Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Nov 1881, p. 2

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 -^^ 5l2\«A^i oyc^^ ER ii MOVED THE 3ross the TO- lew Brick T TURNER jj W ' EKLY eun boknowledgod Snyirioil all ^eekliei. agentTwantei IN BVBBT UVREFRESEim CO.. Toronto. v a cnorv i9ale| OF VALC4BU I Farm Property I ih. Town-'bipx of FnphnataiC ui the ConntyrfGi^ T:i!;RS wiu. IS â- Â» 4i .•.:!:. KSDAT, in» IStm m • 10 I -•^i, :il 11 o'rlock in thof.'M Ijrsaj:;-' HMd, in Ih* .vj:jt»i«lalr, ly Virtaeol iit ' I ill et-rtaiu Mttrl^l^ [.v. iii.-rJ Hi tUe'«nlt tW porties â- it"isuuâ€" fie jr'li haStiMU- f !..» Nn. 2 in th» ^h f'Sw joirf iwuship of EupurB .14, CcMty of C ii.Hi" 11^ "•• ivrv~ more of ?•••. I « iiu iii'-,»ovfni«"nt-. w Mid tota • |. '..(.irfv A! "Ut 30 »«r«-s ulM li. «" ..1. ' r.ircl a.â€" Uncl-r Mortgt»» *«â-  ..I'r. IIâ€" L..t No 1 in Ih^SW" t-.i r.iwusliip of UK'Dvlg m â- â€¢ '.ir^r. c'tulaiiiim; IOC Mf*. â€"*,*., 11. f i.;««ii/ imir.'V. meniH .n â- â-  " till rtiiii~e»: A'"Ut *® f* )„• -.rertcl tb^reoB ****jit._ ......1 about 8 m;le» f»Bk»« *â- Â» liiktidle rE-.;MS â€"One-truth of tk«Fnn W ii.ii.l .lowu en the- dy " ., i,.-,c â-  ti-rnis will bo ui»Je »7 "' 1. F. r f !irth«r particolw* "IW " JuNKS BBOS. A MACOjm^ SoUcitors, M»»oiiM BW 'â- " to JolI.N Lto!I», Esq MllH"" r.routo. Oct. ITt li. tS'^l- J .vl^ r 1 ON SAl^E I -or- :a!iiaMe Farm W IN THE TOWWSBffft* roton and Art4 „ the Co.uity of Grey, !*«••** TucsJay, Nov. i^^* luoocluckin the tti^-- lonali Ho««l. ^\ THE ViLLAGE_OF r.y virtue of Powers oj 8j*. Mortgn^e*. which «^^ ... .,.!.â-  tin- followii'K r'-oP'^rT ., „. Tiie c»«t b9 •'"J^ V- i.„ 1 ith conceMion o'Jr, J^ r,.i..,i. coii'ty of U'Py- JS^%^ „.l !.,l. IirtvinK been f^TI-w U*. ..! by I'atent. ^^'^J^^^. \. foilowiiiK unprovem*^ ^^ 4 premises: About » ^^ • irecteU there.r » J^ ,9 ...l aboiU 3 UJaes fr Lot No. 7. in »»• r^ t...vnHh.p of ^^^'Jl0m^-^, .â- oulaiii.i./'9 """Tin »** ,„P,„^J^^»^ e»: ""°' '*r^ ^S ,1 tluuoi) » I.' "" â€" â€" ni about 10 »»*•• „ 1 3- T-.ur B.»^»^ U-i. LotolOwiW?" „ of the towwJuF â- â€¢ •ihc follow"' T\i*fw. ;?"l,eontheprti"i 1. with* yoniv 'f= Inff THE STAHDARD. ^^^^ov. llth. 1881. 1 OTHER NOTICES We»re in need of wooJ. ItiiMidlfcat qI nino inclws, diqsmg Um ^^M •torn: A t mnber of old •ngies lidaw^s I Wa to the T., G. A B. K»d. w, WnTr^ constnuied (o salt the standjtrd gance at the waits in Parkdale. pU yo" "** Mr. DoU-. stock of W*tai« j-^st 8U0W on Tenor Thursday last, and scores one. money and patronize the Fl-herton Miss Doaglass has a fine stock of jjbristiaas cards. See them. ^r. Geori,e Ireton had strawberriea ^a bloom on the Ist Nov. y vs Wilcox will remove hia shop .â- -.^.k to the premises now occo- "STtl^e Dank.' To pre«rve the eyesight get a pair of Mr. jjaU'j pebble- glasses. Xbe roads are in a very bad condi- tion, aaJ business is somewhat dull iu jonsequeuce, Th«re"snodi«putingit, Mr. DoUcfta un- ^aUu »"y Jeweller in this secUon of couniO- Mr. Wm. Bielby has 30,000 feet of good hemlock lumber for sale at his null, Meaford Rjad,or delivered. The SrANDABi) to the end of next |r«ar for $1.00 in advance. Now is |jh« time to subscribe. Mr. Oeo. WLittaker Las returned 1^)010 from Cookstowu, wlieie he bus 1 -jflt thj most oi the summer painting. loEo.srj oil company, are sole lojaufactarers of'-Castorine" machine Ll. hifrmjemeuts will bepjosecuted. It Sps.'.ss fob Itsklf.â€" Mr. Doll of Flesh- ljgfcS/l(l over one thousaud dollars ' f_y^ (A .\4LcbLS s.ucc his rcturu from Switz- \lr. Masson, Solicitor. Owou Sound, ulibewli' bi-auch office, over ilc- I Vl»nJ ' sljre, on Friday and S:it- orJs^ -.vt^ry week. i. Turner itCc)., Drugfeists.itc, have reaioTud to tb^ store formerly occu- pied ly J- • 'P'oule, in Dr. Sproule's [new brick block. Owing to uufivorable weather and lotiierdt'luy, the widening of tbo guago loll tliu T., Ci. Se B. Uy. has been poat- poued ft'i" two weeks. A»i your dealers for "Castorine" Igiuliiue oil, aud see that the barrel III kill i"d. 