Ill ffXBM •fi«^ p u pn immnmmtmm â- MvtMinfaft ofSn- Bmt Md â- Aiâ€" fcrtringiiii ywhy» «M.MtevfM«ia» rftfwIlBHMJMfcadlT tb« «c«ad« â- fpwtf ^if kad ttotoi bj • hMfj aluk. Attk* fm- iagwaM|coM^«iaiail«n d» to-aorrov. The hftU » iam^y pM •d. it b«ac tapoHiUa to gat wiMs AgriMltarM '• Littl* OoM *• oa Rator- «!B THE STANDARD. Friday January 27ih, 1882- OaittMa u to b« hsDg«d. NEW8N0TE8. A whMl broke on tba morning •xpr«M going •oath on Monday, a â- kort dutanc* North of Mono Bead, eaaiing ooutiderabia delay. Mr. J. W. Htnderaoo of TWonto and hi* danghUr. a irirl of 18 yeara, war* amoDff the paMcnger on tb« R. B. â- math upn«arOweu bound Mr. H. got badly knockaJ aboat in trying to mv* hie dangbtar, bat w« ar« «lad to laarn tbey ara none tba woraa, tba waa aomawbat damaged. are OBPREY. Vron max CorrMpondeat. Seerlet fever and Dipbtheria pr«valent in Maxwell joit now. Sleighing iaguoJ at preMnt and prieee range fair, and larmera are be- ginninv to earrv money io tbetr poeketa. Revivtl meeting* are being held in Maxwell by ReT. Mr. Bnowden, with Excellent reeulta. Baeioeca in FeTertham ia brisk in all branohet. Mr. Ira Parigo has eommeDoed hutoh*nng, and ia doing a good bui- loere. OMbodyorJelm Willi liaiaj ia day â- l«fat, 1 by CoroBff Hoftaa. Oavetal aaaa ware aiaminad, and they did not prove anything paiiioolar. Tba boy Johnny bmitb ia mdar the aharge of eoMtabla Headaiaoo, and baa baan kekad vp all day. Ba doaa not ap- •aar taatlaae or asettad. DatoetiTa Morray arhyad to-day to work ap tba aaaa. Oraat auitaaank prayaua io tha villaca. â- â- â- â-²CCIDBNTON THE RAIL. Tcetavdayaftamoon, at 8.90 o'eloak, a ToroBto, Gray, and Bmea train. boonU for Toronto, ran off the traek at a point a mila eoath of tha town of Owen Sound. The paaeenger ear, poatal ear, and two flight eara were IbvatVf bfMr baninidad$t.M, that tha Morad by Mr. Mail. aaeooMbj Mr. Qkoeioaa, that By-hnra SOT and MB ba BOW read a third tiaa MovadbyMr byMr.DaaaoM aoooantaba paa Court OkMroaa. r. that ^fcUowing â€" J. Townaend. ad- f]teviaiaa.$l: J. A. Johp^tm, admiiaiiw Coort ol Ban- ptiatav ballot jupmB, f6.â€" Cairiad. Coooea a^oamad to aaat, at the laa pkea. oa tba IStb Feb. naxL PBOTOM OOUNClit Tba oawly elaetad Ooosdl mat at tba Qoana Hotel, Village ofDnndalk, i Monday, Janoaiy 16th, 188S.â€" Mambera all preaant. Each membar made and Babaeribed tba daelatatioo of qnalifieatioD and offiee. The Minntaa of laat meeting of old Cooneil, and MTeral commnnioationa jrBOSC McG) luting Clark. TIMES. « •â- ParfcarT precipitated into the diteh. After the I received by the Clerk, were read paaa- train bad mn ever the bank a aeene of the greataat eoaatematioo and terror enened, eome of thepaaaengersihnek- iag, othere rendered by the ihoek in- â- eniible, and lying apparently dead. There were aboat thirty peraona on the train, a nambar of whom were eeruMiely injured. Of thoee injnred were: Mrt. Kelio, reaideoee uiknown; Mrs. Jonee of Brampton and Mrs. Olgivie, of Sbelboine. Mr. Parker, eommereial traveller, waa also badly injared. The aoddant Happened tbroagb the spreading of the rails, bat the wreekage waa shortly after- wards removed and the traek left clear. MEAFORD ROAD. From oar Corraipondene*. MATBiM'5r. -A Tsry pleasing in- cident, lu the shape of a doable wed- ding, took place on the 20th mst., at ths residence of Adam Hislop, Esq., tba fathar of tba bride*. His two eldaat daagbtera w«re anited in the bond* of matriraoDj with Messra. Hicbari] and Thoaas Genoa. Tjcy have «nr best witthos for their future happiueks and pruaperity. Tha Anuiveraary Taa Meeting of the Uuion Sabbath Sclioolwill b* held ill the Wodley Church, on Tuesdav, tha 81 Kt of January. AH are iuvited aa a good time is expected. Let ua hope for good weather. Tuara la good alaighmg bare at pre- sent, and all aro making good uts ol it. Our Debating Club is gettiov along f 'at claaa end ia wall sttacded. A petitioji has been Ju circulation here to have uur Poal Office moved up into Eupliraaia. We hear that tlie raaaoii given for t'le ehange ia, that if the pr»a4nt P. M. leave hero, that thflr«i will be noniieto take hia place. If it I* not out of place for juur cor- raapixxUnt t» cxirvaa au opinion, we w.-inM a«y tlinl tli irs would be no difiS- ciilt ill finding an alinr Post Master to take the jilnc* of Air. Rowe when -be leaves hare. OTHXa aOCOCNTS. Mr. Btinson, of Viokera' Expraaa, sent the following deepatcb to the Company's offiee in this city. â€" "Bad smash-up on the road. Not likely to get in to-night. J. Utinsok." Mr. Heywoood, baggage- maatar of the T.. O., and B. RaUway.was inter- viewed at a late hour laat night, but stated that he would be ignorant of the aocident until the arrival of the branch train from Teeewater, which aontained the baggage and express matter of the collapsed tram. He ap- parently was onwilling to give any in- formation concerning the aocident. Another Aocident on Uie T. O. and B. Railway.