Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Apr 1882, p. 1

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 flIL i\ I m I' J* lit* f r til I â-  ii :?*v «^^ *fc^T! Tttitli«aft* Uh^aare of 17iine. â-  AOINQ ftOUTH. 9mtm koBd, d«pMi fi.lf ^. t SO r.a. Ko^:lar4 6 40 •.m. t.55|^. ttK.Tttrtk i.y %.aL. 4.10 p.m. -L »o*-. I.t^».m. 4 it p m. " \.'-».ljtrx a.m. 4 3i p.B. »•..». u.»i».ra. 4.45 PA. • • lil • 6.4.i a i»». lAH m. • i«'.°Mt 'rie:j*:ll* 7.0.j a.m. 0.i5 p w. ^.j. .^r.. 7.10 a.m. 40 p.m. • 1 :» l.M a.m. 5.54 p.m. ^l^'l«^••». â- J Oi » uj. 2; ').m. ..!' i«'t b. 5 a.Ui b :iH p.ia. â-  • iiii. r, 50 p m. :^.;*TiU« Jansiion 8. 1.' a.m. 7.00 p.m. .H%'i%^ll.\.%. ta 0.4.' a.â„¢ 7.10 p.m. '..7 .; I R.O.I » m. 7..'»» p.m. \.ion S.Ou am. 7.43 p.m. :».:«..; v^•., » 15 a^. 7..VJ p.m. •.' :.j 11- • »4-' R.:n. 8'-Jpm.«)».ui. K.3 1 p m. ^.ainliiU'C. .f fO.l 2 » m "•47 i m. • o.U.i;.i.;' 1" ' • "• 9.011 p.m. 'iu;i3b#r tiuuiuit. ))' *«J a-m. ». â- 7pui. .^LQorr 1' •' «.u 9.12 p.m. 'c(lOD Ill .y • a.iu « r D.m. 'â- Â«i Itcn 10 '-7 a.iu. 'i.ilyxu. ' -..wulo. Cnioti .â- St'o.ll.l.j a.m. 'J ..'oi p.m. GOING NORTH. l..t„*o Uiip. 7.15 a. iu. 4 10 p.m :»on 7..".? a.m. 4..:S p m V-. (,a 7.41 •• 4.3C •• â-  l-.iR'rr 7.03 ' 4-4* • •.'li- u^ier Smuuiil 7 -VJ " 4.0« •• • 'J ibr: \HK o. '5 0.00 •' a m.i.bur^ BJ^ 0.13 • Chiton 8 31 •• 0.J6 " 'J. 3 IUad 8.43 '• 40 " 'â- -li^fi'stou 9 15 " r,.\i â- â€¢ \;.oo 9 z5 • C.ii ;-.l»E»lI.LL â€" i-T« 9.37 • 0:55 •• I«iart i».45 • G.OO • ingetilla Jan* 9-'y7 7.00 " L .arel l'io7 • 7.:o •• '.. ,.u;.ie«.. lOl'.i •• 7 21 • Hi.' 'Jine lO.-i 7.34 •• laik n." •• b06 â- â€¢ '.V(,n 11.-" •' 8.21 â- â-  -i.LTWnAPrille 11.36 " 8 37 •â-  â- â€¢^i-ciale 11. jj (J.. 00 ;,-i»iT 12.iOfi.m. '.^lo •• ' ..i^amaford \i'i\ 9.21 •• â-  :jOtl 1Z..33 â- â€¢ 9 ..3 •â-  H.vorth.... 12.40 â- â€¢ 'i.\ 1 •â-  .;kford 12.03 " 90.' •• â-  »: t SuCiiD I.IS •• 10. » •• fir tboM bocta, ud OwM BMind having the â- dvuitaf* ol Ui b«Et hsrboar on th LftkM, and Im fineat dir dock in Can •da xmuj jmMj e^paet ti liaT* Imt â- bare. Tba •cUrprviiog D 7 f) '• Co faaTe Ml conrsa of ooiMtractiou a fiue tojf kod propeller. Iks dry dock ba* al- ready biitin a great boon t OwdU CHBI rSCH. HASKDA^. Tb* Veatry Maating waa hald ii tta baaaaent of Uw ckorahdto tliiaMi- ingofEMtarMoudaj. K ««â-  ediad 7 30, Snt Uka mmi oibar HarUala •naatingaaa boor alapaad Ufcre boai na^a c iinmeucad. TlKro wara praaani tlM iU'T. J. Ward, MawB B. C.lei«aB Thos. Ellbtt. J*» Elliott, J. W. Ford. Win DongU"*, A. Turuer, A. Eilwtt. Sounders, and while andar tiieablw'j (^-^^.4^ R. 'VaUoa, Ac luanagcnivut of tlio pre*«at cumpanj I intty always exp«ct to be a great beae- tit not only to the town, bat to ail ' vebMl owners on tbe gieat northbra ' lakes. i POETRY AND LOVE. A breach promiiia case wa^ tried at St. TliOinas the uwber dsj, in which the iiijnrkd female got veraict of $G50 K^'sinst tli« raise suitor. There is no regular scule by which the precise (jainHge doiii to a you igLaiiv's lieart on au occasion liiiH this ca^i be deui d«d. The vti Hot ii l:ir„'ely a 'Tiatter of (Tuess work on the part nf the jury. But It seems i-ljar that ia caar-s in which the false -iutjrh*4 g:nlar,'ely into powtiT t'le ilaraiigCH «ie alwayi- aaseaceJ at u hi^-her figure, the injury to the hruisrd heart beiuj; presumably