Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Dec 1881, p. 1

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 '" â-  "~- V J ' »v -*fc" ll f •M *!imfsmsBBm l^rtdayDeogmber 30th.l881 â-  LCCAL OTHER NOTICES glove in tli^M^dgPCrtrch,^W^-„7 sTedl^^.'^. l8U BnndsT er*^. TImr ««â-  hsf* it ' ' bj calling â- ! ih« SrtwMBW CMBe4^ Usa -Cartocin*" UaebiM OO* for all kio4f ottOMtkuryti^^ aim eiflleniloi Wunem mailmSker, B«k- PeUr MaC^refOC. ^i(aiy.ieMe\Ji op. Solid DoU,Fle*h THE STA!!DARD. No snow. Beantifuldry weather. ChnKtmnR pawi«d off Tcrr qnietlj. Oreat quaaties of graij lomiug in. J. H. Hull keepsabosa livery and lo« raUa. It wUl pay 700 to call aoJ tee Mr. Ooll't ttutk at nwhertoD. Gat yut iaia Billa at tba Shadamd Offica, Markdale. Hataanl C'ip*. m groat rariety, •hasp, a» Foatera, Tba iboutiog isateb. we beliere, vaa fairly attendaJ. Job work done D«at and prompt at tlM STAMDAao Office. Jewellery in endless variety, at Wil- oox very very cbeap and good. Pulling place for ward No. 8, Gleuelg, ill Duffenn Hall, on Monday next. dali4 SUvar vatcliea Irom %4 OoU watehw from llOnp. W. V. mttm lUmembes the Prenbytenan S. 8 AnDiTaraary in Dafierio IIall,on Mon- dayâ€" New Year. Ibe gUomifit lookiug men in onr Tillage are the carriage makeri. Reas- on â€" no anew. Now i' tb« time to bay Watche*. Mr. Doll, of yifihi ittiD. u gitiiip ijMeial dUcuunt dvring tht holidayi. If yiu want a fomi watch, Wilcox will give J on the best valae you ever got. Tbia wtek. A choice maortment of pocket iHarUt for 1882, from 1.5 cvnta to $1. A. Tamer. Co. Tiiirty five Turkc-yB inrt on nutimely dtatb at the Bhr)otiiig iiiiitch on Mon- day last 2Uth inft, Tba 8TAND«£b for a raar to any ad- dreea poatage prepaid for $1.00or 25c for three mnntht. Tlioro »r* 7 cnadidatns for Village J'olico in l"li'nherton. Little interest was taken by oar viilagerH in ihu iiomi:iation, only two altanried froiu here. TiiBo.xro oil c'ljnpaiiy, are sole iBaMufncturerM of'-Ciistoriiie" niacbinc oil. Ii!fnn"eiii"iits will h' iirosecutod, Tiio OrKiiinctto is 'iio wonder of the age as a iniiaical iiiHtrumont, can bo seen at Wilcox's Jewellery store, Mark dale. Mr. Katon, who went ou a visit to his parents laet full, lits returned to town, l(K)kit)j? coij»;rably bett«r for thf trip. We are gind t seu that Mr. John Reid. wiio f(.-ll uii'l dislu.:ated hia shoiililii, B'nii' t«c nrofliS since, is ab"it iik^uni. Tlio fu[l.)wiii(» wore eloctod Police Triistai's for Murklal' hy acclama tioii Messrs. John lieid, K. Payis, •n^T. Muilaikv. I ing it «»ter andweatber proof. For ' sale by dealers. Apply Us^. .d'6 Yellow Oil and taMe inwardly accardiog to directions. Yellow OtI is the best remedy for B hua i M B tMM M a w aloioB wi iaaa.Bw, Frost Bites and all lame'i' 's, inflam- mation and pain. No bonsehold shoald b« without it. w.a «. joatgft fUAam; Examination marks of S. S. No. G, Glenelg, Dec. Ib81. 4th claas beuior. Marks obtainable 605. â€" Jennie Don- nelly. 436 Barbara Torry, 320. 4tb Jonior, marks obtainable 550. â€" Tilda tv-»,+« lUmwa Jnhn ram- White, 875 Jamea McKec. 308 Joa. •t^n. For Depnty Beere.John Cam Abbott, Jobn Agnew. Conndllota Robert Black, Jamea Baeklay, Geofge lihiwr P w.A^h» Robinson. EUPHBtSIA. Reeve, R. Myles and James Pa tter- sou. Deputy' Reeve,' Jaa. ^ydT JoT B^d and Thomas Gih»y. Couneil- lora: Wm. Fawcett, D. K. Ellis, J«fl. Erskine. Wm. Carr, John Clngston, and Tbos. Abererombie. BOLIAin Reere, Mr. Was. aeclafa Dodda, 274. 3rd Claos, marks obtain- ' able 800.â€" Cassia Walker, 1G4 Mary Torry, 139 Emma Bell, 134. Abk your dealers for "Castorine" â- acbine oil, and sea that the barrel IS branded. 'C.istoriue," as none other is genuine. eron and Justia Merinm. Council- lore A. ShnU, Wm. Norton, John Deavitt, Robert CarKMi eod Jas. Gil- lespie. •HKLBintMK. Reeve, Wm Jelly. J. C. Whetten. jee Lefelt hyfimUL, rfaiSi^: notation w» ««• fi^Ut in retnni by the Jee^JL terleii for 80 fe Sy^lP^^"""^*""""'"^*"" "^!I^t teMberi k,dw whai,the/jre«:*Mol dnd ^^ «.' uA^-'-^f^. gcttinjrall the gtfcm tb^y Vmbod loT and It only required a little ^^S^^^,^^^' level. Alter a very interesting addrees from Bev. Mr. McLeo.1 this very en^ joyable air doeed with tbe uwial votes of thanka: t:f Ou account of the slackn.sB of the J CouncilJorsâ€" J. Allen, J. F. Belfry, rope ou Christmas day Na- Ma-Goose ' H. Carson, D. Galloway. G. R. Han- was not able to fill out his bills bat ^^^ yf r, Jeffrey, Wm. Robertson, he will give anotner euteriaiumcnt in Markdale ou Jan. 2ud, Monday, w^en he will give them some dairiug fe^ts, Dont forget. The rope will be streach- ed from Revere Hotel to Reids Block a distance of 46 feet. Wliore IS Veniior 'he»e times, why don t ho trott out some weather. If lir- can't do any better ho had better "step diiwn and out." Tiie most noted inji of modern tirni'H have pulihcely attested to the vsii'ei)f .AyiT c C'li.Try pectortl as a cure for riii-'lis and C'li!i. Thehiuli'-sl jioiiit roacheil by any railroad If) II'.G-ti f»ot iivor tho Andes. ft."»3 uroMs of l-',Bt-rlir !i'» Hank pens woul I stretch the ilistanco. Till' iii'1-.t ciinpkto Farmern' and Miflrii.i. ' li;irv ever published; every ]ui.iiii iiuf;lit lit liavi' one. See tlieui at Itie Stankaiui Ulliei. ouly 40cls. Aha I -leiitis;s who nave tried 'TctHP.RkT." ]iriinouncc it the finest thin;; on tlie face of this earth for the teeth and brralii. 