â€" While a freight train on the Toronto, Grey, and Bruee rail- way waa coming eastward on Satur- day night the earsjumped the traek a few milea this aide of Orangeville. one of the employes named Doherty reoeived seiiuus mjuries to his right thigh, the muaclea of which were sev- ered almost to the bona. He was coQvayed to tile city at an early hour yeaterday morning. And taken to the hcapital. It is supposed that no bones are broken, and that the injured mau will likely recover. Nailhar his Christian name nor hia place of resi- dence could Se ascertained by the hoshital authorities- GLENELG COUNCIL. AN OLD MAN SUOT DEAD AT HIS OWN FIRESIDE. MAaaow BscAPB or ma MsrHsw. TBB airia aar o« riaa bt the Asaaasis. .Vj tluf vhattfir tu tht Murdtrtr. SaoLBi-BME, Jtn 22. â€" Jjhn Smith, a quiet an inoffeniive citizen of the township of Amaranth, rcsidiog about four irilea from liore, was foully mur- dered in hia owu hnu«e laat ni;;bt al»nt six o'clock. The unfortunate victim waa a baohalur was about or over fiftv years of age, aud asually lived aloue, but it happened when tlie murder waa committed that a nep- hew name Juuny Smith, abcat four- teen yeara of age, waa with him. TBB BOT s STOar is that his uncis and himself, after taking supper together, seated them- selves at an open fire place, and ahort ly alter be heard a report, either of a gan or pistol, and the old man fell, lie louked toward the wiudow from whrnoe the report came and sawa tall man with a dark moustache. The boy immediately atarted for the door, whteh waa oppoaita the window, when the mau fired at bim, the ball pasaed through the top of hie eap. He ran fur dear liie towards a neighbor's houae, wbieh ia quite a dutanee. After he had run a httte way lie look- ad back and saw xaa Hocaa on naa. He alarmed the neighbours as soon a* pnasible. and returned with tbem to the boruiug building. They found She old mau at the door )ead,and ana 1^ buuiad off below tha kaee. The •id luaii waii reputed lo have been quite wealthy, and tu iiavekejit a large suui hiddeu lu the«i, but it ia not "and that a B; kuown wfietbar be had an/ at tha^ tf#*^ The newly elected Council met at the Town Hall, on the IGth inst., pur- suant to Statute, All the members present. Each member made and sabscribed the declaration of qualification and office. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. The Reeve appointed Charles MoSiat an Auditor. Moved by Mr. Dunsmoor, seconded by Mr. Gleucross, that James Banks be appointed an Auditor for 1882,and that the Auditors receive $6 each as their remuneration and that a By-law be introduced to that effect. â€" Carried, Moved by Mr. Mullarky, seconded by Mr. Niel, in amendment, that John Lyons be an Auditor for the present year.â€" Lost- Moved by Mr. Neil, seconded by Mr. Dunsmoor, in amendment to the aineudment, that John McDonald be appoiuted an Auditor for the present year, at a salary of $5.60.- Lost. Moved by Mr. Mullarky, secounded by Mr. Dunsmoor, that Mr. Edge, Treasurer, be refunded $81.98, be- ing the amount paid by him jn the suit Glencross vs. Glenelg. â€" Carried Moved by Mr. Mullarky, seconded by Mr. Dunsmoor, that Road Com- missioners be appointedfaa follows â€" Ward No. 1, Mr. Dunamoor; Ward No. 2, Mr. Niel Ward No. 8. Mr, Mullarky Ward No. 4, Mr. Glen- croea. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Glenerosa, aaconded by Mr. Dunsmoor, tha4 tha Baava, Deputy Reeve and thaaaaa^bai^ pointed a oommittaa to aaigiiin into sufficiency of tba aasahty givan tha Treaaorer, and to r^qrt at Mt meeting. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Mnllariiy, seconded by Mr. Dnnamoor, that the axpansaa of the monieq^ election be paid, aa follows :â€" Deputy Betomiog Offioera, $4 each Door-keepers, fl.iSO each and $4 far aacb polling place. â€" Car- ried. Moved by Mr. by Mr. NmI, appointed Ai tiBM u* uat. There ia ' ocoB TO Vas Asaaa^tit •SMpI whaAcaa ba glcaoaad froaa the b«y 'a atac^ The greataac eaciteaMut tasaaala, a* tha old man a a* anaver aally reepaataCby air wlio kuew bin. 'i'iiua. NvXtiu.- M.I., curuner, will Md an i»yie«H» in ear ow tanraiag at taa o'eioeb. i. i' MaeMaiMi, aoantj erawti atiothiayidf4ve np f^a Orange villa ibis monuiig, and la doing all iu bi«^f«kr t0 aeeore tlia arrvat of tba gotlty party. The body ia ia eharga •^jrint^ps QtMiaUbiu Uaudaraoa. ""Sma^te^*. Jan. W.â€" Tha eteita- ' m-«M eM*ad hj kiM iMMn*«M Joba hsniMi atui raus bigb. The woyar'a tnm the aoUaitora inr tba " LMai aad Saving Company. eompaoaatioD ior laaad tahaa lor a naw road. Woved hv Mr. MailMhy. â€" nndad by Mr.NeO. that tba Oarabaiaataaa*- ed to oiEar. on behalf (rf tiaa Coaacfl. to the aabeitan ol (ba VUaaexa' Loaa aad Saviaga Caafaay, pa aompaaaa tion far haid t^B ior toad from lot iS. Coa. 11, 9** pw Mi«; ai|d iar bud tahaa f« tha am lota 9» aad U9.aB tha rx ha T. S. B iatkaaaa^af ad. that tba ad and signed. Moved by John Agnew, saeonded by James Robinson, that Mr. James Cavaaagh ba i^ppoiuted Clerk, pro Um„ as John Tert, Township Clerk, is absent through sickness. â€" Carried. Moved by Jamea Robinson, second- ed by Robert Black, that the Clark take tenders for printing for the township of Proton for the year 1882.â€" Carried. Moved by James Robinson, second- ed by John Agnew, that the Collector be notified by the Clerk to reduce the amouut of James Stephens taxes on lot 18, con. 6, by $8.44, as it appears that this arrears is due on 2 acres of N. £. comer of said lot, reserved at the time of his purchase of lot 18, con. 6, in the year 1876, said arrears to be eiitered by CoUestor against said two acres. â€" Carried. Moved by John Agnew, secoaded by James Robinson, that John Little be refunded the sum of $1.76, taxes paid in error, and the Reeve issue an order for the same. â€" Carried Moved by Robert Black, seconded by George Johnson, that the followirg parties be paid for the use of houses for polling places for the present year j James Menziea, Division No. 1, $2.50 John A.Scarlett, Division No. 2, $2.50 Duncan McMillan, Division No. 8, $2.50 James Eraser, Division No. 4, $2.50; Alexander McConnell, Divi- sion No. 6, $2.50.