with one diaaentient only. the meeting was unanimcus m favour of May 24. There is ao doubt bat that in the hands of the committee appoint«d good time may be expected. W e ought to be able to have in this town, once a year at any rata,a grand Gala and Fete Day and all that is now requited to accomplish this is a bttle liberality on the part of (he snb- scriberd. METHODIoT QUaBTERLY MEETING. The fourth quarterly meeting of the Methodist church, Markdala, was held on Bungay. The Rev. N. A. McDiar- mid said that the past year had been one of spiritual and temporal prosper- ity. During the quarter many had It is about time something was d u» to the yard of Markdale station. ^j i t ^, -, ^r Its condition is about as bad as it can i S"" *f **fi"" .l^"""" *f *^^"f " be, and a disgrace to the T.G. B. It ' ""' '"^\"â„¢"'l ^^'" T^f *°^ ^K is no eesy matter for strangers to find ' 't*f.l?^.*!T5"*°*"" "*!" P"""' their w.iy fron: the depoi to the side walk^ e^pecial'y at night. It is some li'i:. ;T' -I^ iliai will astonish you. t-.i,^. (IreiiS ^Dod*. flaiiiu N ",!-, !ir«' at cont fur the â-  .\, lit Bultor i Rafi'8. I. ill iDriceb. iiy I p..ftrv lii-t tttC'k lirnt I- M'l • M y," fiMiit'i .•'" ii 'l 'uai iiiliu- llie ^fiii ral rU ofmu i. jii.l lie ill til" 'l the Crown lii I'li To Lice. I !i 1 III of the â- 1 â-  ' •' 'iitl.uildings 'ill (inll'rii'h. Irlt 'liarkdale, Tiiev wiMit ' â- lirc the â- , •Init- â- (. J 1 M 1 '• .1 CO lis. ii. s, ffl' (t ^ic i|Ma!iiily ti ]â-  II • th liuiy coiu- M '1 ii;t ' lie exa- â-  t 1'.. i--;ary put • \M!,.-f Pwlice. 13 L! I ores at ./.i:eriia. • l: • 1, I ' lSI^tin• ot; !- AVAKK, ^! It )i: f'iv'OV!-IONS, *e-i It il)i- -.Mson. t ..1, .ml S.iwLop .1 iic ' u)Oils te :;!.â-  I'.ill^. isi S:i\viil" (Jon 1. 1 ,.' I. iir r • :i f' w cf .-.iir liipinls, 1-1 i.ii.. «•â-  !iK V'.ii t(i ay ::. 1!. u i.a' w. »a V M w. .-inii .1 ,•. |:'.i' r JL lift' I \v :!â- . A |- riiH, lia-i a :â- .{.:• IJ ill. a few iliiv^ .n^'o, :it fa "â- â- Ms •â- Itc'l .Ji'isey i.v 1 .\li-.J'ili'i Mcicer. iii'l iiTt r. own make the tt;st f 'T v-Hi--.. •â-  y 11 \i li'.ivp voiir I- (,l,i' ".i' I'l- l;i av M _â- Â« \\ II -t ll:at a 11 ii: :r I â- t a r!i:' r I'll, .i;." kl at ;iiat, lie t.)"l. "iit t ilium Lu'-i.ilv body's duty to see t' these tbingfi, and to di-splay a little tante in keeping the road iu a passable condition. Mr. Geo. Richardson dipped last week off a yearliiif; ram IClbs. nf cl^au wool. Wo are pleased to be able to notice iso many heavy clips in this sec- tion of country. Sheep are as profit able, if not more so, any kind of farm stock, and it costs as much to feed poor sheep aa good ones. Tco mueh attention c-finoot bo given to iin- pioviiig the breed. Mediciua taken into the stomach in concentrated funa siiuli as pills and pcwders, are mist injiirious. The UT^at Rubstitntp for these nuuseous'lit- llc (,'alomel pills is Dr. Carson's stom- ach and constipation bitters. Ti'ey cleanse the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys, and c ire all stomach dis- orders, such asdyrpopsia, and indiges- tion. In large Lottl 's at 50cts. A. Turnfr Co., Agdnt«, Markdale. It IS impos-^ib'e to pasc along the t^ravol r.iad. np by the church?8, with- nnt noticing the great inifrovenQents j that are 2"ior on iu the trravcvard of I the English church T'lf- Incnmbeut not nnlv take's a ereat interest in tlie bpantifvinL' "f Gil'« liou.i^e and God's i ncro. but himself labours therein *o I c inert whnt a few vpar« ago wan a wild cr)i ner inti^ quit" nii attuctive cmptcry. Tlie Rev. J. Wai'l will be I triad to -eceiva flow-^vi. i)lantR to en- j able him to further beautify the â-  groun-lsof the