Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Feb 1882, p. 1

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 » m ' i' r' •' n ll f 1 i if .jr. -^ .-» " Bagmgi MJlMidiiaittrii Urn r$g I. A,f^iif^tti t*i|und to Kiva Midfe* i'T tjif-nti (rotitniiiiK Ut« li«pn- dM ittfl io- tlvf tl* U«r,/ wb-il • mb^arilMir Itea dM ^e hi« iMMM- a«t of th* Mfiaa; and MmuUm r»«Mns fdr lU Dot hc.n^ t^»a. Any iMglaet b rfo hO nilkcc tbv pos^iusxtar responsibU to tb pabU-hem lur ibe paTintDt. ..3. Auy p««*'n vbo iM,km m f^ptr tmm the jrcH nffice. wLatH^ dutcted to hi* name or yidlUer, or vbotLdr le ha* inbMribad or uoi, is mponiibla for tba pa;. 8. If aHV person crdera h.» ^per diicon- tinoad. In- nia*t par ill arraarafiea, or the pubUditrr uiay iut%iii\iji to Reud it until pay- iu»iit i maile, »nd col!e*l thf whole amonot, wiiathrr it bv taken from ti;e ofEo* or not. TLtrf can l« no legal duionticiiantiB until pay mint i made. 1N0TIC13| ... .- â€" ^piIIC Canaia A-jTertiaini; A^enoT X King Street West. Toronto, W. W. BTTCHEB. Mi««p«r, it hi •l'ru«l %Q tar'air* adrertia«in*nti fo â-  this paper. thii. 8cB(CBimo'i are received at thin ofioe • the following Papers and Jlagaainaa. D4iua». V.faato Daily Olohe. per vaar, • Mail. •• VESKLna. T oTonta Weeklr Globe, par yaar, Mai! Ha-niUnn " Sp«*tator " Canada Farmar " SeientiSf Ame'ncao MOSTBLlSa. Farmer**, per rear, American Airrlculturiat '• •ar Tittle Ones MMan. W. i. MtDgaol. CMDpMl mmI Toug to Mr. W. UeDea«al 4ta • ••Luvt in tle fitebw." Mr. J. Me- DooKal apok« k ttw words in their fkvor, and aijo pud i iui^l %nbat» to the gnects o/ the evening. Mr. Doll tpAiia tbe bigiieat terms of the la^ee, luting tiiej were ebief feetora in dtit future proeperity, M irithoat tbea! oar population would not in- 6feaee, and woald erentuallj die oat. He also spoke Tery kindlj atid fer.llug- ly of the gaests whom they bad met to do honor. Mr. Campbell tpdke V\ 30 1 briefly, which Mr. Yoang spoke highly of tbe guests, altliongb he had been ac qnaiated with them bat a short time, h«i had found theji good men and true e. Mr. Mclntyre gars "Mothers WDK to tlia Baby." Mr. Wm. Mc- D jagal|sanK"The Little Old Log 'abiD on the Hill. Dr. Sproa'.e having arrived was eal led upon, and made a few brief re- marks. He refered to the intended departure of the gnests, and the an- irerxal good wishes of oar people it ha* fAn bioogfat before the Oeograr phieal GoBogreaitat^tvenx and a«ain i^Paria. The â€"tetion liia b«ao «x- M ni"«J by diAaent Bo*«kiee, and â- niimt profOtakkaTe been aibmitted* Vot miammit^ «tth reapect lu tba ee- leetion of a pi^i^ mm£an to e com- mon to nation* has in no •^ay been attained. Rep^ited efforts' have b. jh m1^c to gain gtoeral (vmcurrenee to I 17 00 7.00 THE STANDARD. the adoption of one natitmal meridiaae, bnt thoee ptop BU have tended to retard a settle- ment of the question by awakening national senobiliti^s. and thus ci eat- ing a Harri r difflcnlt to remore. Other pitopdsaU to select an entirely new initial line, unrelated to any ol the first meridians at present recogniz- ed, have but little advanced tlie settle- ment of the question, as such a course encounters difficulties of another kind â€" difficulties so serious in th ir cha racteras to render the proposal almost impracticable. There are reasons for unification of first meridians which every year become stronger, and. as the question eflfects the whole area of civihzation, its consideration should be approached in a broad hbeTal spi- rit. While it may be urged that tlie selection of any particuLir meridian is less important than tbe adoption of a common first meridian, care should be taken to consider the intere-^ts of all people coucemeJ or likely to be concerued, scrupul 'n«ly avoiding of- fence t local prejudice or national vanity. On every account it is ex- tr.'inely desirable thai an famest effort should' be mado to seek for a so utiou of the problem. The uuificatior. of initial meridians has been advocated iu the i;jterest of geoRTiipbyf astrono- my and navigation. I shall accept all John U.chardc with a reeitatioa. Then (i^e aTruments which have been ad- Mtv *or aurreying side-road Biehard Kellgrof. •*•/"'â-  "r'i^t f^ horn bigli«»y; iâ„¢ fr'^^,*i; fer-cnt^ ^g down bill John hiel, 92. for r«^irii»g croeaway Richard Cwre- toot, $84, f.-r cutting A)wn hdl J- Farew*, $17, fbr printiiig Wdham Londry, $8, for buUding culvert J Kake, $5, for Uking i^tt stumps on cmcurrence to ««d.-..I^^, ^T^K^iotf Em' of the eiisUng repairing bndge E. E. Knott, t-sq, 11.00 1.00 1.00 t.oo *-^ j with tbey ca^ry with them Mr. Campbell stng the "Cameron 1.60 B»"d. vfio Mr. Robertson. Lumber Merchant, â€" â-  said ho bad been acquaiuted with Mr I Wilcox for several years and regretted I hit departure. J. McDougal, favored ' tbe assembly with a song, as did Mr. I cams the toast uf tbe Host and Hostess I responded to by Mr. A. Turner. Tbe i'riday, Febrarv Srd, 1882. bealtli of the chairman and rice bav- m^^i^^m^t^^^^^.^^m^^;^mm^^ I ^X ^*^^ drdok aud responded to, a I Tery pIsa'ilDt eveuing was brought to I tlLWS NOTES. ,. I close by siuging the IVauonalAnthem, .Mr. Colwell Gralimii. l*t»Vp of Mill- when all wended tbeir way home- mOr, was fleeted Wardeu Of Duffer- i wards. 'Happy to meet, sorry t- part m for tbe i-dsu^og year- aud happy ia meet again." THE GR.VNGERS. Klevii conductors "â- 11 tiis Noitbern have signified tlnir mtfiiiinii of resin- fn^ next si-ri-K. ^^ Grey Pmaion Grange No. 2 mot, • Fifty p..w^rr.l for tbe i ««oiding to auuouueement, in Maik- CbicHKo an! (.rand Trunk are being I dale on Tnursi'ay, the 26tb ult. There ' built ill the car-work* in Montreal. vauce on behalf of those extremely iinporta-it interests, and ciare your iudiil-Tence while 1 sul'init additional r*asou8 fir tiie cstablisbmeut of a comiiKin prime meridian for' all tbe vrorld. I pioposo to direct attention to arguments which spring froti the relation of time aud loiigitude.aud the rapidly growing necessity iu tbis age fur ref Tm iu tim»-rci;kouing. If wo take into view" the whole enrtb, we have at the Hnuie instant iu absolute time, no n, midnight, sunrise, sunset, and all intonueJiate graduation of the SIM, payment fbr h» safe Thomas Abercroiibie. $60, u»o^ Sr^\ *° Agricultural Society; B. p^^V. Clerk, $46 for levying Schorf R^. $85. balance of aaUry and wntirg minutes for papers, and $20, for po6t age Darid Miller, 60c, for repainiig road scraper Adam Clarice. $6, for ke«ping culvert clear of logs. The amount of $19.80. charged lO error against N. i of lot U. c«i- ' was stmck off the CoUectdr'i BoU. On motion being made and seeond- ed, the Council adjourned rnt die. Robert Dcnlop, Tp. Clerk. FROM "THE TIME:?." Editor 0/ tk*Time$ :â€" In reading the last number of vour paper, I noticed vou asked all wuo bad been benefited by tne letter publitbed in your yalu able paper about a ^ear ago, to write you tbe facts for publicati m. The letter from Dr. Bates created a great amount of excitement in this vicinity, as he i3 well and favorably ku.wn bt every one here. Uia repntation as a man aud a? plivsiciati gave every one tbe utmost confidence iu ail bis state- matjts, and this of course poou mad the name ,rily knoaa wh»t it **»« «»»• J*^* time. *ber«f"re. 1 â- â- â€¢t.'