â€" Carried. Moved by Robert Black, seconded by John Agnew, That James Robinson be representative fjr Divison No. 2, and George Johnson for Division No. 1. for the year 1882.â€" Lost. Moved in amendment by George Johnson, seconded by James Robin- son, that the Deputy Reeve represent Division No. 1, and Mr. Black Divi- sion No. 2. â€" Carried. Moved by Robert Bbtck, seconded by James Robinson, that the Treasur- er's half yearly Report having been read to the Coancd, it he received and filed io the Clerk's office. â€" Carried. Moved by John Agnew, seconded by James Robinson, that C. W. Rut- ledge's bill for ballot papers and sta- tionery for municipal election, 1882, amounting to $18 85, be paid. â€" Carried. Moveby by Robert Black, seconded by James Robinson, that the Clerk write to Mr. Buckley about the work let on town line between West Luther and Proton, and to know from him what proceeding he took about the same, and let the Reeve deal with the matter according to Mr. Buckley's cer- tificate. â€" Carried. Moved by George Johnston, second- ed by John Agnew, that James Hanna receive $1 for services as constable on election day at polling both No. 6. â€" Carried. Moved by John Agnew, seconded by James Robinsoo, that lots 21 and 22, con. 10, be placed on the Collect- or's Roll at a valuation of $500 each to Walter Deans, â€" Carried. Moved by George Johnson, second- ed by John Agnew, that Thomas Han- bury be appointed Township Auditor, and that the Reeve appoints J. D. Mc- Fadyen, and that their remuneration be $6 each. â€" Carried. Moved by George Johnson, second- ed by John Agnew, that the Reeve issue an order for $20 aa supplement to Government grant to poor school, according to motion of Council of 22nd of Fetvnaiy, 1881, in favor of School Section No. 11, Township of Proton. â€" Carried. Moved by John Agnew, seconded by Jamas Robinaon, tlut William Boyd be appointed Assessor for the year 1882, and that his salary be $75, pro- vided he famish aatiafaotory seonritr. â€"Lost. Moved in amendment by Robert Black, seconded by George Johnson, that John MoMordo be af^inted Aa- â- ananr for the present year, and that ha receive $76 for his servicea, provid- ed he fomiah satisCMtory saoority. â€" Carried Moved by Robert Black. Saoondad by Jamea Biobinson, that By-law No. 240 having been now read a lat and second time, ba read a third time, (ignad, aaaled aad^ttigroaaad in By-law Boc^â€" Caniad. Movad by Jaoiaa Bobinaon aeooadad Bobart BhMik. that Bylaw No. 841 tting been read a Ist and Snd time, BOW laad a thivd taaa. a i gnad.iaal- ed and iiiiiiisiii in By-law Book.â€" artida Arnold laarsaaaa with tha gaSt^^Jdht ItoenMS by Kaodall'a l^ria Oare. Tha towhiahba aHadaa by Dr. imprcwad aaa ao favorably with raal mwita o( thk remedy thitt 1 it also far aavaral Vlamiajaa ua boraaa and foood it tba mort parfec cor* i area tried for spavins and oth blamisbea, aa it eomptetdy ram( tha solargement in every inatauee eontinning ita va» kit aerenl da attar the lamenesa bad aabaided, T! perfect snoeeaa I bave always hr with Kendall's Spam Core led ma uaa it oa my own paraon, aad for the family with the very beet reai aa a family liaimaat. While •arerr; of tLa earea made with it bave bee. almost miraealoos. none hare beei ffloie satiafaetory than several care which I made with it of foot-rot aiic alao sore teaU as well as wsrU m teata ot cowa. I consider it a $ure cht for sore teata or foot-rot iu either oow or sheep. With the satishMtioii thi lamady baa always given in every m stoooe. I eannot refrain asking wi^ my firiead Parker that yon continnr^f make kuown H the world ^r^p^/ grandest discovery of the niusietf.v century. Yours trtly, Jaxaa A. Campbsll. Herkimer, N. Y., Sept. 10th, 1881 ' The above letter, with one pablisb ed laat week, encourages us iii ou efforts to make our paper one of th most valuable Journals in the eonntr, and to all our patrons, and we no ask others of our readers who have been ahke benefited by the letter puL- liahed one year ago from Dr. Bate* that they send us f^r publication, statementa which they may wish to make tot the benefito'f otbirs.- [EJ.] Si on «he^^eo«»^UMW .. SUoftba-goifil, »^»idU«i ttMir anaoat rAbratfop. Aad in the laa oU# tha |ood an I teoa. with^thi •*2lii»i^*^ BMa of the flaaJ6 »CMVk^ "?: rBdhatethToMfoaartn Unoe an*^ Wn •taggers me, beyond "3^»«K «• ,onng men andjrom"' 8°"t .^^ i_^ i- â€"- FRf*ITHEOM£CMP« Oaaonta. New iMk, Jaa.' BeMcf u eertain in ita effects DUNDAliK. !•â- ? tiaMlii 4tM vM etfiy itttHtt ^d .^^Xr^i^ iiN4v 4»0Â¥^44^'n fieri. ' ^^"l VI" â€"â€" NoTics. â€" WayUh it dUinotly nndenUud 2hat ve do not hold oarselrea reponoibls for the opinioDS vxpraued by oar eorresroideQC* Fire in Glenelg.â€" Yeaterday (Wed- nesday Uio dwelluiK of Alex. Beaton, of the Township of Glenelg, took in anil was completely destroyed. We did not learn whether any of the furniture was saved or not., but it is not likely that much conlil be saved, as Mr. Beaton was in Durham at the time. â€" Orel/ RiTnc. Tb.vbksto!», Jan. 26th, 1882. To Wm. Hall, Esq Traverstou P. 0. Sia- â€" I received a letter from your Solicitor, J. Masson, Esq calling on me to apologize for the slander utt .