5 cent samples. The leeti .11 for tlie School Trustee in Markdale was oue of ini^re than us- ual interest. Mr. Wm. Hrown aud Mr. H. Coleman were the candidates for the hoiiorablo poKitinn, which ro- suited in the election of the latter by a majority of five. The bnildiof; of a flour and gristing; mill at Flesherton Station is going alieail we understand. A good part of the timber it now ou the ground and framing will coinmeure forthwith. Mr. Ro;;er Lever is, -we believe, the proprietor he is a man of (ouo might say) unlimited moans. The rope walkingperformance came off as annoanced, and was witnessed by a gnHl few, but the return to the parforiufr was very light, and we mast say we would hardly like to run the risk of breaking oar neck for so sm4U a return. There is no doubt that our Cana- dian climate is conducive to Lung affections, and for this ' reason Dr. Carson's Pulmonary Coujb Drops should be lu every bonse. For Coughs, Colds, and all other Lung and Throat affections tuay have no equal. In large bottles at 60 cents. A Turner and Co., Special Agent Mark- dale. There will be held, in the Methodist Church, on Jannaly 4th, the first of their series of winter socials. Speech es, singing le. Fifteen oenta admis- sion. Go and sujoy youraelvas. A meeting of tbf trustees of the Parson- age will be held after the s^oial. A great many people are troabled with cold feet, which is invariably caaied by a sluggish circulation of the blood. A few doecs of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters will ^oon produce a fieecircalation of the blood and Slimahite and Tone the iistem. Sold III lar;;e bottles at 60 cents. A. Ttixs^r aud Co., Spt^cial Agent. Markdale. Aay pf^raoQ deMrons of aabsaiking for the G/ai« or ilnil. or of renewing their subscription for the aeme, will e:»ve Uic tronblt- anl risk of mailing by haiidin us the amonnt required, f 1 .00 (or either of the above paper*, and we will hkve t^eia acnt tu aay â- ddraea witiMml f urtfao* eharg*. Now that winter has well eomraene- ed we would advue onr rea'lers against Dsiiig pil)B containinz Calomel and other injurioui subHtnnee, as there is grea*, danger of catching cold after theif use. An excellent substitute for pills u a Vegetable Pre]aration known as Dr. Carson's Stomach aud Constipation Bitters, a family medi- cine that, from all accounts, will soon take the place of every other purgative and blood purifier. A Turner and Co., Special Agcnt.Mirkdale. In our rambles round town we dropped in to see fnend Wilcox in his new premises, and were much sur- prised to soe what an extensive stock he has on hand, which he can now din- play to greater advantage since his removal. We priced a number of ar- ticles, and found them as reasonable as can be had lu any establisement north of Toronto, and of first-class 'liiality. Doo't fail to give him a call. as Wti iCel UBBUlcd ikat P3: mir «nit you, both as to quality and price. Honor R-^ll. â€" Honor Roll for Orange Valley Public School for the month of December. Fot,'KTH Class l8t Div.. Max, No. of Marks 227â€" Fauoy Green, 222, David Ahderson, 228. Geo. Anderson, 197, Wm. Thompson, 189. Foubth Olass 2nd. Div.,â€" B.!n E White, 233, W. J. Blair, 181, Ann. Carter, 170. Third Class Ist Div.â€" Alfred Hall, 248, Bella Cunuigham, 239, Mary A. Green, 231. Thibd Class 2ud Div., â€"Blake Auderson, 239. Asa .Hil! 223, EupheuiiaBurntitt, 215. Third Class* 3rd Div.â€" Ciara Hill, 222, Maggie Burnett, 220. Lillio McCluc. 