Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Feb 1882, p. 2

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 -*X!: » iota not buJIJ* •^^ "«. With the duJi^ftlC* f iu»t«n expert borZTr'HtJl liuim»l recently o^!S^»W21 I " or the pUce *^ iit?! f-nuallg Tre,,r^ "J^^C?* h^. which he «^*«*W " I'.iHt summer Raye^^ttS* I e luueu*.. ye^ JL^2*»«I â-  was b. il, nji^riatiiT^y^ l'«lf a 1« ttle „f V*P 'y«uughor.*aK«m '»»« »r«Jy. PnOMINENT PHY8ICII ri»^!i»iiS[t..nviUe, ohio.J, J. B. Kt-nUall A Ci a-»-jtiuTa,i,TL, •1-1' -S|.«vm Cure, i4?l ' IVUj Hptwiy iiorse whiA l!? -['•'Via f'.r ei^jhteeu^ZS: "I- U Ulttlu bv eir ll a UjttlB bv expre«.'Ti; â-  re:i,oea ail kraene«i|T5 I'll «« Hpliut fr.,ui u aT\ •r-.-arf toaav«m,„^' .tticw«s worthtomeowl U«';»;ctfiillv yonn idall's Spavin -1 ..ii.U i.f trials on h««i ll !.... U.I a (t'Mibt that-ti IIN t'lKK" iiai* »uflioi«^ -_ ^:rt.i.i.J virtue to cui»|fc,J!^, eoroN, biiMTiM^ I I' "â- â€¢I' cut or iameiian^^^ ll 111 tl.. Last by ordioMj] I- ii"t blister boi ou the ' all scrruoss. St. Johus, "P.Q., Oct. ntk I â- '•â-  Kh: !aH A Co.,Ot;iitj:_i| i ami v'un.' with gnHiiMMaad .ii. iiu.l splints. IkMw Kill â- fiFT riMflione*. ' ill- Hii.l af ku48of ^.1^1 iiiir ii:lH ;altieH abuot tWknLl H.tii ^i^ruiuitl hisauUehMb h ' ii.i:.;i« .Sjiavin C'ur« *ii4Inn«J â- â- : w .ik like it, he •«• tilla, 1 kii..A it to be Koo4hri ' I iTocurnlonr „ij-, 1 f. ly rami ior ioc., ia4 i|i uji iii.s i.i »a\iu^ me lUOaT lliiil I treated accor.linif t»lki |i â-  111 111 yoar book for " Yours 'mlj, I'lniliaiu. P.Q., M.ireh Itth,! -J. K ihliill .V ... Oeati:-Ai 1 fell iu the rr;ij oUtOMBIMl lli\ hint III tb« hip joint, 1 L'ii siilft^riiiK. I tried tumi i It II. lilt- iravK rrliel, tioul I M| |j'iiviii Cure. I ai'plieii it f \:i\ for twc wi-'k;i Uuri^tMtO |?UiMtiil a pcrfe.t core. II iM wi'liaiid freefroa] |%.u.',ablu lor man aai Yours truly, CHEsm K.I jadall's Spavin Cu» I liii its effects, luild in I II l/h-tir, yi't It IS III to ri neh evt-ry deeji I :iiy lMiiy (j-owth it mk'Ik us .spits :iis, i-plinti, laiikl gallons, swelliiiKH and ts] lilarvomvnts cf the yintt "' riiiiuuisni ill man jr Idru^f :i liiiilurlit i.s used locawl known t" he the Ir lU-ed, aetilin nilld and^itt tililre.s.s for illustrated eiiwta' t givps p'.sitive pioof dt" " iiv hus eTer lael wiUi*M I s to our luIowliJg*, Ik' li ill, ^^ \\ |Hr bottle, or iix *•â- â-  [^'ists ha\« it orcangtiM'*? .-eiit to any addresa •â-  â- â-  J tlie ptoprivtors, DB,** I CO.. Enosburgh Fall*. »*â-  BY ALL DRUG" I ion» A Co., Montreal. P.(J»' ;i'ECiAL Noricfi^ Pi COJLFOET TO tM Ivn •• Hoasehol* -- ,il for relioviumi*ia..«» f xterntU. It cures p« a â-  ^^ fe..*elg. Sore Thr.«t, 1»J^ be, I.uinbaKo i"J ^^ "*â-  w â- ^ "It will most sorely V^ 1 as its acting poy* â-  I •• Uro»ir» HoasM«|«^. lnowl«lKe.las the P;»»J"J- b doahle tlie »tren«lhj« "J rii.impntin th« •oâ„¢'"' handy for »• r*^^« is the best re««5*»J" „ the .^tomack. f^ " I kimU," "°*^v" f-l»l •i.5 cents a bo w- â€" â-  ^MotherflM ^*^. storbed at night "'JTll V a siek child '?^fj^ •he e»cnicia»ing P^» "^^1- ,. J,, at once mOs* • g||Cfl .u«»pH'r little '"-fjr^ I upon it; 'J"*^ lere is not a ^^('^.yumi -niwdit.wbowffl^Jg^ irill re«-"»tr«l-^Sr heffloth.r «»di«fr^"5y .ijierating """^TJijJBilP use in all ""r"^^ 4 United enta a boUl*. » â- foHN GABDiNEg; jflTSTANDARD ^;id»y^^ebruary 3rd IS^. NOTICES JIO f iifffi^A good young Lorsa. B. *n«bt. ArUmes... " J J. .Noble of CIark.bnrg.g»?e call !