Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Mar 1882, p. 1

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 ill' if â- J â- L \m'i ii I: ' i. â-  I;!' I i I lifMiii^iny I irM lt% ^Jliangre of T'ltno. â-  TbondsT, VteeoAm $, teai â-  Am not exoMdiiig $100 ahall kt iapoMd on thoM â- â- â- â- on and ^Utka vfao ittmm or aa^aet to p«r- forai aoj datj rafiirpd of tham. JCASITOBA. GOING SOUTH. 0««a Bvmnd, dapart S.U ajk. S SO p«. IUekUti.....,.i.. .40».B. SJtpLM. 'HMUffortU .:;â-  t.SS».m. 4.10 p.«. 4fuoU C.OSk.m. 4.18 p.a. ^iliiAouford 6.17 KJB. 4.n pjB. Bisfkiv 6.3« a.iB. 4.46 p.». »• rk«Ul« 6.46 • m. 5.0S p.m. fte«1ji!rt'ii4PriceTUle 7.05 â- .m. 5.35 p.m. I'iOton .. 7.19 »iii. 5 4U p.m. Ian^^lt 7.W a.m. 6.54 p.m. Sh9lLarnk 8 03 k.m. 6-25 im. Cronbia'i 8.15 t.m. 6.SM p.m. L»a-«1 8.3^ a.m. • 50 p.m. Orsa;.-TUle Janetion S.Sfta.m. 7.00 p.m. OSASviBTIIXS. Ani*«, ».m 7.10 p.m. Depart H.SSmm. 7.30 p.m Alton 9.0' am. 7 42 p.m. Cha/lntonT 9 1 'i a m. 7..Vi p m. II mo Boatl • 9 45 it.m. 8.22 |/ m. Bolton lO.i^ta ID. 8.35 p „.. tC eiiibiirR lO.rj a m 8.47 pm. W.Kjlii-id«e 1C.2.' « in. 9.0*^.111. Uamber ttiimuiit 10.32 a.m. 9J»7pin. Emery I'i; ».12 p m. Weat-jii 10 J I ».).. 2 .!I1 Carltcn !•• Turn. P.:-;2 |. in. Toronto. Union St'n.ll.lii a ui. i»..T«' |i m. GOING NORTH. TiroDto l-y 7 a ra. p m :Carllon ..".â- ) a.m. i f- p ni W:»ton 7,41 •• 1 ^t' " JEucTT 7" " 4 if •' ;HajiiU;r Sunjiuit 7 o'J •' 1 ** Wo xibr.dge ho" Klei.iWrK «.18 5 3 • Bolton 8.31 •• 5.. 6 " Mono Itoad 8 4: 5 4i " Charl'tton 9.15 " «.l2 " Alton 9 25 " 6.33 " OSAXairiLM â€" ArriTe 9.S7 •* 6.35 " Depart 9.45 •* 6.-.0 •• JOranReviUi.- June 'J.m " 7.00 " :Laurel 1(/.C7 " 7.10 •• ronitjjc'g 10.19 •â-  7 21 •' Snelbarne 10.32 '• 7.34 " DundaU 11 n.' •• 8 06 " :Proton 11.20 •• 8.21 " FleahertonAPTille 1 1 .3(5 " 8 37 • MarkJal. 11 .55 •• 8 .55 '• !Berklv 12.10 p.m. WUJiaiiis/orJ 1.' 21 " 910 " 9.21 •â-  JAmotl 12. .33 " 9 ;i3 •' Chatsworth 12.40 " 9.4:) â- â€¢ fK/H-k'.ji.l 12. -.J •• 9..5I " OWBM .SiJLHD 1.15 " 10 .5 •• in d t mm affmi to be Afieetod, to a greatar or leaaer axtaut. with tba Manitoba oaze bat tba objeet of the great mi^arity of tboae wlio baTa gone aod are about to go this Spring, we believe to be Bpecnlation. If thia is really the eaae there will eoon be an end of the exeitament and a ra-aetion will aoon take place. What, we would like tt aak, is to keep up the extenaiye towns that are being Ronreyed, the lots Li which are being sold and re-sold at such exorbi- tant prices, if the ciontrj is not set- tled wiiL bor.a ride farm -rs wiiose iu- teuti'-n iu \a: ^aiii their livini; bj f..rm- inc. We ieai tiiat ihiu undue exciie- meut w anyiLiii}? but beneficial to the country, sud ih»t the majority of tli' M wl." imat-'ine they are luakmg a tor uiie will, lu a few months, tiud itLembtlve u.tfcily ruiued. It is our opmiou tba; aiiy family who liave a c luf.Tiai'le homo in Uutario, should coiir-ider well iLc- s cial. educational, religious audtither priv Jeges they no* eujoy, b f re lulling up stakes and removiuj; t a new cciimry. ^SS9S atora for {Earn but a4 sooM other time ha wooU ba happy to dabver iL Serafal tiHi* abovk pieeaa were tax- eliotad, aod if a vota bad baaa takan Ih«veao4iMbibirt Oat tfaia aniar- tammant woald haif* beaa Ttnaaiaioos- ly aadand to ba (*» ooa rf tba ieaaoB. It ia oattain tfaa eflbrta of tba Udiaa wsra eravnad witk naeeea. Flro- ceeda.$27. Baavrnxs.â€" Mr, Wa. Cnllai and Bon leave for the North Waat tUa week; Mr. Herion and Mr. Gamey left on tha 88th olt.; Jamaa Bomat laava iu a feir daya Maaan. Thomaa McGirr, B. Hooper, G. L. Dodds and HERE, CUB OWH fOBY iB TEBBI- that Bt. Slwrtly ft eaa alaoai ba aaairtad Jaeoba Oil wavka waadersj â€" hataratiaaMew Year. wMl -na' BT teaily ia Miteh^. I $and m.^ iM BdwM4. a bid Uttia 4(a tbau taoya«»oM.Ta.y«»t H^ â- aff!?^ irith rhaamatiam. aad ao terrW- tbat ba waa perfeedy ttiff m his limhe. eoald not poaaibly valk aadhad to be carried from pUea laflaoa. At oot» I saat for aona St Ja«iba DiU a^d ii sceocdmc to diraetioua. sod in a few daya aoold aee sTidaoa* af ooo â- idarable improYement. OiitheUntt of this month I again â-¼i8ite4 •T*|"' ilv and was astuuisbad to find bim N^rmanby Glanalgâ€" • Egremont-. 6.150 4,001 4.456 BaacaoTT â€"In isat., *• fkl'fiJ* «/ A««l Mr I wall and hearty. He once the firat of ApnL Mr. i ' REVOLUiluNlZLNG "TiJJE." Biors lias family leave on the firat of ApriL Mr. 1 1"^^"^^^;"' {^ .nd oaa go to Dodda will sail by private sale aU his ^j,^j ^^^^ Whenever tba old household furniture, whiefa is afanoat trouble threaUns to retaro rahef i« new aod (rf a good quality. Any one immediaUly secnrad by tba ate rtf the requiring such should caU and see celebr.tad Bt. J««b. Oil Jrom L^- II Q •» UI- .;.