-red by me on 26th Dec. 1881. I urn at a loss to know what statement I made on that day that could be c.ill?d a slander. The only statement I maJe that appeared to offend you, was, that you received one doJar and fifty-six cents that I did not think at the time that you were entitled to, und called upon you, as any ratepayer has a right to do, for an explanation. You made an explanation at the time, which I accepted as satisfactory. VvM. Glxnxhoss. BIRTHS. lIoROANâ€" la Mftrkilnle, on Saturday, inst., the wife of T. G. Morgan, St4!(iabi office, of a daughter. 2l8t of the THE EXCURSION. .aeeoodedby Aletander Me- of $4.40 for retaraiag ofieer, l^iMant elerk'a foee in- Ilia' Beeve iaeaa hie oidar -Gacried. llaeai W Bohert Bbek. !«: Ja^ BohJaaon. tbrt ByJav Ho, e«rftia».ha â- inal, luhi lloTad W 4oha Afaaw, â- jhy j i uju i JslmeoB, th*t the Cooasfl a intaadae- aov read a thbi tiae, ia the Ma. EoiToa, â€" Allow me, through the columns ot your valuable paper, to give It few facls in regar.l to that mejporable excursion to Toronto un last MoudMy. I tuok the traiu ubjut niue o'clock at Markdalc, which was due at 7.50, aud quite naturally ex- pected a great changes in speed com- fort, Ac, aud a good time geumally. The day waa cHar and cold, the ther- mometer registering 15 degrees lelo« zero. Nothing, howsver, very re- markable trauspircU going South, aud we arrived iu Tuiouto at 8 o'clock p. m., beiug thiee hours liehmd time, nothiug remarkable, as 1 said, for the T., G. A B. We were buiprised to see not a particle of snow in Torouto, but it was intensely c Al all the aame. We had to do ou( six hours busiuesa iu three, so tiiere was no time to spare, and at the hour of six the majority of the excursioniL ts were on hand at tha Union Station, and at 6 85 tJie train moved out, carrying hundreds Anxious to gai home. Parkdale. tha fica^,atop- ping pUce, was reached in short time, where there wasa delay of about two houn. cause unknown apparent- ly to any one. Well, as a natural consequence, the passengsrs grew apxious. Some steppud off aad took the street cars back to the city, to re- main over until the next day, while those remaining grew uniasy aLd thirsty but stranite to say there was no water to ba had. One said, he supoosed the train hands thought, as most of tlie passengers were from the eountry,thcr did not require water to drink, as they had plenty at hon:e â€" Another supiKsed it being now a broad gauge, steel rail road, with pow- erful engines, they would not feel the need of any untU their return At length another engine waa provided and a start made, and iu a short time we eame to a stand-still at Huraber Summit, where they A^uterad the In- dians (enginesj but the white psople ware not favored so much as ta bave a taste. After a delay of some twenty minutes we moved forward, stopping at the different stations aud tanks, and arrived at Oraugeville at 1 o'clock a, m., a distance of 49 miles from T(mnto in 7 hours. H-re the oblig- ing conductor gave twenty miuuUs for refreshments but we could not gat a bite for love of money. 'The proprietor of Duffies Hotel would tot proride anything but dnuk. Well, we thought even at that time of night we enuld haye procured a pie or a few boaouiu, or a leg of a turkey but no â€"not ao much aa the photograph of a obtekea. Well, after cutting off two oowshea, we left at 1 46, making SbelLuioe at 2.60. and Dundalk at 8.80. The passengers were bee ming few and exceedmgly quiet, many hav! ing departed for the land (/nod. We next reached Flesherton ' at 84W. and finally we raacb^ Mark- d» I struck a dtatcb on eoUring my boarding houaa, tbiukior Jack Proet had hia iotmi^oni, and' foood the tUrmometer 86 bdow aero I aadmland the nanager made the •"â- f^ J?*""*** «^ *« 'rtorn on •ay tram Tueaday. giving parties a ehMoe to attend to buaioeir,j,icb they were noable to oomi.kta on Mon- day, owing to the train being Uto 0. aw. MARRIF.D. Baownâ€" LooAS â€" i WeJuonJay, 18lh io^t.. by the Bev. A. Wilsosi, »t the n'si.lciicf of the bridi-'-i mother. (St. Vincent M:. Wm. Brown, Merchant, M»rkilale, to Miss [arv N. LogAU. Teacher, late of the Bathurst Street Public SchiwI, Toronto. Oknob â€" HisLor â€" .Vt the Munse, Mirkdale, on FruUy. 20th iuBt., by the U.-v. V. Wil- son, Mr. Thomas Oenoe t Mis â- Marij.iivt Hislop, both of Artemssis. Oenoi! â€" HisLOP â€" At the .Manse, M-i-kilnle, on Fri.lay. JOth inst., by the U.v. A W 1- Bon, Mr. lUchaid Clunoe to Miss .M.iry Hi.'^- lop, l)oth of Artcm(8:a. MiLLSAP â€" Roun â€" In Diimlalk. on the "iOth imt., Mr. Francis Millaap t* Miss ,Eiui;ce Boll h, all ot Artemesia. Willi* â€" Nicnoi. -At the rcsiiUnce of Mj-. John Nichol, iiiicIh of the briile, Burliam Iio.\(l. on Fiiilay, 2 »th inst., br Bev. 1). McLeod. H.A., Mr. Mark WilUs, of Ben- tiiick, to Mis* Uebeccs Niehtl, Jjiiyhter â- ! the late Waltnr Nichol. Ibwixâ€" FiNts â€" At the M%nse, Mtirkdale, on WednesJay, 26th inst., liy the Kcv. A. Wilson, Mr. Christopher Irwiu, of Dun dolk, to Miss .