«***«"'• j;,«ral com»ui.ication8 afld other ^^esagaiu crowded out. 1 Job Press for sale, at the Stanb- ^^ office- See Hdyertiwment. Special •"Vice* are being held in jjeMetbodibt church with good result.. jlr Cornwall* resi-lence will be an ,m.meut to Markdale. and is uear -oinplet'"^- V'r I). J. Slianahan has the most f the brick on hand for his extensive ^je building. jlMirs. Ci. S. Browu Son, are I rtttiBg an excellent cUss of logs into I ,j«,iimll this winter. "e notice W, J. SpecrB. has arriv- 3 town from Manitoba. • First overcoats selling at But- I ii 4 Bae s, at c'rtatly reduced once*. ^^^^* Qna't«r!y meeting next Snnaay.-^th lujtlie M-J'"di«t cliiircl). MarkJale, leomiuc'icmg at a. m. Wiilker offers his town lot loppos.i" ui. .-'T.^.N. ARD office, for sa'e Ion ««»T term" See advor'iscment. Sb«w'». Clouds, -lIo.siery, Winceys. I J ^•^,i gfll'iig at a small advance |oBec.t.atl!u*-ter.vKac's. 4 jp,i]i,,n Jiill.ii fir lifts just been Irspoitpd from New York, in which a great number of lives were lost. I'artiei «1"" '"**« agroed to bring »oodfortlie Stasiukh, will plea-^e a:eh ita-"Uj now while the s'e'gliing Mr. 1! Ii!il"I' Township Clerk Euj-liriisia, and father of Mr. A. Diiu- loiviti'ti a:ul C'iiifectioner, Markdale, liled at our tilTiCL- last week. l**.\fl-r "-I'l titiC a ilr'ss or mantle cloth tW. .1. .M -l-.iilaii'rii jou Will ;;et a I'iT- liB* fM!" â- '»' ' llAUOi;. M llii- f rt of ollHriJe ,11.1 1) itl in^, friiii.'1-s, Mitiii-, nil I all other IrjaBi.u^' ' l" iiiJitch. Dentists win have tried Dr. Cmnoa't Pnlmooiuy ' Drops are an excellaut ExpMWrai't looaeniag th« phlesin fiar mc«»ynJi(^ than may other prcp«inUiou' For Cooi^s, Culdsi Bi ouuhitia, TickiiuK » the Throat and Boi-eue«s auU light- uesa of the Chest* they hjt.Te uo eqsu^. Id large botllee at (0 c«ots. A. To^ [er and Co. Special A|[*uta Uarkojile. sgjaj.u^ x,ne,biadaB 18 large s^ook of Stc 3 at cost f o^ G. GRANT. Mr. W ru- st. ValeAtioe waa belie«d£4 A. D., 271. He was a man etrdova^ with a very generous and charitable diapoci- tioD. It has always b^au caatopary to oomenorate his {eatival by tbe inter change, between {rimdi of miasiTe ol love and respect. This ia the reason why Turner Co. have on b»nd soeh a large stuCii of eboice Valeotinea, for bt. Valentine's day. Feb'y 14th. We are informed that the PoUee Trustees are detenrined to enforce the law in regard to olistrocting the sidewalks, roadways, ke. Hoioefortli people are not going to be permitted to make bamyarde,woodyards. Ac., of our streets and sidewalks. Oh I ye offenders of the past take timely warn- ing unless yon wish to be brought np before the Cadi, alias Wm. Brown, Esq., J. P.,forinfriaging the rights ]nf her majesty's liege aubjeots. Kever neglect a Cough or Cold as ey are very apt to lead to serious Lung troiibles. Dr. Carson's Pul- mouary Cough Drops have a wonder- full effect iu relieving and curing Coughs Colds and all afiectionB of the throat and Lungs, As Dr. Carson is ' a well known Canadian physician of over 25 years successful practice, there is litt'.e woofer that his Remedies are so popular with the Canadian people. A. Turner and Co. Special Agents for MarKdale. Mr. Whitby haa been appointed Assessor for Artemesia, and wishsM us ' t) stare that he will nisj the assesd mont this year through mt the towu- sLip to, as naar as poyib!e, the