«.. ♦» 'b'er Joy over this result J eannoi what he baa to sell. Suitable tmie to ^j^jj^^,/ .ecommending St. JaccbK piircbsBerB will be given. He wiU qj j^ »aflFeni)g bnmaui^y aa a true sell eheao as he does not intend tak- benefactor. Cbaalks Mitzoost, of- iug any of the furniture with him. j flee of the Yo1k*fr*umd, German paper R. J Spn^ule ha. a great clearing ^^ Stratford. GuL^ aale for thirty days. People say he 18 ju«t slaugiitering goods. EUGENIA. Trora onr ovn Correapondenaa. Tiie Maii^ba fever hai reaebed tins Neighbourhood iu its most vira- Mauitoba laud sales are inereaaing. and ao is McFarlaud's sal«a of TBA, the cheapest and b»Bt in the County Woulii strongly urge you to se* a cheat We know it ia strooi; and full davoi «' â€" ^had a cap last night at a friends. Markdale P. S. 2nd Div.F-«b. 1882, lunt form neither the old nor young Class C marks obtainaWe 875â€" Mar I seem to be proof against it. Quite Stevens, 276 Minnie Lucas. 272 coi.cLi;«o.«. or mb. sasdfobd "-dhwo's ^^^^^^ ^^ prepared to go off about Lizzie Pollock. 266 Willi. Pollock, the first of March. Kimberlsy is also 264 Willie Leslie, 2G2 G. Leslie, infected. 256 Ada Reynolds. 351 Wiliie Scarlet fever is still licgeringaroaad i Mathews. 247; Samuel Hamilton. AROUMSNT. NEWSPAPER LAWS. 1. A puiitmair'r i. rrqiiirorl to eive notice BT l.Kiian (if'uriiiii^ the jiajier does not an- awnr t'lt) la*. I wli-n a' siiliscriher tlors not take Ills |ia|Mrr uiit of tlie oflice, anil state the ritanon^ for its not li. nj t ikcii. An.T mt-lect to ilo f-n makes till' |ios'n!;i-tir rc^jionsible to tl«! publi/tlipf^ for ilie |.rniiifnt. 2. Anv )jorRoii^i tnki's a pa|er from the poiil oftii:,-. win-tilt r •liiirtiilto lii» name or aiiotiK r. oi will 111, 1 \i- lias xubscribed or not, IS rr?iu)n.-.iblf for tli! |iny ' 'f shv pir.... â€" I â€" 1. a Liicpr iliscon- t:rmf'l. li' uiii-t yny nil iirni»rn;r or •â- .., pu'ili!-li r uiiiy I'.iitiiiin- to ^cnil it iiDtil pay- mrnt fx niiKlc. bud eiillMt tJie whole nniount, wiietlier it be tikfn fioin the ofUce or not. Then' (-an be no liRil iliucontinuance until I'aynieiit i nialo. 1 » T itK rn.ili AlvrtminK AReneT, N. 2° Km;; StreKl \\V"t, loronto, \V. W. liU rCHEU. "SlnnarieT, Ih at .ion/ ^1 t) ru-'wire alvertisomButs fo tb:s pajHT. W? Siiiti KiPilosu ate reriiviilat this office t'^e followinij I'ttpers uiii Mat;azioes.». i»»nlo Dailv (ilobe. f cr Ta»r, $7.00 Mail. •• 7.00 WEKKl.IES. Tnrniitn WteklT (il.'bc, per y«ar,- fl.OO Mail 1.00 MiiMiiKon •â-  Si"-ln'or " 1.00 Mou;r, il If.rall .V W.cklv SWr, l.fHl Wltlie-S 1.10 â- : .M')f.*i'""T i.nn '4ei. iilitie .\tiiancati " 8.20 tnNrni.iFa. Kiirincrt VIvoi-il^, per vear, 81.00 A«-r|,iiii \LTieillfirHt â- â€¢ 1.50 Oiir I, til, Oiie^ 1 .50 fCuOt Dued freai issue •t Feb. 17th.) 2. CoHulitpoliion lime to be based on the diurnal revolutions of the earth tn tieluruiiued by the (mean) sun's I assage over tne particular me- ridiitu to be selected as a time-zero. 3. This time-zero to coincide with the prime meridian, ti be common to all uatiouH 1"-t coiuputing loiigtitude. 4. Die time-zero and prime merid- iiiu foi the world to be establiabed, with the concurrence of civilized na- tions j,'(nerally. 5. Tweniy-four secondary or staud- ai'd hour meridians to be estaldished, fifteen degrees or one hour distant from each otber, the first being fifteen degree" from the j)riine meridian. C. The standard hour meridians to regulate time at all places on the earth's suiface. 7. The tw8iity-four standard merid- ians to be denoteo uy oymbols and, preferably, by the letters of tne ji..o lish alphabet which, by omitting J and V, are twenty-four in number. The letters are to be taken in their order from east to west. The zero- meridian to be the letter Z. H. The hour of the day at any place on the earth's surface to be re- guhited by some one of the standard meridians, generally by the standard nearest suth pliice in longtitude. 9. It is proposed to distinguish that interval 61 time between two consecu- tive passages of the mean) sun over the prime meridian by the term "Cos- mopolita.1 Day." 10. The Cosmopolitan Day is de- signed to promole exactnesi in cbro- ed in' C'nneclfon with Bynciironous observations iu all parts of the world. a id fjr scientific pmiioses generally. here. In our perambulatiou s iu thevicini- tyof Vandeleur we notice extensive i^ra' paratious fur building in the spring. The Eclipf^e Saw Mill ard is stock- ed with an immense quantity of \os,* of superior qunhty of Pine, Butternut. White Ash, Cherry, ic. The boom has aurely struck Vaadeleur. It is generally reported that Vennor has come out at the riirht end of the horr in his weather prognosticatioas fur the lasyweek or two. Is that so I Hope Mr. Editor you are able