'C.tstoriue," as none other Yi{enuiuu. ll another calumn will bo found a l»miiiK from Uobert Awde, Inspector lu/Moir ki. Tuose b-.viijg poultry to [kU siioiilii read it and govern them- Ijrlves ace irdiugly. Wilcm's stock is well worth inspect- |B(j. IL- bus Stacks of Jewelry. See i^. K ymiiij^ man named ll-jury Jono^, liao dri-'ttiR-d on Alomliiy la.-^t lu J. L. Kouiiejy's mill poud, about 3 miles Itrom Williiinsford. The deceased I Til but recently married. line Cuttt ri those are at Mc- Mason's, and ain't they HAOYARD'S YELLOW OIL Will be foond invalnable for all purposes of a family liniment. Im- mediate rehaf will follow its as« m all cases of p«n in the atomach. bowels or sida, rheumatism, colio, colds, sprains and bruises. For internal and external use. It has no equal ui U» world far what it has. beeli f ecam mended. For sula bj all deiJers a*, 25cU per bottle. The ^aec to boy Beasteads, Spring beds, and Mattresses, G. Grant, Mark- dale. The regular Qnarterly -banneas meeting of the Methodist ciiurch was held in the â-¼estry on Monday Ust. There was a fuU attendance, and the regular bnauen wm transacted with the usual harmony. Th«e is one feature however which we can scarcely understand. Tis: how it is that there is deficit in theUie minister's salary in a year of such prosperity. One thing we do knowâ€" If erecy one would do anything like their fair share, there would be no deficit. But they all ap- pear willing in these maUcrsâ€" some willing to pay, ani tLe others just as willing to let them. Dr. Carson's Stomach aud Cnstl pation Bittrrs. are raindly Ukiug the place of all otber poraatives, mcludmg Pills. Powders, etc. Their action is mild yet eftectual and tliey are a certain care for all bilionfi com- plaints. Tn large botlleti, at 60 cents. A. TuBNBB k Co., special agents foi- Markdaie. The people of tho West back hn'», in the McLeoJ and Whitby neighborhood have decided to erect a building iu that locality next spring for the pur- pose of holding a Sabbath School, an-I also for singing schooj. This will, it is said, accommodate 70 oluldreu who cannot conveniently attend tho villai;e schools. Wo think it a very commend- .ible move on the part of the people of the above line, who, we understand. Pock. I Tetegrai^OAse m t«iMed.HiQlt«fthe, witbthekomred Co. «W !T'^^"AT\^ m Mr. naeoi, «» ^jNf Wksat iw b^'a.. tS « im • 1â„¢ • du. do. 1.18 ID 1.S3 ™«^ *...M.... XTO â- â€¢ O.8.- Jj*" ......^.. OJt " 0.86 S"**^ • â€" •• ••Ti " 0.7* PoUkMs. .......... OM •• 0.40 Uattar, parlb. OOO " 0J9 .pardoa. oaO ** 0.00 ,dr â€" i d .......... 6.00" MO • ••••••«.. COO •• 6.00 Otam.fttlk t,,,.. OMt •* 0.00 Dwka, par pidr 0.40" 0.40 'o]^PMfair ..' 0.00" 0J» T»aaiyu,fit On: OiH •• 0.00 "â-  s nwt i u s OM Bi^M «.00 " TjBO OraasHed. ......... .^ S.«o " S.OO Vay .......... llim^- SO.OO '^o^ O.S» " 0.00 OrMBApfJss,p«.taalMl.. 0J» " 0.74 J*i* .......... 0.U " 0.U TaUow .......... 0.46 •• O.OT OrrOocdWoed.... Lii •• 0.00 •8«nt is a first cbas Opoator and was conrteoas and always at his post. The mMsUrs of tbo Ladies Aid Sooety, beU their annual JDiniter, Ba»aar.and 0^nMett on Satscday hst The day did not prore is -mlfMo m expected, and the bad state of the roads, OMBbiaed wkk Ifae aost an- propitions weather,bad maeb to do ia makmg thetakiogs oftheday less than that d1 previooa years. Yet considac- ing all the octoward cireamstaoees the proceeds reached tlie highest ex- pectations of the moet saDgoine. We cannot as yet say the exact amooat realized, bu!; we Csel snre it will not be less than $150. Daring the little more than three years which the liJL. S. has existed, it has oontribnted no less than $872 to the preeeut church buiidmg aud its furuitai-e. Such a result is evidence of anosalenthaaiasm and devotion to the interestt of the ohnceh, and ttie Society descryes the bast thanks of tbe congregation for its industry anddevotian.