«T %^ conclusion that hi. •kihty "Jo J^^ rgaresisju«t-on a par *»tb^»^w^ Sting dead do«H wiifH U drt-ectad "*Th.â„¢khiryi». M' Edit" for yo« ^e.hoping_th«^*Ulfia»bmy..- lespoudence, as I hare no denre sith- er to rush into law or print, only to set the matter fairiy ^-fo" |be pubhc and let them judge who tella the twe " 1 am, youra gratafnlly, W. Hall. tou EwTOBâ€" leaw in the -Grey R^i.w-ofth. l»tb Jan.. •" •r*«»« in reference to a meeting held in the C M. Church, Proton, as a reprint from the Fiesherton Adranc*, in w iicb it was stoted thai the members raised nearly all tl-e money among them- selves, tbe subscriptions from outsiders being unsolicited. Now what are tb«. facta of the case The faeU of the case are these, that four fifths of th Jse pieaent at the Soiree was composed ol outsiders, and men. women aud chil- dren were solicited, pressed, nay, even crsved for money, aud if the figures wsre consnltea you will fiud, 1 am eonfideut, that over three-fifths of the money was raised by outsiders. So far did their cra^e go for mouey, that ^iJAi-ks award«« to •*«» ft" '"****" Si Jy sliaU award to tbe best wanagad brooa. medal, whet. th«e farm, have J^itS. and ilisteitd thereof to the JSSSg^ f"^^ tbegroupagold m3S^o^'» the second best larm a â- ilver medal. 6. Iu addition to any other points that may be th'aght deeiraUe by the J "ges/the following shall be inUwiiMeftitiofi in eetimatinff wh»l i» "the best managed firm. (1). Tbe oompeting farm to be not .. ihmn one hundred- acres, t DtCD. Boiwilfâ€" *t BaJjero.^, 011 tiie \%i\, \iX' ,Uvs Jatot'tf- UiUiutu' Viit;.iU;r of imiLf. and Jautr l-^voftt, afwl *» yean, 6 iuor?tiit atti 7 dajK. Bk-tm â€" ^The infant boo of Mr. LsonarJ Baua Art tnesia, on the 20th nit. HooAi: â€" la Aftvmefiia, on tbe 24th JanaHty, the wife of Mathew liogan, a(^l 76 yean' Pl.cMiNaâ€" Tn Holland on tbe I'Stli Ja'inary, Mr. John Fleming, tit.. af;el 7J years. Mr. Flemiui; waa an old reddest and highly reapocted' TAti:.oii^-In Knphrasia, on 2tlh nit., Ifra. (jOU8)s, relict cf tbe late â€" â€" Taylor, aged 75 years. Hor end was peaceful. wo- even pirtnts were pres*e d for a sub- «ription for their infant children.â€" Now how do these facts compare with tbe falsehoods of the correspoudeut of tbe kdtance. What do you suppose could possess any person to att«mpt to palm off sucli au arrant untruih K-ndairs Sp ivi.1 Cure " I upon a credulous public. P^rl'^l" not only Vmiblr but ver? popular. In now.ti.e Adranc. man will «.y that he â-  was uiisletxl r.-,.ly to your lequest I will ssy j was uusle.M but wiio will believe AlSt^iiL years a,o 1 sHpped on tbej bi.u after giving P"^*'-^-" 7-' ^^ sprained my rigbt limb at tbe gassy deception. Tlmukiug J on lor ice u -r ... knee joint. I was very lame ami suf- fered excruciating pain mucli of the time since. Mnd some of tbe time thought i siiould be a cripple for life. Dr. Hates' letter print-d in your pai-er gave me so nuieii c xifidencH iu ibe virtue of "Kuudiiii's Spavin Cure" that I tried it for my knee and less tlian one bottle complttoly cured me so that I hayc bad no return of pain or lameness, lor wli'ili, of course, I cannot foel too tlianklu' Since my recovery I Imve visited friend* in the llaiilitn Ims mc'i his frtt inibfurtune i-jnet.' branivud m Kn^'land. Yesterday he v-recked Lis boat, but was able to trade to tlie alinre. day. The telegraph system, wiiich is ^(.^t ^.nd f.-uiid that tbe f dlo »ingpar gradually siJieatliug like a spider s web (j^.^ Uaw used it witii tbe grundtst re- over tlie surface of the practi cally bringing the view of the sphere before all civilized communities, It leaves no iutervid of time l-etweci widely separated places proportionate was a i;ood attendance, between 70 ami 80 being present. There were many questiuus. of interest and ira- portauce discussed, aud a heavy davs j "leu- distances apart. business was gone through with. The ^\ •'""" points reniotc from one i, ,, _, f ther, cujoyini; all the cbffer. nt hours ,. ,. '" ... K""*^*'" "'fi"" "« «l«'e'l »°'J »°- of davligbt and daikness. into very A(*K ,,o»NOK T.1E IiucK.-An tailed for the ensuing year :-P. Lloso " con.act. Under our present iii»:a of the strciictli of ihuraday /-,, â-  ,â-  \i t i \, » ». â-  .- i- â-  i 1 ..,..,. •; Chri«tie, Meaford, Master J. McAr- ' sybtem of rotation, contusion is ilevel nig!!t»wj:r: ali.riu iioiV be gained' â-  "• " j suits iu that part of tbe country. Tiie Uev. John Hict llcHnatile, Mo., iiseil it on his own person f r an injury of 35 years staiidiug end pi^i foruie-.l one i.f tie most vT.Mulerfiil cures I ever h^arJ "f. J. L. McLuio, of Sirong Citv, Kansas, cmed a badly 1 iCcTattd .be space so kindly ailov ed, I «ra, c, PCRKSCLUK. To the Editor. Dear Sir,â€" While b.oking oyer last week's issue of your paper, I was sur- prised at the houor your Feversham c irrespondenl gave to Mr. McAlesr, the hotel keeper of that vdlage. for closing his bar last Township election day, while it is well known that the reason he closed it was on account of a reoort that a cert.tiu candidate for municipal honors intended to have bim fined if he sold liquor that day which report, I understand, was a j gjj"t„"tbeComuiis8iouer of Agiicultuie falsehood, circulated for. the purpos? j 'phese prizes, awarded iu Groups less tban one huo- thirds of irbicU must be under «ol Va) Tbe nature of tbe farming. whether miied, dairy, or any other mode, to be tbe most wiitable under condition, affected by local cirotin,- stances. ., (8) The proper posUimi ol tiie bnildings in relation to the whole farm. (4) The attention paid to pie8*r- vaiion of timber aud shelter by plant- ing of trees. (6). The oouditiou of any priTatei roads. (6) The character. •uflSciency and condition of fences, aud the manner in I which the farm is subdivided" into (7) Improyementa by removal of obsiaclts to cultivation, including draiuBge. (8). General oonditnm of buildi.ig-s luclutiinKdwelling-bousts. and their lUGiuuiuK" P .