to get around again, you know it don't do for Editors to get Rick â€" we have tried it and there is no un iu it. Vi«vvt*»«nttntt. NoTicc. â€" We wish it disinctly understand that we do not hold ourselves 'reponsible for the opinions expresbod by oar correspondence To the Editor Sib, â€" In looking over the colninns of your valuable paper of March Sni, wc were really amu«ed when we read an article with the siguatuie "An Old ResiJent of the Valley." At first we thought we would pay no atteution to it, but on second thought we came to the coDclusion that it would not be right to let it pass unheeded, as your readers weie Ibft with the impression that this new and only route would accommodato the whole Valley. In the first place he speaks of the large tract of country that should do their trading at Markdale. We agree with him there. He says the above route \«n«t1r| fftyn Vict tliA ^lrttn« -^ f f^v\ «v\ a v kets â€" Flesherton aud Markdale. Now, Mr. Editjr, for the benefit of your 242 Ellau WiUcn. 285 Maud Mabee, 235 Edserton Irving, 2S1 Lottie Munshaw 199 Jennie Rae, 216 H*nry Smyth 197 Geo. Arm- s'.rons 190 Dolphy Morgan 185 Turn N»ble, 165 Edgar Riitlsdg*, 156 Besie Moffat. 147 Harry Morgan, 119 Sarah Wilsoi. 104; Willie Shar, 101 Joe Ariiiitrong, 100. B Class marks obtaitoabte 400â€" Ben CjVmau. 301 WillieMcFarlatid 300 Mary A. Nesbilt. 284 Tom Nisbitt, 252 Peter Tbibaudcau,250; Alfred Whitby. 246 Herbert Hall, 235 E. Hewitt, 231 Minnie Mc- Nea, 228 Testie Noble, 218 Fannie Williams, 214 Frank Bryden, 201 Tom Mercer, 191 Eul'a Benson, 186; Matilda Noble, 157 Milfred Flem- ing, 151 Susan McBride, 146 M. Whitby, 187 Mary Mercer, 123 A. Luke, 115 Harry Large, 110 M. '^Urk 47. Class A marks obtainable 4u0 â€" bam Uoiemiu, «i,„ -^-i^-i-... deau, 295 Migi;ie MoNea, 284 J. Diinda«8, 279 Johnson Wilson, 278; Joshni Doilds, 266 Joe Galbraith, 260 Mary J. Irving, 255 Hattie Mathews, 253 Nettie Kay, 244 Lena Richardson, 241 Albert Uaiu- ilton, 285 Heuri'tta Benson, 220 Richard Douglas, 219 Minnie (Jorn- wall, 212 Geoi^'ina Drew 212 W. Dundass, 208; Fmma Ford, 206; Freddie McDiarmid, 201 Wesley RutleJge, 197 Wesley Littlejohns, 197 Willie Balie, 187 Eddie Step- heii8,166 Ueury Hewett.136 Sarah Irving, 132 Frank Richardson. 90 Minnie MfTmnoliry. QS. Minnie Thibaudeac, Teacher. BIRTHS jjiamiiis on ^u!7ii« wile of James «f. of ^^P^^,, itb, ibT.* HoeA» -In Markdale, ou *• a. »»»• ji^""'Lfx:i:'"c:Fobru.-y»*th. ^Xi^^^irwler.ofadanghte. dslk, of a daughter. «-,*• T w«;^i- »-»»** •* ' "• ^^ Tnpejiafason. W. EATON d THE WW»T« ICIII 1 0ii iksmn. that he h«(i aecorwl »• .^.^^A to carry oo the ^d^tinoSTlnterfenng of horse, a -ji^"^c:l!.S::^aii* "p^Sy^^wiil first M-y- •'r nl^ rfcatfdB Mhiiu SEE FOR ALL KINDS Op yttAMt. mb. iMh. 8» GO TO THE (FROM BKAZIL.) T6e JTew Compound, its wo* dertal amnity to the DigesUr* AppBzattts nd theLiwr. inen»»- inr the dissolving Juicvs. i^^S^. ing almost instantly the dnadtal nsnlts of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and the TORPID LIVER, makai Zopesa an evezy day necessity ia nveiy house. It acts gently and speedi^ in Biliousness, Costiveness, Head- ache, Sick Headache. Distress af- ter Bating. Wind on the Stomach, Heartburn, Pains in the Side and Back, Want oIAppeUte. Want ol Energy, Low Spirits, Foul Stom- ach. It in vigorates th e Liver, car- ries off all surplus bile, regulates the Bow sis, and gives tone to the â- whole sirstem. Cut this oat and take it to yoar Druggist and e;et a 10 cent Sample, or a large bottle for 75 cents, and tell your neighbor about it. Sx3Tt: I o s* 'r. DRAWN in faTor af John McNally; of Holland, and siffned by Thoinns Cool- edge, of Euphrasia, for $11, ifi.'iri't-t at fight ler cent., ilatad in I)«ci mln'r, l^HI or .Janu- ai7, 1882, pavable ona yaar from ilatc. Any parsuQ finiliiif and returiiiig tha saaie to .John M Nallv will he S'litalily rewarded. Pajment of taid note bai bo^n ftoposd. JOHN McN.VLLY. March 7tb, 1882. »f FRAMES! JUST ARRIVED. NEW STOCK. LATEST DESIGNS. New Panel Frames, New Pajiel Mats. New 8x10 Framea. New 8x10 Mats. Selling Cheap at Browne's Gallery, OVEB Si'aNDABD CFFICE. DundalkDrua;Stoi IMPORTANT TO ckolallkui^ '" the oWest I have just purchased a large stock ol all Ui Garden and Flower Seeds direct from tK«,tj '^of ers in Canada, and c?n 1 do well to come and inspect my stT lieve I have the largest variety of Field, Garden ^.i reliable dealers in Canada, and c?n safely recom "'" me and insnect m., J^^i GEORGE WILSOJ. Wholesale and Retail Farmers will do well to come lieve I have the largest variet; Seeds ever imported iato Dundalk. D Yours truly, c. w. on t iail to indfj Cil PARSoJ p. S. â€" A large stock of Timothy and Clover Sedj, on hand. Also a new variety of l'otato«s fors^* just received a half ton of new process Linseed V feeding horses and cattle, cheap. §2.50 per jooi^" Dundalk,. March 7th, 18S2. jBUTCHIUl!! BEEF. rORK OK MUTTON SIPPLIED. from a sintile iK)undto a vhole carcas«, it the maiket prices "Glasgow Hous3," Dunt SEIililNG OFF. SELLINGi FISH FOWLJINTHEIR SEASON Bargains. Bargaiiis. Bart rtoai-ilei'a* T Wanted. "lUr; siiliicril)er 'iiviti^ roa;el th" nnaiv biiil.liiig op))o-ite Doctor Si)iou" iifw re^idaiiC! i fpieiiaied to take 'overnl hoarl- t-ra. Ciood iooiu« and .;ood ratals at rt-skou- able ntiet. 