219 Mary Jane Ford, 193. The Christ Church Suud*v School entertainment on Wednesday evening was a graud success. Notwithitaud- ing the unfavorable stato'ot the weath- er and bad condition of the roads, the llall was filled to its utmost capacity. Judging from the frequent and hearty applause, the entertainment was en- joyed immenssly. A yery pleasing in- cident of the evening's enjoyment was the presentatioL tc the Rev. Mr. Ward, the Incumbent, of a handsome easy chair, and Miss Fanny Ford, organist, with a beautiful gold watch. Want of space prevents us from giving the addrefiscs this week, but they will ap- pear in our next issue. A concert in aid of the St. Mary's (.'liurch Building Fund, was given at Maxwell on Monday night. The ev- ening was rtn exceptionally fine one, and the audience was exceedingly good. The Programme was partly .sustained by the amateur talent of the place, and partly by the Christ Church Choir from Murkdalo, with Mr. Wm. McDougal who was in his usual happy humour, aud delighted the Maxwell- iaiis immensely. Mr. J. Ccesar and Miss HoUinghead's comic ducts wert well received, as, indeed, was the whole programme, everybody being thoroughly well satisfied with the ev- ening's entertainment, which in all probability is the best that has been given in MaxweU for a long time past. The proceeds amounted to $65. The Annual Tea- Meeting of the Methodist Church, Markdale. took place on Monday evening, and was a decided success. The provision made by the ladies in the dinineapart- mert was of the very best quality, and in great abundance. The following speakers gave appropriate addresses, viz.. Reverend Messrs. Edmonds, of Priceville Grandy, of Eugenia and Dr. Christoe, County Warden and U. Richardson, of Flesherton, while the choir discoursed choice mnsic. A very pleasant, and no doubt, profitable evening was spent. Prccoeds $77.00, which goes towards paying off the debt on the Parsonage. The Soiree held in the new Orange Hall, Kell's eorner.came off on Thnrs- day, the 22Qd inst., as announced by Bills, and, notwithstanding the in- clemency of the weather, and the fear fuf state of the roads, was a complete success. The eatables, which were provided gratuitoosly by tue ladiea. were all of ;he first qnali;y, (thanks to tbeladies). The speaking was above the ordinary standard. Rev. Mr. Fisher, spoke on beanties of nature Rev. Mr. Stevenson, on the blessed- ness of single life and R«v. Mr. Wil- son, on the Orange QaesUon, followed bv an able speech by T. ti. Sproale, M. P.. on tbe past, preeent and fntnre of oar fair Dominion, the beet of order prevailed thronghoot. Tke ehoir dis- coorced choice selections of masie, wbicL were highly appreciated, Tbii Lodge has now a comfortable Hall, and is in good financial eironmstaneee Proceeds of Soiree. $86. R. McKay, J. Wilson aud A. B. Noble. OerlST TOWNSHIP. Reeve, Tbos. G.imey, Andrew Me- Girr. Josiali Sing. Deputy Rekve, Jobn Itouglass. Joseph Maxwell.irch- ibald Mclct;re. Coanoillors. Joseph Br-wo, John Hudson, John Insker, Thomas Johnston, Alexander Robert- son, William Roberts, John Speers, Joseph Taylor aud John Winters. KIPPEL. The old Council elected by acclam- ation. OWKN SOU.'«D. Mayor, C. E. Bamhardl by acclam- ation. Reeve, John Fox and Jobn B. Cliisholm. First Deputy Reeyo. C. R. Wilkes and A. B. Lang. Sec- ond Deputy Reeve, R. Malcolm by ac- clamation. Councillors Bay Ward, John Pearson, J. C. Miller, M. For- ban and D. Young Centre Wild, Thomas Frizzell, R. J. Smith, D. G. Crawford. Thomas Kennedy, G. P. r!-»itflitoD. T. B. Dowsley and W. J. Patterson Riv^r Wartl,JameB iouey, D. A. Creascr, D. McLeod. Henry Kil y. Jacob Speers aud Stephen Spencer. GLE.NELO. Reeve, Finlay MacRae by acclama- tion. Deputy Reeve, Thomas Mull- arky and Thomas Davis. Councillors. N. Dunsmore, George Biunie, Patrick Neil, John McMillan.John Black, Wm. Glencross and A. McCuaig, BXNTINCK TOW^SSHIP. The old Council elected by acclam- ation. ST. VIWCENT TOWNSHIP. Reeve, C. R. Sing and Dayid Boyes. Deputy Reeve. James H. Burnett aud Nicholas Reid. Councillors. James Bowes jr., Richard F. Street, Thomas Mcintosh, Joseph Atkins and John- ston D. Montgomery. NEWS NOTES. Small pox is reported to be frightful- ly on th] increase in Chicago. Scarlet fever is making sad havoc in Liverpool, England. It is of a mr st malignant type. The Oddfellow's Hall, Picton, Ont., was destroyed by fire on Christmas ni^ht. The Irishmen of Montreal, not sat- isfied with the fheniny Putt, are about starting another paper to be called the Truth. DUNDALK. Fn m tKt H*raid. There were a large number of can- didates nominated for tiM Proton eooncil, and several apeachae were delivered and some withdrawals made, whieh resalted ia (helnalnoBBiaation, of the following oandidato* P*ter McGregor and Joeepii McArdle for Reeve. John ASbottand John Agnew for D«pt. Reeve, James Robin-oo, Robert Black, J .seph Buckley, GeorKe Johnston D. R. McArthur for council. We expect a lively time from cow to the day of election, we make no choice, as we fully believe that the ratepayers folly know their pnvilaae and will make a good Ejection on Oie day of the election by casting their vote for the best man. The Presbyterian Sabbath School Anniversary held on Monday evening, Christmas, was a snccoss in every way. The chair was occupied by Henry Grail ame. Esq Snpt. of the