English cliiirch. I The following is the common i^enae tre.'itinent for a liorso out o* condition fill faot all horses ivquirf like treat- mnnt tliis time of vear) a good Purg- iii;r Hall fidlo'Tinw bv n, course of strong tonic powdor. Those ar' hotli t" b lial in ZoeI"'« Tonic C'irnnound and Blood Mix'nre, a-s "arli jiacKage contains p. tlirongtilv c^o.l. purcmig ball and over a jiound of sh'on^ Tonic Powder. As!»" your drn!T^ist about it A. Turner and C« Kpocial A»eat Markdale. "I"iiorance" sends nn n critique up- on the poeti-y pnblisliel in last issue. He wants to koow what the poet mesns hv cHIih-'.^n "wirhernl 1v the b'a«t of time," and '« at a iTreatloss to ii'iders^and a "riiffl'd riv?r flowing CT'n*!"" Whit naMiral ph.'nomenon nsl.-) •'Tiinorsnoe ' is a "s^milier'ng be?" »iid the ciirique C'lic'iides by STvi'ig it wn.'i a wiefiil extravagant of death, still there was great reason for gratitude, He also spoke of the peace and harmony existing between pastor and people. Both morning and evening services were well attended. A LETTER FROM MONTANA, By Frank Beattie, late of Markdale. wi"*!) fif the "crow to life rniPTits that snhliino." s!ia might It; iv«;.t f V- fs. 1 ciilils. and ' !â-  i.€ U( tlit sysl,'i;i Hill purify 1. tiy a !• iiirse of lr. Carson's arii »r.l I- li--iii.«tloil bitttr. In I irnor fc N iricR.. â€" Wi- wi^h it lisiuctly unileftand tlm? .V â-  .111 !iot holJ oarsL' repunsitile for the ouiiiions expressed by our correspondents ar!i It. I I- ii--ii[.fltloii bltt h hvl.t :it olt.-ts. A. Tl (â-  A.' ii'». Maikdalo. THE RECENT REVIV.VL. His ic- in lull me k» .*» f^^rv \Vm. HOCC I'll t.'.l aiMJ distr -ssing di 11 'I 1 1 iiifs I'l' iiliai' to iii::y li )Hiinipllv cure 1 I'll li Uitti r». It regii- •M.aii to a ht'altliy action. lO Chills. L E r Factor yf 'I'unls ei.fV. r untold ' N'i\ i:- \\i akiii'ss, I'rtin in the "â-  "j: ly.h' r ilo'n-^.sing svuiptoms ^/•'â- ^•TiW)i';s.:rJ,.ivd Kidneys. i$ur- â- tk I'llii.' I'.IKtv- ih the Kovcroign ^«y. riiilbottltv,H) cnts. ' \\\ BATTONS, Id Shingles. ' i~ 1:1 liiitt Ask any farnit-r '•'is^.tii.r iiihl man in fact any man 'f"nsm:„.l,iiiLry and he -^-ill telJ '^*"';ii! i: N tlit^ only oil which will ' W'lal to (a-.tiir Oi! and won't t^trelu^' j-sjiir Machinery -â- iTjti a u:ai :yr to headache ' Suf- '^-" 111. -n- loiuedy is found in uimd Llittfrs. It regulates •^ai.Kus the system, allays "â- matun and rehtovfs health â- w- an.i.!e bottle U) cents. TV -Miowc' .M,- :* 1;- II iiTe 'ji: romptly Filled- for and bop., by ei"' '" L„t„„k„paf»U8tock«f BE th Shore. I kitaer. ri-eoivel a letter from i y.'i»wiio t'lok his depar- i r 'f 'tn Maik lal« a f.-w weeks ago. ""it'.v fnnuls will be pleased to Ji-atiie;iu lamily arewell. Thty tir. N.y. Cliv To the Editor, Sir, â€" W has iitt»mpted *o ans- wt r my iiUfstioM as to why the report of the Markdale revivHl did not a- grpc wi'h tlios? recorded la the Scrip tmes. But I thiuk he has utter- I ly failod to give any light on that ques _. 'tiou. Surely he docs not think his talk about immersion lo)lo\riug con versioj, and that he supposes I belong to some Baptist denomination, nor yet his challenge to discuss infant sprink ling are answers to the question Per haps it has occurred to nim that the original question cannot be answered very HatisfucioTilv and therefore leaves it alinoBt, if not altogether, untouch- ed \V sa8 t'lere is no account of any case of imraevsion following cou- version iu the New Testament, or for two hundred years afterwards. Now it is a fact that Methodists doiinmerse such persons sometimes, (when they cannot well help it.) Why do Method ists practice what is not scriptural. Surely they ought not to perpetrate an innovation. However he wants to discuss infant spiinkliug. Vary well, I accept his proposition, and as he is the aflirmant I shall exprct him to open the discussion in yon next issue. I will deny his proposition. Your Ac. Constant Rkadeb. â- .m o refurnish after tiy McFarlanu's for uis, Willi paper, ere- *nirn.g ;•* clean:, .