3. W. LE.VVEN. Viirt '«]. March 9!h, H91. 73-»f FARM TU SELL OR RENT. LOTS 74 and 75. Ist N. F,. T S. l:oid, Holland 100 acre. 7'i of which ate clifaicd iind in a K'« 1 -Utf of culliT t:on; good bnili'.int;-, qi d n (jaanUtv of fall iiloii„h- ing done. I'or jiarticulurs npply to ^^ JAMES GU.I.KSriK. ^78. lifjrk"Ify Friday. March 10th, 1882 Dreadful OcciBBr.Kca at Finghamp- TON. â€" Ou MuiiJuy tho 27tb February, at about 9 o'clock a.m., a Mrs. lUd- dell of this villajje, wits observed rush- No siriall Hiiifitirit of rxcitornoiit wns «T' ;itc(l tlii-DMcliiiiit tlio Pomiaion, ii|).'i' tlio ni'f jiiii'i) iif ft cableorain an- iioiiiiciii:,' tli;it iiiiotlicr iittfiui't liti 1 b. t II iii;i lo oil I lip hfp of our beloved the name li^'lit in all ordinary affairs yiieon. liujijnly, in.wovor, us in the other four iittotiipt-:. wiihoiit doing Iter H!iT iiiim-v Flninors of all g.irts iiro rifo. an. I llio panso of the atle pt w.ts !itti;l.iit' il t ' tlie 'i-iii;uis, Nihil- i^t^. C..iiiiiiuiii-.'s. ,ti.' Ac Hut lurtl' '•!• invest loll MjijK-ir- t • uiidoubtej- iy t'-talilisli llir f.H-t t!i;it ho w uld-le ft-i-iii-isiiMi iiir,:i"e. and i-i r t c oiiieet- "d witli any of :iic .iliov n lined .s cie- "'^. I. lit ai nply ru- {]â-  in ao msaie iMip lUo over whkh he h;ul u con- trol. numerous readers and the worthy 11. Local days to commence twelv* P'"°**=" •"'"S »" "'« Valley in Aite- honrs before and end twelve hours!â„¢e3ia, I wonld say that we have a after tha (meaui snu's pass.-ige overlsool road direct from Kiml erUy to each of the situated meridians. The j 'lo«liertou; a much better road than j iag out of her h luso in Ca o •. Some local days to be distiii^ui.shed by the "'• oiiitr would be if thausandu were neighbours hastened to tl.e spot, and letters of the twenty-four meridians ' expended on it. But that is not what after extinguishiuR the fire conveyed which determine thorn. "'® "" ^^^ ^^^ " 7th sideroud and her into the house, and l.vd htr on a 1-2. Local days will be reduced to I vicinity want. We want to ro up 6 bed in a perfeotly nude stat», and Dr. twenty-four in nuiubf r within thn po- j '" ' sideroad more direct to Mark- Snell was soon on hand, who pro- 1 itnl of each diurnal revolution of the '^*' "' several reasons, vii .-^It ii a nuuuced her recoTcry almost an im- • arth. They are to bo regarded in nearer and b«tter market for our pro duce, and we can get wiiat we want and cheaper than in any of our neigh- as local days under the present sys- -em. 13. The hour of the Cosmopolitan dav to be known by the letters of the ill; habet in their order from A to Z (oniitling J and V,) corresponding nouuced her possibility. Tiie poor woman is dreadfully burnt abiut th« 1 r aat and bowels so much so tiiat her bowels Sliceji. or I c^aat N' l.f.v U l-o:i Fanuers haviiii; l'"u' t'at:.c, rij^s to .U-)'o e of will tlo wll to 3 Uurui' llloek, oi)jiosiif tiie Block. Mftikdale, Get i'tli, Ifl^l jLDcrYatlYC Actociaii'n A MEKTINO of the ah I Bound for the North- Wett .\/SOCi.l' fin I â-  fori actf ti of g M al lu-:ne».s, v.ill 1k hil I ai the Town iJall til. iielR ON KKiii'.v, â- .i:c;i at 2 o'ciot'h (i. lii. '.il 1 qnuatcd to attii;d. W:.I. It rf.L'.S. \icv-['rcsilrnt. March -Jnl. If^o J. 7;-td. â- le und, rsifji.ed haviiK' ;!'•:â- â- (•. ui.i-v: ;,,, f, j, ,,, whole of his large and. wci; jihs i. Jl iiii;o;,, i iiH, 188 J, r.sw\^' vc a'e re- G. iUTHERFORD, j I.-'sr.u'K .^Ni Lo.w oi;nsral .\G'T, ' Cou'.eyaiie- ' iiii 1 f ii;i:.i.s o:m-i in i!. I K., itc. I'livdo ail 1 Coiiiiany nionej- to loan at low.o rn' .^i.f i tiiesi anl on t e in Bl lavomlle tid c:« y t iins of rtpayjiifiit. In4iirauci on .ill kind' of lll:lli^â- lt^ fT c'.cd at low rates in ti;t-c;ahs iiu lih and Cana- dian Stock I o'.!i|)iiiii"^. Lands for sale. A'aluaiona made, .^c- ' coun s orllec el o i moccine trin 77lf ' Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Sh Eeady-lVIade ClothiuiJ. ?IiUinery, 4c AT A GliEAT .V(l.lf!CE. 1 'lis is the nly gentiine" â- â-  th-e public. The whole Pt(Kk ot oot Ic ever caK) • must be rt.' bouring towns. I wa* about to saj absolutely protrude, and she something of the roundabout war to get to this new route from 6 and 7 sideroad and vicitiity, but time and space will hardly permit. But a word Our Fleehtrton somewhat riled at is now on f.iot to ' iitnn iipp.