Sunday School. Addresses were given by Mr. Thomas Davidson, of Knox College. Toronto, Mr. David Stewart,Shrigley, and also pastor of the congregation. Readings by Mr. James Deans and Mr. Hewctson which wf re well receiv- ed, as the reading of these gentlemen are always appreciated. Recitations by Mr. John Strachan and J. J. Crom- bic. were also well received. Mr. Jno. Strachan Rock wood sang the "Land o' the Leal," which called for an encore "Bonnie Doon." The choir rendered excellent mnsic during the evening. The usual votes of thauks were moved and carried. All parties seemed to en- joy themselves. The Canada Methodist Sunday School had oue of the most successful entertainments that has ever been held m 'his section of the country, fhe i^n •nnmndioii8 church was crowd- ed to the door, tlie cluldren or tHe school recited some yery excellent pieces, and the singing by the school under the management of Mr. and Miss Runule, were excellent. An excellent address was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Pbilp of Flesherton. to the parents and children of the school and last but not least Santa Clause ar rived on the platform to announce the unloading and distribution of the gifts aud presents, of the Christmas ship. We mieht here pay that this ship wh'.ch was on exhibition, loaded with a large assortment of gifts to firiends and prosnts to all the children of the schoo' Such a merry timc;we have not enjojed for a lono; time. Cash pro- ceeds $57. ADDRESS AND Presentation. MEAFOBD' iu ouB local! ult^oateeelect. U\ A uuanimoas vote the seveu and ,T jufjohnCbishoM IJO.â€" tA S' Adttrti^ This m yuing "**^ ^y^ ,u men disol)vered tl.e body -fa man |ji;gontbetr« ^S^-^^^f^ ».rrofThIs village. H.h^ arms/tuadJBl'J^- to til* #«^»J»i^: wawinMBtified bj UtM Bev. 4. Wilson, at the Mr. Bobert Bwiiei. Olenel dark, to Miss iiscov- â- m. H»ir- tb D*«. ene* ot Bobnrt both Beak, to MiM Marjr LoBisa, daughter of V.- -ii-_^ "Mlili » IT.â€" â€" M At 4tiA -^ t\t ^liA .^^ a ' Bo3^KSiB^3t*B „.etu.g was tendered to die retiring teadier. Mr. J. C. BnchM^n. for the able and efficient manner m wbwh he ^^.^ -eople bad oouiucted the 8Clool duripg the ^^^,^,^4^ be oi timaiie has been teacher 10 this sec There is not mncb excitement here over the election ou next. The majority seem to express tliem- sclves satisfied with the old Cooocillor. Wet weather aaaia and Iota of The Emperor of Austria has an- nonuoed that he intends to erect at bis own expense a memorial chapel on tlie Bite of the Ring theatre, in which a requiem mass will be annually cele- brated for tho victims of t'la fire. The Dominion Perl lament meets ou tbe 9th of February. The London Dat7v Snct, in com- menting upon the Guitteau trial. says the whole court seems to exist for the convenience and self-glorification of the prisoner, and characterizes the proceedings as a mad burlesqie. BUNEbSAN. On the evening of Friday. 23r€ ii:st.. a number of the pupils of Miss R .^»' departcieut met at her boarding roi ms. aud after spendiug some time in picasaut amusement, made the fol- lowing address aud prcsoutatiou, to which Miss Ros? replied in feeling and appropriate terms â€" To Miss Ross, Teachrr of the 2nd department Markdale I'uhlic Schotd. Dear Teacher. â€" We the pupils now before you huye assembled for the'pur- pot-e of expressing our •â- iucere regard for you^ere you leave us. To present you witu au address would be to us a pleasaut exercise, were we not Bensible of our inability to express in words tiie fond rciatiuii existing between teacher and scholars, tot the last two cars yon have 'aboured earucrt- ly and faithfully in our behalf, ever Seeking to benefit us both morally and intellectually, while your kind and genial manner has endeared yon to us all. And n.iw we ask you to ac- cept this Writing Derk as a tukeu of our friendship and esteem toward you as our teacher. lu parting with you we trust that the rich olessiug of Heaven m-ay eyer rest upon yon, and that you may be long siwred to labor successfully wherever in the Provi- dence of God your let may be ca8t,and that this desk may often bring to mind those yon leave in Markdale. Signed on behalf of School, JoHNKToit Wilson, William Dunoas. a|aia Poor lookout for Jfew Year's sleigh rides. PRICEVILLE. From a Correipondaut. Weather rather Fwwrable. The fair to-day was hut poorly attended. The cattle were few, bat good. H. G. A. has but few sympathizers in this place, as the A. 0. U. W. is becom- irg very popular. Tue arguments of A. G. H.,â€" Oh! I beg pardon,â€" H. G. A., sound very much like those of au insnrance a^ent. Nothing but a round of Entertainments for a couple of weeks now. on Friday a grand Hut- icale in the new school, followed by a bop; then