â€" J/usios Maya- ztite. Tb^JfltarnitiMaiWbtatEx- ehaagt. OPEN TO KtminiSBHrhe W«£KLY MAIL FLEBUEBTON. {ComcUd wttUf for the SUuUm^ kg R. J SfrtmU, FlethtrtOK.i 1S«^1.S. UVE FACiasS KVEIOr- WHEJIE. The CaaxAiic BBvama Again I say Caa- TAiN UsNSrifsâ€" to Iw derived from the lroui^it patronage of this movement liave been openni tu Uve/arwter evtrywhtre. X waut uo one lo ioTest a dollar â€" more or lew â€" in it, irho lias the slighest fear that it will be a bad invtAmaa of tkat dollar â€" wuire or Usi. As shown by my lute eilitioa (5500 oopies) of -TraTeiler," (my own journal, which, see tor September and Moytmber, 16^1). This movcuieut was tuaagorated for the benefit in CauaiU, of the -10,000 "Losimn Motcal" MtEMiiKita and through them for the cvatUry at lori/e, »ud for tta« farmers of the bt^tes of klie West. aanaaaa or loa "i.ouox hctuai," or casaba. I tried to keep it for yon, but finding tha movoment fupoi.ab stebtwhebjc, aud the current chuuor that it should be mode *$ broad ta itt applieatum ia Lenada as waa p.-ubosed fof tUe farmers of the States n tbe West. 1 finally yit-lded to the Hdvice of many of mT warmest, oU-time friends of maturar yenra thuu myself, by opening it to the world. liav.agdoue so, 1 imve uveJ for thu paat mouth almost sk-epkis, to create for ":uter- ,, m. «""aii; amios. siuepjLis, lo crt-aie lor .nter- are unanimous la the movement. The j iwuouai Wheutilxcuuugo" a.n immobtai. ura 1 have found it necessary to delay my leaving eut. Tlie i line is i/roverbial for large families, i f ... 1- i i, • ,, j fbr tlic West for a few weeks, m order to for: and according? to this movement the Oa.nauias Cos.yErnoss at varicua pointe ihruughont thu Domiaian, with proper men to represent and receive orders through my m^vveuiuut. I lisre made such coiiuectious uu-oi^h Ui cy and Bruce, and now go West. Vt oil i.Wii* I'elesriiidi PcJee wanted, at loue, t'l.' which '(iJcts each will be Itaiiacash. Tliey must be 30 feet |].w. d'li clit's at top. and peeled; ntmifiit, s luud cedar. C. W. But- '-.Mu-t ~ay it's the nicest thing I |t»fr ii-ei! fjr the teeth and breuth," |«iT8 cverviini! Ji;»vir;,' tricd'TEABERiiY" uew todetgem. Get a 5ct. sample. We wo"ld draw the attention of our rtler. t Mr. f. A. Owen's change of jj^gy arc tha best I have .soon, wtttttmeut which appears this »ic-ii. Tluv-o w1m have uutroiiizcd km Siiv the suits lie turns out are p, .St too nice for anything." Jr. Mussoii was in his Law office Im- las: l-'i i-,Uy aud Saturdaj- aud is kll B8ti^lje 1 with the amount of busi- pKibe is doiii^ at prc-sent, and states A'.tf it coirtiuues to improve he will li^e to L. ct" fho office here open all Mkm.-it.adoftwo Jays, us at present. heads of families appear to be awak to the importauco of making provisio-j for their spiritual as w ell as temporal welfare. Union Cashmeres. 20, 25, SO, 35, and40eont.=. All Wool Cash- meres, 50, 55. GO, 05, 75. 80, 90, and $1.00, purchased by W. J. McFrtrlaud when in Manchester, England. Mr. John Blick, well known in Gionelg, and formerly Freight A^csit at Markdalo Station, left hero on Tucs d.ay with his family frIo-s-a State. We wibh 'iiiia success in tiia. We^t. The weekly newspapers are crj'ing out, an-d with good cause, against the nnjiist'comnetitiou to which they arc snhjected to at the hands of the bi^ Toronto weeklies. The Cilohc and the Mail in their rivalry with e.tcb other ar-3 rot making moaoy t;:era- selves and ara makiu;; the couutry weeklies ucelless sufferers. The f.iot is tliat those tv.o papers, both iu their daily and weekly editions, are doiug their to destroy lej^itiinate jouTii- ahsiu in the conutry, â€" I'orunti WorU^ Did you see those Bob-slei-^hs at McKeuna Mason's? For the monev Section Uan 'e •3 ,r,n. I-o* »"• \Vct*»"!r# ' .. pr-rai«e» ^^^ aK#l**^ iAt Sot w-i^a, j» oaj on. I^tSo'*^'^*.*: n« 80 "TSJa. -fl^ Table l)a:nasks, 87*. 42J, 45, iit. lunl f'lO t-.Mits. I'lirchased by '^.J. Mcl'Milaud when in Belfast. Mr, A. .Mflntyre showed ua a bns- i lo!;, left with him by Jas. '•tttt, nuil hnid to rej)reseut tiie geu- |r«/j-Mof hi* whole crop, which was pMd an yt'jiug we ever saw. There NsLVtiitefn. potatoes iu thoibasket f ' 'bey Weighed over 20 pounds. Illicro will bo an extensive AuctioLi p of Farm stock. Implements, etc., ft)aturd:iy, Noy. lOlh, at the Revere Fuse. Tweh-c months' credit on all 13 over $5, by furnishing j^ood PrT. Mr. Geo. Noble, County Auc- tr, will do the "obin music." I^st 'Castorine" !flaidime Oil, for IkuiJ^ of machinery, it is