„..,♦„ n( n,a farm Appratus and tho Liver, lacretui- adapUtnhty to Uie w*uts of tho larm ^^^^^ dissolving juices. reUev- and family. ling almost instantly tho dreadful (9) The management, chmecter.ifgsnlts of Dyspepsia., Jndigestioit. Buitabilitv. cou'ition and uumbLr oSuAd the TORPID LIVBR. makes auii»uuvf \Zopesa an every day necessity in live stock kept, â- ,\^reTy house. (10). The number, condition ami j j^ ^„^^ gently and speedily in suitability of implements and\ix- â- Biliousness, Costiveness, Head- I acAs, Sick Headache, Distress at- "â-  -â- â€¢ :iâ€" -..J i,r. ter Eating.Wind on the Stomach, Heartburn, Fains in the Side and Back. Want of Appetite. Want ot Energy, Low Spirits, Foul Stom- ' ch. It in vigorates the Liver, ca rics off nil surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the 'vhole system. Cut this out and tke it to your Omggist and e:et a X3 centrSample, or a large bottle for 75 cents, ana tell your neig-tbor about it. iMeat Market: (FROM BRAZIL) The New Compound, its "von- dertul affinity to the Digestive "•"discard ••««^' (-0 .of Pb/t"'"' kJ^l ilU; uv'""""*wti;it^«:j ..f K II:-.:,., Kendall's Spav (11). Slate of the garden and cbaid. â-  (12). Mauauemcut of farm yard manure. (13). The cultivation of crops to eiulrace manuring, clearing produce per acre in relation to mauafcemen^, and character of soil aud climate. (14). General order, economy and water sujiply. (15). Cost of production and relative profits. 7. Tiie examinati \\ by tli* Jmlgi'.s to be not earlier than Ist July, aud to be finis! ed in September. 8. Tb° report of the Judgrs to I â-  submi'Uid tj the Uoard, aud torvTan! ;upi")lie'(l \vhole; let ail. aJc and of keeping a certain class from "'" jj(,s. 1 and 2, have given univfisiil satisfaction, and thy very yaloable re- ports of the Judges wi^l be published from the fait that an empty Grand Trunk Hilt car was blown off the track ster, Eugenia Ht th" foul of Siiucic st-'eet aud iiud 11 c^n.^idcrMbli^ ilistaiics. car- die, Ilopevdle, Overseer; J. M. Web- Lecturer: J. Bowes. and poisoned baud, from a iiog bite eLsed U through fear of being fined, and aUo removed an entiirgement jf Ijq h^d closed it for tbe purpose of near tbe hi)) j iut which listd become i pieventing any undue uiflueuce being larg» aud troublesome. He also used j-xercised from treating, then, 1 say. lor tho siiid candir.ate Now, sir, I do not know who our coiTe»p ndent i.x. bnt I '.hiiik i.e should uothaYJ giv^ -^^^-^^ Commission ol distriliuted to applicants Sausages and Fish in .stiii^rin.. V.:, IjFNTlhK, A Rare Chance. ^â- â- "•â- ""l.on.11""'^. all*. *^« ::'f;^'.-".....rK.v'r. â- ....„ a,„r,...r..,ra,e,|.,,^' nm\m-\ py \Va.:i,rit,.5via,, (,;,,„ J I'-.J. li. K' U.llill 4 C.i 'â- ':= Uh-jiiux,,^,,' i^l ..I K f.oai;-e..Vh(,r*, »!.,.;'*•' '1"^. tnacootii Mr. Mc.Vlear so much praise when lie Jr., .St. Viu3?nt, Asst. Steward Kennedy, C laplain W. White- law, Meaford, Treasurer J. Weber, Vaiuibluur, Secretary J. Uickliug, O.^prey, Gate Keeper Sirter's Gif- ford, Ceres A. Drew, Mark- dale, Pomona llickling, Oaprey, Flora Moore, Holland, L. A. Stew- ardess. Uroi. Palmer.Rcid and Rob wiRon, executive committee. J. M. Webstur and H. D. Irwin, auditors. oped, and all account of time is thrown ,t f,„ pleurisy and f .uii.l that bathing he would have been entitled to all tho into disorder. The local civil day be gins twelve hours before aud twelve hours after the sun piisses tiio meridian of a place. As the globe is c instant- ly revolving on its axis, a fresh merid iaii is every moment coming under the sun. As a, a day is ..Iways beginning somewhere and al- ways ending somewhere. Each spot around tho ci cuniferance of the sphere has its own day, and therefiiro there are, during every diurnal revo- lution 'ftlie earth, an mfiuite nim Irs with it reli.'V. d liiiu at once To my surprise I fmud that ibis won derful remedy was better kii )A'u iu i they closed their bars oncb-cti the west tlian it was in the eust, and 'V.\i (-'juuty (..' •uiicil of IVel, now Ml si'Hsion. have unani'DOUHly f etition- Kd tlie Ontario Lcpuiali're in fivoiir • •1 the Act ti c iiilinn t!c aj^renment b)twe.-ti tl:o (irand Trunk and Toron- to, (hoy and Bruce. I'll" ' oiMicil of the T.iwukhip of Il)rticl I'.ns adopteci .a petition to the iita; lu I egislaturo in favoi- of con- tlriui'iL; tbe Hgrrwtnent rr tbe opera- Ti'iii id the I'nriuito, (ii«-y nnd Drueo llailwjy by tbe Grand Trunk. 'i'lrp I. K IIiiiv»:ht. â€" .\uutber harvest of lalin Sruc )e Icn I.egiin. The N'Oilx'n ami N'rlli Western Rail- wii,' ari^ now supplvini, tbe [Hihlic in Btitutioiis (if I fri m liarrie, the scene uMl*." great oprrations of 1871) Hixl IHKO.- I".n(|iiiri«.s are now daily I'tiiirii'cif"' d as to ijuiitations and till- stato of t'le iit, winch is now ten or twi-Ivo inclias thick and of as tine a •jmIi'v as of lS7y and ISWt " I'ut ,ii DiCAii. On Saturday .\fter- n "Ml tbe.lrdy of n man niimel Mar- tin M.ilcohii was fiiind Iviiii: across ,i .1 r..i j- -i i .,•.' ,. ,. III. track on a siding on a Northern I "'^°'""â-  ""caibcrs of the family soon I may actually take pl»ce m two cUaor 'Uilvvay yard. Duciised w:is given to tlriiil.' and when l.t^t Keen, nt a lati- bonr on Sutiirday laxht, was intoxi r:itrd. So far thire seein.t no doUbt th:it till' nnfui till atp luau froze to d'-alh while ii-ndered helpleas by li|uiir. I found they ware u.siiig it their for all animals as a-oU a?» on bumau flesli with tbe very best of results, and I fiud so many cases wherever 1 go to confirm the favorable opinion I had iilrealy formed of it that 1 am glad ol an opportunity of tt-lliiig tii*' leidcr.s of your valuable paper .vLiit I have learned in regard to it. Hoping to A uuu.ber of circulars will be sent t- tbe Secr«i;irier of the diflureut lle..