greater when t is .bombarded with poetry than when it ii attacked with plain pruio. fiUi Iis iBa' *i^tr- of A. H. MM Ael l â- a«. CttaOks ToWBsfcip of SoffiTea. M« «# the BHdes father, oa the imUf.V. A. Kediaraud •»- w am. Chaa. isfa. Ber- Joseph TV_ 7 (TLiilTj to Miaa Lizsie. only SXitsrel BiWh TajJar. Rsq ol Owen Bmrn-l. •knied â- Â» tbe i^HioeH of W. A. Steph- â- na Km Owen Sunna. Elder StirUng fl IfcafonTMr. Thwna. E. UMirr of Fleaher- ton? to MLia Latua W«P«n ot Owea Sound. BIRTHS. -â- .•., t" â- ? Boreeâ€" In Glenelg, on Uie Jnd. ina. the Wifa of B. H. Boyee ol a daughter. DIED. DAWi»«-IaFl««herUwi.oo Tae^y, Mard. »th. Freddie Damude. only *on ol Mr. S. DamoJe, Tanner, *g»l » veara- gpaoota- In iToronto, on the «nd- itat., Bobert Sproul E,q. Father of Mi. Iboa. Bpnmle elUeBe»ere Hoa^ Markdale. Aged 66 yearn. wile of MAliKDALK cliCRCH MENTATION. OKNA- .day. Apri^ 14; ii ld82 olU I'l BLIC .-(Jll(Xil.S. ' .• would Very p o:iti?Jiy cul! tht. â- â€¢M)U of the Tristc-.-s, Teaclu-iK, '.iieut-i to th di^:,'racL-lul -,tat- of â- :â-  :ii which "iiiip dpiartiueuts if )ioils are rtipurled to be. :: irtn comphiiii of the .stench of â-  Miiu occilpifd hv the 2iid dcpriit- • lit. If ihi.i be true it should iinrue- cly be seen t" If not rcin-^'iivd • may expect to he vi-iied ere lou^' another .scourjje of sickness. 'Hi*- th of scores of our little ones u langered, and wo sound the note of riu. Why do llio Iriisleeii not tu- â- n tk competent curetHker, and liave BW.*piiig and cleaning done r;.'ii- .y aid properly. If they neglect or IS*! to do so. the luin'er .â- â€¢lionld be lar master of liis l)iiniije-s a^ to w what c Hirst: to lakf. .rl those who are to hlaiup, at onci- lI at th8 ditigraceliil state of aifuirh- ' allowed to continue, H.s such cer- .V cHiiiitl be tolerated by tlierate- .tiii). wl'u iieLd tiieir little ones to .1 1 tti; hours of the day in clo.^ely .I!lli-i 8cllO(d. Doriui; the moiuios sei vice at the Kiiglisli Cliureh on Kaster Suud-iy tb Rev. J. Witiii referred to ceitain riinji urs letptctiug the oruameuta^ioij of the Church, and enpecially to the cross oa tlie eommuniuu tebie. Ul Lad iieard, he said, m a circuitouh niaiiBer of objections to this ornament HiiJ e\])iessed a wmh that tlioae who iiiid anytijing to say ou th subject woiiM kindly open i;.' ir minds to L.1U1, He p..iiiii.ed out tnat the rubric ol tue cijurcii baucti.JBud its use to turn persomllv and li some of the of hiscoi,j;i«g.,ti'jn it was an euhiein of »•) much good. DA it not luiiiiu i them thit they had each to take up the cross daily Did it not remind them o! the sufT«rin£;s of One tor tlirm all Rut objectors urged, lie aid, that tiie Roman c'litholics •ii)iised It. W« II, so wiih many of tht â-  eieiinaiifes .f tiia church, notably tbr Lords Sutper. What wa* more abominably abured than that ai;d vet should they an that account dis- liird this aacrameut God forbid. htill if tte-e was any real objections lo it. he Would put his own feelings hei'eath his ft et rather than offend, .or ciiiise to stumhle one of ths leai-t of (jod 8 children, lie had come among them to spend the host part of his life in lejidiuj; thorn to heaven, and God lorbid that he sl'ouKl be the one'to an- ucy or cause dissension. Let them •]eak to hiiu, or in auy way express tiieir objections and lhi cause should be removed. The miuuteaof list meetmg were .