-ars t* be a luovemeut tli^t iiniirov.- a certain road, so na lo eiable th« inli tbit'tnts â-  of t'lo l^ueens v.illey to brin^ their cuato'u to MaiKdalc, and iismuates tJiat the scl'sue -rgiHted here with a vjpw of njiiiii:,' Ficherton- We can a'Ptire the Ailianrt man that he IS C':U|ilotely at iea. N t a man in Markdub' Jins in )ve.tin t!i.' luaftei. It *irst tocdi sliane in the valley, and as will bo seen by referring t*- a com- munication iu another column, for thr roBsou, that the people of the aioresnid locality arc uudsr tha im- pression that tluy can dispose of their prmbice to better advantage, and ge. cboapor and better gotnls, in our village fian elsewhere, anU as a public jour nalist we thought it our duty to give our support to any movement that has a tendency to further the interests of tlia place in which w« live. Just at this particular time it may be well to note th,^ fact that tba law provides that '-if any clerk or assessor makes any unjust or frfiudulent as- sessment, or copy of auy asaaator's roll, or wilfully and fraudulently in- serts therain th« name of any person wlio should not lo entered, or frao dnlsotly omits the name of any p«r- soQ who should be entered, or wil- inlly omits any daty required of bim, ba ibail ou vonvicti m thsreof before a court of ccmMsient jurisdiction, be l:able to a fine not exceeding $200, an to impriMument until the fine is paid r for a pei-io u.a excesding six • i.uuilic, or lu both tiucb liue aod itn When the (meuni sun passes merid- iun.s (r and N, it wi:l be by time or N time of the "Cosmoiwlitan Day " J. C. FLESHEKTON. From ear Correapoudent. The social under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Association of the Presby- terian Church, Flesherton, held on the 2 1th ult., was an immense success. The meethig was called to order at an ear(y hour by Rev. Sir. Wilson, who stated that he held a good paper i.i his hand, and that the audiencs might expect a treat such as had not been in store for any other gathering for a long time that he al^-o felt sure of the success of any nndartaking that the ladies took an active part in. He would omit bis (the Chairman's) speech until later in the evening, and would call on the Quintette Band to open the proceedings. They were fol- lowed by Uiss A. Philp with a song reading, by Mr. J. Anderson Millie Vanduseu, song reading, Mr. Mc- Master, entitled George Washington, which illustrated the pains that have to bo taken to make children under- stand, much more to comprehend what is told them. A recess was then takm ioir- tea, after which Mr. Kut- tonge came in for a rocitation, which "brought down the bous* " music by the Quintette club reading, Mr. G. L. Dudds, entitled David and Gtv liatb song. Miss Cbriatoe reading, Mr. A. R. FawMtt, wbio^ w$a vary amnaiag raoitation, Mr. HoDoogml, Markdale; song, Miss A, Anderson recitation, Mr. A. Thompson; song, Millie VaadoseD aiasic, string band; recitatiuB, Mr. J, Bichards reading lir. Butiudge; Kehatioo, Mr. Me- Dougal. By gpead request, Mr. Doll was called to his (eat, bat stated with the twenty -four hour meridians ' "â-  «» »8 to this new surveyed hue, as that is all that it is, and in the oppuon ot the residents of Kimberley and vi- cinity of the line (with a few excsp tious,) all it ever will be, as wo are strongly opposed to building roads for the benefit of people hving in an aJjoining township when we are not at all benefitted dy it. And further- more, from what we boar of pubhc opinion of the residents of the town- ship of Euphrasia is that every mem- ber of the Council Board, from the hi„'hest to the lowest, that goes for the establishing and expending Town- ship money on that forced road, will sit there for this year only. Our worthy pioneer says the road would accommodate all over the Valley oa the 14tk concession of Artemesia, who has that hue oiened across the Val- ley via Connel's deviation to Vande- leur P. 0., which is more direct to Markdale than via 8rd and 4th side- road in the depths of the Valley. He suggests the propriety of closing tbo townline across the Valley. Why, Mr. Editor, an absurd impossibility. I would say that our subscription has now reached over $70 at home and some more to see yet. A Ratxpatbb or EcPBaASU. is quite unable to give any account as to how the accident occurred. The cnly account that can be obtainud is from the children, of whom there are six, Mr. Kiddell not beiug present. The children state that they were melting spruce gum on tbo stove, and that somehow it caught fire, that she seized the vessel to throw it out, but in proceeding to the door her clothing caught fire, that she thus fell and be- came one mass of flames. This is the only account that can be gathered of the sad affair. Her recovery it pro- nounced hopeless, and her appearance is frightful. Feb. 28th 2 o'clock p. m.