-'â- â€¢Â». Ufe curt;:. ^_. J" Ubl. lii,cr,s, ta'bW nankins, 'floor â-  "'• tabu oi!i-l,)tli3, stock large ^••i^p'ete at l/cFarlaud's. :,;j" '"^Y'^g^'d 80 years, named ' .,.1 ' "" "'•^' county, was t- ""!* ^^t-ilaud .\s8ize8 for the ss- -^' 1 vf a sirl Kged 16 years. The old '" maiiK,! and has children 60 »«^t. " Ihe verdict was for Ue rJ" f ^»bras corpus h " ^-ew York comui bas been commaudiug J. I'^^iir'" '" 1"'*^-'*** '" Court his |v:»u^ ' •"^â- â- 'JVille, whom he i.» charg- Vti:/""""U8 from her b»sband Ui. '*^* ' *if« IS partially iu- v u[^*l»" hsd that little |amb |fc«il» "' ' "'"'e as sue '•!• bi *-s"tI '"'^^ ih«" twice a day t«u.«T- y.,.j kua»f. »WBaai EEPHRASIA SPRING SHOW. PRIZE LIST. Impoited heavy draught horses, â€" Johp Gilkinson's Wonder;. 2nd Bine's Duke of Edinburgh. Canadian Draught â€"Mr J. Wataon's Netherby 2nd, Miles' Boanie Scot- land. General purpose. â€" Mitchells Duke of Wellington 2iid, Sbepherdson's Scottish Champion. Road and carriage â€" 1st Gilkioeon's Glencoe. Blood sta'lionsâ€" Johnston's Astro- nomer. 2ud, Mitchells b^x ra. Pedi.'ree bullsâ€" 1st, W iifcCxunel's Oxford King. Plows â€" Wilkinson. 2nd, Patterson. Harrows â€" Tait- ^nd gtinson. beed drills-^lst, John Arthur. Mowing mac^'ines Haiuly. 8, Bows. Reaping machmtte.1,2. Ab«rormbie Bakeâ€" Abererombie, SadKiufbt. Big Home Biver. Since I wreie you in Septembsr, I have left the district of Miles, and am now 100 miles furthar west. Miles â€" though calleil a city, has but lUOO inhabitauts. It is situated on the Yellowstone river, aud w»s founded by Gen. Miles in 1877. Mites ii the great centre for buffalo hunters, and gamblers. Sunday is its best business d ly, wheu msrchauts do a roaring trade, saloons are in full swing, plaess of amusement and auotion sales roaring away. 1 have not heard of any 'goad' psople iu the city. When I wrote befjrs I was'dishinc lip the hash' I have since tried con- tracting ou a small scaIsou the N.P.R and so far have been suocessfjl. I like the CO intry bitter »3 1 g ivast, the valley widens and be.- im » m ne fertile. There are only i\ few settl -rs, and the yield ot r liu last ye ir was sjiall. It wi.l never be much of a grain eouutry, I ftar, for during the 8 months pust th-ra has not been 2 hrs lain. I think cattle raising would pav.for the cattle fed o« buft.tlo grass, â€" though dry asutubbUâ€" are vury fat. Sheep would do well, but would have to be protected from beats, m lUiitain lions, c. Only an i"ch of snow this winter, sud excjptiagS week* in Jan. whon the therm uoeter ju-oped down to 82, the Wodtiior bein very mild indeed. A. tr bs of 111 lians u'id*r Long Els and Big Ox nucsinped eIo«e to us aud visited us. Three of us accepted an invitation to their camp. I imagine there were over 1000 dogs in the camp aud they laade a terrible nui«e,barking furiously. The Indians consider dog flesh gL,oi eating. The chiefs shook hands with us and offered us sea's oa the biiff.lo hides. Long Elk has iianors shewing ho has been to the White House at Wash- ington, aud permits to hunt buff«lo. He is a ta'l man, and intehigeut look- ing. Big Ox is a tall stout Indian who looks as if the affairs of state did not trouble bim. Most of the Inilians â- moke long-steaed pipei. Thesquawa were making mocassins. I tried to buy but