-ead and cnuliruied. A » -U nf thaLks waj paaaad to the L. A. S., lor coutributinf to mach daring the past year towards rodacing the debt on the cbureb. Avote rf thanks was also paasad to Mit-s Ford and the ch ir The fiaanoi.l m.twr. uext Bowa-t. Holland, on the lat mat Pet'T Howe, brought forward and difcnsao-l. Tli*» reports anil balance sheet were preseutel and accepted. Election of office ;)eiirirs.â€" The U9T. J. Ward re-elected Mr. B. Cole- man as hia wardau. Mr Thos Elliott was re electel peo- ()l«'s warden. Messrs Sol Hill and Win Djuglasa were appointed sidasmen. Mr tJiggar was fleeted Secretary- Treasurar. Messrs Wis Lucas and J. O'ar to be auditors. Mr Turner was appointed delegate to attend Synod. The Rer. J. Ward then spoke at some length on tlie question of church decoration, to the same effect as on Sunday morning â€" re|iort«d in another c jhiran. Ua warmly defjnde.l the or- namentation of ih-} church wah«, nod tlia use ol the cross. Prarers closed the meeting. Has the largest and best assorted stock in town. ^^TA£ a NO T ,^«r«l'M«"'"K iu Ma Leadens. Mcfkdale, ' "^sefnl Hired gVl. di»t "^^ntada It ifferi DRY GOODS. I am shewing all the latest designs in Dress Gooa very large Stock of Prints, Ducks, Denims, Shirtings, c. j^ a magnificent range of Enghsh, Scotch, and Canadian Twe^d Suits made to order by a first-class tailor. 300 ready-n^j^. Suits, cheap for cash. Gents' Hats cheap for Cash at Botto Prices. ^^thod"'** 8-cialio ^^n*adaT next. IjB G'aue'K- ioureorra8pj io«leJ out this week g^ McFarlands new 40 cen g^ McFarlands uaw Inco g^ McFarlands u g^ McFail inds n c,^ McFai'"'^* new Miiliii gee McFarlands new Kid G 1 c^ McFarUnds n»iw Wjill g^ McFarlands new ila(J'1 g^ MaFarlands dir.^ct "^^ ew Tvvecdd nfiw Gasli'ul 'iFm I. Bargants Pata^* J-" /Brmershnul wall. aTcry ba«haJ« WuiU Ru.siat r» .1 ' on -„. GROCEEIES. Fresh and cheap in every line. Teas a Pecialitv (raOM MAZIL.) Tba lf0w Componad. tts woa- dexfaJ mlOnitr to the Direstir* Apj»T»tus mad the Lirer. iaeremM- tag the dJssolriagJniceM. nlier- CROCKEBY GLASSWARE Stock complete at right prices tar almost iastmadjrthe dzemdtal "ROOT ' P^" RTTn"Pi S nsalts ot Dyspepsia. laOlgesUoa. XDKJkJ ± O^ OJ_L\^XJO aad the TORPlb LIVER, m»keM RIG ANGUS- EXPER1ECE. Zopesm ma ereix ^X aecessitria vrezx house. It mctM geatlr md speednr ia Biliousaess. CosUreaess. Hemd' The best selected stock in the counter HOW A GLENGARRY MAN WA CAIGHTIN WINNIPEG â- â€¢)WhN Mil Nl) llARBOL'R. lie llaibourat Ow • Soiud prf- \s .1 tji.a nj'P' itrance this spring, ueiiig a nuuihi-ri of vessiels ijiiig • "" harbour wailiug to go into the lock. The principal attrawiion, V. '» 'he magnificent propflier. i.ii,, X," i..t';ly purchased by Mr .\1 .-Mi. h t fill the ilace of the ^iui;ipeg " burned last season. The â-  ' imp^iiia ' has lietin in the dry dock t!ie winter uniirrgoing many iin 'iLeiits. Sht. beia an iron Tes- Tt wfti tliDii^ht tetter to plate the 'oia.i with wr)od,i which br tins way e tae bottom of two vessels joiu- .c-ogether, an 1 e:tc!i liat a propcllia w, thus j^Mviiii; her iloiihle pewer • other VBSsdU now on our fr«sh ei*. I IS really a sigl.l worth sering to i liir.iHgh tiia boat a.s tlio v.inous irovemaiisare :;oiu » on ihj suiilh iH forgo, thfl tinaiuith-t, ear pointers tiers and otlitiis as tuurk as clerks 'il a goreiniui'ut house; while J .era are hii.Hily «iig.'