- toral Societies in Group No. 8, lor circulation. PRIZE EBS.WS. Tbe Agricultural and Arts Associa- tion of Ontario will give a prize of ,., SaO for the best Essay, and 5"J0 f.r aud also an Honor to every candhiale ' ^^^^ ^^^^,^^, j^^^^ ^^^^^: ^^ ^^^^^ ^f ,j,^. following suhjecls K rlioiri- lot f p III iif M:i-l 1.1! ^â- A- ..f M !1 -tr. i'-;; ll I!--, .â-  ' h-ir i «ii.. t.-niis. .A).] iiiU*'" li'-sfb-UiinfiS lii- !!.:.- lilt N'l.' • '...4-oIltIi r.-;. Ill- ii ••i;aii:tai)T' ilniU- o|i. II 1 smI.S a'.sii -^ifl »ii-l \Vi!l 1 â-  .-oil li VI ly nfU.-i,nhlli- praise given hiia. It would be much I to the crtdit of all liott.l keepers ifi "'"•iitli days. of I3t;al days, all begmniug- withiu a |,earirom others uimn tliis yery im EUGENIA. From our owu Correspondence. A SIRPRIZE PARTl' AND A PAR'lYbUttPRIZED. On Monday evening the 25th Jan., a large party nambenng well up to GO came swooping do wu tbe hill to Mr. Duncan Campbell's, and like a swarm of bees settled themselves down (or the night, to the surprise of the old j the iustaut be an gentleman, who was beard making the '-â- ^" °" ^^'® follo.via,' day. ,.,^„;,,. ..wi... „•.! rn I About the period when one mauth, inquiry, 'â-  \\ liar can a the folk be can ' 1 1 â- â-  1 • ° or a year the iiicht, on being informed, he and other month or sface of twenly-four hours. These dav.5 over-lap cnth other, iiu.l, the rot- ic.d'y, they are pcrfsccly di.H;i;:ct as they ai-e infinite in number. Tiiore are no simultaneous days cxro;t on tho saiuo meridian, and as the dilfor ent daj's ara always iu tho same vari- ous stages of advauccmeut, dilli;;u'lies must necessarily result in assignni'i a period when an event takes place.â€" Tbe telegraph may giv-:* the exact local time of tbe occuirencei but it will be in disagreement with the local times on every moridiin around the earth .\n event occuri.ig on any day, niav on announced soaie.v.iero passes into year, an occurri an- nce niido every preparation to make the t^"' months, or in two different year- FAREWELL SUPPER. .\ compliniinlary supper was given at the Miirkdale House on Eriduy eyen- '.ng. 27tli ii!t..lo .Messrs. E. 1). Wi.cox ;4nl .-Viidrew M-larlaud on tbe evo ot Ibeir drii.irture to Manitoba. About .lO sat down to a most sum])tvu8 re- ..ast. got up in .Mis. .\. RutUdga's us- ual htylihh nianner. .Vfter am[le justice had buen done to the toothsuiue "land? Tne cbiiir was occupied by Mr. iJa T'urner, ' visitors at "a .me. The fun andjolity i was kept up beyond the wee sma' oors, when all went home well pleased I with the evening's amusement. Some Manitoba wtather if freeiin? Will make it. Some blizzards. W» bear of some p ople who neg- lected to keep thair probosis housed up, getting froze. Very careless of thoin. OSPREl, From ear Correspondent. MR. SANDFORD FLEMING ON STANDARD TIME. Db.\r Sir â€" As one of your corres- jKJudents, who has no local news to according to local reckoning. It will readily be conceeded that this 8ytem 19 extremely unscientific, that it p s- sesscs all tlie elements of confusion, and produces a degree f ambigU'.ty which cannot long he tolerated that as time rolls on it will lead to grave conlplications in social aud commer- cial affairs that it will produce sci-ious er: ors iu crouology that it will b-' ex- ceedingly uiconvenient and troub'e- so'rae when rapid intercom's becomes universal to bring the time of different countries and localities into agreement and that the necessity for doing so by additions aud difference in longitude, wUl undoubtedly clog the ordinary business of the world. It is proposed to obviate the difficulty by U system of cosmopolitan time â€" reckcmiug, the chief peculiarity of which is the ad op- tion of one particular meridian as a portaut subject. esi)c'cially ini"orta:.t to those who have s'.iffered lor yeais myself, Ir^'uiain, Yours c., J. B. pvoT r. Elmira, N. Y., Sopt. 17fb, 18S1. to refrain from treating for tiie pur- pose of influencing voters but now, I am sorry to say, the candidate wiio spends most iu treating is tbe surest to Le elected, which is a dis;;race to our Township and to the Council dlectej. Yours, C., W. S. • Mr. Eottor.- 1. MiusLREs Their preparation, ap- plication and effect on growing crops, and ill maintaining and incrwa^jtiig tbe j feitility of tbe soil to which tnev arc ' applied. I Goaipetitiou oil this subject to be, I rasttkted to praciical farmers cul- j iiv/tiug laud within the Province of, 1 OuVario. Last Monday night j x\B.â€" Quotations of analy.sii to be INCONSISTENCY 9ltVVi»»tlbt}XKt, Mr. 13. Wright lost a horse by being ' choked witii the halter, while he, Mr. W., was atiendingchuich. On Tues- day he re uoy -d tlie carcass to the carest vacant lot, about half a mile from tli9 village, as directed and strange tj say fcceivid a notice from tho owner cf the lot tiie same day to re- G:nprLOu:ALv«MYSo:^HAN.r' :i:c^ D'^Hi E i.. ill: â- (•. Li'M!;!-;!: Notice. â€" We wish it di.-iuctl^uudertanii Jliat we Jo not hold oursi-Wes repousilile fori move the the ooinioiis expressed by our correBponJunctj which notice was obeyed. NoW where the inconsisteucv REPLY TO liR, GLENCROSS. exclulled, and scientific and techiiicai I terms to be avoi led as lai ua po^sibe. I 2. TuE HouEsiEAu its arra liga- ment and ruroundings, with ngard to convenience aud eoiuforf, aombineu with ecououiy, lifallLl'ulness and [picturesque appearance; n-tlu. ling j j.,,,.,.,,. ,.„,.„,.,„„ ^. ,,-. j choice ot site, dwelling house and if- i;asv.'o.. i. I'm.' -..n i H- ::, carcas off the premises, gyes, water suppiv drainage, farm buildings, 4iieluv belts, gardens ana shrubbery, j Opeu to general c impeliMon. j .Leugtli not tt exceed twcnty-fivcj ].,u: pa;;e8 foolscap, to be written on oiic t '•'•'I"' si ie of the pa[er only. Manucript to be sent to tbe Secrc â- 1 â- "â- "' ' 'r t4:iiin.u in fi.r it l/iiui.- vii'k-ri..u,,,i,lni;^^^.i^J^;; .ii;dii lew -,aiuHr„u,^ l...ti.h:,r.s«-..i.,,i„i„ '-« ..i.eb.tttS.;6,,.ni,^ '"" iar.. ' •â- :ft^:.,.af;illvv,.„p â- â- â€¢-." Ji.-VI)i,^a.| Kendalls Spavin TmiIIMi is if t,;iii. „. pvi.V...|l.., ,l,.,lbt" 1'.\V|N- n. Ki:- i:a, ,ui.; !• â- !:• Hal. ;.lii Vlllsi t,. -â- ;, i.i rti.ii.i ;::vj„i. cm, i,^^^' •â- Â« â-  â- â-  ;.-;.'^-U;;i-Uu.,tr,,i,| â-  *i"tki'i l,ui oaiit i all rt.iii-\ ., st,.i..».us.i'.Q.,Oirti I'r. it Kh.,)..q, .V ':„,(,.«. ,3 ur.'^iav.iiCuivwiiijgreun 111-. (-1111.- aii.j -i..:;i,ts. m,,,.l I -an give j;,.,h1 iou,. .h- f.,r.,y.,g;.,,i„s. ^l I'" â- -. V'-iii- x:iL»T' luiHi.,.t, :i'.ali 'yik,r »!