â€" A tele- gram has just come to Maxwell, Mrs. Bidden worse, not expected to hv» over 4 o'clock. 4 o'clock.â€" Mrs. Kiddell still al:v» â€"no hopes. Dr. Sn»ll and Barr in attendance. The weather here is quite sprmg like. The snow is all gone. Scarlet fever and diphtheria are very previlent, and seyeral deutUs have resulud therefrom in thisneigh- bourbood.- Cor. O. S. Timn. Cathartic Piils Comliini^ ttiA rhiii-st eafliartic prim i;iles in ineilirini' in pfiprtrfions aiittrafi ly ait- jiiHtcil to siirre aiti\iiv, eer'ai aiv,' and nuiforinity of ,-fl, t. Tli-y are to- r salt of vcars of (aicliil stitdv and practi. al ex- periment, anil at- the n!' clTeciiial rem- edy v.-t (liseovT(Ml for di.«"a.-^;;» i aiH^'d It deraii;,'einent of tin? stuiiiai li, li\ir, anil tiou. !. whieli reiiniio iirompt and etfi-.-lnal trear nt. Avra's f-ii.i.s are s-.e. -ailv aiipli.ii'ilK to this ila^s of .lisea-" ;.' Tiiey a.t diifcily on Ihe .lii;jilive aa.i a.s.siini- liitive pioii'sscs. and resioio ;.";ii!ar Iwalthy aetioii. Tlnir rTteasiv i: ly pliysi.-ian.s in t^irir pi .irtice, a.ul l.v ail civilised naii.ins, is lae of tlie inanv pro.ifs of their value at a fif-!, sire, and rfe.lly reiial.Ie'iliv! in-di ino. (•o!i!lOM:id.'d of the i-vv. ealrafrd r!ii» of p;nely ve;^'taMn .-lii'i.Mta-icen, are pn.^irively fr-;. .roMi laioairl or aay n.jmaiMi |,v...). •vil.-. a-:d :ri !.• .a.hnin- wt^rod to chililivn v.iili p r; rt sa.'ety. Ayr;;' I'm.i.s .nr,' .ti p.Te.-!:'aI- eare for J.oristijxlio'1 or (oH'ivoiiPs'i, ItKlitse*. t.on. liyspepsiii. Loss of Appelile, I oiil fetoiiiaeli and lireatii, Di.-iiiess pi'rfe.l Ie!ii;r â- \ :i tie SUOAJt COATXO. I PUBBLT Fi^hly r^ommended fiT Itllioiuaraa, Reod-Arbr, C«B« K 1 i patlon, ladlaco- !nn, r "3Jnej, llrarllNua* Ur'alb. Liisa of Apa prlUe, uunndirr. Loss of flemory, '8onr Ctonnrb. Liver COBi- PIaliit.or any i line- H^i^iiig from theaMa «ch, ituroiiicr Kf.'!nryt. Thly arc safe, m-.ldaudtaoroagUiatlieitacuon. Fro^iltOB piUsisadoee. PErCE 9V. PKRBOI. SPlLL'l.\LJSOnCES. REST.VND COMFOET t.. m. SUFFF.IIIXG Brown's lloiisehold Puiiaera hasnotipial for relievint; pain, hoth inter- nal and exteiiiul. It eures jiuin in the Side, Uack or Bowels, Sore Throat, Ttlieumatisin, Toothache, Luiulia^;o and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "It will most snrely quicken the Blood and heal, as its acting power in won- derful." " Uronii'g Household Panae-a," beiug acknowledfied a the ureal Pain Reliev- er, and of donhle the strenKth of any other Klixer or Liniment iu the world, xhoulil be ia every family haudy for use wbeu wanted " as it really is the liest rumody in the world for Cramps in the .Stomach, and PaiM" and Ache? of all kinds," ami ii" for sale by all DruRcists at 25 cents a bottle. 2(i-lv Wm. NEJLSON, Propriet Diinlalk, Febmaty 28; !i. 1882. GREAT DISCOUNT Si "CHEAP SIDE. FOR THE NEXT 30 OhA I will offer to the pablic my ciitir.' stock of I'ry Gooi' fonsaiaf"' yrisoiti]Mri4 at the disATBttou of the that owing tojtb^atebeee of the hourhe Jft«*h *m»it ie further pwyidtd, w«mHl not »ive tfa» speech kfM ia 7^w». Found.â€" The body of Mr. Wm. Morgan, missing since Thursday evrn- iog, Feb. li)rL. was fonnd in the liver this iiu}ruiug near the stern of the (lityofnomi Sound. The money he was supposed to baye iu bis pockst was foaad on bim, amoantiog lo $7.96. We regret if the information given OS last week that be bad been drinking on ihs night of his diMp- pearance should have caused any to form a wrong estimate of the oharae- tor ot Mr. Morgan, as ve understand that be has been nniformly steady aod reopeoted by aH dnnng the many vean oi bis teaicUaoe in town. â€" it, 3, CENSUS, By the census returns just publisL- ed, the following are the respective populations of the different municipal- ities in the County of Grey North Greyâ€" population, 28,334. -ac of laa di^es ivc appai~.4tus. -Ki a Dinner IMl they have no eqnal. "Wliile !jen;le In tli.-ir a^-tion, these riirs are I.,.-, ni.. St'h aad sear-hiii-rathar- ti.; that ran he ei.iplo.v. ,1, and nev.r give ,h„ i„„v,.ls are inllamed. and hen the.r nilhienre i, healia- They sii. lU- late the appetite and .liiesrive or-aiis- tliev operate to purify and enrich the T.lood. an? in part renewed health and ' whoie system. vigor to the Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., rracticBl nnd AnmlrMeai CbamlMa, Lowe!!, Mass. aOLB »T ALL aBUOaiSTt ETIarWHEBB. I TownofOwen Sound 4,426 Township of Sydenham 4)293 Holland 3,688 Sullivan 4,148 Derby.... 