Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Jan 1881, p. 2

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 •I- 3MOV:i that be stahdard. D DOOR Pi Jan. 2l8t, 1881. riiK •*, erooitit I ADJOING THE p* cmsrqueutlT every 1 noii«fM'!*"it sal, «t' KMperi' ' til iMer;t u tin- jmst. was uever better Ufss pood, "reW«"»'"l Lair sofas at „ .iPtis the largest and "' ,,,. VeiVrooui set of parlor trv J. \V. ]5^t.'9, Flesber- ^^toek4 Jatest Sti ri.n. F GOOD Bircli juj :es 1 LL BE p^ij^ OULOINGS, on Applu til..- Factory. Dnrt,^^ "I. HOopi OFF? c:(^sT Suits, kn see tliat Mr. John iy^e IS about ao*'" „P^uLuat:-n?ure held JosKFH J/tCtTfiiKfN bat dig. • II c«xrj' "" bnsiuess m tbe Ie trains on tlieT., G. D. Rail- li«vo «"" considerably behind [fur tlie past few days from suow jud iiiteiiae cold. fiiciiAKDSON has jiust received â-  lot of the excelsior tea, which FiicJi general satisfaetion. ^•louv wants it. ^eat boat race hetween Han ftud Lavi-'-l;- which was to have place on the 17th was postpoued liccouiit of tlif quautity of ice in Ijiver Thameip. I on Tuesday. 11th inst., on [TornDt3 "1x1 Sydenham Road be- n M»rk(l:ilt' m-^l Noble's corners, [* il jiarcel coDtaiuiug a pair of libttJ '" finder will confer a ty kaviug them at this office. as we go to press of the Foft tii« bMt nit daatp^ i oil and ooal oil, go to Hask«tt J. J. Wasn. Dwttut, vill kft^ H» B«T«ra Hotal on Wednwday aezlSttb ToBOMto ©a ootnpaay, are oak ncannractarenof •'CMteriiM bmcUm oil. Icfringemente will be proMdrttd. ToBONTo pspen are etiU eomplftin- ing about tbe lack of bdow TVe could easily spare tbem some and not miss it A« yonr dealers for "^-ittttrioo" machine oil, and see that tbe banel !• branded 'Caatociae," aa aooa other w genuine. Althoooh snow is plentiful slew- ing 18 anything but good, tbe roads being considerably iifled, and the pitcb-boles something awfnl. BaiNe as a eord and a quarter of good dry two foot wood, or one and a balf green, and yo« can b«Te the SrANDAJtD for a jeir. If your eyesight is faiUaf yea tiya sak of Lazams Morria' BpectaatM. For Mie alT t Wilooi's. MAKPALE. THIargs or mnUl aaooaiiL d' X good aBdorMd rnifuj ATepQcm. pouita, at loweat n|tea. «»«â-  mf.£6(UiB.* Oo. ...... i-j 8«pt«BbeT, 1880. Meat for AH AT W. B. S^jjent's. or nr any on« north of CHSAP GASH STO olds A JUST ARRIVED A FULL SUPPLY 6t SUmiiBE, WATCHES, JEWEHf^tUKX^ A.T«ri fTA^rcY ciOoi^N. tha.^: M uj Conti Mni |/,fri k'lvin Liderclot DryG » AT PBICEl SHO iLJAP. ;- .tf 'Alt r. BRO u. i^.,,!; ef Mr- Jacob Keefcr. one oUk^t ftttlers on the Lake 'l me. Mr. Kcefer j'aid a vieit :k "*^ Mi-'""' I'kfeferof Flesherton, j^jiffcis i"co. We saw hhn |,je:inirD.i"ii'ii'.v home, and al j^ aiiciit 8(» yiars of age, be .^ feif to la-'t lor a number of 1,^ jjiTC iicdvid the steel plate raving if t'"-- la'.i' Hon. Geo. lirown fbe prt»ti:t«il ,i,'r!itiU'tou8ly to tlie Kcribtr-. I't t/io Wjekly Glube. nK hnim iitly seen tlie Hon. Itleniaii. "' c;in proLouucc i*he i J virj life-like. Now is the 10 jsui'.-iiil*"' Call and soc en- ivin" »i^" '"'ive your subscripton lis. ICostfMi-'^i IIinKl., l'Klti:vii,i,h.- it ulO'it attrlition tii tilt' liOUCe ill' fcitil to he fiiiinil ill another lurau. Til' 111 'list- has been much :A ;iiil I t !â-  iwiM iiii| roved, and iil:u' r III- ;i'l" lii;ii ;i.u'«'JU'iit of fit- i-'ilti'iis lu..]!..: r. .vii. Tii.