cash value. It 18 time tiia different launi- cipalities were moving in ths same direction. It will make nu difference as to the amount of taxes paiJ.proTid- ed al! are served alike. Auv Assesor is Ireakiug his declaration uf office who fails to assess property within 80 per cbut of its cash value over or un- d,r. Undertaker â€" Altjlâ€" CABiNETMAKER, Has now on hand CrfBna of all siass and lor hue, ehAige* modeiate. UNDERTARfWO ptomptlir actended to at aU boon al^yor night. Alsoafnll atoek of fioDsebold Foniitiire! Ordered wcrk of all descriptians exaaated with ths ntmokt deqatsh. RUSTIC AND PH0T3 FRAMES whieb will be sold cheap for Cash. StasMed Lumber of all kMt TakMi -in sxchaoge for Fnmitnre. G. GRANT, Markdale. Dee. 38, lesi. MARKDALE. 67-tf. Aii.k kT«*i!i!R:iV." pronimuce it the finest lliini.' on tlif face of this rarth for the Nth and breath. 5 cent samples. A V..1V i:ii|icssivi' atul appronriit*' Meth' Chnrcli lUvif. I 'I N. A McDiiiruii Carl Bock, who Ims been traveling in Bornee f.r the Dutch Government, who were very anxious to obtain ac- curate information as lo certain tribes, visited Sibuu. Mubang, a cannibal i cliief, who, when he saw him, had fresh iiiou his lianU^ the biooi of no leuiorial S rmi.ii, \.as iroacia-l in i less tlum seventy VK-tims â€" men, wo- laikd^ile bv â„¢"" "'" """ '"'"^^^'""" "*^ "'" ' â-  foil iwurs had just slaiiglit(.red, and I whose heads and bruiu-i, considered late i:. V. I). Williams, who«9 ilcatli tbt? ti'.luts. he had devoured, ills eEORSE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Qrey, AosxT for the following reliable Companias CITIZENS' of Montreal, AGBICULTUBAL, of Watertown. and TUADE 4 GOMHKBCB, (Mutual) of Toronto. A number of Ohohse Farms for sale, also Tillage Lotn Auction S ile« conducted iu Town or Coun- try on Shortest Notice. Chrges moderate. Bills, Blank Notes, and Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE.' Maridalk. May 2f)th. 1881. 8«-1t 0000 NEWS AGMN. To the pQbUc. ^-^- Ladus amd G^tU^men I would announce to the inhabitants of Dundalk and surrounding country that I am an authorized agent and am now prepared to sell the best SEWING lAGHINES! mannfactured. They are the world -renowned New Vtiic Singer! And, moreovef, there is hO person that ever used one ol them will dispute this asser* tion. PLEASE CALL AND GIVE THEM A TRIAJ.. « ^t» N.B.â€" Old machines'bichiglit JAMBS HANNA^ Agent Dondalk, De«k S6tb, 1B81. Utf Foundry! -AND- MACHINE WORKS. We are prepared to execute all kinds of Turning and Boring, WITH *« DO' ticrd last ',V' ek. a^ipearance was unprepossessing. .\Ti'r'ii I'l'ls ire tlia bsi-it cf all pnr- Mr. J din Inkster of Osprey lost u ^tit»s i"t family use. Tlioy arc valuable spring colt last week verv keira it, ^af: an 1 suro, anl excel all j 9{;n)ly. The beast was fastened in the I I lihir I'lih 111 iKhliDg !.ud curative .stall by a halter, and in some man- ner during tile night got into the manger on its back, and was dead iu thd moriiiii:. lie wishes us to ijivo, for the benefit of olliers, a siiupla pre- ventative to such accidents which he has le.iriiea since tlio above took place VIZ lo fasten a few strips across the manlier which don't hinder the animal to leed and will be a sure .prevention Mr. i;. 1 W ilcnx. l.ift r r Manitoba iWrnlnnlay luoriMiiE;. A uuiuber ,;:r citi/ IIS ^.