..geil fixing cleaning tn^ir i n.;ii:e:«, wliicli in .1 a.IveB are wo' th examining. i'he upper cabin is undergoing tho- '.?h rep:iir, and state ro ins are ng built the whole lengt'i of tlit d«ik. â- -• wiU le for siiliiig h1)oiiI â- J weeks, und' r liie coirmaod ot 1. AndeiS' 11, ki in rly of the I5va'li â-  and ii»;kao\vled_;c 1 to be one of â-  lie-it seam.'ii on firsii w:avrs. i he favourite sleitnnr â- ' l-'rHiui^ j th ' sail.^ next week. I'liere is j .. « doubt who will have c imiuaou. ..' K.iberts.iu, who has coiuui:iii.uo r So many years, h:ivi;i;; •• .\\ \\\. I ., on tiie brain, " an I is tiur. â-  .iig up â- â€¢ fiiluy lucr ' " Siie lu- • !• hnroughlv refitted, an. I looks .s H as new. We hope she mny be i .siicoessful in this as in tormer ' ^.irs. The '• City of (»w*n Sound ' is also the fire, anil looking like a new ARTEMISIA COUNCIL. This council met m the Town Hall, I'iesherton, Monday, April 3. Present â€" Messrs. Clinstoe, Elliatt, Webster, and l",dltr. Minutes of last meeting read and conlirm«»d. Communicatiou's^ from the Toronto City Solicitor and the Reuve of Owoii Sound were presented an 1 read. .\ puiit.oii from Doiiild .McKenyie et al. presoiit-1. read and laid ou the table till ne\t sess.ou. Tiie following atcouiits wore or- dered to hi paid. Tiios, Irwm $7 6U for holding pdl wanl li. W, J. Bella- my salary. S:!? 50. I!v-law 8(1 was amended as fellows, Wm DavH to be pa'hiu.vster in lieu of I J.G. I'urvi.s. M. \riMigald 111 hen of J Tlios Ferguson. .M. .Sullivan in lieu I of ,)as Ryan. R. (imliain in lieu of j D. Ciiuiple 1. D Griliamiu lt'n f j John tVeher. The By-law was thta read a thira tunc and jia.ssad. By-law ;!41 to detach l..t 24, con 9, S.S. 11, and place i: la S..S. 13, was introduced, read tiie necessary num- bi r of nines and passed. 1) McLe.iii was re tinded .f 2 being fors»at.i:o libour ,) r. inuei. Colin,-;! adjourned till ti;.j 1st Moii- dav ill .,hiv. PKiiTON COUNCIL. Th "IS haviiig tcjuiis wore le coi-'ti- met at ihd Cedarville Uotel, Tnesdav. /Vjml 4. Present. P M. (ir-o,. reeve. .Jolni A-ncw. dep-r. ev,. It. Rlack and (ieo. jJ'liiison. I Several com'n -mc Oeeii reail tlid f.dhi or re i t.i 1)0 paid J. (i irdm.r, tin box for the assessor oil. «' H Ku'lodg-'.for printing $23 70 The clerli was instructed to write tc tin- Co. ri-(..i xir^t i.kI as, tiia amouni ,,f t.ix.-s lot I, con. 16 The petitions of M. Gleuny and 35 othdis, D.uis Ccsgrove and 12 others. Jas .Menzi.s and -IG ot.iers, praying f r giants for repairing roads, be laid It. and i.s auder Uie command of Cp ' ^*^' """ "" June mseting, .v'.jNabb, who has pmved himsalf an; By-law 244 appointing pound-keep- .jle trnstworthv seaman. "^*' ^•^* '^ad a third tkne, signed and An^us Macdonald was a farmer from Charletteburg, County of Glen- garry, who arrived iiere a couple of da\s ago. Angus in hia own estima- tion, and in th* estimation of .his fri- ends was a slirewed man. He was hardly in the place before an old ac- quaintance of his ran up to him, slap- ped ou the back in a friendly way, and said "I'm fjlad you've come up. I was iust going to send for you." .