-.j.. iliiii'Mi, We bi-M'i.ilv I'll' It a good 1.1 1miiiii ---. iiiK 'iiiiii iiiiiiiial \\\' • r 1 f I'.iig' ni-i raiiKc-. N' rihl,(-;.|ii 11 (.11 tin- IMh the h:ill V»iiS !-!â-  w.ivi' a v. r\ •as;ii:t I \t hli.^' .; "i i 1. • krc n a..iii^ â-  â- ' • •• • â- "â-  â-  .â-  Hall lil's Vl.l' 1' .. â- l-il'-.U.t In niinJv. i *â- â- â-  '-J- "i. " J; UsK "Castorine" Machine Oil, for all kinds of machmery, it is also ex- cellent for harness and leather, make it water and weather proof. For sale by dealers. A Tka-Msktimo is to be baldly the Methodists of the Town Line appoint- ment, on Friday, 28tb inst. Admis- sion, 26 cents children, 16 cents. Go and enjoy yourselves. The concert bald io LycMi's Chnrcb by "Hawkins Troupe," was well at- tended, and tbe entertainment was we are kdd even better than that given in Markdale, on tbe previous evening. MANCFACTTrBKRs ef reapers, mowers and threshing macliinee, prefer ••Cas- torine" machine oil to any otiier, it will out wear lard, seal, or elephant, and is warranted not to gum. Elseb Hawmns, colored, preached in the C. M. (Jhurch, here on last' Sunday. Tbe Church was filled to its full capacity. Tbe Elder was listen- ed to with great attention. He preached at WUter's Falls in tbe evening. Labiksâ€" Jont you fail to see those Gold Watches at Wilcox's. Ox Friday morning, n woman nam- ed Mrs. Hills, who }ived a'wut twol miles from the village of Shelbume, was found frozen stiff within a short distance of her home. An inqcst was held in the evening, we have not heard the results. Croup, that dire distase, has lost its terrors to those who keep Yellow Oil at hard. Yellow Oil also cures Sore Throat, Quinsey, Coihgestioa ai»d Iiiflanimtifion of the lungs. Now is the' sc-soii tcw'uar against sudden attaciis of ilisias.-s. Ask your Druggist for Hagyards's Yellow Oil. Mk.Jopc ph McCutclieon announeoc. through the medium of posters, tiiat he is (icsinius of disposing of the Revii- Hotel and his two farms, one in thi^ Township of Euphrasia," and the oth-r in the Township of Mono. Purtii s desirous of purcharing real t st:t.' -1: uld not fai' to call on Mr. V,:' •'• o'l, from vIiotu full particn- L;id. â-  Oti V ETEmN AWV. JBLOOITFTELB, Ha y«terinary 3wfeon, ASeom menydtha prsc tioa of his pre Mqjsnepea and extepits metie. in KhJmS and thu c^^nntr^TWemhlfd to rtSato. .st^ action. Kegulating Po^derCoT^. miration of thou^Mrfa that Lato u^ad Ihem wyrautsd to purify th« blood hy rsJTi^s diaoaaes Inrking in th« p»-*~- ~« 9 eatile, always on band poenred at hit offioa, o««r lr Dna Stan. Maikdsia. Medicine* may faa 8proii]«a 1-T ..1 Legacies I Pensions! .Boiinties I Parties haTing may of the abore elaims to mreatigate -will ptesae eommonieata with naat anoe. A. G. HIJIfTEB, TV » ». Claim Ag*nt. Dnndalk P. 0., County Grey. 6 OYSTERS, OYSTERS, JUST BECEIYEB P""»rtly OB reeeipt of ordtn. SAUSAGE i POULTRY "Iwaya kept in their Season. Special iucLttcwaents to la^ge JTarcliaser8 r^ »i.*^^°P ^^ ' «»*ctt. oppoaiU the " Bevere Hotel." r*^â€" »3"Ca8h paid format Cat- tle and Sheep â-  i.JS!f ^^^^^^" ^or past favors he lro«ta by faithful attention to voor wants to ment a oontinnance of your Bupport W. B. SARJEANT. iUAdab,, Sept. 17th 18M. i NOTItJE. A'^J?" indebted to the tmdersigBed •itfaer by note or book acconnt will call atmy ehopaad setthi without farther ootiae. AH 1 Have not time to risit you all at your homes, and it is too expensive to send out a ooUector, i hope the above notice will be suf- ficient. JOHN NOBI.E. .N-Bâ€"Waming is hereby given, that re- eeipts are of no value nulegu signed by my *•« POTBonaUy. JOHN NOBLE. Markdale, Dec. 17, 1880. AT TBS ii »» |I11C. fl ti: I I.