-ouiupani. d liiiii to '"•.ili'-n to seo hill] off, a id have a i: LiUid shaki' llfW, v.ihi Iiinoif nbli- li...lii'(l young i' M- -!«, k-i 111 M.-l'ii-hiiurs ^,tll^e. Pufian 1 1'.| â-  .-I tr, be busy nil the tiiueaml "Ml III' M llll.ohl flVir, Us .-olai! irf ills -h.i' till had now iiuJ ara not ' from getting into the manger. (In;- w n-.-ovi r. A PiBLic Melting Should iUs at Woi General Lathe Work Done in a practical manner. UP .^cctIimj to iKitica ia another 4imu. ihu Kiiphraiiia council will liefctal the T.-wn Hall, Ko-klyn, on lie firs' I Viiay ;n each imiith, dui- tins Trai liir genenil business. be called of the ci;izoii8 of evsry city, town and villa;je in the Dominion, to consider what should be done to prevent the hair from turning Grey â€" and falling out. If this important question recciveJ their earnest con- Mr. J. Ma-,i.jii, wishes us to state I siileration lliey would uuauimoUHly It li! ttiil ii..i b« ill MarkdaFri Fri- â-  dtcido that science had at last die- yaiiJ Sanirda-. !hi» week, ),avmg K'^^'^red something that would at'swer '„,..., â-  T, ' ., ' this purpose â€" and furthermore would portai.t biisiiirs* m foront) those ' ,^ i „ it ;- p ...^^-o,. recommend Cingalese Hair ui^uewer lAbi' will liy here next week. as being tliis sornetl in" for restoring A luiail iinantity of maple molasses j the hair to its natural color, anil pre â€"HAVINGâ€" LATELY FITTED J'y Grist Mill in FIRST-CLASS RUNNING ORDER 1 am prepared to taru out all work in a first- cIujS manner. lilour au'l all kinls of feed dclirered free to any part of the vilhicvi. Ihaniuii^'vrju all lor past favors I hop« by strict at'tiitiou to business to merit a con- tinuance of the Hame. "VC. J. ROWE. Barrhead Mills, Sept. 20, 1S81 £4-3m Nothing Like Leather, kaJe m .laiiuuly was Irmglit to llirk i.iU a tlii rt time ago. We did not «ra til.' rijity's name, 'nit ilio pyruii ipiwjrfiil jiol.yum.yum, we hal Itasto. vent its falling out. 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all Druggists, DUNDALK. |«1. J. S[ir oiTo of Fiosliorton, has •mouncf.l a discount sale of Fall and ^•a;er;^o.Klsfor 30 days. Kead his P'Tturtii-nt 111 another colum'.:, and i Ma Sail 1 r yourselves ^eaiis l'U^iiie«8. J** lure, ilal. drnt yoe think listers »k rjtiii r v,.,,lv" jin.K" pirls, who buy r"'"â„¢--" M iiitle^rand .Millinery at Mi-Far l"'k. 1 i.|.(iiiliiii.; list Sun. lay. Mc- "^J K ..,.;. ill- imports dire.'t." i great amount of work has been hetli.' |(i-,t l.w weeks. Good sh-igh- J«"l favornhle weather has dor.e a *« «i ill for the public, i^aw logs, M, !•*, Kqu.ire timber, baa 'wen JiDiiiX' into town in large quautilie*. |Reiuembar the return vifit of the nuie F.strellc company this tTliurs- evonirg iu Duffjrni .Hall. The *t af this beiut: the second p rform- eain thesameplnce iusidet fanionth ^tuffieiont guarantee that they are ppula^-. "There wi^ a sinn 1 of revelry by i uisjit, â-  and jovs uumixcl added its ileli"h^, â- inn h'.^toiy ijraved its grateful re- fT,! whtn Ibe E«ferl.rooks brought but their FsIcnlVu. enii.l preventative for Fevers, .\gtie ' • n Pisordors is Dr. Carson's (Trom the Herald.) Beautiful weather after tue cold snap, which was succejded by a gen- er.J thaw.. Business has bsati a little dnll for Mr. Sproule the past few davg on account of poor sleighing. A little more snow and busi ness will bo brisk again. We are pleased to learn that Mr. J. McDowell who was so severly frozen, is irapioving, it was feared at one time that amputation would be neces- sary but now the doctors have tetter hojies. Mr. Thos. Hanbnry is making every preparation for the erection of his Isrge and commodious brick uuild- ing Valentines, valentines, a large se- lection ot tancy comic valentines just recieved at the Dunda'k Drug store. Brick clay has been found on S. M. M. M'LEOD, MAltKD.