^fter their greetings were over he continu- â- id. "Bv the way, Angus, you own a farm out near Miunedosa " ••Yes." "How aiuch will you take for it ' "I don't know." said .\iigus." I thought of settling on it myael." j "Well. Ill tell ypu what III do: 1,11 give you $0000 for it. Angt^ thought before leaving Glen- garry that it he got I'iOOO for it he would be doiu^ well, but he was now in the land of booms and so he asked for $0500. "Well, here's $jO on the bargain and We'll sign paoers to-morrow." And the purchaser went off. Before two hours had pa.tsed Angus ran against an other former acquain- "Giad to see you. .\iigus glad you come up. There's a splendid chance ior you. By the way, I see you re- gistered as owi iug a farm near Min- nedosa. How much do you want lor that farm " "I've just sold it.' said Atigus. 'He w much did he give you " •$0500.* 'Tae dickens you did. Why I'll give yoa $15,000 fir it. You go to the purchaser and get him to reloa»e and. I'll give youthe fU.OOO.' .\ngiis wished that he was back in .St, Raphaels or anywhere else in that he had made such a fool of himself. However, al' he could do was to try and get the farm back. So who does he run across within fifteen miauies biit purchaser No. 1. Says Angus: 'I'm soriy I sold you my farm. I'd l;kd to get it back. Here's your fifty dollars and we'll ba wheie we were.' 'Oh I can't do that. I boui;ht the farm and will havo the papara ready to-morrow." After further higgling Angus offered him $500 to break the bargain. With great reluctance the fiirst pur chaser took th« $500 â€" 100 new (5 bills of the bank of Montreal â€" and gara back to Aai;us the temporary agreement of sale. Angus was happy again and set out to fi id buyer No. 2. He found him not. N 1 and No. 2 were pal confiJenca men. Angus w;is the sncker from Ontarto, and $450 was the net amount they stung iiim for. ^l^'^rsfci'ke}^^^ jThe MILLINERS Show Room, in charge of a first-class MiUiner wii be opened on Monday next, with the finest display of Milli nery ever offered north of Toronto. .-- ' Bemrtbnia, Pains ia the Side mad Bmck. Wmai of Appetite. Wmat ol Xaeigjr. Low Spirits. Pool Stoat- mclL It ia rigormtes the Lirer, cmi^ Ties ottmll surplus bile, refulates the Bowels, madgires toae to the whole system. Cut this out mnd take it to your Dmgrist mad ^et a 10 cent Smmple, or m Imrte botile ior 75 cents. Mam teJl jrour aeifkbor mbout iU AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Farm Property In the Townships of Proton and Artemesldi In the COUNTY OF GREY, there will be sold, on Thursday, the '20th day of April. 1882, at One o clock in tbe Aftern(on, at the Anglo-AniericHU I Hotel, in the Tillage of DUNDALK, by virtue of Powers of Sale containe in certain Mortgages which will he pro- duced at the Sale, the following pro- perties PARCEL I. Unde' Mortgagp from Maty Men- zivs. Lot 17, in the 7th con. of tie Towntiiip of Proton, Couj'y of Grey, containing 100 acres more of less. The following Improvements are •aid to be ou the premises About 20 acres cleared PARCEL XL Under Mortgage from Duncan Campbell, Lots 10 and II in the 10th concession in the Township of Proton, in the county of Grey, containing 200 acres, more or lesA. The folloniu^ impiovemunts are said to be on the premises â€" About 50 acres cleared, wi'h a young orchard, and having erected thereon a loi^: bouse hnd barn PARCEL III. Under Mortgage fr m Hugh McGa- rou.