also ex pnt lor harness and leather, mak I It water and weather proof. For hbv dealers. |ilr. K Iward G'Biion killed a two- t-oU steer last week which weighed, " ilrt-sso-1, 730 pounds. The steer ra;b.d by his brother James. â- ^s,ijs it will not pay to raise good ^{\^^^^ and judging from the manner "• Mr. E. 0'Bri*n has several j j „;i,ch the gopd thjugs disappeared. â- oi« bieyes yet to kiU for the local ^n prggcm ^gre of the same opinion. " There was a large variety of fancy and useful articles iu the Bazaar depart ment, a great many of wiiiob wejre dis- posed of. The concert was well atteud- ed,and the programme, which waa well selected, and printed in regular pro. gramme style, was disposed of with great crtdit to those who took part. The EleetioD Cake was attoxM lo about the midde of the programme, or during ^a intermission between Parts 1 and a. Miss Dondas and Miss Hoi- lingshead were nominated, and tbe canvassing oommenoed by W. Haskett for tbe ktter Md Mr. Turner fi^r the form«r. After the aodienee were'thor ooghly canvassed Miss Holh^gshead was declared elected to cat the cake- The proceeds of this paiidi|Ae«on- cert alone amoauted to over $J8.00 AswmbesMmiB m artkie m â- n^Oi- er oolatnn clipped from the cbnrcb magasine, the proceeds in all amooat^ «a to tiM hMdaooM oooM of flM. W. J. a'rAIlI_i.XD, ESQ., has kinilly nndertakeia to receive orders, and make delivery of Western grain for me at .MABKOAI.B. Orders oat be promptly given by all who wish tu o« lASs beuedtted. Ueiora .November Xb\\x, current, I sUall send Ma. Mct'ABLAiilk and tlie other Canadian repre b,-ai*Uves of I.viehnatiosai. Wheat ti. CUANUE, hO fur as a^jjiiMuied, samples of all the bet flouring; s^iriug ubuats (aireudy cd- Keted and coming ill) from tlio best wheat sccUou-* of liiiuois, Iowa, MLuue- biita. Dakulu aud Wicousiu. My All! BEINO TU IXXBUOSCE IKTO BACH DISIGICT, ON-i.1 SV'CU OOOD.jn.OUBI NO TABIE- Tir3 AS WTI.I, MV, srEilAT.LY .??»«»ltEa FOR TRB NOIL, or EACii Locality, my arrangements in th-j west have boeu made accordingly. Brery faru:ci' con, theieture, order iatelligantly from cue samples s-mt lo ijautda, wiiioh will bo lub.llo^. li^ loiloivs â€" aiiie of Wheat N .. uiJ of (irower Wn.ire Grown. Township. -N'ACuro of tijil Average yield per acre 11 j'.v long grown there Signed Agent. Tliousiuls of 8-ach labelled spocimcBS are now awaiting my arrival iu Iowa. I ha-.-e lived /ur three months uuder A VEBn-AnLI TOLCAXO OF THOUOUT In order to make nsy International Wieat Hxchanje a tare eiiccesi for all who patr«uizc it; to make it rosalt so I can look back from fulure years upon it with PEiirBCX satis- faction- I snail, tujrefore, carry it to a tue- ce.sful insue, honorably and well for the bcnetii of all u-/io thuic their M^ney in it. Good wishes aud )io;km for luy s-aocess arc kind, BCT WILL Kor .MOTE wuEAT. I shall movc NO uouE Nob no LESS cast or west than I have orders for at Cedar Bapids, Iowa, on December 15:ii, next. I shah move nothing cast or west but tho cleanest akd best FLoDRiNU vabu:ti.';3. In order to have Waet- eru grown wheat clbas fob, I shall have '*itu me through the West one of the CELEituvrKD Isr PuizE FANNiNii lULLi, from the K lelory of 11. H. McKay, Walkertoa, Out., wliic J, froai the several severe tesii I have give J it,I know will not disgrace Canada ANYWilKSE ». BABrn. I look forward confidingly for a noble pat- rona23 of Intebnatiosal Wheai Excbaxob from the Wheat Growers of this ooutinoit iu order to make it as eminct a success (before 1 sit down to next Chistmas' dinner) as my circub.lion of tlie " AVniTE HcsslAs" and '-Lost Nation" has 'occu for the miller and •onsuuior and prolitabte to the pttyVactf. Klsowhere iu this and «cxt issae will be Black Silks, Satins, Kto Gloves, Laces, Sliawls, MantUs, aud Fia-.mcls, selling Retail at Wholesale j:rico8 at 'IcFarlai;d'i' Wm. Lii.