-- â- sl 1, 1\ lU..' At ti. fj-lCll.'tl.l ' |;ai lii K JVtii iiiiiii'iJ â- Il I; ' iittiii- lli, ,1 lit. 't '.II. I Mut ur Ca i enabU II. \. liu ' liu.l ., 'aylm-. I'li' oi -I. '•! Liult\ -i. li. '•^i ' ll'S-ut ' -cet-l I Vice JiiSri)il ian • ' T. J., I -•V .-Lorj •usou. •\}^ sinq icttioii of 1 o o dl TOT :ri uai nd -1 Value. or our suits so GOO] lem out. £â-  i oleSs A •Cordvrt^j IE MtOir, .). U I, •-.. Jr., J. " i.-,\l.prii!:. ;»w/iiii to.-' r :is., J(i 'jih tiiiuity. Akikmksi.x a.ncu't'i .1 .f rioty iiel i aoijui'l lU' Miig 1 t.if '1 \vn iiih. FU-:ifri.iii. Ill til' l!! Il 1-1.. V \. !i jiliMUii- (itru\.i.-. tti "i«. » i:' ,1 I. i lie eftifliMig ycai â€" Preshlei.i. A. own; Vii-f ilu., II. (Jlivir. Din 1-;. is. Uriidif, J. M. \V(b~Lii. (i. ri.-iii!, Lllidtt and J. liaiiiun,. l)!i\ct.jib aen eitctcd J. ihodie, Sec -Treas. A dkciiiedIiuiu in tiie inati'Iiuoiiial spkijt vB tills iKjigLlxa-hood. We iw a Riiy and fi.-^tivt cruwd Itave the Matkdiili' lloii.'-o on Wednesday, after [itevK.usly ,haviug paid a visit to one if onr auiibteis, w'lo are getting [quite exptrt. from the amount of bfactii-e they liuve had oflate. These houng people will do it, notwithstand- 'ingtbe frupuiit wariiing.s they receive from those who have been there. 8uth in life. MfKEs Oatks' cold dip, promised us »bout the l-'.th aniY.d on time, tbe Iheriuoiueter registering 10 degrees below zero im l-'riilay morning last, and sitting round the stove to keep it »nrm wa the prominent business buBincsb tviiiisactum uf thi|day. The weather bus modeiated somewhat wnce, and at the pvi.stiit time of writ- ing (17th) /jie tlicnuometer stands J« degrees above zeio. No indica- I tions a.s yet of the promised thaw. A. CoNCKRT ^Yill be held in the Or- ange Hall, }3erkeley, on Friday, Jan. 28tb inst, at which, the Migses Mc- bougal, Owen Sound, Reid ani Ford fit Markdale, and Messrs W. McDou fil, Ford, Cfpsar, Mason and Taunar tie to particpate. The Markdale ^g baud are also to be present. Admission 25c. and 15c. Proceeds to *««t ill furnishing Cbnst Church, Markdale. The annual meeting of East Grey agricultural society, was held in the Town Hall, Flesherton, according to notice, en the 19th inst. Tbe annual wport was read and adopted. The President read the Directors report which was received. (We will publish It next Week.) The officers are as follow-i :â€" President, Thos. Kells Ist .Vice do., U. Myles 2n(^ Vice do.. Dr .McGregor. Directors, S. Damude. â- A. Munsliaw. Wm. Burnett, Josiah Garney, R. Y. IJurk. D. R. Ellis, R. .Rutbven, J. Abbott. E. Shaw. Dele- i»te, ThoB. Kells. ' Sewois Fire.â€" On Monday last *uile ilr. James Sullivan, who resides ?n lot 15, con. 5, Gleuelg, was at fticeville attending the fair, a fire 'roke out in a hack room of the bouse, o-fed for holding clothes. It is sup- • IWMd that the children went into the 'eom with a light and unknowingly ••t tbe place on fire, and closing tbe ••oor after them, nothing was known M it till the place was in flames and P»8t being extinguished. Loss about •*, 000.00 no insurance. This is a 'err serious loss to Mr. Sulhvan. who n»« the sympathy of all who Imow "â- â- â- -.,' 'i "Ijoil Bitt'^rs is the best J;, "yd J'linricr, Liver and Kilney j'.V ..