\nn Fines, of Mono. Eerip last w^fmmJUmn. irmKftOi the pajmb*" of the Prei hallerf«» adv«£etaent for one year aet- tii]« fbrtk the apariii. of gndsU's -Spavin Ciwe. AI tha aiaaa tfane we secured Irom tha irai a V^tMa ef beeks, entidad Dr. Kaidall's Treatise oa the Berre and his Du- eaaaa, whieh we ai«%i^im toa(fraoc« paying sabaaribera of the iVass aa » aremiui^ » About the time tha a^ Ja«ienl iM ap- peared ir this paper Mt. t^. aihataMehani. irho residaa nav OolBers. hal) a Sjianned lOTna. Hevaadtha a4va(tiaeiaentaadcon- Ittded to'teak tha aOaaagr of the rasMdy,, al- iioagh Uafrteods laaghad at hia aaedahty. Ja bought a Wttle of KuidaU'a Spavin Cure .nd eomsmtfad aaiag it oa te Mi«e b|«c. ordanoa with tha dtraatMOa. nm» i aJa» ui .. xl m thts wadkthatiteAetef swaeomplete •\w that an ex|«rt h ortetBan u Whoexamiaed ;ha aiuBxU luccaillv aoald^ad oo tiaoa «|i|he spavin or tho tOaee Where it had been kcateJ Mr. Bobarmerttam has aiaoa aeeturad a oa^y of KenoaU'a TraatL-i^ of tha Horae api bis Diseases, -which he prizes very hljjhly "tod would be loth to part with at aujr urioe. pro- vided be could not obtain aAoihar copy. So ' much for advertisiox relasble ajrtklaa; Kendall's 8p«vfn Cure- Naw Hamburg but.. Dae. 3.4th. 1881^ Mr. F. H. McCalliim, Dear Bir:â€" The bot- tle of' Dr. EendtJl's Spavin Cure bought of you last siimmr gave me the almost satis- faction and performed a wooderfai core upon H inare nineteen yt«rs iild belonging to mo, which was badly fosvined for tea years. i)he was so lame that I could hardly get her tj move' The lameness is entirely gone after usiuK half a brttle of the cure, and she ia like a yoong horse again. Tours truly. J. F. Both. FROItl A PROMINENT PHYSICfAN. WashiuRtonville, Ohio, Junf" 17tli, 18B0" Di. J. B. Kendall Co.. Oentsiâ€"BesdinK yoiiradT«trti»eme3t in T-irf, Field aud Farm, of Keudoli's ^spuvin Cure, and having a val liable audapeetly horaa which hal lecu l.imc f.'om spavin for eighteen mouths, I 83ut to yon for a bottle by expre^K. which in bix weeks removed sU liunene.s aud enlargement and a large splint from an thcr hur:ie and both hordes are to dav as sound as colts. The uue buttle was worth to me one Juindred dol- lars. liospectf ally yours, H. A. Bebtolbtt, M. D. Kendall's 8pavln Cure. Oi\ lli;:fl.4!« FLKSH. Tlion^ands of trinls on human flc Ii has |.rov,,il beyond a doubt that "KKNDALI/S ^SPAV1^ CCKE' has suffi ieut streiigili lo penetrate an i virtue to cure the wers .ca-ts tf riieumati;m, coins, buuvous. frost-bites, •r a.f bruise, cut ur Umeiiesg which are uot uffecteil iu the lea.'it by orJiuary liniments. I' i«e ii"t blister bift ou the couUdiy re- lacvu-. all .sori'uess. r'-iiiiuaiiVfki ^iiiir l-l». )â- TV *.:. .\'kl a»t 'f ^-.-^r V ,. !EoTot, .»aa9itftJ.' ,.oD sifiA I L O R g5^-^|pr£ENHAM STREET, l^trkdala, Jaly7, 1881. AUCTION OFâ€" SALE YalflaWe Farm Property In tho Township of Artenipsia, in the C innty of Orey. There will be sold by PabUo Auc- tion on TUESDAY, JAN'Y. 31 ST, 1882, AT THE FLESHERTON HOTEL, In the Village of Hesherton, at Two o'clock p.m., the following valuable improfad farm property, being Lots Mis. 2C1, 303 sud SO.t, iu the 2ud range or concession north east of the Toronto and Sydeuham Boad, in the Township of Artemesia. An-' Lots Nus, 1, 2 anl 3, (aljoining them) iu khe .H-tl range south uf tha Durham B-ivl, in the Township of Osprey, coutsiiiii g together iKl acres more ur less, of which a'out lOU acres are cleared and under enl* \aiiun, balan e timbered with good haidwood bush On the premi.-^e-t aru erect«d a good Fran.e Dueiiiug, Log B irns and Stalilos. The piopotv is watered by a spring creek crossing the Farm, and is poDsi'lered one of tha bet lanus in the Township. Tirms easy. For particulars ap ly to ROBEIiT D.W1S, AjiUlnncer.Beal Estate t Liur. ?â- :t. PERCHERQIIlN T â- ' r'-*"OE«T. Unporuiig aad ESTI WOEI Fleshrrton, Jan. 16th, 18v-«3. 7l-2in. DIED. MoBaiN â€" la Markdalo. on Sunday, 22nd inst., the infant daughter ol T. U. Morgan. McFaulwk â€" Iu Glenel;;, ou the 2lRt in-t Alexander, youngest son of Mr. Jo'iii Mc- Farlaue, aged 11 year ,10 luouths and 9 days. Clattosâ€" In Flesherton, on 12th instant, Sarah Margaret, only dauxhter of William Clayton, agad 10 years, 1 month aud 15 days. WiLLiAxs â€" At bis residence, Walkerton, tbc Bev. D. Williams, on Tuesday, 21th inst. Mr. Williams was well knowu turcughout the Coui ty of Grey. St. Johus, P.Q., Oct. 3:th, 1881. Di. B. Kendall A Co., Gents :â€"l have used your Spavin Cure with gi'eat.Faccusou spav- ins, cnrbs anil splints. I know it to bo a guod remedy for linghoucii. bone s 'aTiuw, I -.1 s, pills ai)d al' kinds of l.-tmencss uLd Luiuiy other diffiniltiei abjut the horse.- One of my men sprained his untie badly. I ap- jilieii KeudallV .Vpavin Cure oud I nover siw Huytliing work hke it, he was well iu a few days. 1 know it to be giHxl for man as well iis beast. I procured one of your Treatise on Lhe Hiir-e, by niHiI lor 2.5e.,"iind 1 think it nns the UiCiius oi .saving me 8100 on one liors«' that I treated aeeur iin,. t the direc- tions given iu your book for dis,jiaced stifle. Yours truly, MOBAI^ti. â- v Ur-Bditer. •«• w reproof, to the |kjn "Jja who eoopoae the T. 3C. P B A-oe,»t«o of Da«i^ ho^%S| (FROM BRAZIL.) a»ital mmty to the Dieestir* ffP^tttsad the Liver, increat. J2£ f?® fii^soIviagJxiiceM. nUer- rif^H "^^fi?