-as tvCo. remove their Bank- ing cffico to MjDougall's uew* block this week. Wo willgio a more ex- tjuded account of the uew premises next week. ri^EASE NOTE .THAT The cheap«!Kt place to purchase Men's Boots. Wojiex's Boots, Childbkn's Boots, Bubbers and Fblt Ovebsuoes io at W. J. Mc- Farlaud's. 17 cases received this week. They are sellinj; fast. Mr. 11 jury F.)ster has rcutod the Hhop just vacated by A. Turner Co., and is now opeuiuf^nut a fine st.?ck of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and ' 'o'Jnia few of tHc HoaE asd cosiixEin-AL ' â-  Ecn')KS I have h-i.l SPEAKING FOB THEJISKLTES. Shoes, and in fact everything kept in a general store. Too busy to write out an advertissmeut this week, but will apiicar iu our next issue. Order your B b-Sleighs at McKeu na Mason's. That ia where I ge* mine they build the best for the price. Miss BurclT^as her shop full of new and stylish goods in ber line, and ia doi-m a good business. By close at- tention to business, and a wonderful bnsineFs tact iu raauagin^ the nn e she has won tbe esteem patronag' of a l.-vrge custom. Toe BiaAAB, DiNNEa and Concebt, â€" Tiie ground being covered with soft snow lljei e wap not a largo turn, out bowtver, things proved very satisfac- tory generally. Tiie dinner was ex- "^ncn BEB3 of reapers, mowers :iiiiio inacbines, prefer "Cas- -icl.ine oil to any other, it '^[ " sear lird, seal, or elephant, P** Warranted not to gum. I "e will give the Stanbabd or Haa- auy of the following pub- ' (or |2, or eitl)er of thein â- â- ^ obtained singly at $1. Weekly â-  Weekly Gtob Farmer* Advocate ' C»Dada Farmer. Tbo American ^â- Qlturist in comjeotion with the ' or Hebai.d$1. Bingly4l.60. â- "»- Baker, while attending to » 'WW in Mr. W. Hogg's mill had '" stuaahed to pieces, bis wrench *bile adjusting a not, and his i :^****^ il'rough between a poDey belt. The shaft was maldne â- 'solutions per minate. The *^? i»oiiot tell at present whether Will have to be ampatated Having the originals of hundreds of just snoh kindly aud assuring echoes from across this continent, there shall not â€" cauuot â€" be any failure, on my pakt, to make the Isteb- NATIONAL WuEAT EXCILVNJE A GlOBI'JUS SuO- CEJ-i. The Mjveuext sow LrvES iHBonon nvx Sr\iE3 Of rTE WEjr. â€" S jbi Success Its KuroBS IN ras Domqiios o» Canada depjinds E-jciBE..-,- jpj-i Til Patob or tan P«ph Nj-v. c'tflS r. DOiLK, Hin'acT ff the Internition ll ^f^h'.it Erc'ii^J*, W^ Hcrton, "(I«.iJa, ani C"i-»r /J rjili. loici. Floor, per bbl, Spring Wheat per bosh.. Pall do. do. do. Barley ........ Oau 4 .* i...; Peas Potatoes Bntter, per lb. Eggs, per dos. Folk, dri-saed. Boot Bhaepskins ^3^aa «««.•.««. H.T â- ':•' C:.^il^ Timoth/aMt. ..AN^ Wool Lard Tallow 1- TuatAi, Nov llth. IWl. • • se •««• • • « • • •• »6.S5 to 1 90 to IM " OJtO " OlM'-V ' •M " 0.60 " 0.10 •• 0.16 •• «.00 •' t.00 '• S.60 " 6J0 •• 'lt.0 •• MD ** 551 •• 0.10 •• S. W. inilBAM, 0.00 m IM 0.8S 0.S6' o.cs 0.35 0.00 0.00 65.0 6.00 IM T-OO 18.0 1.40 0.00 0.13 0.07 DUKBALK KASKET8, WKeat, FaU, No. 1 •I ft it o Wheat,^iTing, Bariey Peas 14 OaU Butter Egga 1 a 0»* as* t 8 1 1 1. • a e • s • e • • I a • a • • •-« a i 61.3 Oto »1.» to 1.90 1.30 to 1.23 1.18 to 1.30 I.IS to 1.15 .TO to .80 .SO to .68 to .60 to .M to .30 to J2 to .60 .78 .63 .36 .21 .15 TOBONTO. Wheat.tall. per^ask tl SO to 11 88 Wheat, spring, do 1 35 to 1 37 Barley, do 75 to 95 Oats. do « 44 to 45 P«»a«, do 78 to bO Bya. do 95 to 1 00 Clover Saod do o o« to o 00 Dressed hoga, par 100 Ifaa. 7 25 to 8 50 Beef hind quarters 5 50 to 6 oO Beef, fore qoarters 4 00 to SgOO Chiokans, per patr o 35 to SO Fowla, do „.... 00 to 00 Ducks, par btaaa.. ......... 50 to 60 Oeese. ea«h 60 to 75 Turkeys 76 to 1 25 Butter, larRaroOs.... 25 to 26 Butter, tub dairy 31 to 22 Butter, siore-paeked 00 to 00 S«8, fresh, per doz o 22 to 23 Km«, packed o 0(Mo 00 Apples, per brl 1 35 to 2 00 Potatoes per bag 80 to 85 Onions, per bag..... 1 15 to 1 30 Hav ,. 1200 to lolO KIDNI ri A PERMANENT CURE FOR UME BACK, Plies, Disooscs of the Kiduiys. Bladder and Orinarv Organs, or aiteudaat cnmplarats. INDUUITBLE EVIDENCE GIVING ES- TUiE SATISFACTION. Picton, April 20, iSSl. Gehtlemeh.