thought, them dear. Our oon Tersation was liinitad, as our know- ledge of each other's language was nil. One wished to work for money, ao I set him ou, gave him a whoelbariow to move som; brokeu rock. He was as awkward as a girl with a plough. After his first barrow laad, ks caiue for his pay, and when I made him understiiud he mast work till night, h^ angrily gave up railr xidiug ia great disgust. Geese aud ducks iunumsrab'e fill the land. Markdale sportsssen could shoot game till they were weary, and then for a ehani^c go out a few miles where 4-footed animals from buffaloes to mountain rats await the gun of the sportsman. Buffalo are fast being killed off by the huntars. Last summer I crossei prairies literally covered with carcases the skins from which bad been taken bv the hunters. Men are getting $2.60 per day on the road. Board $6 per week. Flour $14 barrel. Oats $1.25. Potatoes $8.66. Butter $1.60. Eggs |1 drz. Lumber as high as $100 per 1000 feet. Hoping to find a better country fur- ther west, I am, Yoars, Ac, FaAVK Bbattik. ST. VINCENT SPRING SHOW. will Bove in a few days. Hopeville is still holding its owb. This Tillage is situated ten miles from Dundalk, in a good agricultural looal- ity, and will eoon become a plaaa wor- thy of public attention. Daudalk Cattle fair waa bald oo Tueeday. There were not many cat- tle, bat buyers were plentiful, oaa- â- equently prices were high. There waa a great demaad for oowe. Mr. Nelaon sale was burly attand- ed. The day being fine, many of the Carmen preferred stopping at home. Many of the highest bidders were not real purcbasera, as the prieee ofEired were riiiculou«ly low. The Dundalk merchants talk of elosing at 7 p. m. except on Saturday. Its a pity they don't do something more than talk, why not put it in practice. After the ratepayers have gone to the expense of voting a bonus for sid- ing midway between Shelbume and Dundalk the T. G. B. B. Co. refuse to construct them only on such con- ditions which cannot be entertained only I y a Innatic. Some blame the merchants ef S bellurne and Dundalk for this sudden change. Others be- lieve it is owing to the uncertainty of the suits now pending in the coarts, respecting the agieement that exists between the Grand Trunk and the company, â€" OrangnUU kdiertiur. The Be- Action is now establish ed and the crowd fo to J. aABDINEB'S for .u HARDWAR „• â- â€¢ ^TW fci^ -.-â- :,; .^ --.. i *S-«riatfff r J|:r;.- c*--^ â-  •'?;. ' .J ,^.t. â-  â- â-  ii /- ' 1 *â-  I â- â- -•jSn-ii r*i %yW^'m99fl.f.:S^. ;i. TIMELY WARNING. Now is the season for sudden colds and diitresttiug coughs, treat them with Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, it eures influenza, asthma, croup, whoop- ing eough. bronchitis, and all pulmo- nary complaints leading to eoBsump- ti«B. Such objections were raised to lay- ing the body of the widow of a Wesley- an minister beside her husband in the consecrated portion of the parochial buryifig-grouiid at Helmsley, England, .hilt tlie eff rt was finally aaudoned. On the lUy of the luneial, as the luourui-is w»Te about to ou'er the c-'i'irclivxr 1 by the main gateway, they Wire warned away and orderid to use a meaner entiauco. Tiiis order was given by the vicar because "the pass- ing ot Nonoiiformist funerals over c )nsecrat;'d ground" might wound the feelings of Chuichpaople. This is en- lightened Eugland. The water in the Assiniboine is still rising, although a fall is reported up stream. St. Boniface is partly submerged, aud iron and stone is be ing placed on the Louise Bridge to prevent us being washed away. LIVER, KIDNEY. AND BRIGHT'S DISEASE. A medicine that destroys the germ or eausfl of Briglit's Disease, Diabetes, Kidney and Livi-r complaints, and has power to root them out of the system is above all price. Siich a medicine is Hop Bitters, and positive proof can be found ot this by one trial, or by asking your neighbours, who have been cured by it, â€" â-  â-  The Poet's Corner $o«r, Ittatrriage, pin^rrt. A little ki.