â€" Lot No. 17 in the I9tli conces- sion of the Township of rr.jtou, in the county ot Grey, containing 121 acres, more or less. The following iinprovom- nts are said to be ou the premises: â€" Ab ut 20 acres cleared. PARCEL IV. Under Mortgage from Robert Gor- don^Lot No. 87. in the 3rd conces- sion, south of the Durham Road, of the Township of Artemrsia, in the county of Grey, containing 80 acres more or less. Toe following iinpr-ive- meuts are said to be on the premises. The property ia situated about 10 mil.'S from the village nf Dundalk and about 3 miles from the 'village cf Flesherion. TliR.MS-Oue t. nth of the pur- ciia»e money to be paid down ou the day of sa'e. For b lance, terms will be made known at the sale. For further particulars apply to â-  JONES BROS. MACKENZIE Solicitors. Masonic Hill' Toronto. Or to JOSEPH McARDLti, Esq Hopeviliu. T.ronto, March 25, 1882. You can save money by purchasing your Goods a.t tue Toronto House, Dundalk. GEO. NIXON 83 8G Big pn.v.- irlit Wrtik Sternly Eiuiuoyiuent SuiiipleH flee. Ail.lie«. M. L. BVh.V. â- , NMBHsau Ktite New Yolk. SO Li MAKEDALE Meat Market. • A C'iista:it • upply of Fresh Meats ou iuwul. nt iJi.' Liowe.'^.t Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Town. 1 THE HEW ARTIST '31asgow Houso/' Dundali s^ â€" " g' SELLING OFF. SELLING OFI o- Bargains. Bargains. Bargai ains Cordially invites nil llmse wlio are lovers of GOOD PHOTOS Bound for the North-West. Farmers having fat StCck to I To com« at OXCE and ^iv.. Inm a tr.»l, f.r dispose of, will please leave i todosoistobe their addresses. TERMS. STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT, Markdale, March iS, 1882. 80 ly Suited as they never â- were Befora Amon^ oiher crafts worthy ol men- iioB are two Tery fifie 3 maat scho«m- r '• Lady M!icPoiiald,"and "Fellow aft," J,i«. Sutherland, Owen Sound. Tixe •' ArabiH, â-  Ani " A. E. Foster," a also Batting pointed up. There â- Â« also seTeral tnjs beside the dredge .^a in tbe barbsur. Tha popular little steamer '-Wiar- •n Beile," is in the hsrbonr, not T«t ptsed. The following by-laws were read a third time and passed, 245, appoi .ting feuca-viewen and valuators. 246, appointing pathmasters. 247, repealing by-law 208. 248, appointing the clerk. 249, repealiiif by-law 210. 250, appointing township treasurer. Tiie Coouoii a^oorned to meet at %TiDg startid nn her usual tnas to I ^o^^^ A. Scarlett's, Hoparille, on tbe •iart.i^and Bate en tha south of tha third TaMday of Maj aa a Coort of iBaviaioo. A I'l'BLic Mf.t.Tia ahotild be i lied of the citizens of evsry' city, town and village in the Dominion, to consider what should be done to prevent the hair from turning Giiiy â€" and tailing out. If this iiupoitaut quesricin loceived their earnest con- sideration they would unanimouidy d( cide that f^;ience had at last' dis- covered something that would answer this purpose â€" and furthermore would recommend Cing*le8« Hair Uenewer as being this sotneth ing for restoring the hair to its natural color, and pre- vent its falling ontv 60 cents per bottle. For tale by all Dniggista. In the mcnth of April almost arer^ one requires- a good and reliable Blood Purifier. We know of none ao aafe and eflSsctual as Dr. C irson's Utomaeh