Snnday School Anniver- saries, Sbirces. Socials, c. The Adcanee was in town to- day, Uis bland smile i« irresistable. "There is a chiel amang us takiu' notes." Tlie new school has been opened to-day. Pupils and teachers seem to eujoy tho chaugo. Our friend Tom of the mail line bus secared the contract of carrying Ibe mail from Durham to Flesherton, himself. Success Tom I JProf. Ben. Carber is at present in town. He is expecting a ^wtsian^ dun fbr service in the American Revolu- tion. Fred's latest joke was scudicg a number of musical cats down the river on a raft lighted with torches. At a meeting of tho A. 0. U. W. lust night the following oflficer^ were elected :â€" A. Webster, P. il. W. N. B. Grier, M. W. J. M. Aithur. Foremau Rev. Edmonds, Overseer C. C. James, Recorder; J. Watson, Financier Dr. Bennett, R. John Irwin. Guide Jos. Aussem, I. W. Tnos. Fergusou. O. W. Bro. C. C. James has been a]ipoiut- eJ Repre. Or. Lodge. Pricovillf, Doe. 19th. t '^^.T:^mHUii'isi^T. ;Dce of tbe B. A. .mUiMMiti, Mtk teir.. Mt. David Ifaleelp* {6f iAtfeCf o«d. 4•^Mi•s Sarab4a«ckter of Cyril Vaudina, st PriasnUe. '*f«=.r-^^*w on of tbsJMoident k it ia ffobable W which will be heW light inavUt*^*»»^ The ouforfnnate latb tion«*-':Wiu»ai)'"f and yd* firn ia jier^Mi w» fooud »bo« aud eoino sort of *u ing to his farm, ^v^^ init hereabout two «l5||Aft»-*S M? B^t-M^fcJi? kn(iWu«hi|r«# bu-^ fW/P^.^^ City vs. l'ca*. WitEH.iER.--;S"me of thrtay^h*Ti»f rahia » price of their wee|ll^«P}» m*^ mon with otboT \imm»t9»m ^soai joumato we Hte freqw'tly «sk«d by those who are do' eonyersAMt Willi the circnmatances wlw we *vnbt Also reduce our enhseriptlon priyoi' ' The himple rea««» i» that no pnWisher of a I0C1.I weekly tb' sIes of the rioies can publish it less than $1.50 and makoitpoy. In offices like tho .Ifai/ „^ ,_ mahoii.i»uj n.pv i.nbliHli daiiv •cha. Sick Seadache. Distress aS sud hlobe, where they pubiisii ua u\ 1 ^^^ Eating.Wijil on the Stomach, papera, they use the same type for the Ueartbvm. Pains in tbe Side and waekly, and having uo t3'ie setting BacJr, Wini of Appetite. Want ot rthe most expensive item iu connection Energy, £,ow Spirits. Foul Stom- y"'r v. r_ .i..-_ _... acA. It invigorates the Liver, cai^ Ties oft all surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to tbo vbole system. Cat this out and take it to yoar Oraggist and get a fQoeat Sample, or a large botiie £oMf9 cents, ajia teU your neigiiMar#NMt it. rVl T 1^ i.\ 1 r Kdi»o;i's M'taical. Telephone nod IJdisan'v liictentaiieenA llao^ and QrKan ICsair.' JChcIdw etaarp. for «at- alojziic anl torm--. RDISOX MVUfT CO.. 939 Cliestnat St., PhilB., Pa. • â-  f.9-Cra. FLESH] e ifofi' 100O b â-  ' ^. .• HORSE Sl.K^ •COTCH CoUiU, Warranted to fit. «„.! „^ 7/^' «»»ter^li.aBdMi.*••S5^| LOWEST LIVING tKfE«BE« THE ft^ ^RICHARDSON'SBU^I '•â- â- â- -' GOEB* ^N;B.-OoodSU.^^' Flmherton. Dec, Cth, ijgj nid3r ^^^ e antom biiaziu) Ttie New Compound, its won- rr\nv anmh c... I dextal atOnity to the DigesUve F ,L, *i,r-^^,^^«OOLia:ETit I imaaatus and the Liver, increas- JhJ^l "'1' i^Ji^'d in the s^\ Sgthe dissolving Juices, nliew- \^^^^l':.\l 2l^^' *^^* ing almost instantly the drea Jul ^.f.°^'"F ?â-  "' °'°«" »•». results otO/apsgsiffL^digmtiioa^ and the TORFiD LITBR, makes ^^Mi^.r^^ ^^ '^^^'^^^r^ I that all parties h^^r,rJl^^l IT^^Tientlya^d spee^ '^^S.^t^^^^^S^. carefu'.aad inteljigent erS j mierests involvei demand ^^ ^»l i „ ^^M BBOWS fcr I Mftrkdalc, Dn:. 20 IggI ' ** L â€" ' • e^l others iuterested, of U s" »?*"l^^ I and Olenclg, arc partic"ni»r/r 1" N present, .as tlie TruRtw, ;„^^»» D I ♦ Biiio usness, costiveness, Sead^ f£/9KKt*9pn^tnKt, MTTNICIPAL IfOMINATIOir^. Reeve. Dr. Ch|ri^«,^ by ^lama- tiou. GonuqiUa«»-W«rd N«k 1, A. Webster by acelMMtpn Ward No. a. A. EUiott. 1. Bdud; Ward Ko. 8. A Soiree was held in Bunessan Presbyterian Church, on the evening of Tuesday 20th inst.. for the purpose of defraying some little debt on the Church, on account of late repairs. After tea and other good things were disposed of, Mr. Meldrum. Station Master was unanimously called to the chair. The chairman leferred to the present being the third time in succes- sion he had occupied this position and the gratification it gave him to observe the steady prc^reaa of the church in this locality. Mr. Geo.Binnia was cal- Isd on and gave-an aooount of financial matters, from which it waa seen that the proceeds of the evening paid every- thing due, and left some ten dollars to assist in painting, bricking, or oth- erwise improving the building. Rey. Mr. Edmoiid. Priceville, gave an in- teresting aldreaB ou dreams, defining the diffierouoe, aud also shewing the connection between sleeping and wak- ing dreams. Mr. J. H. Hunter. M.P. P., spoke