-!« Ui;,., u.fx -j •'â- "•' li.».!i -iiitt.liiu li;n,U l-..«-.l K- Ij,;.„; j^iviu Ciutiulj H.-nUiit .-.K .i!i-Kic it. he (uh^ â-  dit; f k--./*'.i til Ik it.4|it| fcis. !.••â- .-.:. 'i.t^^n:,.,! v.ifriu I ll; lln'r-i irt-'ainii 1. iV.'i^n ' *.l Ii..- I:.'-H_l.-,.; ru\.u^' tf tij ii. iV. iKui 1 rr.'jf*.! »i^-,r,iKm ' t.oi!-! 'i'^iii "ifi ViHir !».jt (u.-J L^^TII AlJUAYsi '• /-: y..ur,tn:. \v. J hi WM V. AI KTl:. V r: .V. I' or t'l v.. Ill -.1 Ki i.K,"-hti.iiiU!rit"" ,li:ci' "â- 'â- â€¢' EUGENIA "~~ Grist Saw anlLatlilij :.!I.l-t It !•• l::ilW Hiv'iiv in"'1" Oijii'nuivi' imprirt-craputs in luv tir.Kt Mill 1 fjul ciiMfiU'iit i;ui'il r:it!-f.-;i-:;i'!.. 1 I V. :rv D(lY. uiiu li.i'.a Filled on the \X1) ON HAXlv! comes in is as followj: â€" Tilt same man, Mr. Milb-r, had a beast died a few yeari a:o on bis next i:iig!il .ir's farm, where the j heast, with others, Wite ]iastuiiiig. Mr. M. had tlip hide taken off. but did Traverston, Jan. 31st, 188i To the EJitor, Sir â€" Will you kindly allow me small Bp;ice iu your va answer Mr. Wm. GlengrosM- apoioi-* 1 -i. j 1 /• â€" " â€" ^^ for slander uttered by h.m on no.nina- '.*,'°:*T?' ^T".°"7 ".J'!^.?"' '"" I !»' "' ^ngn^t, 1H82. tion day, at tlie Town Hail, as Mr V'.)h. I !.ri. s i ;i:.-i;u. .A-ii, Ui.iel. .4sli, I Ilk T^iij^i Wiintad. -M. AKlTT, llnienia. .-r !i .If of eas! li-.:f.l:J. coiuK-ssiim fi, liuable pap-r, to 1 ""' '" ^^f ";;"" ^° ^/*" """'"l °/ j tni y of tbe Agricultural and Arts As- ngrosH-' aiiologv ff "^y'»K '» .^-^ ^^' pr.«nises, but left .ociat.on. Toronto, not later the Tne first toast of and tiie vice chair by .Mr. .\. communicate, I propiite to lay before standard of time zero, and by an ex- tremely simple arrangement regulat- ing the time at all places on tho globe by direct reference to the common standard. It is obvious that the world's time zero should coincide with course '" reailers of your paper the argu- was our beloved gueou an 1 tho Royul '".?' 1 o' '"r*"" "'"^-"' ^^'^â-  ,. ,, „ ei- lor of Queens Lniversity, Kingston, I'dinily. rtcieved with all tho houjrs. ' heKui The arniv and navy â-  «ong, Red vMiiteaud Blue, .Mr. A. Mclntyre. This will be read with much uiterest. Commerce: responded to by i " ' '^^1^" "' » l"""*^' ^^ K^^at \t /â-  M ir I .. a Ti ..' ' I pr'ictical importance. Mes^rs. 0. M. llasket. and H. ios- ^he subject is the estabhshment of â- 'â-  a Prime Meridian aud Time Zero, to e the meeting of the Geo.'raphi- cal .Siiciety in Venice, in July la^t. .Viricultcral interests of Canaia respoiu'ted to by Mfasrs. Win. Mc be comm m to all nations. The his- tory of geograjihical science mforms ..auglun- and S Miller, trho spoke in I ".^;. '1^'^* =^ K^^at numbtr of initial me- ' I riJiaus I'ave at various times been Klowiug terms ot t • • luture pro«penty ' employed by astron. mers and naviga- tors. It is well known that Claudius f'lolemy was among the firstjto fix a â- 'f 'V^'UcuItiinsts. and als) expressed rpgrit fjr the occassiou of the piesenl gathering tne departm-* of tue iruosts meridian of reference. Ptolemy hved 1 â-  t 1 I i" tbe second century, when tbe habit- (M ibo cveiiint; from our midst. vi- u ^i i. 1 °"'*."" able wwld wat thought to be limited Our Guests Mr. \\ licoi expressed ' to the countries around, or not far be- his bappine-s at meeting so many of ' yond, the shores of the Mediterranean. his varm friends, and eipresso.l sor- From time to time, as knowledge of tlijeartli's surface extended, distin- .,,,,, I " I guished geographers arose, who ad ipt- M.l-arland .;t.d l:£ was aorry to leave I ^j ^^^ -^-^i '^e^ij^.^. It is ntw at parting with Ibc-u. Mr. A M .;Farlanr tbi.4. bi' ll the common by all nations for reckoning terrestial longitude. I shall proceed to subuiit special and more urgent rea8ons"for tho selection of a common initial ineridian and time zero, I sha'l confine my obs rvations to the case of North America, but the following re- marks will doubtless apply to other great divisions of the earth's surface. J. C. [to BB COSTlNUED.l Glencroirs doas not confine limselfto facts. He says â€" "I am at a loss to know whut statement I made on that day that could he called a blander, tbe only sta'.ement that I mado thai api)eared to offend you was, that you received oLe dollar and fifty six cents j that I did not think ai the time you were tntitled to, aud called upon you as any ratepayer has a rijfht to do, for an ^explanation. You iuad» an expla- nation at the time, which I accepted as satislactory." Now, sir, tins Htatemeut is entirely false and misleading, as ail lari- mind- ed ratepayers present will leur nle out in baying that Mr. Gleucrosn ue\-Br asked me any quubtion Ht all. It was I that asked biui questions which I ^boui;ht it was pertinent lor me to do, whereupon Mr. G. let his temper run riot with bis reason, and said that if I (mettiiug himself) bad $1 5C of your inont; in my pocket like Mr. Hail has. If others let me alonp I would |pt them alone. Whereupon Mr. MeRie, our worthy Reeve, came to tbe fiont, aud said â€" ' Gentlemen, this is verv where the owner of the place was 1 it havmg been decided .t the Au ' suinmer-fa'.lowmg. and that in the uu^j Meeting of the Agricultural and i hot summer montus.wben it must I ave Arts Association of Ontario, held in been almost unbearable to exist in the ' i,„nj^„ ,„ s«pteiiib,r last, thai tl vicinity 01 a putriEed carcass. (....u^^,, ,i,„y,i ,„,ti„„e Consistency. :\. *.-!:l:l.l;i::.: â-  ir.l: lj..liii,. Ui!i !.,â-  oi!,-:- Mi.' p;;:rii,i-i.r '•f :ur. .V!n-t six ll ii4v\;);i:i ^iSli flay ii.:"f.'..M i-.iA4f i/iti- 1" I. 4iij-tiinj;ais aj r;:T:;:; \!!riiyi:,-M.,r:,da!o. io C. " \,ir: i:i.iir. Sr.^MiiRn Oliioe. r»r. 1;. .?. K. si-liU .i C â- .. (jvtt- .\i-:ir a:--. 1 fr-C in the r-*li.u:i,.«^ tta- I al;\ Er^lt'ni tlirhll')i.JiL 111' i.r.i i, .-nirrjn:. I ir-ni i du- In.; ll .:.»• ira'vi' rrlii t. iina! Ii lii'.l' » Sj'.i-. ,:( Cutv. 1 ai^i.taiali IWa'i- ;t .ih;. fi-'l iirtft :i!i.I ;i .•;;.-'..â- (« j.iid- t cui». ia t;.i:ii.. :i,\v,.i4!ij fretitonii i- se-rv Vu. .«lii"t'r uiASknlKa Yoiin. truk. "(-â- : â-  â-  CEt^miii Kendo li's Spavin Cal 1 '^•111 i!i ;;'!i'S imijama^ liii. h 111-: i i:-;.f. vi't It •». 1 1. ll 1.4 rtjlrli l-ViTT Jm1)« t.i iviij.i.r- .1 iV Kiiiv g-M-^i ••:(k*H Two Organs.