â- â- il.i'..i-. ,)nd Ilp'storative Tonic in •'â-  •,.,,!. • 1' ,let^ upon the Live, the Iviiiii.-y.s iiiiil tlie Howel.-», curing' nil I iM!i!!!:iv:f Hillioas coioplaints. Kidney ' eouipLimts, ;(M I diseases of the Blood. As!, v" ur l!.:i'gist for Burdock Blood Biltc ». Sauifde bottles 10 cei'ts, i-f -pillar !-ize $1.00. Thk uiiuual n: jetiiig of Enplir:i.sia .\grirniiuial S "iety. wn,.s lielil in Rxc!. yn on J:in. i3, who:, the fnflow inu (liic'jrs were elet â-  il f r the unsu- i"g year: â€" 1 resident, D. R. Ellis; Vice do., C K' ley Secy, T. AVer- crorabie. Dii â-  tors. W. McC nnell. R. U. Stinsru. F. Ei ion. S. M. Night, Th s. Gi'ia-, Tiios Jordaa. J. Boyd, E. E. Ki.utt. Auditors, R. Ciark, J. It. Crabtrctt. YuLOw Oil is the great pain p;iRa- i â-  ..!a'.ric:il in its power over pain â- .i.. 'â-  111: ttii.'ii. It cures Rheuma- li-ni and Neuralijia, Lame Back and Spinal Atfectious, Contraction of Corns and Muscles. Used externally and iuteiiially. Fjr sale by all deal- ers. The concert on Monday evening bv tbe Jubilee sin^ei r, was a success, Dufferin Hall, being crowded to the door. "We believe the siugins! was all that could be desired. Tbe Elder gave a history of his life wbilt in slavery, and narrated the incidents connected with bis escape. He also gave a solo entitled " On the Road to Canada," which was received with rounds of applause. We last week spoke of tbe habit children of tbe villajje have of running aft-«r sleighs, and the danger arising therefrom. We see a report ia the Toronto Mail of last Monday, an ac- count two accidents from this cause. In one case tlie boy's leg was so mangled as to require amputation. In the other the leg was badly fractured. We expect to have to chronicle some- thing of the sort here before tl*« wintei is over if a stop is not put to tbe practice. The annual meeting of tbe Glen- elg Township Agricultural Society was held, according to notice, in Dufferin Hall, on Thursday, Jan. IStfa, when the following officers were elected for the enBuing yesr â€" President, Wm. Douglas Vice President, Jas. Strutb- ers; SecreUry, A. Butter Directors, Edward RuUedee, jr.. Edward Davis, Benjamm Coleman. William Brown, Thomas Davis, Shepperd Boyce, Robert Walker, James Leander, and Adam Sbiels Auditors, A. Turner and Wm. McLaugbry. Canadian Almanac. â€" This old and reliable Almanac, now in its thirty- fourth year of publication, for the year 1681 has been laid on our table. It contains, besides the usual matter ter contamed in snob books, a state- ment of the Public Accounts of the Doinimon and the various Provinces for tbe past fiscal year, Exports and Imports, Fishersies, Emigration and Vital statistics. Bank statistics, liit of Banks and their Agencies, members of tbe Senate and House of Commons of the Dominion, members of Provin- cial Legislatures, tarif of eostoms. Postal information and list of oflScies, list of Township, County, Division and Conntv Court Clerks, the names of the Clergy of every denomination, Ust of officers of Grand Lodges of tbe the various secret Societies, c., o. In fact it contains more inJEormation. indiepenable to every one, than any other work of the kind we know of. â€" For sale l^ A. I'arner Co. Price ICceota. BELFAST HOUSE. I haye fitted up a room over my Store where 1 «aa Mfply O " jS T K rt H ^Di 3y the Phite or Can CHEAPE1I THAN ANY ONI IN TOWN My Stock of Provisions and Groceries Togthei with Wines and Liquors, ABE VKBT CHEAP AKD GOOD. ANY AMOUNT of PORK FOR bALE. As I do no puffing or blo-vijrj;, 1 want tlio Public to gitf nic a call and lie convinced wliat bar^iiiiis 1 am giving, before you pur- cha ^e elsewhere. WILSON BENSON. Mark.i^ile, Nov. :;r 1-8;). j.iv I*tillic IVotice. • NOTICE U hereby given that the nev ,m «*^ "P«n throuRh lots 99, 100. ami lUl, on the Srd concession W. T A S B in tablUhS*"' of Glenelg, is not properly 'e.