â€" I find thnt tout Pads are giving ♦•ntire Eatisfa-jtion. ».ud wi^h you iu- creoseil swles for so valuaUj a remedy for Diseases of the Kidneys. Bigned, Dn. J. B. MOUDEN. Pricesâ€" Child's Pad, fl.50; Ecgnlar Pad, J3-, Special Pad for Chronic Diseases, 83. Ak your Druggist for Pamphlet and Testi- monials, free. Sold by A. TITBNEB CO.,, IdarkdalCk i'AUKKR CO., Owen Sound. J. W. ELLIOTT, Chatsworth. STEPHENS t McCAEROLL, Meaford. U. ItlCHABDSON. Flegherton. THOS. STEPHENSON, Orft^igcvillo, a. W. PABS0N3, Diiadalk. 59 SPECIAL NOTICES. BEST AND COMFOBT to lira SUKFEBING. Bromii's Honsehold Panacea has no eqaal for relieving pain, both inter- nal and extemaL It cures pain iu the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore Thr.'at, Bheumatism, Toothache, Lambago and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "It wijl most surely quicken the Blnod and heal, as its acting power is won- derful." " Brown's Household Panacea," being acknowledgedas the great Pain BeUev- er. aad of doable the strength of any other EUzer or Liniment in the world, should be ia every family handy for use when wanted " as it really is tho best remddy in the world for t;rarapH in the Stomach, and Pains and Aches of allkinds," and ia for sale by all Drufigists at 25 ceuts a bottle. 20-lv HSothersit Mothers t Wt il LA B QB BHam i db BVBBT HBUISBOE ttdrty nan' Mai taa ^atratad tint Wtea. end ta and Mil lor aooc* a a sarieaMv daas of PRESCNUTIOIl PUTE. .Iv«i7 eabasrtkw to Iba fhaBLs IfabkrlWtwill BaedveaTal- «aMaCWrt.«sMy juunmrirWMtiE wi A a flae Bapaviag, du)rfayii4i sflaifsass itm warn looabtT of TMCOM^ATOANAOIAN WeelCLY FftOM NOW TO THI^ END OF 188S FOR ONt DOLLAR. ia ielHs a f«lats«(lsf«,aad o( Ike rssdiiic ft SlIhSSMI to sai wftaiMd bgr a aaaUflad tiiMMUBlly^ will be repliaa paUiikad frost tuao to tisM ia TA WKXfii' olta tnaoVHtfLwIlbsia by sMialsMM4iBat»tt.pssMsssts«ahs«idl 4»^ wath mora thM Um i^ala â- iilwsiijUiw fbM of • â- â- â€¢ar. Be wtU U aidsd hf the Wluwing urtfcoritiaa ^-r L. B. Aaawa, BkI ^esidsat a Hip Aâ€"rtaaa Pali i â- sii's iswdatlBa aeaMMolaHWM oaCnanaafUBXa sad DAIKnVO I aj -0 Harkdala, ^oaal, U -1. AU I .k JL^mUJaa, «• UtUa VaOa, M. T.. oMofIke ksH ' aad Orniairiea, «iU ooatribato a a«iiB tl Oae «(1b« laaaag VSIariaary Borgeeaa of Caadte wfll,tnMs «a VBTBBOUST Mat ,â€" d watsfce easwer ail gaSttioas aâ€"t by aabawfbl ia tho Mallt. Md wol Mfiy to WA.GON and Carriage Works, inat oponad, opposite the dni^ itora. Mill â- treat, tftfving leag aspariaiiou in tbo beat. TH» WKKMaiC is^hs bost wesMy anwiaisis wMtobad fc UsoalsiaaMroMlaamlotharTelatMpbUXeirstlnasayethM vesUr M Va» So- It doalsiaa darioc tbayesr MO eoloKas of Hew laLTiifuHai HliiiliS «. It eaa t sJ B i ovtr 900 oolsauK ofAgrissltand JMlsr. It fbe Wt «ilt«s oa Xtsbriac. fVfSi»wHii6, Fbrasliy, the son offiorsoa and Cattta, fkatt Baiaaig. O iw r a l A«Tiaiil- iti«aotsi6stii»iifl|ii^iiB»Brts.aâ€" Msa^i im ^^ .a^^ae^i^^siss; llooln«har9lKaaB«tpivaset»«i(r»est^«Bw ^-^VMtttilli ««• TlUled •aadyevrwlassaowie ' i^.,.' -^' â-  Teaclier "V^'anted.. FOB School Section Ko. 6, Artepaua, male or female, holding second or tbflrd class certificate, duties to commence on the 1st January, 1882. Apply to the nndeisigned, Btatiog salary. JOH^ HAZARD, Sec -Treaa.. 58-8t. Flesherton. P. O. WILSON A BRYDEN. Wholesale and Retail BUTCHERS! BEEF, PORK OR MUTTON SUPPLIED. from 1 single pound to a whole cartass, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THIIR SASON Fanners having Pat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispoHO of will do well to oall at No. 3 Burns' Block, oppo«ito thu maw Union Block. Markdale, Oct. 2.'th, 18(jl. WARNING! There is great danfer of tak- ing culd from wet feet. Itjom want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep your feet dry and warm by piocuriug your SOOTS â€" reoH â€" KAY THOMAS. Siitisfaotion GiTarcntecd. Med- icale^l Cork S.!er., all ^izns, kept oil hand, iteinenibrr the placo opposite tlie uew ,ijrANDAiiD Office. 49 "Ta* Ao*uci;i.nTKAL Pai:.r or Cakada." THF FARMERS' ADVOCATE â€" AXD â€" Home Magazine. 17TII YliJR 01" yuItUCATION. W. WELD, EDITOR ASD PtOPIUETOR. IMPROVED ENLARGED -a1882 jioii;" wniTBKs! more n.i.c^'minossl Ereiy DffiartHieiii uiiihr this eery, lint Talejit. Only 91 per Annnm, Post-paid. Trial trip, 3 months, 2oc. Intending sub scribers are invited to send for a aaiapte tiumlcr. A Jh em. The Fabmebs' Advocate Uoxs Maoazdib, London, Canaila. ... â€" ...... 