«s, A little bliss, A Uttle ring,â€" It's ended. A little jaw, A little law. Then lo the bonds are rsndecl. Out Nails $3. Clincli Nails Sets per lb. Barndoor Hinges, 6c. per lb. Logging Chains 7c. per lb. Steel Spades 90c. Hay Fork Steel Hoes Do. Axes Manure Fork 60o. 50c. 80o. 1100 ^i Gold Medal White Lead, 25 lbs. for $1.50. ^; All other Shelf Goods at equally low prices. A Select Stock of Farmers' and Mechanics' HAEDWAEE Always on hand. TEEMS STEICTLY CASH. Always on hand a large stock of Tin, Sheet-Iron, and Copper Ware of my own Manufacture. v STOVES of all kinds at Bottom Prices. Gardiner, Dundalk. "Glasgow House," Dundalk. SELLING OFF. SELLING OFF. BIRTHS. LITTLE JOHNS.â€" In Artemesis, on the 4th inst.. the wife of Joseph Littlejohes, of a dangliter. WILSON.â€" In Providence Bay, Manitoulin, Ap 18. the wife of Saml. Wilson, Iste of Artemesia, of a son. DIED. DAVI1S0N -In Osprey, on March a» Chas W., ton of Hugh and S. E. DairidBon, of scarlet fnver, aged 4 yrs. Also, on the 13th nit, Alex. Davidson, of dropsy, aged 2 yrs. SPBOULB.- In Fleglierton, 26th nit. Alice G.. daufhter of R. J. Sproule, aged 8 moe. MONTGOMERY.â€" In Markdale, 29th ult, Mrs Montgomery, aged lOn yean. STONE.â€" In Artemesis on Ayiil 37th, Mrs. Henry Stone. Bargains. Bargains. Bargains Bound for the North-West. Iheuudersigoed baviuK determiued to remove to Mamtoba bow offers whole of his large and well assorted stock, cot:sistin2 of the Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes' Ready-Made Clotliing, Millinery, tec. LI A GREAT SACRIFICE. PRIZE LIST. Imported drangbt horet- â€" ^arrilo k Lnnit's Uon of a Goa. Bnttoo and Garbntt's Tbnuder. Canadian drauttbt â€" Ferguson's Tg. Comet. 2jd Kerr's y'UugN«'thM'bT. G'U'ml purp'"' â€" Mitcbeils Duke of Wf lliijgtou. End, FswMU' Freuefa Comet. Boadsterâ€" Jenkins' Toong Boyal Oeorife. 8nd. Wilton's Olenooe. Peiiigree boll: over S jeisrs -Dine m'ire°» Hanlin. Snd. Clark's Triekel Bolls oiMUr 8 7iiM»â€" lal f Sod H CARRY THE NfcWS. Near Tilsonboko. On I. I have been ailing for years with Biliont- nesa and Dyspepsia, and was redaeed to a mere skeleton. La t fall I weiehed only M pounds. I waa indnced to try ZOPESA by Mr Thomson, (of the firm of C. Thomson ft Co. drngKists of this plaoo aud. many thanks to bim, I am now an entirely new woman and weigh 194 poands, throng the ase of this new componnd. MBS. CABOLINB POBBES, Dee. 14; 1881. Wife of Mr B. O. Forbee. The above letter is a fair specimen of vhj many beine constantly rewired. The writer is of the highest respectability, and can easi- ly be commanicated with. ZOPESA is not a care.jdl, bnt we guaran- tee it to cure Djapepsia in itH maii^ forais, and all Bilious or Liver trenUes, is bat 7.5 eents. and oan be bad of dngpsts and eoontry dealers everywheee. Be«p«ctfully, ZOPESA CHEiggAL OO. 8».8. bk M. 'â- 'â- â- . (.^-4,^-^ 4 i.Ai 'Jf^^_ Tkis is the only genuine bona-fide sale ever offered t» the public. The whole stock of goods must be sold. o Terms C7ash or l^arm Froclrice. Wm. NELSON, Proprietor. Dunialk. February 28tb, 1882. 