â€" Regulate first the stomach, SeoJi.d thj livjr especially tba first, BO as to perform their func- tions perfectly and yoit Will rem )ve at least uinetesn-twontieths of all the ilU that mankind is heir to. in tins or any otharclimate. Hop Bitters is the only thing that will give perfectly haal- t.iy natural action to these two organs. â€"Main$ l-armi-r. prime meridian to bo Used in unfair and ungeutl.'iuauly of Mr. G. .. r ^-_i to accuse Mr. Hall of. any such cbarje, as Mr, H. was as well eutiile to what money be received an Mr. G., rayseTl, or any otiier member of the Council, and if there is any blame, I am the one to blame, us I made up their amounts abd issued checks therefor, and am rtady and willing to shoulder auy respimsibUity. Will you accept, this expl-^natinu from me? " he said which they did. But Mr. Gleiierosa could not let the matter drop there, for through his canvas, and other places that affuided opportunity, he EUPHRASIA COUNCIL. •, for tlie past year, and i necessary, however, to trouble the Would long remember the lasny happy readers with a recital of the list of d.»ii"« be bal spent in Markdaie. i meridians, which, siuce the earliest Tho LoarneJ brou-Lt I P^H/"""'** ' ^.^"" " '**^°"' J T^ I ^^ it 18 samcient at this stage to rcftir to tiie faot, that geographers of fort'i Messrs. Kowe, Maason ahd Dr Armstrong 5tr. Uowe •taade a brief bpoecb. fiid of boprt and enthusiasm, til regard io tiiu used for' and huccs'.s f the lej^' pr i.'uKki III. Mr. Massou J- iipliiiioiiicd tiie t'i ii.'usof Markd^lo ua b«-iug a ((caceab'u and law-abiding )HMipl coRSt-qiiuiitiy Ilia business h«ra .Vaa lint :ii piofiinl'!v aa it otherwise lujitht' »•. 1^. .Win tf uig Bi)ok« in enlu.iattS: c'-rtua ot t'.e â- ue^'d prufea fcU)u. Ml:'-»^»f the iiac.«i«ry fur it* ^t'ltt.' ah I \,kJ ;;reui ..,mC â-  I'l dIknmiuJ. ffUe ?.va» :• W»,.j*ii»if ys by ~C.- W Z.'V.A'^S^A^- different aations have generally select- ed fir starting points, pUoes of impor- tance yreli known to' them, and that as a rnle tfaey have c)kosen the ci^itals or the priocipal observatories of (he nations ttf which they reapeetively bdocgJid-. Hence the multiplication of cAefidiltnk'of referBoee throngh the world. Within a eomparatively re- cent pertbd coraidtute*Ma0s between the peoples of difhl^nft i!ktions have been greatly ^ottaMd, luid intaf- c urae hhd pio^rtionately increased. • .^aai ii h»J ' It has coaseifMutly been felt, that the viiriet.) of -firat nuurudiaiu ia eaibMrcas- A meeting of the Township Cauncil of the Township of Euphrasia was held, pursuant to adjournment, on the 31st December 18B1. Members uU present. Minutes of last session of Council read and confirmed. Thomas Brovn was permitted to pay to the Township Treasurer the taxes charged against th» N. i of lot j Toronto, Jainiary 2i.d, 1882. Ti the Prmdetit and lUrecturt of the dijfeinit Ajr,c„Uural and UoiiicuUu ral Sui-ittift Dear Sirs,â€" The Council of the Agricultural and Arts Association have decided to give Prie»8 aud Me- dals lor different purposes for the season of 1882 and wisliiug to give publicity to their intention, ask the hearty co-operation of the different societies ill notifying persons who would be likely to compete, and think there c(»n be no better lime o: place than at the Annual Meetings, where if the Secretary will kindly read the following notifications, the Council will feel obliged FAlm PRIZBS-OROUf NO.8. 1. Prize-iwhl be awarded by the Agricultural aud Arti Association of Ontario forihe best managed farms in Group No. 3, comprising the fol- lowing hilectoiid District Societies expressed himself tbusr.a gave Hall 6ol""H^^^WesrD\^^^^ a mouthful, and if he cannot swaMow it, he can chew it.'l Ou bearing tiiia 1 made it my business to .lee Mr. G in presence of others, and ai.ked bim, toaFohigiaethrMiughtheSTANwum, or 1 woi^ld bring an action agaiuat liiiu Which bo positively refused to do, and' I alter wards heard t-iat be made use of a great deal of protended bravado I about the matter but fin.nua bnnself 6, con. 6, amount bemg $14.04, less ' jn the toilK of the Inw h« tiVa $5 for Statute labor, and the Clerk other cur. bolted that' "" .^l' ordered to request the County Treas trer to strike off hia books the fidl amount charged agamst said land for tbe casffent year The time for returrnntTtEe Collec- tor's R dl was extended for one m irth.. 31 c mt^act entered into by James dibson for road srork. was carried over until next yea^. ^ke Reeve's orders were i«aaed on bimaelf, rhicL big lu. nthful and made the above apology I accept; although it is iust J tlie man sau. when he received a kick from an asB. rather a left haudcdftom- phment.butwould Uke it from whence it cam*, consequently I give \,i^ « fiH.l« pardon. Aud. sir. in the mat ter of dealing K.'h figures. I think he 1. like what Dow sav. oftheschtaj boy -making l,,ure, lie t,,,t bed before." f )r the matter he pains of was in my getting «y!^S Ue Treas^uret ta p»y, aa follows â€" To Wiltiaitt D«le»i $34. for building bridge; John Pickering, $10. f-r re- j mh«ion on $»r6o';7jrrftJ"'f "l?. lief of Mrs. Grey, an mdigeut Wm. I per cent wouS aL^Jb !^ "' ing and au.«*««aary. For » uumber BLUteW. $1. for repairing road scrap- culation. amount to tS^ln ^^.' of r«J_acmrf thw tt ^UtiMm Wright. $».«). f.r build- aaai on â- vlTn.L^ .7?:^= .^" I of yeiurs the qiKMttua uanibcr haa./.^.i*uJ.rc«;i.idenSiBa; in^cafcrij/t: '8aai» Kt'^-iil^, JJ to »»Hi ou uominatiou day $1.65 and no* lu his apology $I.TO; ^^ Bruce t; ^, „ .