1 mmam ^0t0^MfMtmf wwt^B9U9 â- ^^'^^1^^ BtfHelm, S trtm t t ti Hm Cknt, Him mKiMUt. 9» Ifothtirol Are your crying toethi „ MRS. WINSLOW'8 SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little suilef er immedi- utely â€" depend upon it thwa is no mistake about it. Tb*ip is not a mither upon earth who has ever usad it, who will not tell you at ouoethatit will reg-'Ute tho bowels, -and give rwt to the mother, aud relief and health to the child, operating Use magic. It in ptr- feetly safe to use in all cases, and plea.saut to tbe state, and is the prescription of one of "THE STANOAMI" â€" AXDâ€" Kural Canadian, Prom now till end of ISMt For f he sm ell sam cf $1.60. T?y a»i-Bn}!*n)(T)t with the 'pnhli.her 'of the BUBAL CANAI'IAN, tSo n.-w AKricBltaral '.V oamals of iie clars," we are enabled to offer payers fur 81.60. Tbe "irgnlar price of o is 82. lonru the two Bboull *3V of our rejidcrs desrie a C6py of GJV^IADIAN' BAHMlNa, an EncyolopBuia of Agriculture bv prnctical farmers, we are ready to hirnish The ^tnndard and Bnml Caniadinn, anrl thu lxok, in full ctoth bhlJiup, with nearly '800 fine il- loi^tratioiiH; alitor 62. Tb« fr^ aloae of FLESHERTON, IB TBI PLA08 TO QBT 1IB8T CLASS OOODB AT LOW PBIC£ ' General Dry Goods AH IMMENSE STOCK. furs im4 XUUtt^yyt JUST THE THING. READY-MADE CLOTHING IN ABUNDANCE. BOOTS AND SHOES! FOR THE MILLION. -0 â€" HATS AND GAPS FOR EVERYBODY. GROCERIES Fresk and at the verv lowest prices. Cash and Farm Pro- duce taken in exchange for goods. No Trouble to show Goods. Come and Examine for Yourselves. • 15- T- si=»xeoxrx. FlMharton, NoTombar dth, 1881. 16 t'heoidwt "and" beat f .mala "ohyriMan. and Cp-adJan FarmiBR U 81.50. nurses in tha United SUtaa. Sold every- where at 35 oenta a bottle. 90 It ERRORS OF YOUTH. AGENTLEMAS who «iflerrod for year- fmm Nervous DRBILITT. PBBMA- TUSE DECAY, andajl the efleot. of youth- ful indiaor«tion, will lor the sake of sufleriiig humanity, Jend free to all wUo need it, the reoipa aod ilir««tions fpr makin g the rimple remedy by wliicb b«i was eared, Suflertng wouniDfi 1" sdvertiMT's experi- eoM Ola M oy attdreasiog in perfost eon- JOHN B. OHHSSi. aitiT 4-J Cedar »t. Mew Tork PIMPLES. I will maU (Free) tbe reeipe for a tlmpb VaoKTASU Balm th«t will remove Tax- FBECKLkS, PIMPLES and Buotches, leave ing the s^in soft, clear and beautiful alw) inatrnetion« fqr prodaeuma lux piant growth of haj on a bald head -jx smooth lace. Ad- dnas wcUwlng a 3e. stamp. Boa. Tandelf 0(..,.«Beekaian.t..».Y. ^: SOlv AOBHTH \VAN'r.KD. -Bif pa.vâ€" L'olit Wsrk. Kteiuiy Eaqdormeat. jry on Sharle^it Motiee. Cluui«aa Baapl^frt^e. A-Wtaw. M. L. BTHN, Ae*^ atieet. Vmm ti^k. 90 TO ewsvNPnvEs. As advartiaw. te*ise been p«ssaa»a4iy •ned ot thit dread diMoae, Oonaoaiptiuo, by a TTT** IMT^J is Mixioaa to «ak known to hia fcPow aagenwi tbo â- ea aa of onre 'To •ll«^dMliait,heiftaMld^ *eiT *** '^^^lIid..siloh.^J^th tu ' rftw and oainc the Mire a aoaa Cnaa for Oe« SUBSCIilBB NOW AKD OKT Balance of year aEORSE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AOENT, LIC£MB£1 AUCTIONEEB For tliS Cooalif of Oxe^, AoEXT for the foUowiug reliabU ri«wiipaiia« OrnZENS' pf Jt.lilreal. ^.;^ ' • â-²aaZODLTQAAIt. ofW s a it s ui t sad TBAPE OOTlVnBCK. (ItWl) ofTerr«to. A Mniar W cioioo PanM lor sale. bIko AnEten4iloaeaadaated In Town or Coan- ALL IWCEIV! Waattef to Purebase or laet laprered Farraa, Wild Landa, Town or Tillage Property, In the Count/ of Orey SHQULO SEND FOR .Those kafiaf lilv Properties to di*pa«e ot aUoold aonsoU ate. fmf. CATALOaUS BENT OX APPLICAnuH, Bilia, 61a0k Mote., and atam«a sMvidA GEO. NOBLE. Habxbalx. Kav 30tb. 1881. 8«Jv tbe PrueMtotion, «U r.».A,iniiOO,I6» J.OST. ARoteifhacl,forfian, male in January, 1880, and payable to J. «. Bcnn-O, oti let of JaaMiy, 1881. Made by John Bow«, VaadeiMV. Endaraenu^ata to Um amoont of NOiOoa the adN. Al JMnSo* an haMter as6tMii«tiast pndMng Midaolsas I tew aol leeeivei vahto lor iL ' J. M. INnmSLL. IWiHsIaBs. • Farms for Sale.