2,863 Keppel 8,449 Village of Brooke 988 Township of Sarawak .-. .t 689 East Greyâ€" population, 89,666, Towndiip of Arteiaeeia. 4,676 Cdlingwood 4,915 Euphrasia 8.668 " Osprey 8,612 Melanotbon...^...,. 8.U99 Village of Sbelbume ,.... 491 Township of Proton ...,,. 8,402 Town of Meaford *.......... 1,806 Township of St. Vineent 4,119 South Grepâ€" p^olatum, 11.187. Towno^Porbam l^ Townriuf a^ Beatinek,.,...;^^ |^7» Tnh„i, "â- V,- â- *- Kdisou-s Mnaical Telephone aiulKdison's luBtautaueoua Piano ana OrKan M is:c. Kncloso ,lamp for cat- ahvne an I terms. i- i uii EDISOX MUSIC CO., 329 Chestnut St., -Zll^: M-6m. eucenIa Grist, Saw andlath Mills mfa^^M^% ?*?°»'^« improvements in GJOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND. C hopping Done Every Day. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers Are you disturbeil at niglit and broken i f your re-t by a sick cliild suffering and cryiuK with the excruciatinR pain of cuttin(c teeth If ao, go at once and Ret a bottle if MKS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will reUeve the poor little sufferer immedi. atelyâ€" depend upon it there is no mistake al)out it. Theie is not a "mother upon earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it *ill rcR-Hte the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, o|eratiug lise magic. It is per- fectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the state, and is the prescriptiou of one of the oldest and Ijost femaU phroicians and nurs«8 in the United States. " Sold every whore at 2,5 cents a bottle. '0 W TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, iiaviug neen ermii^ntly cured oJ th,it dread di»ease, Conamnpiion, by a aim'plc remedy, is anxious to make knovii to hia fellow i-uflerers the means of cure To all who desire it. he will semi a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge,) vjih ke directions for piepairing and using th. lanie which they will find a bike CVre for Cum- suicPTioN, .Asthma. BBONCHing. *c. Parties wishing t.^ie Prescription, will please address, Kev. E. A., Wiison, 149 Penn St.. Wiiliara«bargk. N. Y. j^.j^ Dress Goods, Shawlsi ' Velveteens, .Cashmeres. Lustres. Prints. V\^mceyi Embroideries. Ladiess Mantles, Twei'ds, Ready made Clothiif Hats Caps, Gert's Tiis, Lineni Dress fcjhirts, Ovcrcoa-.s, ic'ancy Flaiu-el* Ducks. Oxford "Bhirtiu^s. Carpe*' f THE ABOVE STOCK WII.T. HF SOI I AT 10 PER CT. OlSCOUflT i FORMERPKl and mvBt be run off by the middle of March, in order lo lu.ilt room fotmj!" tations from Britain, which will arrive at'ut li- ^tl" oi^" T 12 Xi iI S 1/ A S II. Thanking the inhabit nts of Markdale and the mim.'.ih 1 i.-x-ountn furibf ^^ maniu'r in which they have imtronized me since wmm. n n. l.u«iii'«». *•" " of the aame, 1 am youia truly. HENKY FOSTER F-or ^a\*i. BUIa FiUed on the Cnstoni Sttwing axA â- taan«st uoiiM. LUilBEB ^Q^^^"^ALWAYS Baawood, Pin« and Hemlock Lo^ wIntoS: «»iy- It. AKIi:T Enaenia. i^"o«_KArijK: \^UJ!^' QUESlTsT., MABKDALB. 1_J There •» on tbt lot " ataUe, abop. well, Md aheap and on eaiy terma TH08. kULLABKY. Oe^«fM|i.l«l. ERRORS OF YOUTH. \GENTLEMAi: whr. erJTerred for year- from Nervous bKBIl.lTY, PltEAIA- TUlvE DKCAY, and all tfie effect: of South- ful indiscretion, wiU forthe sake of suflerinB humjuity, jend free to aU who need it the and rtirections for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishin„ to profit by the advertiser' experi- 5jX"*° "" ajr aJdrewiing in perfect eon- 1 «d«hce, .JOHN B. OQDEN, THE Bubeeriber has on hand, and for aale. on Mount Royal Farm, Lots 117 and 118, (on. 2 E. T. 4 S. R., Artemesia, a quantity of White liussian Wheat and Black Tartar Oats. Parties desiring lo procure a god article for cd sh uld give me a call inst XO'ljCE' To Bui'-deis Co»f rp :XI) before purchasing elsewhere, as t guarantee the above pure and Ir.e from all foul seed; also two Tole of Oxen, rising « yeirs old,' well matsbed, and sonnd in ctctv respect. JOHN FORD February S2nd, 1882. 76-4t* 1t 4SCeiar ox I â-  tiOKi Clin. ..v.- f TVO^riCE. a btiek hoiue, riatem. WiU â- Â«(]. alwaja m)(« advwtage U«Ne who do not improve ehai^eT V^! mam m poverty We wapt nuny «^ JT jaeu. boys and girU to work lor n. i^.L^ U»tt own ocaUtie.. Any one cm d5 t),^ work properly from the firil st^ 'h^ You can de^fe yZ w'ScS^'^^-'SJ^'iS' Those who' Jot Ifi. j»t ooneo ion S y orly your apare moneait. •••*C5e..,»ortlaWMam». *«*•. STBAT 8TEI:B.-3 came O" the oreiuiaea of l i\. yaars oldâ€" 'os.» ih Milwi I ownsh p of :i.„.n Iiptol2""""aonX« fortli.'.K'cli"""' "" fgai .•Xltl. tOtlK •^"' lo«..^toran.v..