\LE, NOT TO BE BEATEN I Bell's iarm, which has been pronoanc ed firstclass. A brick' manufacturer from f erguB, iias Ukejj .thfr business in hand, and will go extensrveiy into the manufacture of bvick early iu the sprinK- Largo quantitiea of telegraph poles, and wood, are loaded every day at the DundalK sta.' .- .^ Henry Graham Esq.. a long Tesi- deut in Dundalk, moves with his family, tills week, to the city of Toron- to, wlif-re he has been en;a;el in the a a and coustipation Bitters a commissiou business for the past iew cut vi;;, table preparation. Thev months. AU those who may have lind the misfor- tune to have boeii boin barefooted will bear in mind that we have jnsi received the larg- est an 1 be.t stock of leather ever before brought into Markdale. cousi-sting of Spanish Sole, French Kip and Calf, and are now pres parcl to manufacture Jjadies, Gents, /outh and Misses boots and shoos, from the stoga to the finest k'd and prunella. Sewed Work a Specialty. All work warranted. Invisible patching alsc done here, M. M. McLEOD. Markdale. Sept. 19th. 1881. IOT TWO, QUEEN ST., MABKDALE. J There 's on the lot a brick house, stable, shop, well, and cistern. Will sell cheap and on ea«y terms. THOS. MULLARKY. Markdale, Dec. 28th. 1881. »8-tf PLOWS! And Plow Points win receive our sjiecial attention, knowing through practical exp'riencc the best class of Irons for such. GrSit Disoouiit I -AT THE- *Be J POST OFFICE STOEg *9 â- â- ;â-  .sV(,ajT .KC^^apEETON, I FOR THIRTY DAYS. ' '%?-s:Jd :^ ;A In order to make room for my Spring Importations I will sell the balance of my large stock of Fall and Winter Goods at Extremely low Prices. Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, LandEoUers, will receive our fattention. We also mtro] ducc our new FAMILY MANGLE! to the public. This new machine will mangle Linen, Cotton, and Woollen Goods, giving them a beautiful smooth and glossy appear- ance. It also improves the clothes, whereas hot irons injure them. We will also irfan facture CAST-IRON GRAVE TABLETS! with or w.thout marble slab for name, ika.; also Tomb Bailings, Pall Pillars and Oma- meatal Oast Iron Chains for same, also all kinds of Balluster Itailings, House Fencing- plain and ornamental. Machinery Brssi CastiBga of every description, Brass Bells, large or small. MOFFAT BROS. Markdale. Nov.. 1881 «3-l7 Be sure and call and secure some of the Bargains. R.-J. SPROULE. Flesherton, Jan. 30th, 1882. THE ' LONBmt ^9^/ dundaIiK: ]ilii?gaili0t Bairgaiiis. Boigadhil, This is the r.ght house to get bargains in Dty Ooods, W" sides getting; tke teo^latctt Eii^Ush and Frea^ l^ions^ Why Because they come diiedt. itonn the niatlii^citarkrsi thereby savmg all whc^esale jlirqfits. CoRM^ribid^flfe our Dress Gbud$, fashionable lind tahcy, 10 to 8fio. per yard. Come add sm oor C^bmerss, txom S6e to 80c put yl. Come and see our J^adies' Cloth Coats, ironi $1.