- The CDrporation of the township of Glen- elg not having any title to Uie road through said lots, will not be responsible for my ac- eiUent that mav happen on said rotd JAMES BBOV.'N, FINLAY MacIUE Clerk. Township of Olenelg, Oct. 19, ^860. Grooeriss, b60TS and SHOES/^I la 8mn«n I hava Prait DillieB, ft sas iM Didtea. neUe UUb«, Oak* Basksta. Butter Cbokn, if â- xik.- U.^K.. -â- if mSASFmiTJkl i«»'*«d ai^A' x- â-  .; ..X It « il^-V Kt i« *.- A» ',«tjji,; 44-"»7.'t*.i â- ' ' '".- " â- 'â- ' -i ' • â-  «*if* •i'" if* •-'f* As n are doing a CASH BUSINESS, we will not h» r .undersold by any other house in town. ' â-  -â- *' â-  ' BOOTS SHOES A SPEOIAliTY i,i â-  «i"V I^on't Forsat the Pla,c«. Iiadfl Cruets, Cubs, »•»«*» «iJ5^ AnfM) Parks, Spooac. Ckaias, I«dt«ta. Barings, ^to., *. DIAMOND, WEDDING, Mv OMda kav« al haea psirnhaaad for Natt Caah "ViatOh Repaiztn^ a Specialty. Mot. U, 1880. ' (fef WF WITHOUT EXCEPTION, ever iihewB la tiosi d Cooiltry. ' J. in Watches, I haveâ€" CM a** S'T»*t BijBting, aid Op^-Faaed i/rynf t-Msa wiud^njnehiding the a»hhf t».%aHI,ai' Wd^bas tikmy trn* tba toM €j^ I • tUah aad Awsiia^ k^f and kVpi..».b ' en, f|;aaiM«p. The eelel-nbtM i^, Thomas aad otbar Giork*. trMw 98e lV In JeweL'T. â€"I haw eatorad and BrifU' Gold MtK, Chcins. tJaals. I.orkrts. I i»^' Cuff BntioLR. Stur's. IHiM, *«.. *•., *• AND GF.M RINQSi ^. --, and wOl be sold at Boltom Prieii.' ' W F. DOIiXi. Watahas^kai,** ' Plasherton and i t.. ri. â€" o- Weaving; Any p w â€" having w«kk to do ia tba aboT* Una, eaa gtt it dB» boite witHouT oelay; â-²1' THE ^^^:^ .. BEYNOLDS SON. Markdale, Dec. 31, i88o. :.i .^~ .- Beeve. 6tf. John H. Heard, Manufacturer ami dealtr in (!ntters,Sleiglis,Biiggles, WAGGONS, CULTIVATORS, HOpSE RAKEa, PLOUGHS, HARROW Af'.D A Ilkindsof Jarmin::^ Implements Manufactury and Depositiiry, Durhaffl and Hill strept-!. F L E S H P: R T O N In llxe County at cFARLANb' d. J. MONTGOMERY, T".! rouadi! t)ie pa- ll ' is b IJ .A Iv 1^ I, HK Sulii^p-:l.'r in ret;iriiMS tbaiikH f.o itiliali.tuiit-i uf Markdalu and niti- couiitry f..- their jiatrouagn dnriiit- .nht Vfius. bc^s to ii'tiinate tu tlieni prepared to s.nii] ly ilie Pnl'licwitb To MV r.vTni..Ns. â€" \I\viiv. ahead of any in my trailo, and having tl.e liirgfut and m.-st convpiiieiit Factory in this locality, I am prepared to sell 'ariiii(;-s ..ini) Impleineuts ol every do-crii)tron in tl.e t.est st\1e of any in the market, and at prieos ,i, low as any "oc cording til me qnaiT-,T onnif irorK. Havins upwards of twentj- jears* experi- ence, I am eo:ifideiit that pnrcliase'-rt will gei the advaiitagt* in hiivin the very In st made. I'arties iu w*nt of ^i e^i; rii.j;e or Inijdemeiit will ilo weH to (rive nie n enll. us tlicre are none iu tiic miir!.et whiei will Coi'ii.nje wit), tliein iu iui:lily,-!.l\le iii.d liui-^h for th, price. Illy FRUn, POUND ?i PLUMC/\KE8, either plain, or Iced and Ornamented. a. Ill a Irrge Vo.riety SIh, of every description, from the manu- fscturers io Ontario. ALio, a large and varied assortment of tl'e CHOICEST CONFECTIONERY I A Other Cakes. !