and Constipation Bitters. They act tiireatly on all tbe aaoretious, thair purgative action carrying off all im- purities from tha syataoa^ thar invigo- rate the Livar and Kidneys, purify the Stomach, cleaAM Aa Bowala, and giye strength ao4' tana to the whole system. Try aaouraa of this yalnabla 8»re and reliabk Tegatahia prapara tion. Dr. Canoo'a Stomach and stil«tion Bittara, In larga bottli 60 aauta. A. Tovnar and Co. Spaaial Agaot Markdala, C,A, SALESMEN WANTED, To begin work at once on galea for Fall of 1H8-2, for the Fonthill Nurseries, L.AROEST IN CAIVADA. Tailor, If yon want yonr Order witL Head Omci:- -TOUONTO. Ont. Branch Ofucksâ€" MONTllE^L, i' g., and ST. PALL, .Mink. NURSERIES, FONTHILL, ONT. We ciiu start in aJilitit.n to our already larg.- foin! 100 Additional Canvassers. .\n!l want ii).ii wlm ca-i jrivc full finif tn th liusiiii-9s. SKa^'y t-niploynifi't an.: rocI ni arie- to successful mrjii. " It di'v^^ ii.ii ui.itter what ycmr proviuus occiij a ion lia- Wen. If yciu are willing to work your kucic-s is al most certnin. The be.-t"iefireiicos nquireil. Apply .o STONE 4 WF,LI,lN(iTON, " Niu -«r.»iii.-.. Torcnlo. Ont Kd- 6 I Rare Chances. i A dioicp 1..S for .^alf i; the host biiRine^s ^pnrtof Marii.,ale, being lot No. »oufh s d- of \l 11 tiiet Has a comfortable .Iwell !• K hou-f. sliop. and stuhie; niao soft and ii .rd waie »Vill b.: soU on verv reasonable cms. Apply to " \VM WAI KKR. Mark.lale P. 0. ' or to C. \\. iluTLEboK, 'Staaaurd" ofliee i 73-1" I Eucm Grist, Saw and 'ath Mills i ray Grist M,ll I f,,i c..n6.Ipnt I can give goo.1 Batisfactioi;. GOno FLOUR hLVAYS ON HA*r. Chfff-wg I cue Every fay. snorte^t notice. a Perfect Fit lo ve LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS I ON HAND. ' Cherry. Buttenmt, White Ash. 'Black Ash Ba».wood, Pine an.l Hemlock Log, wanted j ^:__ UAMTT, Eugenia. ' rrrHE «.ih«CTiber havinir rented the brick X building opposiU Doctor Spronl*' d,w It rl^" P'"*^ to '•*« 'everal bear.I- 2* rate^ '°*°"' ""' *°°^ """ •* '•»«'°- "»Wdale. Ifaseh 9tfc. 18Mv n-^ M^AU poor and cheap work despised him. bv Ihe undcrsi^Miedhavipg determined t.. remove M .V. .V,:,. ... ...,., whole of hi. large an well assorted s'.u.iL. c :.»:.u.s'i ' " Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoei. Ready-Made ClothiQg, Millinerv, Ac AND â€" MODERATE PRICES. li hif motto. ill the Popular Styles made by J. L. BROWNE. Over the Standard Office, Markdal*. Th AT A GREAT SACRIHcE. s IS the only genuine bona-fidc s... the pubhc. The whole stock of-.^ood. e '^a'r fvrr offerer to iiiu.«t be fd.i Xei-mM Ga««h »!• k McFUD'S, MARKDALE. Hm baaata »•• by the pabUe tor over twenty BBd U UMbMt •v«r iBTaBted ibr HB8IOB IMO OKAT BAIB TO ITS TOUTHFUI. OOLOK AHD It aappUM tka food and oolor ta tk* fc- «t Klaoda witboot t»nlalaj tiM â- kin. It wlU laiiMii -^ (hlckm th« srovrth of the balr. praTaat Ita "-aThlat •nd taUlBc off. Md thwe ATKBT BALOMSM. Special atUntion to Cultinj?. .SI It eoiM ItcblBc. «»»p. Hena and DaadraC Aa • BAIB DBBSSnreittovMy *â€"itmhU, girb^ tka hmtr m •^ •-••ee. widck .11 **»i*^ It fciiii tka «-â€" C. A. OWE»., MARKDALE. l:;^a 1*111 J»i-«mIii'p. Wm. NEIjSON, Proprietor DundaUj, Febrmary 28tl», 1882. i TICK! TICK! TICK -AT THii: Dundalk Drur Store. Cheaper than the Cheapest A Watch within the means of every