^*^*' ladigesUon. and the TORPID LZVER; mkeM Z^pesaaa every day necessity in %veiy honse. It acts gently and speedily, in f**^ ^Jf^ fleadacAe. DistresT^ slc^^v^'r^ "• Bide^d Z^h^' f SpMu. Foul atom. w«^' « £? ^,*^o»M the Liver. cZi ^hfie^:^;^^"' "" **• OToggist and Bt a 10 cent Samola tell your neigubor aboat it. WATCHES, WatchesI Jewell«i7, *«^ AT COST FOB 80 DATS- MR, DOLL Has purchaaed Mr Wiloox'a atock of Watches t«. at Harkdale, and wiU aeU in Harkdala and Dondalk at eoat for Thirty Daya. BM. m48»01«, fBMSTKB, MASTEB ANDDEP. REG «, C ^°^' ^**^ ^^^' Cn4«- Dnuham. P.Q., March 10th, 1870. Dr. B. J. K ndall C ., Gents :â€" Ab.iut a year ayo 1 fell ni the road onto some ice aud wiis badly hui t iu the hip joint, whidi caused me much suffering. I tried various reme- â- lies but none gave reUef, uutU I tried Ken- dni's Spavin Cure. I appliid it fuUstiength twice a day fur twc weeks during last Oclobei iiiid it effected a pcrfe.t cure. I have since then been well aud free from lameness. I, is very ^aluable ior man as well us beast. Yours truly, Chebtxb E. Gbbek. Kendall's Spavin Cure. Is sure in its effects, mild iu actions as it does not blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated paai or to remove any bony g-owth or other enlarge, ments, such as spavins, sphnts, curbs, ring bones, callous, sweUings and any hwneness and all enlargements of th« joints or limbs, or for rheumaiism in manor for any puipose for which a liniment is used for man or Least It is now kuown to be the best hniment for man ever used, acting mild and vet certain in its effects. Send address lor illustrated circiUr which we t link gives positive pioof of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with such nnqcaU- Bed success to our knowledge, for beast as well as man, Price »1 per bottle, or six bottles for »5. All Druggists have it or can get it for vou, or It will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors, DB. B. J. KEN- DALL CO.. Enoiburgh Falls, Vt. SOLP BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Lyman Sons Se Co., Montreal, P.Q„ ^Vhole- sale Agents. 7i_ 1,000,000 Lugs Wanted! f ri-'HE SUBSCIUBEl^S ARE PBEPAltED J. to pa the Hig^hest Price In Cash I for any quantity of good sound Saw hsrd and soft wood. Logsâ€" .\LL KINDS OF LUMBER KEPT ON HAND. Bills 1 Wed on Short Notice. Special attention paid to cuatom saxr^ng. P. 8. â€" None but good tirabe, wanted.. G. S. DROWN k SON. Markdalc. Jan. 11th, 1 82. 7C-tf. rioiitse to flent. Double Tenement, street, Markdale. with stable, on Toronto Mnrkdale, Jr4i. IGth, 18*2. WM. BBOWN. 7l-3t. Bton uniiuTu, are «Miet kaanri Jmm an, KDd sell for mare omiwiaTiB l^aa asr othsr class 01 H(n WANTED. FEM.U-iE TEACHER, f,r School I\. Section Ko. 18. Kuj-hrasia, for 1882, wi.ii Second or Third Class Certificate. Apply to THOMAS KELSON, Markdale, Markdale, Dec. 15, 1881. C6-4i lAt west half of east half 12, concession 6, Euphrasia, containing 50 acres. About six acres cleared balance hardwood soil clay loam. WiU be fold cheap »500 cash ^b»f- ance to suit purchaser. For jai-ticulan ap- ' plv to ' j PETEB McARTHfR, Markdale. H Or to C. W. BtmxDoa, Stahsaro OIHce. TO-et 20-6t. Photographs I jlndt in ev.-rv style »d1 tnjt Have all the rei|insiiet vhich enM j' (iooil (.lALI.KUV. Only Finsr-Ci tss workdoRt. â- â- Try the n -w l'iio:etr«(lier. Old I'leturi s ':eJ and euivgW. Ouarant e ail iiiv '"j-k • I BtniemlH-r tiie 'laud, orsr tki •• i Office. AU the I'oi'u'.sr styjes insde. Procure the i-!i«deK ere the fades, (lavr a tine assortment ot FrunoCka .Soilon't von (:.• ami f.irEetslltlx'O' j. L. lUiUWNE.Pliotol* Markdale. I'eo. 15. \m. ** t EUGENIA A LECTURE TO YOUNa MEN ON THE LOSS OF M A N H O Ob Grist, Saw afldlail Wt Best basinass now before the pnblie. You can make money faster at woik for us man at anyihmg else. C*jil»l not need- ed. W e wUl start you. 112 a day aud up- wards made at home by the industrious. Men women. boyslMB^irls wanted everywhere to wors for ns. Now is the time. Yon can work in spare timeorlyor give your whole time to the business. You can hve at horae snd do the work. No other business wiU pay yon nearly as weU. No one can fail to make en- ormous pay by encagiug at once. Costly outat and terma free. Money made fast easUy aud honorably. Address Tbc« Co Augusta, Maine. Jlavji? msds my (inst Mill 1 good satisfart.oi: .-.It.- f.-,l ruii£.i«si I ' HAG YARDS YELLOW OIL CUREj,,_RHEU MA T I S M FB££MAirS POWDERS. Aia pl saaaattoUka. Contain their owii.*^ a sofa, aim, uid eOeetmt* I ia cuidna or aa^Hg^ have receuth- published a new edition of Dr. Calreni iII*« cicbrated Essay en the radical and nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage etc.^ resoltiug from exec ses. t:*"Piice, in ;i r ,ile.l e:ivi-lope,.oa;y C eta., or two postage slauips. The celebrated .lut!. .r, in this adaiitable Essay, clearly demo filiates, fian thirty â- years' sueCL-ysful practioe, Ihat alarming con- sequences may Ik- rsIc.iUy curvd withotlt the dangerous use of iulcrnal uie.licines r the use of ihc kn fc pointing out a luode of cure at siinpie, certain an 1 cil;-c:ual, by, means of wbicb eveiy au3cri'r, no n^atter Cflly. what his eon.Ution may ho, mav cure Uimaolf 1 ^Mi cheaply, privaiely an 1 radicAliy" t2*-Tliis Lectui.^ should bx iu the h^uds of every youth and every luan in ihe land. AJdvcMii GOOD FLOUR ALlVAYS 01 Chopping Done Ever) ^: Cri'ttv 1 Si eborleiit tiot LUMi3]:il :n" »nl Cherry. V;v. Ua.'^swtHi.l, r AM) L^TH ;N HAND- WiiiW Asl- 1*** lit. »n! M AKITT,E«S«»I MONET TO LBND AT SIX PBB CENT. *^^'**at *^^ ^^" â„¢ VidMT'i Block St.; and m Markdale, orer MePa7- oo Fndar and Saturday ererr C74y P««latt STmRTLING DISCOVERY I ^^^'.