^0 to %to TIm UrRwt uid iMst ttttk o£ dry g(M* trrt bImvb in D«ii«Ulk i to select front. et r'^. See our Scotch, West of Englaild, and Catiadian TwfeedSf from 60e to $1.60 per yd. A spleodid Msortmeut atld itneqaKllwd -iaqaalftj' aud style. » ;, See our late importations of Gents' Re?dy-ihade Cloiliingt London mvde Overcoats, style and fit nnsurpaAsod. ?Hjive cA* bled for toother case. Also. a. replete ct^ of bbawU, Flannels and cither Koods. .-;.-!! â€" o '•;',•; • tftj. Large consignment oTae^w and fresh G'xceries just deliverMi X fine ad4 deBeately I^VQpnd Tea which I can bell at 8 Dpund* for • dollu. Jf a^p dal^iji^ed tliat our fi lends travelling over the desperately rough ro«ds to Dundalk shall -be re paid for their trouble by getting bargains in every department. • Crockery and Glassware l^epartment, which is now replete -with every necessary. Haudson^ China Tea Setts at f fi.SO. â€" Handsome Glass Setts, price SOi;. BUY WHSBE YOU OA^ BUy CHEAPEST. PAIK DEALINO AND NO FAVOUR. " 1 ' .- W. S. HfiWfiJTSON. Dundalk, Jan. 19th, 1882. .^ I GET MY WOOL GABDEI3' -AT THE- Dundalk Woollen Mills. Where do you get Youra P â- ^i. 1881.- CHRISTMAS. Id8l. THE "GIAS(ibAV HOUSE;" W. BENSON Haa on hand and for sale a irat-elaas arti- cle of FRESH GROCERIES! CONSISTING OF ;liaue«« lor â- Â»Â«â- â€¢ enerall/ »**°*ILri „d girls to wort»»^« *«the system, purify the Blond and '*8e the appetite, and render tlrse ^^ ttieiu almost proof against **• ^h.T.ld b» used in overv case *«^ofpi!',. A. Turner aad €0. Ageats Markdale. ickiMwledge with thanks the "H of $1. tfnbseiiption to the j!«BUD from the f diowing R. H. Henrv Masvin has removed his tail- orino bn:iues8 five doors south of his old Rtan 1. Brampton. John McNichol, •er,' t., s '^na, Mieh. 'tt Ki Kafon, ha« opened out ^* blacksmith businens in Richard "Mstand, wennderHWinfl he has """eseivic.-s of .a lib to Mr Corrv, who was severely hurt last week by a fallins; 1iu.b, is getting better, he hail a very narrow escape of being killed instantly. G. W Parsons. Duudalk drug store has just recieved a fine assortment of .^ ^er,MKii..Jolin Spaul.Clarks-lsiivn-ware, such as Cruets, Butter u.l*"'l.'^r^* '^°" Thomas cooler*. Napkin Rings, Car-l recievers. and Teaspoons. Also a large stnek of cloirks and all kinds of "faoey grtods suitable fir Wedding and other pres- ent*. Selling cbeap. ^v« 4iim a call. JJiaHESIjATIOU.. A first class usirt. "'â- 'Isy Bight htst. Ilr. 9. ii„,,""*«teadiug church, 1.«t I op \^^^ """ TA* Animal waa md by i«a«»iiie»inB succeed l^^ttZ^"'^^^ Tpe'iow.wiU be Bishop Gilmoar. of Cleveland, Ohio, has usd tbe Great German Remedy, St. Jacob's Oil. and eodorses it high- ly. He writes aboot it as follows â€" I am pleased to say that the use of Bt. Jacobs Oil has benefited me greatly. L HBd il have Qobesitation torecomiaaBd azoallent earatiT*. Cathartic Pills Combine the choirpst cathartic prinriiues ill iiK'.lii-iiie, in iiroportions accurately ad- justed to seeure activifv, certainty, and uaiforniitv of effect. They are the result of years of i areful study and practi-al cx- P"rinient. anil are the most elTe-tiial rfin- cily yet diseovorod for disea-^tfS rauseJ hv d-raii.:"iiier.t of tlie stomach, liver, and Vowels, which require prompt and efTe-tiial tre;i'ii!.-!it. AvF.u's fii.KS are sjiet^rtlly. ai'pli. hMa to ttiis cla.s.s of diseaiw-s. Thry ait ilireetly On the diztsfive «iid assinii- lativn pr«H-e»ies, antl restore re.niilor h'-altV.v aiiioii. Their extensive i:«a by phvsi.