on subject of youthful train- ing. In bis opening retr arks he le- fened to the tii«d eon itioa he was in after handling the large quantity of grain that had oome to Durham that day, and treated the aadienoe to a flond deseripUon of the territory from which tha floniahin( ^rain mar ket of Durham was sapphad, making special relerenoe to th« teams ooming to Durham ail tbe way from tbe eou- fiuea of FlMhertoo and Markdale. Mr. B. Robertson, of FneeviUe, ok e on Bnioo, and apelogixed for a severe cold ha had. wbiefa heJuimaraasij uid oii- 1t eoafiroMd baehetore Mght to b^ af- ttetedwith. Notice. â€" We wish it distinctly understood that Te do not bold ourselves responsible for tbe opinions expressed by our oorrespondents. The following Address was present- ed to Miss Annie Rorke, accompanied with a very handsome Bible by the pupils of her class, in the C. Method- ist bnnday School, on Friday last Dear Teacher, â€" Wo the Scholars of yoir Sunday School dass, in grate- inl remembrance ot tbe interest yon have manifested in our behalf, ever since you became our teacher, in en- deavoring to advance tho moral and religious tramini; and Scriptaral know- ledge and also for the worthy ex- ample you have given us to emulate iu your consistent aud well regulated daily life, and womanly virtues, desire^ to present you with tliis small token of our res^.eot aud esteem, and as a sonveuir to remind you of t^e pleas- ant and gratefol feelmg existing be- tween your dasa and yon on tlie Xmas of 1881. May your useful and profitable life long be' Snared to continue the good wirk yon have now in hand,â€" the training of the youth. As in the pAst may you al«o in the future con- tinue to emolate the worthy Christian examalea to be found within the pre- cints of this Holy Book may yon ac- cept it as your guide through life, and may its teaching prepare you for the enioyment of ttio great hereafter, and finally, when this onr earthly work ia done may we ail meet on that 'uright shore, aud as an unbroken ol^*^ to sing the song of redeeming love for ever and ever. One of the EagUah secularist pa- pers has a picture of Jacob's Dream, the angels being dressed in tirfrts and Bpasigles hka acrobats, and the Daitv ein« represented as an old nun snaoking a long pipe at the too of the Wder. The London Echo StM- ly asks how can a nartv eir ZtXT-L iatU CM thai for aMB* yeexa an liie yoatb he bad been alnoat ooutiAnocWy hoarse from cold, and 00 reeJTMiuK h« voice »y "m now can a pwrty exp ectlo win £a remembered bow he fel»like ran- respect or even consideratiaii when Biaf ahNatke ooaatry shonting for '** o'^*** indulge in sttehwanfcm ont. ^mniV ^^r^^ ••»w*«rf »»i-i "««â- Â«?.*»« »lwi«»aMii«. of thsi^ 9«a Toies cgMn. b»Uow eituens. --♦ â€" wr Mb. Editob, â€" Youi Eugenia cor- respondent comes in for a share of abuse through the mcJium of the Flesherton sheet, but this i^ no un- common thing, as the most respectable aud reliable men iu the Vdiase are denounced as perjurers, ?.; then how could your correapoudsut expect to es- cape. If he were to take the same weapons iu hand, aud insmuate tlia^ he always suspected who stole the cash box; or he knew that it was Billy who Btole the horse. But enough "answer not a fool accord- to his folly," and as yon, Mr. Editor, do not wish to have your respectability or the columns of your esteemed jour- nal qucsti jned by the insertion of such trash, knowing that it neither in- creases the circulation or usefulness of any journal, we will take no fur- ther notice of them, as they fall on us like rain on a dnrk's back, and will only make one remark, that the wri- ter should ask the editor to kindly correct bad spelling, for instance pro- fitable *rrrti:ble. He calls us an igno- ramus. Oh I We hold tbe yiew, without malice, that the acts of pub- lic servants are open to criticism at any time. Some time since we were wondering where all the Auditor's Reports went to, and the very obliging Clerk of Ar- temesia invited us, per Kdranct, to call at. at. at his t)ffite, aud be would gratify our craving after information â€" how condescending. Your corres- p 1 ndent may have au unfortunate ha- bit of writing factsbetter than compo- sition, but it is easier, and this is what is the aDmentagainstyoar irrepressible correapoudent, who intends acribbling, aye, ailong a« be is able to shake a pen, and so long as you think it worthy a place iu your valuable Jour- nal, we were bom mdependent, altho' bareheaded at the time. The reason for holding the Ccnser- yative- convention on the 8th instead of on the 9th is a very questionable matter. Post cards dated at Clarks- bnrg, Nov. 80th, aud posted at Mark- dale on Dec. 6th, to members, were receiv«*d in time to be too late, we Lad trouble plenty already by unseemly haste in matters cf this kind, and the age when the people could be gulled 18 numbered with the past, the major- i^Mnnotbe expeoted to snbtnii to \m '"â- epu'd oontiitntional Yotir iBBXnESSIBLI C0«««SP0!fM«. Alf; «~^^ liavejuat heard tliat Alex^Brownlee better known as gau- dy Brownlee of the Township of AW»POr. fonneriy of Artemasia whUe «t hnnting with a p«iy of G«,U.