^^SJiT^ ?*«T knoirt to kit Ma£ Tha Culverwel! Medical Co.. 41 Ann Sl^ New ronk. Poa* OfBec Box 4.t3 ER.ORS^ OF "YOUTH. BESIssi. (Vi'irOlTToTnt^t IIoii«eh«W 'JJJ Browii'a has n. t-ij 1 'â- '1 11" nal an:l i.xt.iir.l. I' B.»ok Ol H..VV Is S,re f;"' Toothache, I.uml«r" snd sn.' or Ache\ "Uvvi.l lu.wt s'"*;-,,^, Blood- Wld heal. â- "• j' t"'!!"'!!.;;] !«f I derFul fclit.-r or Linnu. ut in ti* (^•^1 \OENTLEMAi: who suflerred for vear- from Nervous UKBILITY, PKEMA- .. iiifi^ TOLE D3C.\Y, aiidall the efforts of vonth- ^^"8 »«'";••",â- f;,.*:,".^ h.1 ui-liscr-tion, wi 1 lorthe sake of .lUIering i f'.-.*" """•'".!; ,„tL7- huvinity. end free to all who neel it, the rec.pc and directioiia for making the simple remedy by which be waa ourad. Suffering wmanibn nr advertiser's experi- ence can o ao oy addressing in perfect con- adence. JOHN B. OODEN, ao-iT 42 CbIm- «t New York TO consumptives: The adyertiaer. taanng been iK;rm*jenUy cured oi ih^t dread diMwse, ConsumpUtm bv a umple remedy, is anxious to make knowL i.n every f.i'ii "as it r..'aliy i- tii for tirnnip" in t'l ' iMii-lyf"'";^^* ti'in; Aches of all kiii Is." snd i" â- "'^^" TmJ ft* ji Dnwrgibts at 25 couts s bw^ Mothers Mothert- Are you disturbe.1 st DigW ^^g^ ' yourre.-^t by a •^i"' ^-» •*». crvin- with th.-.xcni«sti»»P^, teiih! H so. tv St otw* «» .,; MBS. WINSLOWS ^j^^JIrf** JVOTICK. ^wxigium tba ewreot 7Mr ^^ BOBT.nuNLOP.Tp.CWk. 79-»w Notice to Contractors. TTTE Uye a Ivge qwntity of Saw Lo« â-¼ T ^eh arc now moatfy aUddMl min Uie wooda. A mod aha^idSSa^ Any persoB denreua of seeuring a will do Will to see ns at once. The to haul ia about SJ mi •OUtlMl diatknoe a good road NEILSON, Maw ii laa tr aa. Addnaa. m! PV^ to his fellow fnflei ers the means of cure To It w'" relive the poor all wbo desiie it. he wiU send a eouy Jrf the i atelvâ€" JepnJ "l"" â- ' • '""L^**' praaeripUoa used, (free of ehaiga.) with the "-â- ' " '"â- 'â- """ '" "*^ ^^-"" dtfwslions for piepwring aod oaing the same which Uiay wiU find a anaa Cdbb lor Co»- atwrruMi. JUtHMA, BMmonna, At. Pwtiaa wiahing tba Prtâ€"iiiXiao. wiU PfsMc addi^aa^ B«*. E. A, WiU«, Idt Bnu s «Mk in your own town. ,16 outfit fiee. No risk. KvarTtliing imw. Ci^iital •« ra^^. W* will fvniab you ewy- Ihmj. Mauy ara B»klBg fortnaaa. Ladiea â- Mte aa moeh aa »•â- , and bays and giHa "»^«»5»Wr- ««^r,if yon want abusi ••j* " ^|»7»a «» Biaka graat pny all^he «•• rem work, write ioc paniaalara t^ H. Haixcn A Co Ftntiaikl, Iba. $661 about it. Xiieio '*."'*JV^iit"" who has ever iHe.1 it. »»" oneethstit .vill "'""'"j Jjrf"' give re.t to the mother. ss«"r ||P to the child. 0|«'"«'°?,'!!ir5^l laotly safe to use in "»_f^os *^A the sute, aud i= the P^'i^Jl the oldest and b«t «««»' "" ^* nur«s in the l^"V^^ whereata5oeut«abottl». St*t» «* •*»^t»#t.aU-«»:^ PIMPI-ES; I will mail (Free) ^r%,0^ VMXTAai.E B"" ,^ssnd»*3r FBECKLKS, PIMPLS^J^ l*^ ing the skin »•{«• '^f*'.Z\\tt^r\ Inactions for pr».u;"«^»»J olhaironabsldl.«d;"-^l dress, enclo.iiJS » "• T it-.^-"' ^•7 Co.v5-ficak3iafii 4l»« ""â€" I .,tsa».«^i .UIAKV. 2^Ji,18«a-' ift«*Cmi rft NOrtCCS I i^v Tveniaj. Mk (* OcoekMrr MdOlaa- ifoutf iftea«ninUlMt*c«T«d up "it inoh moAM he AliTwed eX mB0 OAm i* TeVj. tjS^nm, Box ts. Ifvkdale. •ad alUr IIoBi»y the 80th. th« will b«,*»n»»«i " "" «««""« r Sooth JBstMbd of the •t«d I, flh« Iwrbar, will b« in Friday and SaUirday an- Mflh w*ek snd ou FurDftj't. \^^ inac lo iLdtmK* Offio«, F DJl. »ho reo«ntly parohasod j^ofB.D. Wilcox. »Qnouno«« LttotioB f aellins at ooat for tba d»7« M* bill! and dodgari for Jar*. '*â- Afn* Care ia ao infallibla ,^la«wand Ago* is all ita The proprietors warrant it, word ia aa good aa a U. S. Tijik- B)bt, Asktn, u to the front ||Me«tOokof uniertikinj; [^ga gtflea e( eoffina on baad ^^ ^a axoeilcDt aasortn A.lao a firat class bearse M. w.DoirS? Wayne, m Page County, itt»r-, lao miles west of dlaa." X/o.v.v «D A!iKlir,^tl"U .alt othrr ImnttHm ot n_*U'W On"-/?/!-*, of tbe entir, iaiZ£ hlsta,^ n,sIinr«rt»tSiTS,?i5: Prise Winoevs of the riilZ!-??*^ Of the Groat Show, ot FiuMuTS* tiitioiiB i*-_..,ii iii'-\ as..c«itiIi3?H at tbe CeutHnnjal,' iKTe iS^?t'» Ckimno y-ih; tSSI, Mr' â- ** o/ PEkciiEnn.y.s, On .™„ tiie /BfV'f and fln^rt eolketti? (faraar evHr 8!i..rn. consistiM ttT. ners st the (ir..(U Shows otgco "lsnd,l WBs nwBr !« il the flniii^ lee FAfiE CA-rnonrt mm\ fppH'al OH. C owlaiiu Mar a IrmtUuu fnl tkt! hlrivn ,f a, i ru«a. Or,:i r " C-ir.llOorr 1' EVXRTLAROE Bninn EVERT NHIO: KKTDS A rimcnraos s-iua aoounOD marbs ot the co'jmnth^Z^^^^r' IlinlM of Eu| vei»bly crowde jfr. Masson sits brre aal iatorday, eve/y| ed iusiructioDB ..n aaaortii aloak of **«!»" «^°* j !Sl?/dS?Ir«!lM quantttTofpriTJ m*nt. I imriM FlcBlar- Aa extensive tha aaiTieTef s xnt (g^ltg plaee on »»M»s AMaa if^^ »u^- 24 ooo. lOEuplj Feb'y.. wbenal implementa k^ n O itba credit Shepherd SOD, Asa â€"Dent "Tkaberbt." prt; thinff OQ the fa teeth and brcai Fiaa.â€" On frame buiMiug wrll was discovJ ed by a def^ crowd soon satU rem jTe the furul to save tbe builf seemed that tlie thl'OUgll tilO 8t| our citizens it Our eubscriijc miud that wiieiij the stibscnptK in a^ivancc, iliel to aiiv one, bull less to ua. Thl subscribers will als at once. \i 18 not a better tbe size of ours] piico. A PVBUC called of tbe c| town Hui viiiag cou.sidur what rk and Willi* Armstrong Jr's. prevent ihe liui o. SiUardaT the 7tb, from a I" an*^ ^alliug oi y,i^. hiring taken to .hat "l"""':." "^."'I ^^••^ siJemtion tluv ivo oar load of potatoes Irom j^^jj^. j|,„^ ,^,- ^c. We understaud the renuU covered soinetlj lite satisfactory. i this purpc .