-'«i'"' Villat risti- aii.i ofliiT fi 'ni 'I •J'li aoe '!eil. â-  1.. !0 *• ' Osprey. Owner will |4eaac eaU provMdi.'im and pay expenses. "'" JOSEPH MILES. rTfcake TVotice. AIJ. PABTIEB INDEBTED TO ME either by note or book a'«oiint. ar«. .e- qnented to call and pay the same to A Tw iw, Dmggut. he alone being anihorix".; to raeenrenpqlw 4m ma aod to give receipts w-_.j ^- 8- SPBODLE, M.D. arc le iiiellt Mis -Vnustroiv Mafklale. A Rare 111 1 1' jjark'isl" T S. 8PB0CI*' Ot^W(^ ifortr. Act.ocelolf'«-«;l""^So. .ideofM,Il-tr*t Ha^^jioi irgh.use. shol^ «^^j„« hsrfwate. W""^*" terms. â- ^I' 'â- "" ...g Htf***// or to C. Vi. Km*"**' " 7«-»» m: "^.â€" -^^^*'^^r^ riiil -Il irfftii. .aJliiiii^ â- Â»tiiiii' t-fT" '^M^^^^^M .^UL '-«:»» Hi .i». r'tr^JSi' lOkh. i^r lor the pdrt ttH 9^t CHo^t and Timotli; lJ^U»^o$l Bali. Ii. Turn' ^^ HaTBolds, merchant. ' leading a brick reaidi â-  ^. ganxmer. â- â- i^keJ ehout*!! mauufa *r jr-^ and mill men whj I JJJ^JTLiardme. 'â- ^(^irVBWrViTl give gTL I I- fgi the next twenty day ly? No Humbug. *â-  «i^ «brnpt terminatioB of laft many of our citiz'eua gammer atock of wood. ffom preaeut iudicatioiiR ,-*;«.«â-  will be more ext l^jjgl en the coming ucasou i' I Better A Bae, have gut t l^tbet' goods, but would iiav ion to • Uttle "Diiet ' froi, ^j« in arrears to them. Tpgj. On Monday Gtii i ^-„ 9 o'clock a. m. and mo â- here i» t*" village of Mark ia Billi»b ^*P Le^*!" w»t*;l» «" Tbe finder will oe suit .â- rded by leavii.g it witli 1.. Sir J. A.. McDouald, liai f. y^ poor man by tatintrof ilie j^Vnii Coffee, and Huiter ot to be out done will tjivo i /Tea for $1. We aokaowldJ;;t with ili.i i riptioos totbf St*M)aki) .f 5 Msn. M-jNichol. Hi l^elv. Ma I John Potter, 'ielilMiniii.t:i ^ubn. AccmEHTâ€" â- ^"â- â€¢^ Mr. W „. KB of Holland, whs *i.iiiiM,' Bab on tke 27ih of I-.Ly.. lie r on a balaaro il-,liicn A good ciiaiic* t'l I'lsrri. •(-•• I (good farm 3i luiifs fr"!ii M;il the gravel roa-, li'lia:ol. Dian Bue AdTortiMii:«iit i:. olamn. 'McColl Bros. C... T..| ole luaniifactiiroi -..f I..,ni: I lubricator Liinvii. T: f. lira. Wiu. Ileiirv, l.t lii emesia, lost a Krovvu \^ ou the aitli nil (arkdale and l'reslvt(.'ri:iii fbi finder will poiiI.t a f;iv i roing it tt-Lllie oB:i.r. Ladies aliouM iii, w t.^^t Hur Visor is a suporpir aii.i • c\ eai dreseing. It lm! !•' L-"iiie iispensabie article f*r tliu " \^ Mark and Wiliio .\iiuaii'-iiu Jon last Satut'lay frun Ivni.- rhere they hat) t«k-ii a .si.r otatoes. XVcare ';ul t.' U- :ii, •nit was Very Mitisi:ici-T. i FocKD. â€" A small '^iiii! • f i;i •woer can Imvo it oim r.vm.' I'J and payiu-: l"r tiiis nhor':-'-:, 6. Black, Matl.aHlu. Lardiuc niHcliii.e "il will i or freeze, nil 1 w.:ir^ !â- â€¢ :i r i ether oil iu tlio iiinvk' t. \~i ^Wai dealer aiid tako i' "iLii The clasaic inorjilis" I:.l- Lmte," but wlijii v.iii wuit'h you cannot jrot oiie of l'-:. r u.i.| qnickly The RtHti-'iiut* li.ivo L Wholesale by Torouin M:'.Mo;iti-| J. D. HhaiiHliiin. hai, :i on »1 i| of tbe meterial d tii*- lT" m 1 Mw sarria^^ fuct' ry In* iiii.'n kting, as soon Hs the wt--.,' "â- it. It is to he of hrnk. » gb. 82x52, Glenelg Ag SiH-i«ty. r â-  • "endera, for tlic tr»*cJ:' n ' .i the builJiiig nf It 4, pounds. Plata anl sp- ..â- â€¢i Uieen at Uaskett I'.r •' A. Diinlop, IS !i!ivi:.^- i'.-.. i ^WD for tho truti'ii ..f :, i« bnilJing, for a lakerv ai, i i i Mill St., ou the lU'Xt li k i^ be premises idw ci-.;;-., .1 l.y li Mr. M.J. RnyJ^r. wli.,( ih ^| r farms for old cuTitiy fi-n: • about imn igr.^liii;,' ;.. n. â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ting with goo i nu-"«. Il *»hing to disp. ,.,,... fth.ll fu;;: ^owell to call ou liim. weel, Tnu^al'l. «u' ii 'vv i« 'day. Brawlv, II an. aii' tin •peeriii, nays u, whar did khc ^j. t tii. !.!• i^J "" fcre braw. What ,li.i ln. || ' Oue pnii in mIui at !• s. foater ia detoriuiii,. 1 'the cheapest pla. • m .Mai 1 who iuteul ii«,.viu,: t • .^l^ "OK the cotnin;; ^| liii.-. â- '., "• Ott»fit ,,,;,, |,i, .j,„. ,.,,. "ton, it lasts titl tlip .v .: ch- Dry Goods i.,.l.J:.t ^• ^•Wisa ramor all. .ir 'that the popular S::i:. ^iJham«ford is ab-.iir imony. We hope it y. for the -jjood 1km k -a. |*"«ood for man to he .-. o,. fi«Wv Green and Wm. J.: •'•beensiezed with ih.. ,,.. »P"iOt, M*aitob^ Fev.:. a J^nwdGeo. Noble. o.;ii J •^ to sell, all and an,....; :.,1 Jniplenieuts, hou.-.h.. ^^. on Wednesday, .Mar,,, l-" P*'^tjculare see poaUr,.. Ihe Itare Nelei f^. •mount of freight to h. J*««"onratatioutii.k«in,,.^ " *°J would have 'o*d the sleighing lir:,i ,,•**• longer. The rcso... â-  ** A B. are beiug used ^*«»Ppacity. aSl^cinâ€" Not only tli^ i,,^ »»»Pg for the tenh a: J SOUt 'TKABEaBv' IK u Ik iJ ']nuq„ntaudfiuuht..ti,.1 • â- wnplea. '^.^tr^'.l'Mhadaiiarr w ^. ^rank." but Butter .v '**°«ore«U such Paul al."***.' l-iy them ut '.»Uh. '»d UmU i» iJutt, KWC

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