-i;i!is in tTieir p» jetire, an«l by all civilized iia'ions, is oiio of the ma.iy proofs ot ili-ir utlim as a safe, sure, anij pTfe.-ily reli;ili!e pnrpitive luedieliie. Being eoni|Miiindel of the coiK-eiitratctt virtuc-s of purely vegetablo .siilistanrea, they are positively free Irom falomcl or any iiijnrioiis pro|crtie«, .nnd can lie adinin- ist'ereil to clrildrifn w.Lh jerfe«.-t laJoty. Atkk's Piu-S are aa effectual, cure for Constipation or Costlveness, IndijfM- tlon. Dyspepsia, Iams of AppetUp, Foal StoniHch and ^Breath, Dbziaeas, Headache, Loss of Memory, Nambness, BUiousness Jaiindire, Kheomatlsn, Erupttooa and Skin Diseaaea, Dropsy, Turaora, Worms, Neuralgia, CoUe, Gripes, DUrrlieeo, Dysentery, Goat, riie:^. Disorders of the Liver, and all other di»ea.««« resulting from -a disordered «taie of tha digestive uiiaratus. As a Dinner Pill tliey have do etfnal. tVhile gentle In thefr artion, these Prti* are the most tlior»ii;;h and searckinft cathar- tic tliat can lie einiiloveil, and never give pain unless tbe Imwels are nfianed, and then their intlnence is healit»(t T!i«r»tifni»- lacte the aptctite and diitesttve amaa: thmr operr e lo purily ami enriek tlte blooii. and iupart renewed health aad visor to tlM wlKie system. Prepared by Dr. J. C Ayer k Co., rtactlaal aa4 Analrttaal •Loweil, Mau. Teas^ Coffees Sugars, Raisins, Currants, c., And every other article in the (rocery line kept constantly on hand, and of the fieshest variety and bobt brasds. IN LIQUORS! I can supply a quality that will defy compe- tition iu Markdale. JN PRICES I ean compete irith the best hooses in Mark- dale. Oive me a Call. WILSOM BEMSOH. Uavkdale, Dee. 1st, ISM. S fiEOME WILSON. Wholesale and Retail (BUTCHER!} BEEP, iOBK OB MU fTON SDPPLISP. from a single poan-t to awfaole at tbe lowest market prieee. havhw Fat Cattle. BLdS^ sr Pigs to dinesa of will do vsB te sd at Ks. 8 Bnas' Blo^ oppovto tiio oei FARM RS MECHANICS' ESTATE, LOAN AND G-enexsil -A-g:e2a.C3^, DUNDALK, Ontario. â€" o- Conveyancing done witli care, neatness and despatcli. A. G. HUNTFR. OFFiCS â€" On deor touth of Anglo-American Hotel. Doadslk, September 1st, 1881. lly. TAILOR, SYDENHAM STBEET. Markdale, JtUy 7, 1881. 4-«a MARKDALE HOUSE P. S. â€" Parties indebted b note or book account wili phase to itull and settle at once. .:::^-' W. H. PETfiRSOK. ' DUNDALK, Dec. 23 IS81, " 67-tl ' r PRESENTS the coniplinuuts.if the tcasion, ^ishinp ail a HappV N*W Year. It U scarcely six mouahs siuce tlis liuuse wu-i opened, and us week after week has passed basinesB has rapidly iucreiised, wliicli has at tlio jireseut date enabled the proprietor to import direct from Europe. Keeliug thf iikful to the fanners of Proton and adjacent tow». shi|is lor their liberal |iiitroiiat!e, in|!lin(; to merit a conliniisncc of the same, would re- spectfuUy invite in.spectiou to tin.- iit:\v large stock of all kinds ot goods, oonsietiiu of HATS AND SAPS, READY-MADE CHOTHING; Boots and Shoes, Groceries and Grockei'y. DPESS GOODS K.r 8c. worth l-'io. DLAt K CAbllMEKES for 2oc. »ortli 40c. WIN- CEYS from 5c. up. PllINTS from 'e. up. Ail kinds of Flannels and Shirting* at low' prices. Blankets a? d V oolioj Vn'dercVitUfnv Very rh ap. I'liie L lien TuUin^-s from Mc to 7.^c. per yard. White Cottons iitid •HiB\y-iry Lottous fiom 'ic. to ;i»e. Tapestrv Carpetinp. Boots. Shoes au.l liubijer?' ,o_ver 'JtXXt paiis to -elpct'froei o paKtebuard iM«l»e and for less moiiev than kIio My {joodi are sold at. DV.ST 1 E.V from 17c. up. Pare TOUNG HYSON TE..