- • o. ID reoiuineiid CiJ e greate. reTolotion in Steel Pen ^,^,^ ,un«xoelledforea8y writiuE. -^-k ^ent its fall.n. »terbrook a Tecuinaob, Cboctaw ,_,. telegraphic pens, rur «bolc- ippiies. Brown Bros.. Toronto. ha-I a very aerere snotv atorm torday turning colder on Sunday ay was clear but Terr cold, the lometer registering 15 Lelow Monday night however was eolder, when tjie mercury went to 82,wifitli war the coldest dip seaeoB. Wednesday muruiug quite mderafe, 20 abuve zero. lever neglect a Cough or Cold as are very apt to lead lo sermua i tronbles. Dr. Carson's Pal- y Cough Drops have a *fonier- effect in relieving aud curing i *-""*;'"'• ""•" iBbs Colls and all affections of tbe ' "'â- l'",^^ ""1 " ., ^, I |n,s« of tli' u| In lar^v li'til ler Ulul (."'). all to assortment Dr. Sproule I by Posters, a iiigs, wliere lie| iuae electors I nieiit to utteiul are aa follows day Jan. aiUij '3Ut Tli.rnl 31st MHXwfl biinie, Fii.i:i 24111. Katii I 8 o'cl )ck I'.iu-J Dr. Ci!^.' I I)ri;is are a i ' liH 'Selling the tliiui anv kt aud Lungs, As Dr. Carsou is |ell known Canalian pbysician of 23 years successful prnctice. there tttle wonder that bis lieiuedies are' llie Koyai pnlar with the Canadian p«opie. District of Ar Turner and Co. Speci%l Agwnls for ton Stati m, rkdaie. â- udjixirninoiit 1 tioii of ollieei good preventative for FeTers,.\gue j,, c,,„„oc!.i..ii Bilious Disotdeis is Dr. CMraou's fullowm.: Su ^mach and constipation '*itt«"s a the itVuer^ T cUj vegetable preparation. Tbcy J. Hr.,if.\V I the system, purify tbe Blooil and ' j n.,i,.g, se tha appetite, and render those yy_ ]tutie.i;;e, iQg them almost proof against sse, should be used iu every ca^c ead of pills. A. Turner and Co. cial Agents Markdale. â- E. D. Wilcox, begs to lutiinate Ills many friends aud customers kt he has sold out bis buaiiiesa to W. F. Doll of FIcsberton. Ho »ald also wish to rdturn Ins most icere thanks fcr tbc very generous liberal support he has rerior^d the hands of tbe {leople of Mark- lie and riciuity during tbe seven he haa been iu business bcre, ^d al t^e aame ti.^e, tvouli bespciik uis successor a coutinaaucc of tbe A.; W. A Sli 1 l-b-Kt AN. H ".- Ml.l lUOVid ill'" two Vf :irs a^ land lor the Hi'eil. He •;. 1^ clovct and 1 1| it tlllIl^b^d. The r'-d e' vviiieh is w.ii; the al-ike, w| bll^I,l 1 aiifi lie hIso h;id IU); in sli :ts wliicli iiol^'d SI 'ilHI, J iH M.s-r D Ob\n;f. si soirtsv I'f 1.: 'I on Welnix'll ball, on I'tj success. \fj Afdie »as V.J gies wjre reel inniids, Ir. Cliritoe. party dit-jH evening's «â- CHtlti H new W. con. of Pd service on ReT, D. Williams, wuo was wc'l lOWD iu this place, as well as Flerh- n, Duudalk, and through this oty generally, died in bis resi- ice in Walkdrton, on Tuesday '.be tb mst. The deceased has been in T health for some years, tbe cora- ooernant of which was, we believe, atlact of congestion of the lungs iila ou Che Markdale circuit. U.^ was a young mau, ana bis premature th will be aal news to hundreds ho have in tbe past been profited by ' addrsKse.i th is society aud godly Ufa. Kakin, of D; •PL ». ' b'lrne. and The Manitoba fever appears conta- i ,^,„p j,,^^^ lOoa and is becommg very prevalent. ».l,c llopeviil a nnderstaud that it is tha intention were iiM d Mr. E. D. Wiloox Jeweller, who I tbe sp«^i;er^ Id his stock and business t« Mr. W. 'â- "»"""»! »»' ' I)oll of Flesherton, to take a trip to Prairie PioviLoe. Mr. W. is a practical watchmaker i.ud a first I Telegraph operator He will abtles8 have no trouble in securirg good situation should be desire one. soiree on tlii e has been iu business seven years inc. The ni Markdale, ard has won the oufi- ed on Sun enoe aud respect of the entire com- Mr. Fish, tli naity, and we but poorly express the .iisii ict th Dtiments of the people of tbe village l services by d vicinity when we say. we deeplv Toronto, fo btsiutended departure.aud wish i chiireh, alth ihi sneoessin his calling wherever ba On Monday nMty locate. • j the most s] Ti i • 1 • J 41 Pr-jtoii. T TLa aeeond social given nnder the gim^^,), ^„ **lviaaa cf the Ladiea Aasoeiatiou of ^f tj,,' (.,, ^^tt»a Preabytrrian Clmrcb, were server "'^â- •ilflf tbe church building fund was ' addresses. n*t Murray's, on Tuesday even laat. The nigbt was cTaar, aud ling good. There waa a good *Mb aot from Markdale. Tbe social Vm in avwry respect a grand success. Ika whoUhaajtad boat and iiostes did »°;} *V" alli_.u. 5J1 .. I Will about â- •MDlbaB po#er tc add to the com- ' ^ijufpij **•* •â- • a^joyment of tbot»e pres-nt, to the ch 'od tMli and all enjoyed themselves i chairman W nwua a ly A large cake was to be Mclotyre and Miss Don- ^Wa ehoacn as candidato* for tha Maater John Richards waa to canvaa for the former Waalay Whithy for the Tha oanvas was entered into new ohurcl ciipied the delivered h Messrs. Hs music was I choir. .\ H^ m^y Col of t e ^M-'U are ofleieJ. thoe who do main in poi men, boys i their own work proper with more interest than ioMs vriil pa^ tooidpal election, and *•««»• "'"P f»ns wuo " tba election of Misa^ You can dev^ Tha pRea«U of tba «Kial »';^"^y-' Simotr A tofts.