• on ha:d, .\ls.). China TEA Store BRIDES' CAKES! supplied on tlie shortest notice, and got up in the best style that is done this side of Toronto. Tea Me%, U, OTHER PARTIES, supplied on the shortest notice and on most reasonable terms. JOHN MONTOOMEBY. Markdale, Nov. 18, st, 1880. lo-ly the TAILORING O. A. OWEN, Fashionsible Tailor, HAVING rented the Tailoring Depart- ment over MeFarland's store, wishes to inform the pubhe of Markdale and snr- roondiof ooontry, that he is prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastily! t CUT-TING! Ioiie while CnatoaierB are waiting. -.. yfi __ â- â€¢â- â-  • • THE UTE8T FASHION PLATES Alvaya oa hand to ahoae hmaa. • .. -â-  â-  â- ! .. .- ...1." ••" A Good Fit Goarajiteed -«- â- ;â- ;-.â- -- " I^OW HATES. 1^ Remember the Place, Over McParland's Store. Blarkdale. Nor. 35. 1880. H-M rrrO the premises of the anderai«nad. lot St, con. 7, Township o* Arttnaaia. about the Srd of December. 1880, A 'Bm.J C»W The owner is requested to prove pruuettf. pay oniensw, aad tak* hiat away. V not elaiaed within tan days after the date gf this will be soU to defray expenoaa. Joasrs PaawicK. 4aa. 71h, l«8o. t7-3» Goiicrnl dealer in 6R0GER1ES PRQVISIOKS, Noxt to Hs.'-kett's Hardware Store. Keeps constu-.itiv on hand everyth'ug usual \-i sucli an establishment. lie \(iu'd uri'.v special attention to his Teas, Tobaccos Sc Sugars, Wliieh for quality and Lowuess of Price CANNOT BEJURPAS8ED. As pnfEug is no part of my desire, I merely ask intending purchasers to give me a call and be convinced that I MEAN BUSINESS, AXD WILL Se// Lower than the Lowest, as I have purchased for oaih. and have had a good discount alluwad, I am iu a position to let mv customers have the benefit of my investments. E^fiemember the plsioe, next to Haakett Bros. Markdale, Oct. 7, 1880. 4-tf GRANT CHELLEW, CiBIVET JAEE UPHOLSTERERS â-  AI-m-L STOCK OF Furniture ~AI.W^AT8 ON HAND. *; .K. ,*«Mfc..-^-. ^.JvvjiJ .. ~.-^, Plesliertoii Woolen FactOTy; Haf hi^ "y^^ *^ ordars completed at present on'hand. as is nsnal at this wann nf iM »•••» •*oa» la»*rinf as with -mtA, mas rtiy upon havinr tt â- nromrtlr attMtAiKl ta EVERY BRANCH OF THE BUSINESS Will be carried on.throughoot the witer. ' ' ' .-^-.v^ N. CAMFtifiLL. Flaslierton, Doe«m1er 18, tS^ 14 LUMBER AND SAWING, -o- Tb« swbsoriber begs to intimate tbat he has his- Saw Mill at Little Falls On Lot 148 in Srd Bange N. E., Toronto and Sydenham Knad, Aitemesia, in full tipara- tion, and is prepared to furnish LUMBER, LATHS ETC., ETC., TO ORDER. CUSTOli^^AWING l*rtO]VII»TI.^4^ 130IVE, By the thousand or on Shjires. Parties delivering Logs ran have their lumber for rttwa loads. The sawyer at the Mill can ai^sugu fur sawing. ALii. KINDS^F SAT?V LOGS PURCHASED--- Wms HOGG. P. S.^Wood turner wantcl to make broom handles on a ^^a^'u laiUe, nicaiiy ^oj if work aati tfactory. Flesherton Slatiftn, KoT. 25, 1880. •-' -i.* ' _^\.-".