«n|l JP Ut^ Ikawe tela tw «W«tT 9lMBrsdl|BlK, aad ««1 be p repa r e d to u eee at e Deed.. to., ate., ueaUy aad oognreelly. Adviee oa l«6al peteb. Also to sKead to all the dUferent deparfaBanta at etreet. aes., we fdri eoufldMl we eaa give aattttsa. tientothoaelavanncissithtkcisasdMa •• CABUAOKS. 8PBINQ WAaoOlt8) :- X.U11BBB WAOOOks, Ai' Boraeshoeing, knd all kinds ot repsisiag la our line either in wood, iroa, pitatia# Mat trlBBiiBg neatly aad pom|4iy ensMlsa^ We aM notlunr bat good laterial ead S^ ptoy flrst-ola.s praetioal workoMa. Our aim is to give the bert \alQa lor tha past money, tliO. (.rcuricg a reptUUoo a# our eBte('i» oiders and the beneCt of yeot eflucDce among jmu frixna. Markdale. AprUGth, isei. fO-Saa MANHOOD HOW LOST. HOW REmttftr have recently pahlidied a nav dition of Ir. CnlTersreli** eiekrated Essar on tha radical and ucrvous Debility, McBtal and Physical lnca|iacity, ImpedimeBt. toMSni^' etc., n-sultii.g from cxoessea. Es~Piice, ina sealed enTelope, only 6 eta,; or twcrpostage stamps. The oclcbratod author, in this adsMtabla Essay, clearly demonstrate., froak thfelj^ years' suocestifnl practioe,*that alanaiav e^n* sequences n.ay be radically cured without tha dangerous use of internal medicines or the Bsc of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at ouoe Eiiii)ile, certain and effectual, b^ means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, vaaj cure him«ol* cheaply, ^.irately aud radically. t:s~This Lecture diould be in the hauda b( every youth and every man in the land. Address The GnlYtrwall iedieal Co.. 41 Amb SU, New Fork. Post Office Box 450. THE BEST REMtDf FOB Diseases of tbe Throat and imi JI Y t^ 1t5 1° diseases of the pnk T\l CaKO cionary orgaus a MtS ami i'i.::all« remedy a invaluable. .\tbm'S ChRUIIV PlKTOKAL IS such a remedy, aud uo othersocniiueutly mei^ its the oonrtdeoce at tlic piililio. ltisas(.t entinc combination ul the metliciual [vinc^ jli-» aHd curntive rte* lii»« of the tinmt drugs, cbrinif-aUy uailod, at Riicb |vwerasl«iaiiuM th gri'.-ilest poasible ctiii :.iiiy aiul uniform- PP/'TrtD Jt ity of reMilts. Itstrikae t L.\j k \Jnr\Li. ;,t tiie foiindHtioD of all pulmonary disease.i, atToniiiis pronijrt reliaC aud rapid cures, and ;s aiUpti-d lo patients oC any age or eitber sex. Being very |«lntal'.a, tbe yonnjest oliil(lr-ii t.ike it readily. Ia ordinary Couglis. Colds, Sore Tliroat, Uronciiitls, luQueuxa, ClergriBau's Sore Tltroat, Asthma, Croup, anil Ca- tarrh, the efff.ts of AvtKt C«kkht fao- vouAi. are ma^fical. and multitndes aie an- iinally preseiv.-d liom serions ilhn-«s by its timely and faitb'ul iis' It sho.i'd le kept at hand ia eveiy 1: j.isehold for the pro trctiou it afToids iu sudden attacks. Ia Whoopiag-roiiKh ami C'oiisuniptloa tlirre is no other rem-jdy »o ettica 'iijaa, soothing, anil helpful. Ivow prices are inducements to try some at the many mixtures, or 9vru|a, made of cheap and ineffective 'faigredieu'..'*, uow offered, which, as they coulaiu uo cuiative qualities, can afford only teuinorary relief, and are sure todo-eire ana â- aix.|roiit the aaiiMn. Iiiseast;x of the throat aud tangs demand active and effective treatnidiit and it is dan girrous -x|erinientiug nith unknown and cheap medicines, from the great liability that these diseases may, whiie so trifled viih, become ileeply seated or iucurable. Uae Avkk's Chekiiv Psctohai., and yon aisf conlidently ex|)ect the liest results. It ia a staudard medical preparation, of known and acknowledged curative (wwer. aud is a. cheap as its careful pre|aiation and fine ingredients will allow. Eiaiueul phjsiciana, knowing its compoaifion, preserilM it io their practice. Tlie tewt of half a century has proven its absolute certaiaty to cure all pot. monary complaiuts not already beyond ths reach of htumin aid. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ay«r lb Ce^ rracUcal and Aaalrtlcal Lowell, Mass. SOLS BT AU S«».«ISTS BTaarwBBaS, of my bosines* my metto ii Thurnn^- Fair Pealinc- Amettmu 9«lea jph «H4»CW« I^^. ROBT. O^VIS, Aft SIaRTLING DI8COVERyi ^*.^ l«Ua*«.MM. a«Ma Vatkit.'.ow aNnnssesa « •â-  1 'i t u

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