^, ' iTiB, Huron South, Grey North, Perth l^otUi.Grey South, Perth Soath. Grey East. Wei ington South, Welhngton Centre, Wei- hugton West. a Any farmer desiring to compete shaH tnske his applieatiou in wntang to the Secretary of the Agricultural Society of his District on or before l,t May of eavh year, upon which said Socie^ may call a meeUug for the purpose of decidmg which of the ap- plications shall be returned to this As â- ociation bdt no Society shall return more than three comiietitcrs 8. The full name and addrewof the selected applicants, atteetod h» the Secretary and Presidents 4e Affri cultural Socbty. to be sent to Ihe Secretary of thu Association on o« U- fore tho l£th May annually 4. Thure ahall be two Judiree ». â- do the Dutrict being eiaaiiued. who â- *"' •* P"' their »ct»al traveUina otpfneee. Iu caee of » digpau, be- tween the Judges, tbe President of this A8«ciaiiou sb»U be caUed upon to act as referee. *^ 5. Tbe Juasos shall keep a deUQ oi* examinations, open to the y mers of the Province, in the and pi-actice af Agriculture, compns inj tillage, raisiutr of crops, brueiiintr, fattening an management of sti.t^k, dairying, forestry, c., as adapted to j tbe ehmate, soils aud wants of Ontari â-  ' â€" the -)bject being to induce young people engaged in or intending fo. j farming to prepare themselves. Vy a course of reading aud observation.' for examination in the before-iueiitioued subjects at certain convenient centres, who shall receive certificates of merit or scholarships according to the cor- rectness aud extent of the answers given to the re8|)ective questions com- prised in the given papers â€" it will be for the new Council of 1882, at its first meeting iu March next, to adopt a syllabus of tbe subjects for examina- tion, aud to make such regulations as may be requn-ite for cai ryiuff into practice the scheme that may betinal- ly adopt 3d. It is hoped tiiat a well-conducted effort 1 f thie cbai aoter will te insti u- mentalin eliciting a spirit of iuquTy, reading, and oLseryation among the young men of on.- farming community, aud of promoting the advancement "of our most important industry. I remain, Dear Sirs, Yours respectfully. HcNBY Wade. Steretaiy Agrieultural and Art, AMtoeiation, TOROSTO. MARRIF.D. ' HcmiiBBO!.!â€" Kei,!,bi,t_I„ Owfn Sound on Thnraday. 19th Jann«r by the IVv" A:H. Boott, M. A., Mr: Wm. Humberaont; to Mrs Ellen Kennedv, both of the Town- slup of Artemeftia. By Bev J. C. Wilmott, Iff.' A., at the .Metho- dist Parsonage, Homing's MilU, Mr Lewin Jaiuea, ot Melancihon, to llias Elizabeth Ingha, of Osprey uiai iiK- p.\i,;y:{.v i'::iNTLN"(i rirr:s\s!ZJ ""'--^"""--H"^-!'*- "^*' ivstem ol ;4.'V ill-; â-  .-â- â- ll-' si\.-_ iiii-U-t.. 1^ â- ,-,.,. a. jlM-ii.:^. i-.ii....;..»Melim)riiiic.'" ouug fftr- I 'â- â- â-  I'i !T liiiii,' 700 iiii|nes.s:o:i. 'u- l,.,u-. nnd .-ul iiiu!MU"-ii«- «f "*)«"" e acieiice 'â-  "^^" "â- â- "'""•" "I' ' or for r i.Hiiiuni-m wiliniixte" for tth.i '.. .1 .11 ijt.riit r-!iKiili»B»^ It i.i lnHV k"ll'-*l !•• ll.- llir \t\S mull • 1. r lUiti. ;irti::r»iU«^?' il- itli rt-' • S.IM a.i.I'i f.irillusti»ttit H Inve a. larnc iiiatitity of Sfiw. i.o^s. Xre t ink ir.'fs.ji ;tiT. piooM*' row iiio^tl" •i;;dd'd "Ji in ' "' ii'iir.i! li..- wrt»ittsic« Si'ANli.\i:i» OlKIPi:. MHrl,iiil Notice to Contractors 'ood sli.iiity :nid flabte al.'o. I .1 i« i.liT k«u!tl«ikt. If* wliieli till' woods. K hn: 1 1 rsoii 1' Niiini,. ot • i-ii;i:^ a. coriirp.ct wiil do w. 1; to s.-.' Us 11; ..ur(., i'ii.- ilistaiice to haul is about 2.t iiirtis on a t.i')oiroad li. i: A N KILSON, • I ' .-" T " "'•â-  T" i.RBt 20tf Protou^ SUtioB. I }, y.L A- 1 ...Kuii-l-ir^li FtU.' V; SOLD t;Y ALL DEUU l.v.uaii .^..lii A- (.i...MolilIi*-f*^ .sale Aj,' lit-. siMsaAiT xoricEs^ *•â- .! 11-- 111 4--. IV c. 7-1 j»-r f*Ul" or m te*1 .\ii l:rHf:f.-;-l- l.;n« '.t orc»iip««" .t ».ll Ik- '«i.; Muiiy sJilri-" ** l.y tin- inoj'UitofS. :si^yri.ji'Z.- 13l'BI'IC Xotii-i' is lureliy piven tlir.t the .Miiuieipiil (•iii:;c;! .f til,' Towii*liip of F.uilirii~i.i will \.\ rt fir the Jej^imtcli of bns- iiit.s on lliM fir,; t'l ii'HV in each moiuL thmuglioill tli riri. :!l yirtr. liOHT. DINI.O?. Tp, rlrrlc. Cli'ik'" oilic-.-, Eupbra-ia, ITtb lainiary, A.D. l.svj. 7-.'-2w. Best lis oi.'iU ed. \V( Hi;sT.v"i"'MK'r.TTnTKM Bi-u\tii« llouiielie'" llrl^ll irli r-r rrl:iVill.' (iril .iiul At riial. hrarf-l*-^- l!.u-!ioi !!..* :s!'r^ "'f "'â- Â«Â« T...itha.-Iiv. t.-liiil^vu «iJ-«:.' "" or .\.-!i..' "Ita-rj imst '""?jri ..l,M.I1-..ii.aits'««i,PrfJ ii..rr„i.-- •â-  1!^â„¢.^' "ri^uT iH-iii- a;'lc..ri««-^ the fTi*_r^, ,r. mid...''l-tl":*»ff"'_^j^i I U iiess now before tin piililic. Yiu eaii inakr i |j|, moinv fiisurat vroik for o iili.* .Hint; else.. C-*;.!!)!! t\t\ iiei' I- wdl siHrt oii. •»!2-;i daVHiiil up- wards made Ht lininrby the injiifilriofti. M.'ii. woiii.n. boys ami feirls wanted pv»ri •vh. r.- to worK for H-. Now is tb.. time. Yon can work lu .s)i:ir.- t.Uic- oidy or Rive vour whole tiim- to t be You can live at honiV sud do the woru. No o'luT w U paV vou Dnu-ivt nearly a^ well. No obe c.ui f.^.!! ti mij^e "en- i orrac.iis pay by .„,r„gi,jj, at Oiici' Co.^tl^' MothofS outfit and tenna free. .Money malo fast, I » ,1. vi, 1 ,l-'im*.i •' "*-, easUy aud honorably. AOdreaa Tacs Co.. I vom n-t 1« a --ifk chUd «*« AuK„.ta. Maine. ;„: „ \.^^ ,•,.,. ,.^^* ,rlitll's»»*f MixHror I.:iiii»i'iit 'B " '"jLi i:,ov.Ml-,iu.o-lu-J.Wfora«*" ••;,V.;0.yi.tUrl-r«*«^^ for Ci.o.ii- 01 tilt- suiaich. •" ,^1 Ai-lii- of ill lit 'TCi-ntJ • bottlt. Mottjers s.,irUa«tiiit:V"" TO CONSUMPTiVES. The aaveniser. Jiaviug iiwn lU'iiimuenily MI'O^. It will 11 1. â€" Vi" \. iii«T" .tupoti it ;«!"• totb**?..! BeU, both of the Town.hipof Melancthon ^^^Jl^fr?**"""*^"-^' Dtirham, on the 19th ult.. by the Rev. Wm. Parke Mr Al bert WiUiama, Egremont, to Miiu Smh Bobeita'.n, of Oleoelg. -«» oaran ^V^Tf S""' "^^ '"'" Knoi Church 17th nl Mr Jamea M. Wilaon to Mar- ga«it d.le«t Atoghter of Ut. Wm. J. Lewia aU of Owen Bound. "»»»», Bntle^e, E«i., HiU Orove, by Ee^ j t Barber, on Deetmber 21»t. Mr. J Tnrk^.r to Mi*a Nellie BuUedgo. '°'*** OkAKBâ€" TBII(BI.a â€" On th» ht inat K- .1. ' chant Owen Sound, to Mia. AhaKU oTv d-oghter of Kobert Trimble, K^'vJ. **^^McL«oB-At tbe r««denee of the' Wid^/ather, on tha 25th ult., i/Cr D i Mel-od ii. A.. Franci. Ca.rna iT v^^: cureJ ol tb^tdrea.1 ai«ease,.Con8umpti„n, bv I ab, it ' Ti'i.-ie « ^* "fS* a aimple remedy, isaiixions to mak.- known ' who lia- rvr i-.^.ilU. f'"'"'" rei! â-  pn..'i^ „5 ^„,l„..-L.M.olH.|.ati«^b«^^ fi-.;y-af t.Mi-,.inaU««^rfl til.' statu th. oi-li-t.aiil t*-:' „ „„r.. in tli. 'â- â- "'•/i,^'" wh.roati.WontsabotUe. to his fellow suir.ier^the meanrof"ciire" To ' once t'i'.ut it '»ill' f** "'-tiii*' "aU who doMi-e it. he will send a oo,,v of •», ' " "â-  ' "â- ' ' prescription useil, /free of eliari-o.) w h the directions for piepairing and urjiiig th. same which they will find a gt-RE Cibe for co.n- SUMPTION, Asthma. UkoxciiiTis. Ac. Parties wishing t.he Pr.unJiption. will ^I'^^t^.'^^"'^- ' K. A, •V\u..,u. U9 Penn St.. WiUiamnburgh.N. T. 20-ly I m'l â- - tli« V'i'^l,^* STmRTLING L«tT PISCOVERYI LO«T MANHOOD RESTORED. ^7^Z\ ?5!!?°» I»b5ltr. toat .Mankood. etc.. ColdJIrS „•« for W**^ ?^ MCT^£i?"' be « .11 itna TRIM rsn J.U.MKKVEa, of I an thi main in iu'verty men, '"'.o.!""',.