\, 3 lbs. for»l. A First-class Tailor and MIfliner! Iu tonnection with the csli.l.ii.-.luiiiiit. l^r" Call and in-picl j-oods before purc^iaaing IIiKtacst price paid lot- all kinds ef Grain and Farm Pr*ds Discount ol i per cent. oflTlor casii. .. ';^ Wm. NELSON, Proprietor. "Glasgow House Noted." C ilea pest House Nortii of Toront6« Dundalk, Decemhor bth, 1-81. .4v TO THE PUBLIO. The Subscriber respectfully intimates that his stores at Flesherton Station and Eugenia. are fully Stocked with General Goods, suitable for the season, and will be constantly renew e' as required, consisting o DRYGOOD'=^, ^: l-JARDWARls CROCKERY, :•"â- - GLASSWARE, BOOTS, 'â- â-  â- â- â- fv.r- • SHOES GROCERIES,:. ;/v PROVISIONS, c,' FRESH GROCE^^IES a specialty at this season. All Kinds of Farm Produce, Cordwood, and Saw Loj»5 taken in exchange for Gods. Inspection of the Goods re- ALEX. RUTLEDOIL-^ErODrietOr spectfu!l solicited. My saw Mill r.t Little Falls, is in lull J7^ ^^ " ^Deration. All kinds of Logs purchased Sawing done by THIS HOTBLi « large three storey brieLbci'diag, raeaotly areeted and ittsd ap wits the F^9USand Of on ShatCS. every SMMiemaonvenianoe. It is fnn^hed to FiratClaae Style The Bar is aaepUed " with the best brards of Wines, Liquors and Oigara, and tbe table with all tbe delieadM ef '" atteatioB being paid (o tbsir SiM- fert. Good Sample Roomt for Commerriifi TravelUn ThC •â- â- T HWc«I th«IISi«e Md attsaive â-  siws M iS»sndfr*aBall -K^ 1,000,000 1 liWs Wanted! ^igti IrraE BUSaCBIBEBS ARE PBEPABED JL to pay the est Price In Cash I ^orMBiy qaantity of good aonnd Sa« Ml^-r g -T. liord and soft wood. 'It, ., Uil, EIND OF liUMBEB KEPT ON HAKa 3ms FU'e4 (m Short Vfttia. 1 â- r* Spaidsl attâ€"Hon piS4 to LbAaals .iaa.nfli.18M. IML WjANTCD. 4 rsSCiUB TBACHEB. for Sebool il. MtiMi Mo. 18. Eophrana, for liflt, rit^^ailiai or TkiiA Osm Oertiflsata. ]brtMe.ast.lStlt.lflta. lUckSsle. t^\i. THOlLiS KZLSOD, Stsrtdale. M-ti ,l Flesberton Station, i36. is,! 188J. Wm« HOGCs «7 Photographs I JIikIc in every style and flniah. â- am al) tha leqoiaites whiak easistitits a OooaUauLaar. Only Fner-CuM work done. Try the a â- m Pfcotogrspber. •Id Pietarss oopied and salargad. teeallasT-erk bertha staad. aifsr tha Scaaaaaa AH ^te popular stytee made. P i e uai e Um shadow cm the a aâ€" aeaer t i B sa t e grames â- o dou't yoa go aad forget sB about it. /. L. 6BOWNE. Ffaoto Artfat. Markdale. Osa. U. IMt Heiapiss fcss. Ugk* War] Vssr A. M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'lNTYRE ST'iOTJLX, F lQ-CL T^ FlOllT.' .McINTYRE'S MclN'r\RE'8 UQViM I JJQUOKS 1 MtALl KALI MULI MciNTYBE'e' Pofk, Pork. Pork MclN'lYBE'S Xeas, T'eam. And evarything kept n in a first-olaaa Groony and li^sor B'.a always on hand, CHEif roa casb. McINTYBE'S Cigars, Cigars. McINTYBE'S Oofibe, CotP^e* WANTED. A QCAwrrnr o» TikiraphPtletSdRsLMC AKD t;PWAIUS; ALSO 5,000 Cords Cedar Posts, '^otr lAi^ t!M Highest Frees will be paiil. 3CABE£ ATrarr OTTAKKI .JIsAasie P.O. Notice to CtDtnctoN.' A B WE HAVE A IAJtQE ^AXlttt Saw Logs at ear adO Uis ssaaglk^e wM gjve contmetois a gooA^fiwsn. flkag|L4^« wOLSa.bB Aiaded iatlB «Mft' JUMr' siwp^ aad stable alee ii 4s adlk-lgfefc.4 pattiss wiahi^ to hv* a ceefjM a' Sp^^ kiad%itldAw«B«ose«aB. Iks^siai^^ ' read. Ifti.: â- I- lit If I K.V Sk --3P-*

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