- »«.aa guide, by «an. .,„i^t of ths gMttemao shotia» b the wm ^L^^*°^ unmediately mailid "".^ ^^ BrownUe with in W^ with a popcr) to pay for. tliey can put out tlicir weeklies at h mere ci»8t of the paper and press- work. Local papars. which hum their tyiie setting to pay for, caiiiiot pfetend to cinpete iu price witlf tlu: city wecjijies* but lUoy cMi ti6 hattar, i*||^ ciqi ^Jpl' (1« people theucrt'srespectint,' li.)nieaff.urs which i« far mow intereatiiig and iiii- iwrtanttatliem. ,Th« IH^ple f»f the countiyWillmakea greiU mistake if they weaken their local jimrnals by faking ci^ weeklies iual4ad because they feet tbein -^jheiiper, whiW they *» not Ati,«B- (1,0 V09a they w»..» Local papers are the cliampioiis aud supporters of the intfefcsto of their re' spectivc section^, ^an*. aa stioji Iftive a claim to thesupport-of tljej(»coiileasiJc from their intrinsic vnlfcor siiicli is always grestm- thmj.^ prico askod. If the people allow tiieir I"cal papers to be weakened, where wil) be tlioir in- terests when they comein confiict with those of the cities in railway aud otlur maMers They will havaahiru their own adrocates of influence, aud wv' may depend upon it that Clie fcity papers wili^o a^iinst tbaid. as they have done in the past. We don't in- tend to try to coin [Mte in price with the city prices with the city weeklies, but wo intend, as in the past, to givt on- realers a live locnl journal, stick- ing up for the interests of lliis Bcction of country, of far more value to the people of the county tbau niij city weckl}-. and we have no fear but wt: will be supported ua W3 have ahva^s been. â€" O. .S. Timet. C. GRANT, 1. stable, (diop, TWO. QT'KKV S-Pr. MABKDAtj:. [lare •» (m tli*. lot a bride houso, well. a!id ciftera. WiU sell a!id ciftmi a;i au I 011 c» y iernn. TIIOS. MULLARKY Mrirkdalc. I)c -i^t;! l^'Sl. fiK-tf SAD ACCIDENT. -**. WANTED. a. QfANTlTT OF Telegraph Poles 50 Ft. Long 5,000 Cords GedaT Posts. For which tlie Highest Pricas will Ik- paid. Und. xlakerl CABlNETmAm. Hos uow on hand CofEn, o/ttt„- prices. for hire, eliarrw owienM UNPERTAKIlirl iMMIltlj attended to tttOt nigiiL A1.0 » fall rtiA G2 MASHE Jt TVHTITAKICR. Markdale P. O. Tuesday last which was oiecithe busiest days ever witnessed in tins Town, was closed in gloooa and 66r- row, caused by ags aoeideuf Whiv:li Ironclit death itod raoeraing iu »o brief a eriod to a hafipy family. ]\4a-. Charier Smith, of Bentinck, wa$ driv ing aloug Lambton Street towards homo with a light democrat waggon. contHiuing his mother. Mrs Robert Smith, his wife uud daughter, aud when on the brulge met Mr. D. McGue. and i|i pass each other the horses became restive tud Mr. Smith's horstt, instead of, oing forward, when urged to do so, j backed, and almost in an instant tliey went backward over the south-east corner of tho bridge. Mr. and Mr.^. Snnith jumped out. and the li'tle girl was caught and taken out, and tho old lady was caught by Mr Hobsoii as she fell into the water, the wagj^on righted, a;;d the things taken out of tbe water,all in a few moirenfs. Mrs. i Smith was helped to Mr. J. H Brown's, i but in about fifteen minutes after slio breathed her last, although she receiv- ed no injury except the fright so far as is known. The only thing broken aSout the waggon was a Whipple tree ^^- Smith received a blow which WANTED. AFSM.VLK T-iACHKR, f.,r School Svcliou No. 18, E;i|jli asia, for IBHi. wilii Sei'iud or Thir.i Cla.s! C.-riiticate. Ajiplv to THOMAS NF.LSON. M.irkdale, Mark.tiile, Uec. 1-^, IsSl. 6(jr4i PERCHERON HORSES Importing and Breeding ESTIBLISNiEIT â€" a IBS â€" WORLD. M. W. DUIiBAai, Wayne, Du Page County, nUnols. U.B. A. (3o milea west of Chicaso ZIOSS IKD JtAHEahnvrb^H t,HvoA,4 /jwn f-ro.KW to this etabllMt,me„t. Iiei-m •rSF "'i*" *** romhtnrd ImportatioH* 3 •« •«»««â-  «mMrt«r* of Drmft 0orm» /Vm* all pnrtt of Europe for any one yrar.. O?