1 Mortgage Sale OF FARM PROPERTY, IN TWK TOWNSHIP OF HOLLAND. Unler aiid by virtue of the provi- soes atd conditions contained in a Mortgage made by Charles Alleu Johnston, and subject to the condi- tions which will be read at the time of ' s«le, there will be sold by Public Auc- tion by MR. ANDREW WATT, Aactionecr, atRUTLEDGE'S H.tbl, MARKDALE, in the Couuty of Grey, on SATURDAY, the 27th day of May 1882. at Two o'clock, p.m., the lo low- ing FREEHOLD PROPERTY, vir The Boutb Half of lot No 18, in the 12th concession, ot the Towoship of Holland, in the said county containing 981 aorus more or less. The property is distant about Four miles from Walters' Falls, Eight miles from Markdale, Eighteen miles from Meaford and ThorBbury, and Half-a- mile from Harkaway P.O. and the nearest school-house. There are about 80 acres eleamd, aud 6 acres shopped. The said property will be sold sub- ject to a Mortgage held by the English Loan Company, of which full particu- lars will be given at time of sale. TERMS of Sale.â€" 10 per cent each at time of sale, and the balance with r*°'ftie'^Jrt!e "*«'~* at the raU rf 7 per cent per of dnw*ite I "1""° withn* 80 dayi thereafter and .»_-v dS;iiJ opoo aaeh payment the porch; â- haU be entitled to the oouyeyauce, and to b« let into poeaessioa. Th«re will he a reserved bid. Fov further partMolars apd eondi tiooa of aale. «^^ at U)e Maaiord «r Thonibo rj oflB eea of WILSON kYAMS, Vawkqa' SaliaikqpK. Mrs. T. G. Morgan QUEEN ST, MARKDALE, Wishes to thank the Ladies of Markdale and vicinity for the Patronage of th* past rear, and bags to announce to thorn her intention of adding to the Hair business, STAMPING, BBAIDINO. and EMBBOIDEBY, Making aU kinds of UKDERCLOTHES. CHILDBEN'S CLOTHED. Ac. Ladies wishing Hair- work done will do well to bring it in before the 24th J une, as I cannot execute orders for it after that date. BBAIDINQ PATTEBN3 for sale eheap. RESIDENCE-QUEEN ST. Breat Causa Off Numan iitary 18 THE LOSS OF MANHOOD We have recently pnbliahed a new "tion of Dr. Cultxbwxll's €â- !.â-  MXTSD Ebut on the radical and permanent enre (withont medicine) of Ner- vons Ddbility, Mental and Physioal Inea] ty, Iicpedimei from ezoesaes .A M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A* MiNTYRE r^lo-CLX, ^^lo\3.r, I^loTj-X- McINTYRE'8 LIQUORS I^QUORS I McINTYRE'S-. Cigars, Cigars. McINTYRES Colltie, CaiV^^, McINT"iREH MEAL! MEAL! MEAL I McINTYRES Pork. Pork. Pork And crcrytkiug kept ri in a first-class Grocery and .always on baud, cheap job cAsn. McINlYRE» Liqao 8«oie.p 3 SEEDS! We desire to infcrm the fttiiOBinK eomnauDity that we have for sale 1^ choice stosk ut COMPRISING Clover, Timothy, Hungarian Grass Tares, (Sec. Millet. Carrot, Mangel Wurzel Corn, Scc, We would also remind tbk pnblie in XMieral that we have a fkll lima eit GARDEN AND FLOWER 6EEDB. ty. Impediments to Marriage, Ac. resohim Iting l^r Priee. in sealed envelope, only 6 eaiits, or two postage stamps. The ealebrated author, in this admirable clearly demonstratea, from thirty yean' soeeeasfnl practice, that alarming ooo- seqnenees may be radically eared without tbe dangeroos oae of internal medieiqes or the use of the knife pointing ont mode of core at once siiiiple, certain and eflectnal, by means of which every soffcrer, no matter what his condition may be, may core himadf c heaply y rivately and ladicalfy' iVnia Leetnre should be u tbehaadsof ewHjr 7oath and ervesv mmi is the land. Addnes Tkt MffMMll ItAeal Of,. Stationery, School Books, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Dyestuffs, Paints Oils, Toilet Soaps, Fancy Goods, Pure Drugs Chemicals. Tea, Coffee, and Tobacco. A. Turner Co., Medical Hall. N.B. â€" A Quantity of the celebrated Oil Cake just r«ceiT«d. rAkes4M 41 •tnK«wr«rtu The STAITAIIB #s*o^ IS THE BEST PAPER IS GRET. i- .--.hi- •, i i ,i. f t i

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