^".. V"' '"'•-"" 'T^i 5»ft« Btfl* work SnaasOoA' PtrBBLT Vaaxraaui Hlehlyieiaamainidad for â- lUM Drad-Arke, IW'JII owu 'btalil'"' -r^ j^jirt. i^t ,fiul.W««*^*r^l ^^'*aUu Xaaa 9t Aw* P^ilUw JaaiBdler, ImwSt ^^ ines. Will pay mow to." wa, s. '-M--' ":^* Vo.i can dev.«e .vour »»^« ftjlj ororlyy...,rs,Wemo?^*,»*»^ »i,a Or«an Musi--- «•" Pllila.. Pi- QAB STAM)ARD. ^pX"OTHET r NOTICES _A Ifooi young Lors*. B. lit, AxUmwM. J. J. Noble of Clarkslmrg.gave I'oall iM* weak. ^Ttf*l oommunioations and other ales again crowded out. Job Pre" for sale, at the Stakd- office- Ree adyertisement. kp«ji»l wmce« **" being held in iltbodist chorch with good results. £r ComwaU'i resi-lenoe will he an ^m«ntto Markdale, aud is near Lplat^- t. D- J- SlHtnahan has the most be bnck on hand for his extensive ^ji^ baildingi fesan- O. S. BroWU k Son, are Og an excellent class of logs into t mill this winter. fft notice W, ,1. Spears, has arriv- I towp from Manitoba. \r^ elaas orercoats selling at liut- I Bae's. at greatly reduced prices, [them, larterly meeting next 6nuday,."th le Methodist church. Markdah-. jneucing at 10.30 a. m. [r \Vm. Walker oflFers his town lot â- its the STAsnaRD oflSce, for i:aV' _,y terms. Sep advor'isoment. jaw'.s. Clouds, Hosiery. Wriceys. Capi, ••Hing at a small aUance l„t^ ftt Butter L Kan's. million dollar fir lifts j'.i^t \»-e\i ^xtei from KewYork.i:: which a i number of lives were lost. •ties who have agree! to bring for the Stasd.^bh, will ilo:ivc it along now whi'e the s jrliir^' If. R. Dunlop. Townslitp '!»'ik a, and father of Mr. \. lui)- ^aer aud coiifectioiibr, Mai.k-lnl.-, at our off.ce last wtck. rAfter Kele.rtiiip a dress or itiMv'tl.- i-'.-ii i J. McFailanir» joii will y.t a I'l; IFBEE or!iir. M!iik--f f '1 n â- â-  1 buttons, friiik-cs, sHtii-. nii I all otio-r kings to uiatcli. â€"Dentists who havu tr. i kassBY." prououuce it tin.' li:i'--t on the face of this oartli for t!i. I and breath. 5 cent samples. very iinpressivo atnl aiH»roiri it- aortal Sermon, vas TL-a.-li. lu |Metholi8t Church, Ma-lvd .!' !â-  Ravereiid N. A McPiarii i ' I r kate Rev. D. Williams, whosa ilc.'.tli koticed laet week. rer's pills ire the hc^t c f all jmr V«8 for family use. Tliry lut, safo an i ^urc, a:i • \cA u!; pilli iu hi.hling t.i.J ciiraavc ities. i. E. D. W ilcnx. I.-fl f r M.ttiit .I.-i k^ednfsday mcriiiii?. A iiuuihor Ir citiz'^ns «-cum|'aui •] I 1 • tion to see liiiu oil, a ,,1 h iv- a Itand shako. Ve waul lli.tHMI i.l.!. I., li.-f \o:ii. â-  I act as clailis in ^lâ- â€¢^H•^4ll.^â- - -i- eipoci tr, • busy ail tli« ::iii. i: nm the Mani.oiii fiit r, its »'i.i I I h ,ve the fever li:il iinn mil ;:.' i. -t to recover. cording to notice 111 :tii i1i«t in, the Eupliiaiiiii ccurc.l tviti^ •t the Town Hall. H..-ldyii' on] Srst Friday 111 each iiriitli. 'ui- bis year, (or geiier:il liiisim-ss. J. Masson, wishcii us to at a: |Le will not he in Marl.lai..- Iii- ind Saturday this we-k, having rtant busiures in Tormit 1 tli' s bjt will be here next weoL. imall quantity of intiplo iiio S"-ei in January nus I r ngiit to tdalt) a fclu rt time ago. We I'l I nut the party's namo, "m: ili-' f-yru]- powerful goo 1, yum,yu;u, vc hil Dr. I Drops lootoni tlian ICoti(flj^ i the Th nes6 o 111 Iat^ Lcr UU' St. 271. very y tion. to com chaiigi love n: why T a lar^' St. Va Wc ' Trust the 1.1 sidewa j peupl' I to un I our at offeiui'" I ing ui bcf.:. Es'i., I her 1.' ' Ne' ,tluv â- l-U-:- 1 lll;i:i full « i( .ii«i. liii.i.Ai a w.l. o\.'l- •_' .1., h\l ' I'H A. Tu! M.ii'.i Mr. t sM- 111 ll' si.ip I vali;.-. I ipn!it.' ll'l-'r' .1, i • I.i ..I a'.: .s 1 ll wiiol !• ' " i -r. I'll iu 11. wu ' V c:ii^ii' visit-- i fill' I. \^| fi.ih 1.-,, III u full » wlios til. â- â€¢. a. ..: Mr vri'ii.o *••' â- :! !^ i ' â-  III r »iu !ii.ii.:'i til ' II. f 1 •.;. vo..' .•.I in. \.z il -1 ..' I â-  i-v â-  f .1 .V â-  t â- \\\i l.-.i 1 r-ll-lil. t â- 1 ' -â- â-  SMI I.i' .i. ., J- III Ui. â-  1- â-  ;.'i 1. v- !.: ii.ti;. 1; rl I i-hi:;liiii:; tl'SS v.ill I W" •ir( :M(I»,. holK • -Ir. 11 pr i .1! itl !ir_'« 11! Ill [J. Spro'ilo of Fiesherton, ha inced a discount salu of I'ail an i ""•I' " Br goods for 30 days. Kead hi «"••' i" tisment in another coliiiii':, un I l"i- |«ail for yourselves. Mr. .Spi-.tiili- th« business. here, dad. druX vot think -i' r Uier seedv" 5oi.â€" ' pirN, who i. 1 s^ses, Mwtleiand .MilHiiery «t Mi-I' ir looked Bj'ankiii.; lust .Sun-iay. Mi 1 is boss, he mpirts dire •:."' i â-  .._. great amount of work has liecij li«-'« •'"' I the past few weeks. Go .1 sli ic;li- 7" '" id favorable weather has (1'"-e a ideal for the public. Saw 1..;;*, f, (tea, square timber, bHo «.-'ti ag into town in large qu.uitilicM. lember the return vitit of tl:i| \.iK.ur lie Estrelle company this 1 Thais- lli.M: iTenicgin Duffunu Pall. The *â- "•â- '*â- *"' ' this beiuc the second p rform Hricl^ in ihesameplnce iniiidt" fainonth i '-.â- ' " Kcient guarantee that they ari-jV^ ' ' • io iian I. lere was a Riun 1 of revi-l -, by tb' ;ii 1 i] light," and jov:^ uumixo I m 11 1 1 *l" '" iudelitcht. la. pd history graved i»jS grattlul re- "iil w Icord when 1» ;: 1 I Esterbrooks brought out tin ir IT [falcon Pen. 1 ' J ' 'I'l.'i. jood preventative for l-pv»r8,.Vgiie, fHiiiilv.iii bilious Disorders ia I »r. Crtrvni'-i ch and coc stipe lion Itittei* a i^ vegetable preparation. TIk-v ae»yitem, purify the Filood asd •e the appetito, and rcnilcr th â- s.- them almost pi oif a^iain-.t •Y!"'" B, should b« usc'l iu ov»rv i-a««' "" ' ' •of pills. A. Turner skU C ' AffMta Markdale. [« acknowledge with thanks tho b..;t-T. I of $1. bnbtieiiptiin to th. "•""' I»:'l from the fdlowiuu' li- H Brampton. John Mi-Ni-lioi. lTer,Mich.. Jolm Spaul 'inrk'.. Snv t-m. 'ODt.. and f 1.26 from Thomas cool-r- *i*«na, "Mich. j,i, 1 T u- *• W. Baton, ll««^ f.p.iipd out oft-l i-k- "•ekamith business in Uicha-.l iiit..l.l f [_^*t*»d.^e nndei-Fl-ana lie bus onfi*. toe serTicet of a fir^t cLiss call, '•th to assiii. j uj*^***^ •*gkt last, Mt. n.l " while atteudiug church, hut l'.i^hoi. ,.:^HkoBtt. TAf ^fiimal WM- lia^ u.- d tj '**A«d*»icU.«aTopearouiid S:. .lac .li W tOVM HBMtUS 'BUCCt-ed I}' II- *o* t*«elt T^e'iOHfwiLl be am pb«bi S^, â€" Hr. W.. nad iptawi'-Ja-.-l.' O i only a fev wea^l tend I havl ' ' 10 1. ••"•iioi s-l| III nils. Ml V| Mr I last. w elil 'tUi r

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