~S â-  '%^ R. J. SPROULE, Whilst wishing all A Merry diristnias and a very Happy lew 1fear^' And Many Returns of the Same^ Would take this opportunity of tendering his sincere thank for the very liberal patronae which he has received in th* past; for, whilst it is the general cry on all sides of di^ times, it has been taxing our utmost ability to keep pace wit our rapid increase in business, as. I find, by reference to my -Books, my cash sales arid grain. receipts, and business gene- rally have ALMOST DOUBLED THE PAST YEAR THhT OF THE PRECEDING ONE. In view of which I have now on hand for the Holiday Season. THE LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE STOCK 6f GENERAL GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, I300X.S ^Nl SHOES, aod bnm f AND â- -'â- .â- -^â-  See his $5.00 Overcoats. See his $10 Ulsters. See his $12 Suit. See his $16 dress suit. 500 pairs of Boots To dioose from â€" Mou, Woiulh aul Childrcu's. Get your AXES **• McFasland's. Those $2.50 MANTLES Belling fast. New DRESS 600DS McFarlaiid'H. New FLANNELS ^^ McFailaod's. New SHAWLS MeFarland's. New BONNETS »»d HATS *^ McFar- bud's. New TWEEDS at^ McFarlaud's. New CARPETS ^^ MeFar- land's. New Fringes. Buttons, Silks, Laces, Flowers and Feathers. Prices never were lower or vnlue better. A coBi|^Hrls«a •Aliclted. W. J. McFARLAND, ii FACTS GANNA BE DENIED." Fancy Holiday Presents' ALSO CHUISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S CARDS- Also, the Largest and most. Complete Stock lyf Tm, .AND LADIES' GOATS AND MANTLES, Ever shown .in this Norther Country. ALL uF WHICH WILL BE SOLU AT THL' LOWEST REMUNERATIVE CASH PRICES. BUTTER RAE Thank the pnbUc and friends in general for the hberal support they have raeaived aiue commencing business, and will still Btick to the rule of doing a straightforward bnaines with ail customers. No flattery used or baits given to gull tbe pubho Bve7 artiel. sold on ita own merits, and by keeping their ntock viell asBorted and fresh in all this Ijnea, they will always giye their customers good value for their mi-nay. .- « FHRMTUREiAOETOOBDEB LUMBER WANTED. GBANT A CHELLEW. ICaikdale, Dec. 23, 1880. I-lJ SaftMrlkc Cmt (Me Wawfllgive it ttom now tiU the First QPY GOODS in all the lines. ORDERED CLOTHING a specialty. HATS and CAPS, new and stylish. BOOTS and SHOES, Cooper Smith's celebrated make that has stood the test against " all comers in all styles and newness. GLASSWARE and CROCKERY all patents GROCERIES, ch^ap and fresh. Keep your Eye on the Place! WHHN TOU VISIT M.OIKDALE. Dougias' Brick Block opposite the Drug Store., â- â-  f^\ f„i. T »it,i8eo. BUTTBUml XKA.1S, Having made extciisfve alterations and improvements the; past season in my Grain Warehouse, at Flesherton ^ncf Flesherton Station, I am prepared to pav the HIGHEST PRICE IN CASHf For any Quantity of good Grain or And as I keep buyers constantly on both Markets, Fleshef ton and the Station, all will find a KEaDY SALE for Grain when offered â-  o "'"â- â-  -^v""' • ' I will now commence a v,*^" GREAT CLEARING SALS} Of my large and complete stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Furs, Ladies' Coats and MILLBNERY^v And will continue to sell at a /^^ Very Small Advance on Costf.' • Until all is cleared out. lj 11 Mm J^H 11 fl' ""1 1 *| "â-  1 :l 1 I f. f \-i â- h f 1 ii â- 'i 1 «int if U -1 K: 1 • 1 J i 1 • • H m A call is respectfully solicited to. get quotations, before purchasing elsewhere,^ .;.- .-. v^ REMEMBER THE PLACE FOR BAROATlfS IB AT â-  B J. SPEOULB'S, â-  ' •' â-  ,f-^%« ,: FLliSMKRTOX; I Fleshertoii.Docember i6^ i»8o. ,^^gi-4 suii»' lA ^.â- .JK-.' â-  '1*^ .- .- Alt â- ? vt -â-  Si' --'V " "V-l "'w M-ly ' •'•^ .» 6. if %#:•

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