*' -/*" of tlje entire nimiber o» Tmipar*» ert I- r, neit JJursri in America can De seen oo Us farm His ImportAtioiu hav« iucludod tba rrtao Winners of the ImIcvtmiI £umi«om. ef tlie Great Stiom of France since tUs Imnor- UtiauB U-gim. ILoy algo carried oil the fauian a^UM CenttimiM, 1876; and, at the Mr. broke oue of his ribs, but is able to be around. There were a number of people arouud at the time who very promptly assisted in setting thinga right as far as possible, but it was all done so quickly that there was no time for a crowd to collect. To say that tbe bereaved family have the synpatby of the commnoity in their sad affliction soavcely conveys the idea of the feelug thiii exists. Mrs. Smith had been liviuu in Bentinck about twenty-four years, was a native of Leeds, England, and wa« ver» highly eateeraed by aU who knew her. She brmge itself was regarded a« dan^er- oua, «nd tbe rapidly iuoresajug traffic over il is daily making it more so, and we have no doubt it; will, ait once be made more secure, or a new bridge built at once. u. both the street and bridge are too narrow.â€" Grew Revim •r FthtCnEKONS, «d trmpetUlmt with a» laro^tt and ftn«i,t coUecUoo ot OlyO*: daUt arer abown, eonalatinK ot tbe prUe Win. n«n at the Great Shows of Scotlod and En- Bland.) was awarded tho Grand Sirrrpmtaku i^t» U *l,OiXJ luid Ot-ajirf 0i-,7 hp^fnl. J«* PAGE CArtZOr.VB »mt FVEM em 0MHt^lio,t. loHioijM over 40 IHuâ€" »rm»io»»j,md tht, Mt*»r^ oftho I'frehtwmt roee. O irder " CATAZOeUS X." hvJ wY L ARQB B"RBEDER EVKKY NEIOHBORHOOO • aaaoe a F^:BcHKao« WAijjoa ^EwWlSE fttruet/thf? ^^ brSd'So'Se •otnman marea ol thf cuuutrr the prodno* la â- noro uniJonu. are easiRt keopen, better Work- un, and sell lor mare money on tha ' any othar aimam ot Conwa. Hoaseliolil Foniiij OrdcieJ wcri of all d.wriptiaa with lb.' utmosi dt^spud. A fuli stoekjoj RUSTIC AND PH0T3Fffi wbich will be soldcbetplotd Seasoned Luflibntfalk Taktn in eicLan^ /or Fonai G. GRANT, MifiMi Markdale, I',c. 23, 1681. C. A. OWEMViAERS t MECI TAILOE, Over McFarlaii MARKDALE, Where he is prepared to fill »li *• pinlQptOMt. THE LATESt Fashion B^ CUTTING DONE WHILE » A Good Fit Gv*^\ ESTATE, AND LAN] DUNDALK. Ol TTT 1^ ^/ FamMn wisbiiiK obtain ninnev rani • at the Farmen and MecUaiiK--' A^Morjl k, where yon can get Moret at a rvduned rtto' â-  inter â€" 1« paj off a preriotii morteace, luilil i arv 1. ui.* ol h » ohi«iee breed ol lattle. tJ«'lA:ina »-jii le put tl,ro I ttrieleat ^riracj will be â- liiitaincJin all transartiour, C3-ool "M-nrtgctgd^ lioi »â€" I beg to e«U the attontiou of those wj^tinp v pu •r of good and ekeay Fmrm Lola far sa« prieea. ieie vlll care, Matneti A. 1 4Mr nmth of tV A%^ American BotA. â-  Septmaber lit. IMU '.« ^1 t; " â- â-  '1 It " AT A LOSS FOR WORDS. The pleasure which I hereby at- tempt to express cannot be half con- veyed by words. Physicians of viry high character and notoriety have heretofore declared my rheumatism S,„^ i"""*^'*- Specefics, almost number less, have failed to core or even alleviate the intensity of the pwn wmch has frequenUy confined ^ti^.^'n""' ^?' three 'month, at a bme. One week ago 1 wis seized TLvr,^^^^ °' ""»* rheumatism of the knee. In» few hours the en- toe knee jout became swolhin to enor- "oas pioportions.and walking render- me and I intended to resign myself Nothing m Leather. ^. M. M'LEOO, NOT TO BE BEATEN I AU those who m«y have had the misfor- tune to bare been bom baretootaa wiU bear xn mind that we haye joai raeeived the laro- eft and beat atoek of leather ever before brought into Markdale, ooaaUfiug of Spanish Sole fronch Kfp aadjCWIi and are uow pre pared to manufacture Ladies, Gents. Ionth« and Misses boots and ahoes, from tha staea to the finest kd and prunella. Sewred Work a BrteoiaUy. AU work warranted. luTuible patching also d )uo here, " M. M. McLEOD ft 00. Markdale, Sept. l»th, 1881 CHARCnS ct"**! Markdal*-. N^jv. 8tli, 1 TAILO SYDENHAM ^TREE' i»* i^^^t ?«?«^*^.! c|»tca I kam^d Itth^^^^J^l •^:f^P^?fti«« ofSt. Jao6k-*OU:"i 91 Xnde in sverv style and finish. Have aU the requisites whieh constitnte a Goon Oallbrt. â- : j ... jWy Fibst-Class work done. XfT the niw Photograi^er. •' ' ' " Old Pictures copied andenlarged. " ^* Ooaiantee all my "oek* â- "â- g«»bpf **• "t^pd. 'o»w tha SxajroAan AU^UppaUr »tyU» madp. Procure the ahadow ere the aabatanee Have a Im aaeartaM«t el Framae Cheap. Bo don't roa go.aod foiset aU about it. J. L. BROWNE. Photo Artist. Maricdala, Dto. 15. 1881. M-'y. il MERRY Happy N«* THE SiiLsoribor i'*!^J°^f\ tion of thow «"TjLj» mony. that he i« P"?^ -Jl WEDXIN(5 Ci and every other "^^** Euitible for such ooDi^ Most ArtlstJc^i and of a flavor •^;J^^' Surpise P^ SuppUedwitheverr^i^^s-i* lectionery o°^'^bl« And will deli«»»**a£,rfi*J,*J may fsvor rne «» " tfjfU^J â- jarkdal*.D*-^' i,4tdy7, 1681. fUtUl'J? A. M'INTYRE I TEA! Tl A. M'INTYRE MoINTYRE'S I IJJQUOMI MoINTYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. itolHTYRE'S Ckkflb*, Coflee. McINTl MEAL I Ml • McINT^ Pork, Po^ McINT^ n^ii'ijij. kept n in a fint-elast Orooery and Hwaysool I hand. CHXAT roa casr. 'â- *i*t*t .,. Ttttftti

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