Man, Woman, Sc Child. Tested Timekeeper only ^^00 ffiHLSKERS Mwufselnred 1 J ths cflfcbrated American Waterbtiry Wtlch CoBf^ CALL AND GET ONE. •••â-  ar vMtapa la M ». W. PAESONS, DUNPALK^ Sole Agent,. u â-  100 «"" Xal-. •» ' -D'»^'"P*' ®^ "" -L^ frost didn't » weir -ff a| M^^t. He takca his tarly in ^f J. Arthur h» S'dd hia f:.ij ^jIj W. McCanneU. Etipiira Bnrcka ahout all m:i!j',:f.KJ ^^i.;..;«ta snd mill tueu wi;-J ^t try I^ardiue. We regret t r-;c'rd the d' aul pach proniiae. It tskui many man a ^^ L e tolMru how to carrv a Uu i ^e withotbreaknigil/ Thoi. E. I'»^" «t â- ; (^tractor wauta ft Vi'i:-::: tii^ ]gfrn the hur.iuesa.â€" bee A ivj Whv do girla Litae»cii •'i i ^Mdo not Jiecause 'ir^ liuj g^g hftti-r to kis. au 1 hviya n il ycCoU Broa. i » o.. 1 ,r,; nh uanufacturctra â- { l.^r :.. ggl lubricator kiMH^:. j rv â- : lardine machine r d w;li r. (ffreere, nuJ wcKra L«iur ii... gthsr oil in the tnarVot. A«k ImaI dealer and t»ke n'l rtij«r Mr. li, CAiiiuxu has a ;. July 10 luauths old. It ;-. .i^) iimost^yer (dd hr-ait. H. bringiug it hefoiv «i.t.ct! of l.- aorllT. Mr Geo. In ton lift u fai .1 I King of Tomkiue .^Jii'*: Jit ii: • I {TDWii hy hiin wiiii:ri :i lu.if ° I Ua from the seed. l'ijetr,;i' I ill showd uo bii.^n o' dc-itv. in overcoat \ tftiii-;. .u i..,; from the MarkdHJi- II uno " of March. Tiie pcisjii w I I cost would hd 'liliijrd .f ;:.- MoulJ return it au.l get t!.^.: Wliat is Lat iiue A. .1 I1teakh«r or mill tuau iii fji~-: ribn runs machinery a,:' I in that it 18 the o'./y •:. » I Mr equal to CukI r •, u I jjB or clog your Mac. 4;.' H. L. Thurstoiifc ult • t: I fiist column of thu {!S4i'r iking a ruahing Ijiisiiic^*' :-. IPitoos, Sewing MachiiiLS ;.; lealtural Imiiiimt'i*!*. j i: Imbajreut Maikdalo I' • r. i Mr. Jidin Orr (.jitv«..j i, Iwe gave Lirth «,.,.. ;, .. linriug the samo duv 1:. ti;:.»i Irfin hour his flock of '.I â-  iBdied by eight haul. s ji!. ' • aid are doing wi'!. Ur.Mataona buaiuei^ t r improving Le havn;,- ti;» j.^m ii« tecomo liowu tiie ii:.,i ii iwaekto attend to njatr:. »uce thit CDuld 11 1 I o f:-!., I regular days. For lale by \V. J. Md aria •liels White Boisioii t 'r:«. JBuMiou spiiuc Whtat.i nesoU also No. 1. ,iu .;,.v • l-Cloyer seed and c.xt.c: 'hree day. two car laads • "in buIkattottomiTKc, ^Aoy perton «ish;u„' t ""i West Dr any otlit r • ,i " »ibhit3g to sell ilifcii fani; "tto their ac\ftn;ft-.. t .;. Uaf^fiou at hi« 1 aw (»•};, -r c or Saturday m an.- ».ek .11 a large amount o; ._ â-  s •rauy funds for invest-.. :.: T lo*e»t raU of iulere^l ' W n l» Colitnon I'ec » "• Lincoln I am, and 17 u "1» result ol hie lahcj:-, J*' Thos, Eoknd, of Va-. .. ,^ ter J Bucceasfdl w,;:. »"thi8 ,e«oB. out -f â- "•ot one and that WHS ti.i *^^Sht. He attribut,' his -i "•"care Uken of tl:e .^*. »• during and immod,,.;. ,. Jor a few davs he keeps „, ";°d lamb in a well aheU^ ' '"'» Preyents cold cttn^ it '^iLt'^^' V* "'"' -I to one fact tha; i:t fJ '"^P®" on the K:ra* i .1 "l^ on oaU and roots. Tliese [j, '*°"^1 of attention. ,^«" of drinking It, *** onderstood wheu Mij^ ?• •'K"«el inpAokiu- JJJ«« adulterated sort, brci »» a few yeaia or i.thcr^^ ^^Withlon, l.i.gc.:rg diaea •tlaM**^ ' P*"cularly careful itC^-' 01 Tea.. .„ J, '••ommeiKi them ' •^••ta.M »od purity. iHtit

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